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) - TnE AVORLP; WEDNESDAY EVENING; MAY 8; 1895. 7 Jl t LURK JUST SUITS 6ENZ. J Admitted Killing His 8weothearl l and Was Found Guilty. I V Disappointed Bcuio Ma Was Not Sentenced at Once K The Jury In the case ot Paul Oem, on WW trial before Judge Llpplncott, In the I I Hudson County Court, Jersey City, on 1 1 the charge of murdering his sweetheart, J Clara Arnheltn. cwmo Into court at 9 30 I o'clock this mornlnK. I The case was given to the Jury at 5 30 I o'clock last evening. The Verdict was "Guilty of murder In the first degree." When the verdict was read, Qenz said, I "That suits .no." M H Then the murderer whispered to his I H counsel, and Lawyer Collins told the Court that Genz desired to be sentenced M right away, md that he wanted to be BBS hanged. Judge Llpplncott would not ! sentence him and remanded him to the M Hudson County Jail until May 20, when 1 the sentence will be pronounced. BM As Ganz was led from the court-room BfBKi. said: , "Well, I have got my dose at last." He appeared cool and unconcerned. , Ever since he committed the murder fnHhe said he was guilty and wanted to be hanged. Prosecutor Winfleld said It was BBLBa just verdict. JIBjMKx-Masor Collins said he didn't know whether he would appeal the case or not I ')et, and would have a talk with ex I pMBenator William Stuhl, of Hoboken. who I BBMwas also assigned to defend the accused I man. 1 It Is more than probable, however, thnt there will be no appeal, and that I BQen: will be hanged on the date to bo ImM fixed by Judge Llpplncott. ! SHOT IN HER OWN w'lNDOW. Mrs. Vnndcrioort Thinks Malice B Sped Hie Flllnsr Ilullet. M Mrs. Elizabeth Vandervoort, who lives at 302 East One Hundred and Sixth w street, was standing near a rear window ' I of her home yesterday, when one of a i M party of several men on the roof of 1 the six-story llat-houne at the north- east coner of One Hundred and Fifth street and Second aenue fired a bullet from a pistol at the window. The bullet ! struck the woman In the left thigh and ;V inflicted a severe llesh wound. Mrs. Vanderoort W of the opinion the SM bullet was tired by a malicious person IK In the flat-house, with whnm she admits ilft she had h dliacreement and afterwards lw a serious quart (1 FOeral dass ago. The I m police of the East One Hundred and ij gy Fourth street station are of the opinion, U(1T however, that the shot was accidental, PWt nn' uns Ptobably llreil by some one BJjj shootlr at a target, or a cat on the k!& lonf of the building. Cw The wounded woman was attended by Wj Dr Kellar, of 1T0J Lexington avenue. (vK He removed the hullet, and pronounced MB the Injury n severe one. 66 Mrs Vanderuort confided to several fill friends that she had a serious qu-rrl jSJ vlth reveral men In tlic building from 'Sfc which tb" shot wa tired. At the time IJ two men, both ot whom are unknown to fijB her, oicd to have vengeance. She Is H 6iire one of these men llred the bullet, aTs, The race was not reported to the po- U i "c'" until 11.S0 o'clock list night, and , mf two detectives were Immediately de- U tailed to lmestlgatc. Arrests of tho W two men who threatened Mrs. Vandei- M voort may follow. J HE IS JUDICIALLY DEAD. I Gov. IVerd Must Set n Dny tor the Hxt'cntlou nf Andrew. M' $IT wifTV!fcri6CsGSX'ldew. now In JL? the County Jail here awaiting execu , tlon, rcFembles that of Or. Iluchanin. IP Andrews was tried, found guilty and i sentenced. His cafe was appealed from court to couit until tho United States ' Supreme Court rendered a decision ad verse to him. Since that t'.me Andrews has been In jail waiting for some one to name a date on which he s-ha.l be ex f edited The delaved execution still Momi faraway. L The leprlevt last obtilned was from y Gov. Wins. Tin- courts now I of use to )L i lrsentcnce the man, and fay the re V J i-ponslli'l.ty rests with the Governor. I 2$ He was to be eeuted on a certain SiY day between cei tain hours He was not ff' executed on that day because the Gov fsfi ernor stayed the e:,ecutlon. and It Is H & now held by the courts that so far as s" thev are loncoinod their connection St1 l'h the case is ended, p i, The supreme t'mirt Justice has been Jr asked to Fentence Andrews and re- 1 J fused. Probecutor Ktiker will now ask wMi tho Governor to set a new d-jte for the EM execution. W, BUCHANAN STILL SAFE. m Ile Wl" "t "le ln'" llc Courts LiyP Tfike Some Artlnu, IJrM RING SING, N. Y May S. The latest ?JvS opinion given yesterday afternoon by nri Attorney-General Hancock ln the nu- .J chanan case has caused uneasiness to jH.i the condemned man nn 1 also to Warden flw Sage, ltuchinan wmte a letter to his I ' lawyers lai't night asking If it Is likely VI he would be taken to New York and Bfu resentenced. In accordance with the sug- B gcstlon made by the Attorney-General K to District-Attorney Fellous. B Warden hige sail to-day he would B certnlnlv make no furthei move In the H ee of lUichanan until he received some B kind cf a tegular nnler from tho court, If he received a legal order to produce m IluthniMti for rr-entiTce he would prob- B ablv cotnplv with the order. m Laver Gibbons, leading counsel for m Duchanan, ill lo-diy that Iiuchanan ', could not legally be resentenced, as the K care was now out of the hands of the B New York Stale outhiiltles nnd In the B Tederal courts Mr Gibbons ileclares he m will pievcnt the Lxt-cullon ot Iiuchanan If lie Is rcentenred before the I'nltod B States Court p.'ses upon tho case. U MAY NOT DIE, AFTER ALL I Gottlleli Mi-)t Alive mid IIU Wife Well Guarded. Gottlieb Meyer, the tailor, who his put two bullets into his head behind his left ear, aftir trying to shoot his wife I Annie. ha. burprlscd the surgeons at St B Catherine's llcsp.tal, Williamsburg H They now Fay I u has a faint chance to H tecover, and they believe too bullets H failed to pierce the brain. H Mis. Annlo Mejcr was. going about her B hojtjholl duties In the little kitchen of her ainriments at 21 Lorlmer street, this mom nf. il npiiared ta bi wholly In- different as to husband ti fate hne k deu'od emphatically that tnere a any L truth In her husband's charge that she B had betu Intlmatu nltn a man named JL Itelcliliri.: . , , . jW ,Mr. Jleer keeps n chain fastened on the dtiot of her apirtiiuuts, and will B v only talk to visitors throuah u aK-'.iuh aperture I ALLISON'S FIRST SENTENCE. J The Sen .tudKe Glv r TlllllnMt'arl I'ivr leiim In 1'rlKoii, W JudRi Thomas Allison pronounced his I first sentence In the Court of Genera! I Sosslms, Pa it II., to-lay. The prisoner I was John Thomas, who was Indicted for B robbjry In the Mrs: degree, H- i He vas iiermltted to enter a plea of ft at; inpted rnrd larceny In the flrft di- H gree. He rail helped to rob 1'ranz llof- H oran on thr night of April 7 in Hast H Fourth street of a live-dollar goal piece and n llver wth In N)uib"f. IbSJ, Thomaa was sen- BB taoced 10 (our years and ten months for M OETTINQ READY I .)'.'. HIE CAT SHOW t1i5i'l SS3"? ""SSPv -' Eofff,ej( D I . 1 CATS OF ALL DEGREES. The Grent Shorr of Feline llenntlen llestln To-Dr. The First National Cat 8how opened In the Concert Hall, Madison Squre Garden, this morning, nnd will be tha novel attraction until Saturday night, when the exhibition will close at 9 o'clock. There are about 300 exhibits. The patronesses Include Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mrs. Frederick Gebhard, Miss Bird, Mrs. Prescott Lawrence, Mrs. John Lowry. Mrs. Randolph, Mrs. C. Albert Stevens, Mrs. F. It. Sturges. Mrs Seward Webb, Mrs. Stanford hltc nnd Mrs. 8. R. Wilmerdlns. Frederick burglary, and In 1893 to two years and eight months .n the penitentiary for grand larceny. Judge Allison to-day sentenced Thomas to four years and eight months In State Prison. , Immediately offer Thomas was sen tenced. John Francis Cramer, aged nine teen, of Wterbury, Conn., was arraunel for soitence on a charge of attompted grand larceny In the second degree. Ciamer had sto'en th'ce diamond rings, valued at KM, from Nathan Morris, of 22 Powery, April 17. Lecause of his pie vlous good enuueter and the fact that the praperty had been restcred. Judge Allison suspended sentence. Court Wonilcreil that Flint Lived. Juitlce Cowing to-dr intnKnl TMHp rilnt, convicted of burglary In Iht tconil dgre, to nine an In Sute rrl"n April 4 lat Flint robtid the home t ill llouiton atreft Th oner, Joh nutacrna, anl Flint had a terrible fight, and Flint nabbed Rubacena. Rubacena's ion Slgmund Joined In the fight, but Flint got the bent of It Judge Colng In aentenclng Flint to-day Mid: "I cannot underetand ho auch men aa )ou ever reach the bar ot Justice altTe." robber Johnson escapes. roit-Oltlre Ttnndlt Blades Offlcera nj SnlHUMuicn, X. Y -JtJpSh2aa-TfilSrt the United State, Marshal's office, Brooklyn, this morning announcing the wcape, at Sal amanca, N. Y of Charles Johnson, from two deputy marshals who were taking him to Arkansas. Johnson was arrested March 16 with his pal, "B'g Frank" Sutton, at 24 St. John's place, Brooklyn. He Is wanted for robbing more than fifty post-offices ln the United States. He was turned over to the United States authorities April 22, and was In the custody of Deputies Blggart and Lewi, who started with him lor Fort Smith yesterday, to stand trial for lob bing the post-office at Eureka, Ark. United States Maishal Hayden thinks Johnson esiaped by Jumping from tne train while It was In motion. He h.iA notified Attorney-General Olney uf the affair. Sutton Is still ln Raymond Street Jail. He Is suspected of being one of the gang who broke Into tho post-ofllce at Matteawan, N. Y en the night of, Feb 6, and shot Watchman Schneldor. TAIT DECLARED INSANE. Chemlenl flunk Pn Inn-Teller Xot Mcntnlly Heasponslhle. John R. Talt, defaulting paying teller of the Chemical National Bank, who Is under Indictment by the Federal Grand Jury, has been declared Insane. Talt was Indicted In December for having converted to his use $15,000 of the bank's money. When called upon to plead to the Indictment, his lawyer urged he was unfit mentally to do so. giving as his authority Dr. Carlos J. Miller, of Mount Klsco, and Dr. C. R. F. Green, of Peeks kill. The case was postponed without Talt being called to the bir. Since then Talt ins been examined at his home In Mount Klsco by his family physician and two Insanity experts, vno have de clared him to be Insane The physicians say his mental condition Is due to over work and continued mpntal strain, and that the malady has been growing on him for three years. Talt Is at liberty In J10.000 ball. The Federal Grand Jury yesterday made technical changes In the Indict ment agalnnt Talt. speelfvlng the exact chirnctcr of the embezzled funds ao cash. BOGUS PROCESS SERVER. Ibis One Furneil Major I'llmle)' Vuue lo llxruse n Juror. George G'ltzow, of 320 East Forty second street, the bosus process server, who, it Is allesed, has victimized busi ness men on the enst side, nnd was .nptured last night by Policeman Hughes, whs brought handcuffed to VorKvllle Court this morning. rtie comp.ainant was Alfred D. Swart, a le-aauiant keeper of 717 Third avenue. He told Justice Deuel lis believed Gill. xov to be tne man wnu sw ndled out of S3 last SJtnmer under representa tion that he was excused from jury duty in the City Couiu Last night Glltzow called on Swart, and representing he was a summons server In the Commis sioners of Jurors' Department, he de manded Jo to excuse him from serving as a Juror , ... Swart kept him !n conversation until Policeman Hughes came along and had him arrested The Juror summons which the accused served on Swart pur ported to be signed by the Commissioner of Jurors It was written " lllam H. pllntblev." The Commlss oner spells h.j, name without the letter "b " Glltzow was held for further cxamtna-tlon. HlKlMiii)ieii Get There Firm. Cvl.ISTOOv, Cal . VUjr t To maikel robber. a ttageloll of Sas Frandtcan. on their isai to aummer reaorta of bake County yeater day and airliuel Ibem of tht.r lalmb'ra Tio rtibera Miurel about fl,VJ) from the psf.t-ngera anJ looted the V el a, Fargo U aa nelt but wliai the) got from It la not knoan Arretted n Crook. p-tectlvea Kianhoe anl Valleley of Po'l.. Ileadnuirtera this nornlng arreitel U.lle !eera In Creene atrert lie ha I Ihrie bun Ilea unlet hie arm. .upp'ael to be .toles gooda Te po Hie aa Mera I. one of the Dt kuoan irwAt tn the country and hae done time In a ,loacn prleona. in Jefferaon Market Court the prleoner vm rtmudtl iisill to-Burrsw, i v cT . x. - ' CtO. tlvttAIAV Bronson, John G. Heckscher, D Ogden Mills, Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.: J. Pier pont Morgan, Ncvvbold Motrls, Geotge Peabody Wetmore and Herman Oel rlchs compose an Advisory Committee to the Cat Show, nnd It is fashionable. There will be $1,000 worth of prizes for the prettiest, the tipllest. the best long-haired, 'lie best short-halted cat and other cats. The mother cat with the SEIST. O'TOQLE GOES FBEE. Justice Barrett Sustains the De murrer to the Indictment, No Kvlilenre of ii Corrupt Agreement With Dr. Whitehead. Justice Barrett handed down a de cision this morning, sustaining tho de murrer made to the Indictment against Sergt. William O'Toole. The indictment charged that O'Toole had received a bribe from Dr. Newton Whitehead. In his opinion Justice Barrett said: "The agreement covered In the Indict ment was not to Influence the defendant to official action. He had no official re lations to the subject matter of tha agreeHifrjt: - - f-To constitute briber? 1!4cr-?eetjon 727, of the Penal Code, there muBt be a I corrupt agteoment or understanding lo I do or to omit to do some olllclal aet. Section IS Is broader and covers the re- ! eelpt of the gratuities. But even hero the gratuity must be received either I to influence official action or discretion, that Is, as a reward for the favorable exercise of some discretion veeted in the ofllcer. "No discretion was hero vested In the defendant with regard to Whitehead's ball or commitment or trial. The de fendant's duty was to preserve the peace, prevent crime anl arrest offend ers. Ills duty nnd dlfcretlon closed when judicial dutv nnd discretion com menced; except, of course, to hold Ids prisoner, when so required, "In the ptesent Instance, he made no agreement to exercise In Whitehead's favor any discretion conterted on him within the lines of his ptefcrlbed duties. The agreement inny have been repre henslbls in view of his otlleial position, but It was not criminal within either section "2 or section 4S of the Pen il Code. The demurrer must therefore be sustalnrd " Assistant District-Attorney Battle said tlilj ifternojn that the Dlstrlct-Attornej nou'.d not take an appeal from Justice Barrett's decision in the O'Too.e case, although In his opinion It was directly opposed to several decisions by Justice Iugraham, rendered In similar cvses. He added that the decision will not affect the case agilnst Delectlve-Sergt. Frlnk, who was Indicted Jointly with O Toole, as the circumstances In the two cases are quite different. POLICEMEN ON TRIAL The siesr Commissioners Sit on IJe llniiueiils for the First lime. Theodore Roosevelt, tho millionaire President of Ma or Sttong's new Police Board, sat bctilde Commissioner An drews, the trial Judge over the Inquiry Into the conduct of delinquent lullce inen, when the proceeding opened at Police Headquarters this mornliu. Col. Grant came In Immcd ately after anil sat beside Picsllent llnosevell. The court room wis crowded with roundsmen and sfWints. the com pla'nants against patrolmen, who weie also numerous . . Several trivlnl cares were disposed of and then Policeman Will amson. of th West Th rti-ttrventh street station, vas arraigned charged with permltfng Francis Murray, a prisoner Trusted for robbery, to ecapn fiom Jeffersm .Mir-, ket Court last week Falling to get at the farts, the cise was put over until next Friday. . Policeman V jnn, n' 'h CnaMrs street MHl'on was accused of being in a saloon while hi uniform on tho morning ot April 27 Decision icserved WAS THE CENSUS PADDED? oiiie Iteiuil'll-niis "Vim llollhl Its AeiMirnry I" ertitln Illtrlel. The census recently completed by the police Is condemned us Inaccurate b mine Republicans who to have facts nnd figures lo prove It, It Is cnaiged that the po lice hive attempted to whit Republican leiders ar? pl-Msnl t term the census outrage of IW, bv sub tr. ting from the nclual popu allon .n Ilepubl'i-tn disti'cts and aiding to the PDpuhitlon in Democrat1!1 The object, It Is client d, Is ti make It possible to engineer fraud .bv p. ling Illegal votes ln thi hop-1 of leturnin Tammany Hall to power at tre- next election. One of the rlnrlng In-ueurar es iolnt ed out Is that the late census mud an Increase In the Twenty-'Vi nth As sembly Dlstrlet cf Ii ss than ll.1'). v pile the vote for tre same pit o! of time has Increased uvci i"J rr eent On the other hind, In some ".' the doj.ntiwn Democritic hirongmli-s arcoiduig to tho Ilepuhllrjii stitlt eiann, the ln creisn tn the papulillon ' ntlnly in cans'stent vith the percent tge if vot ers as shown 1 v the 1-isi e'ectlon. An effort. It believe! .v 111 be made to have an ent re new census taken. v Drimai'it nnd 'I Pen Itoiihed. Jcarph anl lar Tler I ith nlprM cf tlQ et IMrty I, nth lrel sere tie'l fir trial In Jerferaon Vlaret lour, i 1, tor eaananat o i in lie c'urge of R v i koswuK irnt I, am rotibliig rirtk ii e i 04 ("iqiv rr oi al, vve.t s -rt) .mil Ktr.,'1 Hi aiti tie bid a ilrink with Tyler in a ei.ocn Miuli iilglo anl rente u berel nothing more until the n-vt Morning then he round h'raaelt In the T)lere loouia, tu.nua t), all tha msniy tie bad. I best litter of kittens will win a sliver bowl F. Farrar Rlckham Is the Judge, assisted bv Miss II. U. Ilurlburt nnd Rush S Huldekopcr. I There Is one $1,000 cat In the show, i nnd a 30-pourdcr shown by Mrs. llu channn, of Phll.tdelphla. There used to he on annual cat show In the Crvslil Palace, Biyant Park, that burned down In 1V,3. TO ROW AT P0UGHKEEPSIE. Cornell's IVeldlnsr Vote Gives the Hudson the Trlniiniilnr Itnee. ITHACA. N. T., May 8. Commodore Hastings, of the Cornell Navy, stated this morning that he had at last decid ed In favor of holding the triangular boat race between Columbia, the Uni versity of Pennsylvania and Cornell at Poughkeepsle. Columbia favored the Hudson and Pennsylvania the Delaware River couise at Torrerdale. and the matter was left with Cornell to decide, with the result as above stated. a ANDREW FREEDMAN SUED. The iVna-eranna Clnlm thnt lie Owes Them IJI11.4H.1. President Andrew Freedman, of the New York Baseball Club, Is being sued In the Supreme Court by Jesse and Kd vvard Wasserman, to recover $11,453. an alleged balance arising out of stock and grain .trsqsCllsns In Chicago ln 18S.1 innTTiSW!. " - The Wnssermans also claim that they advanced considerable sums of money I to Friedman. i Freedman, through his counsel, ad mits that he had dealings with the i Wnssermans nbout ten years ago, but si5 8 he was under the Impression that the matter was closed up Justice Ingraham granted an order to compel the Wassermans to furn'eh a bill of particulars setting forth In de tail their transactions wdth Freedman. ALEXANDERJSLAND ENTRIES. RACE TRACK, ALEXANDER ISL AND, May 8 The entries anl weights for to-morrow b races are as follows; Plr-t Ha op Six and a rjuartfr furlongi nudlent 114 npfkton H4 Otto 114 K!!a in rrliKe Kbmaih . , 107 Flnnwatr IV. Ilo ta . . 97 T.mcrM $7 Uou'a Quitornf ,. ?3 fiernnl Hare Fl furlonga. MUa Una ,. ' Ifhi Mamie I. n ,,, , ,1M Hay Secret 100 Nemo .. 100 I aily f)anhy I no Pan lata lOt S)m? More 100 Vml lOu Idy I.tke .... 100 Canhmere 10u Fluellon . 100 Th rinwn 100 Thirl ltac Six and a half fur.nnsi Tral ion Mttle Jim 103 Adaxiis 102 Rondeau 102 William renn ., . 103 Jimmlp Jamea 101 Thackeray 102 Annie T 101 War Coiil yo Fritz 53 Fourth Kace Mx anl a itiarlpr furlonga Lnto . ... ... . 10S Dnieh Lou 10. Jerae lor, Tornlne ifts Topaailant 1"5 Tolumhua I0i Jiiiera L lo Florence 105 lo. Flfer 105 Ontario 105 lU-bUftU 10 2. O I) 105 laiiray los DeiUe ltii llUrkfnt . . 103 P fih Jtace FUe furlonn iirllp R , 100 rirate Chief 100 Mo 1c rate 100 Slnuron n0 Mna 10) f'arnen iro allfta luO Mamie R lt l'r nee John , . loo Faaneti , J00 no i , too lxth Hace feren (nrlonRi Krir,p , 112 I'lentj ... 10I II. ne Illrl . 106 t1rbopper , ... M Hilly liov . 0J Home Kun , . . hi", liuke John 101 d-jnl 1'rlx . . 103 fotkr.ove . ,.lf), Julia k js eiiua urg . 91 SUIT FOR LOTTERY MONEY. II Itellwa (lie Old l)n uf ); ' IjtiiilMliinit 4nte t'mirerii. Judge Wheeler. In the United Htate c'ltiult Court, to-day hi.trd it demiirrei in the case of llany F. Watson, of i: im Orange ;,'. .1 , us the administrator of the ti-tnto of James b Wntson, of llfr gm County, ,N. J., against (.'hurlcri II .lurra, Jolin A. .Murus nnd ZaLnarlah i; hlmmoiik. The uctiuii neks an accounting of the i.llinrs of the Louisiana Blaie I.otlei Coiiiiin The toinpliiluant claims tliat nhuut iM),l') is due In tlie est He of .lainea rt Xiateaiu Ihe original action win not lirought until iwenty-two after the death of Watson, which took place on June 1, 1S73. The allegation on Ixhalf of the com plainant Is that Watson, liefore hi dtath was it inemhtr of the ilrm u C 11. lluirny & Co. whose Imslnos was the npeiatlng of lotteries In the Fn'trd Aisles Th 111 in was ow-er of the frinenlaea and property Interists knunn as loi tery gniiils of the 1. uilsani State l.ot ico The rUhts of U.n.sin nnd others Interesied were, It Is 1 1 ilmed tomilet l lnortd lay Charles II .Mnrriv, John A .Morris and Ziiharlth i: Hlmnioim all of whom reside It th s tliy 1'ui Ihe ilefinse, tin-re Is a dinlal that Wit Iron cm i was a lotkhn1,lrr In the I. oils. ana Hi. He l,ctKr Coirpan , that Ihire was tr an) ior.srniac t-) ill frail I th It w fill memlifis of fie III in and hai i otiUi nil) the) le ued ti re i ler the ikioiiiuIi. ih man led ln the ilenunrers It Is iiolnte I mil that the toinplatuati' N a forelKii ndm nlatr it ir, that all tne partntrs of c II .Miirri) Co ire I. ol mad, ptrtlts lo the hill il romilnlnl. tliat toe suhject nf Lie Milt l the rondiict of pioIUh arlsl ig oul of a littery Imrlness ng uust Hie puhlii imlle) of the I nlleil Suites, and th 1 1 the tUlnis of tlu (oirplnlnant im. oiuliue.i. nnd hne heeii .h)I.) i.lMndoned uid loct h) lac i' i I V.r Will, fir Murraj niruid that) tin lomid i nam wai a torelgn i inia tnnir not linxtiig .ikrn out I' ter oi adi'.iinlsliaiioil for ire Siaie if New VnrK 1 h .i was tho onl) point put fi ward, and on this giound HI lljnoi ru.sta'ned the dtmuirers and dltmlsued the hill ol complaint. DON AL0NZ0 WAS SCRATCHED KlUnllmthnn Won tlif Chester Cup Attnlne.' ti I'lrlil of Fifteen. ClinSTint, nngland. May f-Capt Machel's Kllsallaghin won Ihe Chester Cup to-day. Mr. M'chael Dwyer's Don Alonio was scritcheJ. Sixteen horses stiriel V Alexander's 8on of a dim was sec ond, and Lord I'enrhn's Theeu ran third The winner carried 107 inunds nnd Is a brown colt, five )eais old, by1 llrown Frluce Ulpscy S)n of a (tun, carried Hi pounds, and Thejeus had but I F7 pounds up. Dobbins had also been enteied for the Chester Cup, but was withdriwn when his condition demonstrated that he would not stand train tig. To-day was the second diy of the Chester meeting The Chester Cup eent Is a handicap of 2,0i) sovereigns, of which 100 sovereigns are In plate, added to a sweepstakes of 25 sovereigns each, for three-) ear-olds and upward. CALLED BY THE JOCKEY CLUB Slnrter KHsurrnld, of St. Asnph, l.rnsra Wnslilimton Tn-Itn). (Special to The nTenlns WorM ) WASHINGTON, May 8 -Chris Flti tternld, who has been stnrter at the ineetlnK of the Virginia Jockey Club since tho openlnR day on March 18, l"ft for New York this morning. Iletoro lenMnic nn slated that he had been called by the Jocke) Club, nnd this Is taken as ,n "Vldenco Hint the pirent body Is decidedly displeased at the eiooked racing that has been permitted to nourish at the pretty Virginia rate course. It Is reported here that the Jockey Club will revoke the license of the Si Asaph Association before the meeting imls. lohn C. Carr, ono of tho stockholders of the Association, will handlelhe dig until a siiceciisor to Mr. Fitzgerald is chosen. m aa ATLANTIC A. C. BOUTS. Crreilon Is. Triiliilnu; nt Giilarstmi fur Ills (in Mltli lluilfee rinn Creedon, the Australian mid lie weight who is to meet Joe Dunfee, of S)racuse, In a twelve-round contest be fore the Atlantlo Athletic flub, on Mon day, May 20, wired the club yesterday tint he would continue training at tlal veston Heach. Texas, until next Mon day, when he would start for Coney Island. Dolly Lyons Is now In training for Ms ten-round "go" with Maxev Hmgh, which will be the curtain raiser to tire International contest ln which Peter Maher will battle against England's latest nsplrnnt for fistic honois, Hoh Marshall. WITH THE WHEELMEN. Al th CyrU noaril of Traits meeting yeatar- day It waa dec Med to draw up 4 uniform guar antee and eatabtlah ml1ctrm hureaut An afflllla- 1 tlon with the L. A. W. wit alao favoroi ' An Incident of tha Ctntury Whealmen run to 1 Patchogu waa tha preaentatlnn to th club of a I handhomn Bilk banner by Mm Ward Dlnjclty and Mri Matthew Glbb Th gift waa a complete aurprlM and waa presented In teh hotel at ' ratch0B. 1 nty wheelmen will be glad to learn that Com mtMloner Brook flell ha promtiel to begin re pairing Eighth avenue In ten day. The Aaburr Park Wheelmen will run to Treqton . and return Way il. - 4 The King County "V In Ilrooklyn, will carry wheela In the amoklng rara The (Vntaur Wheelmen hae plannel mna ne fallow Mny 12, to tnnkeri Mov 19, to Ftiiih tng, May 21, to (Cngle-aood, May 30. to f(oal)n. PUGILISTIC POINTERS. Th nnt'ng how to be given by the Stag,, Uhletle Club, of Urooklyn, In flranl Army Hall, Wllllimaburg, neit Monlay nlpht, will be under a llrenae aecured from Mayor Schleran. anl the, management ha arrangel a cart that will ur- I pan all prevlnua ahowa given by that well-known I Club There will be four eight-round bouta, anl Matchmaker Dally Prlnkwater haa ao far aecurel Shadow Maber, of Australia, who defeated Atf I Union recently, to meet Mick Dunn, of Aus tralia, In a alx-rouud bout at catchwelghta, anl Kid McPartlanl and Sammy Campbell, better known aa "Maniey'a Coon," for an eight rounl bout at ilS pounla He will alao try to match Jimmy agalnat a gool boxer anl Ctni-cr Leon atalntt a good boy for eight-round bouta olly Smith and George Slddoni hT algnrd for eight round at 120 pounta at th neat lin ing ahow of the New Manhattan Athletic Club next week. After eeral poatponementa, the flnlah light be-t-en Jark Van Houirn mldlle-welght champion of the West SI J Athletic Club, anl Charley Jack aon, of Jeraey City, which waa to have been fought fir a ru""e of I2M In prlvjie haa been deriarel off the barker tming wltilnwn Vai Houten stanta to figit Jackaon with amil. g'ovei, weieh in at UO ptiund ' Jthnny Fckhar-t matchmaker of Ihe Atlantic Uhlttle Cluh, la a tery buay min theae day. M 1 trying to arange a ttn-rounl out bef-fn 1 Jiwny Gorman anl Jimmy HanSIer, to b oc c lei In the Pel Heach Palace, all) 30 Tommy !!xnn, of Hochealer. waa mate!., to Intel I.iigene llnrntarker for eight rotin la tn th al)ml Athlellc ahow nol haturday nlghl but haa with Irawn Kl 1 McParlUn 1 ur Joe 1 urdy vslll h aubatltutetl am Ilolan and IMdl Iclicr were matched lat nlkht ly Johnny Dunn for an eight rounl Unit In the .Sew Manhattan Athletic Club next wt-tk Trey will welrh in at 130 pounla J" date who defeatd Jack I.ey In two r.unla hi the Now Manhattan 4lhlrlle ruh laat iLr.t raj be expect to XkYA Juck Midli-11 ' aps n In the Hf-aMdo AthUtic Lluli th latter art of th month Th IIIUm At Is telle Club wilt nle arnther tl lit tht rluit houie 47 oiiv.r htreet n 1 rtliv ewnltiK May 20 TMrw w II te f,ur Hkht muni btwt-rn wli knmvn loxerii I ft-iti 1 urry and Kid Mci'aitlatil arc lb flrt I air Mlly Vernon aaye he woull like to meet Jlmnn II mdltr fr ght rotin'l at ivt poun U at the loklng hnw of the PikS Athlttlc Club in Will luiiiai'urt; on May 13 Neil Fmlih, of the ".fcot anl Jark Gucrln. nf thla 1 Ity have been ut atliutf I for Charley l.odt-u 1111 1 Giurt. Itoa I" a round L-jjI at ihv votilih Mnvrltaii AtMfttt ( lub ahiw la Ucrli Hall. Jerey Clt, nrxt M n lay night t Miflr Ui mating tirrrln knokfl h tilth out m ffir round T'te tout betwren Jt llrklna anl ''am Iblcn at t!i laUnd Athlttlc Cluh nhaw ni May l fhoui 1 b full of k id hard ft.zhtl.iff Thv ItaMj rnei a, era I tlim ihe lt rontet ie .itl Ing in UjUii bdUK knorLrd out Ii two louuJa 1,) a hanc blow ie Perrj write tn "The rMenlrg World' mit 1 l rtari lo rn-t any nan at fron l'rt i 1 pnunU for a Mulled number if round it to a f Mh for IliO lde Iteldy (Icllagher cf Icner, hi wtrel Joe emlg ft the rinlli AiMvtli Club that b lit ti. written ruaraLtre rf a runWr of aolt I miti nf Ifiiser to donate a (urn of f.O.ui'') Ir 1 he big HlM I ... I M ite I.einar 1 anl Jimmy II in tier bT j m 1 ttj .un Hi tuner fr . eittn rann 1 X a U ng UijnJ U !" ' tub tau .i !' in iran 1 r i Hi) -siiaurg ui tut is 1ne will in 1 at 13 putJ (aiper Leun. t tha eltr anl Jn'ny Culion of Trenton im alao a'at. to meet lt n eigbi rounJ boat at 105 pojnda at I hi Mint aba. SPORTING MISCELLANY. tl la learnel on gnoj authority that a matlon ftllel to paa the HirMf.I fatuity yeoterdar. prtiMblttne. lnterMllUte fioth I Th illicu Hn of the question it U sail Ml now te dr.ppel leavln Ihe thleilc nnciiM)n fr to vt unier the rtrbtlona alrejl el down t New featirea will mark the twentieth annual rime of the Inter nllegnte t)clatlon at Herkeley Mi) 21 a it 1 2 Th fltat eveat I will be elite! etch Ijy at 2 I' M Twenty-four ' colligci will It- rrpreentr1 at th meeting In tin ling Ihe Par M lojut tetm the PnUerilty I of Iowa he Cnl.rrMty of Mhhlgin anl all th ! KtHtrrn college J I Th official Uowlng Guile fir IMS the latent number of the ipiMlne Ath'etlc I brary, contain regatta rule Hta cf club In the National Ai- ' elation, ant reccr la of ery rntt hell in 135. with the reccrd Mark fcr eery dlatanc and all. orta ot boit. ... Zoxo C Jacob rhafra r cor! at atratght 3 I ball bill) trda ta 3,0A point en a4'ix9table Haney McKenna mate 2 &T2 polnta 01 a (xlO table anl I frequently playel "1 000 or nt count." f-eiton a recorl at cunhlon carom I 77 At l-ilk-lln t. Inch) Vlgnaui ran 3:9 Highest run, ll-lnch talk-line, anchor nurae barrel. Schaefer, 664 The arrangement for the Pecoratlon Day Game and picnic to be held In CaleJonla Tark, Jertey City, by th Scottish-American A C are pro gressing fatoraDty Athtelea who have been un able to ecure entry blank can procure them of Frel Hoop Secretary, il Grote atreet, Jersey Cit) Th chief eicnia on the track will be the 100 yard 2ji)-yarl, 110 yard. ftKO-yard. one-mlle anl three mile run (hanllcapl A two mil r between twixer will be a feature, also a mile run, open only to member of church lyceume In a Union to the MO yard novice there will be the usual sMe events Th yacht ColonU, with Offender crew of twenty n.o on bnarl. has mvirlnga In Oho Pi) Iter trial trip anl training spin will be taken upon the Sound (or the present BASEBALL CHAT. Well, they s! artel out like Giant In tho first Inning, but In th ninth they flnlHied like LIU I'Utlant "Ruck" Kwlng had cam to mtt yesterday The Giant he tralnel with were fait company In 169 The batting order shake-up waa not o brilliant a ruccc a It lookel 3tlll, It may pan out bet ter. Manager Pa via should get rm point" tmm President I1)rne, nf Ilrookhn Night before last Pvrne aatd thing to his 1 layer and jenterday Ciey fount th tall for keei What did he aayT Fuller lott the game, aure enough, but th game rhntild hie been In such siap that one etrnr caul 1 not hate lost It P would have been If tbrr hal been anv batting In It. Mike Tlernan mtaht erv a a pattern of what a Giant siou'1 da at the bat, but It Is too much to eapet-t one nun to do all Ihe stick work. Chairman Currle, of the N J. A. C, la on th MUNYON'S REMEDIES Alake Permanent Cures Where Physicians Fail. Doctor. tjthl Mr, 0'pl Wnu liirur I Mr Thorn. O Veil Flremin at i.lira' Slue Htrbor, ttlc lit ml, tasi "Lift Pall t waa lall up with brittle Rheumatism I a treated b four doctor with etcry rrmeJy known to nit 1 leal lence, een e eetrlclty, but they Anally gav me up, suing my 'eg woull a wayi be piral)ird t this tlm 1 was tirgel tt try Mun jon a Ilhcumatlsm Cure It tlTeit was w on Iff ful 1 founl entire relief from ptln after a few doses, anl. by conllnulne, the pel eta. waa completely cured I can use my llmhs aa wv.l aa ever, and my frlenls look upon my riner at nearly a mlrac e " Why Vny IMh Kpei to Doctor when yoa can cure yourself with Munyon'a Heme dies? They are absolutely harmless anl contain positive cur re for the most obstlntte diseases Call on Professor Munyon for a thorough medical ex amination Absolutely nn charge for examina tion or advice Opei all day Tuealay anl Krldi) until I P M RunJa) 9 to 11 A. M. T Cast Fourteenth street, New York. .Mutt) on Itrmrtltrft emltl by nil ririiM, hunt for amateur pitcher Like a good many of the big clubs, the New Jerseys are weak In th. tint and they are going to give eetera would be tara a chan'e during the week The first game nn the home grcunl will take place next Satur day, pro. lie! the weat'.er permits, when the N J A C will meet Ihe Setenth Regiment Club Car-y, Mick anl Pmnelly, of teh old-time New Jerne te.m, will play with the J-eventh Regi ment The gam wit. be called at i o'clock. The standing of clubs In the League this morn ing waa a follnwa Club W UPC ICIuh W I P C Pittsburg . 1 4 TH Cincinnati .... I T Ml Cleveland 4 ftfiTlNew Wk....'. I T .O? Iloston . .74 (UC'PlilladelphU . 4 6 .40 Chicago 16 .r7l8t lunula & 10 .331 Iltltlmore . , ft 4 .&rCl,nulftvlll . . 4 331 IirtKiktyn ..... ft .&4aWashlngton ... 3 I .33 Game cheduled lo day: At Cincinnati New ork vs Cincinnati. Al Pittsburg Ilrooklyn Plltaburg. At Ft loule Hoaton vs It Uul At f leveland Ualtlnmre vs Cleveland At Mulavllle Phllalelphla ta loulavlll. At Chicago Washington b Chicago Unusual Interest Is being manlfee'ed In tha gam between the Oreenpolnt Athletic and Xatler A A team tn b played at I lee re a tt on Park on Sunday Pour dlamnnle have been laid out at Itecreatlon Park. This will be hallel with delight by the amateur ball tosaera, who have heretofore had no suitable ground to play nn The laige diamond can be secure! for 9 A. M. , anl 1 P M. Application should hn mad lo C. Harvey, 323 East Tblrt)-aeconl afreet, city. 1 l)e fcn.lcr'a. Spnr Went Aahorr. I NEWPOItT. It 1, May The tug. Charlej nunon, from Now York for Ilrtatnl, with spars for the yacht pefender, went ahor In the fog olT Ho Island thl morning Hh waa pulled oil by a tug and proceeded on her tourse fe 40. Marie Tavary T K&?$&$i l$ Of the Tavary Grand Opera Co. $ pWmw w WRITES: ' Vat Jt T CANNOT resist the S v A temPtation of sPcak- 9 h SA ine in thc highcst i praise of Johann Hofrs rA r Malt Extract. To this wonderful discovery I jfj T can alone attribute my ability to sing for thirty- . Ifa five weeks in succession on a tour embracing the ejj i entire United States, and never missing a single $ j, performance. y ' Bew.ire of sulistiliilts The genuine . fit, l J0I1 Jim Uoffs Malt l.ntractlm this Ma-natnre t!T ZZtJii Jp? ,t' on neck label. All others are imitations. 7w.v-wit7tWi hi Eissek & MENtitlsoN Co , sole agents, N. Y. Jl '? J. BAUMANN & BRO. llriTf rrrrlvr-fl tlie iriilr nf humlrrd) ol ratUflnl rnsinmrr tlurleisT ttkc prt wrrlt mill no troiiiltTt aa lliry not only uiv credit nt rab prlrra but oti Ibplr new REFUNDING CREDIT SYSTEM nrlunllr rrlurii u liilrrral uu rvrrr ilollnr paid llirm. Ilrrr'a a (llmime or srlint llil'y lui P3.rlOr SuitS 16.50 Tlir-r, unit mam olber tnrnln.. Folding-Beds 7.50SJ Chiffoniers - 5.50 per week Chamber Suits 12.50 I Pier Mirrors - 10.50' '-"-Furniture, Bedding, Carpels, Refrigerators, Curtains. Also Crockery, Tin are, Cloo'ts, Pictures, Bib) Carries, &c 11313 to 1385 Third Ave., Between 75th and 76th Sts. TIITU ST. V..V. ITKIi lilt. Pit Alll.i: t Alls. Ilpfn "-nlurilnl . until IP P. It. CRED-I-Tr I IntMi Rjt mtr iytem Compare our prices '' ith houorfs. All friers marked In plala t LLH Ladies' Silli anil Colli Suits. '!-' ittttB ir rti are Intk'nx fir a.-i-nthlns new Is Spring , SSH arpurl e htit il tie Ijieil noielllca In La- , BBJ lir Mlr.ea' anl ChllHren a Jake:s fa pea, , 'H 'Ucfi-r. f,ril. SMna Wa!ata, Eton u 7 .BS DRY GOODS. II v leu's. Boys' and Children's ill CLOTHING. I G.A.R.S UITS, $9. 75. ! Si SPRING OVERCOATS. , II POPULAR PRICES. lW Open Salurdajr evening! until M. M&! FURNITURE&GARPETS Ctmh I'rlrett. llcUrtblc OnoiU. J W Term to Hult Everybody, (&S T. KELLY, I 263 6th Ave. 1 04 & 1 OO V KST 1 7TII ST. . iy nSTIt.t.M'i: TDKOI'Cill FURNITtrBS ml ktoiii:, , aLi iiimiiiki.v.n HTiiiinni ;JbJ 466, 468 & 470 PULTON ST. , 5 Sf HATC We empby na auenla. f 8Bti repre.entlnn themaelvea aa MCaa s vm ar. eslnllera. I "IHf 1 m Dentistry. p -m "TEETH" ll EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN tk Jt lJfcjJfcj 1 1 II V OH. . V. IIAI.I.M M'W 1RTII1' V tj ITIMMIMP1.V AITI.IK11 TO THE OU X4 Is Alom.UrM.Y HAKI, AND II UlCCOlC ' j MhMII.II IIY 1IIK MhlllCAl. PROK-i-ilU , i3 MI ;" 11 . ' jj I ANnsKII.CUI. MKNilltMlJl' PIIACTICB M I KXl'KlllKNCi: IIM KXl'RACrlON Ii ,,.( ) M I AIIHOLUIKI.V I'AI.SLhlU AMU WITU- I 3 lOllr UANGb.IL" t i 'J it lll. f. It. IMlKT.OF MHTII AW.. NRW. J A, AHK K. J..M1SI "J IIAM4-IFKTH Kfe T 9 ritACTicu n mi. a w. hall wiTiioiTaT . J v I'AIN IIU ANY UMl'LtAa-VM Ar'lKilU "ia4W tCT. " i X JlundrMl.nrntli-rletlnjnnlM.t nTli . - ; g I uah unn.N ii' ik.ui:ii. :1 Eilractlj.i Fraa Whai Teet) Are OrhrM M Cold Crowns fnd Bridga Wor't a Si3:li!f ' ' ff j Warranted 10 Years. (ii DR. O.W.HALL, ffl (rai'uatp Fi nn IvnnW I'rrta1 rall4 -NH 949 BROADWAY, iur. W.!".!., M:Y MXCIi. JM 499 FULTON ST., HM lor r.ri.Ue. llltOOUI.i.N. ? i nouns a a ii to e r. m. sunJai-i Il ;: sU Tth itrfl-l palnlsat7 by our nrw atitattfa H mUio4, NO 1'AIN or Imd result. ipylioJ U im) . auaia, abalutlr ninl. t .Mm A limit Knt ol Teeth. St. .. Hlnjf'iOr. uii Am Tff!i WiiIhimi 11 rt it rcip'ty. ;i H lKolllllolilCroviiMur (;a;i4, i, ' VV An- d'KliArittN- I'MMaKS. .w v.urj. mt ' aittn fnj vhert o'hvf .r u iont liWi M:VrtvriMI DK.NTAI. IU1 (1114, . :t ! Nw. Lulon fAf, tor itu 4uJ lu A f . jmrn Opeo uiabt aal &uuja). sLsl rnivni i:-i iu c it:u iom n vulv H WIlllUUT Vl ojr a uieth pa ai4 a4 .H .4 by u only Ovr 300 irvtb dally mW FlHH. Iy our m(haj you rn ht your Uth 'Ll xtrrtrd pafnleift tn Ci moroini nl gj hia H In th evniru llh nw 01 c If Jstr4 FVUU sH t-KT ik) (,t)L.) Kit I.IMl Jl 00 tefth -MhJOt H ptBtp, S ri to tit All ark vuaranttai. mmm lliiurs 10 T fundjt to to 4 tMmt AMERICOH HEflTAL DARL0RS. ' in v mil sr m TJu mil lull ni'ciitllilM ill Hip lm.a iBH luill K.iuif nrt- i:lt i-ii In Tin- Bin. --SH In If Uurlil'ii" llniai'linll Kilra. la.uaxl 'IM liiiiiii-illnli. niter (lie lii.l I'lny ban Um liarn iilililr. M . .. I J THE WORLD'S MONEY-SAVING ADVERTISEMENT BLANK. I ! Situations Wantod, 20 Words . fOo. I " -I mM HpIp Wantod, 14 Words 28c. ! Oood. '' '1 hoarders, Housos. Rooms or Apartments to Let. j MornlnL-WtfrW : sV 14 Words 3Qc. 1 .'.i H m " ""' " " " ' imM " atBBB ''jaaaTal 'awaawj Wrlle jmurtJlTtiMMiirvil on !) hlanlt anil aarnil to 1 M K World, or lc. at Tim Wnliun' Nrr Uploon Olfirr. M Ihr June iaaBtaal t'onof llni.) n.l Mth iien i al Kilrti-aecoml alrrel. 'I in WonLn'a IUtI.iii offlc llur llundn.l ani ruly.C(lh kui( iiJ ttaaBBBBtl lJiK.iiavrnus iiia. 111.1 n" Ilrooklyn oilioe .ur) U.iahlnsioiiairvet, llrookl) i orair llrandi din. i IT nil.l. UC INMEUTIIU IN TIIK MOIt.MNU U'Oitl.U. Mm ! , . I - a ) ..JimmM