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EXTRA NO. 5. " Circulation Books Open to All." JUO&CD Circulation Books Opeu toAU.j E.X 1 HA 1NU. O. S M PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 20, I WW. PRICE ONE CENT. S I NIGHT EDITION i DEFENDER FIRST HOME. I The New Yacht Leads Vigi I lant by Two Minutes and I Forty Seconds. I TO WINDWARD THROUGHOUT. I Wind Light on the Way Down I the Coast, but Freshened I on the Return. Hit (Special to The Eitnlnj WorlJ ) MA HIOHLANDS OF NAVESINK. July Bfl W. Defender won her first trial under HH real racing conditions In her race to- HHj lay with Vigilant crossing the finish BM Una lets than three minutes ahead of IB kr rival. H Til start was made In the lightest sort iBM f south-southeast wind, which after- SM wards shifted to more southerly and JHj Anally to nearly southwest. jBV During the race the breeze freshened, Bl (and' the big flyers came home under NUL mainsails, clubtopsalls, Jibs and spln- IjWf" Bakers, with a breeze that made some Bs of thslr smaller companions double-reef Hjfc mainsails. HK Dteir crossed the finish line at I HF 160.20 it. . igllant at 2 53. These times, W, while not official, are taken from the -& Scotland Lightship. Defender thus wins Mt by two minutes and forty seconds. As Hit, neither of the yachts has furnished TWw racing measurements, the extent of De- jKi fender's victory, or even whether she IF lv W0U'1 have won or not, under time al- I ffl$ lowancs rules, cannot b made known. I JLM It Is estimated though, that Defender WR. should give Vigilant an allowance of Srnjf n'rly or quite three minutes, over a ft thlrty-mUe-eourse, which would make I to-day's race practically a dead heat. "Wj The preparatory gun was nred from I:.f the flagship Sylvia at 11.20 A. M. and ws both yachts began manoeuvring for rflK position. SB Defender showed great ability in com- !K litg about during the preparatory spllt- Kfg tlrlg of tacks, and wnen, at 11.30, the Btra "rat ,lartln8 "un w fired, she was at Br3 the line and flashed across on port tack jlft at gun fire. Vigilant was to leeward ML i and Just thirty seconds later In getting M I over the line. UV . Both stood for the New Jersey shore, iBBif heading for Long Branch. HB The wind was very light at the start BHT. and a thick bank of haze lay to the HB-Y southward, ready to envelope both rac HHjjf ers when they should reach It. HH Defender's headsalls began to shake HHt In the wind as her helm went down H. and she came about after standing on HHL hls tack about four minutes. Vigilant HHF quickly followed and both stood to the HHT eastward on starboard tack. BVLSt When the yachts disappeared In the HHfAjhaze, Defender seemed to lead by nearly HjV a mile and was footing faster than W Vigilant, but the latter seemed to be HH pointing up with the new Herreshofler. HBL Reports .from along the coast gave HjE Defender's le'ad variously at from one L half to three-quarters of a mile, with a HHE better position to windward. HHp While both were Invisible from the Hn shore, the breeze began to freshen and AVI u became evident that the return down BY wind would be made In real racing MM weather. HHJ Sure enough, when the yachts made HHF 'their reappearance from out the bank HHT of mist, only six miles fnira the finish, HHL' they were seen flying along like verlt- VH able sea birds, with every rag bulging AW before a brisk twenty-mile wind, fairly Bj flying to the finish line. H Vigilant ,had made up much of her loss HH comng down wind, a fact which the HH. centreboard cranks made much of, con- HJ tending that In her immense shifting BH keel lay all the virtue of her gain. J Everybody In the telegraph towers VHl made a rush for their field glasses, and BK! tthtre Defender was, plainly enough, just BV 'emerging from the smoking haze away flB off to the southeast of the Highlands, HI and not more than six miles from the T ' nnun. Bhe had a mainsail and spinnaker I sjet, and as she came booming along through the white caps, she was followed by a long string of steamboats B, land tugs, which came looming up V 'through the thick mist, one after an 99 ether, as the procession moved along. II A few seconds after Vigilant came M out of a shroud of fog and followed AT along closely In the trail of her rival. HJ. Like Defender, Vigilant was also car Hi! fylng her big spinnaker and seemed to HJ' .be moving along In great shape. K In fact by reports from Long Branch HJ earlier in the afternoon, she must have BJv ,. tn'ovtrhaullng Defender rapidly from H! ths time they turned the stakeboat. Hk ' At 136 Defender was abreast of High- Aj. land Light. She was followed closely by Hi a score of tugs and steam yachts. Bl' Her big sails bulged out and she BJ Msmed to fly along the waves like a BJ fclgantlc sesblrd. BK. Vigilant was 3 minutes and 15 seconds Bjk Mhlnd her. Defender seemed to be los IH t ft ground on the latter end of the BJ ' tomestretch, and the crowd on shore iBj watched the race with breathless In- l.B Wrest B Ths 'has had cleared away so that (iMsL. J both aclits were clearly In sight and no glasses were needed to watch the exciting finish. As the Defender passed up towards ths fleet, a winner In the first of ths great trial races, she was received with a tremendous blast of steam whistles from the assembled vessels and several sa lutes were fired from the yachts which were ijlnir-to in the neighborhood of the Scotland Lightship. The din of the whistles and the fog horns could be distinctly heard on short ut the Highlands, nearly four miles away. Vigilant was greeted with the same uproarious burst of screaming whistles on the excursion steamers and yachts and the cheering of the spectators, I which nsi In sufficient volume to reach the shore. 9 THE NEWS BY PIGEONS. Pros-res of thi- Race Watched from "The World's" Tag. (Br Csrrltr Plrtoa te Tie Krenlni Worll ) ON BOARD "THE WORLD" TUO. SCOTLAND LIGHTSHIP, Julye). Plgeons will carry this story of ths yacht race. Fifteen or twenty of ths j I little flyers are resting quietly In their baskets. They have not been fed since 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and they I will waste no time In getting home. At v.30 o'clock the wind Is southeast a six to eight knot breeze moderate wind for Defender and Vigilant to try each others racing capabilities. Hundreds of tugs are puffing about the Lightship and scores of sohooner yachts speed In and out, and out and in, waiting for the starting signal. Among them are the Shamrock, Fleet- wing, Norseman and Lasca. As "The World" tug puffed down through the Narrows the wind was south southeast and one seemed to feel Its dying breath, but as It neared Sandy Hook It freshened and gave Indications of developing Into a fine racing breeze. The atmosphere was hazy. One could hardly see a man to windward. Pass ing Sandy Hook many a pair of glasses swept the horizon In a vain endeavor to locate the cup denfender and the gallant yacht which was to try her qualities. Vigilant Appears First. Finally, at 9.45 o'clock, the big main sail, staysail and jib of the Vigilant were seen beyond the yellow sands of the Hook. She moved slowly around the Hook and then began to beat towards ths lightship. In the meantime there wss no sign of Defender. She bad been towtd down at 7.30 o'clock by the tug E. S. Atwood, i but neither tug nor yacht could be dts-1 covered. At last she was seen through the haze about one point east of Scotland Lightship, playing about under mainsail, staysail, jib and club topsail. At 11 o'clock the pride of '93 and the hope of '95 swooped towards each other and then stood away waiting for the signal gun. Half a mile from the Lightship th. New York Yacht Club's chartered Iron steamboat, Cepheus, was loafing about with human beings hanging to her lee tide like flies to a sugar loaf. The wind had freshened a bit and thers weie little white frills to the waves like white trimmings to a woman's blue gown. The Start at 11.30. At 11 20 the preparation gun was fired and the accompanying red ball went up on the flagship. Then began the beautiful manoeuvring for position, the Defender standing off, closely followed by Vigilant. In this manner they swept across and back a half mile of water. At 1130 the starting gun boomed and Instantly Defender flashed across the line on the starboard tack. Two hundred yards behind came Vigi lant on the same tack and they were off on a fifteen-mile beat to windward and return. At the same Instant the tugs, steam yachts and other sailing craft filled away. At 11.33 Defender went about. Each boat carried baby jib-topsails ready to take In, and just before they crossed the line club-topsails, fore-stay-sails, jib and mainsail. Thirty-six minutes were lost In man oeuverlng by the yachts, both trying for the advantage. Defender tried hard to get the wind ward as the gun was fired. Defender was the first to cross the line, breaking out her baby topsail at 11.30 Vigilant crossed at 11.30 1-2, sllght y to windward i Defender Immediately began to gain on the first tack. Both held their positions a few minutes. Vigilant on starboard tack. Vigilant remained on starboard tack four minutes and then went about. Almost at the same moment De fender went on the starboard tack. The question was whether or not De fender would turn the bow of Vigilant. A moment later they came together on opposite tacks. Defender Crosses Visitant's Dow. Defendsr easily crossed the bow of Vigilant to windward on the weather side. IN THE HORSESHOE. Early Moraine Conditions Not at AJ1 Proalilns for a Race. (Special to tht Evtnlnt World ) HIGHLANDS OF NAVESINK. N. J.. July 20. Early morning Indications off Bandy Hook were not as gratifying as they might have been to the hosts of yachtsmen who are Interested In the first real trial of speed between the two big single-stickers, Defender and Vigi lant, to-day, over the ocean course, for ths. 3200 cup offered by the New York Yacht Club. What they looked for was a piping breeze and dashing spray, which would put both the big yachts on their mettle and show just what they were made of. Such conditions were necessary to bring out speed and furnish a reliable test of the merits of the two racing types which they represent. Judging from the early outlook, how ever, the races are fated to be sailed In light breezes, and ths skilful handling of ths yachts under such circumstances will be a greater factor In the result than ths capacity for speed In good racing weather. Earlr Conditions Not Promising. Ths morning broke with scarcely a breeze to ruffle the surface of old ocean, which stretched out almost aa calm and smooth as a mlllpond, from ths hills of ths Nsveslnk. What little wind there was came from the south wtst, and It was hardly enough to straighten out the big flag that flapped from the high pole In front of the twin lights. Veterans and weather sharps I and thers were plenty of them who gsag'ssBaigSns ,-; r- DEFENDER IN RACING TRIM. know all about such things at Nave sink shook their heads dubiously as they scanned the horizon and sniffed the air. "If she shirts to the nori. , one of them said, "we may get a fair sailing breeze about noon, but we can't calcu late on much of a wind to-day." The sun rote In a thick bank of haze which had settled down during the night on the eastern horizon.1 and It was fully two hours before Its 4rk was, cjsarly j visible. The hazs shut out the'vlew of everything at sea, further than two or , three miles from the beach, and not even the Scotland Lightship, which Is three snd a half miles from shore, was visible. All that could be teen from the hill top were ths misty Mltllnss) of half a dozen fishing smacks and schooners, as they lay off shore for their early catch. Light Dreese Dispersed the Hase. Towards o'clock the atmosphere be gan to clear a little, the wind seemed to be shifting towards, he sfctuand at that hour was bowing WrtAVkt the beach. It had not 'Increased a particle In force and was scarcely strong enough to have enabled the yachts to complete the thirty-mile course within the time limit fixed for the International contest. This rule, however, dots not govern to day, and It was believed that In any csss the trial would be Interesting as showing the light weather sailing quali ties of ths two flyers, even though it might not furnish a conolustvt test of their actual relative merits. About halt a dozen yachts oame down from tht city last evening and during tht night lay at anchor In the Horseshoe off Sandy Hook, In order to get an early stsrt tor ths Lightship this morning. Among them was Vigils nt, and her tall matt towered above the spars of the other craft In the neighborhood. Her tender was lying to near by. Defender Towed to the Start. The great gathering of the yachts thlt morning wat at Bay Rldgt, oft the Atlantic Yacht Ctub-House. Prepara tions for the start foi Sandy Hook be gan at daybreak among the fleet of steam and sailing craft anchored there and at 7 o'clock the procession wsa al ready on its way down the harbor for the scene of the great contest, Defender got up anchor early this COURSES SAILED BY THE YACHTS. " P if r tsfl -'-if "VjANAtti,ic c. ' aJftlLitMrj X ' ' V. V A ' "" " Be feJJec a, Sf'UtJ A ' - c..... .. VieilANT '""la-Soi 7 X ' (Bold Unas Indicate Defender's and dotted lines Vlgllant's.) morning from the anchorage off the Atlantic Yacht Club-Housn, where she had lain all night, and was towed down through the Narrows. She passed Quarantine at 8.10 and pro ceeded directly out to sea, passing Sandy Hook at 9 o'clock. Her crew had been busy while she was being towed down the bay, and when she reached the Hook ho had mainsail and clubtopsall aloft and sheeted home. All down the New Jersey coast as far as Asbury Park people are getting ready to watch the races. Cottages along the beach will keep open house for their friends and droves of patriotic peoplt from the Inland towns and settlements wll come to the sea shore with thtlr families. In tht hope of getting a view of the famous old Vigilant and her new rival for supremacy. The first news of the racing sloops re ceived at the Highlands after they dls- awattea with more than ordinary In terest by the yachting experts. The result would surely settle an Im portant point In the discussion of the relative merits of keel and centroboard yachts which hss been going on ever since the model was adopted In the con struction of the Defender. ON THE CLUB STEAMER. What .N. Y. Y. C. Onests Saw of the Race from the Cepheos. (Dr Ctrtlir Pls.oii to Th. Ermine WorlO. ) ON BOARD IRON STEAMBOAT CEPHEUS, off Sandy Hook, July 80. Although It had been extensively ad vertised that the Iron tSearaboat Ce pheus, with the New York Yacht Club officials on board, would not start for the scene of the race until 9.30 o'clock, yet pier 1 East River was crowded for fully two hours before that time. NIGHT EDITION 1 A WIRE FROM MIDI, 1 'I Telegraphic Messages from 1 "The Evening World's" I Captive Balloon. 1 ASCENT UNDER DIFFICULTIES. 1 The Experiment Demonstrates that m It Is Feasible to Report the Yacht M Races from the Sky. M HIOHLANDS OP NAVHSINK, July 20. 1.15 P. M "The Evening World" balloon la just ascending. The telegraph wire Is working well. I am just clear of the ground In the balloon. There has been a long delay in filling with gas. I am now about seventy feet and di rectly over the two towers of the light house. The wind is blowing about fifteen mllei at this altitude, and the balloon Is coming down In n tree. I am now ten feet from the ground but did not bump. Please have some one write this as I will have to cling In a second. The balloon has shot up again. I am now up about 100 feet. I am afraid 1 nave not enough gas to get up. The top of the hill Is black with people and they are cheering me In great shape. When I went up the crowd cheered wildly for "Ths Evening World." I am afraid I'll bang Into tho light house and do damage Now I go up to a height of 200 feet and down again to within 40 feet of the ground. From this altitude It Is possible to see much further at sea, but nothing can yet be seen of tho yachts, which are still hidden In the thick fog to the south- '""'"", vigilant y i " MANOEUVRING FOR THE aTART. sppeared In the haze at noon, was short ly after 1 o'clock, when a report came from the Life-Saving Station at Long Branch, which said that the yachts had just passed that station with Defender about three quarters of a milt In tht lead. They were standing down the coast on port tack. The breeze had freshened perceptibly and was then blowing up the shore at fully fifteen miles an hour. With tht wlrd holding out at this rate the facers will be able to make quick time or. the home stretch and there was ever)- prasject that the contest would be finished by 8 30. At 1.20 It was reported from Long Branch that the yachts were then on starboard tack, standing off shore, and Defender's lead seemed to be then fully a mile. Both boats went about at the same time and Defender's leading posi tion to the windward was fully assured. According o Capt. Warden's de spatches the yachts must have been within sight off Long Branch for nearly twenty minutes. They then disappeared In the haze, which still obscured the view to seawaid. The racers could not have been more than a few miles from the turning point at that time, for they had nearly completed the tun of fifteen miles to windward. As the mist showed no signs of clearing up. It was not thought that another view of the yachts could be had fiom shore before they approached the Lightship at the finish. At the Highlands, three miles out from shore, the sea was rising and white caps began to dot Its surface In every direction. The smaller sailing craft, which were playing about In tht heavy waves, watting for the return of the racers, began to shorten sail and several little sloops were seen sailing about in the billows with double rtefed main sails. The Finish la a Dreese. It was just the sort of weather to test the sailing qualities of Defender In run ning before the wind, a point which has been the subject of vital Interest In discussing the merits of the new Herreshoft model ss she has never yet had an opportunity to show her paces under such conditions with a rival like Vigilant, For this reason the nturn trip was 1 There were hundreds of persons on hsnd who had no possible hope of see ing the race. So they contented them selves Instead with taking a glance at the gaily decked official boat and the thousand or so yachtsmen and their friends more favored for time. All around the pier were dozens of other boats ready to follow In the wake of the Cephut and all of them loaded down with excursionists. As a result It Is es timated that fully 10,000 people were In the vicinity of the Battery during tht morning. On board the Ceoheus all was buttle and excitement. Pretty nearly every member of the yacht cli.b who could get down was on hand, and they took possession of the lower deck. The upper and third decks were crowded with the friends of the members and several ladles, whose varied costumes lent a charm to the scene. Although there were few of them who knew anything of yachting, yet they talked like vet erans. They were "luffing" and "tack ing" In a manner to make dizzy the head of those who thought they knew, but didn't All Sore of Defender. Rut everybody was In excellent humor. All the talk was of Defender, snd while Vigilant had a host of friends, there was not one on board who thought she had a ghost of a chance. A rumor started early In the morning that the New York Yacht Club tickets for the Cepheus had been counterfeited and a strict watch was keut on ever' person who appeared at the gangway. The only thing of the kind found, however, wss one genuine ticket the signatures to which were forged. It is clalrred. Commodore S. Nicholson Kane board ed the official boat at 9 o'clock. The Cepheus was then pretty well crowded, but still they kept on coming up to the very second of 42 o'clock, when, with a couple of warning blasts, the boat started from her pier. As she moved off there was a cheer from those on shore, but the yachtsmen on board anxiously scanned the heavens to see what kind of a breeze the weather sharks had arranged for. They were I (Continued on Second Page.) I'mr (irrman Laundry Naaii. It's the Beat n (tnulaa tu colon es wrtssof. t - -.'& V, . 1 4.." "f.H .VVLii. west. Now they are pulling me down not enough gas. At 1.3 o'clock the balloon landed safe ly near the point from which It started and "The Evening World" reporter was assisted from the netting. 1.30 P. M. One of Prof, Myers's assist ants, known as "Del Dare," stepped Into the basket and sailed majestically away The assistant being about fifty pounds lighter than "The Evening World" re porter, the balloon ascended to a height nf WO feet, but did not succeed In main taining that altitude. The big air ship sways gracefully from side to side and every now and then takes a slow dip of 100 feet or so, then again rising, 12 35 P. M The ascension of "The Even ing World" balloon has been delayed by the slowness of the process of making the hydrogen gas. This him been the result of the poor quality of the ton of wrought Iron tilings purchased for the purpose In New York City. The delay is only temporary. Tho big balloon Is bellying out In grand style and Is more than three-fourths full. The top of the big golden globe Is now on a line with the tree tops, and Prof. Myers thinks that the ascension will be mode In forty or forty-five minutes. Preparing for the ascent. Crowds gather and watch the generating of the gas for the balloon. The necessary work preparatory to sending up ' The Evening World's" ob servation balloon, from which an effort Is to be made to give the story of the race as seen from a point l.bOO feet in midair by an "Evening World" report er, was begun yesterday. It was an undettaklng of no small difficulty, for the big casks and tubs and several tons of iron and chemicals had to be transported all the way from the station at Highland Beach, up the teep hill 200 feet, to. the little plot of open ground just behind the lighthouse. Prof. Ctrl Ms ers. who Is In charge, was busy nearly all night, assisted by a force rf seven men, In getting his apparatus in order, and this preliminary work was not competed until after 8 o'clock this mornlnjr DlEBcnltlca of Ilnlloon Deporting;, Many unforeseen difficulties presented tbemtelves, not the least of which was I the falluro of the water supply at tht H lighthouse, which was depended upon M to furnish the thirty or more barrels of ',vH water necessary for generating tht by- H drogen gas for Inflating the balloon. rH The water finally had to be brought S from a spring at the foot of the hill on ;JH thu farther side, pall by pall, and this fM caused some delay. 'vjH At 9 o'clock this morning the gas-gen- '' erntlng apparatus was all In order, jH rnd the big sulphuric acid tanks were at ;9 work filling the baloon. As the day wa M calm and there was so little wind. Prof. iiH Myers decided to make the ascent with K the medium-sized balloon, which has a gH capacity of 6,W0 cubic feet of gas. lS A big crowd of curious villagers gatn- ?B ered In tho corner of the lighthouse ! grounds and watched the proceedings H with eager Interest The announcement '''B yesterday by "Tho Evening World" of H Us Intended experiment In aerial report- ."jfl Ing had spread the news everywhere in fjH the vicinity and brought as many visit- -iH ors to the Highlands as the yacht race. " j-H A trial race between two such crack B as Defender and Vigilant and the proa- g 9 pect of a novel and Interesting balloon '.-iH ascension at the same time, was enough,. "''sB to make Naveslnk tht most attractive ' -H resort anywhere along the Jersey coast H to-day. $jH The eyes of a score or more of chU- J9 dren who capered aDout the InclotUre Jl opened wide with wonder as the big fM bag of yellov silk that Prof. Myers ' tM had spread out upon tho green lawn U began to swell and puff up with the gaa ''jl from the retorts. M The balloon Is held to the ground by a 7sfl cross bar, securely driven In, to which il Is attached a rope cable 1,600 feet In j M length. The cable passes through a tH block tackle, so that when the balloon B Is ready It may be raised or lowered B at will. Two or three men are sum- S clent to manage It. '' Direct to "Kicnlnsr World" Ozflce. ".!fl The telegraphic Instrument of the '! ordinary Morse tpe Is to be taken up '"H by tht. observer. The battery Is upon ,jH the ground and attached to the instru- H ment is a double Insulated wire wound . upon a reel and equal In length with tfl the cable which holds the balloon. It Is -iH connected with the wires of the Postal H Telegraph Company In tht northern "a tower of the twin lighthouses, and from '-'U there directly with "The Evening -H World" office. -', At 10 o'clock considerable progress had 'fl been made In tne Inflation of "The Even- Ing World's" ulrshtp. The crowd about 'S the gas generator when Prof. Myers and jM his two assistants, Tracy Flsdell and ;S Del Dare, were hard at work, had "S grown so large that a rope had to be fl stretched around the operating ground M to keep them out of danger. :JH Several parties of ladles and gentle- &fl men from the hotels and cottages at :B Seabrlght and Normandle-by-the-Bea U came up to watch the progress of the 4H work. Capt. C. E. Thompson, the chief V light-keeper at Highlands, and his as- fl slstants were active In aiding tht asro- H nauts and affording them every facility jB for making the balloon ready. 'V A little cleared space of ground. Just Jfl In the rear of the light-house grounds, jH was used for the purpose, although i9 Commander Snow, the General Inspec- 'fl tor of the district, had kindly given jH "The Evening World" permission to jH use the Government lnclosure, but It ''t was not found necessary. ' Generated Gas on the Grounds, Trof. Mjers had arranged his four vU big casks, which served as retorts, under -'' a big spreading oak tree. These were 'J about two-thirds full of water and each 9 contained about 00 pounds Iron fillings 9 and the contents of two carboys of sul- fl phuric acid. In the centre of this quar- 'S tet was a tube about four feet In dlara- ;H eter, filled with lime water and great -B chunks of Ice, Into which the pipes from fl the four casks led, jH The gas, as It was generated In the S retorts, passed through the pipes Into V. iS this tub, where It was cooled and col- fl lected In another receiver, and then it '& HJ was conveyed In oilcloth pipes to the K HJ balloon, which was spread upon the grass about twenty feet away. The gas H had to be cooled and the moisture con- Isfl traded from It before It could enter iwj the balloon and the progress was very "iWj slow at first When the gas comes SJ from the casks It Is heated to boiling ' jM point and contains a large proportion SJ of moisture. .'iH A balloon aBceuslon Is not such a rare H occurence In these days, but "The Hj Evening World" has accomplished , something never before even dreamed H of. For the first time In the history ' of the electric telegraph, an Instrument 4ifl has been worked In the upper air. ( itjfl ! M