OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, July 09, 1903, Night Edition, Image 5

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-07-09/ed-1/seq-5/

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J ir
i v
More Desertions from the Band
1 of Textile Strikers Whom She I
ts Leading on to New York to
Make a Demonstration and
t Get Money
Commissary Department Has
I Its Own Troubles but Mother
Jones Is Optimistic and Says
She Means to Visit J Pier
pont Morgan While Here
5pd1 to Th ETtnlnx World
TUMYTOWN Pa July 9 Mother
Joness Army has again been split by
Internal dissensions and Us re
duce to fiftytwo John Donnelley who
J cted ai aidedecamp started the row
at Bristol when his wheel was nnashed
in a collision with a farmers wagon
1 Commlsiary Hlnklesmlth was riding It
at the time Donnelly Is corpulent and
does not fancy the Idfi o Diking along
dusty pikes In 52 degrees of heat
Through some orralcht tho old skct
Inz rink was not ventilated before tho
iron entered It to seep and the place
0 was like an oven At 5 oclock tho I
footsoie marchers were routed out and
I told to htt the plko by onequarter ol
tho EnNUI pc lice force In the person ol
Olrjoer Tlct who said Move on
Donnelley who was a member of th
Executive Committee refused to go fur
ther and cursed an outfit which wont
march men threo miles on nn empt
stomach About half the army ducidet
to return to Philadelphia with Donnol
ley Tho stlckcrn marched to the out
skirts of Bristol took a swim In the
Delaware River and had breakfast
Mother Joiiea SuiiKiilne
Mother Jones explained to a reporter
for The Evening World
We have cleaned out all the bums
who dont tyslong to the union and who
ore ponglrg grub from us All tho
kickers aro gone too and the sticker
are with us Hlnklesmlth has gone on
to Trenton to make arrangements vor
the meeting tonight the town Is tilled
with textile mills so we are sure of
money to send back to the strikers
families Marshal Sweeney Is collecting
I provisionsln Bristol and the army more
or less hungry Is resting at Tullytown
I but will reach Trenton by noon
Tho first substantial encouragement
I xtended the army of Mother Jones
since It left Philadelphia Tuesday waa
that of Bristol last night at an openair
massmeeting held at Mill and Pond
streets Fully 2uOO lersons applauded
the various speakers chief of whom
I was Mother Jones A collection was
taken up which was of satisfactory pro
portions Topping this the merchants
ot Bristol contributed a wagonload of
food which should last for a coupie of
rickuuluitlen Better Off
Edward Hlnklesmlth presided at the
meeting and Introduced Isaac Cowen of
Cleveland International Orginlzer of
the Amalgamated Society of Engineers
Machinist Blackmllhs and Pattern
Makers who camo from Philadelphia to
address the meeting At tile roacluslon
of Ills remarks Mother Jones took
the platform After reviewing the strike
of the textile weavers she compared
the condition of the children working
In tho mlll today with that of the
pickaninnies before the war and de
I clared the lattpr had the better of It
Where Is lie army which till mirsh
I Joday to hoe the small white slaves
I working In mills and mines she do
mended Do jou know that the Ito
l of a child after It has once entered tho
I textile mills Is ended In from 11 Vo to
even years They die of consumption
I nnacmla or heart disease become Insane
sane or are literally starved to death
i Mother Jones then dwelt on what
labor had done for civilization
We are going to New York to cat on
J Plorpont Moran Ho hoa promised
us some of tho JIOCOOOCO or S500000CO he
owna and no will march down to his
I Wall street ofllco to collect It
It rias been sold In the puhllo press
that I have a lot of paste diamonds and
dresses which will be uood In a show I
am goths to give In Madison Square
Garden That la a lot of lies
All I have to do to show my boys
how millionaires wlvoa and daugh
ters look and dress and act Is to march
them to Madison and Fifth avenues and
I Twentythird street Now York and
I point out the carriages
I Woman nnd Dallilng
I There will be a woman sitting on the
i Beat with a bulldog Bacjc of her will
be a couple of English monkeys In uni
I form The woman will ba overdressed
and bored enmiled tho mill owners call
It The only living thing In tho car
tage which will e ashamed Is the dog
I lie cant help bnlng seen in such com
Bristol had a flight scro yesterday
morning In the news that Mother
Jones army was marching from Tof
resdala Park Chief o < Police Saxon
bad an Idea that a con i Coxey outfit
i was swoopIng down on tiia etiUd old
borough Ha sent officers to Otter
Creek to quell any disturbances Theso
twentieth century Horatlos held the
bridge all the afternoon waiting for
t uble which did not materialize
The army spent the afternoon sprawled
out on the gras beneath the tree by
the fence of Bllaa Blacks farm which Is
just beyond the limits ot the borough
of Bristol The fence was decorated with
the banners carried In > tho march and
0 choice assortment of nondescript cloth
ing i
under ana of tholoout tree sat the
women who bad abandoned collars and
thrown aside their State on account of
the heat The little touches fond
nlnlty were apparent when ttioy com
menced to do ono anotherM hair up In
curl perhl Insured the wavr hair
r to deer to thi hearts of thel Iiborlnc
c1aseeit the eI Mieorae Mnr last
ClntHlii l irmmrti
f I 8
An Early Fire Fills Delancey
Street with Many Undraped
Specimens of the Juvenile Hu
man Form Divine
Such a dsplay of children an nature
was never seen In Delancey street us
that cnu ed by a fire In the fiveitory
tenement at No 47 today S ores of lit
tlo boys and gills frankly anti freely
naled were carried doAn stairways and
tire cjpc3 by policemen and firemen I
and when they got to tho direct they
bad great fun playing in the otis of I
cool water obligingly tlined ui > oi them I
by the men with ire hose
There are twenty families In the louio
ut No Vt and each family boasts of from
threo to seven children Tho eldit ell II
dreg were away at vok but tho llttlo
olios wore all asleep xprawlln on hrc
capes or on the Hours of loums close
to windows Joicll1 in the cool Ind
o the morning The east sld child
when It goes to sleep 10043 prlnurlly tp
Lomloit and strips to tho skin
On LO grounu door of tho tenement
is L j ll VGUJ 1vl iiy H man with
11 imto < I oili tAt It takes two Unes
on tiv WIIUJA to olted it out Tnta
nuu s lis siiju ujieieU the laundry
iud atniuu i1 lire In the biovc In the
I CL room
1aell ho went out to look at the peo I
ple jujfai uji and Ion Dcjancey
irect nilo he nus gone the stove
got overheated clothing hanging In tho
rum ciU h > tiro and a porous blaze
llckod HM wIY throifrti thu back door 1
umd began to make approaches to the I
teal lire tavpes
Three children were asleep on the I
lira escape Immediately above tho rear I
door of tho laundry
They were In a fair way to bo nicely
broiled when theIr mother nttrncted by
the crackling of tho llrvnca looked out
the wlncow sw the peril of her off
spring and yanked them out of dan
gelIn the meantime the latindrymans as
sistant had become aware of the fire
JIM turned In an alarm Policeman
Hajird vas across the street and
started In to carry out tho little ones
not only from No 47 but from the
bulklinps at Nos 43 and 49 Hounds
mon Curtin and Pollccnlan Lander
came to his slstinco and the three
men had carried out fully fifty un
draped children beoro the reserves ar
The fire was ponflnfyl to the laundry
njid caufed about JSOO worth ot dam
age but It save rise to about one bun
fired childon Inking a bath before
rireakfnst the same being their first ex
partenco of the kind
Mrs Hallenbeck Ran from Van
Wormaer Brothers While Thy
Shot and Killed Her Husband
HUDSON N Y July DMrs Peter
A Hallonbeck who onenped the bullets
of her three nopiiews the Van Wornuar
boys when they klllpj her husband Is
dead at her home In Grcenpcrt Bhe
dle1 of neuto Indigestion Mrs Hallcn
beclc was the sister it the mother ol the
young slayers and was flflynino years
I oldThe Van TVormser boys are now In
Clinton Prison under sentence of death
and awaiting declatan of Goy Odell
on an application for a commuUtlomof
ihelr lonterTco Tho Governor han do
dared that ho will take tlmo to reach t
conclusion Into ease HO public niatl
meiit In Oroenport where Hallanbeck
was shot o year ego met Chrlstrus Eve
is OBMnttth l3Ikoncre
I Mrs HBlInnbeckrwhn will bn burled
tomorr vfCiiped thd deadly flrft otj
jth iUireoniiyiiby < runnlaittuViiaupp r <
yu CtoiJJKxMazu oHWiI u
Young German Army Officer
Penniless Was Forcedto Pil
fer and Pawn the Blankets
from Bed to Save Her
The Justices of the Court of Special
Sessions are In a quandary as to what
disposition to make of Lleut Kurt
Kiledbcrg the young German officer
who pleaded guilty to stealing a pair
if blankets from tlyi hbusta where he
was boarding with his bride lie said
he was destitute and had pawned them
to get medicine for his wife Strong In
fluence In his behalf Is being brought
to bear und as the blankets have been
returned It Is probable that sentence
will be surpended
The case I will be called tomorrow
Probationary Officer Grave r who was
detailed on the case by Justice Olm
std will report that Friedberg
sented himself correctly to the Court
when he pleaded guilty
From the German
Oonsul It
learned that rrledbcrgtf parents In
Germany are wealthy He Is a gradu
ate of Heidelberg and a First Lieuten
ant In the Artillery Corps of the Em
perors army i
r A year ago he was sent to Brazil on I
an Important Government commission
and while there fell In love with a young I
I woman He married her and took her
i home when he was recalled Three I
months ago ho got a furlough and came
to this country ° to travel with his bride I
Remittances from Germany were de
layed for some reason It Is saL nnd
he was out of ready cash Ills wife be
came 111 at Ho home of Mrs Julia Knee
at No 2101 Crotona avenue where they
had taken rooms lIe dtsappearpd from
there on June 21 and when Mrs Engo
w cnt Into the room she found that a
pair of blankets were mlsslrTjj
The police Were notified and after a
long soanh they found the young Gcr1
man cnuither toardlnghouso his wife
still III lIe was arrested and taken to
court whore he Isold that lie had
pawned I ho stolen blankets lot 13 cents I
with which he had bought medicine for
his wife
Decision In the case was postponed
that the court officer might Investigate
the mans story Prominent persons
have Interested themselves In the case
os has the German Consul and the
young man may escape punishment
Ten Thousand Wonton and Chill
ellen au Three IloiitH llln Gucnt
Col Abraham Grubcr tho llcpub
llcan leader of the Twentyfirst Assem
bly District save a picnic and exclu
sion today for the women and children
of his > district The excurslonliits left
tho foot of West Ninetysixth street at
9TO oclock Threo of tho fleet of the
Iron Steamboat Company tho SIrius
Cygnus ana Tauruswere crowded with
thousands women nnd children Even
after the bolts loft the dock women and
children In squads nnd platoons kept
coming to the pier and H Is estimated
that several hundred took trains to the
destination Laurclttm Orovi on the
Sound Mr Qrubcr eitlmated that there
were 10 < X O ji ope on the uteamprs
fThla Is the largest czcuulon that
ever left Now York he ald
Walter L LOTTI and a committee had
the excursion In chare When the
arwy la reached three bands one frqm
sth boat will nuy popularairs and
MtiGrUber eaict that lie would deClal
lyJ tVOl DR 1i 1 W c tbo Wlrt
l tltEnlir
> l > c
Famous Alienist Tells the Jury
Results of an Examination
of Macfarlanes Murderer He
Made in the Tombs Prison
TilE trlnl of William Spencer the
negro who shot and killed Supt Mao
farlane of the AntiPolicy Society was
resumed before Recorder Got In Gen
era Seslona today I
Dr Carlos F MacDonald the Insanity
expert was called by the prosecutloi
and told In detail the results of an ex
amination he had made of the defend
ant last night He declared the mur
derer was ane Ills testimony was ob
jected to hy exJudge Wauhope Lynn
coun el for Spencer Mr Lynn also de
clared that the fact that Mr Jeromo
had accompanied Dr MacDonald to the
Tombs last night nnd remained there
while the examination was going on
ms a violation of the ethics of the
Dr MacDonald explained how ho had
reached the conclusion that the mur
derer was sane
OerinWti llniiltrupt In > prlnonr < l
CASUKU Prussia July 9 Adolf
Schmidt President of the bankrupt Tee
ber Trocknung Grain Drying Company
whose trial began Juno 22 was found
guilty todny of fraudulent bankruptcy I
and was sentenced to thirtytwo
months penal servitude nnd to pay a
fine of Slit 1
So He Took the Letter to Police
Capt Nugent Who Promptly
Ascribed It to a Band Of An
Police Capt Thomas Nunent of Jer
sey City todny showed Chief Murphy
a letter which causes the Captain to
think there may be a band of anarch
Ista In the Orf nvlllfl district
A few days ago thirty of the fifty mon
employed In the International Watch
factory on Cator RMJJUC Just off Ocean
avenue went on strike They had been
receiving ten cents apiece for utUng
stoppers In watches and were re
stricted to 100 a week so that their
vagra aveiascs about 10
The company recently announced that
the cost of material was so high that It
could not afford to pay more than eight
cents apiece for the work of putting In
This decision led to thirty men quit
ting work the other twenty remaining
The workmen are mostly Jews and Ger
One of the tften who Is still at work
rame to Capt Nusent wlUi this letter
explaining he had receIved it through
the mall
Esteemed sir I beg you with fervor
m the name of what Is holy to stand
by us It you do not all our plans will
go amiss LV man with a warning Is
half saved I warn you that If you
show this note to tho foreman It will
go bad In the name of all beware
The man who begged that hs Mintlty
be kept secret for fear of consequoncoj
told tho captain that ho had reason to
believe there was an Anarchistic or
ganization among the strikers anti tjo
roquestetl that he be furnished 11 police
guard while going to and from his wOk
anil also at his home
Chief Murphy promltcd to provide pro
tection and also ordered detectives ta
circulate among the strikers and try to
clsciver If there are anarchists among
Depositions in the Chicago
Millionaire Brokers Action
Against His wife Taken Here
as Preliminary to tie Peal
Battle in Court
Two New Yorkers Are Named in
Complaint Filed by the Hus
band in Which He Demands
that His Wife Be Forbidden
to Use the Name Champlin
Before a notary In the offices of Kin
stein Townsend No 32 Xa nau street
depositions were taken today In the
cult for divorce brought by Frederick
L Champlain a member of the Board
of Trade of Chicago agaInst his wIfe
Jane Douglas Champlln Property to
the value of several mllllfJn dollars and
the custody of a child a boy three
tml a half years old are Involved
The siiilt wia brought before the Cir
cuit Court of Cook County Illinois and
on tho application of tho plaintiff a
notary was poUitod In this city to
take depositions of various witnesses
as to tho alleged wrong doing of Mrs
Champion All the acts complained of
constituting tho milt for divorce aro al
leged to have been committed In this
city most of thorn In the Dorllngton
apartment Seventyfirst street and
Broadway where Mrs Champlln has
her apartments
In the suit as flIed Dr Henays Ken
nedy formerly liouse physician at
Roosevelt Hospital Is mentioned as a
visitor to the homo of Mrs Champ
lln Dr Kennedy who Is now In Min
neapolis says his visits to Mrs Champ
lln wore purely In a professional ca
Another Csew Yorker named In the
complaint Is a Mr Wallace a lawyer
In his bill filed In Cook County Champ
lln asks that the Court direct that Mrs
Champlln be denied the use of the name
Champlln arid that the eon George
William Champlln be given Into the
custody of the father
I In Chicago a Champlln Is a Cham
plln and 110 man on the Hoard of
Trade Is better known than the ploju
till In the present action llln fasPr
died leaving a fortune of more titan
I60000oc In ISM Frederick Champlln
married Tcelt Douglas a Cook County
iboapty prominent In society ° J a
figure In the name social the
I Clmmpllns For more thin Ta
Champ with hr boy h1 In
this city Champlin also 1
but the present action was b i
A ulster of CliampUn Is now t a
ot Walter Jones the actor Mr t
previous < o her marriage to done
tallied a divorce from Kroierlck
fer a prominent New Yorker
Was Said to Be the Prettiest Woman
of Her Race In This
I Country
cess Lola Barry who was regarded as
the prettiest gypsy woman In the coun
try and who waa the daughter of King
Barry one of the oldest nomads In
America died while part of her tribe
were encamped pear here today She
was taken violently 111 yesterday und
some mystery surrounds her death
Princess Lola was twentyone years
old and her beauty was a trilling Oho
received many offers from artist to > lt
for them but alnays declined She w is
educated by her fathers who Is a lin
guist and well read and sho spoke see
end languages fluently
The body was shlnped to Washington
yhere Interment will be made
4R A BOUT coffee drinking a prominent Chicago physician says have
1 I li the best of reasons for naming coffee among the most dangerous of
gIt slow poisons My own personal experience outside of the general cxpe
iIna I
rience gained by my practice has taught me the truth
t At about llj I became a member of a young peoples society whose pledge
barred the use of all intoxicants tobncco tea aud coffee until the age of 21 I
kept my pledge and early temperate habits were formed Up to about my 30th
year I was au athlete no one had better health or spirits
A short time after passing thirty I began the use of coffee at breakfast with
nn occasional cup at evening parties The first symptoms of ill health I remem
ber came soon and later sore mouth and stomach trouble fatigued Finally welk
marked dyspepsia supervened My bowels sympathised of course also my nerv
ous system became inipared Dizziness attacked me and tremulous hands ren
dered writing execdinglydifficult My diet had to be restricted Experienced medical advisers forbsdc nil fruits I
I Several attacks of gastritis troubled me and bowel complaint became quite frequent
I I am now past 00 years of age About 18 months ago I saw n shrewdly written statement of Postum Cereal
Coffee I gave it careful reading and thought and as an experiment substituted Iostum for Java and Mocha
Ifor the first three days of the change I felt keenly the loss of the stimulant after that the nutrient quality of the I
Postum more than compensated the deprivation and an astonishing change came in recurring hunger three times Jf
duily I could scarcely wait for meals a sensation I had not had for more than thirty years
ii Now my health is excellent I cat fruits of all kinds and foods as my appetite demands I am regain J
ing uiy nervous tone and my strength is increasing daily Except my change from coffee to Iostum I
have made no change in my mode of living °
I Do you wonder that I name coffee as the most dangerous of slow poisons
I believe there ore thousands suffering ns I suffered Name given by Postura Co Battle Creek Mich
< r
S 1000 Pairs Men 400 Ox
fords in Velour Calf Box
Calf Black Kid and
Patent Leather
Lis Mens 400 and 350 Black
Kid Box Calf Velour
I L Calf and Patent Leather
Lace Shoes r I
i < vl
I i vlI
at 225 Pair I
1v 10000 Pairs Womens
300 Patent Kid Oxfords i i
French Heels
2000 Pairs Womens
0 200 Tan Oxfords Pair I
n n
too H i
Marked Down Safe of
I Childrens Shoes <
15000 Pairs of Childrens and Misses
200 250 and 300 Shoes and
Oxfords assorted styles sizes
Jo3 fa J0111o f25 2 150
loX to 6
The 20th Street windows are used only and dally for th Display of Bar
IP Goods Watch these windows for Bargains In Fine Shoes on Sale In our V iJ
u I sement Bargains In Fine Hosiery Mens Furnishing Goods Leather Goods
and Trunks on our Main Floor W
State Closet Saturday at I P If tfurl July gad Aotfoat 1 J
ALFRED J CAMMEYER 6th Ave Cor 20th SL Ir L
Get the A
A 0
Habit T
dMy Sale
Of11n fine ohveanl <
This Sale Is to clear UP all our own broken < 4
loisand some manufacturers samples and surplus P
in There are about 1500 pairs of Low Cut and 1 S O
illgh Cut Shoes in each store Some excellent Mens
and Youths Shoes Regularly sold for 250 all
sires and styles but noUU sizes In every style pair
Stylish 3 and 350 Low and High Cut Shoes
In patent tan and other leathers 195
Some select Shoes formerly sold for 4 reduced Z50
Eoys Shoes marked down from 150 to l 98c 1
The unheardof values we are giving In this sal will be Ppreclated
by young men preparing for vacation time
113 ue Qj uk
Near Chambers
Near Greenwich STORES 123TH ST Cor 3dAve
And while not always painful arc aggravating beyond expressioq > j
With exceptions they are worse in spring and summer when the ay3 f
tem begins to thaw x BUffered with Eel ma of tho hand i
out and the skin is and race for over a year it raa not only
reacting and making annoying and and I diiUked painful to but so out very in un tho
extra efforts to throw t treats i
4 I tried at least a dozensoaps and salver
oil the that
a IC poisons ta and became very much dl cour ced
have accumulated vi until I read in tho paper of the cures tI
performed through the use of88S X
durin the winter
during IC iiicr had little faith at first but determined
Then boils and pim ft to give it a month fair trial at leait X
am pleaded to state that I soon noticed a
p I cs rashes and alight tmprovom nt sufficient to deeldo
eruptions of every tno to keep it UP After the use ot six bottles my akin
conceivablc I i ci was as smooth and soft as a babys This was a year
1 n u trouble since
ago and I have never had any
make their appear MISS GENEVA jmiOQB I
310 tlo 7th St Minneapolis Minn
nice and Uczema o f
d Tetter the twin terrors of skin diseases Nettlerash Poison Oak V
d Ivy and such other skin troubles as usually remain quiet during j
cbld weather break out afresh to torment and distract by their fearful fa1
> bunting itching and stinging A course of S S S
Qi now will counteract the poisons and humors and f
purify mid enrich the blood reinforce and tone J
8 8 up the general system and stimulate the sluggish e
circulation thus warding off the diseases common l
to spring and summer The skin with good blood to nourish it re i
mains smooth and soft and free of all disfiguring eruptions
Send for our free book on diseases of the skin aud write us if you de
sire medical advice or any special information Will cost you nothing
acntlpria nt Seashore on tho MountalA In Lbs CoUfltrY r
gk Iiv J I ti tf
> i
I <
a r t Ii r
p t l c
< t f J I 11 i11f fr

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