OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, November 15, 1894, 6 O'CLOCK EXTRA, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1894-11-15/ed-4/seq-4/

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K ClieiilStsnorOi
W , , . M to M PARK ROW, N.w Tork.
HVf v (Including pottag'):
--.' 'BR MOSTH ftOc.
Ktf .V35 ylX-o.fr-f- ypw.ijo
Hw " '
Hv, , Mil ! ill At the Poit-OOct at New Tck at second-
Hft ciasa matter.
I. '
H 'WORLD UPTOWN OFFICE Junction of Broad-
VI: way and Blith lira, at S2d St.
ll.;' WORLD HARLEM 0FF1CE-I25th St. and Mill.
HB, son eta.
Hfr WlOOKLTN lot Waahlngtoi at.
HIT tlllLADBLPIIIA. PA.-Inqulrer Offlct, 121 Chest-
Hij !WASIIINOTON-762 Hth at
Hk T't!'" ,.
w .
- :h nil
B : The World's
K !' fci :
B- 488,262. f
HI: (Mo hvenlng Edition),
J :; 332,949. t
K 45.150.
Mr ',"" '' ,- SUKDAT,
V-T ?
' ' 76,290.
Bf' T
Bt ' The Torie.Bhw aeetni.to he thorough
1 bred In both Its human and equine as
B, peels.
B:, ' ' The crust of society will take care of
Ht' "itself, lint the worklngman's eruVt muit
K 4 ty made to come from cheaper bread.
? rt
K e J The 'Harlem Klver promises to be well
HL bridged, and promptly. Hut In there
H vcr to be that span across the Hudson?
Hfr k The striking cloakmakcrs face starvn-
K' ttt( wh B spirit that compels ndmlra-
K;?'' .eri.4Jon despite their frequent dlxordeily
gv , Acts.
K v. -A- particularly hot broth Is spoiling.
BPa Kt ;t1-rOUh the fallurq or Western quthorl-
E?rt " to captufe thoie train-robbing
K -.jebi. - - -
feHJ' Wa " Hugh J. Grant or Tammany
K' i PH that spent over $17,000 In the en-Bii-l----'eavor
to foist the ex-Muyor ugaln upon
F, fri'clty?- '" -
Hf It didn't cost E. P. Wheeler a cent to
Hb 'Bnd out that he wasn't popular enough
Kv In this State to get Into the Guberna-
KS tprtal chair.
K1, Bacteriologist Dr. John M. Dyron has
( Contracted consumption nhlle experl-
V? ;., (nentlog with Its germs. Kxperlmems ot
Hj. this kind, we are oorry to see, work both
B fa-.
p -- bchaefer Is making some brilliant
Hl. masse shots In the billiard tournament,
E'; but Ives Is doing some brilliant massing
Hi of points, which counts for more In the
Hs long run.
Bf Trolley cars for transportation of the
B' malls A splendid Idea. Then a letter
H; may be able to get up or down town In
H. a- short a time, at lenst, as It takes to
Ht, Carry one to Boston or St. Louis.
K Rumor had It yesterday that John I.
B Davenport, of Iron-cage nastyrlcty,
B would succeed Byrnes as Superintendent
H' of the New York police, and that this un-
H desired result would bo brought about
H; :t)y the next Legislature.
JIr- Cleveland says he and Mr. Carlisle
i are In perfect accord on the matter of
H the bond Issue. Bo they were on the'
H matter of Mr. Carlisle's campaign speech
H' In New York, after the President had
K convinced the Secretary that he had
' better not speak.
H "The World" has shown more than a
p! plenty of reasons why the Oovernor
HT' ahould remove District-Attorney Fel-
B, lows. The Constitution of the State
H lives the Governor the power to remove
H ,. the objectionable Colonel. The Governor
H , alights his duty as State Executive If he
H does not act now.
H -f Chicago's police force evidently had
H 5 retty near a "100" of Its own. But It
H rf wasn't a gilt-edged clique. On the con-
H 1 trary, over three hundred men of the
H ,x number have been marked for dismissal,
H '; and more may folloiv. Reform takes
M rapidly In the Windy City. The only
H : question Is an to the endurance of Its
H ': effects.
H j Kings County Assemblymen who de-
H , dare against consohaatlon do so against
ft ', the itlsh of their constituents as ex-
Hi pressed at the polls. That ntsh nould
K be much more strongly expressed were
Hi' the election to occur now. There Is no
HB doubt the triumph of reform In New
H" York City made new friends for consol-
H I Idatlon In Brooklyn.
K If a roan draws a knife upon you In
H J the public street. It Is not enough to
H '. choke him till he Is black In the face
B i and then let him go. An ex-policeman
did this in In Park Row.and there Is rea-
K ion to believe that his assailant straight-
E! way stabbed another man. If ou are
K fortunate enough to escape the knife
f and catch your man, put him on the
V ' direct road to State prison.
KV w It Is more Important, at the present
HE moment, that Fellows should get out of
B the Dlstrlct-Attorneyshlp than that I)l-
E'V ver nouls Ct off the police bench,
HL though both men should be gotten rid of
Bp oon as possible. Dlwer draws the
Rt!i! JJ'Clty', n,one5r while he Is making no pre
HtJ.. JtW. even, of tilling the olflce he Is un
K?1 0t to fill. But Fellows was called back
Ekv''A. from CongTess and made Dlstrlct-Attor-K'('i
f again simply because ha had proved
Rv . Wllty to shirk his duty and abuse
Bt v
B' s .,
HHHHlia!l l us '"; i JL '4
his privileges after the fssnl.n best serv
ing the Interests of the machine that
created his political being. He la ful
filling that machine's expectations at
threxpenseTif public rtimtK,ncncy and
the law. l.ery additional moment that
he remains In office It nn unmceMary
period of outrage upon tho people whose
Interests he thwarts.
- '
It has been a long time since there
hns appeared on tlin stage of the In
ternational Variety Show no Interesting
nnd succcisful a Juggler ns Jnpan. With
Btrength and dexterity entirely unex
pected" she has tooted Into the nlr
armlet, finite, fortresses and nailed
cltlet, playing with them as toys. Brit
ish Interests and Russian Interests,
Trench Inttresls nnd German Interests,
not to spenk 01 Chinese Interests, are
being bandied about llko rubber balls.
Next thing we shall probably have a
gieat transformation act, the Chlneso
l.mplre, or at least, the Chinese d nasty,
dropped Into a hat and a Japanese prln- '
clpallty pulled out, or something of thut
All of which Is very Interesting to nn
Impartial and disinterested snectator.
which, happily, the United Stntrs still
Is. Thero might bo less fun In the show
for us If Japan should accept Mr.
Gresham'n offer, nnd Amerlcnn Interests
thus become participant In the perform
ance. Watching Juggling and being Juggled
with aro entirely different things.
The Ltxow Ccmmlttee wss to have re
sumed Its etssions next Monday. But
Mr. Guff Is "In a very nervous and ex
hausted condition," according to his as
sociate counsel's statement, and so the
reassembling Is put off until Dec. 1. In
deed, Mr. OolT sajs It was his under
standing that the Senators generally
did not .desire, to rtsumt, befors that
'date.' .
It" must roV be forgot te it-that ,Ke real
object of the Committee's Investigation
was to purify the Police Department, not
to lnlluuirri politics. This work hns not
yet been done The Committee has ac
complished much. Its diligence and suc
cis hove bet-n remarkable. Hut It has
dune nothing as ct tu substantiate Its
charges that the Ik ads of the Depart
ment are Implicated In and mainly re
sponsible for Its corruptions.
The guilt of a few captains and of some
subordinates hns seemed ho clearly es
I iHbllshed by tin- evidence obtained
through the Committee's efforts as to
cause the Indictment of the ulleged of
fender. by" the Grand Jury But the
exposure of the higher olllcers of the
Depaitment premised by the Commit
tee has not yet been made.
It Is to be hoped that the Reconler
olect will tic reaily to continue his ixcel
lent work on Dec. 1, nnd tint no further
delay In the "hlcjher" work of the Com
mittee will le neci'mnry.
It Is generally conceded that a man
who tills tho highly respectable otllce of
.lulge of the Couit of Chancery has be
fore him a veiy comfortable, peaceful,
easy-going life. There Is something pe
culiarly quiet and lalm In the general
Idea of a Chancery Court, to say nothing
of the usually paclhc, unrunied cli .rac
ier of a Judicial otllce of any kind, out
side u l'ollco Court.
"Hut lirere nre "Chancery" Courts and
Chancery Courts, and It will not do for
n non-combatant to hold the ofllce In
Tenneseo and Imagine he Is going to
live a quiet life, even If he Is permitted
to live at all. Here Is a Chancery Judge
In Nashville, Allison hy name, shot dead
In the corridor of tho Court-Iluusn by
the clerk and master of tho court,
w horn he had discharged In order to give
the place to his own ton The assassin
then turned ils revolver upon himself.
Indicting two wounds that will provt
When told that tho Judge was dead
the wounded murderer cxpresod his
satisfaction with his work. Ho had
won his suit. Hut It was over quicker
tlun Is supposed to bo tho espeilence
In most chancery cases.
If the .iprsons Interested In finding out
Just what was done by tho Park
Commission with the one million dollar
relief fund last Winter will follow "The
I.vtnlng World " flguies patiently and
closely, they will be lewarded by accom
plishing what they desire.
Tor Instance, the will nnd among thtr
pavments published vesterday two
i vouchers for ll.AKl pnld to James Demp.
I soy for "drilling boles" In rocks. To
(Sink fojirtuen bundled dolhus In thoso
holes was not tilling up holes In the
stomachs of starving men, nnd It Is nut
probable that Dempsey waa ilther out of
work or In want of food.
Of course. In stating the amount paid
out for labor, theie Is nothing at present
to show where the laoor tickets went,
nor whether the laborers bad purchused
them of ward heelers But all this will
come In good time, and It will not be
"The Uvenlng World's" fault If every
fact connected with the mi-approprl itlon
and dishonest use of this great charity
fund Is not cleurly set foith before the
end Is reuched
How Is It that persons will do Insaneh
dangerous and unnecessarily reckless
cts despite the dally experience of the
sufferings, miseries and frequently deaths
they cause'.'
Here Is a joung man who took a re
turned gun Into Cdpt. Jones's fire-arms
store In Sing S,ng esterd.y. The rule
of the store Is that all arms must be re
turned unloiJed When the lad nho re
turned this particular gun win asked If
It was unloaded ho preceded to piove
that It was bv cocking It anJ pulling the
trigger, lie was mistaken, however, .tnl
the load was llrel d lectly Into a keg l.'
powder An explosion follovvcj, which
blew the lad and the sliopmtu tliioiiRh
aback window, fortunatUj without fat il
Injury, and seriously wounded some
workmen In the rear of the stor.
The explosion was follow el by a lire
which destroyed the building.
There havo been times In a theatre
when an audience bus shouted "nt,"
anJ moie times whtr. they have felt In
clined to utter that expressive woiJ
But a real live rat running untuck In
a private box during a performance,
then darting up the drapery into the
diess circle, causing the women to Jump
I on to seats and giving the occupants of
, the parquet an opportunity to study
the latest fashions In hosiery, causes a
decided sensation In a dramatic repre
sentation. 8uch a visitor at the Park Theatre, In
Brooklyn, last nlfht, nearly occasioned
klj -'Im':'"..' '" U...VN---,t,.JJ"'
a panic In the house, and, for a time,
effectually put a stop to the trials and
temptations of "Madeline; or, The Magic
Kiss." In vain the manager persuaded,
ths fiddlers fiddled, and the flutists
fluted. Hvery woman In the house. In
gallery, dress circle, private boxes and
orchestra chairs was certain that that
particular rat was at that particular
moment making Itself too familiar with
her hosiery, and n chorus of shrieks and
screcchlngs rang all over the aulltorlum
and was echoed by some of the females
of the company from behind the scenes
At last a man who deserves to be
presented with a house, an asvlum or
a monument, as a public benefactor,
had the presenco of mind to shout that
tho rat was dead, and to hold up an
old brown glove, Into which he had
stuffed a handkerchief, In proof of his
nssi-rtlon. That quieted the panic, tho
ladles blushlncly ri sumed their seats,
the dlsplny of bright colors and clocks
ceased, and the performance was re
sumed It Is proper to say that the rat had
not been killed. It still lives, having
made Its escape by some way known
only to rats.
Dunraven denies that he Is building
a new yacht for a Cup challenger, and
the Secretary of the Roval Yacht Squad
ron declares that everything Is In a
state of uncertainty regarding lnter
ri itlon.il yacht racing for next year.
This Is not us It should be. Englund
and America have had two successful
yacht-racing seasons, full of Interest
nnd excitement for the people of both
nations. Such seasons not only furnish
Inspiring sport, but give an Impetus to
the noblo trade of boat-building. The
competition should not be allowed to
Dr. Doty reports small-pox under con
trol In the city. In another column of
the same paper contnlnlng his report ta
the story of a colored man, suffering
from the disease In mallgnnnt form,
who walked Into n police station to give
himself up for treatment, after walking
through no one knew how many streets.
This Is not icassiirlng However, It Is
probably true that the chief nest of small
pox hns been located and practically
cleansed, and vaccination has been so
general in the c.ty within ths last eight
or nine months that there need bo no
fear of an epidemic.
The movement towards securing a bet
ter Rxclse law, ns regards Sunday sales,
from the new Legislature, is ono to be
distinctly encouraged, though not to the
extent of advocating the Sunday opening
of saloons without further conditions
thnn the drawing down of shutters nnd
locking the front dour There nre time
limitations and other conditions that
may well bp observed. The present law
Invltut jvaHlon and encourages black
mail. No statutory reform can be com
plete that does not change 't.
It Is but little more than a year ngo
that LI Ilnng Chang, Viceroy and
.Muster of China, said. "I will tell you
what I am going to send. I nm going
to send over there (to the United States)
a fleet to teach the American pcoplo
how to respect China." LI Hung has
scraped a further acquaintance with
several facts, since that utterance,
through the pressing offices ot the Japanese.
- fIg3J894
nv rrnw yuiik izonons.
We i.r sorrr ft huinanltr It mar 7"i
thou Mnd of ymrs trforo ecn the worn fa of the
rtue become truly brauUful The Bun.
The Ntnr York police forxe w once the pride
of the melropoUi, the udmlr.tlon of the world
An! lt dmaden''e and contamination are directly
t ra. cable to the ton InnruLble example of men
for remorml from the rank of patrulman, .t
gpant or captain 1-t-sllo'e Weekly,
They Ilk. the honw well eniHigh tft eat him In
Parli, but we have not gt tu that yet The
It li loo lite tn the tliy (Tor nr-moklTn) to
ortrantre In opposition to union with New York
eepft tally ilnce Tamman) n uerthrown n-t con
aoltlatlon mt-am the uniting or two clean cltlee.
The Tribune
e e e
Th Leiow Commlttf- li the reprfneataUre of
tho State Semite, end the State Smite doea not
reprefent Thoniaa C. riatt or any u.h-r man
The IT-,
N'oboly dlapviM thut the Pjn'jy law In gen
eral and the Bun lay prnltKirw of the exrlee
ta. In parttuUir er abuiiul$us anJ atmrd
The Thn.a.
npol'on nltli WltUUrrn.
Fcnitpr ivrer tnkra a th-erful lew cf the
Populist outlook . J.apolet!i Ink i cheerful
lew or thln tten Mtmow and Waterloo.
Minneapolis Juuruat
Illnlr Itrjulroi iilth Jnpnn.
Pi Senator Ulalr of New lUmpshlr. nhn wit
lion grata to Chlm fetli .o chipper over the
litpennng drfeat of (hat nation bv Japan that
he in reaching fr Mr thnJir t Femtorla! evil,
rhlUdelphu l.ccoftl.
I.f-11 Out One l.mmtte
Tmma Eamea Kmma I'alie Emma Ahbatt an1
l-tama NevaJa are refrrrM i- t treat aoigllrd
In orlcr to liow how women namej mma hate
gained fame The etuJt-nt evidently foigcta the
noted ' Who, Km in a " bom Slg Antonio Tai
lor celebrate 1 In eong Cikagj poat
!sfxoN Itcvtitr...
Senator Iexow h earnel the prealleney of
the State Stn.le anl should have It Sjraruae
Dl.l IIM
Mr Morton admit that It coat him In the
neighborhood of 110 000 It U aafe to aisiime
that Mr riatt coiitltuie.l th prln.lpit port loo
ot the nelghborhwd Waahlngtun Poat,
IMItor Wu1l-rn(ii Iiiiuitlnit.
Forheaiei's take, hurry up with the count In
tbla county as J atop the hepublUajis' howl UUe
them all the io.es thty cast, and. If posalble,
all that they tried to cast. mi their I
bellowing mouths with "pie," and lei the com
munity hate a Utile peace LvulsvlUe Courier-.
Juurn.il. I
--- iJl-?-------: - J
"the nnowNiEs."
The elaborate production now at the
fourteenth Street Theatre Is designed
for the delectation of the little people
of our community, too frequently for
gotten by amusement-seeking adults. It
Is the Young Person the horribly greedy,
complacent, prudish Young Person who
gets the benefit of managerial money
and brains. It Is therefore a plea-ure to
announce 'hat "The Brownies" will ap
peal very fervently and almost exclusive
ly to the children and to all sorts and
conditions of sympathetic mommera.
, "The Brownies" Is perhaps less amus
ing nnd spontaneous than the extrava
gan7as that have been offered by the
Llllputlans, but It Is very gorgeous and
glittering and creditable, and what Is
. denied to the Intellect Is lavished thickly
upon tho eye. The little elfish creatures
might havo been presented more weirdly
and more poetically, for they do not
quite satisfy the Imagination, but the
children may not notice this defect, and
as they get so little, they will undoubt
ally accept this production gleefully. It
Is only with nn effort that the adult
can see these burlesquers as Brownies.
They might be members of an ordinary
extravagnnza company say Corlnno's
organization, for InstanceIf It were not
for their make-up.
The scenic effects and "surprises," how
ever, are very handsome The Talace
Courtyard of Queen Tltanla In FeaUl
Attire, the open sea with the Brownies
ndrlft, the irnchanted Island of Dragon
fel, with an Exterior View of Dragonfel's
Castlei the Jewelled Nuns of Dragonfel.
and the last scene, showing tho blossom
ing of the .Moon Flower, are delightful
pictures, and quite equal to anything
New York has seen lately. The costumes
are extremely bright and pretty, nnd
some of Malcolm Douglas's music In the
first act la certainly superior to some of
the wishy-washy stuff that has been
served up to us lately under the cloak of
comic opera.
Then "The Brownies" is Just long
enough. There are three acts, and they
do not drug. Tho performance moves
along briskly, nnd It Is over before you
know It. This Is well, even for the
children, who lubor under tho delu
sion that they could enjoy sixteen acts.
Success Is tho art of leaving off early
no, Oscar Wilde hasn't said It and
"The Brownies" will achieve It. Tho
cast Is rather weak, but nobody v. Ill
bother much about that. Its best mem
bers were Charley Drew and Ida Mulle.
Miss Mulle looks llko a dainty llttlo
plcturo, nnd slng3 fairly well. "Tho
Brownies" will probably be very useful
for tho festive season that Is rapidly
un'iroachlng. ALLAN DALU.
"KVI1MM1 WOni.ll" MA'.KTTHmt.
IV. Imrrlriin CHlc--Wii-liliijtou.
Waihlngton li th -sf7
National Capital, anil (-S
tlir capital of lha Na- T
Hon la tll rtpra- iyO
.ented there Wash- tCXx
Intilon la aomctlmea jC-v
tallcl th "City cf j2'iivJ3
II a R n I fteent lllit- yl A-ae-T
ancea " Thli la not C t SJJI
only on account of vV i
lha BTeat length ot UC
Ita atanuea, Lut alao XlTI
tieciuaa of th vast l(v(
atretchea of mental ae ()-
tipr Itory aeparallng h'siatI
the averuga Oongreaa- JUr!fcTt.(
man trow tha honWr- wLJ-J
lanJa of atateamanahlp jX,-
These atratrhea have pJEj
become mora conaplo- flTs',
aoua alnca tha Civil Jrfclk
Jervlca law'a adtanca C!iii
baa ahorlened the Con- Dr-wiTH
gTeaavnan a "reach " -"
Waahlngton la not a a555k
large InJuatrlal cen- 'CT.
tar Ita chief manu- rDA"l
factureil proJucla are ps- 1
acanlala and National Kiit"--;
lawa Tha aupply of VlSuTfT7
lha latter uaually ea- i3i
reeda the demanl rpi xK
Wnattnitton Monument ' e-ij y da
Is tha hlghcet ll-lniffcXVjllii
connected - 1th W ah-77T ", i
Ington. except tho In-I "TIIILlSTU
Itlallon lea t theRsLIIlY -if7
Mllllonalrea' Club In Mi.'"t TT" 17 '
the Penl ng of the Capitol Hull ling
When Cons reau Is not tu session uhlngton
l rs lively and Interesting a plate at a
racetrack In Ne York will le under the new
Conntltutlim Hut It haa inoi a relic-, Washington
Is altualed In the Dit-trlrt of Columlla, which la
neither Miryl.nl nr Mrglnla though It might
I be annexe) to tltlur A mnn who lives there
locs hie vote ut less he his a home tor It elsewhere.
viit orm:it tinns t.kim Anoir.
Boaton A new and ornamental water front
for lie aeon stieet and a single head for the
t'lre peDartmcnL
Chicago r.xtmslon of the eltrated road a, get
ting a I'nltetl i-itHtea Senator from the city end
reforming the polti e
Kanrvis City A big chrysanthemum show.
Atlanta Mew pavements
Washington Hinds and the neit Congress.
Ml nnea tolls Ilvpnntlsm In "urEery, the tct
terlng ot Populism anl a new reservoir
Cincinnati Its ni ilmrs and the adulteration
cf elder vlnerr meant f r the 1 wal market
Pittsburg - ce AnirKnn tin factory to
fu-nifh work for a thounand men
Philadelphia. New Vrk'i' horae shiw
Cleveland lie visit vt Sjlvatton rmy Cn
3U3 who iiwi; cir 10 ;o.
raj'' -p J
Mlch.it! V. Hlaku was a eatable news
paper m in until he btcan e t. ,erk to the
Board of Aldermen lie is t member of
the Pi ess Club and nls popularity Is ,
Indicated by the fact that w ien he went
to Europe this Summer his friends sent
it floral hor-tshoe tu him Just before he
sailed He lb a law ver, having studied
at Columbia .aw school, and when the
Republican Board of Aldermen wields
the axe he will either return to Journal
Ism or practise law His salary as
Clerk to the Board Is ;i,W0 a ear.
The Even ln World's" Gallery of
LI wins Pictures.
This It a picture of the venerable ex
President of Princeton College, now In
hln eighty-fourth ear, who Is seriously
s e
Go slip llcrr. n Hint Tliere and True
Tnlm f City Mfe.
8 opt, Pyrnes called on Hamilton Fish, at B7
Broadway, one day last week, and was detained
half in hour In the outer room by the man
aging clerk, who did not recognize the Superin
tendent tt Police. Mr. Dyrnei fe.t the time
drag heavily on hie hands, anl to tellve the
monotony of th$ situation began to qu'z the clerk,
who Is a gentleman or great affability ttd some
little curiosity.
The clerk, with an Idea that the vUltor wai
some Assetnbljman from the nnrl 1la rlcte, arVed
the Superintendent what county he railed from
Tin from Texas, replied the Superintendent.
lie then dwelt at length upon the advantages of
that country, and by easy stages dropped Into a
comparison of the police of Texas and those of
New York, taking .are to extol the lexani.
"Well, they'd hare to be pretty turn coppers,"
eald the clerk, "if they couldn't c'xe the dufleri
on the New York force aces, ipadea, big caaalno
and a licking."
"Why, are the New York police so tad as
that? ' asked the Superintendent,
"lladt Why, that's no name for tt. You Just
ought to read the testimony of the LtX'ivr Com
mittee," retorted the clerk.
"Hut the Superintendent Is said to te a cleTer
fellow," suggested Mr, Urnes
"Clever," replied the clerk, civjmptuwMy,
"Ills reputation Is mile by the newspipers All
a newspaper has to do is to eay a .inn is great,
and then eTerjbody sweara he's a god. Why,
HjrnM Is the blggeit duffer of them"
' Why, Superintendent, I dl 1 not I niw joit were
here," said Mr Pish, suddenly opening the door
of his private office to let his othr visitor out.
"Superintendent!" gapped the clerk.
"e-i, ltrnes," replied the head f the police
force, a be tnterel Mr, Plsh'a p-ivUe iff.re
When he emerged a few minutes later th.i rrtn
aging clerk had disappeared
A Phlladelihla friend calls my attention to the
fact that Mayor-elect Strong, of this city, has
been prominent In Quaker Clt mercantile clr
clts for the past thirty years. lie Is the head
of a firm at 322 Chestnut street. The firm car
ries on a wholesale dry goods business Mr
Strong ho ev r, Is seldom seen there, Mr.
Strong orgemze 1 the firm In Philadelphia In
1871. During tho Centennial jear Mr Strong
"us a member of the Centennial Doard of Fi
nance, The en t -get I a way In which the new
Etclae Commissioner, Eugene U. lluKhe, has
pushed the other Commissioners Into the back
ground since h? took the oath of office, has
amuse t me mightily Defore he was put upon
the Excise tloird the examlnitton of witnesses
was left almost entirely to the counsel for the
Hoard, but Ilushe on t have tt that way at all
He personally makes the most searrhlng examina
tion or crosa-examlnatlon of every witness in the
various case-, regarding licenses which come be
fore the Hoard Commissioners Halt on and Mur
phy sit tack In their chairs and watch Ilushe
work, anl they seldom open their mouths unless
he ask-i their opinions Then they always coin
cide wtth him It's funnj how clean new brooms
will sweep aometlmeal
An old Amherst man, who was a college mate
of Dr Parkhurst, had this to say, the other
evening, about New York's reformer
"Parkhurst was not popular with the fellows
and he w as not particularly bright In recita
tions, but he was alwa)s an earnest sort of chap
and a man of greit perseverance 1 thought he
would succeed In life, but 1 nev er giv e him
credit for so much pluck and ablllt) This revo
lution In New ork haa made him onu of the
nnat conspicuous men In the country, 1 lxk
upon him aa the true reformer So, he Isn't
after notoriety. That s why 1 admire anl re
spect him "
Dr. Parkhurst was In the Amherst class or 'C
THK (.M-.ANU11.
Wnltliifg fur Win I it.
Why do the colder winds delav to blow
And bring tho pleasant hours that we aMde;
To lutultel alcove and sweet huuseh Id t ilka
Or sweeter silence by our flickering lin
neturnlng late from Autumn evening walks
Cpon the froaty hills, while reddening Mara
Hangs Ijw between the wither? I mullein stalk
And upward throngs the host of Winter stars?
HUMtY a. m;i;its
An Appctltcl.-. Met-il.
If It were not for tliH the horses wouKl
w perfectly happy thU week.
fiulKir Gn-vr Nn Until fur IIU Quo.
(Lemuel Ely Qalgg ele. ted to Congress In tha
Kourteenth District on the ltcpubllran ticket,
filed a statement whhh ea& 'I paid for elec
tion purpoies no lollars and no one hunlrelths
dollars." Tu-Ua papers)
Oh, Lemuel Ely Qulgg
Although your majority's big,
For taking a plum like a free lonch bum
There art some who wilt call you a p g,
Mr Lemuel l.ly Qulggl
Oh, where. Mr. Qulgg waa your swag.
And, why oh why do ou brag
Of our falluie to throw a slUe ot your dough
In the COP moiey ban
ea, Lemuel where was that swag?
For Kl). tt may go In Quogue
Where you got our I.ong island brogue.
To lot k up )our stuff and win on pure bluK,
Hut in New ork tt lent In vogue,
Mr Con grew man Qalgg, of Qjcgue.
J. w s.
I'ImIi na a lnttrr of Tnale-
tFrom the New York W'eekty )
New Hoarder No fish this morning?
I'm very fond ot tlsh
Walter Olrl Try .ome of the butter,
sir. That hus a sort of a fishy taste.
Here Yon Can Laugh Rtcht Ilearitlr
trlth Some of the World's
Merry Men.
. (From Teias Slftln-i )
Miss Birdie McOlnnls, one of the
reigning belles of Austin, Is not a bad
looking girl, but Intellectually she is
subject to a alight discount.
At a social gathering sho was intro
duced to a distinguished Journalist from
an Antonio.
"Allow me to Introduce you to Mr.
Scoop, one of tho celebrated newspaper
writers of the day," said her friend.
'I didn't know they wrote newspapers.
AV .".'I. newspapers I've seen were
(From an Eichange )
"Might I ask you to favor me with a
waltz, mademoiselle?"
"Certainly, monsieur. Sea here, the
last one on my programme."
"But unfortuately 1 shall not be here
by that time."
"No mora shall I."
The InimlsltlTe Ansel.
fTrom Ufa )
St. Peter Where do you say you came
New Arrival United State.
St. Peter There Is an umpire Inside
who Is dylns to know if tho Baltlmorcs
won that cup.
Too Perfect.
(rrom the Waehlnrton Star.)
"There's a bonnet," said the editor's
wlfo, "that Is a perfect poem."
"Yes," he leplled, absent-mindedly,
"but wc never pay tor poetry."
It Wurrlril Ulru.
(Krom the Chicago Tribune )
"Don't ta.k to me about compulsory
vaccination!" exclaimed the man who
had his arm In a sling. "I'm sore on
that subject."
V'liat She Meant.
(From Life )
Cholly What did she mean by saying
I couldn't be any bigger donkey than I
She I suppose she meant that you had
your growth.
A illrtl AnjhcMT.
(From tha Boatoa Tranacrlpt)
Wife And did Mr. Gay really eay I
was positively dove-like?
Husband -Something of that sort. He
said you were plgeou-toed, I believe.
Ven, Time Iloen Fly.
(From ritegenda Dialler )
Judge How old are you, miss?
Hlderly female I am I am I am
Judge Bettor hurry up; every moment
makes It worse.
IIU Natural Proicrnltor.
(From the Chlrago Inter-Ocean )
"Necdham Is writing the genealogy of
his family He wants to throw the Will
iamsons In the shade."
"They begin with tho Normans In
"Yes: but he hns a chapter on anthro
nold apes In hit."
Don't Wear tlnnK".
(From the W'aehlnetcn Star )
"Hn! ha!" shoutid the enthusiastic sci
entist, "I hive dlcovered one thing In
which the Chi'c-e did not anticipate us."
"What N thit '"
"Football 1 can prove it by the way
thty wear their hair."
Tale of n llnil I.lttle Hoy.
(From the Chicago Inter Ocean )
There a once a pretty urchin
I lUlr and eyea aa black aa Jet
Cut he squandered all his pennies
On the nasty cigarette.
Yes, he amoked them by the dozen.
And he moVed them by the score,
Till his ftee waa sadly altered.
Hut he only smnktd the more
And his father stunned and threatened,
And his mother pleaded, jet
He Just shock his head and fumble!
For aJinthei ugarette
And his ees gr dim anl mutt
And his Valur-, once so swcit.
Changed so people fal'ed to know him
Wtun thev met him en the Ftreet
'Till at tt he grew the cdor
Of a v atnut overripe,
And hie mother nuld t tell him
Tr iu a k .m jb i ije!
Till; PI.MMNG nut I,.
(I ran the Ch"iso Mml )
This barrel ot flour weighs 194 pounds costs
C Su and produces :,i) one-pound loavesgain in
soda and water These ai.ll at four cents whole
sale, )leldlng 99 60 Labor, salt, Ac, In mak
ing, coils $1 60 a barrel. Thus flour and labor
coat 14 SO, leaving a profit to the baker o( $3.30
a baxraL
A .cnrlet Clonk.
This little woman wears a cloak, the
style of which promises to be extremely
popular. The material Is scarlet cloak
ing, with trimmings of fuzzy bear fur
and smoked-pearl buttons. The general
style Is extremely chic, and altogether
new. The back fits Into the figure cloac-
ly, with double pleats set In Just below
the waist. The fronts are seamless, but
have two small darts on each side to
draw the wrap snugly about the figure.
From shoulder and side seams come the
cute little. Jacketfronts with their big
revers. The sleeves are . large puffs,
reaching Just a trifle below the elbow,
with moderately tight "cuffs," edged
with tawny fur. llils little garment
makes of Its wearer a bewitching bit of
color on a cloudy day.
lllano Mange.
If you use corn flour It Is not neces
sary to use gelatine. For a corn flour
shape put a quart of milk, or. It ou
wish to use cream, naif milk and half
cream. Into a saucepan with about three
ounces of loaf sugar according to taste
a few drops of lemon or vanilla es
sence. As soon as the milk bolls stir
In quickly four tablespoonfuls of corn
flour which has previously been mixed
perfectly smooth with a little cold milk,
continue stirring the contents of the
saucepan until It Is entirely free from
any suspicion of lumps; let the corn
Hour boll for three or four minutes,
stirring It gently all the time, and then
pour it Into a mould which ha-s Just
been rinsed with cold water, and stand
It In a cool place until ready to turn
Coats for Cool i:enlima.
For cool evenings smart tweed coats,
tlghtflttlng and with hurn buttons, are
being Introduced. Ot course, the sleeves
aro enormous to lit over the dresses
nothing else would do. Then there Is
the cape, a sufficient protection against
f J7Mt eenimn it open to ererybruty whi hat a
rompjaint to matt, a grievance to ventllite, informa
tion to give, a lutytct qf general tn ere it to ditcuu
er a public ternct to adtnouteJoe, and who can
put the idea ate fen -ion 100 uwnfj. Long ItUcn
cmnot be pri .fed. )
Xo nisRrui'e In Hook Peddling:.
To tho KJIic."
You haa an Item in your paper of the 10th
(not about how H. Ingeraoll. tha great agnostic
onler, "rattled' a pcor book agent. I cannot
at whut there a to get so rattled about or
what obJCLt baa been attained aa far aa the
public la ronrt-rnM by that ' mltllng." It would
hate betn fu irore gentlemanly and buslneea
llko In Mr. Ingerwll to have told ttie agert,
who waa trjing tn irake an honeat Mvlng for
hlmaelf jnl chlHrcn that alreuijy owning a ret
of Heade'i work ho dl 1 not require thorn Why
Is It that the o'WFpapera aro continually making
game or men who prerer Belling booka to atealln
or loafing or allowing their whea to take In
waLhlng to help them to loaf on corntra Instead
of working What la thero wo disgraceful or
scornful about a man wrtn Is honest en-Mish to
try and rell literature for a lhlng? Did not
Onnt, Napoleon and othera of equally great
ntmes aell bookat
H 11 , ft poor book peddler.
The riintle! Mortunee Man's Way.
To the ndllor' '
A lady of my acquaintance, a widow In poor
rlrcuT)tamf, thought of bcttoiln; her condition
by darting a amdll atorc t'he went to one of
the numercus loan cmcea that exist In this city
anl mortgaged her furniture for S15I on conll
tlon that fh should pay SS aa Interest f r
same at the rata of 111) per week until principal
anl Interest (1:05) was pill .Now, the lady has
paid tha Interest and IIS on (he principal, but
finds she Is unable to carry out her agreement,
but Is willing to pay half (tj per week), which
they are unwilling to accept Is there any law
In this State which will compel her to live up
to her agreement, or can they legally charge
such an exorbitant rate? The whole amount la
supposed to ba paid in flv months J C.
Indent ndrnt l mi tt-liiii I Politics.
, To the Editor
Now that tha "rlnn" are orerthrown In tha
two great clll:a. New V,rk and nrooklin, why
shoult not that "Inleoeniint" spirit and man
hood which has broicht about this clorious re
sull alwajs p-vill? Why shouldn't Democrats
anl Republicans wanl tt culler to shoul lor on
the question of municipal rM-rnmnH and say,
Wa elected our Maor bciaute he waa competent
anl honest, and not foi h!a partisan qualities?
Who can be a belt-r Jule of the n-eds ot a
lorporalo municipality than Its leallng huslneai
men? I think that a Committee of Seventy
should bs made a permanent and honored In
stitution, and that Its suggestions bo a religion
of the whole peo le ISBKPUMIBNT.
Poor Girl I'lislietl to Iluln.
To the ndllor:
Ixwklng over your columns, and enthuslartls
over the political outlork t losing "The Even
ing World" for Ita untiring efforts to accomplish
the great victory It has achleied In conquerlus
that vile organisation tha Tammany ring, that
so long held sway over tiuth and Justice In
our land, one article took my attention which I .
cannot fall commenting on and which shows that
there ts still a good deal to ba dons, outside of I
all the rottenness that has been uaiellcd by
the untiring e-orle of the Lesow Committee and .
their sble counsel Mr Ootf 1 refer to the
article headed Crushed a Olrl to Death," de- ,
scribing how poor Katie lllllekplr loat her life.
The wealhy comern where she waa eraplool i
paid her the munificent sum of II per week for
bcr labors II per week to dress stylishly on. or
forfeit her position aa well as to satisfy tha
cravlnga of naure. not to mention having four
othera dependent on her The wealthier- the
concern, the more miserable tha pittance doled
out to tha unfortunate employe. Does pot
this appeal to the hesrts of every pure man and
woman In tha lard? In tha worda of ths po.t,
"And thla u la a Cbrlsllaa land, whtr. ea
C-4-WW s - w ... -
nny change of temperature, and which
Is at the same time light enough to be
comfortable under any circumstances.
A garment that will meet all these re
quirements Is of Scotch tweed woven
for the purpose, In pretty heather mix
tures, with reversible tartan linings.
It has double shoulder capes and a roll
ing collar.
The Hatch Supper.
The "Dutch supper" has become popu
lar for after-theatre feasts: S
: Potato Salad. i
Rye Bread. Dutch Cheesa Saadwlchaa. t
Celery, pickles. i
: Beer and Ala Coffea. :
' .'
The beer or ale for these suppers is
served In large German steins, and i
these are a plcturesquee adornment to ,
the round table. No cloth Is spread, but
the highly polished board ts decorated
with dainty covers at each plate. I
A red light ts effective with these dee
orations, and red ribbon used to tie the 1
napkins adds a pretty bit ot color to the "4f
' " 4
naked Apple.
Either sweet or sour fruit may be used,
selecting specimens of the same size
and kind If sweet, a little hot water
should be poured about them when thejr
are set In the oven; If sour, either a lit
tle sugar should be added to the water,
or tho core? should be removed and the
cavities filled with sugar. Bake In a
moderate oven till entirely soft, turning
the dish from time to time, so that they
will bake evenly. Lift the cooked fruit
carefully Into the dish from which It Is
to be served, nnd pour over It the Juice,
which makes an agreeable syrup. L
To Prepare Dresses for Dyelac l
Dresses can be dyed without tip- A
ping by letting out the drapery so that r
they can bo easily handled In the dye
bath. If they are to be made over It Is,
of course, necessary to rip the pieces
apart. The small pieces should be tacked
together, as It Is then easier to handle
them In the dye. As a rule. It will be
found best to have a dress ripped, a It
will be easier to handle.
Msltlnit- In Syria.
In Syria the people never take oft their
hats orturbans when entering the house
or visiting n friend, but they always
leive their shoes at the door. There
are no mats or scrapers outside, and tha JH
floors Inside are covered with expensive H
rugs, kept very clean In Moslem houses 4H
and used to kneel upon while praying. TH
Welsh Rnreblt Parties. B
Welbh rarebit parties are often ar- J
ranged for the supper to follow the the- jT
tre, and with these little elso Is served f
but the delicious creamy cheese on the j
toast. Small dishes of olives are placed jj
about the table, while the chafing; dish )
and the necessary ingredients are at ths '
other end.
oft kneel and pray." Ii It any wonder that ear H
brothela are full, and that tha Lexow Com-jH .
mlttee has to clen our town? Such .mployeraflR
pave tha way to uia social downfall of thelrJnP SBj
poor slaves. Here la work that will call bleaa-9F "W
lngs on the head of soma philanthropist. TuftfKIr' ,
the attention of your nob!, papar tn this 61r3b9?v 'l'
tlon , Hold out soma encouragement for otaflTj B
young girls to lead upright, pur. lives b?H lfes,uB
bringing about a state ot affairs where ItY Ls k
will be cjmpulsory to pay a fair week's wages 'HflB
for & fatr week's work. Long live tha New V
York "World," the terror of evil-doers and the
friend of the poor and oppressed.
C. M. FICKEN. Hsrlaa.
Money Ilottoined on Tnxatlon. J
, To the IMItor'
, I see by "Tho Evening World" that the money
kings of Wall street, with tho co-operation ot
their Fatrllltes, clccland, Carllila Company,
aro tal'clng about making another JIO.OOO.OOO or V
l(K 000.000 bond Issue, in order that the gola
reserve may be kept at a rcrtaln figure. Herbert t"T
Spencer, tho great English philosopher, saldl
"llirbarlans do not want any Money but hafi
money, trml-cltlllzed people want hard money 4
and convertible paper; but when the world ba-
comes civilised and elllghtenod, no other klnA
of money will la usod but paper money." To I
1 w hlrh class do w e belong? Did It e er occur to your
readers that the use of gold and silver In this coun
try tr money costs the people over 130.000.000 a
lur Interest at 3 per cent, on the Jl, 000,000,004
anl mote that Is withdrawn from production hy
being tolled and used aa money, thus lessening '
the amount of productive wealth to that extent?
lHa us Ooveruirent promises "to recelv. for 1
customs, taxes and all other public dues," aa4 1
throw jojr dive- and gold coins into tha malt- '
, Ing rot. There need be no fear of "Inflation" ,
and no need of hoarding gold and sliver for "n-
demptlon" purposes when w have money "hot- '
tomed on taxation," as Thomas Jefferson put It. j
To the Wild Carrot. '
To the Editor: ,
While birds were singing praise to trees and air.
I found thee growing by the rushing brook;
I pluckel thee from thy fragrant stem to look
At how the spirits fashioned tbea so fair,
before this fire globe had cooled for life.
And carrot wild, 'hou hast such charm, as ke
Upon tha carcanet of green so frae,
Whose Jewels show that there plenty la rlpsl
Minute thy scores of fljwers are, yet gold , .
Their centra spikes show ahl how mlnuta tha-r, I
Fit rot a mldgel'a uaat-pin, and how clow - sapt
Together do the cluster ao they hold . ,
A whispering all day long while tba brook flews B.
Near by and maiy a bird sings lovely Isyl l
l. m. a. m
Are Not These Fnncy Plcnres. "J. H
W. G."f
To tha Editor: H
May I Introduc. to tha public a new tarts bill H
which la needed We went tha tariff taker, of H
of blacka. If a black man goes Into a larf. B
number of our hotela h. must pay IS for m II M
dinner and 12a for a 12 room. He pays KO cents M
to St for a & cent gtaaa ot beer In moat ot our
saloons, tie pays 17 10 to 110 for II aaat ta (J
moat if our theatres Now any party that will 'fV
lift tha tariff off the black Is ths one to whoa -' 1
I will pledge my lojal support. . W, O. t
Ivot So Swift Under Salary.
To the Editor: '
Itcardlng the stenographer who can writ, over
seventy fit. letters a day accurately, I wish U
say that I would engsge hlra In our business It
we knew his address We employ two attnogrft
rhers to write lorty letters each dally. So, Is ,
my opinion, writing seventy-Ova letters Is Im
possible c. R.
A Cure for Hum Fiends. Av
To the Fdltor: .
Ihe following la ths K-Eeley cure for liquor M' CT
fiends 1'ncure a live eel and put It la a dark B
bottle, fill with rum and Icav. It In ft cenvssMst P . .
plac M. a "T"'
Portcnsaur, N. '
.. ifrAj
tM. i . . ;lkirflilB

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