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The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, April 16, 1903, Night Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-04-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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W ATH m Cle r tonlt an A nllllar i WEATHRCIOI47 topdght d
ON PAGE 12 13
t r PA6EJ5 U Ii I I Circulation B AILl
V 1 I Circulation Books Open to All Iren l a IDU Books Open to All
d 4
1i The Chid Appears as a
T Witness in the ReTrial of
r Policeman ONeill Whom
He Discharged While He
W s Boss of the Force
The Harder They Needed the
BrushingDown Process the
Further He Transferred Of
fenders Says Question About
Paying for TransfersIs Silly
IWiniam Devery sat today as a wit
p nesa Inthe room In Police Headquarters
where he was sole dictator for to many
months He was an exceedingly frank
b and picturesque witness Third Deputy
L Commissioner Davis who presided at
the retrial or Former Policeman Ed
jb ward ONeill wore a broad grin allthe
I time Devery was on the stand and oc
cwionally laughed heartily at tho an
swers of the former Chief
Devery dismissed ONeill from the De
partment for Insubordination and at the
t Bixne jtirap volunteered the Information
j that ONeill was n bum It was dur
I g tof the campaign two years ago ONeill
cast his lot with tho Citizens Union
end through the Innuendo of that body
ecured an act of the Legislature grant
Ing him a new trial
When ONeill entered the trial room
ijevery looked at him wljh an expres
F sion otcontemptAI the former ChIef
took the witness stand he sat close to
ONeill who was ut tho tqblo with his
f counsel IL De F6rest Baldwin The
direct examination was conducted by
Deputy Commissioner Davis Devery
wild that all ho < knewabout the ONeill
Hiss could be found oh the records
p f Shouldnt Ho IInuT
I Was there any Justification for thIS
tnon talking back to you 7 asked Mr
c lavll
I i I cant remember replied Dovery
I T know that hq hnd no rlgUt to talk
back to a stiporlbr officer I feel that
Siray now and I felt that way then
l Mr Baldwin took up the crossexaml
uatlonv Devery said he had been a po
liceman since 1571 and ho added I
think Im In the Department yet
I Mr Baldwin jumped Immediately Into
i the subject of transfers Devery said
4 I Jl that the Commissioner did the trans
I ferring v When asked If ho had ever
k made transfers at the request of fronds
lie answered
Velj friends of mine would come to
I me and ask to have a friend ofthelrs
transferred to a nicer precInct and lI
st dot The captain would recommend the
I transfer to tho Inspector the Inspector
1 to the Deputy Chief and the Deputy
i Chef to the Commissioner That waa
ii 1 t r ftie way It was done
I p Of Course lie SIMT Men
lb I Ton frequently saw people about
I to transfers
t PeopleT replied Devery What do
I I you mean
I i J Humanbeings
Why of couro answered Devery
w crInn tr
Jti He denlcQ that the wife of 1ollce
1F man Gannon had ever shaken a piece at
fi paper In his face and told him that nei
gt j husband was being transferred because
ho wouldnt ntnnd for a shakedown
l Mr Baldwin was persistent In his qucs
Lnn concerning the alleged colectlon
f money for transfers
1 y Nov look here said Devery llnal
1 ly I dont believe In any such stun
I If Id found > that any poor working man
on the force was belnz made to pay
i money to anybody Id dress that man
down from hli head to hlsliccsV
When you wanted to rub It Into a
nan you transferred him didnt your
queried Baldwin
II Sore responded the smiling Day
lj ery and It 1 wanted to brush mm
i hind transferred him as far as 1 could
I Ut was a gcod thing for the department
tic tho IwiJor you waillixJ tu tub
bem tho further you transferred them 7
Slll > Uvitliilni the Chief
Mr Baldwin asked Jf ONeill wee not
i ransferred because he arrested a Har
1 m talootikeepjr who stood In with
his hlerh otnclals of the department
1 That question U ellly said Uevery
Hut 1 Insist upon an answer
Not on your llfo he vvaunt I never
ara 6f such a thing
rr > every wa f1 < d wily Jl ° transferred
J XJeihi Iii rapid nucccsulon from high
t1dgu to MadUoii Blreet to Welt One
UlIdreiJ and Twentyntth IItriet S
lJct fllxtyelshih street to Bait on
undred and Fourtli street to Weal
itry eventh street to Kast Fifty
sL street and back to WftTHr1
I seventh Street
I don t know dowered puvury
L The record will ehow
What was the reason for all these
transferor asked Mr T5o
1 w H0MOU Baldwin TlIo
records haw ninety transfer Jn thirty
1 rI In one precinct olone V
U You cant SluiJ toll respondel
Deery 1
tV r worked for u sergeant once
whe lhQdgbI I wg 4 FrenMmrfn lit
thiiiil frPelh4 my name with eurx
Md ehlad Ieveioi Wl a loll
I 1 iJT
t 1
Ci M f
= II
v y h I 11 A
tcJ7CJ17a i = ana tL VZO CZO 27 o ve T S TA Tt7cZ r77o I
I II II II 1J r ftJ
I a p a t a j W I I ftt4QWCW
FfrsTZO F craro Y o Loboi JUpOr LoohoLg6oioo Issina
Inspector McClusky Confident that the
Murderers of the Man Found in a
Barrel Are Aujpng the Suspects
Gathered tnpy His Detectives
> n wT > V ro
II am satisfied that three of the twelve men arrested last night on
suspicion of knowing something of the eastside barrel murder mystery
will be held for the crime said Inspector McClusky late this afternoon
He refused to name the three men but intimated that probably nearly all
the rest of the suspects would be released by night
Secret Service men have been trailing the dozen under arrest Jot
months suspecting them to be members of a gang of counterfeiters
When it came to arresting them there was little difficulty because the
Secret Service operatives knew their haunts One man particularly de
sired has thus far eluded the detectives
Papers and letters seized in the rooms of the men under suspicion
have been turnethpver by the Secret Service men to the Central Office de
tectives and are being eamined carefully by skilled men The outcome
of the case against the three men spoken of by Inspector McClusky de
pends largely upon what knowledge may be gained from these papers
The swarthy dozen vero arraigned before Magistrate Barlow In Jelter
Eon Market Court today All denied knowledge of English
Capt Becker of Union Market station made a short affidavit on
which they were hold until Saturday morning when there will be a for
ma examination >
Therq la court rule providing that prisoners hold on short affidavits
have the choice of remaining In the court prison or going back to Head
quarters With fervent unanimity the prisoners made known that they de
sired to remain at the Jefferson Market Prison But the Magistrate after
a consultatlon with Capt Becker would not permit It For police reasons
heordnrei the suspected raurderero to be taken back to Headquarters
News of tho arreits spread through the Italian colony and caused tre
mendous excitement There was a mob of 2000 jabbering Italians banked
about Police Headquarters when the prisoners ware brought out to bo taken
to court Apparently It was a hostile gathering An old man with a stiletto
in his hand tried to climb Into a patroj wagon with the evident intention of
klillngono of the prisoners Before tho pollco could get to him he was
dragged down into Jhq crowd
SecretService operatives assert that they saw the unidentified victim
In tho company of aorrio of the men under arrest In a butcher shop at No 16
Stanton street a tow hoursbefore the unknown man was murdered
SecretService men Henry llltcblo and George E Burns who watched
the meeting In the butcher shop went to the Morgue and identified the
murdered man us the newcomer they had Seen at No 16 Stanton street
on Monday night
Tho dead man was thought be Vlto Laduco reputed proprietor of the
butcher shop until two wejks ago when ho disappeared He was saId to
have answered tho murdered mans deacrlptlonEarly today reporters lo
cated Laduco In tho tenement at No 15 Stanton street opposite the shop
lie proved to be only an employee anti Is now working in a shop in Eatt
Fortyeighth street
The butcher store was owned up to two wcks ago by Giovanni Zar
cone who claimed today bebad sold It to a Brooklyn man whose name la
the game as his
I AH of the prisoners were heavilY armed and resisted arrest desperately
until force was used to subdue them They were gathered In In three bands
by as many squads of detectives and so cleverly was tho work done that only
fifteen mlnutea elapsed bstraith the arrival of the first and last squad of
prisoner to Headquarters
Inspector McClueky said earlier in tho day
Credit for the quick solution of this mystery must be given to the splen
did system of surveillance kept up by Uio United States Secret Service
operatives Aft r the murder of Joseph Catania in Brooklyn last summer
Chief Inspector William J Flynn of the Eastern Section Of the Secret Sor
Contlnutd on Second Parp H
co u
1 we ita tiosa 1
> R > trrF urHWH sa CkIao
Kr <
Cyuttica 9 to 10 Cranes
ville 3 to 5 Petunia
Oclawaha and Caledoh
ite Takes the First Five
R ces at Aqueduct
M <
FIRST RACE Cyuttlep 9 to 10
11 Termagent 8 to 1 2 The Brown
i Monarch 3 Time 058 15
SECOND RACE Cranesvllle 3 to
I 5 1 B Doyle 40 to 1 2 Anna Daly
3 Time 112
THIRD RACE Petunia 7 to 5 1
Julia M 5 to 1 2 Contentious 3
Time 58 seconds
FOURTH RACEOclawaha 312
to 1 1 Mualdora 9 to 5 2 Locket
3 Time 11845
FIFTH flACE Caledohlte B to 5
1 Albany Girl 8 to T 2 Ocean
Dream 3 Time 111
SIXTH RACENew York 2nd 4
to 5 1 Colonist 4 12 to l 2 Flora
3 Time 132 25
April Tliousindti thronged the trnclc
again this afternoon In spite of the
Aticr that made men long for a warm
corner and a bowl of hot toddy The
racing has been more like winter sport
than the opening of the spring season
Continued on Iago Thirteen
Men Favor a TieUp but President
MahonjUDf the National Organization
i Does N < Dt Believe They Will Qtui
t J Xt J1 ToMpppw
rathan threequarters of the memo
bers of the L employees union had
voted on the strike uroposltlon this
afternoon and It was asserted by tha
officials of the union that the vote
was practically unanimous In favor of
jroln out But no matter what the
decision of the men mav be there wilt
bo no strike tomorrow unlcis the men
override the rules of the International
Amalgamated Association of Railway
Employees with which they are con
This Is stated on the authority of Will
Iam D Mahon President of the Inter
national Association whu Is at the Ash
land House If tho vote which Is belntf
taken at Colonial Hall One Hundred
and First street and Columbus avenue
Is In favor qf a strike under the rules
of the International Association Mahon
will tako charge of the situation at I
It will become his duty then under
the rules of the association to exert
every effort to avoid a strike Ho will
ask for a conference with General Man
ager Bryan he will appeal to the Clvlo
Federation ho will try every means
to postpone the resort to radical I
measure and even If he falls he will
not order a strike until he has tele
graphed to the five members of the Ex
ecutive Committee and obtained from
them unanimous consent for the pro
mulgation of the strike order
This will take time Mahon who Is
blUery opposed to a strike wants the I
A partial identification of the vloti mof the barrel murder
mystery and a clue to the woman who is said to have written
the decoy note were scoured this afternoon by the detectives
Luigi Castauula a Harlem Italian reported to the police that
his wife ran away several weeks ago with a man who answers
to the description of the dead man in the barrel
Castabula thinks his wife Is a member of the Mafia
A man named Chambeau called at the Morgue this after
noon and identified the toad man as one who had taken the
same elevated express train with him for months His Identifi
cation was positive but he could furnish no clue to the name
At a meeting of the trustees of the General A Theological
Seminary this afternoon Dr Wilford L Bobbins Dean oMhe
Cathedral Albany was elected Dean of the General Theo
logical Seminary to succeed the late Dean Hoffman who Idled
last summer
fa I
At Cincinnati Pittsburg 7 CinrHiniiti
At St LouisaEndof cl hth Chicago St Louis 2
I IfLliJ v ran r i M Hos i Ca rrsikUir3
d i 1 u f 11 > JMaey vTi TiT w > w
It r 1 I f > J v
f t < i > fJ pt A
r 0
I crisis uostponed as long as possible to
that no strike Is likely to occur for
several days unless the menwho do
not yet understand the rules of the or
ganization Jo which they belong Jose
their tempers and strike any way If
they do this they will have to go It
I alone and entirely without the support
ot the International Association
Before the day Is done Mr Motion Is
going to Colonial Hall and make this
clear to the men It Is said that thj
voting so far has been overwhelmingly
In favor of a strike and the Interna
tional President does no expect to
change the sentiment but he does want
them to understand Just what they are
Some of the younger men got to drink
ing after they had deposited their bal
lot They did a good deal of skylark
Ing In the stret nnd attracted attention
President Popper got them In u room and
begged them not to drink but to keep In
such condition that they could take
their trains out with safety later In the
Clashes between those men and the
pickets who wero canvassing strike
voles were frequent and boded trouble
before the clrtso ofvthe day
Balloting began at oclock In the As
sociations headquarters on the fourth
floor of Colonial Hall and will continue
until 10 oclock tonight when the vote
will be counted
Careless ln < ormnu Kent Cor In
Front of Fire Enffllie Tender
The carelessness of a motorman on
n northbound car of the Madison aye
nue line camn near causing a collision
with the tender of Engine Company
No 3S at One Hundred and Twenty
fifth street today
The Ire engine had turned the corncr
about 150 feet ahead cV the tender
the car belnc on the south side of the
crossing Bud < 1only the motorman starlet
the ear acrosfl Onn Hundred and Twen >
tvrtfth street It pasted dlrectlv In
front of the tender the motorman
maklnc no effort to atop At a great
risk the driver of the tender made a
sham turn the rear tnd of the Vallon
azllZ tile rear dashboard or the car
da pssrnRcrs In the car acre
adly frightened
CHICAGO April UDr Adolph Lo
rent arrived In Chicago today for the
purpose of removing the cast from the
let of Lollta Armour the young laugh
ter of J Olden Armour upon whom
an operation for congenital allocation
of the hip was performed lint October
UpQn retnovlnu the cast tho limb was
roil n1 to be In perfect condition and
the patient was able to walk around
the hputo without difficulty
The operation was a comnleta sue
cess11 sld Dr lorna hut I shall
have to be In constant attendance upon i
the lllle one for tRre or four weeks
before I can bo certain of a positive
I Forecast for the hrlfla
I thr iauIE a j I 11 rtat
I for Ntir Virle Vft r anal I IsInIiiI
I C5U41 tiiiilghitI frltir juicily
I 1ei4yi Senile piertktl7flINli I
i tl
The Governor Strikes a Hard Blow at the
Senators Political Supremacy by Nominat
ing Assistant DistrictAttorney George W
Morgan as State Superintendent of Elections
Brackett Elsberg Ambler and Brown Join
the Democrats in Defeating the Confirm
tion of Frank M Baker Platte Man as a
Member of the Railroad Commission >
fjz I I
Two severe blows at Senator Platts t supremacy overrtheRepub g
State machine were struck today in Albany > ttfL
One was directed by Gov Odell who practically removed John j2t1
Cullagh as State Superintendent of Elections by sending to the Sftri HM
the name Assistant DistrictAttorney George W Morgan forv I
office i < i
The other was given by four Republican members of the Snaj
They voted with the Democrats and defeated the confirmation of Fraiit
t Baker as a member of the State Railroad Commission MID I3fjg J
lives In Tioga County where Mr Platt retains his voting residence i f
The Republican insurgents are Senators Brackett of Sir tbga
Brown of Watertown Elsberg of New York and Ambler of Ghathliiu lli
ALBANY N Y April lOGov Udell
hu sent to the deroo the name ot
George W Morgan at present an assist
ant District Attorney of New YorK
County to succeed John McCuilagh as
Superintendent of Elections
The nomination of Mr ilarcon to
succeed McCullach l > the outcome or I
the feeling existing between Platt and
Odfll This feeling was Intensified ana
the reappointment ot McCullach made
a political Impassibility after the Qulgg
DobljnLeisler affair In connection with
the alleged bribery and lobbying for I
Holland torpedo boats before the Naval
Committee of the House of Reoresen
The practical removal of McCullag
as Superintendent of Elections has been
forecasted many times but I the men In
the Platt camp always have Insisted
that the Senator would be able to Induce
the Governor either to reappolnt McCul
lagh or permit him to be a holdover
The Governor friends because of Me
Cullaghs mixing In primary fights with
In the party and his known allegiance
to Platt have Insisted that some one
with n more judicial temperament be
placed In charge of the Bureau
CoTcrnor Act Suddenly
The rom < nal of MoCullnfrh was almost
as sudden as when he was removed
fron the omca ot Chief of Police by
Mayor Van Wyok and Devery was ap
pointed In his stead There was no In
tlmatlon that such a thing was going
to happen at that time and It was not
until the morning when he was actually
ordered to resign by Van Wyck or l >
forces out that It was known except In
the Inner circles that such a step was
Things have been going so smoothly
19 far as McCullach was concerned that I
even same of those close to the Governor
were led to believe last week that there
had been a truce that perhaps after all
the Governor had consented to keep
McCullaxh In office as Platt It was
known WAS Insistent and Qulgg and
Cltbbs and other leaders close to MoCul
Ingh had been urging his reappoint
ment on the ground that to replace him
would cauie a spill In the party locally
IMvmled fur lcVuIlDKIt
They pointed out to the Governor that
McCullagh hurt really done nothing In
the Interest of the Holland Hoot Com
puny lhntwas Illezal and should bo re
appointed If for no other reason than
to glue tn him a clean bill of health In
connection with the Washington scan
dal It Is believed that the nut of the I
Governor < o Now York on Saturday lust
mid Ills failure to meet and confer at Iii I
Plntt when he met other leader In the
Bavoy will the llnl h of McCulach
Then exam Ihe outline down of the op >
proilrioilon of the attIre with tho con
pent of the Governor Is consIdered a s a
straw iMilnilntf to the Governors led
Inp 101 peal the BuperlnUndeiit
The returl to tClappPnt 3toCuhisgh is
tho f10U direct lap yet matte 1w the
Olernor at IliIs Illerets 114 the
PlaIt otachia 111 rIIW York n11 reIH
thb lirt vldnce utP break141k1 asi
P WSf between the tweMQ5IiiiiI ieij
hInlU tI7 > w s iLia
w Mt rt
f > 1
week to bring thing to an ate stazs
Is conjecture One thing Is knows
I The Governor did not take kindly to
I the Senator yaylns recently to rcpr
I xentatlves ofthe newspapers that the
I Governor would not take a renbmination
I Ir It were offered to him on a silver
platter This too when the Senator
I knows the Governor desires to succeed a
himself jv
Ilatl Dun Know Morgan Q
I I do not know Mr Morgan al4
I Senator Platt when iskol about the
I appointment c n
I Morgan Morgan said the Seas
I tor and he ran his hand over his chin
Xo I never heanl of him
The Senator seemed a bit confused
As to the news of the appointment It
hail already been conveyed to the Sen
ator He had received It over the long
distance private wire from Albany and
the shock had been a severe one
Hy the time he was seen by an Even
lax WorM reporter he had taken a srlj
on his feelings and was prepared < to
announce he had nothing to say Inre
gar to the appointment r
What he really said when he heard
the news Is a secret between the Sen
aCt r and the man at the other endot
the wire It was very evident from
the appearance on the race of the Sen
ator that It was what Frank Platt
might aptly term The blow that Bear
killed father
When an Evening World reporter
called on aupt McCullagh with the new
of air Morgans appointment there waa
a dramatic scene tl1erej
Thin Superintendent said never Trrfrd
but nhrxlHl III his chair and called up
Oeorea Shotwell at Albany clerk ot tM
Finance CommIttee
McCutlnsli Wanted New CouriiSd
Toll me George called McCullaih h
have you heard that Mr iMorjin ta i
got my Job
Morgan Shotwell replied Why
thats the first 1 heard about It and 1
dont believe Its true Im In a pOI
tlon to know that no such appolntmw
has been confirmed I dont bellevfjk f i
has been presented Baker one t
Odells men was Just been turned flow
foe Railroad Commissioner by a oe oft
26 ja3 Dont irony I think there
some mistake
The Superintendent breathed raorsj
I easily after that but was still afHatW
If It la so hn declared hotly IJ a
wSole thing Is u political deal EVJ
lied this oIKce five years hanging ov r
Mnce sat January Ive had JSOM a
cent more
year out of It and not a
Both Mmrnany and the nepubllMB
have tried to out me but they could
rind fault It Moran Is going In U
must mean that my whole start Trll M
Uhl DahlIa Cities lit
Do you suppose this has been done
on account of I he Dublin affair
Bosh slit McCullajh Doblln a
In my department ye out hf nip 1
Washington antedated by nss
nude to
months the tlrttmcnllonea date la that
oCnl1alfh ItMled to take the a
much to hert Why I cannot b
I ile salJ OnlY a tw lays a
and aw toe OOV r
went to ibaflr paw
Mt In any LaiiiIiUi lr1an4 under
but 1 gin the Impresslop hts I
appointment way uta <
Thire cannot 1 > o any ph
aQvernor i > Art In thlj
strotugihen hi political I
CSUCS Tl am just A frtiati t
tll Plalt Ia1ll Rot II a
Vwill col11
rs Pa

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