Newspaper Page Text
H-7 j, TIIK WORLD: TUESDAY KVKMiNG, AUGUST 21), I8!). I b dent from the appearance of the foim- E' lnS whlt jcapsi whjch began to dot the K, surface ot the ocean In every direction. v Two schooners had followed th El racers to leeward, up to this point, E'' while tho remainder of the fleet formed K long procession, well to leeward. E In the brisk breeze the big single- K stickers began to leavo the small craft H: behind, and at 12.10 they wero far In the H lead of everything but the fastest steam K, yachts artel ona or two tugs. Hr- Ily this time Defender felt the rflect Hr , of the Increased wind, which had struck HT Vigilant llrnt. and began to oerhaul R her rival. She had apparently made up KS tho greater part of tho distance lost at Hfc tho start and wan clearly occuplng a Ht good berth to windward. K Vlgllant's baby topsail did not revm E- to be of any benrtlt, for It was con E tlnually shaking Tho courso of the K yachti on this tack was almost due K, At 121"i the wind wai still Increasing f and both the Users felt Its rITect. It K mint havo been blowing at about flftpeu Bt knots out whero tho acht were, and Kr both heeled an ay ov?r to leeward as K1 they held on the long tack. L Defender More 1eatherl-r, K Defender stood up better than lgl- HL Jnnt, nnd continued to gain. R At 1216 Defender's bowsprit m-r- Hf lapped the boom of Vlgllant's mainsail, Bf ' seen from the Highlands. At I- Ik E' Vlgltint went about on port tack and K headed for the shore. It looked at first K- as If she would cross Defender's bo, K; but the new Het reahofT kept right on Hp nd cro-sed tho hows of Vigilant, show- H) ing a lead of at least five or six lengtns. kT Dcfemler would not spill tarks with F- Vigilant, but at 12140 went about on H port tack and hetded west. Ui Defender by this manoeuvre demnn- Hr strated her ast superiority over Vlgl- H lant In a fairly good breeze, where wlnd- Hf ward work Is roncerned. 8he had K' gained nearly two minutes on Vigilant H rlnco tlw start, and, besides footing B faster than the old champion, had H,' easily beaten her out In the wtndnard Hfii Capt.Barr evidently did not want to ff' be handicapped by his hahy Jlbtopsall. HWi for he hustled It In at 1215, as soon a Htf, Vigilant had filled away nn port tack KAl The racers wero then headed directlv BjJT for the coast at Seabrlght, and as th"v KuK came H was seen more clearly than HfjY ever that Definder was slowly but B; surely increasing her windward gains K At 1230 the achts wero within three B ; miles of tho bench, still on port tack, K ' Defender was leading by fully an eighth Ha , of a mile. In addition to her wide berth KM- . to windward. "Vigilant seemed to be Kl ! steadily losing ground, although tho HE - wind held strong from the southwest. E' Defender's Flno Wlndrrnrd Work. HM , ; It was evident that Defender was do. Hv ing even better than on her starboard ff ', tack. The yachting sharps nodded their E ,i, heads wisely, and said that Opt. Haft Hi.. :. was now letting the public see somo of He" the fine points of tho new model. Hi' ,' The jachts were still heading Inshora HE; at 12.4'. and Defender was seen to be Hr; ', between halt and three-Quarters of a Hfj mile ahead of Vigilant. She also had a K. v big windward advantage. Hj ' Defender was followed by all the V steam flotilla, which had caught up with Hr ,' the racers on tho long tack, and at 12 50, Hi' ' when she was within three miles from Hp : shore, they forgod ahead to tho south- H fc'' ward is If to anticipate a starboard Jif' tack. The wind seemed to bo going H,; ! donn again, and the sky to the cast Hr -, and south became overcast. Hr. Both jachts hud slackened their speed Wt, j and seemed to bo moving very slowly. K, I If anything, this favored Defender, for H p she was apparently Increasing her lead Hr;. t Ml the time, nnd tint a the lM-glnnlug of Hi ' the port tack had gained more thnn a H. ; inlnutu over Vigilant. Hf'. t? Tho jachts were nearly a mile apart. K, The stakeboat had been sent ahead H' ' and anchored about live miles ofT shore Hr fium North Lung llrancli. The ut- B.," . niosiihero was so clear that as tho laierx H ) neared the beach the crews of each H acfit could be seen with the ordinal) H': ' Held glass stretched on deck along the Hs i nluduartl rail. H ? Iho big whlto steam jacht Sagamore, Ht' t which went on ahead ut the lacers, hove H t' too alongside a small tug which na il ' anchored oft Monmouth Hoach I,1 U 'i'hls v&h taken to ba tho stake boat, und nt 1.05 Defender was holding dl B - lectly towards It, not half a mile awn). B h Uefenalrr Hounds Ahead. B j' At 1 u3 SO Defender rounded Ihn stake B. $ boat at the outer mark, leaving It on Bf C, the starboard side, and stalled on the B?j homi stretch. B4fc Vigilant rounded at tho mark at mil i-H". WitS At the same time Defender broke out BL'ffc her spinnaker to port. Bhu sinned to B'5 make a terrible botch of It at llrt, for f 1Ih big sail tilled with nlnd and ua ' tarried nearly u-) to the topmast. B'lf Something seemf 1 to be the mattoi H with ih sheets. A few moments aftei H i wards tn crew had secured tho big e ill BfilF "'"d '"J haul-l u aon to tie im, jp where It wms under iruirol. Bfjb Vigilant, after rounding thu sl.ilif- Wf boat, hroke out her jpiinakar to snr- B i-oird. with her mulns.ill doom to port, Kltf J"'1 the reverse of Doiender. H?p Itotli Crondeil nn Sail, v' At 12.22 Vigilant set her Inlloou j b. topsail nsullng down her Jll ,ind sn sil. Defender at U i follow id the , 1 rtinple of Vigilant an I nt her big bil- Vt loon jib-topi all BsTM The two big fivers were now will K fK tralghtenl out on their couise to tin ', lightuhlp and Defondir was cei-n to In i '""J a rnl1" l" tno ''d ' Vigilant WrW uring to tho mishap 111 sutlng Ik. fifi loader's spinnaker, liowever, slio had Bi vldmi lot some ground and Vigilant Bn. 'ad cut down the had which hir ilval j'S h'd when the outir maik was reached, K lofon3r's b'g sails looiird much BUS eloaner than those of Vigilant, and tlie B!V- bg canvas billows gllstene I In the 1'gnt Br'l" Jloth spinnaker and lulloon Jllitop-i.i 1 Kl on Ig lant were of a dark blown tint iVh ,f Defender I041 an thing in letting ,n nor spinraker she mi ie It up In the m'V next ten mlnutos for as the vaihts ap Mf proached the Navesink l.tgntshlp, at Kijj J.2 she was evldentl) holding her own Hpjf '" V.gllanl's best weather, and under il"- iondltlon that are Kupi)d to parileu. K3 larly favor the tiould )acht K.i' At 1!5 the wind on shure had alino-t Wr'Sr one down to a calm, while thi falling yj- irirxo lennaru was snown o me slow BnC' progress of the racers They soenitd BfiT to cree,i along. Defender's sails wen- KJif d'awlng finely, but Vigilant s seernod B"4;i rather loose aid flapped In the puff) RyiX wind. WPK" Defender Ten Miuutrs hpnil. HK At 1.40 Defender was opposite the Hi-? Highlands. Hhe led Vigilant b) about PK three-quarters of a m'le In the pres- MlWf ent state of ihe wind she leads the HX (Jo 11 Id yacht bjt about ten minutes. Hi. 1"h: osats were thin ahjul, three and nvv a half miles from the tlnlth at Sand) mtf Hook Lightship. Bi The wind was so light that the jacnn P appeared to be almost statlonar) 'itx-s Fk whole fleet of steam yachts and tuns By. had gathered about Defender to escoit Ell the winner to the finish. B'P Vigilant passed the line opposite Jllgh- Kk Und Llsht at I 40 which showed her Hfi to be lust about six minutes behind De- ' fender. HtrV At l.U the judges' boat signalled that fife th course had to be sailed over again. t. At l-M Defender was within half a Sills of the lightship. She had taken In ., si l("n llbtoprll and rnlnikei- afflMg'-'-'-fc- ijjin-'i a -1 m , HWBSL. tJBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBP.. ' . t. fi -v rvJ-, J HHHHHHWHWHMHWHBHBMHlsWkAsJi Aa I n ' PI? -KR DEFENDER CLOSE HAULED. Vigilant had hauled In her balloon Jib, but her spinnaker was still set. flrft-ntlrr fivcps Allium. At 2 0130 Defender pissed tho light ship, but contlnuid right on About half a dozen It uglhs furthu on, she luffed about ami went utt 011 the stir board taek. making a whin ill cull arounl the lightship, and rtartnl on tint second loui ovir the luuue Sho wis headed east-southeast. At 2 07 Definder wi nt about on tmit tack and headed west. At 2 Ut, V K.I nil rounded the lightship nn stnrlioanl talk and continued on that lar) us nlm did at the start At in:n she follownl Iho example of Defender and swung a'oiin I to port. At 2 15 both jachts were hraded directly In shore Tin wind seunid In be freshening a bll mil liofendei 1 night It ftrst Her tall nmxt give a I1111I1 In leewaid and when she Hli.ilghti 111 d up again she mailn Ihn sprnv II v from her bow. Whlto taps agnlu In mm in top tin waves, ami It looked 11s If the ixpirta tlnns 01 tho jiichtsinou might be util ized a ft or all Something ina Invo lioi n tho mat tei with Dofeiiib i'h sheits m is smm as she was g)lad nbotit at) 1 st irtfd on tho way for tho outer maik i ' i pi Huff seemed tn bo doing hit bi(t 1.1 make up for lost tlino. Nearly two inlnuus nniht hive bo,.n wastid by Dofondoi nt tho turn Tho sailing rig of in ltboi jarhl wan 1 linumd for tin so on I nlndw inl hr At 2 i"i It looked as If iho taio w is tuer. Until achts hid lal.ou In thill topsails .ml who hi ak 1 foi 1 hi Im lullllll( tiii ir lltiiiMO, At 2 30 Vigilant, without mIIIiii, Im i topiill, hovi nioutid again In I In port tat U and 1101111 d to In In tin i.oo iu.ntn Difeulei iiiniiiiiiil on In 1 wa to Haiph Hook Tninl At J li Di fi mil 1 h 1 I 1 nt-ii 1 Ho I 111 and was inaMng 101 tin Hoi 1 iliu" around .sand) llool, I'oinl icllant was Mt 111 koli lj 11 iluti ion d' iilonr. on 1 1 rt ta k, follrwid i 1 Iml;'! till, v lilch was tlio i.iii teonb 11 h All the othei )aMiw .1111. npii 1 id tin 111 l al'Olll anl 1 IL.1 1 I p low it Sllllilv Hook .ifl.M i , lull 1 Willi tin trniilili was no him 11 Hi lluli l.iuds 1011I1I till, Ion li -ti inul '11, .Uilil. that VlKllnnt would I. sin, 1 ,i. 1 tn, (otitso a si 1 ond t im 1 as a uiiit.i 11 I i ord. while tlnii ws untlilni. In -pUlu tho smlili 11 wltlali 1 il ,1 1 1 fondei afler sin li nl stm il in ill, second loiinl nl tin iniiisi Igllaut inntlniKil on 1 m 1 tin! wlih out hoi Jib 01 tips ill, Mio nub 01 slow pingress 1111 I at tlnns It In Kid 14 If she was iolng to IK 1 1 foi In 1 m in sill In the wind I V lullniil .iltfN lit r Jlli. The J11 Ikos bo 11 1,111 Kt ub 11 h kipt elose nloiiKSido Vigilant Sin li 1 I inn her Jib after Uifeinloi hid b ft In r in I It was unit r alii win tin 1 -lt ( ,ul I 1 ,m llnuo Hip ran afti r this 111M1 ip At Il'i Vlgllani wis Mill In I Inn had iniile 111 .tileutpt to ul nn) in w sVIs It wi situ ilitt tin 1 rt w wii, hiving nouio tioi.blo In iliailiu; awa tin tin 11 Jib which --I oiiud to bo 1 In w, , 110 n n hiiiii h 11 tho 1 ml 1 f Iho li w ,m 1 At :' tho lililllanln ot Hit old llli li nl In en teiuoed a lit w Jlli was inn ui and V Itfllant om i ng ill) inn! inn 1 nn hei t otift 'lilt l.llcki lib nil lllilol lllotii, i, hill 1 llCI V 'g'lnnt went aliout it 2 V .in. I hlailid on tin st iiho ud tin K The siakilo.ii 1 aim up ft. 111 l.oiu llr.un li to llud out what lln 11 ml, was, in I spoki tho l.m koiili n u i'o relher tho Iwn tUKs follownl Vlgltltll A froliir liroiio hid i-pniiig up in 1 It nn lo Vigilant Ket 1 aw iv 10 I., will as slit the lf!L.hlat! Is no SI 11 hoard taiK A hunt eiiMiri ot In 1 T0I1I11 lioizo hull g't ained 11 tlii tin light although sho wis silln., w.tli out hi r inps.i'l Hi fender nissnl tho Snllhu.M Mm 1 20,, ltfii'lug .1 tow. and was iiuKn hi r w 1) Into tho Hotsishoo V IkIIiiii: I.U i's II I p. At J 1j V Ikllaut tinned nboiit and Harttd toi- 1.111 1 Hi nl, V igd tut was about n inlli bilow Highlinis nt th time D-findti dionped ,1111 lint In tin Hon 1 shoo a lew minutes lino ON "EVENING WORLD" TUG. 1 The Unci levvctl liiim 11 liisliltin Vmr Hio Itlv.tls. in. Ciirler t'lK-n tl Tno I fnnit V - I 1 ON IlOAItD "Till. HIIMMI vvoiu.D'b" ire:, v 11 vv isi., vug 1 Theii. wera ri prospiit.s of 11 smart ricing breeze at 10 o 1 l.i. 1. thin moinlng. The wind was hou'wist, ami sra dogs sniffed nn liicteuso In Its limn beforo the time sit foi the tust 1 up tiial tace between Dcfuitlei and Vigilant Hut the sea dogs wiic wrong for nine In their l.ves for us the time approache I for the preparatory gnu to bo llred tin wind, while still holding from the s.ituo .' Napoleon Trusleil Ilia liiloa, Appoint on) our siaft aKiilntliriioraiidnplutn the Keeley ( are While J'liiln" S V . M-l v )llSi - ., . ...I.J-. ,.j iquirtii luil ud b"on alio to show ' 1111) while on the wave"- on the 1 on-I tinv, nl Ml" It et nned lo bo fasti thing SUM tin wind heienliuiits Is n j vol) unci 1 lulu iiliili, nnd no ono was Hiiipilsnl win 11 Iho miuutrs later 111 fn sin 111 d ulih 11 insli and undo Hi" 1 hinrts ul Iho )iiolitsnu 11 tliump vlth Jo) I In 11 It fill iw.i) egiln and came 1 W till Hlllll 11 piirtH I Drfrudoi win tho llrl lo show hi I self In lln Hi 1 1 of lugs Hid villus, Hlilcn iirUnl 1 it! mi tin' si 1 in At "Mil iiMhIc she iiinvnl fdnil iround the llool, and 1 li r-haiiiil mun I far tho ,4i itliud l.lgi'Milp Mie inrleil 111 1I11-s-i'l iiill J1I1 .unl 1 1 nl, I np-i ill '1 1 11 iiilliulrs lalir Vigil nil loluwid under . ihc -aim taiiias lln 1 fm .111 him I lie two n his pi ii d li nl. and forlh wait- Im f 11 lln- 1 1 i 1 Inli tug 1. 11 I.iiihuh, won hi n il in I tin utile ills of the 1 co in I fioni v Id 'i tin sinis as to the 1 mil s w 01 o to li- .llspt i 1 I I'inilh it It o el 11 K the blu lug ap is nod in I 1 in up Iho sl,;u tl 'T .!," whl'h liidniliil 1I11I tho Ht.ut would in 11 mi Mtnlv llouk l.lgliislnp Im itn u'tito v H tio'oi wi re p ilnlod fm lln Miii'tig pout Hi fonder nnd Vigil nit pilil 01 t slioi t n'lil Jolind 111 the pin 11s on nn linud lb "iinlnali' Im it wiie 1'ipls Hunk null nnd 'liiiv, I' i Im l.ll Vlls m lln H i Mnlrall, llll h. 11 I enls Hull. 1 I Mm. 111 and Nut Hem dioif, ie, 1 int 1 airli 1 11 V Wlil 11 I i'oi iilnu I'liinsil riali.'li VI .s.nii, I. Id usit d I Id lb I ish Hi mi. rmiuiiK 111. 1 I'lpl II111 II1111 h 1 tin . I to lo an 11 n 1 11 1 t for dilii ji'tit t'u 1 .111 1 nit 11 a li 1 1 I 11 hi d h 1 p islam 11, .11 10 I gntslup I tio im lit 1 ma im uvii d iilioiii In 1 Inioi vvlnili hid 1 k 1 11 Ir, sin 'lid illlii 1 w "lll'i -, ill I in .'. llllllilK Is 1 t I, I 1 I" 1 1 1 I tlio III 1V1 -1 111-. 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ill I li II nn and im ii 1 1 o 1 I in Vln li I 11 col out 0 ' inniei 1 alio sn 11 urij 11111m 10 mhiii, VI II j. lilt nil. I.I.I il,i d a ICII ll nn III l.ll Im lln II Willi II loll ill wlluil It 11111.11 i mi 1 n ll' II tlio oui -, w Oil il P nillh milowis) a Pott ilenl lo w In iti 11 I 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 and 11 turn bi -f .I. 111 i 'ti I I In- llv 1 all 1 A VV oild" Im, 1 in up 1 I iso to Hi l.n Kiiilin 1 nnl iliiM pi iipln w 'o Mia mi liitil Nn ho. sin Ivano, I'lnsiii ill wo. I inl tittug itilniiill tntllpl sine, tl lt'Kltll lOlllllllltio ot th Ni w V 11k V 11 lit 1 lull w 1I1 h Is In 1 lingo 0, ihi 1 1 -, .1 I 'I. mis, Ciss I'tilie I .1 ltti--li 1 1 ut rut 111 Ivort lluil in I 1 .11 til nil V I'Hii, ot iho Alilol- 111 t up 1 iiiitnitti t , w h oh will ileeldf mi im r.t nl I'. Ion. hi nil Vlkllnni in I . im ii 11111 nl lilt 111 lo sill against V iIKmh III Vt II i"i i'o priparitnr) r giul was gvon In III b 1 nn nf a ' lilin petti" 11 I 1 hi silo Tin two ) uhts liu tiii liit,l w hot o 1 an I Mnol l iw irds tho II 1 k 1 1 p rl 1,1. ll lln) ,.11110 aloiit Willi 11 1 fi a ition'ri of 1 i, ti otnei ni I 1111 I foi tho line 011 st ir'mir 1 Ink, V itll mi In t n lei I li) nn vaidi 01 so Tin . t wis ni . hum o fot 11 foul this l i 111 V 'lint M.t.ii ifr, s iho Ino at U.I J' Ni ir! mio tnlnuti latn Do- I feitdei slioi iniwtou the l.ucki nliiith' I ml Ho llkliiili p llaidii ha 1 hi 1 time I li 1 n t Kin w 'it 11 lit 1 hoa I si'ls shook li tie wlnl an I -ho win 1 lot 1I10111 nn 1 10 pint t ick Ik I nil In pt oti tight a."' 1 I nnl four III Inn s I IP I'efniler wont In Mam anl t' 'K lln sniilionl l.nk with hi r 1 v il 1'ith In idod sjulh-s iiiiht is all 1 lb r i 1 111 li of u 111 1 hot mi n tin in 111 1 I Hi fi n It r s t 11 K In Hi' tin in tlnii tin wind I ad bi 1 11 ft 1 'n iiing at 1 ti lump and hi font lull! Ill, W IMS Wilt fmvi I with w t.lto 1 ips li w i-i a p plii bit 1 tin Iiom I inli 1 hia found in tho-n waters II si ni In 1 inn 1 vnli nt th it tin new In nl was g.nnlin, mi 1 1 nld inn, ill, I In tin o livi lit I s hid In 1 11 passed she was ilutnt-t nn 1 t 11 tei ins wnh Vigilant t in is hum n wtio ton, .nn il hut Hi 1, nth 1 had h ilf a mile the l Hi r nf It ih . ii'i tin wits to windwaid Hifui- III t s iiw in 1I11 Ul iiiow Ike a Inch I in, I m 1 mid in 111 l If'' 'Iv I Vt 12 IT V k 1 ml 1' nue alii ut and jinlnt- ,1 in 1 bowsprit d'rt th In tin path of 1 1, f. inli r Vt tie nine tune Hio ., t.i L. 1 Im Ii t- 1, 4 tie illifnn- ill llo. ft 11 lot waled a minute nod just t V ll, hint lliuieJ she' e ntlo t 11 'it V 'gl In, tliiirdi d up. and tin r, was a no un ul of su-pe.iso, and then It w is set n tint In ft mli r hid woithfred her rval ! Vs the im. 'inn niovid awnv Vlgl 1 1 1111 1 nne up mil r hei qu.irior nnd 'ie, ' In.i I s 1 Is were li'anki to I In the rh irt linn fi mi toe llkhnhlp Defender h-d 1 1 in I 1 mliiu'i and more The now ih tl nil nn w i't for tho o' I one to I 1 , i,i fnnii lur sunrise hut eatins 1 1 i,hi ip Inli 1 he o e of the wind left I I 11 ill tvolj jtlliio V ig 1 inl s Jib didn't t hl'l ,m to 1 wt 11 A fit 1 tloiiil) 1 stnhllshlng a lead De. fi nder 111 nn no llort 10 iiolnt verv hl;h In the wind In 11 t, l apt Huff inn tuitisl hlni'tlf with kieplng as m-ar the vllnl us Ills Hvnl us he iluubtliss ha 1 no tit slio to Htialn his bout to un iindui extuit TI101 1 em lint d one moro tack tn make hofoio rnundlug the stake, ami tlio wind was graduall) Increasing Will r tn fn sh imff Hofendei loot. n fresh hold on Mr. Astor's J2.f") cup. In the minutes that followed the lust tnrk Di ft nder simply ran nvvnv from Vigilant Long waves rolled In from tip ocean, but tin big boats heodid not Oocnsjonally a huge wave would meet the bows of the vaclits and 11 1 loud of sprav would ftnsli upward. Hut It 1 mild not be said that tin) la-hn-01! In the si 11 The wind had developed Into a very smart affair, but tho hardei It e line tl e better In fonder llki.l It Tor a while Igllnnt outpointed Dofciilor, but cnlv 011 sufforTiio At 12M the now boat "iimed It, have a tlure-mlnutn load. In other words, In a seven nillo bout Definder bad gained four Minute" At 1 o"i the mark win only a short dlituni'c ahead and then It was seen that the )nchts would make It on this taok Defender wore nround the mark and paid out her sheet People wondered whv she did 1101 sot her splnnakt r. and It was thought tint she would ll) to boat the nlliei Im it without tint big pleoc of canvas V Igllant eisod off a bit and her sailors stogd by to uwa the main sheet lis the maik wis rounded vigilant swooped up to tho slake und guved aloiind It at the simo Inst tut that De fondei sent her ldg vellnw "plnn iki I . As soon as Vlstllnm had hei nose polutid straight she sot her spinnaker nu hei starhoanl silo Within t few seconds he 1 halloon Jilt wa-v gl,n to tho wind At tho -amo tlnni Di fender lull ufi hoi halloon Jib Then with inuil sails spren 1, tho v adits bnwlel along for Kind) Hook Lightship In fopder's 111 took the wind on her staiboai 1 side, whlli Vlgl lints b 0111 was sei lo port In this ininnci thi 111 ido lliolr bet lln -s for hiuue The wind In Id strong nnd the ichts idmpl) turr thiougli the element At 2 0" lln I.iii'kt nhioh liow up liofondt 1 nnl"-liowel two tod balls, ev hit h sign ill, d Unit the' utilise would bo sallo t oet twl e At that Hum Defondn f 1 in two to two ami a h ilf 111 h s Iroin tin light ship Vlu'llaiil was about ,1 1 lile and a iuirlei In lb" now linsts waKo VI 1 ,'m Hofonlei took 11 In 1 spln liakei As she in'aiiil the Lightship she Veen I and hoi linmn swung aft mil t iklui' the wlul nn tin otht 1 sldt tlio itii'lisill silling out an 1 llllel with a 1 1 ash Mm had Jibed Then, swoop'ng 111 dor fir LUhlshlp, nlit me' the align wiles with a gtaoo t ti I bo iv, and hauling up cost 1 tho wlnl, wtttt iwn) on the sec itid lound Two mlnutts later she 1 amo ibout and ml awav on the 1101 1 tin K In tno meantttuo V Igllant wns lomp ing up to the lightship Mio Inl hoi i-jt 1111 ikei ami ball sin Jib an I was leads to round the 111 11K Mit -II 1 not cut so closi to the lightship is till lio fondt 1 Vs her hen! t .11110 up ti tho wind sho was mot bv mlchtv wives whli ll, broiKIng over her bows, sent Hie sprii) blah In Hie nlr mid iuven-1 her deek with water Lxue tly two minutes later iluild's boat camo about and stood awu) nu tho pint tai k Deft inlei was aw iv alioul and appaieiith bothond but little b the rough woilhoi Vigilant sent two men aloft 111 2 2" nnd fuiled hoi eliib-lupsnll Deli mli 1 iillll 1 11 1 led hi is VIGILANT ON PORT TACK. 1 Si.ddonl), -U 2 22. Hefir.der's wheel vient llli unl Sho oascd off and ho ido I Tor Mmdy Hook Mio hud doubtl ss sprung noimthiiig and did not euro ti take an futthr ohaiuts with tin nrlsK wind and henv m.. Mie Mill catrled all hi r satis, though At 237 Vlgllant's Jib spilt, but It was at nnco rout to the ilei k , Doff 11 b r j iseJ hin lj Hook L ghtshlp and stni d 111 for tin Heirsi .he furled In r stij ml 1 few iiiitnitti later hauie 1 down her lulitoioill anl rt placed ll with iiiirklng canvas I At 1 10 Vigilant woio around and lieadid foi homo without having turn.. I the windward stake I. met It w is si , 11 that tho tug htiindln ivl in. whlih was tending t Im Mag, h nl taken ll aim ml and wns milking tin the Mulsh point The tug hid evldenth mistaken the signal from the Liu kenbaoh and thought the race hail ended with the tlrst round Vigilant, when she found no stake to turn, did tho not best thing and headed for the Hook .Mr Wlllaid ni iv hive something to sav nhiitit the Scandium l- i's net, und Itogutta ('otnniitli o 111,11 havi sonn nuns nuts to orat K, Defender took two nr throe short tin Kn In nnd out of the I"oistshoi anil then headed foi Hiv Itldqi, uiidei miliisiH and Jib Vigilant In ailed In the same direction HlU1 Dofiiidct pissed Hofl iniirs Island WITH THE SIGHTSEERS. Tltr llni'e res -i-cn frtitii nn llnnril Ihr I'll nni-r l ruster, thj rAniT riR, u 1 i m 1 fnng v r t 1 ON HOA11D rtTK .VI, 1 OSI'IlIt, Aug .11. -Ihoic wis 11 ihrel f 1 rtlll tile iiowd on the .steitmi t us the Mil down In tlnu to witness 011 nf tho pllltlist starts ever svn 'lln prep 11. mm signal had jui-t In 11 a t ind the pletuio piobe'iittd b the sIPLtli -sihki rs wis 1111,1 to kladdtii th. hunt of even the most sluggish v 111 In iin.iii. Deft tide 1 Mimejil to -'and well up to tin bri'i no, while Vigil int. on tho othoi hand, st 01110 1 tl bin out eonsldirabh, Iljth int through the watir UKn swans 1 howovoi, but whit ivii) one wis amazed at was tho "pre id of 1 in is which both carried The vlclnlt) nt tho .Sin lv Hook Light ship was ilJttitl with 11 ift of all kinds, but all eves wet,- on the slimlc-tlikeis, whoso JoiKo)Iiik foi po-ltion wis ad mirable The start was tin illy tnado as lol lows ViniLANT nl 11 IV V DlirKNDHIt at 11 4t. j", Htith boits lulled 11111I1 1 the committee s't'amci inl Dtfindti at otu o wcit about on slmbond t.uK. Ilmin dl.iU'h ufttrwnds Vlclluu wi.s covirod with canv.ts, cirrvlng bibv jlbtopsiil, Jib " o .- c. is ? h t f-- W. ; - tray r -TV p. W Li Tiin com.u. . ss I - ': ,. I and stivsill chiblnnsill and mainsail. Dofenlor cured Jlbstasab, clubtop s ill and milusull. Mglint had awa the best of the start, and foi tho flrit few minutes at li att fcemcd to bold It, if notiilug bet- At II M o'clock Vigilant was about Hi it) live seconls aheul, with Defender 1 to wlnlwatd ' With half u doin excurs'nii bolts and imv number of )uhts tr)lng to Keep pue w'th tho single stickers ovot tho curse nnd with both ruers beirlng l.iw.iv ns If tho iesof nil the world wire upon them the enthul im worked up to fcvii licit I N'oirlv 1 verv man on board the Al l'ostM was snouting for Vlgllitit und ue mill lftor mile was coveml and tho sin IK i't boit showed not too much h pt of 1 utt ng down the lead, the) shouted until tnev booimi hoarse I 'Die shout vi, is nf short duration, how ivr, us ut 12 1 1 11 clock Dctotder, v Ith out ItutciHilg In 1 sail seemed and ih nl) to lump nut of tin viator und to slowl) but suielv tnep up on tho (Soul I bolt Kin was outfooilng und outpo nt- I111: Vlcllalit Difiiitlei koi t to wlnd w ml I 1 ovoinl niliiiilis und appeartd In bo about a quiirti 1 of 11 mile bohliil, wbn h nu unt a giln of several sreond" 'llie Unheal Ions then wire fm a stronger, wind, whlih Ind died out somewhat 1 Vt 12 pt i0 o clock VIg lant lowered her tnby lib tops ill and wint about on star Im ud tin k Hifeiidri crosstd gilniits I iiw al 12 lv and wont on starboard lack and hi iiiketcd Vigilant I Defender then m i up I to tvilk r vulv al! I il w is a in selin 10 the rink bolt V igll 1111 lnv i- nelni; able ,c 1 atcn hi 1 flit Ing 1 v il Vftii touiidiiu tho mark bull biats wei, gilng hofoio iho wlul lth sp . inkers -11, lit fin hi with boom to stal lion, I m,l V Igll nil with boom to poll. It wis plain to the nienst t)ro thit V Igd int was not in tin same class w th Di ft tub 1 und 11 it I lie in w cutte" o nil 1 iMiii hue r iiindo I the murk a fu,l t' n minutes ihoad liistiad of do ng so, however, t'lipt. Half llnding ho was gaining too i.ipi Ih, ilellhei itel) eeiniluclrtl a series nt mff Ings in ordoi to effect delav i;ilhti ho didn't vv nut to beat Vigilant to h.idl) 01 ho did not want Lord I Mini iven l tiknow Just how much speed his lio-it would iniiilie to bring homo the A met Ira s. 'up 'I line wa .1 Im ol golp at the stirt tint V illtvtle 111, if she Is half what sin Is einkt.l up to bo woull eisilv 1 11 tin niti rn.i ilonnl race All that t ilk stoppel aftet V Igll int and Defender had roun ltd Iho 111 irk BEFORE THE START. 'the course 1 liiingetl lijr Signal nt lie l.nnt Vliiinenl, lin- Ul li Tlio litunr World) HIilllLANDi-i OI NAVliaiNK, N. J.. Auk l" V ichl"niin wero looking far a llvel) cipful of wind lor Ilia Hist of the racis, to be salltd ti-diy, to decide whether Di b nJei or Vigilant sh ill be nlootnl as the ch miplon to de fen 1 tho Aincile.i Cup agilint Lord Dunraven's d in lv ValK.nlo III, and, Judging from t-irl.v In In-1 lions, the) were not to be dl-ippolnted It w.i- hi iv Ing half 1 ale off Study HoiK it midnight mil although tho wlnu ha 1 subside 1 a Utile at da) break, ll was still holding Mt mil) from the west, and old 'i -hirps at tho lllgh I iinls prc.lK't I tint it would surely bieozo up ag ilu befou the hour of the st in. nt 11 odoiK, and the big slngle-i-tle leers wuiild have all they needed to mikt live I) nlliiK. With the e eption of a slight haze In the tl st int h ilzon, the day wis pei fectlv deal "and the conditions wero a'.l fivor.i'do 10 obt lining a the view of iho rue from the shore. Scotland Light ship, tho ei iitlng point, loomed up plain I) off shore In tho midst of a ssa of snrklif,' rlppleb anl even the distant Sri Iv Hook I.lgh'shlp was c early dls t niiished with ihe nakel e)e. 'Iisl In llt-av VVi-ulher VVnnleil, I In fict the weather was Just what the I Cup Committee has been hoping for. and lihoipth tho result of the trial Is gener I all) rcgirded an a foregone conclusion In favor of Defender, there aro several Important points which ct remain to be tin ded In regard to the new Ilerte shoff irod-d. Tho must Important of these, accord ng to Commodore Jamos D, Smith, Is Defonlers ability to work In heavy weather, Fho has eufllclently demon strated her superiority to Vigilant as a light weather boat, but she has never .' - ' H-J$ijt? - 4l.iy - 1 - vi- , 1- v A f f . had an opportunity to show what she can do In thrash. ng against a heavy sea. Hoth tho racing jachts lav In tho Horseshoe, Just Inside the Hook last n.f,ht, sut rounded by a fleet of schoon ers, steam vacots and smaller craft. In perfect readiness to go to the start this morning Vigilant was never In better racing trim tnan at present, and with her new Herrcshoff mainsail Mr. Wll lard and Sailing Mister liarr expected greater things of the old champion than ever. Many jachtlng sharps believed that with the Improvements that have been niacin sinco the beginning of tho sea son Vigilant can best Defender In a strong blow. With a breeze like tint o' cstcrd.w this Important question could be qulckl) decided. On the other hand. It comes from au tho'ltatlvo sources that In tho previous races with Vigilant, Defender has never been allowed to show her best paces, but has been held tn check In cverv race In which she has sailed for the reacni that her owners art not anxious to dis close tho full strength of the new race" until ."lie meets the Britisher In the tlnal contrjt for the Cup. Tho Inter est howove.. In tho trial races, which negln to-day. Is much greater than was j Jell in an) of the previous contests be- I tuo,,i Ihn ttxn nipht. Preparing; for the llnttlo. At 3 o'clock everything was astir up In the Horseshoe. Vigilant was the first to prepare to get under vjy for the starting rolnt. At that hour sho had shaken out her mainsail and sent up her clubtopsail, whllo Defender, which lay half a mile nearer tho Hook, had hoisted her Jib and her crew were busy getting up tho .mainsail, I Off to windward a big fleet of fishing boats dotted the surface of the bay with tlieli whlto sails, as they skimmed about In every direction Tho lofty sails of the big single-stickers, reflecting the bright sunlight, towered above the rest of tho fleet like great mountains of I snow, I At 9 20 Vigilant, nfter setting her Jib, slowly swung nround and started for tho point on a broad reach, A few min utes afterward, with her mainsail set and her Jib In stops. Defender started In the same direction under tow of her tender, the Hattlo Palmer. At that hour a fifteen knot breeze was blowing. It seemed to have shifted a little to tho south and was evidently freshening up. Vigilant passed Sandy Hook Point on her way out to the lightship at 0.3S. Sho was under mainsail, stay sail. Jib and dubtopsall, and was footing very fast. Defender had set a small clubtopsail and followed along about a mile astern. It was uncertain at this time whether tho rat- would be started from the Scotland or tho Sndy Hook lightships. The chances wer- that If the wind con tinued to shift to the south the start would ba made from the outer mark. Defender' Jib and Eta) sail vere set soon after she passed the point, at 9,r,5, nnd he cast off her tender. Doth yachts (Continual on Seventh l'ago ) . Emperor iL,i Francis Joseph VvsSi ofAustm. Jim PERSONALLY dec- 'X&IK lorated Johann Hot) 1 TCr?'is ,n consideration of Ct? V ,he bns derived from the use of the Genuine Johann HofTs Malt Extract in the Imperial Household, and said: "Itaf- 1 fords me great pleasure to decorate you Willi the Cross of Ms'it Willi the crow a" nnr of Imitation!. Ths (tnutn Johann W" Willi Jj r S - f3ti on nn clc label. 1 , - Mtvsiuns Ca , Ant, IStv. Vv", ASK TOR THE dEMIINC JOHANN HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT Help WntecPMVls WASTKP-A'eorapuot "nilllwlllit. Apply t Mnzfr ManuUciurloz Co.' tolltr dtpuinient. Ellitbotiiport. h. i , nt pact. ?!Sf I . 'Z'Fis&d ri)JilKI'M-i'i-Wfjgj. - a f 1. THE DOCTORS I WHO CURE. J One or the most Interesting rases dl- ' ebrtred as rureil tills i,rde hi Doctors H .llrt'oT anil M. .Inhu Is llml nt llr. .Tolni B Kengliesan, r llrnolilj 11, nlinwlug rlir ni-- H eesa with eilildi Hiev trent L'nliirrh ol llie Head, Tlironl 11 ml .-lomnrh. 1 H The eato of Sir, John Geoclicgan, tllsdiarscJ at H eured this ek b Potion McCoy !,! el Jolui H boirs that ticn tho molt icilouij terms r-t H catarrhal troubla j leM to proper trca.tmtnt from 'H llllful tpfdallsta. Hr Jo'jn Gcotti-ein. wh lien at :si :3th itrett. rrookljn. la 000 of lha H most skilful atone' uttcri cniploied st the citi-o- In eranlt dJ rionurrcntal ork of t'.n old- H stabllrhfd. firm of Charlea v Tandy. Clh atenna. H bctfteca Zlth tlrtct aal tu aueet, Drooklys. H K ' I Mn, JOHN C3KOUIIEGAX, Mr. Ceoheean Is well known ta the ilonf iH cutlers' traJ In an Interview h taldt 'Th H Triton I make a statement Is that I feel It mr jH duty to let surerltie humanity Vnow where tbry iH can fce cureJ. Ulien I went to Doctors McCoy H and Ft John I t uttered nlth (.atarrb of the heU H ni throat and ttomach I felt dizzy and my heal M was alp. ays etoppci up Tn icucls would drop "-H don In the back of my throat during th nlsbt, H and In the uornirs I had trouble In clearing my -H throat. I would hank und rplt and esc at times. H The mucus felt like a ball In my throat. 1 uouM tet up In tLe riornln; tired and dull, with n H ambition. My appetlta left me I could eat n m brctVUtt, I was dizzy 1 had rlnctnc noliea In W mr ears. I had no icnndence. In mself My H1 crk was a burJtn. In fact, I vac all broken Ml down "i 'After using the medicines furnlsheJ by Doctors McCoy and Si. John, and taking their resular course of treatment, "I am entirely cured. "My nork Is now a r lrtaure. All those hal feelings fcae left me Aml I am a ihmt niiin. , 'My appetite la Eplttidll I hae no more dlzty ppells or rinsing no tn m ta-s I neer felt Letter In tny life All of which Is duo to the ' wonderfully skilful treatment I received from Doctors McCoy and ft. John I Udly nnd heartily reccirmerd tbm to all mfferers from catarrh or any otlur trcuble Their terms at erj 'rroderate They cba-ge ery llJe and fur nish all the ne.e"ary medicines Mt Summer Is Ibn limp tn net cured r S rntarrh A- a ruin our miulli treat mi nt ' In llie amtiiiip r ift urth iwn In tlie MinltT Tii patient imiH eu npt tocuteh cold CURED BY MAIL. Poctors M-Coy and Su Jotn t.u-e hundreds e, persors Ly mall Tbey dl-agtoae eaci ciee fro-t a syn ptom llanlt aid then prescribe the proper medicines. If jou lht out of town, wrl'e fur C sjmptcm blank FREE TEST TREATMENT. Tor the beneft u' those who hate n definltt kno1ed:e of the work or reputation of Do: tort 4 1 McCoy and t Jchn In the treatment of all 'I chronlo diseases trial ueatmmt and medic nt. 1 are tree There Is nosltliely no charge tor con- if sultatlon examination test t re it me at and medi- L cine for the flrst UIL l DOCTORS McCOY AND ST. JOHN, 1 Ufllrra, .Sla IIiliIi-iiii'A vi mil. Comer of B l-M sirrrt.M-w Vnrk Clljr. m OOca hours 3 A. M to 12. 2 lo 6 and 7 lo t j P M Jallr. Funlaju. lu A vi to 3 P at B A Excursions. sH MANHATTAN BEACH. LEAVE FOOT 34TH ST., E.R..N.Y. f$ UUU.NU 1 alii. 4U CUNTS. "" Dnr ficcpt sun lays s;o, ( 7io in u C A. M . 13 10. I 10. I 40. : 10 J 10 1 10. 1 It 4 It, lo, i io. t. o, c oo c 40. 7 40, oo. i, rB I 00. 10. 10 HO P. M ' NEW SHORT LINE. 1 TI.K HIM' l.ltllO vl.VS IIKIiMilU (Til AVU Ll.l.VVTLU. UROOKI.V.S. itut,M iitir :tr, ci:m. Leat. hourly trom 01 A. H. to ! 01 P. IL, an4 bait boorly truiu i 31 to it ul p. U. B LEAVE nlllTRMAM. ST.. N. T.. Tl Mr H BM roonJ Irln li iu llally, vcpt EunJayi hourly trom 7 M A. M. HJ to 1 10 r vt . anl halt hourly Irom 1 40 P. Jl. B to 8 10 P vt. M CONEY ISLAND, CULVER ROUTE, ,M Round Trip, 25 Cents. M Vrktt foot VVhltuhall rt ilally ticfp. Sundar. fH hourly from 7 10 A M lo 10 in A M . ana hal BH tcurly iherrllur until 9 10. 10 :0 P. M. BH R0CKAWAY BEACH. I La foot Hih at., n R . dally "'Pt aim . B Itaya. C 30. 8 70 9 10, 10 CO A. M . 17 70, 1 7, f ! lit). 3 30 4 20. I 30. t 30, t 70. I 10. 9 10 P. li. 1 W RUINU Hill'. CU -KNTS. I , SBJ TiiT.l oin.iriT'iTilAHi uk isimi'vifs: H Ailcllxlil ul sail on niiu Bfl "" I01IIIT elslllliTI llTJ B i I l- W trail luiiom .lally. Ba ll r. U IJuinlllcum inllat'. rar lX-"-'ll Hun nn I iiortli Ut aril uuinlire An iiiio-iuiiiai liifili'jrlP, nnnl let, TO T A TY Avliry.ini mini ivijar- m ll l IV I 1 linn. i,rAii I inuecii ii, ill l.l.rtlllf J rts. iim lint lli"i nl. M.JMAJ. M unit ilm llikt. Din imi - JS a la ar i "Kin i ''v'uwa Prulaclilanl " "1 li.Dilrr." Iln'.l i;. lnut.i;, JUbT hsliliiK uaw ilu lie mli irU 1 H flMr. lAul.U-rh WII.IH l.tUVB ' I'ir IS, N t i -Ul I I., ili, II, 1(1 BJ 111 4A. U. i: J.,l II Ul, I ll Ul, Ul t B I'M -a 'Uli-. !lt L, I ii, I I il, IBJ 1LU.1A Vt.jliJI Ifil, iJl .' il i-.ip.u. BJ lji.l 111 si, '. ., I V 1 1, 1 I 1. II Ul V. VL; ill, -'.. tl3 !' .a 41 '. -i. M.tVli lll,I.MiLAVI,lllil VI or .111 -4. I'l.r ih. .-.. it ll 4&A vi. : 1 '. -I , l- M urlVrla imlj; AiV , il il. 7 v s 1' l ut all U 1 1. Inisa. l.irn Ilu usiiifilii. Bi l. IIU-.KIN I I'llVT" , NORTH BEACH. I Electric Lights. . I t4ircs ami comiuo luui Terry iijati oiri r.n H IXliinl. u V. v(., l nun Iliiuny mi J i, L I-are IU CVnls, e BJ Alauuy uieaiiL l,ln-irir Luri via IZailJl,! B bl. and tast I'J I sc (rprrloi. Bl SHOHOLA GLENS SI HOUND Till.' SI. ifl vi;itNPsiv, i i., ti, isti.i. 'H lEHl! a.JI -I.. ll.ll) A. VI. BB I, IIW . I II V limits ST., II. I. v.. II. BB l.fcVil. J!.MI. IT1, II.J.j . il. 4VJ lieiuruuu Kuvo e,Wui u ui t M nvu uoun Bn at Itiu iiiuiii. BI I wniT roiT. Mnvuiitcti, lnj " I l'('Ki;r.lsi:. Duly curilon Incipl Sj, B I lay) by Albany Day Llni iltatnvra trjji On 1 troain st PKr at 40 A 11, UJ U'n -31 m, a I t'alock. mf m Around Staten Island. vi Pally, Hlramer Aurora li-aeta U' 731 il, 1 3ij 1 I - Tauiry Lanlln: 1 4V, llrUtt UxV. Droakly., I I jM 1. II Muitc anl rrfreibinwnla. Tlcaa . M tu 1 I BI 'HOI CIIOLBIIA na.Nr.' PptrWI mrtiitl ) j Schuyler, Tuttlay, to, Ihuruiay. ti. Uancoi BJ N ) Iv'BB v'f-'VVtoCa;?Al''BB "SMftf9ftKfJ0WmSt&LXJ9 BaBwaaBB