rit 4 w
L r
I f I > I 5W
I Police Captain riussey Shows
How When Gambling Craze
Strikes a WiJe and Mother
l I Homes Are Often Broken Up
t Places Run by Conscienceless
Swindlers and Captain Be
ieves Best Way to Break
Them Is to Punish Players
Tho womins poolroom Is a con
Kclcnceleii swindle
It Is Ii far worse pest to society than
the policy shop
Tho bettors never hWe the barest
chauco to win
Thry me run by the outcasts of the
a RunMlnfT fraternity
f1 These nra but 1 few of the terse
criticisms of tho poolrooms for women
ii mAd hv Police Captain Humey today
I beforo he nppcnrcd In the WestSide
Court against ccvcral prisoners cap
tured In n raid on a flat In Weit Thir
tyninth uttect
Capt HiiMrj who Is n quiet little
ruin with u keen lilnck eye a firm and
leinlnte mouth art n convincing way
of aylnj much In a flw words has one
of the worst pretlncts In the city which
lie li cleaning up with commendable
I Those womonn poolroom mill the
Ctptiln on Kvcnlnc World reporter
are what I might call tho vermin of
gambling < tilillalim < nti > They am tk
4 jvplders webs unviii III a night and
tho women vjin fritucnt thorn fall In
the mesh nt hop lonsly as the fcclileit
of dieM
There Khould ba a Inn In record to
3 these places an strlngtnt as the law en
forced against Mllcy xhopt The women
bettors rlion hi be amenable to punlcli
I bent ns will as the proprietors for
1 that Is the only way to tench the vic
tlmi a lesson Thc omen who nil
Jully neglect their homos and their
1I0W hold duller to gamble In these
poolrooms should be locked up for n
few days evi ry lime llioy arc caught
Bettor linn XC Cbilnor
If anything thcto poolrooms are
s worse than pulley shop or any similar
I gambling game far there Is not he
J lightest chance for the bettor to win
I Tim persons who stmt the i > plncei
I lire the clicrip touts end gamblers who
frequent the inco track Thorp they
I scrape up an uiiitinlnlanro with nonii
J who bet on the race Thoy need little
money to aft up one of these plarpn
tor all they have to do Is to hire a
flit In a nicnthouie nnd Install a
Then they onrt auund Clrrulnrs bx
their woinii agents mid their women
I patioin florh to them How they sot
I their luforiKitkii on tho races over
tile tolpphniip l don t kno It refit
makes lltllf illllfirrci to thorn whether
tnoy get HIP liifonnnllon or not for
they hasp thtlr crooUnl wonion touts
In tho Pa to deer the patron up
JKalnst the dead ono s
hindu aiy tho mOlt easily touted
lotui III d ii > KiunblliiK HfM If they
ondoiir t i liy Ihoir imino on Ii
lioific tint iin 4 a i hiiim the touts 10
about nliliinini a tip oil it hone tint
II couhliil win 41 ml I lIst H llld of woodji
lnkiisxos This whlrpered lip Is a
tan tliu Is hewer rcfiwwl
llrl Aflrr Itncu In hun
The II tin women 11 e njlowcd to btt
rtlei tin riiu IIIIK lOiim In on the
phoin llw touts lUC tipped off iin
I I lie hoisc that won and ro Uoilt nd <
I I tug the bittnrs to place tjiolr inoiny
on all ths nthcr luui > on tho ouui
It Is tho must oi uindihiit swin
dling game ever ptrpetiated and it
icalij ciiHCh 110 < nd of inlsny and do
I mestic tiaKcdy I fully believe that
I llRHi DOdliooms tor women beak up
more hnniin cuuiro more tiMgLilUs and
other cihiifn than iiny form of vice
I and they arc growing In populailty
i Womou will even pawn their kitchen
j utrnnlli and their olilldrcnN clothes to
1 Ket down just one moie bet
I It Is mlBhty hard to keep track of
I these places for they will start up In
n night nnd move In n day A tele
lihiiiu is tin on piiaiih rnalla used
nnd the bank toll of the proprIetor to
itart Is unlj mgre than JIW lie needs
no mote IIH there la absolutely no
chance of his loilnd
Tho strangest feature I have noticed
in regard tojlieso poolrooms Is that oc
casionally woiiHMi will bo accompanied
by their hubuulfl In tilt place wo
aided yesterday I found one man who
had como there with his wife
1 wanted to see that Mia wasnt
robbed ho said q couldnt preserve
any pence In the family unless I con
J I I vented to her coming here so 1 thought
I would onTTtTmloaB to see that she got
1 a fair deal
J I told him that the only way to pre
V t rant her from being robbed was to take
I her motley nway from her for there
j wasnt one chanco In ten thousand t p
u win I suppose though that had he
ill been firm against his wifes gambling
his home would be broken up That Is
1 If why these women bettors should be
I lockud up and taught n severe lesson
Joicpli mlh Drink Carbolic
Acid tint Ilfr h SilTed
Joseph Smith of
Philadelphia was
nmtlmed befort Magistrate Breen In
the Essex Market Court today charged
with attempted eulcldf
i lie entered a
fliug store at Clinton street nnd nut
Ferq place lat night bought a bottle
cf carbolic acid and drunk the contents
II vSnmpdlfltflv Dr JJrnlly Duiinlns of
I Jouvorneui Hoeplta was summoned
S i mid succeeded In saving hid life
In 110 pocket was found a letter ad
dressed 6 the New Vorlc oollce which
pave his name and the address of his
family OB No 203 Beach street Phlla
Smith who li twenty years old re
I fused tell the Magistrate wli > he wu
¼ weary of life but promised not to re
peat the attempt and lw vrss allowed
Oloon hit promise to return to lila
1 Ill Choice >
L From hi FtillfUlphU Pr u
HI Tr8gerd Well well I never I
thought youd condearend to take BO I
if email a part 81 the one youre cast for
I ilowe Comerdy Well I have to Jive
I HITrajfcrdyOh was It that bad
I JJowe Comerdy Vea I decIded that a
t I w1U1QJo TT btw ihnno br
II f t
l t r
Policeman Wagner Served War
rant on Rich James Cunning I
ham at Morton House and I
Something Happened to Him
Warrant Was Sworn Out by
1 Mrs Cunningham Who Wants
Her Rights in a 175000
Property Deal Protected
Policeman Wagner of the West ida
Court squad served a warrant on
James Cunningham nt the Morton
house early tIny Ever since that
time he has been delirious and can
give no explanation IIJIC to the where
about of his prisoner A trejiernl
ulnrm has been sent out for Cunning
ham who U n man of great vtnl h
Ills father was tho late Patrick II
Cunningham who made a big fortune
In real estate investments JIll wife la
a cousin of John V Carroll
Wife he Coniplnlnrn
In tho Wet Side Court today William
Henry Knox a lawyer of No 59 Win
Inm street representing Mrs Minnie 1C
Cunningham the wife of the missing
man Raid that last night Wagner was
given a warrant for tho arrest of Cun
ningham A brother of Mrs Cunning
ham Mr Kane accompanied Wagner
to the Morton House and there the
warrant was served Then Kim left
Word wns received nt court today from
Wagner saying that he was homo In
bed A policeman wui rent to him and
brought hack word to Maglstrnto Zeller
that Wagner was < lirlou3 and could
tell nothing of whnt happened after he
hail served the warrant
l rui > cr > ItlKliU In 1crll
A week ago Mrs Cunningham ap
pealed IKore Magistrate Cornell r < I
linked for the arrest of her hiuibaiid
Slit drclantl that he hud negotiated for
the sale of property the prlco of which
was JIT5CCO She feared tlmt her hn
baiul Intruded to Uexert her and she
wanted her rIght In tile property pro
Mr Cunningham had been missing for
about two weeks but was finally lo
cnt d at the Morton House He Is a
graduate of Manhattan College nnd Is
known about tr > vn as n ready spendnr
Mr Cunningham nuvs that 01 the ZUh
of this month her husband will receive
a KXWn Imitnltnent on a property dil
lnnnr Drinking flout AllejriMl
Ha rgt Lane who Ik In charge of the
police nt the West Side Court said
Mint he made an invcKlgntlon of Wng
nerK condint and would prefer charges
against him Acordlng to the sere
teant Wn > tier took CunninghAm up
Sixth avenue to Fortyseventh street
across Kortysecvnth Mreet to a sa
loon nt Klghuh avrmie where they
remained uigethrr until a lute hour
uimlnham then escaped Police Sur
geon Keshltt examined Wagnor and
< ali that lv would be able to report
for ditv tiimorow
Residents of the West Side Com
plain Because of Obstructions
on the Asphalted Space at the
Foot of Fiftieth Street
nesldenLs of the district which enjoys
end protU fov the Hecreatlon Pier at
tho foot of West Fiftieth street are up
In arms over the obstructions which
have been placed In tho way of their
complete plaasute Complaint have
been made to lJlstrlctLnder Daniel I
McMnhon hut without mall as yet
The Dock Department under Commis
sioner Maurice iValhorson has not
taken official cognizance of the displeas
ure of the citizens cither
Five years ago when the recreation
pier was opened n flro h > drut on the
plaza In front of It win removed four
block north at the Instance of Senator
George W Plunkltt Today the entire
plaza nsphalud at n coat of about
10000 is totally encumbered to the ex
clusion of ha boys girls and young
men and women who have enjoyed the
facilities the asphalted space offered up
to this year It la filled with piles of
lumber brick sand gravel And atone
No place Is left for the sports which
used to enliven tne recreationpier
crowd It In all business
And for this the city la gettlng less
limn 200 n mcnllil
Aiipronrli Made nrroirer
Even the approach to tho pier has
ben narrowed down until less than the
full street width remain The only
place for the summer evening crowd to
father Ison the pier proper and the
e of an open breathing space where
the boys and girls could play and the
tired mothers anti fathers promenade
as do their more fortunate brothers and
listen on Fifth avenue Is entirely nul
llflwl Theres just the pier there am
nothing more
The letting of the asphalted space
Was started last > ear under Mayor
Lows administration Dock Commis
sioner Mcliougull linnkes give conces
sions to xeaiiil business concerns to
use the asphalted plaza space and the
present city government has not een
fit as yet to rescind the orders which
give so much for a > little
Thorp are more thnn snOM square feet
of asphalt nt something morn than t3
a fquare yard that have been riven
over to liiitlncKJ ctltlne off the pleas
ant perquisites emitted to the people
of the district Lumber brick sand
and sole cover the space where on
plcamnt oveirfncs the boys nod girls
ronirrigaUd There can be no more
hallpin Ing on the plari no more
murbtes no more lionscotch anti inc
All Appeal taf Failed
All appeals to the present administra
tion have so far tailed enrg business
men the n II Ogden Lumber Com
pony Cusick Run the contractors
Brook contractor and Keating the
builder haie taken the pleasure
And nil that the city gets for revenue
for cutting off the free sporting alnce
In barely more than tlOOO a year I POs
slblv JIOOOOO was nent In this one In
stance for n definite purpose to Rive
the people of the oliv n breathing spot
slid a nlavsrouart It nt present Is not
being used ns such Tlir nler III as
vcr hut the Kiirroimdtnirn have less
toed Its value verv greatly
Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect It
To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy Swamp oot Will
Do for YOU Every Reader of The Evening World May
Have Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail
It used to be considered that only urinary
and bladder troubles were to be traced to the
kIdneys but now modern science proves tint
nearly all diseases have their beginning in the
disorder of these most Important organs
The kidneys filter and purify the blood thit
is their work
Therefore when jour kidneys are weak or
out of order you can understand how quickly
your entire bod is affected and how every i
orctn seems to fail to do its duty
If you are sick or feel badly begin tak
ing the great kidney remedy Dr Kilmers
SwampRoot because as soon as vour kidneys
begin to pet better they will help all the other
organs to health A trial will convince any one
cheerfully rcommcni and Indorse the Uest
Remedy Dr Kilmers 5 mpRoot for Kldn y
trouble and bad liver I hive used It and derived IL5WS
greet btnellt from It I tIevlt hu cured me
entirely of kidney and liver trouble from which I SAJiIPROOT
sulfered terribly
Moat gnttfullv your E14z1t7 Uvct szJ l14u
R Reynold Chlil ot Police cuu
Columbus Oa
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible r
for many kinds of diseases and If permitted to = b1 or SStU
continue much suffering and fatal results are tu4weo
sure to oHotc Kidney trouble Irritates the Stay = glib u =
nerves makes you dizzy restless sleepless and a U i e rOd
Irritable Makes you pass water often during
the day and obliges you to eet up many times =
during the night Unhealthy kidneys cause 4 a ask =
rheumatism gravel catarrh of the hladder pain nu 4dr
or dull ache In the back joint and muscles I
make jour head ache and back ache cause In =
digestion stomach and liver trouble get hitaeati4uil
you rttTAKC CHIT It
a sallow yellow complexion make you feel as OB KltMBR Is CO
though you bad heart trouble you may have cmcKAsTILy
plenty of ambition but no strength get weak di Dutr
and waste away
The cure for these troubles Is Dr Kilmers I
SwampRoot the worldfamous kidney remedy
In taking SwampRoot you afford natural help
to Nature for SwampRoot Is the most perfect
healer and gentle aid to the kidneys hat Is
known to medical science
< S anipJoot I i plraeant to take
How to find Out
If there Is any doubt In your mind as to your
condition take from your urine on rising about
four ounces place It In a glass or bottle and let
It stand twentyfour hours If on examination
It is milky or cloudy If there Is a brlckdust
settling or if small particles float about In It
your kidneys are In need of Immediate attention
SwampRdot is pleasant to take and Is us d
In the leading hospitals recommended by phy
sicians their private practice and Is taken by
doctors themselves who have kidney aliments
because they recognize In It the greatest and
most successful rem dy for kidney liver and
bladder troubles
If you are already convinced
that SwampRoot is whit you
need jou can purchase the
regular fifty cent and one
dollar size bottles at the drug
stores everywhere Dont make
any mistake but remember the
name SwampRoot Dr Kil
mers SwampRoot and the ad
dress Binghamton N Y on
every bottle
SPEOIAXi NOTE go successful Is SwampRoot In promptly curing even
the most distressing cases of kidney liver or bladder troubles that to prove its
wondrful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable informa
tion both sent absolutely free by mall The book contains many of the thousands
upon thousands testimonial letters received from men and women cured The
value and success of SwampRoot so well known thit readers are advised to
send for a sample ottle In sending your address to Dr Khmer Co Dlngham
ton N Y be sure o3ayyou read this generous pfftrlo tbe eyYork Eypjng 11
< S < < r ifrJX3tf f i i ibij
Estimates submitted for
Awnings Slip Covers
Shades and all kinds of
Interior Decoration5
1 R H Alacv Cos Attractions Arc Their Low Prices
i Bway at 6th Aye 34Th to Hth St I
I 11r
Now On Sale
Spring and Summer Mil
linery Costumes Coats
Feather Boas Ribbon
Novelties and Neckwear
Sale of Housefur ishings rt m nt Sale of Oriental Rug
forward with sale of when
They come a Housefurnishings just
The basement folks are irrepressible
Easter fashIons on floors above invite undivided attention They stretch the word House urnishi gs Three Remarkably Low Prices on Choice
f m could M for and make the ice t < air < article M inducement w4 A K T
over as broad an assortment of wares as you hope price on every an Eastern Weaves Id FJ
ducement to buy promptly Our usualjbroad guarantee covers everything embraced in the sale This sale involves the complete stock of an Oriental Rug dealer i
First QualltyOray Steel Wooden Ware Baby Carriages and every small and medium sized Rug he had bought far below h
Valley Clothes Bars 5 ft high 3 ° c GoCarts market value and given sale prices on the same basis i
Enamelled Ware Hardwood Step Ladders with rail Prairie Grass Baby Carriages fullyThere are Rugs from the interior of Persia from the Caucasian
Buoment shelf 57c upholstered5633 to 1456 Mountain region and the Hugweaving district of the far East brill
Tea Kettles 7 Inch 49c Plain Skirt Board 5 ft long 42C Prairie Grass GoCarts 432 543 iant in color and unique in design The range includes everything l
Lipped Saucepans NO2 ISc No Plain Bloom Boards 12C 5599 and J6S2 from the thick heavy weaves suitable for office or hall to the fine
3 I7cj oN S 2JC Pastry Boards 12x14 In 12C Reed GoCitt solid roll closed sIdes shortpile delicntecolored Ideas so admirable for parlors and the
Tea Pots No i34 24c No 2 27c Clothes Poles 8 ft long toe green cnameledai > tomoblegear para long narrow Rugs for hall strips and like uses Si7es range from
Coffee Pots No a7ci No3 29c J sol clamp and rod white satan para 3x5 feet to 4Hx8 feet not 1 d the of > >
ee 0
Press Stands 19c aol lining rubbertired nX ee including quantity narrow Rugs
I Colanders 19c green patent
Dish Pans 39c
Folding Ironing Tables 76c wheels and rubber hub cap sold else mentioned Selection may be made from one thousand pieces t i I
Berlin Saucepans No 4 27c No Oak Invalid Trays 5124 whereat 200 our price 789 divided into three lots at three prices new to New Yorks Oriental 4
Wall Clothes Dryers lie to 46c Reed GoCarts all 1901 styles 598 Rug selling
Buckets 4 quart 26c to 2411 t
Wash Hand Basins ISc varnished Nest Boxes 38c sets of he plain 32C Reed Baby Carriages 19O4 models 23 98 1994 M494 4
Pudding Pans No2 lie No4 JR94 to 51921 with hood titS to a 0 t
Hard Wood Knife Boxes 9c
l4cj No6 iBc 53096
Rice Boilers No 53 47c Hard Wood Clothes Pins e tOO for Sanitary Goods Carpet Size Rugs
Ham Boilers No 1 99e made of Shad Planks 49c and 89c Bed Pans acate nickel steel 5202 Marked Down am
Heavypolished Tin Ware white enamelled 5244 zinc 5149
best quality plate Solid Oak Commodes enamelled pan 8edetsS6 Turkey 6 ft 3inx 9 ft 0 in wus 3998 now S 2998
Douche Pans5139 Oak Bedcts 5642 I5
Oval Wash Boilers heavy copper 5196 Turkey 6ft 3inx 9 ft 10 III was S4498 now 3474
Agate Chamber Pails 156
bottom No 71124 Willow Ware COI Turkey 7 ft Oinx 10 ft 4 in was S4998 now3998
Folding Travelling Commodes 274
Dish Pans 12 quarts 36c Ovalshaped Clothes Baskets 4lc to Turkey 7 ft I in x 10 ft 0 in was S5674 now 4498
Urinals and i66
5149 a n ft6x W
Gas Stove Kettles No2 34c 8JC Turkey 9 ft 6 in x 12 ft 1 in was S6998 now S5786 11 B
Spit C s 41C
Oil Cans 4 quarts 24c Round Office Baskets 24c to 9fic Pus Basins 4ic and 49c Bandhurr 9 ft 0 in x 13 ft 2 in was S8498 now 6998 a I r
Covered Buckets 4 quarts 24c Flat Top Willow Trunks 5569 to Irr ators ind Indian 10 ft 3 in x 13 ft 0 in was 3998 now 9998 r t
Agateirrigators 5149 andSi98
Halfsheet Graters 7c SS37 Persian 9 ft 4 in x 12 ft 0 in was S13998 now 9998 V A1
Box Graters 4c Bread Pans 14c Market Baskets 69c to Si 09 Stomach 5113 Warmers made of zinc Turkey 11ft 11 in x M ft 3 in was 12998 now 8448 Mt JJ
Graduated Measures t quart toe Trout Baskets 69c to 161 Pool Warmers made of zinc for bed Many Others Reduced Proportionately
Coffee Boilers tin bottom 3quart Dog Baskets S15S to 5481 or carriage 5113 ii
Clothes Hampers 5206 to Royal Wilton Rugs
size 24c Square Commode Chambers 5Jc 59c
Cutlery v Reduced a 1rI
Beaters 6c to
Carpet or Furniture Trunks and Bags
Carving Sets cocobola handles 52C Travelling Trunks covered with can These Royal Wiltons arc shown in rich Oriental and Twotone g < J
good steel 42C Palm Leaf Baby Hampers 5481 to sis extra heavy hardwood slats effects famously durable and the new prices should hurry them
Carving Sets stag handles 274 to 5618 wrapped protected by wrought Iron at doublequick
631 handles Bamboo Furniture trissplited leather clamps lxcelslor lock Size 6x9 feet regularly 1998 special at 1798 Iii
Sets stag two heavy r straps strap hinges
Bird Carving
S119 to 14S8 Tabourettes 18 Inches high 12x12 In stitched leather handles Iron bottom Size 8fc x lOlij feet regularly 2998 special at 2498 > fl4
Table Knives and Forks cocobola tops covered with matting 29c cleat rpllers deep setup tray with Size 9 x 12 feet regularly 3449 special at 2698 1
and 152 set Bamboo Tables 59c hat box and packing compartment I tf
handles 53c 91c
Table Knives and Forks ebony Hanging Book Racks 69c 5508 2Sia 34In 5439 30In 55431 36ln 5474 32In 5577 China and Japanese M a tt lugs IF
I handles set St75 Brooms and Brushes 38ln 5611 4r ln J629 The largest stock we ever carried i
Table Knives and Forks celluloid I Floor Brooms 44c and We count ourselves t I fortunate in 1
handles set 299 5319 and 369 Allbristle oor Travelling Trunks canvas covered e coun ourse ves extremely or una e In possessing j 1i
Table Knives and Forks rubber 59c stout hirdwood slits wrapped protected more new Mattings this season than ever before They
66rubber Brushes 16c
Dust tected and
66 Allbristle by 7Jjlru top clamps 10
handles set 243 and 5266 Allbristle Window Brushes 5lc and Inch steel body clamps milleable are our own importation fresh clean weaves from v I
French Cook Knives Sabatier 62c Iron corner climp on top and bottom China and Japan in unusually attractive colorings and l
f brand 2Sc 31C 38c and 47c solid brass Excelsior lock with large co
Bread Kniyes 19c 26c and 36c Paint Brushes 3c to 5115 end bolts and dowels alongside of designs and every roll is resilient and bright Prices
Garnishing Knives 24c Varnish Kalsomine Brushes Brushes 3c 36c to 4lc to 5374 anchor lock patent handles binges Iron stitched bottom leather Iron are matchlessly lowChina i k p
Ham Slicers 41c Clam Knives 16c Roof Paint Brushes 53c to 5194 bound three centre bands all the China Mattings
Oyster Knives I5c Beef Slicers Whitewash Brushes 16c to 74c trimming riveted the band that lifts Rolls of 40 yards small advance in prices for less than 40 yard rolls
5103 to 5141 German Sink Brushes to 5c 27c the cover lifts the tray with hit box 750 quality I a roll 598 I 81100 quality n roll 898
oilcloth Knives 22c Putty Knives Stove Brushes 12c collar and cuff and picking compart 850 It roll 693 SI200 It roll 993 twe
Threesewn Brooms large size good ments rimbottom dress tray cloth quality a ro Ii quality a ro YO
13e quality corn I9c lined throughout 32m S84I 34In 1000 guality a roll 798i500 quality a roll 1198 <
Paperhanger Knives 16c Whisk Brooms enamelled handles 5879 36in 5914 38ln 948 J
Feather Curling Knives 24c Qc 40ln 982 Japanese Mattings
Bell Feather Dusters 9 in 19c It Cotton Varp Mattings beautiful carpet effects in green red blue and
Kitchen Sundries In31C Steamer Trunks canvas covered tan also white grounds with fancy figures
Scrub Cloths 6c to 13c heavy leather bound with extra heavy
Red Star Scouring Soap box of leather straps hardwood slats pro 1000 quality a roll798 I SJ500 quality a roll998
100 cakes 349 cake 4c Nickelplated tected by brassplated clamps Urge
1600 quality a roll of 1193
Enoch Morgans apollo 5c Bathroom Fixtures end bolts strap hinges brass Excel
Washing Powder 4lb Holders for bath slor lock stitched anchor handles Extra quality Japanese Mattings extra fine 40vard rolls al 1598
Sea Foam Soa and
Soap deep traywlth collar and cuff boxand
bP97 and 2249
packages I5c tub 97c to 5274 packing compartment 2Sln 5549
Ball Blue pqund 17c half pound Soap Dishes for bath tub 43c to 30In J584 32lru 5618 34tn A Sale of U holstery 4 Fl
Oc 519S 5653 36ln 5687 38ln 5721
lavelle Water 12C Hanging Soap Dishes 56c to 5203 40ln 5756 Passe Partout Pictures Lambrequins figured silk light
Sanitas Sulphur Candles 2tc Standing Soap Dishes 46e to 5134 Dress Trunks selected wood covered and dark effects 200 to
Toilet Paper Holders 61c to 5138 covere Remarkably Inexpensive n
Home Use Cloudy Ammonia Tumbler Holders 34c to 5151 with heavy canvas bound with raw 400qualitiesat l49 to 5298
Dutch with blue linen
quarts I9c pints ioc Tooth Brush Holders 48c to 5103 hide five narrow hardwood slats pro Subjects Lambrequins figured satin floral and i
Toilet Paper iooosheet rolls 5c Towel Rods 34c to 396 tected by milleable clamps all parts mats 10x12 inches each36c Oriental etTects450 to 5600
Toilet Paper Nickel brand pack Robe Hooks 4c to 97c riveted top tray with packing compartments Japanese Life Studies copies of Es qualities at 324 to 5474
258 partments and womans hat fasteners ther Hunt red mats and bindings
4c Match Safes 2lc to 5258 Lambrequins fancy sateen heavy
ale Furniture Polish I8c White name II e 1 Bath Room Scales and three extra dress trays 38ln each 39c tassel fringe 5125 to 5200 qualities
United rod attach 5H42 40ln 51512 42ln 1579 ties 89c ta V
Insect Exterminator siC 51259 with measuring Feline Studies hand colored size at 5149
I Sallade 44ln 51648 I 4 A k
Clarks Pyramid Night Lights 38c ment 51824 9x11 Inches each 34c Japanese Silk Sofa Cushions all i Ava
M oth Preventatives 0 Wllhelmlna Delfts Landscapes and Country Dogs Girl Indians sub colors tinsel extra heavily well embroidered filled sold with by l I
of tile Moth Killers mentioned her will carry your packedaway winter garments safely jects each 21c others at 250 our price99c
Liberal use In camphor and like materials AllGins Bead Japanese Portieres
do ncit rlt1ed market advances New York City Views Indian Col Ii
The low
moth months Prices n
through 1 the delicate
roul lege Golf and Bathing Subjects size tlntlngs 950 and 1200
due to the war in the far East Kllmolh package each 14c 5x7 Inches each 9c qualities at H9Sandt 574 2
Mothproof size sheets Paper 40x48 inches 42c In Moth Ulster Balls size pack IRe Sc Ta Na Chinese Camphor Tablets Good Grocer ies Ub Fl 2i
Mothproof Bags Moth Crystals made in our own 7c Cedar llb package Shavings put up in small The Malta Vita Pure Food Companys New Cereal
laboratoi package
33c y
Overcoat Suit size size each He Oriental camp 6r 12oz pkge He bales 7c Vim regular 10c package same size as the 1 5c
of other Breakfast Foods I
Childrens WearM n package
Two Specials in Hosiery lat VI Nainsook Short Dresses trim 3 for lOc
Womens Childrens med with three rows of em
SOc Hose at 29c 45c Hose at 24c broidery inserting and tucks Sardines Chancerelle brand full weight half cans regular i I
Lace Lisle f Imported Black Iace Lisle skirt finished with hem sizes 6 price 26c our price for this sale 19c dozen 217
Thread Imported allover lace lisle or Thread lace running full length Nainsook months Short tad Dresses 2 year Bishop style 49c Imported Sardines full weight quarter boxes 10c i dozen 118
plain with lace instep newest a number of pretty patterns fathered at neck neck and sleeves Sardines in Mustard Imperial Brand full weight threequarter box
sold elsewhere at SOc sizes 6 to 8J4 sold elsewhere at trimmed with fine embroidery Insert 7c dozen 76c
patterns 45c t pair ing iklrt tinlshed Inserting and hem Lily White Flour 24H lbs for Farina Barley Pearl Tapioca
a pair our sizes 6 months and 1 year 99c half barrel for 18 cartons
72C 318 Sago pound Sc
29C 24C Princess with three Dresses box plaits sheer back lawn and trimmed front whole barrel for 578 dozen 54ci Best Granulated Ii 4
round collar slew finished with hem Rolled Oats Lily White brand Hominy five pounds in cotton
Sale of Women tit T sizes 2 3 and 1 49c 2lb cartons 9c dozen SI02 bags lie ifi ta
Wednesday we place on tale at about OneHaf Value lawn Gulmpes trimmed with hem White and Yellow Meal 2lb package Lemon Cling Peaches Belle brand
morning d stitched tucks Valenciennes and embroidery Whie Cln
Crush Belts made of tine soft sheepskin lined c 6c 10lb bag 2lc can I4c dozen 157 II 41
three thousand new Bets lne sof broidery insertlngs sizes 4 to 14 tlS7
buckles Can be had in tSe Graham and Rye Hour 5lb package I
with silk all with leathercovered years 69c Grhlm Extra Urge California Prunes twenty J tt
black white blue green and tan Sale price each 24c Muslin Drawers hemstitched cambric 9c tolb bat 28c five pound boxes 141 and Jl92 r
blck geen assortment of ruiTIe slzs 2 to S years Me size Fancy New York State Pea Deans 2lb twopound pickaxes 16 JI
care showing a complete ioto 16 years 2lc package toe 10lb bag 48c f
v The New Royal Belts Muslin Drawers hemstitched ruffle Prepared Buckwheat and Selfraising Evaporated Peaches tlb cartons t
regular I5C kindat ice Evaporated t
perfect fitting made 11 the newest effects at prices ranging from trimmed 22c s wlohtlCe years sizes 2 to I years 29c Flour 12C Lily White brand 3lb cartons Apricots package 15C ant ISc II
790 to < 5ft 49 lens and Boys Maple Syrup Lily While brand bot Royal English Worcestershire Sauce
14 hot He dozen 5157 12 bot
Shirts 19c bot 3ic half gallon 59cj gal to SIS
1 r 69 bottle 44c
SJt 2lc dozen J2C9 large
I In Silk it VI n 10nSI 12 lozen botC I
Two Specials n At 4Sc BoysnNegligce Shirts Lemon Cling Teaches Lily White dozen J5 06 I
Imported Black Moire Velour Fancy Colored Silks checks Ot madras and percale cuts de brand can 32C dozen 37 Whie Norway Mackerel No 1 Shore Mess
pure silk and wool in a variety stripes and small designs on tached full sizes 12 to H sold Yellow Crawford Peaches Lily While inIb kits regular price 1186 for
sik Mackerel
this sale Sl56 Bloater i
taffeti and touisinet grounds elsewhere at 75c brand 31C dozen 367 S16 Mackee
of coin dots imported to sell
tateb L
10lb kits
el t heads and tails off regular
at p 100 a yard new and stylish combinations At S9cBoys Stiff Bosom Shirts Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches Lily lar price S09 for 111 sale 5172 Ir5
extra well made of percale sold else White brand can 32cj dozen 5373 Jr 0
t 59C Special at 59C whereat 5100 Lemon Cling Peaches Jessamine Crosse Blackwells Genuine Scotch °
Special At o49cens Neglee Shirts plain brand can 22cs dozen J257 tender and delicious fancy Maine h
Womens Rubbers at S4c Mens Turkish Toweling or fLitcd booms to Oxford madras Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches Jessa pad can I5c case of two dozen ° ° iJ
fc t
Itt V Bath Robes and percale cuts attached or de mine brand can 22c dozen 257 142 hhlrI r
Specially adapted for the high Cuban Less Than Half Price tached rercale U to 18 sold elsewhere Lemon Cling Peaches Teal brand Cross DIackwells Genuine Scotch
Les C at 5100 204 DlckweUs Scotc
Rubbers for French Prie iSe dozen 5204
shoes also can
hjeled I I I I four
Rubber Oatmeal sealed cans containing our t
1st l l o Px
F1 At 64c Mens Stiff Bosom Shirts of Oatmt se
White brand glass
shoes Others ask 65c Marmalade Lily
heeled SltBosom Shirs
and shoe price asl 54c in pink blue brown and red i percale and madras In light and dark jars regular price iScj for this sale pounds 42c tl
ad 75c also light plaids I pink and blue patterns culls detached sold else lOc dozen J118 Armours White Label Chicken Soup i
25c MensColIarsat 12c made with hoods and mercerized where pt 5100 Maryland Peaches Old Plantation large cans sold by others at 25ci 5
It n 3Uh it Irdles sold at At 68a Mens Fnl Dress White brand can I6c dozen 9101 our price I4c dozen 157
Maeystlnen ColUrs4ply linen both silk girdles Regularly Plaited Shirts a few x 11 plain bosoms Marmalade Lily White brand glass jars regular price l5cJ for thIs
and gls
1198 Whie
I sides In 42 styles matched by f f J spe nude by a leading manufacturer to sell Lll
stylt machea dozen t8
sale toe SJ18
I others 2c grades our price 12c cal at f 548 at 5150 sleIO doze > 1 J
35 J T n T r
f S S lAd
< 1 f d I r t 4i
Ai d
a I
d I