OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, April 22, 1903, Night Edition, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-04-22/ed-1/seq-9/

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Mii < f W f r tM fr1
t 4 r i r
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ItvI TITP WORLD Vtii asv lltt A lUL22 1903 11
3tfone Committee Organized
In New Rochelle to Aid Those
Hurt in the Tunnel Completes
Its Work and Disbands
Verdicts by Juries Amount to
f 4500000 and as Much More Hat
4 Been Given by Settlements
Through the Defense Committee I
Almost half a million dollars lias been
recovered by the victims of the tunnel
wreck ap to date from the railroads
through tbe courts and sufficient nas
been paid without a trial to bring the
Amount up to more than vl000000 In
< this work ot recovery tor damages the
work of one organization has been com
pleted and Its atTain have been wound
up This the Defense Committee of
New Rochelle
r A few days after the wreck and when I
r the railroad agon Is were going about
with releases pressing persons to take a
few hundred dollars and give the com
pany a release in full for all damages
the citizens of New
Rochelle held
mass meeting and the Defense Com
mittee WAS formed A man not noted I
particularly for his business ability
WM the rucR Bter August Thomas
tho playwright one of tho speakers at
the roeetlrUi eerved an apprenticeship on
p rallroadAand knew ths methoils em I
played to inaJcc a settlement with tAo
i Injured He suggested that a Defense
I Committee formed to raise money to
advance to tho Injured
Loan to the feely
This money he proposed should be
loaned without Interest ao that any ot
the Injured needing Immediate relict
might have It and thus be free to make
a settlement with tho company at their
leisure and not be pushed for ready
money house rent or any of tho rtcces
Bltlos or luxuries of lfo until their
cases had been settled to the best In
terests of tho claimants
The author headed the list with a
subscription In the hundreds and others
followed Befoio the meeting adjornea
air Thomas Geo I Roberts and Jlott
I Emlgh had been appointed a committee
to see that the Injured got nil that was
coming to them Subscriptions pourrfl
until the committee quietly told many
they had all tho money they needed
From that time on the railroad com
S pany made no movo that the Defense
Committee did not meet If a man
needed money he got It Last wccit
the defense fund was returned to thQ
subscribers It was loaned Severn
times over to various persons needing
Mr Roberts the Secretary who Is In
business at Fourth avenuo and Thirty
Second street this city said today
We only called a 10 per cent Assess
ment on subscriptions and that was
enough The names of persons we
helped of course are not public property
They would not like It said they got eo
much to live on until they could force
a settlement but every case we had
t 1j mod better term with the company
I Offered One Man ZOO
In ono case the company offered the
man J300 Ho didnt sign but JIB needed
money We financed him and rather
than go to court the company paid him
ttOOO There wnro other cases To
avery one to whom the committee ad
vanced money and there were many
tho return was made promptly In one
case where a large verdict was re
turned the man who thought to be
well to do was not well oft We rt
naneed him and although he had
boon tempted II rattle bocau he
needed ready money to pay hospital
and other actual expenses he ro
oelvnd a little more than 1000
4 Last week tho committee reported to
the Mayor ant tent to all the nuS
Bcrlbflra tho money they had paid In less
1 six per cent This was for expenses
It was not the amount we had but
i what we could hnve obtained to nee the
tunnel victims or their relatives not
1 justice It nan tho moral effect of the
c thing that brought the corporation to
F time A railroad man mild to me last
nlht when tho latent verdict was an
1k nounced You seemed to have alol
of money up there I said It wasnt
i what we had but what we could I et
c v and that Is all there WfLq to It
r Jerry Siilllinn lorwy HporlliiKr Jinn
Ileet Hnd iainc to the Lost
Special to The btrnlni World
TUCSON Ariz April MJerry Sulli
van a brother ot John L and a sport
ing man known from Sheepshead Bay to
the Golden Date died here this morning
He had been suffcrlnz for months from
acute pneumonia and faced death with
1 the nerve ho had carton displayed In bet
I ting Ho was beat known for this very
S Bamcnes4 being willing to risk any sum
on the turn of a card
t S His wife who Is known on the stage tI
Claude Darrow Wits with him nl wore
W Woods and Qoorgo Morgan of San
S FrancIsco Sullivans body was ont to
tnlLt city
Only a Few Friends Will Bo at
Wedding In London When the
MultiMillionaire and Mrs
Rutherfurd Marry
Special License Costing J0 Neces
sary for the Ceremony Which Is
to Be Performed at Secretary
Whites Residence
Though American newspaper corre
spondents In Paris hive been unable to
gain from either Mr W K Vanderbilt
or his flancee Mrs Rutherford a con
nrmatlon of their approaching wedding
relatives of Mrs Rutherfurd in this city
declared today that the itateonant In
yesterdays Drenlnc World that the
ceremony would bo performed on April
29 at No8 Whitehall Gardens the resl
dance of Henry M White ecr tary of
I the American Embusy Is correct It
will be a vary quiet affair Only a few
friends will be present
Senator Deponr although ha would not
say anything directly about the mar
riage declared that he saw nothing In
The Evening World which from ills
own Information he could deny
The fact that no declaration of Inten
I tion to marry has been made by the
contracting parties at either Pauy or
Polssy Is evidence of their Intention to
marry In Lohdon Under the provisions
of the French law such declaration
would have to be made at least three
Sundays before the ceremony
A special license will be necessary for
the London marriage as the ceremony
Is to be performed at a private resi
dence tt will not as has been published
In tome pipers be performed at the
American Embassy as there is a Stat
Department rulo against this
The ordinary license in England can
only be obtained by parties who have
established a residence in a certain par
ish The special license which permits
parties to be married anywhere nd
without previous resident In th Us
trlct can be granted only by the ch
bishop of Canterbury or through his
VicarGeneral It Is Issued only on
recommendation of tile Ambassador of
the country to which the contracting
parties belong The fee for the license
Is 1150
The legal farmalltlen through which
Mr Vanderbilt wished to Inform his
friends In this city of his intention to
rEmarry are assumed by society here to
portend his making this once more his
permanent residence > I
Further evidence lot this Isfurnished
by reports from WurrortCounty N J
that extensivelmprovamjivitavare being
made TrarjquimlJ aFTm near tUa1
much The place has been tbo country
home of the Itutherfurd family tor
many generations H Tie I Stuyvesants
to whom Mrs R ttdtherturdMs allied
through her second marriage obtained
the original grant to the property from
QUeen Anne
Conlninok Lmly Jlomovrit It from
Jones Made Oilier CluuiKex
Modtton Jones a negro of No 140
ItaymorjJ stroll Brooklyn Is In the
Cumberland Street Hospital with a hole
In one lung nnd one car missing Annie
Washington also biack U In Raymond
Street Jail charged with having effected
tho changes In Madisons anatomy
MAJtion says she asknl him to attend
a culuwalk Monday nlahit and whon he
refused she cut him He ran to the hoe
pltal His condition became so serious
that the police were notified end they
ar EUxl the iWcuihlngton woman She
was held In the Myrtle Avenue Court to
lay to await tho result of Jones In
For the Summer mohths
Goes to press May 10th
It will contain 170000 names
To docura listing In fhla loeue
contracts for service must be
made before the Oth of May
LoW Rates Efficient Service
New York Telephone Co
i w 7
1 I S Jtft8tftflflC
r Mens Furnishing Department L
iI L Directly left of Sixth avenue entrance
Complete assortments of Neckwear Negligee and Dress
i k ShlrtJalso materials r Shirts to measure
I Pajamas Night Robes Bath Rotes Underwear
Hewer Gloves Steamer Rugs Carriage CJ etc
attractive line of
l SUIQ TS cuffs attached detached
1 tt IV l pTtl ttfuUtly at 225 I t I 50 Each
j 1ft f ttf Y t
rw tr 1 l Q J < t tr
4IJ I tt
0J f I
i l rD 4ft
From her latest photograph
ii I
Adams flry Goods Co
o tS
Th of Cream the Worlds Best Literature 3c copy per
Edited by Henry Morley LL D for of1
Tiis II a rnerkeleffsrtIi treat oar Detract Uoni Stere lbs lIt C0ie45IMU IbeIOt
po seitn1 title boinl la rir la an rpllnalr sltrtI Cod nnnlnl
frrri TIle te II ctear an natbie Tb porn t 01 ooJ quality Th
111I1In 01 tIscIiHS Ir PUtlllar Is dlrwtpd 10 lb 4IbIl1l1 01 Ible series
15 uppltntar rSading In rhool ana rOilci Th titles embrace
Borrow 01 Wrlhr I TSbIO Talk tad Otbor I roo Onlmon 01 I An ENer on lb Sub
rrom Ih Oermn 01 roem Win Oolr V r 0 n a SiiUes limo and Dulllul
Ooht I por I peare Dr Jmnna Drko
LII 01 Z4teo Dr i XIU led Art Dr Maor for hure 11 Tn rear lpI
flobrt lIoulllr I Nra hbaI4 I 8bakparr ontnt Dr BIIlo
Tb TomI Dr Gsa I Plllo Crto an 4 All Well met gna rllleo
irtrt I Phao t oil Bbke01 E I
> r 01 CbtIIrn
saasi ci1I ana Wor j CoIhOquks South an Botl I I Ttb u i Androoleul Nocaulet
y OSakDpSr
al Frnel Damn Sloqllon Item thi Milton earlier Poems
i A
Wln1 T I
PuIUM Lt1S of I lab Tithe of Jar I Sbkpe I LIvei 01 Enrll1I poI
Alclbl4 td Car i tin Lurbor Sbak ratter 111I011 Cow
I Crmbllna
olnn lor
i Crltlom on Mutes I pear
Plutarcbl LIT of I A4aln I Rlohr4 th Bocona Vision 01 EIIIn
Itomll Clmoa La I TII Tlllinc 01 u i ahakeesr PajrIvI I
ulluo and Lnocu I 8hftw Bhrtkeipar i n Ditty at lIomo1 KtbIO h r 1st I all I
Eau on OoeUl I Mut WI or WI04 I Vapya Va F I 0 a i tsar
Thoma Corrl I lor Ibkupoo I VatIL I The Task Oowp
Thursdays Cents
Sheet MusIc 12 by 1411
Specials In r Extr I
for EACb Piece
Eva the great coon Please Let Me Sleep FALLING S TAR
song I You Cant Fool All I b c aut I fu I Inter
VIolets by Roma 3 I the People All the mezzo for piano
keys I Time J I Also 20 other big hits
a ia
Prices Down In Beds and Bedding
White Enamelled
Iron Beds
AT I arn rfl Ute
C s whit imrail
with knit caps sirS tu lj 3
rlOl etC
AT 2651 rlrl Mill
4 tftlt ISUMl
with bran tuw ute da
ooti all HIM
1oT4 251IuIUI I t53 I I
I 3 chile tniwil I
Urtx nil plulti and tall
mounu with it n4il foot I I
til lltM I
ATL flsgulsriy
US no001 wbita
gun I eitrn4 bow log
iiiri txMtjf with brtu iJI
full BKHlBtl 554 spiaCiesi 11111
IM p
I Brass Beds
I AT J4 OOnaularl 210 tlA
lash POI sCte ° 4d
I bGv foot all aius
AT24 501IutU tui l
inch poet eiUnUl
I bow foot with fino wlmlei
I alt iliti
I 33UU Rolarl Mil
MnUiw i beal
I pillar fOlIo icroll ttit3
nlh tnlltrxi vim drop
I iliui ea n bt ttlultt tutu
Chili to n lfoot Oed 7 Cfl
atari opened cornplx 750
Bedding I
AT J25 hardwood Free
> 9 w oita Wlrt Oprlag
J fl d3fl6lru
I AT2Oflnguirir Hi
Br pi4 Iron
I rrain PoLfQP Woiav Wlra
I I 5Ptna
I T7 501Iu achy no
ipaclal Dolt
I Sfrtnr matt up In A C A
I Tlcklnc
loT tJC clii lujularly raathar 7So Pillow Ha
3 lbs nada up In Fancy
I Tlcklni 1
AT 3 cnRaiolarly Sit than
I vaJU 111 Matiraaa 3 1
toot alia mada up In A C X
I Tlokloc I
ATJ4 50 It I g uiarly ISI
I J Boulb Antirlon 1
illicit lion lIsle Uttliiu
I 49 IH lull Iu mad up ID
I A C A Tlckloj S
corrov rwT MATTRESS
I mill lip la Unc llckln liHI
I Donboreal worm In proof
I sold tlMwhtrt for in 7r
I 11500 lull CiIS4 0 75
THIjh Grade Sewing MaC1iInCH
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Every machine mal < < a very handsome appeartrce and at Ibt
um tim glvesevey promlstot yurs of revlce < tot the work
cnintblp iillttt class ani thorough Cacti micbtnt bas a dall
anllqu polished oik calt it plant Inlired and It complete wllb
automatic enfon high arm and all mtdtta toprovtnunU It U
w rrint il for Jive years Intlruclloai given itt >
Sewing machines with 5 drawers Sewng Machines with drawers
drop head and ball tearing parts drop nctd and flat table Poal1
haadsmely finished 1 9100 attachl lent agents J 415
agea price 4sours price 0fo owrs et
un r 011 CI II5t I
1 h < iiJ ft
ilI < t t j t n fi t f
Looks the Picture of Health and
Goes Out to Lakewobd to
Await the Coming of Warmer I
Doctor Says He IB Likely to Live
Longer than His Father Ninety
three Who LiveD on a Farm Out
John D nocknfeller who has Just
returned from Mexico ana the Vut
hn cone to his country place nt Lake
wood to remain until the chill atmon
pure or the early spring has dUnp
neared As he boarded a Jersey Central
train mingling with the other pas
sengers ha looked the picture of health
Dr Paul Allen OtNo 3 East Forty
eighth street who called on Mr Rocke
feller just before he left the city said
Never In my life have I seen him In
such perfect helllthUy visit to him
was more In the nature of u social call
than anything else I dont believe that
he tin ever licen seriously 111 It seems
to ml that the stories of his weakened
condlUpn were circulated by unscrupu
lous people who like to watch the effect
on such reporU on the stock ticker
Why he weighed ISO pounds strip
ped as they would say at the ringside
and his muscles are as firm as those
of a young man He Is only a little
past sixty His father Is still living
out on a Western ranch and has passed
tho ago of ninetythree It really looks
to me as though tho eon would live to
a greater age than the father He takes
splendid care of himself and that Is the
secret of his condition now
The stories told of his golf games I
contain mora 01 lest truth He plays I
a rattling good game and the outof
door exercise does more for him than I
cordials and stimulants The fact that
Or Biggar travels with him U mis
leading to a great many people who
imagine that he Is In need of constant
medical attendance Far from It Dr
Ulggar U a trlend of litlone standing
llvtull Aftsoolallnn Passes Ileiolu
tluni 01 Tribute to Him
The Retail Dry Goods Association held
a meeting last night at Its headquarters
Fifth oAcnuo and Eighteenth atreet ana
piied reioutlona on the death of James
McCreory The loading merchants ot
the city WHre present at the meeting
and were unnnlmous In the acknowledg
ment that the famous merchant was
typical of everything that was Bones
and progressive In his long career
TAISlrnr CtmTAINS with frlnrad tope and
o1141111ln colon aa iraan bias rd and
trees 0U aDd groe pee II
paIr VV7fr v 2 50 I
TAPESTRY CUl1TAIztra hairy nleal
frlniad In an alefuit aa nmint CM QC I
If pitIless ud colorlntt pr pair IfrttS
Worth 200 tbs pair for I
wJatu PAIR 1 I
JRuffled Renaissance
Lace Curtains worth 300
ce ur at ns the pair far
J98 Pain Per 1
Imitation Arabc Curtains
34 yards lone 50 Inches wide nicely
corded very pretty and th I
slrablfwotjh 5350 per pilr p 269 i
our pries per pair I
I Grow Hair S I
In One Night
Famous Doctor Chemist Has
Discovcd a Secret Compound I
that Grows Hair on Any
Bald Head
His Startling Announcement
Accompanied by Absolute
Proof of Wonderful Cures
Causes Doctors to Mar
vel and Stand Dum
The Discoverer Fends Ire Trial Packages
to All Who Write
After half a century tpent In the labora
tory crowned with high honors for bIn
man Trorldfamoui dlicovtrlcs the cri5
DIscoverer ol Tide Magic Compound That
Qioni lltlr In a Single Night
brated pbytlclancbomlit at the head of the
great Alteubelm Medical Olipeniary lies
Just made tho startling announcement that
he has produced a compound that grows
hair ou any bald head The doctor make
the claim that alter experiments taking
Tear to complete ba bu at last rpaium
the goal or his ambition To the doctor all
beads arc alike There are none which un
not be cured by tills remarkable remedy
The record ol the cures already made K
truly manellous and were It not for the
high standing of the great physIcian inj
the convincing testimony ot thousands ol
citizens all over the country It would seem
too miraculous to be true
There can bo no doubt of the dOctor
earnestness ID making his claims nor ran
his cures be disputed He does not ask any
man woman or shlld to take his or any
one elses word for It but be stands reudy
and wiling to send free trial packages ot
this great hair reetoratlie to any one who
writes to him for It Inclosing a 2c nt
stamp to prepay postage In a single night
It has started hair to growing on heads
bald for yean It has stopped falling hal
In one hour It never falls no matter what
tbe condition age or sex Old men sod
young mm women and children all have
profited by the free use of this wrest now
dlccoiery If you are bald If your hair Is
failing out or If your hair o > brows nr
eyclnshca are thin or short write the Altii
hnlm Medical Dlzp ns ry BITS r0so Uulld
tog Cincinnati Ohio Inclosing a Ic nt
tamp to pivpsr postage for a fie package
and In a short time you will be entirely re
Dr Kochs SanlUrlum
Ineorptrattd for me nrs ol
Ailhni BronchlUi
Q Catarrh Deafness
SioTicheV Lunj Trouble
Free Examination Dilly
lb loto7Sundaystlto3
I 119 W 22dSt
> aoT ociior aitnr At Cor Elirieli Store M TI
4I I t C C S I S S I S C S S S S S S p S t1 S I S S C CI IIS a a a S a a
I Ribbons Are Marked Down
+ and 8 Inch widthsIncluding wnp I Inches wide In all colors Including bkck
I pi Ints polka dots ombres and panne at I
t Ins qualities that have sold I the most desirable ribbon for neckwear
1fleeiy train 65c to 125 per belts bows rosettes etci a
yard but our markdown 39c I rich lustrous quality at the 2 5c I
t price per yard Is only markdown price of per yd
1 PURE SILK MOIRE RIBBONS7 inches widein white cream ptnk
l and bluevery desirable for sashes and garnitures for Summer
dresses our markdown price per yard is 29c
S CS4SC SS S S S S C I C C S C I i a a CC C S C Ill
Door Draperies at Cost SmaIl Here I
TApnsTOV CV8TAI8bCe1r thtn CO Or f
ink abasepr pile 295
aoniiirun rniiTrciins > ry bobom BU i
n In r4 irto bIll tolMeeo nxt Nil I
i lIad pink riry tictptlonal rilurt for the
tat sro JortlMM thtt w cnr tfcoc
at ptr pair 595
Scrim Curtains are Ideal Summer Cur 7 I
tains These have open lace work I
stripes wide dados tassels fringes on I
bottoms are 3 yards Ions and 45 Inches
wide and come In colors red rreen I I
blue and pink
These Ruffled Renaissance Lace Curtains
ire nude on fine English bobblnet with
real lace edges and Inserting Each pair
Is 3 yards long and tt will be nuny a
day before a value so good finds Its way
Into print Look It up tomorrow
Ruffled Muslin Curtains 1
ali yard lonr4bu Tlrr r9ctai COige II the
u poI1 prices 01 pr pair
39c 69c 98c
New Nottingham Lace Cord Goods
fptcUl ttluts II pir yard
lOc I2c I5c 20c 25c
Venus Form Improver g pr t OurNotion
Among the several articles of nrrlt bf In l demonstrated r f
In our Notion Department Is the Venus form Improver rl JC AND 7 5 C
It Is for stout or slender womtn and Its prices are w
This 18 Box Couch for 1 OO
Jr 1 000
This Box or Ward
16 S robe Couch Is 6 ltd
1 lone snd 30 Inches
wide II lu > a full
spring stat an 8Inch wardrobe box muslin 1 I
ined the top Is nude of best jtpamied black I
tttel Jprlnfrs and Is upholstered in hilr Al this couh has i patent selfopener ft
can w opened without Kmoyal from tbe wall 1u cuerlng is In assorted colors
I denim
5 C
S I I I I I S I S SLIe i 5 0 5 5 It I C I S I C C C S S I S S I C I I
v v
Effective White Waists 198 op
Charming conceptions of fine white lawn
made with fronts of dainty embroidery
inserting wide pleats and hemstitching
back has six wide pleats smart collar
tucked hemstitched and finished with J v
an embroidered turn
1 I
over j plaited and hemstitched 4 98
stitched cuffs special 1 J f
4 J r
for tomorrow lt Zr I
< < 29SMlny beautiful new styles of waists In t li
fa 298 fine lawn with embroidery and lace In
strtlnRJ some button back and button front 1j j
effects all the newest of the season
a o al
Dainty and becoming waists of fine
9oC striped madras made with pleats on a A 1
front and back sizes 32 to 46 inches
Second Floor Utb SL gtctloa 7
Good Suits for Boys 266
Made of excellent materials
which will withstand the rough
wear the growing boy gives j
his clothes There are two
styles for choiceone made
with doublebreasted jackets 0
the other with Norfolk jackets
plaited front and back
All sizes from 7 to 16 years
An Extra Pair of Pants Accom
panies Each Suit S
n Choose from either JJ 66
style at
8t m4 Door COtti St Betlon A
s v T
Womens Dainty Hosiery ISc
A large importation of smart new spring styles in womens i j
hosiery came to us at a marked saving on regular priceswe give our
ustomers the benefit of our bargaingetting tomorrOWl
The assortment consists of womens gauze lace openwork lisle
thread stockings in beautiful patterns some all lace openwork 4
throughout others in the smart lace openwork boot designs They
re a splendid quality elastic and excellent for wear
Not a pair that isnrt worth double this prialI sizes 1 5 C
tomorrow at per pair
We cannotfiHrnaHorjC O D orders on these stockings
A ifils Floor SlUr Be SseUcm
Fine 1 jziaiiici2T t
Machines which will stand the test of wear and
be found thoroughly satisfactory in every waytile
ort sold regularly elsewhere at from S30 to 35
Theyre the product of one of the finest S
oiachine makers in the country and are high grade
tn every way fully guaranteed by the manufacturer
md by oursefves I
These machines are fitted with all the newest
and most improved attachments j they are ball
earing in every part incased in handsome antique oak and fitted with
three drawers
Other Worthy Machine Specials I >
35 Machines li25
With dustproof drophead cabi
nets ballbearing newest Improve
ments beautiful antique cabinet
SiO Machines 1495
Dallbearlng beautiful woodwork
ill the newest Improvements
50 Machines 1898
Dillbearing all latest Improve
ments beautiful cabinet work
55 and 65 Machines 21 I
and 525
Have all the newest and best Im
provements beautiful cabinet work
itals rioor Utli ft gwtloa
lamiiium ii
J11Iman < <
For THURSDAY April 23d and balance of week
A special line of
Imported Linen Canvas and Batiste Robes
unmade 1
including many Handembroidered and Handmade
effect values 6000 to 9500 each at
3500 and 4500 Each
EIbltN1 siren niiutteuro Sirter Sixth flocniu new York
I h 1
room In feur > 4tory brown

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