I c e
N a
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Bulls and Bears Take Possession of the
Magnificent Marble Building and
I Dedicate It with Impressive Cererrlo
niesMake a Holiday of It
With ceremonies befitting tho occasion the now building ot tho New
York Stock Exchange was formally opened and dodlcated today For the
first time tho great majority of tho 1100 members of tho Exchange saw tho
interior ot the building
In honor of the day t members of tho Exchange made It holiday
and there were no quotations from the New York Exchange no business was
transacted except on the Consolidated Exchange and to all appearances it
was a holiday In Wall street All the members of the Exchange wero at
tired for the occasion
Thoro was no order aa to dross but the broker used to gala occasions
WH prepared with silk hat and frock coat and tho men as they filed Into
the building presented tho appearance of a crowd attending fashionable
function There was good humor on every aide and as the men caught the
first sight of the great board room they could not repress exclamations of
surprise and appreciation ot tho eight
Tho room in which the trading of the future will be carried on was the
l ono used for tho ceremony today It was profusely decorates Plants
ij there were until the perfume filled the air and the whole resembled a floral
show Along tho Wall street aide on a balcony were tho Invited guests
i I the former Presidents of theExchange the men from out of town tho cap
tains of finance and industry and Presidents of banks and trust companies
r I Take a list of men prominent In the world ot finance and that is tho
lL list of the men either there as Invited guests or occupying scats on the floor
I of tho Exchange representing themselves
lt J Pierpont Morgan arrived ffoortly after 11 oclock and took his place
on the speakers platform Other early arrivals were former Secretary of
the Treasury Gage Russell Sage President Stllhnan of the National Bank
and Morris K Jesup President of the Chamber of Commerce
In anotheriialcony was the Seventh Regiment Band entirely masked In
by flowers palms ana potted plants
The ceremonies were opened with a dedicatory Invocation by Rev Dr
Morgan Dix Hansom H Thomas Chairman of the Building Committee of
tho Exchange presented the building to tho Stock Exchange Building com
pany Donald Ma kaY President of the Building Company which Is the
legal holding company of the Exchange then presented It to President
L Rudolph Keppler of the Exchange Mr Keppler wan cheered loudly as he
rr arose to accept tho building on behalf oft he Exchange His speech highly
a praised the great organization Mayor Low delivered an address in the
name of the city
During Mr Keptplorfl address an attempt was made to operate a flash
r light apparatus tho rear of the room Part of the paper covering the
apparatus caught fire and was hurriedly taken downjtrom the trading post
on which It had boon pouched Tho Incident did nojfTnteJrupt tM t iik r
and caused scarcely a stir in tho great audience Ff s
1 Just before the ceremonies closed William Alexander Smith the oldest
member the Exchange who joined tkfotodyJjjtfljiij bBhifclt ot some
1 twenty old member presented speech ho bad p aredTlt was Tailed pith
4 good wishes of the old tmer8tor the new and when It was read by Presi
dent Keppler was received with cheers In Which J Piorpont Morgan who
had been nodding approval joined
1 r v Then tho inspection began and the wives and daughters of1 members
and friends were admitted and the building was soon filled by them
They were taken through the upper floors devoted to offices through
E tho vaults In the basement and the lunchroom Theypronounced It one of
the greatest buildings they ever had been In
The workings of the new + signals for sending messages about the place
were explained and the use of the great blackboards for the calling of mem
ber was tested The blackboards are at the end of the room They are
worked electrically and when a member Is Wanted at the phone or else
where his number Is shown In white upon the Blackboard
n Through the building runs a network of automatic tubing In all there
are five miles of tubing In the building with 175 terminals The tubing
iu connected with systems outside so tha from any point letters messages
and orders may be tubed Into the building and then tubed to any particular
r part oMt r
One of tho pretty features of the opening won the floral piece sent by
t the Consolidated Stock Exchange > The Exchange declined to close but
ft appreciating the recognition ot the larger body In inviting ite omcera to
1ir participate in the celebration tho Consolidated sent on Immense basket con
1 I J taming BOO selected American Beauty roses orchids and azaleas The piece
s was seven tent high and was tho most admired single piece received by the
11 vBxchange
If i 1 An object of much Interest today was the bronze tablet on the interior
of the building on which were the names of members of the Building
Committee The committee members are R Thomas J T Atterbury
kI tl Ernest Groesbeck R P Doremus H G S Noble and Rudolph Keppler
y AH the members today In commemoration of tho day wore bronze
2 medallions Inscribed New York Stock Exchange April 1903 These
were attacl1ed to white ribbons while to dlsUngulsh them the members of
Tithe ° Reception Committeewore blue ribbons
ft The cost of the great white palace of trade Is said to have been close
i t boto 14000000 Because of Its height of only seventy feet and its situation
do surrounded as It is by great skyscrapers the contrast in architecture and
t fall make Ua building which eeems to overshadow all else In Broad street
Including the old SubTreasury A landmark
no Tho demolition of the old Stock Exchange began on April 27 IDOL
lIt was thought at > one time tho new building would be ready In a vp r
Today lacks five days of two years since the members held their last trod year
a l fag In tho old house Tomorrow the first trading under the new roof will
wbegin promptly at 10 and there will be a great scramble to record the first
> llm
tj r transaction In the new exchange
C The building which fronts on Broad street
CJ extends through lo Now with
an opening on Wall as In the old building
w In tho construction of It It was found necessary to go fortytwn feet be
t at low the level of Broad street Here caissons weed built on solid rock
la fr solid wall of cement built about tho whole foundation In this cellar of and the a
ii Exchange arc the vaults of sato deposit companies and the plants for tho
cooling and tho heating of tho building r l °
I Tho members will bo warmed In winter
> by a constant now of warm aIr
N k1 lln summer when the outside world Is Buffering the coolest spot in thn city
t tmUtde of a coldBtorago warehouse will bo the Stock Exchange wlllch wlf1
Ln win
do be kept at alow temperature Ie
rn Tho cold air Is sent through tho ventilators after plWllnllover I
i lineal feet of cold pipe Even that great factor of the atmosphere over 25000 that
w matw life unbearable evon lathe moderate temperature tho humidity ab
r etracted from the ntmoopliero when I
It reaches a cortaln degree that toI
BO to
tl r tho members tho board old Gen Humidity will have no terrors I
I a HT2 main board room In which tho grading Is done Is 144109 feet and
tI la74U feet to the celling Into this W lilt freah air at the rate of 12 WO 000
I cubic feet a minute while exhaustpipes will drawoff the foul air
t The Luncheon Club secretaries offices and other offices connected with
r the Exchange are on Urn floorr above The members saw UUISQ for tho I
first tlmq today aa tho Building qommlUeo saw to It that no Inspection f
the buildIng was made by members before everything was ready today
Then the sight whIch milt their fulfilled
all tlo
t cation bean eyes expectations and the dodi
s In Wall street and the pea
I tnoroughfarw about the new a exchange the
+ f buildings ware decorated and page were swung forth In 1J000ori the day
tfhe etreeta about the oxehange were packed by a crowd ot ticket i older
l uulotui to view iba bilWla I4HN4NUt titpt1i 4ierkatre were hurlsd
fa wl
f tM < p f J 1 jlllJ4
Vi I
i Ki r
I l >
ft r 0 II
tf f 1
i h
Customers of Stock Exchange
Brokers Traded Through
Ml iorBoard Members Today
Trailing on f the Consolidated Exchange
exceeded all previous records today
when more shares were bought and sold
than on May 1 two Years ago when that
exchange remained open on the occasion
of the euepenetonof the Btpclc Exchange
which was forced to move Into Its tem
porary quarters at the Produce Ex
More than 800000 shares were dealt In
during the day
numerous orders were executed for
Boston and Philadelphia commission I
houses and lI meof the regular cus
tomer of the tSook Exchange did their I
trading through the Consolidated Ex
change brokers I
Continuing upward movement of
yesterday the market ruled firm with
advances of H to endIng gained
H Baltimore and Ohio U Union Pacific
U Missouri Pacific H Atchison K St
Paul U Southern Pacific U Reading H
Rode Island Vi and Ixmlsvlle and Nash
ville U
The Industrial llat was decidedly im
proved Amalgamated Copper showing
a gain of 11 and Stool was 18 higher
Tractions were also firmer with Man
hattan 38 higher Metropolitan 31 up
and Brooklyn i JRapId Transit 38
late London quotations were some
what higher and helped along the ad
vance but the loss of Sl1000 today by
tho banks Ito tho SubTreasury retard
ed the bullish tendency somewhat and
the continued heavy exports of grain
and tho excellent railroad earnings
were partially offset by tho tear at get
ting too tar ahead of the quotations on
the Stock Exchange
Curtis RomalneWatson Gibson
and Bacraft Co were the largest
buyers of all securities They pur
chased large blocks of Union Pacific
and Southern Pacific on reporIB that
the differences between the Union Pa
cific management and the Keene pool
had been adjusted I
Formal Order Entered Against
Them on Failure to Make Re
I turn In Government Suit
OH1CAXJO April 22A formal order
of default was entered by Judge Gross
cup today against the packers who
have failed to answer the government
antitrust bill The final order or In
junction was Hut entered against the
defendants owlns to tho absence of
DistrictAttorney Iletlica from the city
It U expected that the packer will
appeal when the final order is entered
American Palter Then Improve
nit Market Closes
LONDON April 8JMoney was Itt fair
demand In the market today The In
debtrdneta to the Hank ot England Is
practically liquidated
Irlcli on the Stock Kxcharige were
firm and operators Indulged In hopeful
anticipations of Jn expansion of liual
nea being encouraged by the recovery
of price In Now York yesterday the
prosfceot of clleapor money her and
budget anticipations Console were
cheerful Home rail hardened
American opened firm with Southern
P cite and Waliaih leading upward
The lack of huaineu later owing to the
holiday on the New Yurk Stock lix
change resulted In Irregularity though
herb were expectation of a firm open
mar In New York on the umptton of
IIMneel tll he nlW NIOCk J r change
whtcb induce 14 OIl ldOtlCt1 Pea cloud
t >
i 0
t i d
Anthony Brady August Belmont and
President Winter All Say Re
port IB Unfounded
Recording the report In a morning
newspaper that tho control Of the iirooK
lyn Rapid Transit Company was soon
to paaijnto the hands ot the Interbor i
ough Rapia Transit Company Anthony
N Brady and other men prominent in
the oft airs ot both companies declare
that no such Idea has been contemplated
or proposed
It is all news tome raid Mr Brady
I to an Evening World reporter today
That story pops up every now ana then
but It there has ever been any tAil or
such a merger I have never heard or
August Belmont head of the Inter
borough said he had answered the sam
query so many times that It was o
candidate for the Old Jokes Homo n
P Bryan said positively that nothing
looking toward such a merger had been
discussed to his knowledzc
President Winter of tho Br It T
said he had not been taken Into the
confidence or the promoters If such a
deal were In the air Broilers In the Wall
street section generally discredit the re
Quarterly Payment of 1 18 Per Cent
Will Be Under Court Ruling Par
tially Suspending Merger Decree
The Northern Securities Company has
declared tho regular quarterly dividend
of IJ8 percent payable on May 4
This action follows tie partial suspen
sion of the mercer decree under the
ruling of Judge Sanborn In St Paul a
few days ago
Preiiird Hlrel Cat 1nyn
The Pressed Steel Car Company has
declared the regular quarterly dividend
of 1 per cent on the common stock and
second quarterly Instalment of 4 of 1
per cent of Ole extra dividend of 1 per
cent recently authorized
Curb llroUers ThUe a Holiday
There was a fruitless attempt trans
act business on the curb today but
owing to the absence of a majority of
the brokers It was decided to close
the market f
Highgrade Tours to the Pacific
Coast at Low Rates
Tho Personally Conducted Tours
which Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will run to the Pacific Coast
on May 12 and 13 on account of tho
Presbyterian General Assembly at Los
Angeles will be of that same high
grade of excellence which has over
characterized the Pennsylvania nail
road Personally Conducted Tours
Special trains of tho best Pullman
equipment will bo provided Experi
enced tourist agents ohaperons offi
cial stenographers and special bag
gaga masters will accompany each
train The following low rates In
clude transportation Pullman berth
and all meals In tho dlnlugcar while
travelling on tho special trains
Tour No 1 13450 from NOW
Tour No 2 Including Yellowstone
Park J25300 from Now York
Tour No 3s Including Grand Can
yon of Arizona 15900 from Now
Tho above tours present an v extraor
dinary opportunity to visit the Pa
cific Coast and Interesting transconti
nental points In a thoroughly first
class manner nt unusually low rates
Intending tourists should make early
application for space as the various
parties will be limited
Itinerary and full Informatlqn will
he furnlhod by Tourist Agent No
263 Fifth Avenue New York or Oco
W floyd Aeslstant General Passcni
gcr Agent Upwd Street Station Phil
a41p11lA P
1 5 e a
11 < 11 tf <
r 1 tl
r r 4 i
f r 5
5 z ksand > Y
Dress Goodsfi <
+ jj
Special for Thurs F idayl 1
15000 vds L A
Imported d Domestic i
Reliable i
Blacfe Taffeta Sit
onsalefor thenext two days at
SOC yd f
4 q
Special Bargain < 1
Also 27inch Domestic
Black Taffeta ei
and 1500 yards Imported I
Black Louisine Silk t
value 750 to 850 a yd all f
to close at
at58C yd i +
Special in art rk
Black Dress Goods W <
1200 yds Itt
Black Ftenck Vdii a
42 and 44inch wide onsitlt j
Thursday and Friday at t
SRc yd 19
regular 750 value ri
Lord Taylor
l r J
I II i
f I r
I j Tl II tlI k 35
I +
ti r o
1 l 1 iII
fiIi j i
I MNNVrMtuatA vaott tsY r
PBCIFIC Wlilt I y +
v II 1st ritti ciut d e
a 1 f
r t i it
y11t h
Li t ter
° c
i D Y N
Ii t
q8 1
i 1 v
I The Curtain DrabJn
ThePetti ohnnys make their
bow Their lectures will be all
about PETTIJOHN and how
to get a good appetite and a di
gestion that works all the time
How to build a strong body
a vigorous mind and steady r
nerves Watch for their words h
of wisdom Do not miss a single l
lecture Buy a package o
Pettiiohnsjiw rs
Ji7Aked I3lgeakfa r ocl yl
At all gr0cer3 Cercb qupoq kl F