Newspaper Page Text
1PM ft THE WORLD: WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 8. 1895. I K' K Pf - 1 1 1. Jl FAIR to-day and S W X ii. ail Q4. at to-morrow. a K 6th Ave, 20th to 21tt St. vsvvvvwv4 K SB!' ' T AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY win be offered K Vl to-morrow to those contemplating refurnishing El iF country or seaside homes. We shall place on sale f& f a special assortment of Furniture, Mattings, Rugs if ,1,' and Draperies at these prices. I f Japanese Rugs. Furniture. 1 ; Best quality made. Backward Season, ' J5xi?!.n ill' Reduced Prices. M. j $4 x 26 75c. 'j ) ? 60 X JO " 98c. That tell the Furniture tory. ?& ' i 72 X ?6 " 1.45 sPace WM not permit of quoting '- ' ' . . all the great value offered in if j Carpet Sizes. thia department. Let the follow- 1 , J ydsx2 yds... 4.38 ina item speak for the entire W. I ?' A " x2x, " ... 6.25 '' if'- . 'i OAK DINING CHAIRS, Lar lag is- ,, - a . liox Scat; reduced from I.HH J f Porch Screens. ,,0 If 1,000 Japanese Bamboo Porch A&B8 " .TrtAMineViD 9.98 Fffi, -.i Saeens, all selected outside bam- duce1 'rom 130, t0 rf . i boo, all sizes from 4 ft. to 12 ft. antique oak chwa a no W j wide by 6 ft to 12 ft. long, com- gSH" f 0 ; ! i. plete, with pulley attachments, r ' ! rMrlv in hantr at LAROB ROCKERS, Oik or .S ', ready 10 nang, ai Mahogany finliih. I'luiih A AH h , i Heat, llack and Head Roll; H.tlH !' 5 JkC Square foot. reduced from $9.60 to W1WW ' ' ?l WOOD SEAT ROCKERS or A AT4.4. Jm Jt n Chalri, Oak or Mahorany flk B" i Mattings. nm.h, highly poiuW. 3.7B j " Ow bought to tell tor fc.OO, re- Wi I W I 8,000 rolls Japanese and China " ') Mattings, novel effects, at desks of Antique oak, with j nn ft . a v . .. drawer, Revel Plate Olaaa A.HH i 40 Per w6fit Less Mirrr. frm . -w 'ft i ... Immrtir1! Drlnx CHIFFONIERE8 of Antique f IO V I Than Importer s Prices. 0alti nve araWer, regular h. AH ; I prlco 17.00; reduced to Wiw j f Draperies. dressino tarles. whu g no ' I - Enamel. French Plate Mir- H.H H I ' U 2S.O0O yards Embossed India ror; regular pric .oo wiww I fi Drapery Silk, bought to sell at WHitb iron beds. Bra. i no I j 60c. yard, aXSofrfuVed .''" O.VO f ' 1 72C yard. SPRINOS. Woven Wire, extra t An fc. c , etrong and heavy; regular AgH r S 130 pieces Cyprus Draperies, pn". uoo I' i beautiful colorings, a new impor- mattrehses. 40-pound iiair tatlon. Mattreesei, fancy tick, In A gktk E. .! '"" ' one or two parts; regular H.IJ11 I , j, 22C. yrd. "rlce- M U,WW fv i i PARLOR SUITS, Damask, l - . . three piece, frames high- All DO I Portieres. Mu?. ZZiSo i jbi 1 uxedo-Ribbed Striped Portieres, chamber buits of An- 10 Cfl l-B all new colorings, entirely new, XS&Uw ?'.?.: lOiOU 'i'lri' 2 TO Pair ' UARR " RUMSil ROCK- 'wli'k fJ rwr. EHH, pith eeatrraticy b.ick. I AH ,5il . , . . . , regulur price, 2.7&Tduced 1.210 lt?am.-& Before placing your order for to .7V..... " laK wani, irndow Siadea, c, ESTIMATK3 qiven Vor fur- IKIJP &et n eMtimute from a. Vou nismino iiuteu) and 'summer HKSi wili "ave money. cottages complete. Sff V All goods packed nnd dollvored froo of chargo at ny point TX- within lOO muo of Now York City. ""KOCH., Extraordinary REDUCTIONS. Ladies' Suit n.-.-r. SD TIjOOR. nPKCIAI, TO'MHItltOW, Knalliih IFalclnrf Jacket, IN BLACK OR TAN COVERT tf A QQ CLOTH em S I O.OO, ipli'O Cloth Capn, DI.ACK Oil TN MIXTURa VKI.VKT COLLAR) "1 OQ fiirmurly 7.0I, pj.7J Silk .P Velvet Cape, LACE t JET TRIMMED, dQ QO formerly I H, Srliv;, ik B2T..V), S7i70 Crepon nr Serge Skirt, BILK I.I.S'nn, FULL FLARK, Q QO weraHIII.OO, p0 Serge Salt, JACKRTS Bit,:: LINED, (11 Ofi tejuu-d itoui t lt.OOi pil.0 lirilliantine Suit, DLAZER fKlnTS, (1ft QQ wereSlO.OO, JlU.0 Summer Silk I)ree, LACE RIDDON TRIMMED, (1 QQ, plO.0 125rHST.,WEST.f,tLA "1IACY,, IXTll AVENUE, 11T1I TO HTII IT. Sale extraordinary of Deco rated China,Uleh Cut,Iiactarat, llohemian Olaware and HouefurniMngt in endle variety, at 1-2 value, A BRIEF STATEMENT ABOUT BOOKS (Multum in Parvo). WE HAVE ALWAYS SOLO THEM CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. WE CONTINUE THAT WAY OF DOING. tera BroSo are now exhibiting a large assortment of Ladies' Smmmer Dresses of Doited Swisses, Organdies, Batistes, Duck, Grass Liners and ether new materials In Ih; latest styles And will offer To-morrow Special Valines In Striped India Lawn Suits at$ 13,50 -' 16.50 West 23d St. 10. 000 YARDS ENGLISH FLOOR LINOLEUMS, mm Jn yard up. GOOD OILCLOTHS, I2c. 6.000 ROLLS MATTINGS, 8rt 69 . tMMMB A KOHL. OR 7c. A YARD UP. CARPETS. All carp.u nvtr 10c. a yd. mad., jd A lined trte, ilMl .loiiui tle Ile.t Vlvrtu , 70i-. Onml llrunnHn U6r. All-Wonl liurnlDa 40e. S. R. Jonap & Co., n Hit farmer ntore of TRUESDEU'S -'" 8THAVE.ft2alTHST. Fhrich L BROS. Wash Dress Fabrics. 8PECIAL FOR TO-MORROW. 300 pieces of Swivel Silk Giti"lmrnH in new and ex quisite ileninn tlio borit wash fiibric for laJies' waists and tlresseu worth 40c. yd.; for to morrow only 24c. yd. BARGAINS IN SuteSkirts TOMORROW (THURSDAY.) 300 Lndies' Suits in new Sum mer Cheviots, with fancy waists finished with ribbon collars, full ukirts; others in Checked Camel's Hair and Coverts, in tailor-made effect, worth $0.00, at 4.98. Handsome Suits, with natty Blazer Coats; short, notched collar waists, Norfolk waists, latest gored skirts, in English Serges, Venetian Cloth nnd Cheviots. Black, Navy, Tnn, Gray and Urown Mixtures, positively worth !?1(!.50, at 9.75 Storm Serge, separate Skirts, nil lined, latest cut, black and navy. Special, 3.98. LndicH' DrehS Skirts of Figured Brilliautines and Mohairs, Serges, Choviots nnd Mixed Tweeds, full gored stylos. Special lJlkg, 4.98. SIXTH AVE. & 23D ST. pterin Bros, are displaying Ladies' Men's & Children's Underwear of Silk, Silk and Wool, Merino, Natural Wool. Lisle Thread and Balbrlggan, And offer To-morrow Men's French . iHiC Balbrlggan - O Shirts and Drawers, at - - Regular value 63c. Men's English r Q) Q. Balbrlggan u N Shirts and Drawers, at Regular value $1.48. Men's Pure Silk . - sss and Silk and )) -J Wool Shirts and J-4 O XJf li Drawers, at Regular value $3.75. And Novelties In Ladies', Men's & Boys' Sweaters West 23d St Real Estate at Auction. GEORGE METCALFE, fltict'r, WILL SELL ON THE PREMI3ES ON Wednesday, May 15, '95, 109 Ghoice VuHding Lots, West New Brighton, In tb very ctatr ot the vtlUc. " Maps dJ terms of H. T. METCALFE & SONS, 143 nrondway. New orli. EHRICH BROS. Crowds of Buyers 1 Are attending thle great sale every day. The quantities are lm. I menae. The values are euoh that every buyer spreads the news m and helps sustain the Interest. ! Notmorethan two sarments of eaeh style to eaeh m Mil I customer, In order that all may be supplied. m llU I Ci POSITIVELY NO GOODS SOLO TO DEALERS. 1 27,000 PIECES OF 1 Ladies' Underwear. J Dollcato llsht-welght fabrics, exquisitely made, beautifully H trimmed and particularly adapted for warm weather. Including 9 . India Lawns, French Lawns, Lonsdale Cambric, French Peroale, 9 White and Figured India Linen, Ac, Ac, all of the daintiest and best quality, as follows UIPUTPnUJIie LONSDALE CAHDRIC, EMPJRB FRONTS. KLAOORATELT TRIMintD -91 nlUlllUUnlljl WITH DANDS Or WIDE VAL. INSERTINQ. riM8UEO WITH DOUBLS HJI I ROW Or BCADINO. TLL LACE RUrFLB AND RIBBON, MM ycpiiocc pniliuc ,N daintv shades or striped and riocRED indu HJ ntULIUtt UUnlio LINEN, prettily trimmed with tucked yokes and run. gflj VAL. LACB EDGE. BJ UIPUTlTllAlMC LONSDALE MUSLIN, PRETTILY TRIMMED WITH TWO DEEP BNOLISH ( NlUnl UlJlYriOl EMBROIDERED RUFFLE3 AROUND YOKE AND SLEEVE. PLAITED M BACK. tflj UIPUTPniliUC LONSDALE CAMBRIC, EMPIRE STYLES, ELABORATELY TRIMMED ! niunlUUnliO, with deep tokchon. inserted yokes, RIBBON AND (b,H FEATHER STITCIIINO. Q PUCUICCC IN FINC FRENCH LAWN, TUCKED SKIRTS, SQUARE YOKES OF WIDB untrnloLO val. lace insertion, finished with full, lace ruffle, ubadino AND RIBBON. HJ PUCUICCV r,NE CAMBRIC, HEART-SHAPE YOKES OF FINE POINT DE PARIS LACB Bj UntMloCOl AND NEEDLEWORK INSERT1NO, FINISHED WITH FULL LACE RUFFLE. PUCUICCC INDIA LINF.N, TUCKED SKIRTS, HANDSOMELY TRIMMED. WITH OATH- nj UntMldLCi ERED FRONT OF DIMITY MULL, HEH3TlTCHI.NO. FINISHED WITH RID- fjj BON, BEADINO AND ITALIAN LACE EDGE. ;1 PUCUICCC CAMBRIC TUCKED SKIRTS, ROUND YOKES. HANDSOMELY TRIMMED J UnCMIdCOl WITH FINE TORCHON INSERTINO. BEADINO. RIBBON AND EDGES. M nOAUJCDO IN THE LATEST NOVELTY, UMBRELLA SHAPE, HANDSOMELY TRIMMED J UnAYlCnO WITH FLOUNCES, EDOED WITH RUFFLE OF FINE ITAU AN LACS. I nDlUICDC CAMBRIC, EXTRA WIDE YOKE BND3. PRETTILY TRIMMED WITH DEEP I UnAlVCnOl RUFFLE OF FINE MEDICI INSERTINO. M nDAUJCDC IND1A UNr:JJ. ELABORATELY TRIMMED WITH DEEP FLOUNCB OF fl UnAVVCnOl POINT DE PARIS LACE INSERTINO. V nniUICDP IN COLORED INDIA LINEN. IN RAINTY SHADES. STRIPES AND FIGURES, UnAllCnO, PRETTILY TRIMMED WITH TWO RUFFLES, EDOED WITH FINE ITALIAN LACE. 1 lllinCDCl'IDTC LONSDALE CAMBRIC, TRIMMED WITH DEEP CAMBRIC FLOUNCB UrlUtnoMnlOl AND INSERTINO OF FINE TORCHON LACE. ' lllinCDCIr'IDTC INDIA LINEN, DEEP RUFFLES, TRIMMED WITH FINE POINT DB URUtnoMn I Oi paris i.nsertino and bands. CVIOTC LONSDALE CAMnillC. FULL UMBRELLA TRtMMED WITH DEEP CAMBRIC OMH IC. FLOUNCE AND TUCKED RUFFLE. EDOED WITH FINE EMBROIDERY. elflDTC FINE MUSLIN. TRIMMED WITH DEEP FLOUNCE AND CINCH TORCHON RUF. oMItlCl FI.E. ClrIDTf COLORED INDIA LINEN, IN DAINTY PIOURES AND STRIFES. FULL CM- OKIHI ', IIRELLA, THIMMEU WITH DEEP FLOUNCE AND RUFKFLE, EDOED WITH FINE ITALIAN LACE. t'VIQTO FINE MUSLIN, HANDSOMELY TRIMMED WITH 6-INCH FINE EMBROIDERED OrVllllOl FLOUNCE AN DTl'CKS ABOVE. nuinvn LONSDALE CAMBRIC, TRIMMEDWITH DEEP CAMBRIC RUFFLE AND 1-INCH OMtllOl TORCHON INSERTINO. FINISHED WTII TUCKS. PI10CCT PDlCDQ SQUARE YOKE. HANDSOMELY TRIMMMED WITH NAINSOOK UUnOCI UUVCnOl EMBROIDERED INJERTINO AND VAL. LACE. All at 4 9C. N. B.Many of these I garments are worth $2.50 I c l each and none are worth " tacn. iess than $IOOt sixTiTvrwiJe 3D street..l; - - - .. , . . I BEAR IN MIND IsflJ A D JC C C When AdvertisemM ts are backed up by " U This is a New Fi rm Kith NEW J Vl 1 jTVI CX WW jSJSl r ' .t!! L!"11"" I GOODS and New Prices, ... . A GROWDED HOUSE. which are TH E LOWEST '1 Avenue and 24th Street. we will surely be crowded in theCity.NEW HELP, always KTO"W OOO UPY THE! "THURSDAY obliging. Last, bu t not least, NEW . w wa-'s-a . ! JJSTfc -Zw?L2rpt Truesdell, Spreter Buildings. FRIDAY S ' i Did You Hear of It? WQHDEBFULSPECIAL gM '' WONDERF-! iv." - Qftftjr there never HOSIERY GLOVES i.i - BflBB 6ingham -n-tb ,. Ill CMWIUUd. WAS nuoicni. ULUVCO. til BiS i$6L. Bis Thursday and Friday. VMlslsW llratac te"susof ...,,...,, r , n , ,. filbwlTAMPV i' -ittm whii.i to it L LftUNDEREB WAISTS. 68c. TKK ukSt our creat HEHi .33 SlUSll 1 II Ortlltf jPJ KH 1&4S2S CQ ' i Jkk ' P If 111 T 2M UCE HflTS' " """" orran, as this fST HOSE Sif ,69 X . T MRFNFSa. t bZr M l li i V i ' coioro.j itenrict-1 lm 1M MUtJtJmm black, 1.00 quality, I Msm&k. a V.7 mi I ft IQr trimmed. OR $3,001 fa i$3.oo mi a, at i Hi 2i" iff h r'Vr") & w t. .. i Boys Joy$ raw H&gf iriJn im I" 'U'l:? WrffltfCL wlora pink and blui., M fy a rW? Weave, v inches wide. Mf 'tT43s W nbro Suode IH1 1 i vKlffnvk J cbPim nt :,., lo U0 flu , rplen.ll.1 variety of Sprlna I AQ nQQQimPrU ll-7fel PIlDuin W FOR Gloves, worth 25a, B I pC2 ! i TH ll f n YNW.W Irv ' wM for to morrow un.ll I V mMlvJF&$L ,,udM- n",rke'1 'm'- f iTV UOOollllCrb I ,JAr) llllBVIOI Wl lv at ..9mwmm :j lBfiuiupifiviiry w RUSSET anrJ D0MG0LA vw- wr-ai !.JWT , 3 s asi f'i flnp k Minn Ahnnf OXFORDS. fLw ;KrW ai ifi at Laf8VainTMIIDAY- as?0 Lo if it i ii ii, have lot or waisu aiiRhtiy j . I I A;Cl I ssBi fif I .w former prico 50c., BftipV Hade of aU-wool matc-x M.irt ihrouah hanuiina. w.'gJQ &&$. CLftattCT nt ' rml. tmnraed Wlth Thev an, JS V ?M WVfcT Ladies' fust black nrKl d 6-ttin ribbon, liico and a. a, new an.iorthvw A- P$J J ihy TTT 1 i" 1 n,4 i i ) lainERIAlin ( '! 2." a "- C -.-!; WashGOOdS. for Thursday sa S .19 RIBBONS. SSi.,1', wrappers. Vp asjrnrjK:) . m JZ'Sfa . .. , i a iJloV' ;;;,;;; S . ,w TT"r e iMftS'9 .-."--) n e FRIDAY ONLY sl4rL"1 191 "aSSSSoEI no fc?K m nbbon cotlar and I KQ VjtO Pnr worth i1.50; nil sizes .JQ .in.i -cru. actual iu0 Uoys' Su.ts, mado of MCWC CITt W1CIIIM-0 J m bow, anlvko e,n- iVpJ 0r ,UUr,. a, B , wh.t. crecke.i , -.-av good quality cassiJ MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 200 pieces fancy all-silk 1 n SI" brdy.worU,82.,B.) M Thursday fV1! untnmmed KMPi.t,n. N.tnok. . n.ner,n, I1Q mores and cheviotB,( - OQ Men's Silk EmbroiderA IUbbon No. 50, worth Jg . ifr 1 V"VV"f"i.""; UHtiW 1 r I Sfl l t l r J Jtf .aitcrn..rwiUrK1c..atjiVif lt and dark smdegA 0 ed Suspenders, with I A 1 ' v Ifc fr One fine lot of all.wool iMfi aud i yA "n.tion simw Bh.pov' 4H single or donblof drawer-holder worth I JL &W Kuo andBIiMjk bcr;e) W 'Vv T 1 fe ifcT" black ami color.. ,11 at " " M dos "llck To''s. ! I aa breasted, sizes 4 to 14 25c., nt ' I s2 w SthhiJoK " w M Ia special notice. i or bo,.. p,b j sxtr. or UMBRELLAS. clotn. worth 9O.00, at AMA-VJa lCV W ' JUJU "- m-",e r,',ow ) ffft actually worth 49c, L QQ tern, worth 50c. eackl fcfcIriWi K Ooa lot of fine Black, -iiiili-iJ" V To brins tliisil.pirtnoMt intothi- imk. iesuUr i:c. ntBfi nt J nftm for ) "T H,' Craponbkirt,. organ- Thu 0, of B NSsssRSSs?, pionuWe ,t ,1, re ,.,ll trim "" ' ' "': "' W An excellent variety of v Mn'i P!f,,nd X finT rllf T1"8' "1 'J HB P'P back- 'mod all' f QQ ot C(w,j ..uatity " .Mc!i ) . Boys' Outinp-Fiannell Outing Shirts, all new J fine Gloria bilk Uid M Ht ' through with hair I ww om with rum.. ot'h.'r. iih CO "wjics I-ino Pat. gam m ao re..Jy.moo. riu-et.. 21-11 nnj iercaie Suirt A and select patternB,f aaa brellas, 20 inch, in sjg M Rtv';.; cloth; worth aOOA collar., trimmed with l fjijf 1.1,l- iutlo Mid T ,re l"f 3.T Q r'fi'tiaakT ,rl1' ,"i?' VI '.0"S."' Oft Waists, plaited back) J I 11 Bizea and lengths.) V garnet and blue, with iaaU glllMtaMfevk,',. -,rl '""U ,J -",worUi1.7C liZ for Thuradjiy and Frida. wly. purc .p. .') WW d. fc I manner, worth 5c) imported natural han- PWsw&wfel v A "" r ' aachi for.......';.-... dies, worth 11.50. ai. J gBgMgigMmWLu:--i. i-LJjiwii lt 1