S LA I i I T r cT ts I J THE WORLDt I THURSDAY EVEltaNG APJJIL 1C 1903 J 1jw = SPORTING NEWS S SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE EVENING WORLD j JIDTHER FlCHT f IELU IN CITY Willie Schumakcr Was Awarded I 1 Decision Over Terry Edwards 1i in TenRound Bout Which Was J Sefereed by Jack Munroe 1 I I S ArIght was held In this city i t lostuateht and the police knew ndthlne E abeipi it Jack Munroe the Dutto heivywelsht who Is matched to fleht Tom Sharkey in August refereed It I Willie Bchumaker of the Avonla A y ct ibe 105pound boxer and Terry Ed i wards the ntarawolht Oetiter of Botfth Brooklyn were the principal I ifiMlr contest vna decided In the loft or ibull4Inc In Harlem L Murirbe rroa a great BUCCCM tot ref eree BBS fate decision in favor of Schu raaker at the end ot the tight waa t loudly 4 > applauded by tho spectator Both boys fousht cleverly Their battle wiiazie the hundred cportlnt men who 40 witnessed It will not soon forget The crowd arrived parties of two and four and to their orderly conduct was due their success in evading police In terference I Btfth boys welshed in at 105 pounds at 2 clock in the evening ana Were In i flni condition for the bout Shortly be t c t 8 oclock they entered the rIng Bcltutnaker was seconded by Thlurlce McDonald and Johnny Bums the Av onltf A C amateur bantamweight r I 4 champion while Edwards was looked SS3 after by Jim Holmes and Mike Bran 1 rutn of South Brooklyn While the boys J < wen puttIng Ion the gloves the an nouncer introduced Jack Munroe aa the i retfttleand the crowd gave the good l otired miner a great ovaUon X try the first round Schumaker jabbed Edwards in the taco with his left con mL Unuouily and finally drew the blood from his nose and mouth Edwards Y landed a couple > of pretty left counters t pohumakers neck and also sent his to rleSt into his body at close quarter r SohUmaker kept up his pretty jabbing Hr nade Edwardss nose and mouth hlavmark of attack Frequently he up rbutted the Brooklyn lad In the boitit with his right Iliihe fifth and sixth rounds Schu maker landed many telling blows on c Sdwardss face and body Edwards trft hard tq land a left or right awing CIt1 onSohumikers Jew but the latter by pretty blocking and sidestepping man agHl to get out of harms way Ed wl dSa best work was done In the clinches In the tenth round Schumaker landed a hard right swing on Edwards wnlch nearly ended the fight InhlI preliminary bout Jimmy Stone i Of the Avonla A C and Joe Hopkins 1 t colorel boxer fought a fast slx j Around bout which was called a draw TEMPLE I AND WALCOTT 4 41 1 t j WON THEIR BOUTS J OSTON1 April 101110 fights were 1 Co jht In this city last night Joe Wal eoU the colored fighter met Mike Dono vad the Rochester middleweight In IL l ten round bout before the Health and 7 r 2 > h ralcal Culture A C and was awarded th4 decision at the end of the contest Wqlcott outfought and outpointed Dono > V i The other conteet was that between Xajry Temple the oolored fighter of r York and Caarley Hnghey ot this i 1 f e tfr Tn y fought at the Tammany Jf4 0 and In the seventh round Temple ga4e Harhey such a beating that tho r ru atopped the bout to save the latter from being put to sleep He de 0 cJ fed Temple the winner S S l JOKER KEEPS UP t HIS WINNING STREAK E I 1 1 f IIILADELFHIA April 18Chlck Tu ker the featherweight fighter of th < Avonla A C of New York added f an thtr victory to his list by besting Sammy Smith the local featherweight 2 Ac tel in a sixround bout before the 2e ional A CUt night f Ip the second round Tucker floored 11 En lib with a snash on the jaw He f l t got UPKOi and rucker sent him down I ag jn with ft left swing on the Jaw i Tl time the bell saved Smith from t rbe counted out Smith was floored t fn Intl1o third round by Tucker I lb fought carefully after this round wn managed to stay the limit i1 4 I IT il t SLEY LADIES WON I tev TWO GAMES IN TOURNEY fi I h BtiBelhardti DoullnA nehe1 t Tenmi to Score Victories t1 I Engelhardts good bowling wan V t games for tile Arddey Ladles In i th Women tournament on the liar I Cirle alleys yeaterday e acorei I i FIRST CAME f T 144InI Gal 113 Mn nIY rr < iI I t4 Kn Otalrt 1JI llr < KeWhuna P1te1 Co lUr III Total tK V te1 Udlea Ulit nooia 13d i Mr tlaar NI lUrllni IWj Un Uraon ill Ufa y It 110 Total 641 It SECOND GAME tm I I3iMri Can IKl llri five i M4 i Un Ottiun Wili Mra rtKbuua f Joritj r 115 ToUl 620 Ifttlfr Mra > I > ffD K5 Ira Ecbafftr tf Mtimar 8S j Mr Mntlni ISA Ira T UI HI IIIttD OJUIS 44lii1ilii lIgra lilt air JJttlr a Miring > U2s ftl Ixtnoa tae Mr dt IU ratal flli ft JJJl llafftn 171 lira tbI1 1 lofr to Ura Ktriclnr alt Ura 71411 OS L l 1TY MAY PITCH HI HOBOKEN TEAM SJr ji auyee for Iluylnu a ta ritNIsiir is rajr tiai de 7r r I OPENING DAY OF THE BASEBALL SEASON AT THE POLO GROUNDS AS THE ARTIST IMAGINES IT INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE BIG FENCE < l I j I Ij I I i4 p II v III 1 c t Ii r I I e b k v I s1 h S a bI C J un ml ENDN IM Da75DE a WORK DELAYED ON YACHT ROME Inclement Weather Causes Men at Work Splicing Shrouds to Lay Off BUS FOL April ISWor1c on the cup yacht Reliance has been put back a couple of days owing to the Inclem ent weather ole of the workers waa at work en the platform near tao main mast yesterday and the spltolne of the shrouds was suspended This means that she will hardly b ready for her trial spin oh April 2S the expected time p Oliver IsjJIn and Oaipt Woodbury Kane art In Bristol noting tho progress of fitting out the Reliance and showing great Interest In the work The bow sprit ehrouds have been removed from the spar to make Blight chances and not spliced Progress has been such on I the splicing of the lower end of th < j main shrouds that two of them baNe been connected with turniuclcles and set up The main boom on the wharf was made ready for placing yesterday tho boltuur of the gooseneck and other ap pliances for hauling the nil out being the last of the fittings for that upar The men who fitted the boom are now at work on the can MGOVERN GETS CHANCE TO FIGHT Philadelphia Club Wants Him to Meet Maynard in SixRound HGo on April 27 I Terry McGovern may be seen again Iln the ring shortly Johnny Kelly matchmaker of the Washington Sport ing Club of Philadelphia Is anxious to have Terry fight at his club In the near I future He has wired Bam Harris an offer nf a big purse for a sixround bout I between Terry and Billy Maynard the clever featherweight this city to be decided on April 27 Kelly will be in town today to arrange the match and also try to sign Jack Monroe and Tom Sharkey to meet In a sixround bout before his club for a purse ot 2000 Matchmaker Murphy Here Matchmaker Murphy of the Broad wa > A C of Butte Mont Is In town He wants to secure the heavyweight battle between Monroe and BharXey Murphy paid last night that he will not make an offer to the men until he re ceives assurances from the other mem bern of the club In Butte that the au thorities TIll permit the holding of the contest Other Important Units will be arranged bv him It the authorities permit the br bout Tolmaon Vltfliti In Iloton t Jock Johnson the colored heavy weight champion will make his debut In a boxing bout In Boston tonight lie will meet and Ferguson the heavyweight Tenter of that city In a tenround bout before the Usiex A C Johnson Ilea been training hard for the contest and is In good shape He should have no trouble In beating rrguion In the event of his wlnnlrvz Johnson will be matched to fVjht Gt orK Gardner the Lowell light heavyweight In a tenround tout Wnlcolt A Unl u ToNight Another bout to be decided tonight irlll be that between Joe Walcott the welterweight champion and Jack Col lier the middle weight tighter of South Brooklyn They will meet In a flft > ii round bout beforn the Cambridge A C of Cambridge Mass As Walcott II tltrhllni In treat form thrse duyi It certainty looks na tf he will experience very little trouble In disposing of Col lier Sullltiiu After Gun A match for the lightweight crnnv Plonehlp of the world will In all proba bility be ariangpd shortly between Joe Qana till vreoellt holder of the title and Spike Sullivan who II In Ing Junl now Jimmy llucUlcv a friend ot Hulllvan recelviM n cablegram from the latter list night In which he wall asked to arrange a match for a side bet 01 MOOO the fight to take place this sum mer or next tail luckier says he will da no Ifart and OUJrlcu Training BhIUdeJphU jack OHrlfn ohd Mm1 yin II a ri tIre Jx > u vlf > nshur who ar watched to LIght a lsround JOU r t fInlnAr tJ Hilti OJ tJ 41 ilti UilflIIL i Bin r If f BIGGER HANDICAP FOR SHAMROCK II New Challenger May Concede Old Boat 15 Minutes in Race ToDay Light Winds Prevail I wEYMOUTH April 18 Another race between Shamrock I and Shamrock Ill will be held today The weather condi tions are perfect for the race It li expected that the boats will show Im provements In the trial Sallmoker Ratsey put In an appearance Ere yesterday His visit Is for the pur pose of overhauling the mainsail of the ihallenger A consultation was held yes terday as to whether the main boom and I gaff wore not too light for their work The new yacht If a good wind Is blow Ing will give the old boat a tenminute handicap If the wind is light the chal lenger may concede Shamrock L fifteen minutes i Athletic In Jersey City Connie Macks champion Athletics of the American league will tackle the Jersey City team of toe Eastern League on the latters grounds In West avenue Jerioy City tomorrow and Saturday The Skeetera will bo strengthened by two new players AUTOS TO RACE AGAIN ON MONDAY I WestburyMerrick Road Will Be Made Fast for Trial Events to International Contest I The International auto cup trials will I be held over the WestburyMerrick course on Monday In the mean time the road will be put In shape ao that I the machines can travel at a faster clip than eight miles an hour I I II 8 Harkneu who foiled to report with his racing machine on Tuesday still has a chance to qualify for the Irish races and he has consequently been Invited to be present at next weeks trials v CONTEST WILL DECIDE I BAGPUNCHING CHAMPION Etent at Iolo A A ToMorromr Night Secures Entries from bnornmenlo Cal I An allround bagpunching oonteet to decide the championship of the world will bo held at the Mew Polo A A clubhouse on Park avenue and One Hundred and Twentyninth street to morrow night The event baa aroused Interest alt over the country entries I coming In from mel as far away us Sicrametito Cal Seebeck the West I ern champion and Gus Keller the champion of America will be among the fifty or more contestants Nearly I every man will bring his own para phernalia The winner will recelvt a gold meilM and u purse and the wo und man IL KoM medal II LEAGUE OPENINGS IN OTHER CITIES The games scheduled for yesterday In Philadelphia and St Louis were post poned on account of rain Consequently all the club on the League circuit will play their opening game today In Cincinnati the champion Plttsuurg will play the IUd AI the Pirates and Joe Kelleys team are expected to be the contenders for the pennant Interest II at fever hefltln Cincinnati In Philadelphia the reconstructed Phillies will try again to open the Beacon with the Italian club Jn St Louis the Chi cago Colts will tackle Patsy Donovan Cardinal for the first ball Sporting QUEENS GO JOCKEY CLUB AQV5ILT 1 3 hLa wrj Wik ay at P M AMATEUR BfSEBA AMATEURS ATTENTION Tho Evening World will print ell challenges results of games or other newa concerning DlIIIIIt Ibasoball teams In Greater New York and suburban towns In the Sporting Edition From time to time as space permits pictures of the captains or star players of teams will be publlShod Address all communications pictures to tho Sporting Editor Tho Evening World N Y n Tile et Aorlai D D C of Tonk4 bn May i 17 21 June 14 28 Julr 12 19 If which they vouM Ilk to book with tun wlll leg to pUr for > sits bet on UiMr inati Full aivrrw futrtnlMd win or IOM Metros F C And Ztvt A C preferrtil W J WIIIo No 167 WoodUttd avenue Tonkc S 0 Til Kolctit Junior aristiig flftMn Tin ITS desirous 01 wnnilnc eundir statiC wltli coca tttmj tdlioot turn preferred to be pled on their traun4 AddreM iR J Oiultoa No Ill lUnhitUn Tinu S S S Th Clrtton thirteen to Ofuen rears of aSS would Ilk to book attn wltl1 WinS ot Ilk tnmUi Th 7 bT April 20 atT 3 17 and 31 op n for lid bvu on their own errands nd ruarante S return cam Tber pntw the Sues Junior OooaBlo Cliramont AC Obatwln llnloiu iiluononu F C OrrMal Junior IIrD A Coo Gt Marr alcn BIn A C and Plltewtiodfl Ti x will plar any of tile ahtfv for a Ide bet o < fo Address August B fiehoanherr 333 iBait Tw itythril wee wow York Oily AA Ita TOtrtiAvken ffround nazt Sunday tht in eat iv York INID will hIre aa thatr opco neat the Xtrler A A ate of Ibis cIty Tb Bmwt O 13 Club would lib la hair from a good catcher pitcher and outOldar livIng DNr Jeffaraon Park One Hundrad and Four tetnth street and rint avenue Would ala hike to book times with team averaging thirteen to fifteen year old for a aide bet Address L WelniteJn No 230 Kir it arenue City 0 0 0 I Th Powliatan Aeademr han April 19 and 28 open for uniformed team averaging lztea to aeTnten rear willing to play on our croundl for a aid tt half expnaa Iran to losing team Addreaa John J Eaiu No 146 Cau Berentrfourth Street city S S 0 The Comet want to arrange same with tenant rerulnx twelt to thirteen years old Mrrtle J ra preferred and would also Ilka to hear from three rood allaround playen Addr M Michael MoDooatd Ns i37 mat BlitMnth Street Th Monroe Jrs wouM Ilk to br from team within twntrflT mllM of Nw York and wrilnK from fifteen to av nten year Ad i dress Ednard Plnkntr No Kl Grand Street Kid Tir haa ataln ilintd for ski t aaoa with the Ton and would like to hear In I poraon If ponlble from any manager of uni formed nine from elfhie to twentytwo oar Address No M Broadway Uanhittan Room 1011 a S 0 l Th Rambltr A A would like to mans m with team fifteen to aeventeen yeara old Would like to hear from a good pitcher Addict Ham ildateln No 139 Eaat 60 T entraeTnth atreet city Tb Putnam A C bar ind Jack Enrlcht and George Mllllan < o play vVta them thla yiar reel here open daUa and would like to bear from some of the ml > rotMelonal team In and around Nw York City Address Jami Donaihy 6 Cut BliteaaUi rtret W ow York City V The Elite bar emoted llaxrr Lhman man aloe and captain Would Jlk to soviet garnet with leant areradix twelve to fourteen yiare Addrofi Harry L iinin 61 Buntoa atreet New York City o S S Cornell D D C lineup E nelllr oatcJiar and oaMaln T If pltrber T Butler e f C n llr rt W McOirry If t T McOirrr St r ilorley Ib C Cherry rb II Cnrry 3b r W bee sub R Clifford manager Arer ice from eighteen to twenty year old Addre ri h 131trl B nllly No 131 rust arena The iti Onions of South Brooklyn bu chnrtered crounOa at rro pot arcane for ball playing this aeieon They would like to ar range game with audi tam aa tb41 Muller and 1I > DklM DretieU Red llreu and team ot like ttrenKtti Th Teamlery P C a team ararac c from twelve to tblrtelll yan 6 > olay oo V aroundi Ptrclval Bohmlilnir Mil twirl for biom Addre tHor Olnk No 4411 Prospect avenue Brooklyn 0 S S Arnttte Biieball Club a aml < > rof > ilonal team of the alit Side would like to book garnet with teams offering good Inducamanta Addreti Robert Cameron Manater Arnett Deieball Club car Amtt Social Club No ZOO Arnu A Mw York City C 0 S Two rood player would Ilk to Join a cot ormed team arvraclni fta to slits yarf Will furnish own uniform Formerly played with Itotedele T C Brooklyn taaxn prferrd Mi 1 nn ulr Addree Wlllltm J nuckfc No 11S5 i ou Brooklyn N T o S S J The Baja T C champion oft cut aide arr > ilni ana to t JitHn mull like to her front tim followlnc team TJtr A Coo Vrnan A C Waihlnalonport Club Verona Owl no Tbpali Clark V C Orient Shamrocka and the EHtee Th Tloiu line op ai follow Mndrlci 3b Pop > rkrouaeb If l Ioaohe rl1 Hafnr t Rowbrock Ib l Cdirote 111 lucky lb i Fnlon c lucktn and ROM brock pv Addre Ctiarlei Ilafner No SOJ Ave OUt A city C 5 0 The Young Emplr of P B No T6 defeated the gelCooper Company Baitball tam by a ICON of 73 to IS at Ctit New York Sunday April 5 They lined up as follower flchwrli f1 Wlnlkue J > i Mndnun ed XlaoH 01 Ooldlleln II I Korlniky U Lannao Jb Rlaihowlli captain lb SUram p 1 r ar erio ten to twilo ml want sims eaool team preferred AUdits V U Ixntle man lier P 8 No 76 No H Norfolk atreet city S S e Th Holland A C of Yorkr11te would Ilk t bear from strong teams about ulntMn si of a > for a aid tet of 110 or 115 Ty iln up ae follow Jo ArmMroDf eft O Bert nl 0 lilt J Adam Io T Carroll Ib 1 1 Raynsld am a Lowmbetm rf E Sharp If J LewIs PI V Golden lb Pelham preferred Addrea E Molt IK East Elthtytlitli tret New York a S The Epiphany V B C baa all date open Teens fdxteen to seventeen years They line up aa follow McLourAlln If Burn 3b Oooohue cf Wailer rII nautt 2b Bradley rf Joyce p L tter e Hetherlncton as Mon bon eutadtuti Address Mark Letter 439 Eat Klneleeti atreet flew York e S S ihe nlchmond A C ar open to play all amateur teams within 160 miles of New York Addreaa Daniel OfcOermott No 602 Wait Forty ninth street New York dty S The Lankfrlni Field Club would Ilk to met all tama averaging thirteen or fourteen years to b played on tAnkerlnKa rounds Uniformed ham preferred MOre Ed Meyer Manager 101 Washington treet Hoboken N J e S S The ertroot aemiprotsionel 1nr Seal team orxanlMd for 1903 vmMa c > mea for week day fiaturday SundayS and holiday within two hundred mile State tenna and dates at once Telephone call IC8018th Edward LleCeU No 7S Tenth arson BASEBALL NOTES Pltohen of the American League are catching batters napping by sending up fast shoots before the men at the plate recover after a vicious swipe at the ball S S S The twenty members of the Philadel phia National League baseball team were summoned to report at the clubs office yesterday Each player was pleas antly surprised to receive from Presi dent Potter a crisp new 150 bill as a reward for winning the series from the Athletics S a Ned Hanlon says his two new out fielders Householder and McCroedle the California players will prove finds this season He says they are good hitters The mens work with the ntlck helped the TroJl yD < > dii rs to bat the Newarks on Monday S S 5 Jack DoyJe Is probably the hardest working player on the Brooklyn team Doyle Is always ready to go after any kind of a hit 5 S Harry ThteJman the young twirler whom Ned Hanlon secured from the Cincinnati club this season promises to develop into a good twirler Thud I mans arm Is In good shape He has i speed to burn I S S S Unless Virgil Garvin does better than I he did In the two Innings he pitched for the TrolleyDodgers on Monday he Is likely to ret his notice of release from Hanlon Garvln did not have enough speed to break a pane of glass DAVE JOHNSON WINS lOOO Sporting Man Said to Have Cashed Heavily on Victories of Cassville and Bath Beach Dave Johnson the wellknown sport ing man had a good day at the Aque duct track yesterday He backed the winners Cassvllle in the first race and Bath Beach In the second race and cleared 10 it Is said over 0000 He rot as high as n to 1 on Cusyllle and was the biggest winner at the track Only e short time ago Johnson an nounced that he was broke and would quit the turf for good The strong In formation he had on Cassville mad him change t i1a mind however and he decided to take one more crack at the II ponies d Cnllaliaii Didnt Meet Maynard PHJIADEIInA April lsThe pro posed sixround bout between Tim Cal lahan of this dty and Billy Uaynard or New York before the Penn Art Club of this dty last night was declared off There was not enough money In the house to mitt the ftrhtera Men Come to Me I want evtr nun Ihit Is tufftrlng from Vaulcocele i Stricture Acute aad Chronic Ulcera Bl Poisoning I 45 Hydrocete or any Swelllats Catarrhal DLacUtrgea 0 UfteumatlsBi In all tit forms Lout Vigor aad Vitality Bladder and Klda0y Cosdltien Eczema Pimple r Erycle OCa Eruptive Coadliloas of tlta ekta or aay Associate OUiWwea el Jit to come and have a ocUl chit with tnt I will give you FlU Gi Chug a tlwrotwh per ionilcjtamntlontot etke with tut konMt and tclwf pl kJa olyourc Suffer no teipftr Cow Jt me at once Writ H yOll caAt aU Boara U M SoIqPt MJdYt Sway tQIMt 4 P1 M ceiiftMl iliad A4I PtM J RJIl Ml MicKiU AR1J tI W t I jtl > L1 1 L IJ n S I 1 jP I SPORTING NEWS BRIEFS Forma acceptance on the behalf of Great Britain challenger haa been re ceived frqm G R Mewburn Secretary of the English Lawn Tennis Association by the United States National Lawn Tennis Association holder of the Davis Challenge Cup o S 5 J E Sullivan Secretary of the Ama teur Athletic Union left New York jceterday tor St Louis Mo upon re ceipt of a telegram tfrom F j V Skiff director of exhibits at the Wprlds Fair of 1904 Mr Sullivan goes West to con fer with the exposition authorities In relation sports and athletic features which will be held In connection with the fair C S S Seton Hall College is to have s me morial athletic plant to be called Sinnott Field This was decided at the meeting of the Alumni Association 5 5 S The Garden City Golf Club has Issued its programmes for the annual Invita tion tournament to be held on April 30 May 1 and 2 S S 5 H O Redflle who was with the West Chester Golf Club last fall and who works In the summer at the Mlsquaml cut links at Watch Hill has been re engaged for the spring Westchester and will take charge 10 day S S S Edward W Gardner who loaf the championship of the National Associa tion of Billiard Players recently at the Hanover Club protests that ho has made no charges against the club but that the charges if made originated with another contestant in the tourna ment o S S Manager Brady of the Cornell foot ball team has announced that all no notlatlons for the Columbia Cornell game to be played In Ithaca on Nov 14 time been completed S S S The Central High School of Phila delphia has decided to enter an eight oared crew in the preparatory school event to be held at Poughkeepele on June 25 the day preceding tho Intercol legiate races S 5 5 In a drizzling rain Swarthmore de feated the College of the City bf New York at Swarthmore by a score of 11 to 1 in the lacrosse game yesterdayS S 5 5 A E Hoyt yesterday played his first game In the handicap fourteenlnch balkline tournament of the Amateur Billiard Club of New York In the eyea I log and defeated G Blair by a score of 160 tq 133 I Charles Hitchcock Jr who was In jured last winter while playing hockey has definitely decided to withdraw from all golf play this summer S 0 James H M rrltt has offered a cup for a members handicap to be held on Saturday at the Dyker Meadow Golf Club The competition wlU be at eigh teen holes against bogie S S S The next Individual championship of the Womens Metropolitan Golf Associa tion will be held over the links of the Richmond County Country Club the first week In June S S S The Barnard College basketball team won two games In the college gym nasium on Mornlngslde Heights yester day The freshman team defeated the Wadlelgh High School five by a score of 2 points to 0 and the varsity scored a decided victory over the same team of visitors The final score was 16 too s 5 George Sutton the landless player Is still in the lead in his 2000polnt match 14Inch balk line with Frank Keeney at the Knickerbocker Academy Brooklyn C S S Bobby Walthour lost night In At lanta won two straight heats In the fivemile motor pace race with Eddie Daldiot Buffalo Walthour took tho first heat by threequarters of a lap In 7m 42 2Cs and the second heat by a lap and a quarter In 7m liz e S 0 Capt A C B wen of the University of PennsylvanIa track team has ac cepted an Invitation to compete against nimmer the English champion In the Celtic races at Glasgow on July 18 5 5 0 There Is no truth In the report that the boat races scheduled to be rowed on the Severn between the Naval Academy crew and Pennsylvania Yale and Georgetown wjll not take place Yellow Tall may go to Toronto for thi Ontario Jockey Clubs meeting Dr Andrew Smith President of the Ontario Veterinary College and one of the pil lars of the Canadian turf was at Aque duct yesterday He met Trainer Rowel for the first time In nineteen years 1 Jockeys Haack and Waterbury scored the first records of the season In the matter of official discipline Both riders took liberties at the post and Starter Casildv punished them by suspending them for the rest of the week I a MHS ROLLED j IN coon FORM t I Members of Bowling Team Made High Scores and Had Little Trouble in Earning Victories I in Evening World Tournament r TONIGHTS GAMES j 1 < Prestos l 1 c Delmars ij Stlckerc M l i r LAST NIGHTS GAMES GAMESW L1 W L Metropolitans 2 0 I I Weotchesters 1 1j Vendomes n 0 0 J t j Last night was a busy ore at Amann Pi t TrleVs alleys at Frtynfth street and Thrd avenue where The Evening 1 Worlds championship tournament Is 4 being bowled Through nn error It was announced that the Harlem Circles il Vondomes and Knickerbockers would I f roll It was the IVcstjhestcrs Yen domes and Metropolitan which were 1 > l really scheduled to meet i This caused a mixup ana brought j several extra teams and a larger crowd I t than usual to the alleys The I schedule was straightened out after sohe delay ff and the games bowled as usual The Metropolitans had a big following on hand and it was expected that they would get two games without t much trouble The other teams were not wthout supporters however and there was considerable betting among the t railbird The Mets justified the opinion of the rooters and took the other two teams Into camp easily The West chesters beat tho Vendomes hands down J In the first game Olt to 763 1 The Mets then beat the losers U8 pins and aiter that took a game front the Westchesters with a margin of tf pins pinsThe The scores 4i scoresFIRST L FIRST GAME 2 Westchester Dale ITS Winters 166 ClarK lISt Bauman 01 Simpson UL 1 Total 014 Vendome Prelhof Ill Brunnion 1M Smith 161 Eckels liZ Forschner 10 Total 763 i SECOND GAME 1 ropolltanDean 183 Granger ISO j H Oeat 182 ficherwood 213 Leuly ilL < Total 8W Vendome Prethof 151 Brunnaon 1SS Smith 153 Eckels 163 Forschner ITt Total S03 THIRD GAME Metropolitan Bearr 210 Granger ISO Oest DSO Scherwood 168 Leuly 100 Total 939 Westchester Dale 179 Winters IDS Clark 178 Bauman 160 Simpson 131 J Total S 03 t Tonight the Prestos Delmars and Stickers will meet and some high scores are looked for 1 0 Other Bowline Games ToNight i i MorjilnEvlde League Aurora Arc nuni inC i Harlem at Cammanna alley BlTreld Lugup Ptioenti Eclipse and Alton I i qui > at the niwTBlde alley North Side National Leant VMtcr V Vtuelmcn Hawthorne tad North Kaw I at Sdartenat alleya 111 I H CorseTs Men Againet Collegians Kid Carsey and his Metropolitan I ball tossers who havo scored over the I teams they havo met so far this season Z will attempt to add another victory to j their credit by taking Into camp the 3 r Everett College team whom they are scheduled to meet at Equitable Park oa Sunday I 1 1 = = L 1 11 4L Dont Take Mercury or Potash for I at Lat Theres an Absolute I I CURE FOR SPECIFIC C BlIDlllIISII In the administration ofthewonderful serum antitoxin to all formsof contagious blood poison discovered bYD ra Francis Sieber If you have blood poison or know that you have ever had It come to our offices for Jr consultation with one of our medical staff and with our completely cured patients Our charges and termsof f payment are moderate and a complete cure is guaranteed by THE INTERNATIONAL SERUM TOXIN COMPANY swr 72173 fiT TAUZB XJUIZJUNO 1 tjggBffiS CtZ1JR IRO47IWAY 4 era ST MWYOX OFttCE HOURS 9A M to 8 P M FOUNDER OP TUB BIG STORES Sundays 10 totM of SltgelCooptr Co New York and Chlcigo j IOISOXED BY MKRCUalY There la hardly a day paaua but that the specIalIst In the treatment of cootagleua blood POIsoning Is not called upon to FIRST remove the ravage of tbe mercury or pot ash from which ha poor unfortunate patient is suffering tot eoaclentlou doctors will not admtnlaUr mercury without lint warning the patient of It effect but they know of nothing better Indeed until the 1JII4 nYl admlalatarlng by time JtntornaUanfJ bleruta Toxin Co 8t lam nuiaiBg Nsw York of the wonderful antltoiln aenim dlacor ered by Dr Francis A Staber there was no other altenjallv left for the person af dieted with blood polwa There If now for the lint Urn In the hIStory of Clyllaa lion a certain and iciMiUflc treKtment for this terrible dlieu and Itja curing bun drds ot blood police sufferers itbrto pronounced iDCUr > le mjsui llM nQcToLq The pbysiciia 10 ttis nrloull dcii of t leteraMloaftI Blal 101011I Co ln the 141 sill sr a hsIhcilnSed o41 ta I 0 11111t Sltl I lr t I I = = I J 1 J S r courteously received given a free medical examination and some honest advice and then take the treatment or not ajbe please We understand that tbe medical atarf at this company can by arrangement anrang interviews between person who have been cured by this treatment and the ocaUmplaUng Lbs same lDIeI A FREE TREATISE OJf BIOOD POISON IV SENT FOB ISlE ABKtNO WI undarctand that any person aaadlng a name ant addrss to Department A later national Birum Toxin Co Bt James Ilulia log llw York will receive in a plain en velop a valuable explanatory treatUe en contagious blood polaoa An examination of this InterestIng little work shows that whIle a couplets mns4lcal bloWn c3 blood SisOO ii Iven 115 ItaCUICS l8ye4 is atn everyday Ikjnial whICh can s eseifr eoprehasded Tb book 1f eatlr saasSi I c for this Valuable book from whIch the paragraphs AU takn I And 1I0W lor the CUnE for the Uepil Tho BJeber serum Is an animal lymph wlllcb I injected uDder the skin and which I Abeolutel eradicates every trace 01 blood poison front Ike blood never to rciurn J i irgltc rl r 3r n1 etfJ Its anpllcatloa by needle Injection ubu Uneou ry Is entirely palnleas nod absolutrrr harmle In result Its action II niJt fi x Uneous and throws off all poioai of toe lyatem through the kldueyi si4 bowels NEVER CURED AT UorE I Dr Bltber ba b frequently Importuned to tend his wonderful erum which Is ant i toxin to blood polton to his brother Dbyil clan in variou part of the countrVr lbs t International Serum Toxin Co which own and admtniatera this treatment II ala I obliged however to refuse auch requeafi It For tbe patient protection Ibo IreatmOolt ror never given excepting 7 > y thi doctor weclallr drilled by bit filcher for tha 14 Jufnlatraflw of hl serum Thla Company how r Las omce In Nqw York cufoaio WiuHttitwi Hoctoo St Louis not apS Sal Phtkbsarg 14 will oUlaUlotl8prti j 1 from tJmg WIfiaa Pp olen fO IS fact t > rtH > tip raaaon wy a Rw2l le = r byj r JVE1 U 1 IrS m L L i1 S