a 1 11
i 1V r iMit asr awwcw J r
1 ii t I t t
lt Hbllfted by the Preen Publishing Company No B ts M
I Park How NeAr York Entered at the po tOmM
f at New York an SeoandCltxs Mall Matter
1l VOLUME 40 NO 10133
The coal famine having been broken and prices low
ered though not rot to a normal figure are wo to for
i get the Imposition and forjjlyo those guilty of It 7 That
10 the customary proceeding after the troublo la over
Why not imitate oven at this late day the prnlso
1 worOly action of Chicago In n similar T
L In Chicago tho Special Grand Jury Investigating tho
coal famine returned Indictments against fortyfour
o companies corporations and dealers In locating
tfio responsibility tor tho ncrlous sbortaen of coal high
y prices and consequent suffering it exonerated tho rall
y 1 rpeds and mino owners but found that there existed
la the dtv of Chicago and in the State of Illinois outside
of Chicago and In tho neighboring States certain com
binations doomed to ho conspiracies or combinations In
reatXfiJnt ot trade within tho meaning of the statutes
Thai is to nay rocognlclng tho existence ot a coal
famine this Grand Jury promptly proceeded to dlnooror
r the CttBBO and ptoco tho blame nnd it carried out Its
+ rarposo in an expeditions and highly crcdttablo way
n j In similar drcmnetanccn and with equal it not greater
causa for complaint what has New York done It is
osdeotEblo that somebody has been robbing tho con
sanier i > y Imposition of a prohibitive price on coal
All tho outward evidences of a conspiracy or com
J btBailon bora been discernible for weeks yet the
helpless city ban dOne nothing about it but to protest and
I to pay We must think that tho Chicago way is better
I and wish that the energetic Western example could be
followed bore Tho existence of tho Dwindling middle
mem and his extortions is undenlod To discover his
z 1 Identity and to bring an Indictment against him Is
timely work for a Special Grand Jury
It is a duty too long delayed If it bad boon performed
i formed sooner iro should havo been denied tho epoc
taclo of Brooklyn mob plundering a coal train and a
Long Island magistrate dismissing a youth charged with
stealing coal with tho ruling that to steal from a thief
is not theft As a result of tho coal famine the sense
ownership has become somewhat confused recently
in Instances far too frequent It the law had taken early
If notice of the persons primarily responsible for these
minor infractions of It wo should not have occasion to
deploro their frequency
A check tor = 22600000 drawn by J P Morgan Bc Oa
In BOttloment for a large block ot Reading railway stock
presented at a New York bank and paid without n
lipplo of excitement as tho account Bays In the money
V market Tho directors of the bank passed tho Check
around among themselves as a curiosity glanced at It
recalled other checks of eight figures deemed large In
t their day but not equalling this and the Incident owns
dismissed as a noteworthy but not essentially Important
episode in the days business of tho bank
Yet it was a big thins In a day of big things and one
r rather beyond the full comprehension of the Imagination
at flnt thought There was a time not remote when the
National Qorcrnmont would hare been put to otralta to
i t 1 pay a Jhoefc of this else without preparation Aa it le
t with oar per capita of circulation only 28 It would re
qufro the ready cash of nearly a million citizens to pay
fit H paid in email change It would make Inroads on tho
a j gatione itdok of subsidiary coin It could not baTe been
Gtd in nlcliles for In all Its history tho nation has not
l floinefl enough nickels for the purpose
It toot only the corporations and the banldnshoujts
I that are flush On the day before this check was
6 drawn a theatregoer tendered a 1000 bill In payment
I of two seats at the Empire Theiitsc Change was pro
vided as desired and the tickets furnished Here was a
j plain citizen peeling oft from a roll a single bill repre
l senting twothirds of the entire wealth of the overage
> American as computed by the census experts We can
fancy the reflections of the eldor Booth If he were alive
to hear of this incident of an afternoons bustnem at the
boxoffice We can fancy the reflections of Garrlck ns
he surveyed a scantily filled pit Theao oldtimers
would have liked to know the young matinee hero of
romantic drama who made the occurrence possible
One of the most Important of recent minor inventions
11 credited to tho Ingenuity of a convict in the New
Jersey State prison Charles Flier It Is a blind look
fittch Bowlngmochlne which will enable ono operator
to do the work of many The device was invented by
tTUer while he was at work In the clothing shop of the
prison Outside capital was Interested In the machine
and Filer received OB his reward a ch payment of
red 4EJDOO a block of stock his parole and tho prowls of a
1 position with the company at a good celery
Other convicts have figured in PatentOmce reports
is Inventors Ono whose name la recalled was Molchlor
f Farkar who while confined in a Hungarian penlton
tlary in 1802 devised a mechanism for giving a man a
clean shave In twentyfive seconds The coble report
seethed ua that the Governor of the penitentiary had
I a UffUd the machine and declared It a auccosa but what
rs came alt la unknown
rsr A convict of a mechanical turn of mind Is apt to find
a his confinement and his Isolation from deterring In
fluftnoea moat helpful in enabling him to acquire greater
facility Tho exhibition In this city br the Prison Asso
ciation articles made by convicts contained specimens
of highclass work done behind tho prison bars Among
twa were an elaborate iron door crlll a richly carved
oak otalrcaso Chairs desks banjoes cabinet Iron bed
t gads plaster casts c A piece of cloth woven at
jJ Alttrarn came in for the highest praise lUchard Barker
life convict at Auburn made a box out of 11786 sep
arate fleets of wood < Whloh was a marvel of altllftil
P pebinet work It required a glass to see where tho dlf
freet fragments of wood wore joined together In the
4 i fMr 1S85 tho goods manufactured by tho convicts of
ltle tate of New York were valued at 023C320
1 Regarding a Jailbirds possibilities In life when he
rl IMYM tho penitentiary with a trade well learned a state
r jriMt by Daniel Russell a discharged prlsonors agent
ajrte quoted In an address before the Prison Asso
t t ltpRjn 1986 Mr Russell raid
fft fI NH tee I + u coD Urotib tt Oficbutc 1111 la Doter
WM jj 7Nt we etppsd up < at mil dnueJ ad with tie doer
tl J e M BBtto i t tot I ttl4 1 tot know yon wit hi ID
I = I M a4 Z 114r Iem irrbmeetrodbere J flip
Ildss N ywll alone III plllla pookttl TOIl watt U IIIT
str e4 ie ule t gc w e YO lakea ZI 7ft n ell
i sA g aMy t uket 1wIt 1 IItn fee Ule etuif
F rd Jm iaa4 aoy b t ai u i MU sal
l o
f > r1 ft rl t <
1 V A VYM4 > 4A M
i I I l J I I f
t J THE BIG HAT SIBTBHS Why Willie wo were just LITTLE LOU Here are some delicious biscuits I LITTLE LENAAnd hero is a nice pie I just made LOU AND LENA What do they call it ails him I
< t going home So goodi of you to com after us But you Just cooked you must try them LITTLE LOU You wilt need this saw to cut that DOCTOR We call it plephotdmankanteatls I
must try some of our now cooking UTTLH LENAYou will need this axe for HER all right
b biscuits
A <
u u u 00000
C revPA0C00E Oa D000at WO
KO 1
fOVB la noon noun Ltrda a tnanopee
I donation d e verb
L A verb airaXlta non being or
mate Love Is wiier you tate some
thing to a being and net aotlon Born
time It la A breach of unxnlflft action
But Here are ntty lx oOur VBrteUw
Ian nrat KtUxdca e bar Just about
that period of hbi mdoiasceno wllwn he
IB hoplnjr Ws petition fore longer trousers
will pravwll
The object of ids affotlons Is in
variably a girl some two yearn older
than himself After raucftx mooning hu
b placed In a position where he must
declare himself lie does Ills dedara
tlon li rftoelved with jeers He IB In
formed that be IB a snip and told to
net out m
He gets out UU a lone time getting
In again He slinks around the door
way where tin dancing party la held
and sees the object of his adoration
conspicuous In pink ribbon waltzing
with the looal Adonl In the thnjw of
the nelcKborhooa drug clerk an ex
alted personage who can think all the
soda water he wnntca and wbo pull
SMrfume oa the ctrk handkerchief
when they call In at Ole store
Bam Uunitfnta ot betnaylaff tb drug
derfB fenvrooltr with his eaupioyer1
ohowtco turn sedge throusli the boa
But he oamtro1se3 by ticking MB
bead la tie drug tore door upon Bub
BOQueat occasion and onantlnri
Shoot lUha dud that roU the pau
JSrerr day BOCIO ono he IdUil
In loiter jeaoB the girl UU a Bplaster
well say to him lansnshin We
were MtU BTrcsthearta were w e ootT
And he will answer brutalljt Huht
You > were mo much older than me 1
dont remember
By this time be U tmwntyone and
thinks himself a hardened man of the
world IRe IB now secretly Jo love with
a plump darkeyed w4dwir We wotiJil
declare hit < anion but the widows
oldest son Bucks hU thumb
He could never bear the onus of being
a stepfather under such clrounutaMcn
Then he meets a girl who IB visiting
rclttl < ii In Ida neighborhood He real
lz < > that lie has never realty loved till
now With joy tie find he IB regarded with
favor lie rrxohei to raise a mu > tnch i
tie conndea iilu reulve to Ids Ina
morata Slio In becomingly eiitQvuslaatlo
He fells that he oould die for bar
Then they Quarrel They donot speak
lie IB very mUera1 and hopes the la
the same
They have a reoopclllatlon They are
engaged Bhe returns horn and a
fervid oorreapondBOO U maintained for
a period of thaw tnqntha
TO > n a young mlnlctar octnoa to the
town where bla w ettieart Yaw He
U pale and bu weak qua The girl
wntu a erect deal abaft tare revlvel hi
U oonduotlaff There oa aoouiaUona
and letter are returned
Tie young man acoeptji a poaltton he
baa been begging for tn another StAte
YceiB pau H Uu married die
daughter eXt nli landlady l1e has a tam
lly lIe fau risen to a position that oar
rlu with it e vacation on pay
He aaa to h1a wit that U U time
they went on a bridal tour ma wife
says the trip would do tue oluuireu COoa
lit purolmses a Bilk hat Bind a frock
coat lie call It a Prince Albert
He looks like a bartender who U on
the reception oocnnuttee of an annual
outing and games
nut he doesnt ttirok BO
His idea la that the Criead of his
youth will believe rte iaopulently ores
Out the friend ofhJsjwrath bar his
return calmly
Another townsman Isback In town on
a visit too
We Is a billposter wUh a crow and
is mad much of
The blllpoater is present with a
coldheaded cane by the local lode of
Improved OrJer ot Red Won to which
he la killed Din Is presented with hla
fathers grocery bill
The girl who was intereated In Uta
minister ia attain residing In the town
Bha li married to tho looal bakery who
Is addicted to drink
Bha flU become addicted to Ctirtvttan
Science and wclrhs Yft pound
11 tf old dame Is affronted He eels
sfte houM have stayed Binit and haw
pined away
But he doesnt tell Ma wife i
The next tvlll liej am 1I0ut adder
Hoat at tYorltYta aDpeutos
As Amusingly Depicted by Artist Ladendorf
I I 2
No1 Mrs Newlywed bought a pattern Im going to make my No2 Mrs NewlywedAnd this fa the material bought at a sale t
4 v own drool I
i No 3 Mr NewlywedNow shes an economical wife No4 Mrs Newlywed hope I can finish this before Georgo 4
V ruinus home +
I 1 I I
< j No 6 Mrs Nowlywed 7unt finished the dress Ill try It on No G l I
i Q DYVQng000v1Q i N PedK9SSAdiwee wyv Met 00 G vPy Q 00W 000e t r1000 i0 t 4 4v
Foot muffs ore 101 Ito keep the fret
warm 4u drlvlnir They were made lone
before the modern foot cloves for car
riages were Invented and there are peo
ple who still prefer thru They Imve
manifest aUuntiEfB over the stove
Tie foot mutt U something like a
great > iclous oomforlable slipper
wide rnuiwli Jar two feet and oomlnc
up high on the foot really a sort of
fur bag Into which two feel may be
throat It li made in considerable va
riety ranging In hlce from n or li
each up to ITS The lowest priced
among them are made or inexpensive
furs lined with sheepskin the higher
priced ono are mod ot teal and other
fine furs sometimes finished with an
ornamental design upon the top Any
Ot hem makes a alghtly ss well u a
most cpmlorfiM lt m of curing Qlp
atIIt f
n sa
I dive of the flest Jokes of the Dav I
Tlirr are people who haunt
Our lives wltli their runt I
Sometimes they say cawnt
Then forget and liar cant
Wnrtilnglon star
I am tolnic to write fur our HI to
come home from teown aid Mr Craw I
root with a worried expmmlon I
What the matter Silas asked
Mrs Crawfooi
Will tliU paper says hs was eel I
downtown In n trap Sunday I aint
going to have mir bl y falling In any
Imp by rlckyChlcago News
And now asked the teacher at the
end of a lone description of the brain
lrhT9 JUi Atcrf cjemoryt Can any
of you tell mT ovum replied
Johtmy Bncbjajm thilUtf flsagetr
where you tie n aping around It to
make Putt recollect IIClnelnnaU Com
mercial Tribune
Dont you sometime have thoughts
asked the soulful oung thing that are
absolutely unutterable
I I do sole answered the old poet
I And sometime when I ant digging
i for a rhyme that wont DOme I have
thoughts that lire absolutely unprint
I able HufCnlo Commercial
Bents Gay are you getting crazy
Jolkley Not to my knowledge Whyt
IDentc Tou Just raid you aIM coin
thins today that mad your IIIIT stand
on end and wtien I asked what tt wu
you said a bunch ot celery
loUdeynba rlt
lu I at7 11 and f It I sect try
4 VMT fcL be EPt
fJ s t 01
11 i
When Joseph Jefferson the famous
American actor was a boy lays the
KsnsSB City Touriial he used to tramp
from town 10 town In Ihe United Btatei
as a email member of his fathers travel
ling company They one struck the
town of Springfield III at a time when
a RToit religious revival was In full
smlng In tho hope of preventing any
playacting at such a period the Town
Cbuncdl demanded e heavy fee for per
mission This was a serious matter for
the strollers who had to earn their
dally bread and a local lawyer took us
their case out of good wtll 80 per
uulvely did be plead that the tee wt s
not Inslitad on and the pectonnazrot
took pU ce The lawyer whoa H
and buiaor Mvrcd Jh tAxftrt an W UB
f a
i iJ i
C 000w O V v
A Reception Is Given Under Difficulties
Jlclntyrea were c ns to cho a reixsptlon A real i
reception the kind whero pcopHa wear glocsomo gur
manta ami stL on the very edge of tits chairs ethos <
who ero lucky enouarh to nnd oh lire > md convorsoition la I
Reared up < to the elgfile gab te gobla nnd clt point of col
tur Where no one even tMnJca at emoktair or of volnntow = I
Ine to slur such vulgar dltUes ea The IXiolejB first BTlvB
Oclock Tea or The Irish Orchestra
The Melntyre reception belonged to the herd bearing 1 1111
At Homo brand n deck of cards being dealt through aev
oral PIKCS of tho Bllto Directory apccJfjilng that dos Blank i
Blank Mclatyro vs very much at homo at The McIntyre
llat Tuesday afternoon January twent4etih
The Idea of tho reception had apron from an Ignoble 1
aoum Mr McIntyre had reason to bellova Ws office Job
was insecure lie longed to make it a sinecure Hla good
kind employer was ndUcted to the Society JinWt Ho had
always mulled encouragingly on the head bookkeeper vw
elnce reading the litters name among those prcacnt at a
function whose patronesses owned nourh jewelry < o stock
Iteioadnay 8irato Henca McIntyre hU on the plan of i
giving an At Homo corralling a few of tie moatnearly
ire11known people of their acquaintance and steering bla
Rood kind employer up against the game
Itll give me a status at the once that rrtlll be proefl
again sight repttttlona ot tho tlting1JoworIcQnhour4
lute vice he declared to his nrcMnsf wife
Sovetul things conspired t > ruffle the Molntyres sermbt 7
betose the reception Vn the first place the red stair 0114
was worn ex rapgwl that H ho 1 to iNj tied together with
strings The landlord had prcanin a new staIr carpet Bill I
on the very morning of the reception he had the old bf
carried way to be cleaned and turned He Bald he hal
In It would look smaller eeen upside down Now III that
was no elevator and the Moltrtyroa dwelt on the flftti flooij
merely became there WAS no elxth tho prospect ot ttiMt f
ermtim trrunplnr up five fllrhtB of bare tackntatwn 11Dbal
was not one of merry glee It would not Impress the goort
Mnd ejDi < loy T Moreover on the day of the rec iton veryi
on In the house Beamed to have a craving for onions every
tie fragrant aroma of those doilntlen hung hurry na the
perfumes of AreAy the Blest tJirot rhont the halls
D1e plumbers mnn too bad been expected for n week
mend use gas nroplac In the dran < nsroom Pie had not
com and the odor of rtollaxttn gas cnrlohed the nottrlla mi
ImpoTBrinhcd the pocUwttiook
Molntyre fVnind at the last moment he would toav to
work carte Bo he left to his wife the task of ImpressJna his
good kind employer
At noon Mrs Mclntyr sent a last dirspalrlnc message to
the plurntxirs min to come and repair the drawingroom I
fireplace and got word hed be around at one Soon after
tree gueata begun to arrive lie came airs Molntyire met him
H the mull wrath In her eye She knew he was a plumbers
man from Ma air of prooiwrdty F
This M a nice time for you to come pho ol > vcrvcd atom I
Iv I have guests So you cant come In
But hll protested I come nt your Invitation tr
You oiuit come In she repented coldly I lo not cue j
to have my guests to see you You smelt dont suppose Id
let you Into my dntwinx room at nn At llomn Go please
at once
As the man oIli hesitated she LecUoned the nusslng Jan
110101 large husky limn devoted 10 the MrlntMo I
Win Jmiltor seized the intruter and dciaiteil surtdenly iiai
downstairs with htm On the way they collWfid viUtii the 1
mon coming lo relay the carpMw and festooned In fifty
yard of rnsyod stair carpet rolled drraroiky doD the reJ
matting flights I V
Five minutes later Mcintyre arrived out of t rc th
What the matter he whltiip red On he way up the I
street I met my good kind employer He nas dlBhevolled
and patctwn of red stair carpet were clinging to Wm Ita
wouldnt even IIpeek to me butt just glared What Nod
him do you BAIPPOBS
I dont know faltered Mrs Olclntyri after a cooment
of heart retdinr thought But I think dear rd return I
from that torrid old office tt I wr you I dont bellev
hell ever r Ue your pay A P T
OUvery college community says the Bprlngflsia aiepulriiean
n encompazsed by BUperatltlowmythB and legends of various K
sorts Particularly IB this true to regard to sports but suet
sUtton IB more closely interwoven with football legends And
beliefs than with any other game It it wonderful what a
great difference IB made by the presence or absonca of OOe
man In whom the twm has conHJ > nce Tho teams jOayine ii
toned by hU Then the state of the weather the condition
of the Held and the place where the game IB played all genet
on the superstition of the men of different teams niB
citrate may be unnoticed for a time but are none the lets
real nnd always to be reckoned with If It U possible to die
cover them Yale luck and the belief that Dartmouth oi VM
unconquerable for an eleven anywhere near hw strength I
lIen playing on her own ground are two exnmplea paint
Princeton hu a eupentltlon baaed on common OMit how
over that It li poor policy to have the Borne captain throuah
more than one etason Ureomi ore hold In high eBUmaUon
efpeilally among the players thttmsfAvej end the difference
made by tide second sight In regard to the result of the oat
teat appear In the decree of conndcnca of the 1 > lay ThlBJ
U well known to coaches and cam are said to hav ao ha
to strengthen the nerve of tbiir chaTfea by dreaming ot the r1
favorable outcome of the struggle on the eve ofbattle orar I
ranting for one of the player to do soX
Many envious people have asked questions A out the neon
lift of theM letters on barrel of beer and aim They are
used to denote the quality and strength ot the liquor Inside
I In the early times an excite 4axot ten cbUtlnffBimd to be paid
on beer of a certain quality and ctr nrtU T1 tat iwu repre
I sented on Mrs tmrel by the letter X aoa after a whUi eves
Ittr the tax rat mm csianyed I t wauregurdV w c ora
tor < 9it > wloalcw ifuHty Than xxXXXkW1
I vealeg torsyrueat + IlleCaA fg 1s std rt111 kltb rot I
I M Os
MI I f f
i II t t 111