OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, April 16, 1903, Night Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-04-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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1 d
j Continued from First Page
Qt learned that Catania had been a member of the Mafia and was awo
It ei Wd with a gang of counterfeiters whom tho BUTCH had long had under
F He was put out of the way because he drnnk great deal and talked too
much when in his cups Flynn has been constantly on tho trail of Italian
i counterfeiters whom ho suspected of making and passing a clover counter
feit ot the 5 note of tho National Iron Bank of Morristown N 3
2 S His men had Morollo spotted as the leader of tho gang and tho head of
ft group of tho Mafia Morello like all the other prisoners Is a Sicilian and
1 aroan of acute Intelligence He had traced Morollos gang to throe render
> YouVthw butcher shop at No J6 Stanton stroot the cafo at No 266 Eliza
S beth street and Lupos saloon at No8 Prlnco street
Monday night throe of his men shadowed Morello Pecoraro and Oenova
M J i to the Stanton street shop With them was a stranger whom tho opera
fGU > refflned lob their report ns n newcomer
S ° They saw this man sit dejectedly In the front part of the shop whllo
thothreo were In excited conference In the rear Then two men drove up
jc rln a rickety wagon and entered A calico curtain wan then pinned across
1 tho window and the conference meted for an hour longer Tho men came
f l out and scattered and the detectives wont homo
k 3o soon as the barrel mystery became known Inspector Flynn placed all
1Ftho JnformaUon ho had at the disposal of Inspector Schmlttbcrgcr and Copt
1 kT I A strange feature of the case Is tho statement of the operatives that they
I cover saw the man In company with tho gang before Monday night It may
j seem etrnngc to the public that with all the publicity attending the murder
J and the publishing broadcast of tho victims picture no one baa been found
f to Identify him
t Secret Service Agent Flynn declared emphatically this afternoon that
Wither he nor his men had ever seen or known tho murdered man found In
t sthi barrel except as previously stated when three of his operators saw
1 bib In the butcher shop on Stanton street Monday night
s4 i Neither had they said Inspector Flynn ever received any communica
j ir tion from tho man either directly or Indirectly They did not even know
t bis name nor where he lived Ho ridiculed the Idea that the man was a spy
N ij It la well known that the Secret Service men get considerable Informa
lt r tion from members of counterfeiting gangs who hitvo quarrelled with their
5 aktoclatea It la also known that tho major portion of counterfeiters lire
ftaltantf and that If wronged or oven If they Imagine they have been
t wronged revenge Is their first last and only thought Cases have bnen
iLi lcnown where Italian counterfeiters have given Information secretly to the
t Secret Service Hint resulted In the arrest of gangs of counterfeiters to
8 1ViiCh they themselves belonged and that thoy wore themselves arrested
Wr iijji result of the Information they secretly furnished This In one case
J31 1ia done by an Italian to prevent another from marrying e girl both loved
J t St
k WAll of the men under arrest protest that their detention Is an outrage
Vr t of them say that they heard nothing of the murder until they wore
i abbod by the detectives
ji 1 15My arrest Is a bmck outrage said Domlnioo Pecararo who appears
l t b9 a leader among his fellows My life Is nn open book I am a mar
I 1 i tried wan and work for the support of my family So far as I know I have
1f BtYer broken a law of tho United Btatej and 1 never qven hoard of the
Bttrder of this man until I was arrested
J > 4lI l never heard of anything wrong about No 16 Stanton street said
Vfto Loboldo I never was at No 8 Prince street or No 226 Elizabeth
street tln my life I work fifteen hours every day dont drink and have no
t J tIthe toe d the papers 801 < n nothing of the murder until I was
ftl brought headquarters today
tiThonta6soPetto nicknamed The Ox because of his tremendous
I r < strength Is a pressman In the office of an Italian newspaper He says that
t hedoerinot know one of the other men under arrest He was found In the
a PrlnceJstreet saloon but eays he had dropped In there casually to get a
lIIW ot beer and knew nobody about the place
Messina Genovn an old man says that he Is a peddler of repute that
I bo has friends among the influential Italians whoknow him for an honest
p man and that he does not know now what he was arrested for
t 1
j S Secret Service Agent Flynn Is most unassuming so far as the connection I
51 Of ids bureau with the turning up or the murder suspects is concerned
I r r He believes In totting the police take all the credit and If they succeed In
s ijlng the crime on one or more of tho gnus his mind will bo greatly re I
L Jjjvcd Ho counts every one of the prisoners dangerous men and If their
I1 d usefulness In their choeen sphere be
1 can stopped It will menn that Uncle
> j Bam will bo snfpr from counterfeiting i I
fr i There Is nothing for nit to say about the case said the agent today
j i > The police are the ones to whom It belong nd It eo happened that my
t bureau was able to help them to a small extent The men under arrest are
J S W a adangerous mob Some of
j J them are counterfeiting others Mafia members
i I some are both
IA < < Ve have had thin gang under surveillance constantly for
a back
Mt is nrcessary that men of thulr class be watched As they got out of prison
Jt was natural to suppose that they were not going to turn to gospel preach
I jng for a living It they had we would have been pleased at the reformation
i < Iret It was our duty to see what they really 11111 do Ve were looking for
f then to begin the
manufacture of spurious coin again bin
k tel what a crook will turn to next never
I f You must understand that If we were to enter Into a hIstory of these
d 1 pwplo It would Involve others connected will them whom we have
4 r r under ou eyes and frustrate plans that may result In their apprehension
¼ J any day The work of the Secret Service men Is unlike that of the police
c and as its name Implies the bureau service Is really secret
5 What about the case of Catania 1
S iAIl till evidence we have is a confofttlon mode by one of the
gang that
I Cjtanln L was murdered for IIIB talkativeness lie used to Ect tIpsy and
4 when in his told
k CUP3 more than he should Calanla was not a counterfeiter
III n lIIember ot the Mafia
Thn ° majority ot the gang have been convicted at different tlmos Mor
Jello wee arrwtetl here
three yours ago but escaped conviction Mst fall
fif1 7 flv other members of tho
i 5X5 gang were caught at Hiickenfncl for counter
1 InJ6 and were sent up There have been at different times In tho
f outfit as many as thirty men and they are all a hail lot
I f I M8 f WBlltn ° wn Prlncipla of the Secret Service Bureau an unwritten
4 < b la + i bat no ono shall JC arrested until evidence Is In hand strong enough
I tlwarrant the TMOUM 3 assumption that a Jury will after hearing It
t7 rl t Uncle Sam rtoefl
esmvl not believe In maklnc niiKcH and consemieutly
I Vill ntofJllation that Uio police have received from Mr Flynn In this in
S r a tIteo Is depended upan to unravel the mystery of the murdered mans
f Jffpptlty nnd of the IIsntlns who stabbed and nlashcd him < o death
JyOf of Jpplln Calls Five Hundred
1 Mn t 9 Meet Expected Attack
S on Negroei
ii4tIPq Mo Aprl KTJi excite
II4 cIIs4 lust nlwht In ti mob
I I1lCma5 Ollyard the n cro
T pr mn4 Jio nhopUng at several
554 d f thglr homtn
u 4Itiije lds1 an2 further blood
r II feasal
I 1 ths belong
Thie sf
the city nod a report Is being circulated
tJiat hovrrul hun4refl oihfru from Jolrce
City v hrri u Horn rue war ocourreil
over n yon nllll will come to Joplln to
night nnd n rlit In the uxtermination nf
thg colurnl population Thi > better oliu
fit illUeiif urc uMInx Ihn notice In nn ef
fort to prevent further trouble
Mrs Ann Tompkln of Mount Kliteo
wa killed on the railroad track at
Mam roneolt Io day Btio was cruahod
between a train and a fence
The ntalion flffent SCYC ha beard the
wiijitla ot an exurrw from Stamford
and law Mn Tpmnklna l ndlmr clue
to the fence i The ITSI runs o COKB
ta htitanc hat tuercdi barely room
ear a PWB JQ its twMn > l < iein
She Wasnt Admitted to
His Office but She Wait
ed and Pursued Him
Across City Hall Park
When the Mayor Returned the
Woman Confronted Him and
Was Finally Permitted to
Make Her Complaint
A handaomelj 3reesl woman with a
determined mouth and finely drawn
features dressed In a dark tlfrhtrUUng
ofttunere drrea short tan coat and car
rying a goldheaded pnranol called at
thll Mayor omee today and announced
that aho wanted to see tho Mayor
1 have been Bent to Mayor Low
nhe mid by Supreme Court Justice
Truax and a halt dozen other judges I
nm n taxpayer and wish to see him
about a taxation problem
° Probably the Mayor chief clerk or
secretary wilt do Just oa well said
thfl attendant
Look here replied the woman I
came hero to see tho Mayor not any
of his servants or lackeys When I
make up my mind to a thin It la aa
rood aa done
The attendant retired and In a few
minutes Executive Clerk Matthew Dob
bins came out and suggested In suave
My dear madame If YOU will write
a letter to the Mayor I think you will
find everything satisfactory
A Ilotort CoiirlecMin
The visitor measured Mr Dobbins
Irani bill boot to his forehead and re
turned crisply
You Jackaeal Any Idiot would have
ien > e enough to know that I have coma
hero to see Mr Low and will remain
hero until I return to the clay I sprang
from If necessarY
Mr Dobbins turned crimson and beat
i hasty retreat for threo hours tho
woman paced the corridors before the
M yora office Silo seemed In perfectly
food htimot nnd now and then hummed
a tune
Finally the Mayor nnd Mr Dobbin I
came forth and started for the City Hall
steps as 1C their boot totes burned The
woman npcd after them outline out
Mr Mayorl MrMaYcid As she
gained on them rapidly taking the City
foil aleps two at a time His Honor
and his man broke Into a sort ot a trot
acron the park but their purnuer still
gained and was almost stopping on
their heels when they reached the Cable
Building The Mayor made a lump for
a compartment In the revolving door
The woman made a Jump for the somo
compartment and the door got jammed I
Dobbins managed to eitrlcate the Mayor
and start him through the revolving
door Tho pursuer pot In the next com
partment and circled with His Honor
who as soon an Ceo ru hod for tho
private elevator trading to the Hard
ware Club Dobbins managed to block
lie woman off and the car aped up
Look here she said to Dobbins at
the elevator door I am a taxpayer of
his city I pay taxes on 1100000 worth
of property The Mayor Is a public
servant and I am going to BOO him He
its got to come down
Dobltm and tho attendant of tho build
InK then planned an escape for Ills lion
or by n rear elevator 1 his got to the
ear of the unman und She inurmd tq
City ioU unit look up her Ktand nature
the Majors olllcc
Ilnilly Sren the flavor
When Mr I < ow returned ho almost
tell over her She blocked the doorway
and he railed hIli hit atfl TTskcd
Madam do jou wish to see meT
I certainly do replied 18 determined
Ills Honor then meorted the iornnn
Into his private ome where they held
a long conforence It was said at thu
conclusion of tho conference that she Is
n niece of Justice Trim and called on
the Mayor to make a serious charge
against a City Marshal The Mayor
would not reveal Her nani
A few mlnutM antI Mayor Low had
taken the woman Into his ofllo hd called
In AIIJ0111I11 Corporation Counsel Clark
After u half hours conference she loft
he building A young man In City Hill
laid after th < > woman left that he had
ie < n her yesterday In the East Fifty
mcnth atrfft Courl and that her name
wan Crawford He said she lived In a
handionif residence on West Ninety
third street nud had called on the Mayor
to conpUln about a City Marshal who
had nttcmpted to levy on her property on
a snap judgment for > 83 Mr Clark
I would not dltcuu the mntter
1AXlIo till nIII twe l >
four niorcliniil > u ltS Hlv
I Inulna street
flOP tClfilt tlftelsiet
inrrflinnt ICnut Illlcentli
trait uiuli r refused
I > SiillllO Jlirrno fortyfunr
ciiiitvvtlDiier No Ph11 Ulliu
lictli Hired
LAIVMI Hit xrijn iiiirt >
liulalivr > u IOS Mutt street
iniininn IOIIKNII whtITo
IFIrli ml No ails Molt street I
IOIIIIIDO VI10 mrntyfour
Inliorrr SII ails Mull street I
IOOtrA VITO < lilrl > lirre
butcher > o ll Anton ret
IIIHiil niDNIUMK thirty
four mrrrlmnt Vo II Irlnce
street llirildviicB nililrrn re
IS seLl
pinri TIIOMASO < Triiirui i f I
lrunUI Aildrrs refused
Allnn III not > liThe 0
ri iituK nojiiMco iittr
direr uirrflinul Mpt 1UU
ChlYIIU e ulrevl
SAtIfll i IQXAZO iuro li e t >
He nierrlionl No 103 Wed
ForUelh IIfret
rJCST N rro A elghiteee
bueteiser u 0 1alu stress
llrueklps J
< o J I S
ti i <
Continued from First Page
rTamamny Hall and I cot this lob and IJl never iro In for heInz
a tile
1 guess I can lop along some way trict leader like inv frlond IJeVorv But
One thIng certain Im no politician say this is an awful surprIse
Special to Tho Evening World
ALUANY April 16 Senator Platt was
beaten In his battle with Gov Odell to
day when the Senate rejected the ro
nomination of Railroad Commissioner
Frank M Bnker of Oweso by a vote
of 26 to 23
Whllo tho Governor named Baker for
another term It Is said that he Is secret
ly opposed to him because Platt made
an absolute demand for the appointment
Proc statements were made today that
hI was behind the four Republican
nlkers Brnekett Elsberg Ambler and
l 5 R Brown whose votes defeated
Gov Odell can ntlll name Baker as a
recess appointee or choose some other
man The latter action would Indicate
pl1lllyhl hostility to Platt
It In believed here that Plait will con
Inue to force Bicker and that a decisive
battle for the leadership will result
llnliip Score Draclcett
Previous to the action bv tho Sen
ate today the Committee on Railroads
roiKirtpil favorably on the renomlna I
lion but did not present the report
donator Oradv brought the matter to I
a head In tho regular session of tho
Senate by demandlruc that the cui <
mlttca cither rcwort or lx a definite
time for doing so
This was refused and Qradv then
moved to discharge tho committee
rice debate that followed wonbitter In
ho extreme and tho fight the hottest
of the notion
Senator Ralnee scored Urackett I
J lot pmclicMJIy rend him out of the
party together with Kluberff AmMar
lioun the other hollers
Senator Riilnea In hit speech oealimt
Unickelt Hild I will undertake to
iitrli tin cloak of hviwcrlsy from the
r r th H ro nWo
wrk of the Senator from tha Twenty
ulichth lirucUutt und of the other Urn
atorH shii alOud with him In this at
tltuile He says that the orllunlz < lIon
of this Benatii was not the free choice
of tho denature nuoiu this circle but
was dictated hj some outside Influence
On bemleu knees tim Bunatur from
tho TwenOLIshth sought tho IndorK1
mont of the Hepubllc orxanliutlon
and It u in not until ho fulod to got
that he begin this rollerthan thou
In company with two others he
sought Iho head of tho organizatIon
und suggested that a certain Kontleman
would flake a good chairman of the
Finance Committee and that he himself
would make a good President pro tern
If hIs aUlMesttonft were not acted
upon he threatened that he would bo
one oC three who would stand ono
fOr all and all for one
nut there was another aspect to the
Question Ho sought another gentle
man and
lUll stated
that If my name was
not considered an nresMent pro torn he
und his
H confreen would support the
Senator from the Thirtysecond Malty
In anti abeyance his 1 ambitions WOUld bo hNd
IlrnrkcU Hit Buck
Brnchptt rpplylng nnd explaining his
tote said I
I voted os a Republican who o IU I
publlcanlsm has never been auctioned
until today when the Senator ifrora tho
ortysecond tRainee has soon nt to
read me out of the party
o Hut I question his right or power to
do any such thins I vote agalnst this I
nomination In protest of the xewage anti
filth that Is holtig poured ujmrt the head
of our worthy Governor through the
agouti of the man whp inspired this
And I vote against this nomination
to emphasize my dlsaproral the ac
lins of the man who causes the seal of
imitv approval to be placed on any
moiflurn when cortiiln attorneys are en
gaged In favor of hills
And I vote against thin with tho
canto reason as I refused to vote for his
reoleetlon u > the senior Senator who
orsunlzed this Semite before It had met
nnd then when It dill meet Impudently
announce his solootiorm and forced It
upon us
In conclusion I wish to call attention
to th prediction made earlier In the I
session that n tremendous duo would
result finm the potion of the Senior
Senator In forcing a certain organiza I
tion of tile Senate upon ui and I fall
attention In thu fant that the prediction
has been fulfilled
rhhOJf nIIII
Senator lilnborg followed nrackett
saying I
I dots any ono to read mo out of my
part i lime been notified within a
minute and n half tint upon my vote
on thin < 11IlIon will depend the suecees
or ilcfent of certain lepHlat on In which
I am Interested nnd which Is now In the
Ainemhl Suoh threats do not annoy
ma ami do not affect me I unite agree
with BvcrMhlnc thnt m colleague len I
itor ItracKctt has sold
Senator Platt was naked this after
noon If he had anything to say In
roprxrd to the rejection of the nomina
tion of Hiker He roulled that the
acUon of the Senate seemed to end the
rhiniM of Mr linker or anybody oho
to ho confirmed as RaIlroad CommlH
stoner at this session of the LegIslature
However Senator Platt added
there Is time vet to reconsider the
Senates action In regard to Mr Baker
before the Legislature adjourn
Continued from First Page
didnt do to me was plenty Whenever
there was a nasty Job hed say dive It
to Deerooj tiomctltncs transfers come
like that
Dfivtry said he lied never looked up
OSelll a transfers on the record Notic
lag a newspaper clipping from which
Mr BaldwIn had been reading he re
mark < 1
Ills Ilespcctit to the IrfKM
Thcao Inventors of public opinion
say n great many thing that ale not
BO The police records and newspaper
cl pplr4jH nro different things Seine
tImes charges aistd to come In against
patrolmen and lid transfer em rather
than call em up on trial It tiki some
men more good
In answer to A question Ithe remem
bored transferring PatrolnuLn Thomas
Jlyam D very said that he hada faint
recollection and ho probably bad trans
riled Ryan
r always lIke to do favors ho added
Bu Kyjut says tfiat he thou to pay
23 for not being transferred said Mr
If Ihnd known about It Id have
dressed down everybody connected with
It answered Dovcry In no wise
Ho admitted that ho had called ONeill
a loafer
Why He Culled > ntiies
I stand by It he said Any police I
man who will go Into e mans place ot
buVnos draw a gun and elam him over
the head with It bcoawe he Is Belling a I
citizen n plate ten minutes after closing
lime on Sunday la loafer Thats what
ONeill old He had no right to talk
back to me
Hut supposing ho was carrying out
Uio orders of his captain In makIng that
arrest asked Mr Baldwin
Every policeman ought to obey or
den answered Dcvwy but he ought
to eXertlse a little Judgement
Did you consider his threat to go
higher up Insubrodlnatlon
No It was his back talk to me when
I wan a trial nmn In this courtroom
Mr Baldwin lOgan to queston Devery
about uhe cases ot other polcemen
whom he had fined abused or com
mended Devery objected 110 said
they had nothing to dp With the O NM11
case l1IId that he wall bUllY Mr Bald
win asked what ho meant by calling
ONeill and DistrictAttorney Jerome
then a JuIIUcelIn soldiers
Lots oi Tin Soldier
Oh I dont know was the answer
There are lots of tin soldiers Some
are tinner than others
Evidently Devery concluded that he
hid given enough testimony He turned
away from air Baldwin and told Com
missioner DavIs a few things about
the proper way to run the Police Da
Now Commlsslonor he said you
know J ouvo got to make alot or trans
fees in summer Youe got to send
men to llocknway and Coney Island
and Richmond und all along the
beaches and youve got men on vaca
tions You have to Keep shifting men
around to keep your posts patrolled
And sometimes a transfer Is better than
a thirty days One
You look It up and youll find that
thirtyday fines dont go very often
but they are good for discipline The >
make a man think When I was on
post It would have hustled me to pay
a thlrtday line After you give a
man 1 fine ne comes around and PM
lees to do better and generally he does
Then you remit the fine
But wont policemen come to know
after a time that fines don t tro and
wont fines be uselfis unless thev are
enforced asked Commissioner Davis
Ilril Illke to Tnllc It Over
Say Commissioner replied Devery
Id like to talk to you about that
some other time Id like to kB over
fe police business with you some
r NoW Commissioner ho went on
Ill tell YOU somethIng about 0 Nelli
I vo known him for twenty years I
always thought he was a good officer
thtlo fJ
and nt Rood horseman llecnuso he
tried to shave the ear oft another of
stick llcora or hftraa nn axe one I time felt kind with of a vexed bale
at him but I thought he was a wood
nfllcer He lies a wife and famllv and
t have no objections to him going
back on the force
Why did you transfer him asked
the Commissioner
The records will show replIed Dov
erv I told vou that ollce reasons
mused Ian of transfers In summer
JJven now your streets are not properly
oat nailed
Thats true said Mr Davis We
need more men
Ver > Short of Police
Sure yoU da agreed Doverv You
are short now ito men and you ought
to havel 1 WO mon That would make
you only abon 9000 men neaJnst 14000
or 15000 In IonJmi and they have tho
mllltlu too Youll find out this sum
mer that youll have to transfer a lot
of men to keep your precincts tilled
To n llnul question as to why he tried
niul HtimlsHed ONeill Devery answered
that ONclll had no right to talk back
After shakIng ihnnd8 with everybody
lie met In the building and remarking
ninny times that he hud boon on a fur
align for two years Devery got Into u
carriage and rode away
n Nttlll went on the stand In his own
lieluilf and told of his transfers When
asked why he had threatened Deer to
go higher up and why he had men
tioned shako down he replied
I was excited I thought I was get
ting what policemen call around the
elrcle A patrolman In the West One
Hundred and Twentyflftih street station
had told me that he could get me trans
ferred boo to Hlghbridge for 25 and I
took tkhat to be a shakedown That
Is what I was talking about
The trial was postponed for one week
Jim Dumps Is backour Sunny Jim
A sunnier world now welcomes him
A world brimful of snap and vim
Which formerly was sick and grim
Slnco propor food put Ilfo In him
II Force changed tho world for Sunny
cs Jim
i S Force I
hbo 1lc d1 8cm Cereal
always gets t
a glad hand
Sweet criip flalcti of whwt and mult It
Force Thr Tlnr > a Day
I IPfiM tot I Force1 I eII It three time A day Folk call as
tunay Jim Took some to the country IOf ma sad the f rmcrs out
Iberonieceting Ilonolllqi WILL JIi11SI C I C
I S f H tiidI
WHY You Should Take 1
Medicine in the Spring Jfl I
WHY Ozpmulsion Is the Best
St t
You have been often reminded that you
need medicine In the Spring I
But have you ever reasoned out why I
this Is truer
Spring medicine Is necessity and we
will explain why
During the Winter for the purpose of
supplying heat to the body we live
largely on a meat diet
The chemical action necessary to
transform meat Into heat Is the work
of the liver
To accomplish this It Increases Its
supply of bile and Is constantly In a
congested condition
As Sprlngapproaches and the weather
grows warmer the diet Is changed to
lighter foods and the work of the liver
Is verymuch lessened
In the majority of cases however the
organ Is unable to throw off Its excess
of bile which soon passes Into the
This Is the cause of that lazy tired
bilious feeling that many people experi
ence as Spring advances
They are troubled with headaches
constipation chills and fever and loss of
appetite They become Irritable feeble
and out of sorts generally They
have no real disease yet are despondent
blue and know that they are not in
good health
Under such conditions they realize that
something must be done But far too
many do the wrong thing
They either take a powerful purgative
or dose themselves with socalled
Spring medicines containing alcohol
The purgative produces a violent and
unnatural action of the bowels stimu
lates the liver to make more bile and
after the drastic effects of the cathartic
have passed away the sufferer returns
to his former wretched condition I
The alcohol In the socalled Spring
Enfeebles the stomachs action
Jnte eres with digestion
Weakens the blood vessels
Irritates and Inflames the kidneys
Affects the mtactssfqf the heart
I Presents he perfect Joxygenatlon of
the blood t
Affects the normal action of the liver
by changing its cells to fatty tissue
Injures every organ and every kind of
body tissue >
Because its medicinal parts are such
as act In a gentle quiet steady manner
on the liver ASSISTING not GOADING
It Into performing Its natural functions
Because Its healing soothing anti
septic qualities prevent Inflammation
abscesses and blood poisoning and keep I
the complexion free from unsightly
pimples and red blotches that always
follow the taking of ordinary Spring
medicines I
Because being digested and absorbed
by the lacteals In the small Intestines Itj
passesfrom the stomach unchanged ana
gives that overworked organ a muchJ
needed rest from Its Winters task oJ
caring for a heavy meat diet I
Because It strengthens the breathing
muscles stimulates the circulating sys
tem Improves the quality and Increase
the quantity of the blood supply
Because It ozonizes and vitalIzes the en >
tire system and not only puts It In q
state of perfect healthbut In a concll
tlon to repel disease Ii
Take Ozomulston now and pass these
trying days free from Spring fatigue am
with a body full of vim vigor and vital
Ity to withstand the exhausting hot e4
The cod liver
oil emulsion
LENCE that I
Physicians use in
their families
and prescribe In
the l rhospltal
and private prac
tice and Drug
gists sell In
Large Bottles
Weighing Over
Two Pounds for One Dollar
Pleasant and Easy to Take J
Call for FreeTrial Bottle or write
Postal Card orLetter giving your COIL
plete address with street and number
98 Pine St New York Id
Of a Torturing Disfiguring Eczema by
the Cuticura Remedies when
all else failed
I My baby Owen Herbert Quirk was afflicted from the age of sir week
with a loathsome running eczema almost covering Ills face I took him
to Doctors and of Victoria Road Alderuhot and he was treated
by them for three months but got
much worse and was a sickening
sight to look at I saw an adver
tlsementof the CuticuroReraedles
5 and got the Soap Ointment and
lieaolvcnt I
5 II We noticed an Improvement
at once and within a fortnight
the running had ceased and tho
1 f S scales were nearly nil dried off
and In a month his face vas per
fectly clear not a spot left I
have enclosed photograph of him <
1 when ho was thirteen months old
He Is now two years and fnn 1
15i7 months and has neverghud the U
tI l slightest return of it 1 am very l
grateful for the benefits derived
jh from your remedies and shall feel f
it a pleasure to make their value
known For corroboration of this
statement you may refer anyone to
Mrs Williams 45 Michaels Bond
Aldershot or Mr Gunstatfe 40
Victoria Road Alderehot whom
we recommended the remedies for a skin humour which they also cured
Ton are at liberty to do what you like with this statement as I ihould like I
all to know pf the value of the Cuticura Remedies J
No 1 West End Cottages nuywood Road N Southampton r
OUT1UURA nnilKDIEg arc sold throughout the clrlllud world PRICES CIOIIa 1
lUtolTtil floe per bottle On Iherorm of Chocolate COiled rill Me per Till of CO Cullcur
Olntrotat Me Mr bar and CnUrant Bop ISo ncr Ublat Bend for the crest work nnmonri
of th DIood Skin and Boalp aid Him to Core Them British Depot 1729 Cbarterbouio Bo II IIi I
Ixradon K O French Depot i Itut da la Ialt Part AuitralUn Depot R Towni ft Ce it
Brdoajr roller Drug and Cbtm Corp Dole Proprietor Boiton U 8 At
Help WantoJ Femalo
GflBln Ml ndord ttt nrootlrn
Halo Wanted Male
EtsOINKEU oo plltdrlvlui m oilo i Uu4 work
With rtrtoc bof Wd < ilnftt > i > A Sons CIS
rff rion at llobok
40 nEUAULH ViORKUBM f wanted for steady
w O rki food ceo Call 6 A U chirp fittr
livt t
n work Grist lotirutlontl Wlodo ClMolnr
CorDn zJU a t I
PAlNTJins WANTKpi 0itn who Pin do suet I
Hoik U A 7bom J20 Smith 11 llklxn
Laundry Wants Fomale I
WANTKO fJiMcUM Mllir Inset yolktloa I
drrj ttl B tM l
WANTJKWaTrit lM fuallr greasY AtfJ I
102 W Ttli t
WANriaascd girl t Iron flsoeIIe 4
uUo Uuodrr lt W Mth
chili wAtfg caller fIO4tWnt fi
te ieee lhcIIip sties hgilaJU Lti iIeuao
m4ui alt
IkoIW it Se d4l
Laundry Wants Femnlo I
Iicuoits4ici iih w Ictsut UVOID U
nuchlnt Iniairi tad hlpw Illlrtia aces
lHL Nii Womin Ironer for cleaned tad dst
dress J toot wig Call Old Stttfa iltiuA
PylM EM 534 C lll it M Y I
tROS IIWnle4 OratCliii body or luullii
ironer > t one Uundfr U81IL
UAUVOIlCSSWintxI flrtclMT family ironer j
110m laundry 2VJO 7tb r bolwNO lUu f
And liUln Mi
LAUSDItY teller liii t iiri elpori ii d 01
N llon > l Blmm Lounary rap w 2fIIh M iJt I
Laundry Wants Malo J 1
JOY WN TED Dro4 000111 LaUUdrro
4 flromdwsy
DHiyKH reuse letl for Pay Shore L aadrr >
Bt 7lh ass Apply with rt rtDc 4 pt M T I 1
uJh41a Laundry 393 Myrtl ave DrMklym I f
ulnrJithte tu heirs shill IrooiDII IU t
httOl4B54iisia rhl bll 1100 la
145541 rJL3J3 W lIb it
lONFIUWwtfrl a finrtclui hlrt Uottir
W llnth tt
iiiiinNe ItiCc5e 4BPmdi upos
Iffff abflty4 I t4j Wj
X4 t L i
h t r
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1k r J
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