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THE V0RLD:' SATURDAY EVENING. 'iUJfE!:Jfdrifi. '" '' m -H i DANIA TOWED INTO PORT. i r- . The Hamburg - American Steamship Broke Her Pro peller Shaft. u WEHKENDflM BBDUEHT HEH IN Accident Occurred as Capt. Lud wig Spoke the Pilot-Boat Herman Oelriohs. WAS 350 MILES FROM NEW YORK. t Pilot Scoured the Sea (or Miles, Sighting the Ou'.chman, Which , Responded to Signals. The Hamburg-American lino steamer Danla, Capt. Ludwlg, reached Quaran tine shortly before a o'clock this morn ing with a broken shaft In tow of the lS'etherland-Amerlcan line steamer Wer J kendam, which left Amsterdam June 16. The Danla sailed from Hamburg also on June 16 with 30 cabin, 372 steerage passengers and a full cargo of general merchandise consigned to the Hamburg American Packet Company. The Danla encountered moderate variable winds, chiefly from east and south, up to the Banks, when It hauled to tho northward and blew a fresh gale for twenty-four hours, with a heavy sea running which caused the ship to roll and pitch heavily. Chief Engineer Wehrhagen was on duty In the engine-room during tho bad weather and noticed that something apparently was wrong with the shaft, but as the engine worked well no par ticular attention was paid to the mat ter. A close watch was kept on the machinery, however, by the engineers. The steamer proceeded at her usual speed until Juno 20, shortly after C P. M., in latitude 41.11, longitude 66 05, when tho pilot-boat Herman Oclrichs was sighted. Tho Danla's engines were T stopped to enable Pilot I.elths to be taken on board. The snip's engines, on being started ahead, refused to work. The engineer on watch communicated Instantly with Capt. Ludwlg, who was on the bridge at the time, and Chief Engineer Wehrhagen, on making an in vestigation, discovered that the tall-end section of the shaft was broken In the propeller. Meanwhile Capt. Ludwlg signalled the J! pilot-boat by means of the steam whls- t tie. Pilot Nicholas Roach, who was tho 1 last pilot on the Oclrichs, Jumped Into -nf his vawl and rowed alongside the dls- aJ I abled steamer. Capt. Ludwlg Informed vlf him of tho steamer's crippled condition Js and requested him "to send the first ' steamer sighted to tho assistance of the ' 1 Danla. yS Meanwhile the Danla laid to, and the fJt i weather being calm and somewhat hazy 'W ' night signals of distress were kept ' ' burning all night in the hopes of at- iractlng some passing steamer. The pilot-boat's crew, after leaving the C'sabled Danla, kept a slftirp lookout for a steamer from the eastward, and within a few hours were rewarded for their Mgllanco by the lookout aloft, wno gleefully reported a steamship's k' masthead light to the eastward. The f'T'! pilot-boit signalled the steamship with several flaring torches, which were an L the steamship, which proved l to be the Wcrkendam. , 'M Pilot Ilo.ich quickly communicated n tha Danla's mishap to Capt. Hakker, H , who Immediately ordered a oloe natch kept for the disabled steamer. His l vigilance wan rewarded about 4 30 1 Thursday morning, when the lookout In ffltr the crow's-nest sighted the steamship's A signals of distress. The course of the j W'erkendam was altered, and she bore H down close to the Danla. H Capt. Ludwl; requested to be towed to H this port and Capt. Hakker consented to WM render ail possible assistance. A hawser H was sent on beard the Danla and at 7 11 A. M., the towline being made-fust, she ltJ proceeded with the Danla In tow-under I B easy steam for the remaining 300 miles XV of the voyage, without further accident. B Quarantine was reached shortly before" B ' i o'clock this morning. Here the hawser H was let go and the Danla came to an B, , anchor. The tugs L. PuUer, E., It. Mll m lard and Wendell Goodwin then took H' the disabled steamer In tow and towed H her to her pier at Hoboken. " There was little excitement among the VH Danla's passengers at any time. J All united In testifying to the able H seamanship displayed by the corn 's mander and his assistants, as well as H to the courtesy shown by Capt. ISakker, Bfl r of the Netherlands steamship. The east! latter has earned u pretty penny by the accident. Experts (.ay the t the Wcrkeli LK dam will receive oer J1(,000 salvage Yl The accident which disabled the vessel -M ' was to the after section of the shaft, which was broken In the propeller. A .j new shaft will be cabled for unless the engineers can repair tho damage sufll tL ciently to enable her to reach the other - . side without risk. BBBU I W BRILL BROS.' QKEAT COUP. tfl They Will Sell Vi.Kel's l'lne Cloth fl tnu ut Ilulf Price. m Brill Brothers have made another busl- . ness coup that will redound to the bene JE fit, not to sa amazement, of those who B seek their emporium at the northeast I ' orner of One Hunlrcd and Twenty- j, f third street and Third avenue. This en- fi terprlslng tlrm has bought from the as- C Blenee of Henry Vogel, whose hlgh-clast. 4 nlaces were well known to the public, I the entire stock of line clothing for men, , I boys and children, that came under tha I hammer through the failure of the con- ""These fplendld pooda will be on the I . counters of Brill Bros, at It 30 A. M. to- - y' day and they will De sold io all comers. I" as lone as they iast. at Just one-half I the prices charged for them by Henry H There will be men's suits In cheviot, II casslmere. flannel, serge bannock I burn, worsted and diagonal, at from II to $10. previously sold at from li m to t-U No nrst-clasa tailor can , 1 tun out better suits, so stylish and I so excellent are they In every way. D Men' alj.aca, mohair and brllllantlne coats at from 75 ce-ts to Jl.M. 1 hey are I worth lust twice those sums. Aid then, in the bos' department, there are suits of fancy cheviot, all-wool M casslmere, blue serge, tricot, worsted VBw and clay diagonal, at from (2.25 to U. and no one must forget that Henry Vogel got from S4 M to S16 (or these same I suits. Don't forget that the sale Is at 9 30 A. jr. to-day, at One Hundred and Twenty-1 M third street and Third avenue. V J EBALLCHAT. It ) an tmprobtbla that McDonald's ears aa a League umpire art nearly taded. Ills work yesterday, which waa perfection eonpre4 to thtt ot WednexUr. wa erHIca.Hr watched br Nltk Youns anj Htrrj WrlithL Neither cen ceW hie condemnatloa of his work, a4 Mr. Youn" mir .k for hit reitnutlon. e Atier retienlST'i time one el the Htm York Blarert, who wu t former sdmlrer ot Mc .Domld, he Uie letter why he didn't site oecUtone n he eaw them, atallns that It he didn't do betler he wae liable to meet tha Mm. tale aa Long and Petta. "Mini your own bnal "'"" "Pllel (he Wftterner. "I'll do aa 1 like, and Jon l care whether t am kept or not" -J!?. "K. "1' ,",t' "" " bardlr the eentl menu that a talr-mlnde.1 umpire ahouM eipreee upon the nud li le hit place to try to sals the renwet ot the pliyeri tneleid ot antaamli '"It thn, II he wlthee to encceed. e Dorle'i arrlttl n naltlmora waa moat timely. He. at lent, learned hjn thlnu were om. it he cou dn't make the team plar better ball. There are likely to he eome rapid rhtniea unleet a brace ll forlhcomlnc ery quickly. e With the exception of one tearh. the LonlaTlllea, there Is rot a club In the Leaaue that la play Ins the una gm that the Ulantt are. They hue turncl Into the mot brilliant lol ot qultteri tmaslndble. Tommy Corcoran't play at thort tlnce the Ilnoklyn team returned home haa been phe nomenal. He gets everythlni that comet any ahere near him. e Selbach, tha Senator'! left fielder, made aereral pretty running entente In both garnet at Eattern l'ark jeeterday. Stockadale, who pitched the aecond game for the tenatora. It a terrific batter, and he found Oumbert eaally for three aafe hill In luccetilon yesterday. . -v .. (WI,h apologlet to J. W. R.) When the teaeon omened up Ittt year wa had a nret-claea nine, An' played feat ball an' had the call an' waa right up In line, An baie hlta one. to, three an" four, nntll the score ud mount Way km high. and. though we'd try. we couldn't keep thecount, talk" ""r pl,)f'' " T'u'', ll,l,B to ,hlr Don't care about the other teamt It they only beat New York. Thla season we'ra not In It, an' tht root era swear an shout. For the Loultvlllea 'It git ut Ef e don't watch out An' early In the spring thla year they went tat Jacksonville. Hut dropped their bats to ihoot wild rata an' An' fished an' raced an' did the place, and on a They'd go out lb the ball grounds, but of course they couldn t play. VALKYRIE BEFORE! HER LAUNCH. Tha fight It now near half ways o'ar. an' Juat see where we are, A.goln down the hill aa fast aa a wild electric car. But th boya will have to hustlt and loak what they're about. Or the lioultvlllea 'It git 'em Ef they don't watch , out ... ' Tht Trtlbri would llk to arrange Saturday afternoon fimes with all teimt averaging iix ten years of age AddTe.,. E R Cook, US Kait Oq Hundred and Thirteenth tlreet. m A good all-around bill player would llkt to play with aome team Saturday afternoon Ad dretf, Q. Larson. 253 Sixteenth ttreat, Brooklyn. Tho sUndlnic of tha League eluba thla morn Ing waa a tollowa: L'luba W. L. P C. Cluba, W. LPC, l"tnn 32 17 .853 27 24 .6S ilaltlmore tt 29 1 .104 Brooklyn .... 2 IS .B rittaburn w. 32 22 .600 New York.... 2S 27 .41 Chlrago .... 34 24 .68 Waahlnrton.. 22 20 .422 CIeeland .. X2 23 .BR2 t. Loula.... 17 21 .302 Cincinnati . 23 23 .649 Loulavllle ... T 41 ,140 Oamea achedulM to-day: New York, at urooklyn..3t. Loula, at PHtabnrf. Washington. at HaltimorelChlrao, at Cleveland. Uoatun, at rhtlad.lphla.lLou.arlire, at Cincinnati. ssi am 1 --. PUGILISTIC POINTERS. rittlana rsjolc.a at tha newa that the Grand Jury of llrooklyn had dismissed the Indictments egelnet Eddie Pierce. "Young Corbett." Tim Hurst and the others who were arrested after Young Cerbett had knocked out Pierce In tha Sivslde Athletic Club When the Orand Jury decided that boilng matches were Jegal. Jim Kennedy, Judge Tlghe and the dlrecura smiled broadly as they romldered the future that le promised to tha 8eaalda Club. Jack Madden la still anxious to get on a llm. ked-round bout with Jimmy Dairy, of Chl-a,jo, and has Issued another challenge, hoping that Parson Daas, manager for Uarry, will accept. It la said that Barry and Mike Bears, of Uoston, sra matched for a flfteen-rojnd bout at 106 pounr In tha Suffolk Athletic Club ot Boston neat moMh. a Jimmy Handler haa an Idea that he can give a good account of himself In a limited-round bout with Kid Larlgne. He called at the Police Gaielte oQce yesterday and covered Latlgne a forfeit for a match before the club offering the largest purae. Lavlgne will probably accept the offer. e "Young Corbett" will be kept busy for at leaat tao months, as his manager has so far signed articles for three matchet for him. Hit first encounter will oe with Shadow" Maber In Baltimore on July 15, after which ha will trv conclusions with Kid McCoy at Wheeling w a Ilia most Important match will be with "Jlj sterlout Billy Smith Aug. li. If tucctssful In all he will hava a right to challenge any one In the business. e A. E. Faulkner, the "Bermuda cyclone It late lth hit challenge to meet Jimmy Handler a Handler cipeeta to get on a Oght with Kid latlgne If Handler had not covered Lavlgne's forfeit Faulkner would probably never have been heard from e e a James J. Corbett and Jack McVev will anar three rounlt at the Manhattan Athletic Club sou Tuesday night They have volunteered their sen Icee for the benefit of the Club Steve o Donnell haa also agreed to appear, and will box anybody that the Club may produce. Young Corbett Is also to be one ot the features or the entertainment and will be pitted against Joe Herman fr six rounds. It Is mors than proba ble that Young Corbett and Jack McAuliffe will Oghl for the light-weight champlenahlp in lia'lss, Tex,, In October next, If he (Young Corbett) succeeds In defeating all tht men he la at present matched against a a Jlovmy Anthony, champion bantam pugilist of Australia, dsfaated Dan Mahoney, a local lighter ot the tame claaa la a nine-round contest at San Francisco laat night Anthony broke his right hand In the Orat round, but had aa dlaV cully la winning against thtt edda. 4if a sxjljfiy 'ifib iflfe D-.FKXDER IN TIIK SOUTH SHOP. VALKYRIE III. BEATEN OUT. a (ContlnuM from First Pais.) Ave miles ahead and making; for the Skelmorlle markboat. The fluke cahracter of the racing; to day, however, does not afford an op portunity for a fair test of the ability of the cup challenger, and It was thought probable that the race would be stopped at the end of the first round. Valkyrie passed the Skelmorlle mark- boat at 2.43 P. M., and began reaching for home In a fair southeast breeze. Atlsa and Britannia were then miles astern. The yachts completed the first round as follows: H. u. s Valkyrl a ,t , Britannia g i 42 I II IS Valkyrie reached along the home stretch to complete the first round In a better breexe than she had all day previously. As the first round was fin ished with five hours, the race wu con tinued, Valkyrie beating back quickly to the Mount Stuart markboat on the second round. Valkyrie easily malnt&lred her lead on the second round. The wind was free, and the i.ew yacht showed great speed. There was hardly a doubt that she would win easily. Valkyrie developed a great deal of speed In the reach to Mt, Stuart on the aecond round, and the yachts then ran across towards Cumbrae Head on their way to Largs. The new yacht rounded that mark-boat on the second round 38 minutes ahead of Britannia, which yacht waa followed by Allsa S minutes later. When Valkyrie III. rounded the Skel morlle mark-boat, on the second round, about the same gap separated the yaohts. After leaving Skelmorlle Valkyrie was hung up In a calm for twenty min utes and then crawled along with the aid of occasional soft airs. Allsa abandoned the race. Britannia won. Niagara competed against the twenty raters Zlnlta and Dakotah, whose top mast has been lengthened In order to bring her up to eleven rating. The lat ter gets 12 minutes, S3 seconds allow ance from Niagara over the 31-mlle course. The yachts competing In the 20-rater class were started at 11.15 A. M. In a shower of rain. The following wer the times at the start: H. U S Zlnlta 11 it (a Mtgsra II IT 01 Dakotah 11 IT IS The race for the 20-raters was stopped at the end of the first round with Niag ara In the lead. The following were the times of the smaller yachts at the end of the first round: H. M. g Niagara I JT l Z'nlta 4 it II Dakotah I li 11 In the new Valkyrie, the yachtsman Is first Impressed with the radical depart ure from the usual Watson Idea In the rig. Her mast Is set further aft than I any of the Englishman's previous craft and Is fully as near the 'midships of the boat as In any of the Herreshoffers. Again, In the matter of nosenole It a wide departure marked plainly. The I pole bowsprit of Valkyrie III, Is at least as long as that of Vigilant, and possibly longer. In fact, the enormous proportion of her apar and sail plan Is said to have Inspired something akin to alarm In Lord Dunraven, her chief owner. Her boom Is gigantic to the same extent as her mast and protrudes over the taf frail In a fashion which would suggest to the New Yoiker tha outrlgged cat boats ot the skimming dish model, with t e a double purchase rlgRnd outboard to make It poslll to hantllo tlin sheet. The bow sprit's long outboard section, together with the position of the mnst partners gives the vessel greater head sail than has probably ever beforo been seen on an Kngllsh yacht. In this mat ter the rig seems to havo retroKraded, Judged by the fashion set by duslgners of the age, both here and abroad. The Idea of a short foot on the stnysall has recently been carried to nlmost an exaggerated extent, especially In tho mailer Classen Yet here Is tho product of much thought and study on tho part of one ot the world's foremost yacht architects, and with the hvadsails of nn American sloop of several stupes back ward In the march of science. Former Vutnon yachts hnvo bepn so rigged ns to derive little driving power from the stnysnll and Jibs. relyliiK upon the proportionately enormous mainsail to do the work of sending the easel ahead and placing much upnarentlv Justified faith In tho theory thai with the wind In the big sail aft of theTmnBt, the vewel could be put about moro quickly and with leas lee helm. Certain ly, In the short reaches of most English courses, where rapid and almost Inces sant manoeuvring Is the strongest point of racing, the former rig seems the more desirable. Bight hero may bo seen the Justifica tion for the statement credited to Wat son that he has built a "Sandy Hook ninety-footer" to sail for tho America's Cup this year. He evidently has realized that the longer reaches of the open courses on this side do not place so great a pre mium upon quickncsH In stays as to counterbalance the lifting and driving power of tho larger headsall plan. In another essential, this time In the hull. Is there a departure from thecpre Vlous Watson fo'Ti, namely In the shape and dimensions of tho stem. The stem ot Valkyrie III , as will bo seen In tho accompanying picture, more nearly re sembles that of Vigilant than It does Britannia's. Its curve Is not nearly so rank as In the latter, tho overhang Is greater, and gives a cleaner and less abrupt entrnnco than In any of the other cutters from the same designer's board. e DUNRAVEN MAY STAY HOME. Political Ambition Mar Keep Val kyrie's Owner lit Una-land. (Copyrighted, UK, by tha Associated Trees ) LONDON, June 29. The entries for the Henley Regatta closed yesterday. For the Grand Challenge Cup, for elght-oored shells, Cornell, Eton, the Leander, the London Bowing Club, New Conege (Oxford), Trinity Hall (Cambridge) and the Thames Rowing Club have entered crews. In the Stewurds' Challenge Cup, for four-oared shells, the Argonauts, of Toronto, must compete with crews from tho Leander, London Rowing Club, Thames Rowing Club and New College (Oxford). In the Diamond Sculls there are seven entries, Including the brothers Thompson, of Toronto. It was not until late yesterday that Lord Dunraven finally decided to allow Valkyrie III. to race with Britannia and Allsa to-day. He will remain In London during tho contest, as he has on Interest In the political situation which Is far more Intense than his In terest In racing. In fact, an Intimate friend of Lord Dunraven said yesterday that If the country needed his services us a states man In the Autumn he would not go to the United States, although, of course, Valkyrie III, will cross the Atlantic and meet the America's eun-defeniler Also from the sama high authority tha Associated Press learns that there Is some foundation for the rumor that the Prince of Wales may slip over to New York In Beptember In order to witness the races for the America's Cup. If all is quiet here. tf AFRAID OF VAM00SE7 Mr. Morrill's lleam Yacht Starts Alonr Over the Course. (Special to The Evening World I NEW LONDON, Conn., June 29. "he promised steam yacht race. In Wh ,i VamooBe, Judge, Bex, Norwood ariu. others were to have started, Is off Vamoose was coaling up, when Frank T. Morrill, her owner, was notified that tho inarnlneiy of Hex was out ot ordrr. The othern refused to start. Vuiuousa Mulshed roiling, and went out to the stut ling line Hhe will cover tho course to .Mlltun Point ulone If the others do not show up. Judge Ih hen., luit If Rex doos not go In she lines not care to, and Rex cannot go In, us she hits broken her englnu frainu In halves. Rex came all tho way frum rri-derlcksliiirg to steum the race, and brought spuro wheels and everything else that foresight might siig. gest, but no stijiri) eiiklne frame, for that would be the last tiling expioted to break. 'Ihe builder, .Mr. King, of llrook lyn, was 011 hoitid Rex mid would have run her eiUlne. Ynnkee Doodle was on the way here through canal, nnd wiut passed by Rex at Burdentown, N. J., all right. Later she returned to Burdentown with lirr wheel broken and perhaps some other Injury. Frank T. Morrill, owner of Vamoose, dei-laied his purposo to, 11 ttiHirter this morning to steam over' the course and claim the cluniplonsltlp cup, us he has' a perfect right to do. The course laid out Is nlnctylXio 'and a half miles In length and a hard trial for small steamers to keep going at their top speed The liability of acci dent under such clrriunstances renders a test, after all, more a matter of strength of engines than speed. Va moose and Rex were Waited by a num ber of the curious. ' SP0RTINGMISCELLANY. Tha entries for the all around championship el the A. A. U. to be held un the N. J. A C. grounds at Ilergen Point July 4. closed yesterday with James u. lioyd. Chairman or the Athletic Committee. They are aa follows! II, W. Ilroein, Mt. Vernon o;. M C A. ; John A. Larkln Xavltr A. C. , John Cosgroie. Itldgetleld A. C; L. A. Carpenter, Dan Long and K H. Clarke, Iloaton A. A. j Mike Sweeney and J. J. Mooney, Xavle'r A. U. ; L. P. Sheldon. N. Y. A. C Thomas Slatterlr Xavler A. C The gamea wilt commence at 1 1'. M. The Srst event will be the 10O-ard run Tha other events sre as follbveet-r'titttng 16 lb shot, n nnlng high lump, ssso.yafa 'walk, throwing 16-lh hammer, pole vaalt for height. IN yard hurdle, 10 flights, 3 feetsQ liu.hee.blah: throwing It lb weight for distance, runnlug broad Jump and one mile run. e e e To the Editor: I will Jump threeistanllng Jumps sgalnst.snr man In the Twenty.flmt Ward for 13 or 125 at the M J MiCauler outing on Aug 8, or I wttl Jump agalnet any man In the Twenty-oral Ward without welghta or with wtlghta any time or place for the tame money, MARTIN 1IAU.KIA.N, 110 Eaat Forty-Brat ttreet, city. w ... Burnett The dealer mutt not dUcrimlnjUn, A proper deal would t one at a time. ALEXANDER ISLAND ENTRIES. UACK TIIACIC. Ai.nAKnnii jsr. AND, June "9. The entries and welghta for Monday's ractH nr: Flnt Jtace His and a half lurlont. .Jack Oennltv-m.... 1M tJalety J01 Despatch 103 -Cat-onl ,. m The Snake 101 Ltjorello 1M Wang . . .. 10J Samaritan JU2 Seconi liare For two-year-04 la, Are furlonju Sir William HI rrvnter 1041 Peplour 10J Macl 93 l.lmme mo Uuk, of Argyle 13 MIm Oowier , KM Third Ilac Four anl a h.f furlong-i. fc Trojan Iu5 Tf .ifie.dOt I, in Crown li3 ) aior 10: (laiirn, jr li)o 0ila M iou Hob Miller lijr Ague O joo Prober 102 stann lul Fourth Seven furlongs. Tenacloua 113 Rt Lawrence in Tom Tough 1"8 I'ope (late Tanay eoltjlOl Ix.rlnwr )0t hervUh . Iuj S'r IU4 105 Stanley M si Fifth Race SU furlonga I-evlna ION Con Lufey. ,.,,..,,,.1i0 Parkneaa 107 (Vravan , t4 Marie Lnvell .. 101 Clanamany hi Imp .Plundered 106 Sixth llace riU atil a half furlonga Tralee . MS Detroit JO: White Corkade lf5 Iilondy's Victim 10i Black Beaut- 103 t araccue JOj Faaaetl lOi Luray 100 I'l) riitirrli San No Union. The Manhattan Conference' a proposition to reeon cile the Congregational church of New York and Brooklyn, laat night, waa unanimously re Jected by '! mouth Church The churches hava teen separated time the lieerher-Tllton aeindil and Rev Lyman Atbjtt has heen snxlou lor re-oac4Uatloii on aatiafa lory terms. " DEFENDER'S BAPTISM. ' (Continued from first rage.) Trlth tvople. All were waiting for tho time when ono of tho docks would ho thrown upon M the public. Tluro was enoiiRh liunnnlty to f 11 1 every wharf In Hrlstnl. J. J. Van Alen'ri hnndxome tally-ho, loaded to the Rtiitrda, cut throunh the stmets shortly .iflir 10 o'clock. Jt had conic Up from N'uwiwrt, via Fall ltlcr, a loflR- thlrly-mlle trip FIvs or six fitklrs nero e-trly on the ground with ouotilrt of tho occasion They did a rnxhliiK bu.lnes. An enter prlstnK ilrm In tho famous tann of I'AWtttxet offered fur silo various ar ticle made of aluminum, xunranleed by the Herres'ioffs to havo been on De fender. f.arntli if tin t.iirupftt l.itUe Vessel. CMirum. June 53 -The Mctoty mil tie lsunrhel here til Jay She alll lie the Uirgesl Vevel nn the takes measirlnit 15 feet over all, or It fiel lonrrr than the Nnrth ltn I, and ij feet ticam There weeka later Ihe Xonllh Cltv will In laiinrhi I In Ihe same )arj She alll 1ine Ihe same .linn n. Inns as die (lor It Is elieotel lhat the litiry alll lm In commission ny ABausl The Vlrtir) Is on nel liy Ihe tiller. Leae Company, the Zenith Llty by the Zenith Transportation rmpan) PIM BEATS MAHONEY. I.arnnl mid lluliiirt Uimr Itettcr Kisrin nt tin' 'senilis Tourney. (apeiial to The Keening World TON'MS OUOUNUS, Vi:ST NI3W TON, Miihi , June . Tho matches which on nccount of the severe rain of josterday, were necc'sarlly post poned were pin. Mil off thW morning upon the grounds of the Neighborhood C'.ub Tho I'tiKllshtncn tnndo their appear ance nlinut 1U4". and were united with Ki-xat npplaiiHC. Tliu match stnrti'd with Mitlioney serliiR, ntid h won tho llitd i,iuiii' by four points to two. Both men plajod cniefiilly, but they were evidently a llttln off and points wtre HiPlti! prlnclpully on ertors. In the second Kmo Plm braced up and won a love name on neat pusses, .Ma honey kept at the back of tho court In tht ne.xt Kame mid woti on nets anil out cuts by Prim In the fourth name both xcttlejfl down mill plajul better. e vv "V I J Mitt . i r i 1 1 - ii ' " tas , IT J-"""" ""' " ' j Hfl hHH B rsrr 3e "sa - I)i:ki:di:ii ni:r onu tiii: i,vu.x;ii. Summary Dr J. 1'rlm beat H. S Mahoney 5 7, ft" 2, 61 Following ihe Prlm-Mnhoney contest Ixtrned and lloturt bfRin their much Uvery one remutkerl tlio dlffi renco in the two stles of pla) .ind were linanlmoiiH In declaring; thtt from a hi'C lators' point of view lite Atiierlian it ime wns far and awa superior tu tho Uhb llsli Lnrneil won, fi 5, 63 IMTKRIOn OF TUB IIEII IIKSIIOFF SOUTH SHOP, tttTae. - .... . URIAT FOR SCORCHERS. Follrrmnn I.nssnnt Tero Speedy Illryrlc llnrers. rollceman Ward, ot tho Kast Twenty second street stntlon house, last night lassoed two blrjcllsts with a clothes lino Inrlat In Oramercy Park nnd took them to the stntlon house, ebprsed with rnpld riding. Tho two "scorchers" for weeks hava bren In tho habit ot rldltitr around Oramercy l'ark at thf.ratn, of n,bout a mllo In threo minutes. "arct was' tofd" to itrtest them, so ho practised throw ing tlin Inrlat for several dajs, and last nlRht went to the Park, where, ho lav In wait for the fast riders. Mo lassoed Ihetn one bv one Word hopes President, Roosevelt. It lri; somi tiling of a sportsmnn, will be pleased with this novel mode of cap tut v. FAIR BICYCLER HURT. Iitn lliiHhot. Ir!l rrom Her Wheel mill ttroUo Hit lrr Iit.t HKhnn, a blcclerr twenty-four yrnri old, of 2J3 Cambridge, avrnue. Jersey City, fell from her wheel in front of 373 West strqei) this fnornlng, and broke her left lc;. Sho waa Bent to Ht. Vlnoenta Hospital. IHmlirrKi'r to Turn PrfifcNMlnnnl BVltACUSU. IV. Y., Juns 5t ,tMlkM F Dlrnhericer al 1 last night that unlets Chairman GMeon, of the L. A. V ItactnK Hoar J, aud lenJel him tar not rltlliiR at rhttartelphta to day, he eul 1 turn prrtfe ail final of his own volition ImniellalHr after th National Cir cuit mri, in he hell i Aalmry l'ark durlnc tha rpk 1 eglnnlnK July 8 "Pal" O'Connor, one o( Dlrnl rrKcr a fell wrMri for the Syra ruae Cyrls Company eujfj bla amateur rer lait nlahL WITH THE WHEELMEN. Arrangements for the HlreriM .'heelmtn't (Unit, annual race meet, to ha hU ai Mniial lan Held, hate been cwnplet.el. Tho, track haa l.(t?n rchankail anJ la i)W faat anj abioluteljr BAf Tht Rrat atlracllon haa alwaja, been anl will thla )rar, th trn-mlle Invitation lt cut rac r In v. hkli all the track rldert liulullnK Tltua, (il.anne, MaJ1ok $tPim.on, MclKmall Him, I)run, Hal J, Zl crier, Iilrn bprgrr. Nat llutlrr Ilnrnrt, wnrrrrt,' Itelfert. Illauvrlt, Sihlf. Coulter anl 1Ur hate been ln lie-1 to rom.rte for th 'llamnnJ prlzea to Imj awar If I tn thla tnvnt, Th rlana A raora are tlin nnemla norUe, on rnlle oprn, anv-mlte ban Heap anl three-mile hanlirup. anl claaa It, two mile handicap anJ ten-iaUe ereelal lnrlta I Hon The rUia A rarta will tu runteatM by Km! fioolinan, U K (Iranitfr, 11 A KoflnRer V a ll.trbt.tu, Frel Na,le, t' I-elpol 1. Ale Ilron, lly lutxj'i U'. C Iloumr W.s A tfarnell (eur; li ( ubl, Ur&reie Hupperu W. brhafio' , S (1 noutflaa 11 1', UhLr, T I., IUbJ I'arroll Jat k C M Krtt, L Ilrpe, J v' JulK. K M, KUhte, C Hadttrua. and Joe lUrriaoii The Itivpraldtt Wheelmen have more rating rtprrfttmuu Ihu year than any club In the country lU entry ll.t la the KUttte County r iiut ln'lulin thirty one of their racing nif Libera. The Cluli li making- every prepara tt ii fjr the aci-omtnotUtiui of vjhf-elmen who ride t the field on the day of (he meet .inj are Miranint; drcntns quarter ini Ktieel raeks thnt will Jnaure every attention roaslble. Prom all irraent inlirjtluna thla Kill b the lareu an I mwi auo.ia&fi)t mcvt that the Club haa unlertken InirrTrai. h hai evidently not ea'aped the M Oil Lraff Julglng fruni preaent a, pearancee Ml thu avallatle lirije hilla are dilng a thrhlng 1 Ua.uiv.Mi anl i:iLwoo park rormerly devoted to h tf- radiig hie been (unyrt.;.l latg a bicycle tra k anl baa t-ert promuhcl by eiperta to be on of tb frttt ir.uWa in the uuniry It will he firm.ily opmel on (he Fourth of July aa a bi . i tru k will tha fillowing f'laaa A pro. la r amine (rit-mliQ nue one mile handicap, iu m It. tun I jj anl .remit rare be" twtiri Le t t uiherly rhimpon of Monmouth V uuty ail 1 li Vrt Special ncuralon train will leave New irk U 1 eun)ltanla lUilrud at It 10 T M. reafhlus rikwovl direct at l 0 I' M Tte I berty Wheelmen Invtcal of having a flub run to mormw will take p.irt In the Cen ur Uuu of die famaiui Wheelmen ot Jamaica. tannic ai 6 3. A M from Taium a Motel, In Jimaka tu 1'atih. Kue aud return I'jt Clement W'wisa will le the ..hlef p-ic-znuktr of the rua, Trlvate A i: Weed, wha la wheeling from S rk i. hj.-kett llartjor with meaaax fnm t.en Mllea fir Ooi Kl ne. In coqinunl of Midi n Ilarr,ka ndillfl alowly Into Home at 10 o !i.k lait ntgkt Il 4uld the roads wor for tb in mt pan ii very tid ail tltlon, and he hl met with numerou small accident.. He returned bta trip at : A M ' " . meeting of the Kxeeullv Committee ot the Cycle lta,rd of Trade ha been called to take 1 1 an at ihe LoUman Ituuae. Atbury Park, S J We-lntatU) July 10. at IT o'elock noou, for the purpoee of conferring with Manager Sanger ant Manager N II Van Hcklen, Kvpoaltlon it a nag era. to dtscuve and n.ttle upon matters per taining to the forthcoming cjclv shows, and auch other matter i4 may properly coa be fare it mceliag PENTECOST INPICrtt, I Ex-Freaohor and Hia ii'er H " Answer to Grand LarWny.0 , H TheyAr9Heldln$1,0t)bie)i'fe4 H ": Kit of JewellerVTeeli. : B An ex-Convict, Formw ' 1MMjl Slakes the Complkllit- "'''-1B Hugh O. Pentecost ,s.nd .Rlchti S nulling, of the law firm ol Piitocatt'tfl riallltiK, 237 Urondwar.' were IntUejfltS yesterday for Brand larcenjr'ln the'.aijtW B deRrco upon the complaint of NltMM H Weiss, nn ex-convlct, formerly a.atelW H maker In the employ of Tlrfany it OtM of Union Square. s H ' l??c" . tHUQlt a PENTBCOaTC, ,t,jV . H The two lawyers surrendered tJMt H Selves at' the oMce of tlie Tttiiat4fie H ney thU morning, and subeexinentilir admitted to ball In the sum Of'tM Weiss charges that Pentecost , QatllneT obtained from him try' flat pretenses several hundred deltas) B worth of jewellers' tools and ft lot ffApH household 'urnlture. ..; . .yi, VJ ' 1'entfioit and Ostllnr state 'fh4;tss H defended Welss"w1ien he Ws"tlctla)etl t stealing watches from Tiff any eft'tOtt He confessed and' Waa seiitbiicd'M'taM faTaTaTj year In the penitentiary; vo(;i J Th"tool., fn question! 'tneyU.eVtlfti I Riven to them 'with a bUPwWlsi pj part of their fee. - I'" i't(1JiW When Weiss "was parddrVed.T aDMet'ti J month atro, he "d'erriandM'"the-'tajtVls J 'tHImlnft he had TTr UiffiT'llT ir.r Ulititt) J giving' them as security for thtiyeaMeJa BflH of the' fee. lie was told tha)"soWlls4 been' sold for MO. He wentbeferilii Grand Jury and the ' rndlotntunt tvt lowed. --it ' enjf HBVJ 'Hugh! Owen Pentecost' waa keraaa- HBVJ New Harmony, Ind., In'lttattliaidiat'flH H age of twenty-one studied I Tor l-thtl SmU tlst ministry. He moved Beat 'and el BbH the pastorate ot a 'Baptist churoat'.' llortforv'. ' Conn.,' and afurwafrdstw H DrAklyn. ' ; i,t ? t,ltJC' BpH He left Brooklyn and t.the BtaL. Church at the same Urael inrl r.ratj HBpJ pastor ofa Congregational ' cHusTobrfa HBpJ New York, and afterwaNa Mlt' MeKSs ark. Ho ., waa a :irllllant,i,ii; hM Naevark, N. J., by protesting tatronsjiwj I against .the hangliuj of UltCaucajmiisMaTsaH arch'eits. , i 7 i 'it?J HsflH There was such strong baltloa'tlisW he reslgnedi his pastorate send ileftVtssat otthodojc church, jreaxhln a aijerev gellst, and at last proclalmlruj , JUaayMf to he an agnostic. He became filial of the Twentieth f eiilin j. a Tim nilapi Ing paper,, wbosa motto waa: "WtaaW.iIH S Other Side " , , ,,. s ,71 Finally he took up the pi4ctlce'or)M In this city and became' auepdeHaT ef Tammany. . ;', I Croker rewarded the , nenr cMvearri HHHI teal1 In December, 1893 "by IfettlM'aaii appointed as an 'AssltahtManrfctatV f torney under Fellows. Thai asoataajaMl raised a storm of opposlUon.tSrVlua-utB I New York, and numberless xarofMH I weie sent the Dlstrlit-Attormry.Ti)uv'Vr3 I Fellows refused to havtitithtir.ajw clergyrriiui sworn-4n aa. hla.aaMtm and, Pfntecost declined the onee."Mtf then he haa practised la' tn'HeW:-aj courts. n ir nl'i lvti I Pentecost Is a brother ,to Rev. JEM neorgo Pentecost of MarytebtMM Church, Londun, who llnptartniSi''Jk most prominent Presbyterian In Ba0 land- rai 'aai'l taaaaaaaaaaaal GOSSIP OF THE TURF.' '4 M T Msttstaasav9 U nrlcht Phoebat doe. not via tb. Bf llstetMBPaPJ lien f,ukes, w, R. Ilobart, ltiiiit iiilllUsiiltajBM who receotlr purchased Uat Urta raaWoUt WeajgB C. . Lluleield. will be Terr, macj .(flsaalfiH A few days before tha Tidal Biases ' vela Irei jH Mr. Ilobart vest over to th. qaartars of OeeaiaaflH a Dalr and asked 'to' bar. a'look'at kawsaiaJH Join' Dalf aa preeent,' sad k. readily eaaajaVeJ es4.ed. Tbe crack thre-7ear-ld vsa hretarltt out, and after Mr. Hobart and Ms' IllW aal H carcrulljr looked aim .Tar ts. foraMr 'BtM ta Mr ' 1 aH "Set me a piife on the eolt." . . ,,, ,, ,t B "Plftr thousand dollars and sot etet'ieasi,. tVtVS replied Mr. Dalr. " lib 1 " IJ j Mr. Ilobart purtad hit tics lata tv vaUaUsJ eiea and Mr. Dalr added: , J "Well, he la engactd la tha'TtdaPstat lUal. BaaaaaBaaaaal Uatlaij. and hsj will win both. Ttil. stiles B at least tlO 900, . " -. Mr. Ilobart did lot sarekase.' stt 'tawtanaT savSsal he aent o'er aad.bouxki Orliai feoabaa Jean PjBjBBl 17.500 This horse beromet Mr. tlobarfa pcS-J aaffi erlr to-dar. Mr. LlttleOeld harlni reaarred tae . 4lt until after tha bplndrlft Slakes, which was run jresterdar. r rlei tT j nrlcht Phoebna won that ataka yeeterdar la aaaaaaaaaaaai commanding stjle. and he wlll,. new Steele. j special preparation for tha Realisation Staktav Judglnc rrom tha form displayed, tqrt llrtaasl teaaeaVJ Thoebue yesterday he tas an excellent chaac. Its BaaaaaBaaaaal a In that bit- ertnt, Tha stale' will ba' worta? BaaaaaBaaaaal about KS.Ouo to tha Flaaer. Mo Hobart aaa aaaaaaBaaaaal een an eatvnalra purchaaar aftha Taarltsat aaaBaaBaaBTai sales. H, It. Hame, ksownt ssrlha aaitlaaaV jSjSBJ lorkey," will train and maJute,.Mr. (aliarta BaaBaaaaaaaaal A certificate showrns'that' tha eUcttc CeaaW saaaaaaaaaaaal mission had licensed the Quetna Coiinta. Jaasavi aaaaaaaaaaaaBi Club aaa Sled with tht Secretary of BtttarwZi saaaaaaaaaaaal terdsy, .11 saaaaaaaaaaaal MsiH Matt nvrnea won his ra In aarh aammaasdlBal -saaaaaaaaaaaal t')le resierdsy as to make one belle.e that hT'Vaaaaaaaaaal N a ten. ot stake' claaa. -Ht T waaivcalTla5ieVavAH taenty pounda according la the -acale -autd tkla t '. aaaaaaaaaaaai advantaae. of course, had considerable to ai, ' alth his victory. Ha ran under a wren rrom aaaaaaaaaaS start to finish but he will hay to. put ' seaaeaaeaMl a eight allh horset of hit own as. batar. aaa BaaaaaaarH pretensions to stake form can ba considered, AsaaH a aaaaaaaaaaaai With the eaeretaa ot a Utile bit of "rudiemeat.'' 'waaaaaaaaaaaal youna Hlrsh would not hare beet loat la tkl'- saaaaaaaaaaaal last race josterday with Paladin. Had ha taketT .saaaaaaaaaaaal a little wrap on 'the colt after ht second tie SBVaTasVaBVJ leal he mould, bare had aoswthlni left at tka saaVBH Onlih Fantlaco, Song and Dance and .leas VaaBaBaaaaai Heath were alt drlYlna hard half a nUla Trona ''aaaaaaaaaaaai rnilue, and Paladta wee so thorBusllly.lptMaMA VeSaaaaaaVJ that he stopped to a walk In tht laat furloaaTT. saVaavJ In the first tare yeaterday- tha Ulaut1 tfraas. "! aasaH lookej the fact that ,actotsm ha. ai'CmaaMtai " aaVaaVaaVaal for mud while Wernberg doa not Ilk. IL '.aaVaaVaaVaTJ totslde ef tha favorlla Factotum held all tssaaaVaaVaaVaVJ otaera aafe ( eaeugh oa puhltt form, maa'astf BTaVBBVj thjuld neter have been quoted at I to 1, TT-' H Tha entrlea to the ataket at Brlrttoa-4ataV sasasal show thst nearly all ot tha prominent ataklaa LaaVawaal hsve entered their best hones. ThH eaeeaa as saaVawaal Indicate that few of tha big atable will m to gtaVaaVaTaTJ Saratoga. In fact, horaemen art coanaiadalaa; taVaa BjVjVjvJ Saaatoga ataket are to arranged that It coaAa am aTaVBsvJ oaner a small fortunt to alert a entry. aaaatVvaaaaaaaaVaai toga'a situation It ao ditcouraglng.chow.rtit eat vBgljBjBj tht ttlkes could sol be rondlllahU ay'avgSx9Bjaaaaaal way than to mak. horttmaa Utaaaadrta) aajgegaMaaTavBgwal Ut aatouat neceuuy. .'i-Jvr waaaaaaaaaaaaal JWjBaaH