OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, October 01, 1903, Night Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-10-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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a 1 i
i1 iilTl t J twft i
Continued from First Pago
S f
< had fastened him in It now gathered around at tho nod of Burgeons They
loosened the straps and removed something that the audience looked away
from as It was borno Into an adjoining room
Tho priest Wont out to lead yet another man In Ho came back wIth
w Fred Van Wormer The second victim of the law walked as nonchalantly
S as ifhe were going to a county fair
Y eOr Quick hands were again at tho strops Something with o black
mark on Its face and with bonds and feet that could not move was again
it d before the audience The electrician was In his seat before the cabinet In
Z tho corner whero brass shone Details began to come out as they had not
t done before Dr Ransom the prison surgeon was standing behind the
electric chair a little to tho left Warden Deyo was against the wall on
0the right
The man at the cabinet had his eyes on the doctor a hand on a switch
with a back grip The surgeon nodded the man at the cabinet leaned for
ward slightly Again that dread Slsssa spit A blue light slowed In the
cabinet The current was on Click Fred Van Wormers life went out
with that and in the place of the bluo light a little yellow one glowed Th
al + blue shone again then tho yellow and tho chair was emptied of Its gruc
4somo burden to make way for tho next to dlo
Burton Van Wormer did not need any one to holp him to walk WIth
Meet that put themselves down firmly and surely ho came after the priests
V Hlfl head was up his Jaws together eo that the muscles at the hinges raised
tho skin In little knots In his eyes there was defiance They took in every
r > detail in the room the audience tho man at tho cabinet whose back wa 8
B n < toward him tho chair only a step away Not a grain of his sand had got
t ton away from him He took his oeat
If Qoodby Mead goodby Roborge he sad to the two guards who
I fastened f the straps to hIs wrists and legs Tho surgeon law that the alec
a + trades were fixed properly to head and leg Then he nodded The man nt
i trth cabinet obeyed the signal and a few minutes later Burton Van Wormers
tvwr dead body was in tho autopsy room beside those of his brothers
f at I
i 1lr
IVJ DANNEMORA Oct ITho scene in tho condemned cells was a trying
ono for Father Charbonneau as Willis was led out of his cell Fred and
1 f Burton bado goodby to him 1
r Qoodbjr Willis said tho younger
µ Goodby Will said Burton
When Father Belanror cano back Fred van standing at his cell door
t > f and ho held out his hands for the crucifix which tho boy who had boon
fkilled a moment before had carried to tho chair
Goodby Fred called Burton and the kid went out between hit
i keepers saying Jesus Jesus Jesus until ho reached tho door of the room
nwhero his lIfo was to end I
3 When he was gone Burton turned to Father Charbonneau I am glad to
die Father said he I havo no fear In a few minutes It will bo nl
pyer I shall bo dead and I know I will be happy
r He had not stopped speaking when Father Del anger returned from the
4 death cell I am ready wero his next words and as his cell door was
swung back unstopped forth between Keepers Rofoarge and Locale
j t Do bravo Burton said father Charbonneau
I bare no fear the boy answered d ho moved off lathe procession
of death >
t He turned toil hard lonely face In a wlcltot as he passes
it Goodby Mooney he said
The face drew back and a fnlnt goodby answered him Allen
Mooney will be alone In tho condemned cells tonight
I All of the boys were calm Inwardly said the priests after the oxecu
1 t tion They were peaceful and had not one fear One must not Judge al
J ways of a man by his outward appearance They sent no farewell messages
j because they were glad to KO
L An hour after the bodies had been taken to the autopsy room the brains
of the three had been removed and weighed The report of the surgeon
i wi that nothing abnormal had been found in any ot them
y ti Special to The Evening World
i Fs DANNEMORA Oct IThe order in which the young men were as
mr tBi
5S5SLELS to die was in largo measure of their own choosing In their oolls
infes night and this morning they discussed the matter and showed a dls
d j position each to accord to the other any possible advantage
f It was the decision of Frederick and Burton that Willis should go first
f which precedence all threo regarded as desirable They agreed upon first
placo for Willis on tho ground that he wns somewhat Impressionable and
j bad lately been suffering from n slight bronchial affection which might
weaken his selfcontrol To this decision Willis made no especial objection i
grand the other Brothers willingly loft to the Warden tho selection of the
1 t if order in which they themselves should die
f Tho prison officers In attendance were George Deyo Warden James D
t Fulton Principal Keeper and Keepers Joseph nobargc William Moad Ed
ward Lewis and William Parsons
VJ Dr Ransom the prison physician visited the condemned men in their
Cecils this morning and closely noted their physical condition He reported
t to the warden that the men were In the best possible condition both in
mind and body and well nerved for their ordeal
t kl
i I have no tear of tho electric chair than
a1 more of this meal which wo
f about to eat I would Just as leave be the last one to go in for 1 know
t i I tjiat I can stand the farewell I am not afraid
r Thus spoke Burton Van Wormer as he sat at a plentiful breakfast to
day He appeared to be absolutely unconcerned over the fact that he and
his two brothers were about to enter the volley of death In a few brief mo
p menta the dread punishment for their coldblooded murder of their uncle
Peter Hallenbeck
Neither of tho other brothers showed any decided indications of wnvI
t f rlertng Keeper Murphy who was In the cell room from midnight said when
t he came off duty today that he never had seen men better prepared for
death or more fully In possession of their nerve i
I tell you said he to the reporters they are a lot more selfcontrolled
1 than I Leaving out any question of their guilt or whether or not they ought
r to dleI have come to like those three fellows and It made me feel bad to
r say goodby to them
Willis Van Wormer saId to Keeper Murphy I only wish there were
three chairs Instead of one BO we could all go together Tho hardest part
Of It al is the suspense but we are ready Wo are grateful for the kindness
I which everybody about tho prison has shown to us
i r AC midnight a good supper wan served to the brother and each ate
tit heartily although slowly and in silence
f V > Then cam the clanging at Iron as the doors to tho death house wero
i grfung back to admit the relief guard The guard going off duty stepped to
If 1jse d 1oollch cell and bade the Inmate farewell Each of tho three
tjB r hla hand through the bars of the door nnd thanked him for his
dncaa to them
< lithpro atfisecond shooting of bolts and clanging of iron doors as he
9d apd lli Ballvwna silent again save the shrieks and groans of the wind
r < t n Fend Fwd retired t ° theIr cots and only Burton stood
t rll idb l1 or tI ° lha UhOIUn llBlif could fall upon tho pages
> tl 1 te 8ttTbe guardatopped at bis door andiBurton looked
JLp <
l iII lKi ra
f of rsaoilSea
sJUnmo > C a
up I auppoao theyll take me moat ho said
Cant toll replied the guard
Well I know they are afraid of my brothcrr Thats all there is to
thatAt lost the electric light grew dim and the cold light of the rising
dawn began to creep In Sounds drifted In from other parts of the
prison and the Van Wormors know thtlr last day had come
The guards soon appeared with the clothing In which the three were to
go to tho chair They donned the gray flannel shirts and black trousers the
right leg slit to the knee to receive tho lower electrode
At 730 oclock breakfast was brought to their cells and at 8 oclock
rather Belangcr and Father Charbonnoau appeared In full canonicals to ad
minister their last communion to tho brothers
Tho priests visited the cell of Willis first and then In turn the rolls of
Durton and Frederick The balanco of the morning WM spoilt In prayers
and conversation wlth tho priests
Warden Doyo announced that no fctlnitilnntn would bo given the brothers
to sustain them State Electrician Davis said that each condemned man
would be subjected to three shocks the first to bo of from three to five nm
pereo and 1800 volts the second one ampere and 200 volts and the third of
from seven to eight amperes and the same number of volts as In the first
DAEORA Oct 1Whllo the three young Van Wormers were being
shocked to death today there were three otilter persons In the dismal old
prison whoso feelings must have boon of the iniwt awful description TJioy
wore Allen Moony the only other prisoner In the comlcmnodcdl room who
HsU > ned like a cat to each movement omiOcted with the ceremony that ho
could catch Unless tho Court of Appeals should reverse tho Judgment of
conviction under which ho rests or the Governor Intervene to save him he
must eventually Buffer the same fate Ho elands convicted of tho murder of
two women at Saranac Lake
In another part of the prison In a place especially prepared for her also
eat in the shadow of tho death chair Mrs Kato J Taylor who Is condemned
to dlo for a crime which has tow If any parallels In this State It was she
who shot hor husband Lafayette Taylor in their home at Centrevillo near
Montlccllo Sullivan County chopped up his body and burned the pieces in I
their kitchen stove or fed thorn to tho chickens I
Within the same walls was Harvey Bruce the Van Wormersa cousin
and their comrade In the murder of Hallonbock He had saved1 hIs life and
Insured their conviction by turning States cvldnco and securely fastened the
crime upon the hrro brothers Ho is serving a sentence of eighteen years
which will be cut by good conduct to cloven years and two months i
Inhuman as It may appear there are few conversant with tho details
of the crime for which tho Van Wormer boys suffered tho death penalty
who feel any regret It was a murder of wanton brutality deliberately
planned and executed with coldblooded precision Whatever may have
been the motives actuating the boys there Is nothing to excuse their method
ot revenge
With the death of these boys a family once respected in Columbia
Cuunty will be exterminated for nono are left of that branch who bear the
name The three who have disgraced it thought little of It before they
committed the crime that sent them to tho electric chair
Tho mother of the Van Wormer boys died seventeen years ago Their
father married his deceased wifes sister She was good to the boystoo
good It appears Tho father was away from homo a great deal and the
indulgent auntmother allowed them to have their own way
Early In life they realized the value of sticking together Although
there la a difference of six years between the oldest and the youngest of
the three they wero Inseparable In eohool they were boyond the control
of Urth teacheraJ a cruse tboyconild diUAricto l ruo tiu p
4 I J14N < eI J4EY dH 1
corn of all three They were bold and full of original qualities that made
them leaders In all the mischief of their neighborhood
Other boys In tho little community grew up into young manhood and
either moved away to take up the work of their lives or settled on the
farms of their parents to careers of humdrum activity
Not so tho Van Wormers They had tasted the false delights of free
dom from restraint and cast tholr lines with their Inclinations In theIr
minds there grew a convlcton that the property of their neighbors was theIr
own and they worked more dlllcently to obtain It than they would hav
had to work honestly to attain a like measure of reward
Nothing was too Insignificant for the Van Wormers to steal but they
made a specialty of chickens In poultry stealing they conducted theIr
operations on a wholesale scale They robbed henroosts for miles around
picked and cleaned the chickens in an old barn on their fathers place and
shipped the prepared poultry to commission houses In this city
The money realized from these operations they spent In dissipation
Little of It saw Its way to their father or stepmother And when their
father died he left nothing but a farm upon which rested a heavy mortgage
This mortgage was hold by Peter Hallonbeck nn aged resident of the
town of OreenpOrt and the brother of the mother of the boys Hallenboc
had saved tho youths from prison time and agnln It Is said of him tha
he spent thousands In repaying persons whom his nephews had robbed
In the hope that ho would drive them out of the neighborhood fore
closed the mortgage In the summer of 1901 The Van Wormer boys and
their mother moved to Kinderhook sixteen miles away The boys con
tinned their thieving operations there but were successful in avoiding dc
tee tlon
The chief topic ot conversation among the boys was what appeared t o
them tho unfairness of their uncle In foreclosing the mortgage They
talked of it BO much that tho action of Peter Hallcnbock appeared to them
as a monstrous wrong
Which of them first broached the plan of assassination for revenge
is not known Tho others toll Into tho idea They arranged to go to
Qreenport and kill their uncle but In theIr arrangements they made a fatal
raMnke mistake that has earned for them the sentence of death
They engaged the assistance of tholr cousin Harvey Bruce The Bruce
boy was Intellectually deficient and was rosily fed by the daring brothers
Ho agreed to go with them on their expedition of murder
They hired a fast horse at Klnderhook on Christmas Eve 1901 and
drove Ito Oreenport It was a cold clear night and tho snow wns smooth
In the country roads Wh n they got to the home of tholr uncle there was
a celebration in tho little church In the settlement Mr Hallonbcck was In
his house with his wife and his used mother
Tho boys placed their horse mid wagon In a shed some distance tram
the house turned their coats inside out covered their faces with blocl
masks and walked up to the farmhouse Mr and Mrs Hallenbeck and the
aged grandmother were In tho kitchen talking
The boys hailed from a safe distance Mr Hallonbeck went to the door
hIs tall form outlined In the light from tho lamp The boys raised their
ovolvero and fired It him Nearly a dozen bullets entered his body
Grievously wounded aa ho was he crawled back Into the house for his
shotgun but ho died on tho way The widow and the mother ran to a
room in the upper part of the house locked themselves In and remained
there until the others of the family returned from the church The boys
drove back to Kinderhook reaching there long before midnight
It was supposed at first that the crime had been committed by robbers
passing through the town but suspicion finally directed Itself to the Van
Wormers and Harvey Bruce and they were arrested Harvey Bruco con
fessed and got oft with a sentence of eighteen years in prison The three
brothers wore sentenced to death
They took an appeal Admitting the shooting they sot up the defense
that they had no Intention of killing their uncle but that ihey had gone
down to QrsenporUto give him a Christmas Eve scare Their lawyer
Judge Cady contended thnt BO long na there was no intent to murder tho
crime did not constitute murder In tho first detrrec The Court of Appeals
unanimously overruled this contention and sustained the sentence of tho
lower court
GOT Odell respited the boys from time to time Ho hated to confirm
their sentence because the ghastly horror of the dath of throe brothers
Ion the same day In the electric chair But lie could aeo no other way
cloven of tho Juror who tried the boys oatitlondd him ro allow the law M
1 4 ko rte cou J h t i r
> Z 2
u W
1 II a JI
Death of Ambassador Herbert
BrotherinLaw of Mrs Goe
let Will Not Interrupt the I
Marriage to Roxburghe
Soeclal to The Evening World
NEWPORT Oct 1llr and Mrs
Cornelius Vanderbllt returned here to
day on the steam yacht North Star In
order to be with Mr and Mrs Richard
T Wilson Mrs Ogden Goclet Miss
ioelot and other mnm6ers of tho family
In their bereavement
R T Wilson second grandson of
Ulrs Wilson and of Mrs Wllllan
Astor went to Now York to arrange for
the opening of the Goelot and Wilson
houses at once
It Is Mated on authority that the mar
rlngo of Miss Goelet to the Duke ot
Roxburgh despite the death of Am
basmrinr Herbert brotherinlaw ot
Mrs Vanderbllt and of Mrs Goelet
will not be postponed ns nil arrange
ments havo been completed but ot
course It will be a quiet and informal
affair and will be robbed of Its expected
Mr and Mrs Vanderbilt at once drove
to the residence of Mr and Mrs Wilson
who owing to their advanced age are I
completely prostrated
Ironworkers Mmlt Ionrr uf Of
tidal lu Heurrul Strikes
Important piece of work accompllshe
today at the Ironworkers Convention
was the adoption of an amendment to
the constitution limiting the power or
the president and executive commute
In calling strikes The amendment as
adopted provides than In the cane of
general strikes or In the ratification of
national agreements a member from
each local shell be called Into tho ox
eciitlve session and given a voice de
termInIng the action to be taken This
In effect put the power of ordering a
general strike In the hands of the locals
A personal victory for President
Buchanan was won when the conven
tion npproprlated 195 to pay tho ex
pence to Karumn City of Itobei
Ncldltr the deposed President of Union
No2 of New York Mr Neldlg came
to tho convention upon the Invltatlui
of President Buchanan lie was fought
bv the Parka crowd principally It was
said because he had supported Presi
dent Euchanan In upholdur the latter
artlon In eusponoUng ParKs and Local
No 8
Clmrlea OBrien Accused of Frau
dulent Voting nt Primaries
Charles OBrien arrested on the day
of tile primary elections for allege
repenting In the Twentyfifth Assembly
District where the fight was between
Durrell and Parsons was held today
In J2000 ball by Justice Wyntt In Spec
lal6ei8lons to await the aottpn of the
Grand Jury
R H Burke of No SOS Madlion avc
nue DepuTy Commissioner of Election
tank the ntnnd and gave testlmgy
which involved the name ot the Repub
lican County Committeeman George R
United nunlc Ohodke and Get Thou
sands of Dollur
PHnJVDELPinA Oct IChlef Pos
tal Inspector W W Dickson of this
dYMrtot and n number of assistants are
endeavoring to looate two daring fors
ers who are said to have realize 1
thousands of dollars by altering check
These checks were originally part o f
the contents of a mill pouch which dlj
niwared about Sept 5 from a west
bound eprlMtraln on the Pennnylvanl n
I Rallrond between this city and pats
A number of banks In this city hold
some of the worthless paper
George II Harris Xninert nn North
ern Pacific President
CHICAGO Oct tIt was reported
here today that George Harris Pres
Idont of the Chicago Burlington and
Quincy Railroad may lie selected t o
I succeed C S Mellen as President of
the Northern Pacific Railroad
In that event It Is said that Darius
Mlllfr now First VlcePresldent of the
Burlington will be promoted to the
Presidency of the Burlington system It
was Impossible to confirm tho report or
obtain an authoritative denial from Ute
Burlington oinclals
That the tank statement Saturday
will be a good one te believed In Wai
street The bonks have gained from
the HubTreasury lace Saturday 120H
000 and tho debit balance of the Sub
Treasury at the ClearlngHouM this
morning wna 1091797 Unless the
bonks lose on today operations the
banks will have gained by tomorrow
more tiion J3000000
George M Currmlngs who retired
from the VlcePresldenoy of the ErIe
Hallway Comruny at the time of tho
recent change In the official staff of that
company was today elected VlcePrea
Ident of the United States Mortgage
and Trust Company A
Sun tiles OJSISim Beta 43Moon seta 103
high Water Low Water
Panty Hook SIS 840 OM 10OO
Governor Iiland HOT 410 1014 in 4U
hell Oat FerrY BCO 003 1140 1221
Mongolian Olajgow
Iatrlcla > Hamburg
Neel York lien Domingo
LlBonler British FrlnceM iiTPorT Antwerp Arthur
Etrurl a noa
lnccnto Bononno Ul Hlglo New Orleans
Gibraltar i til Paw Qalveiton
Juffalo Hull Apache Jacksonville <
Jtrinunlc Liverpool
amel sea e No Brazil Havana Havana
IA lora ine J inv ra El Alba aalvetton
alol ifarpatossa ke o e l 1 htcue Anne
Take uuutuv nroino QuInttJ Tabhlts All
ry 1 t he raehe it I Jitic era
4tM i
Washington Lawyer May Be
Called On to Explain Action
in Connection with Case of r
Capt Tackberry
Capt William O II Tackberry who
has been adjudged a lunatic and con
fined In the Manhattan State Asylum
for the Insane was before Justice Mac
lean In Part II of the Supreme
Court toilay on a writ of habeas cor
pus sworn out by his attorney E H
Loucks of Washington who Is endeav
I oring tc secure Capt Tackborryn roe
Just before the writ was argued
Lawyer Trucks asked George C Austen
counsel for the asylum It ho might
peak with hH client Mr Austen gave I
nil consent and the two retired to the
corridor A relative of the Captain toll
Mr Austen that while In the cor
ridor tho alleged Insane man had stoned
some papor at the request of the attor
ney Lawyer Austen demanded to know
what the paper wns that the Captain
had signed The Washington attorney
refused to Unclose the nature of the
paper and Mr AUften appealed to the
Court Justice MacLonn ordered the
lawyer to produce the paper and It
proved to be a check for JIM drawn to
Loucks order upon the National Safe
Deposit Savings and Trust Company of 1
Attorney Loucks started to make an
explanation when Justice MncLean
said Is It expedient Why not re
serve the explanation lor a Urn and
1 > lnco when you may be cxillcJ upon to
make It
The Court dismissed the writ and
ordered that the check be placed in
Uio custody of the Clerk of the Court
and told counsel for too asylum to
make an Investigation and take what
ever action ho saw 0 t
In ISO when Capt Tackberry pea
stationed at Cattle William he weB
struck on the head with a block of
wood Since that time he has had re
ligious mania believing that he ha
pro pro tic power and Is nblo to heal Jtlie
nick by blessing them For some time
he was contlned In the National Hos
pital for the Insane and Loucks ob
tained his release It Is alleged un
known to his family who were sur
prised when the enptaln returned to
his home Two days after his arrival 4
In this city Aug IS of this year his
sister had him sent to tho Manhattan
Decently Attorney lourtts hfli obtain
ed a back pension for the Captain 01
sloe and Is now trying to obtain nil
release from the asylum on the ground
that he Is not Insane
Accuses Policeman Cnlhnne of Est
torttoii lint ills Denies It
Mr Catherine Polllon brought befonf
the general public In the suit agar j
Millionaire Drokaw was on the atandl
today In the trial of Pollcemnn CulJ oJ
hane whom sho accus d of txtortlnaf
money from her
Mrs Polllon said she brought the mat
ter to the attention of the police be
cause he wanted 200 subsequently and
then she realized that he was extortln
money from her
Culhane took the stand later and dev
nli > d all Mrs Polllons allegations Hi
said he had no knowledge of any of tai J
transactions In which ahe claimed hi
was Involved
Federal Orniul Jury Present
Another Joint Inillctmrnt
VlV HI TGTON Oct lTho Federal J
Grand Jury which has been ihveetijat
Ing the Post Omco casestoday brought
In nn Indictment against George W
Beavers formerly Chief of the Division
of Salaries and Allowances of the Vost
Ofilca Department and State Senator
George A Green of New York on the
charge of conspiracy fInd two indlot
menu against acott Towers who la in
charge of a subpostsofflce Btatloh li >
this city on the charge of taking a com
mission on the saale of typtwrltera M
the Government
liOli s Creek apes mi account
liens Pall Overcoat In Black
ahlbet Covert Cloth and Oray
Women1 Bull In Broadcloth
Pebble ctievlots and Mannish
MUturei bloust front extra C i r 1
length coat tatfttq rrontd j > J5 75
1419 TO 1423 8D AVID
between 60th and dletets rr
f t
OF course there is adif 1
Terence between lily f
15 Tweeds apdlhoscatf i
higher prices
Difference of material dlf
fererice of trimming bul
each is equally as well xvortl
its price as each other Cl
Tweeds 15 25
D roadway aa Street 1
Blith Avcqua Uth Street
Laundry Wants Female
b1 Hell1l1I on new ahiria and culUr
Olfiob a undrya lopes t jBpg
TipDlJHH and oldert xp rieno drbDm i i
II e IItnpoourt t J o 3 to
UIIUtI want l1 call nji week 0 dPlh af eaq
JINn1r f1 lar e on ear
nm A tlratc ua family iron whlU
pr 1n Amrlerdat1v rolAy to worK loUI1c1r7
JS iUNenin exper code on dm a an I
omits Crystal Bteem uadry adl4 age
Kalb av nrnnklnl
Laundry WantsMale i
ytUYtl wantp III to 18 yearaoldsl 1 wag i
to blllht bats 1llerlm gleam Unl1rJi
fIII M t Brooklvn
UuS hon 1 wllllnll H weekiy lAundry
1R1t O 11 O i wanted In Uundr ti
tm e A u N J ttkWan
Arc r tr a e It s t
r Help Wanted Female j
VANTBD7em ll an IDt aJumtied cirla i
t o J

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