r TB WORLD TBURtlDAYrnVE1fl Gt APRIL Ie tgoei M THINEW DRAMA WONT Do AT All t I The Point of View by Mrs Edith EllisnBaker Is Dismal i Though Actors Play Their Parts Well CONCERNS A STAR BOARDER Ajpfionoe and Gaaton Prove Even More Sad ai a Theatrical Attrac I t tlon and IB Religiously Wicked r Too fltie Point View Is a dull one The eleven onely persons who con c tituted tho aullence on the lower floor of Ills Ocborna Playhouse yesterday afternoon could hardly be expected to look at Mrs Edith Ellis Bakers tem peramental COIned dram IL In any other light LIke the w ather It got Into ones bones It was drab and damp and oftentimes dismal 1 Then to add to the gray sorriness of the occasion there were butchers and bakers and grocers bilti piling up In ti the first act until tho peaked little Jwrolntis head ached from adding up ta relentless figures I Flay Ia a Dull Ono V the Thorncroltj were proud but poor The father wai a literary noodle One I liciT In knickerbockers crumbed crack ers on the stago and grumbled at hli cels lot Another cwne flinging borne > from a new job In a counting room ralllnff at the cruel fate which lot him to figures when his soulVwo set tqHUilc This youth was so full of temperament that It crept out and missed up bla hair > Sister teemed to be tht only one In be family who had any sense But he wa altogether too selfsacrificing Shoe lost her lover because she wanted dim to wait until the family cot steetefl i stt the road to the poorhous fi > StnrJ nonrder In Evidence Her face was still drawn with pain at the parting when In lounged the Mar t boarder He was from the We t and J 16 < haH mode his pile In Alaska He came q 4 to We Thorncraft home by answering a i roomtorent L l t With much earnestness and more bad gifemmar ho mode Miss Thorncroft awkward proposal of marriage She said U could never be He told her to think J It over andt the changed her mind to slip a note under his door and 11 blfnknow t I She left alone heard her soulful I brother In the next room practicing on u violin She Instantly decided he was I sadly In need ot a teacher and In order to have money to send him to Ldpzl abe wrot Xes on a clip of paper and l tuck It Under the door of the star 1e 1 boarders room After that she put In threeS ace getting used to her uncouth I hubby O ii Sicaektlou if Not a Moral Tho play was qulotly and naturally 1 acted Mrs Baker gave a negative In terest to herolneand Alphonz Ethlor t1Jllaye the star boarder for all ho waa worth Just llkq the restof the family F there la a suggestion jf not a moial < tothe pity It belong to tho lIner do pajtraent and should r something like ths i WAITED 1I Ur boarder wbp hu n4 III 0 pUeI t cUMjr but ntelf faintly 4I1t t cuttlmonr 3 Aliilioiise anA Oaiton I Sad In the nondoaorlpt exhibition called bjt way ofcomlo supplement excuse Alphonoo and Oa tonat tho Four teenth Street Theatre there Is one of fenea at Iaat which cannot II > e oon s daaal It Is a travesty on eacred things A gambling Joint Ia dlsclosod Sud denly onalarm Is given that the place la to be pulled Various crazy char tctcra simulate consternation Then t follows hasty preparation for decepi tlon Adrop painted to represent > ttw Interior of a church Is lowered tuid Scriptural Inscriptions are brought V Into vJewpnr every aide When the sup f posed officers put In appearance the A tabe gamblers are found devoutly slng r Ing Follow Me from The Bplle of Neiy York And this ottiont If not sacrilege Is called comedyl c The Afteryoumydear twaddle II J principally cheap claptrap Rith a aol r Jectlon of old Jokes which simply cry y for the coming of the blue oinbu i lance and the only horse with a hyphen TO REMODEL STAGE OF METROPOLITAN > I For most German Expert Here to Install Modern Devices for Next Season Grand Opera i ur Conrled has engaged Carl Lau < I tenschlnegcr the foremost or European > stage electrjclani and mechanclans to r cam to this country and arrange the i bllancefr ofthe Metropolitan Opera M a J OHM according to the most Improved llf I Man IJorr Lautensohlaeger li the Inventor of i I celebrated turntable stage Instal i J I In the Munich OparaHouie Thn Idea I that the stage shall JcvoUe on wheels i uderneath tliUB making It pos llble y tWtille one scene Is In view of the audl fic to set up another on the rear half I + f quarter of till stage circle i of pSUjrr Lautenschlaeger believes thor ft uglily that thu turntable utngo Is the sstf e of Uil future opernhouie lie > Ti it FVea large amount of utaio 2i P1 lne 1 changes of scenery do not 1 vs tp he m ul In such a hurry Ho thatwfUi this device It Is POS W I 110 glVQ lull nrtcontatlons at many a Rlcb must utherwlfe bo c mallY1 iiiiIton he < ays till pin nidkea t > ihn use of substage uppllmicei s water tanhi which have noi Ui T Dresenl been employed sue J ty e jays iisaa mechanic tePPWfiW1 elate when i atISrYwlil ba WllelJ f I IMtl M LZ ± < l 1 C ZI I > I PLAYWRIGHT AND ACTRESS WHOSE DRAMA PROVED DISAPPOINTING zdl 9c Oa < nWx rr Z Of Tqw STURGIS RAPS AT CROKER MEN Those Who Signed Testimonial to the Removed Chief Are Reduced I I duced and Replaced by Those Who Refused NAMES FOUR DEPUTY CHIEFS The Civil Service Commission declined tOday furnish Fire Commissioner Jturgls with a now eligible Hit from which to select for promotion a Deputy Chief for the Third DIvision The rca non frUetr was Ihnfnn Acting Deputy Chief wno already In command hului been appointed to Hint position becausu of his rating on tho list Ucsplto the ruling at tho Commission the head of the Flro Department replaced tho Act ing Deputy arid appointed In hH steAd one of the four DatnllJon Chiefs who had refused to sign the Croker petition iroclulmlng that tho removed llro Chief was an able and clllclont olllcar and that there raa not n lack of dis cipline In tho I respective divisions Comms loncr Sturgis then promoted three other battalions chiefs to division deputy chleshlp each man of the tour beIng the only battalion chiefs In tho department who had declined to slim tho Croker petition Tho four men promoted are Chlof John Horns to the Second anttnllon Thief Frederick W Gooderson or the Seventh Battalion Cht UUR no L Turpenny of the Thirteenth Ilnttallon ml Chief Peter 3I 8hort of tho Pour teenth Uatlallon One of tbo mm relecalod by the Com mlslo < r to mike way for the favored four U Duttallon Chief Blnnn who as acting DeptHy Chief of the Third Divi sion for ono yrar Blnns stamli at tim head or the cllglWo list and hus n fine record Iri tho department Blnna lUcned tho petition ana thereby It In decluml Incurred tho enmity or Commissioner Stands Ohlcf Illnna Is the holdca of tho ncnnutt meital for bravery and In recocnliotl In the del > irtmcnt aj a great flrenphtcr EUCHRE AT TAMMANY HALL Scores of Prlicn at Entertainment for Immigrant GIrl Home I The Young Ladles Sodality oonnoted with the Mission of Our Lady of the llocary No7 State street U preparing for the euchre party and reception which will be held In Tammany Hall Friday evening In aid of the Irish Im i migrant Girls Home Ono hundred and fortytwo prizes have been already do I nated These will be distributed among nonpinera as well as to those who play All who attend will have nn equal chance to carry away a valuable prize Immigrant arc now pouring In In largo numbers It Is hoped that a large Hum will be realize from the euchre so as to provide for the girls who are pro I tected and maintained without any cost to thcmnohcj at the Home STUDENTS SAFE NOT LOST ON SOUND Vale Boy Blown from New Haven to Rlverhead In Catboat by Big Storm NEW HAVEN April I8The Yoto ntudenlH IxJatcr C Barton and WdlUun It Duncan who It waa feared were lost In the storm have retimed Young Barton and his friend went out from here In a smaIl sailboat Honda When they did not return Monday night at 9 oclock an alarm waa spread all over tho Yale campus that the lad wont down In the gob that night Bar ton raja they wero blown across the Sound Monday night and landed at Hlverhead Tuesday They left the b < at there and went to New York Dun can went lo hla brothers home at No 18 Rant Flrlictli street and will return I to Yale today Barton got Into town I lust night ii I SAVED I t e1tt 3 I t t I i v I i FROM A CONSUMPTIVES GRAYEi I How This Brooklyn lAdy Wu Cured I as to the lut itage ot roniumptlon I pplt blood had cUIUs and fever and thone terrible night wctiti ot coniuraptlon coughed continually and violently and was rapidly approaclillif a consumptives death Two brothers two sister and my mother bad died of consumption No rucJIcino lecmrd to benefit me I Innlly became m low that the ngbt watch rs atmy bedside bad to give me every few minute a wblikey stimulant to keep ma alive and they thought that every P arM oxyim of coughing f4t carry me away My family pbytlclan laId I could live but two days more My family determined to make one lut effort to cave my life and Anally orderad the Koch Inhalation Treatment ot 48 West 2il St NewYork to bl Mnt to our home I breathed those oily vapors Into my lunxi ant air tubes In a abort tme th healing vaport opened up my bronchial tubes and nearly a pint of matter was thrown out which gate roe the first relief I bad had In many month In four months I was d IlC arced by the Koch Lung Cure of 48 West fId St New York completely cured ef mr consumption Not a trace of the dlaeaie hint my lungs ore healed and I breaths normally and know thai I am permanently cur > 4 VT family physician who bad liven ma up to die la moat enthualaitlo In bis praise of the ICoch treatment I folemnly nitert that every word of this statement II true and Inrlti anyone Inter vied to call upon meor to aik tar pelgb hors and friends all ot whom marvel at my l miraculous recovery I MUll JOBBIJI NOLAN 3SZ Mth Bt Ilrooklrn H O n FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 5 Fine Gold Eyeglasses at 100 ere Examined by Graduate Free t SPECTACLES 1BO o g Finest lonsoa This Department Is manitgcd the Kdme aa the best Institution In Now Yorc YorcThose These lenses are positively the Hncet made actual valuo 1500 EVERY lARTICI Ol METAl IN TUJfj RPIUNO rIB ARnNTED Solid Gold nud eel with flnost quality of Imported lenses Tho clips are the nowcst kind that cannot allp and do not dliflgure the noae I They are the most stylish glawcs mode Evyry eyeglo sand BpecUcle wearersliDUId takp advantage of tills sale as they art guaranteed the flnwt Elaasea mado and are sold by regular opticians at 1500 and IS 50 per pair Only two poire to each customer Mall orders niled Pitt tOl4plated Ohiutns 00f valu 45 MONPY IlEPUNDED IP NOT HAfISFACTOIy c E DrC1 if RO PYOQOpSHQUsE 1 Jlntl f DiT ri 1L If ft J4J t L In JI MAYOR LOW WILL SEE CALLERS NOW Cltlieru Who Call Between Noon and 1 oclock Will Bo Rocolvod at the City Hall Mayor Loft has dtolded to take the public Into hll confidence He hat announced that hereafter < all those who wlnli to lice him may do 10 at City Hall any day foetw cn the hour of noon and 1 oclock The Mayor hu deckled to kit for that one hour every day In the big reception room which baa been newly decorated and furnlahed and hung with red plush ourtcc ins Every one may go In without first sending In his card and stating MR business The new system went Into opnrntlon yesterday The Mayor did not have many callvr but a crowd Is expected when the rule becomes known Hitherto the Mayor has usually been inaccessi ble to people who could not show that their business was urgent or who had no appointment A qkt1ie 8th Ave and 49th St WcKcep Every thin You Wear THE W PAWITO TRPUSERS I 5 I Our Special for FRIDAY and SATURDAY 500 paIr of OUR PATENT TROUSERS in beautiful stripes and plaids the 350 ft and > S kind kindS5O The old kind nevermore Mediumweight UNDERWEAR and NEGLI GEE SKIRTS are here SERYICBABLE SHOES whose cost all went In the wearing quality SUITS The BEST you ever saw Military cut 1OOO FROWN DERBYS have stepped Into favor I I1tft t7777 Congratulations Jack on that suit Whose Brills Grayish casslmeres cheviots lurd finished worsteds 3 buttons skeleton back or full lined young men 16 to 20 price f 15 Threebutton sack 1903 colors and weaves shoulders concaved padding properly placed front stiffening shrunkIn short handtailored throughout cus tom tailor couldnt make It less than f25 or 30 young men t 6 to 20 price II 8 Otter lightweight suits lust shown 1 S up TopCoats 33 and 34 chest J3 to 1250 1JYJ odl Outfitter m Broadway to Men 47 Cortlandt Bt and III and lit Sixth Ave Doyi lSth St ror TlilM ave Coward Good Sczwc Shoe Many Oxfords are eye sores in spots and vastly un I comfortable I The Coward Oxford fits I the foot everywhere particu larly over the instep It needs no breaking in never pinches pulls or sags Made like the Coward Good Sense Shoe rightly in all uptodate shapes for men and women I OU NOWttEW Bt L I TM1 fi covAnp 1 1It r liI OOI t r r i iJ o < i J Sf i I c u jj 1 S I Iri Our RECITAL HALL i C d Co I I Toovrrow fiitli tt t to 16i lo HK Simpson Crawford J I I UUtnIOAN Coring C ieUU ricttrii Errss vlnoaAnt Jlallltt br V Sixth Ave ld toSOOLSte 4 I LAUNChlVO inn or siuunooK i tn j MERCHANDISE UNDERPRICE H I Is Fridays Chapter of Current Events f FOLK who understand the ystem of this store and its progressiveness never miss the sales on Friday From almost every stock some unusual value is brought forward to add to the enthusiasm And so well known j are the sales that disintegration starts in very early and depletion is quite thorough before night Our only point is to try and better each Friday How well we have succeeded for this week is best attested by what you read baiawrnot distorted acts to make picturesque advertising but truthful statements based on our honest convictions of values I WOMENS OUTEROARB Third Floor WOAICNS TAILORMADE SUITS of splendid quality Cheviot and lightweight Zlbcllne In black and blue blouse coats with and without shoulder capes trimmed with stitched taffeta and fancy silk braid seven and nine gore wide flaring skirts Inverted plait and Watteau backs panel front and side plaited seam effect some are silk lined throughout selling regularly for < A 2850 for Friday 2J3U WOMENS PEDESTRIENNE SUITS of fine qual ity Cheviot In black and blue Norfolk Jacket with velvet collar taffeta lined seven gore flare skirt Inverted plait back welted seams a smart chic suit P 3UU WOMENS FINE DRESS SKIRTS of very fine French Veiling In black blue gray and white sevengore wide flaring seams slashed at flare trimmed with Insertion of heavy lace Watteau back over drop of best grade self colored taffeta a most effective and graceful model Delllng regularly for S4SOO for Friday 40IOU WOMENS DRESS SKIRTS of fine quallty can vas etanilne habit back triple flounce efftct trimmed with open stitching and circular taffeta bands over drop of heavy grade taffeta a finely shaped beautifully hanging skirt sell C1 A Ing regularly for 1800 far Friday J4O WOMENS SILK COATS 30 Inches long of extra quality taffeta quadruple shoulder capes new sleeve effect stole front selling regularly for 2500 Friday pJO3 WOMENS SHORT TAFFETA JACKETS box plaited front and back loose fitting with deep sailor collar stole front side plaited qA nr kimono sleeves CpJUUU WAISTS x Second Floor WOMENS WHITE LAWN WAISTS twenty tucks In clusters of five front of allover em broidery three oneInch tucks with clusters of narrow tucks Bishop sleeve with five small tucks JpJOS WOMENS WHITE AND BLACK LAWN WAISTS embroidered front of black and white daisies and French Knots front plait finished with black hemstitching full sleeve with turnover cuff soft Bishop stock t1 O3 WOMENS PURE IRISH LINEN WAISTS front of 6 oneInch box plaits tailor stitched back of three box plaits stiff collar and cuffs 5 > 295 WOMENS POLKA DOT MERCURIZED WAISTS eight large plaits running from shoulder to bust box plait front with large pearl buttons plain French back finished with soft collar and cuffs colors cream black tan sage green 5 Q navy and garnet p3 95 ODD CHAIRS AND DIVANS at onehalf below regular prices Fifth Floor The frames are mahogany finish and solid mahogany Our indestructible up holstering guarantees satisfaction The carving and the newest designs in silk damask silk tapestry Vernon velour and Persian velours PARLOR CHAIRS with upholstered seats 600 to 8700 values 3 > 03U PARLOR CHAIRS with upholstered seats highly polished 800 toMUob val + nn 500 ues JOUU ARMCHAIRS some with crotch ma hogany backs 1200 to 16 00 values < POUU SIDE AND ARM CHAIRS crotch mahogany backs and solid mahogany 1600 to 2000 nines pluUU DIVANS pianopolished frames rich up holstering 2000 to 2500 val Aoer ues J > 125J LIFE OF PRESIDENT MKINLEY A 300 Book for 49c Second Floor Since the death of President MCKinley there has been a great number of socalled histories of his life offered the public but with one exception they have been far from satisfactory from a great many standpoints The one exception was Issued from the Collier Press as a subscription proposition at 300 a beautiful booka credit to the publisher and a fitting tribute to our Presi dent a large octavo of 128 pages of the finest plate paper made with a view to showing off to advantage the Illustrations both In color and black and white there are 4 full pages In colors H full pages In black and white and over too other Illustrations dealing with his life from boyhood to his death and burial We have secured a limited quantity of this work and the price Is absurdly low while A0 they last 7C WINES AND LIQUORS I Sixth Floor Ushers Scotch Whiskey Imported In glass bottle 80 Creme de Menthe large bottle DO Cocktails all varieties Manhattan Martini and Vermouth bottle 70 Old Crow Whiskey bottle 00 Mt Vernon Rye Whiskey 5 years old full uart bottle 70 quart s t t tP sI Pure California Port and Sherry rich arid matured wins gallon Sllo California Claret and Zlnfandel very choice quality gallon 80cf and 00 Monongahela Whiskey gallon < 385 A NOTIONS at Cut Prices First Floor Horn Shell Rod HAIRPINS heavy circular tops value 25c and 35c each special at 17 Horn Shell Rod HAIRPINS medium clrcu lar tops value I5c and 19c each special at 10 Double Covored DRESS SHIELDS Size No3 pair 801 dozen 89 Size No4 pair 10c dozen flll10 Basting Cotton 500 yards to the spool 29 Best American Pins 3 papers for 10 NIckelled Safety Pins 4 papers for 10 Great Sale of GOCARTS Prices the Lowest Anywhere Basement We bought from HEYWOOD BROS WAKEF1ELD CO the foremost makers of fine Baby Vehicles in the United States 310 of their newest GoCarts at an extreme ly low discount and we pass them along to y u likewise The assortment consists of fine GoCarts with hoods fine upholstered GoCarts and plain Go Carts some with heavy cushion tires others with the new Auto Gear All have parasols and rod and early comers can buy 1000 GoCarts for 8B98 1550 GoCarts for 800 2000 GoCarts for 81250 2500 GoCarts for 1700 LINENS First Floor ALLLINEN TABLE DAMASK 50 pieces bleached satin Damask 64 Inches wide heavy make newest patterns regularly 60c yard 50 75 pieces bleached satin Damask 67 Inches wide In clover fleur de Us pansy scroll and pot patterns value 85c yard 70 75 pieces bleached double Damask 72 Inches wide handsome patterns yard 90 PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS Of Scotch manufacture and Napkins to match 2 yards long value S2 25 9170 2Vj yards long value 295 93SJO 3 yards long value 350 279 NAPKfNS MATCH Breakfast size v j e250 dozen 9100 Dinner size value 325 dozenIII270 44INCH MOHAIR SWISSES 58c YARD Values LOO to2S0 Yard First Floor We count this the greatest Cotton Goods offering of the season Weve sold the Identi cal materials up to the inaugural of this sale for 100 to 25o yard The richest patterns In the most exquisite colorings are embraced Specials in Womens and Misses Shoes Second Floor Womens Chrome PatentLeather Ox ford Ties arched last high Cuban heels value 300 250 Womens Black Kid Oxford Ties patent leather tips arched last with Cuban heels also medium low heels with kid tops value 300 i 250 MISSES KID BUTTON BOOTS Spring heels patent tips also box calf spring heel lace boots tip of same Sizes 6 t08 JOO Slzesh134toaj50 Sizes 8 ½ to u J25 Sizes to5J9O WOMENS PATENT COLTSKIN BU I TON BOOTS with dull kid tops new shaped toe Cuban heels 190 2500 WARDROBE TRUNKS AT 1500 Basement We call special attentlori to these Wardrobc Trunks which will carry a complete wardrobe for a man or a woman and no wrinkles left In thc garment either You hang up your garment In It as conveniently as at home fasten securely and when you want It pull out the rack on which It hangs and choose any one without un nn packing the trunk While 25 last at J5OP PlAfI2 EPT Sixth Floor Geraniums all colors value I5c 13 Gladioli Bulbs value 35c IB Central Park Grass Seed Qt pkges usually 25c 10 Pt pkges usually I5c I De Al kinds of Flower and Vegetable Seeds value 5c pkge at 3c or dozen i 30 I o p = Friday Sale in Basement The Care of Wearing Apparel We have all the necessities for the caring of wearing apparel All the best appliances 1 for keeping clothing in good shape and form Moth preventatives and coat skirt A and suit hangers 1 Moth Balls per lb Overcoat MothProof 04 Bag 03 Camphor Flakes per Ulster MothProof lb 05 Bag 72 lbbox Oriental Camphor per 10 Wooden Coat Hang ers 10 Packing Camphor per lb 18 Wire Coat Hangers ft 0 ij Ta Na Camphor per lb box 18 Extra Quality Hang Tarlne Oakum Sheets ers IB 5x7 tOO sheets 21 per Overcoat Hangers 25 i Tarlne Sheets per dozen 45 Trouser Hangers 10 1 t Business Suit Moth Setwell Trouser Proof Bag 37 Hangers 20 t ci Peerless Ice Crean Freezers 150 Basement The best freezer made Very simple easy to work and all the gearing Is closed Impossible for salt water to get In the can scientific dasher j easy to clean positively no odor and all the gal vanized parts are coated with the very best block tin 2qt size on sale at 100 4 Refrigerators at 500 and 875 Basement 11 too Star Refrigerators made of ash antique finish handsomely ornamented with embossed r5 carvings thoroughly Insulated with charcoal t 1 sheathing solid metal shelves solid bronze locks 11 solid bronze hinges to match removable waste J pipe patent casters self retaining at f 1 9000 and 9875 Iq addition we carry In stock the following lines The Jewett charcoalfilled Refrigerators The Alaska charcoalfilled Refrigerators The Wilke Porcelain Refrigerators GROCERIES Specials for Friday Sixth Floor of1 HAMS AND BACON I Armours Mild Sugar I Cured Hams lb 1iV TEA 10000 pounds of Sample Mixed good drinking tea lb 25 TEA Gunpowder I English Breakfast Oolong Uncolored Ja pan or Ceylon 40c and 50C grades 1 this sale 3 Ibs 100 lb 35 COFFEE uChoice Maracalbo fresh dry roast 10 Ibs 125 5 Ibs OOc lb 14 COFFEE EDlnner blend Mocha and Java flavor 5 Ibs 100 lb 22 SPICES Absolutely pure ground black pep per ginger or mustard lb 21 EXTRACTS Cam eron Double Strength Vanilla pint bottle 85 pInt bottle 40c Lemon pint bottle OOc hplnt bottle 33 BAKING POWDER I Cameron purity ab solutely guaranteed lb can lOc fzIb can 10 COCO A 1 Fresh Ground Powdered Ib31S 80 OATSI Royal Stu art Steam Cooked pkg Od pkgP PLUM S1Sononi Canning Cos Green Gage or Egg Plums 2V4 lb can 12 SHREDDED WHEAT Natural Food Cos Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit pkg II i 00 SALMONBlood Red Alaska l Mb tall can 00 FLOUR Heckers Su T J perlative or Simpson T Crawford Cos best special ¼ bag 04 MACARONI Mar vell1 pkg 10 SALAD OIL Large quart bottle 23 CURRANTS Loose washed lb 05 PRUNES 10lb net wood box Santa Clara 3 Valley Prunes 78 PEACHES Cameron or Walden California Lemon Cling Jan 10 APRICOTS Elk brand California Apri i cots 2 ½ ibcan 12 SUGARIH E Best Granulated Slb t bag 23 CREAM St Charle3 Evaporated can 10 1 HERRING Mar shalls Imported Scotch Kippered Herring plain or in tomato sauce can 14 i CRACKERS I fner Seal Social or Five oclock Teas pkgi 07 TOMATOES = Red Ripe Whole Jersey TO matoes doz 125i can II PEAS Royal Stu art Early June Garden Grown dor 12S > can iI 11 CORNSdioto Can ning Cos Sweet Sugar Corn can 00 ASPARAGUS Marl posa California White Asparagus aVSIb can can2B h BORAXi Absolutely I pure powdered borax full 16or pkg 10 SOAP Falrbankj fairy or Mascot cake 03 j L JSL Standard American AnnualJ 1 j I fr Ldt J u d