1 JJ It ft r J BASEBALL EVENING EDITION 4 COMPLETE BASEBALL and SPORTING tr RACING S SPORTS j I Circulation BooksOpen inAll I I a Circulation Books Open to AJ1l I I RESULTS EDITION ti S PRICE ONE CENT S NEW YORK MONDAY JUNK 21 HNI4 u PRICE ONE CENT w r mn S Pt imloF fin ono HU5SIANS AND JAPS j HAS RAGED All nAY 1 Ste f Immense Armies of Kuroki and Oku 1 Meet the Forces of Gen Kuropatkin 1 on the Liaotting Peninsula in What Will Be a Decisive Engagement IIi I i Togos Victory at Port Arthur Is Some i what Discounted by Reports of In I jury to His Fleet and Knowledge that the Port Is 0 Not Sealed 0 v I3y Associated Press I ST IKTKKSBUnG June 271128 A M DeBpatrlns icnivrd hew from TaTcheKlau Indicate that both tho Russian and Japanese armIes are j moving into contact for a great battle which ovon now may be In progrnss Gen Kuropatkln yesterday assumed the offensive agaInst Gen Oku while Gen Kuroki from a position fourteen miles to the eastward was s moving against the Russian flank at Hal heng l TATCHEKIAO between KolChou and Halohens Llaotung Penin sula June 27245 A MA great battle seems to be Impending portion j a of the Russian Army has assumed the offensive against the Japanese forces Ii commanded by Gen Oku and It le reported that Gen Kuroki Is moving l I along the Russian left flnnk against Halcheng I According to a hlchplnced personage Gen KuroklB army Is stronf k enough to take the offensive and he presumably Is anxious for a decisive action before the ralna begin 1 Sharp firing was heard In the hills yesterday at daybreak and aeVere t fighting Is rctyortpd IQ be n pro rebs neir fjift tillage of TonChtn j ARE THE RUSSIANS GAINING officer who galloped In ywtarday evening reported thalUi Russians j wee gaining the upper hAnd and driving back the enemy This howeier has not yet been confirmed All day yesterday Russian troops were hurrying southward from Ta TcneKlao and at nightfall battalions were continually moving out briskly to tho accompaniment of their battle songs Clouds ot dust hung over the marching columns and the chorus of the Infantry singers was occasionally I interrupted by the rattle and clank of guns drawn at a smart trot and fol f lowed by galloping squadrons of cavalry It was a stirring spectacle to see the Russian army eagerly hastening singing into battle The old battle hymns last heard In the Balkans ree Bounded among the bills and valleys as with bayonets glittering In the set ting sun the regimental colors were born majestically forward l GUNS RUSHING TO THE FRONT For hours after darkness fell over the scene one could Mill hear the tattle of moving guns the creaking of commissariat wagons and the treat z of marching men while occasionally In place of the war songs of the soldiers 1 I diers homely melodies recounting the joys of village life which carried the I f hilnds of the men back to their distant homes in Russia > echoed through the I cot fir t this Is filed news has reached here r I Aa despatch that Gen KuroKI is I archIng upon Halcheng I l I Thero are very many military attaches and newspaper correspondents here I I r This engagement will probably Involve the full Japanese Torce on I the Peninsula which was nearly 200000 men of all arms according to I I the latest estimates The Russian armies me believed to be 160000 11 < strong The battln will undoubtedly decide the first stage ofthe cam J paign and the tale ot the Rtuslamj both by land and sea 1 l iMAD DOG CAUSES j J jpANIC IN SCHOOL 4 J S S Big St Bernard Chases Children 4 Upstairs and Bites Policeman J I in the Knee After a Fierce 11 Struggle t Just aa three hundred children were I all mbled In the plaY ground before jubItc school No 1W at Hamburg ave 1tue and Cornelia street Wllllamsburg 1 bday a mad Sl Bernard dog dashed in Cornelia street and made for the I Uirong of children The dog was followed by a crowd of 1 men and boya yelling road dog mid I Policeman Charles Luher of the Hum ter avenu station who had been nt Ifacted by the cries I Turning In among the children the big log shopped and barked at them scat lerlns them In wild confusion Nona however was bitten before Pollctman Hi her came up and boat the dog off i with his club I I Half of the children ned for their tomes and more than a hundred rushed I tor the narrow wooden stairway leading J IP to the claaarooma of the school t I After Policeman Luher attacked the 1 luff with his club the animal rushed at I ifC the fleeing children up the stairway Luherlllttmpted to head the > dog oft t thereupon the St Bernard turned on J ilm and seized the pollcemnns knee In I kU i t Mh Inflicting a deep wound LUb r 4 f I then drew his revolver and succeeded In killing the dog after firing three shots The policemans clothing wall lorn and his knee badly lacerated Re aiimmnnrd I nn ambulance and WItS taken to Bl Catherines Hospital Of the InO chil I dren who ned from the dog to their homes none returned lo school i EASTERN LEAGUE Ii MONTREAL AT JERSEY CITY Montreal II II II i I I n Z11 I Jersey ritv X u 0 2 ft o 1 x 13 natt rlei rernv Athnrton and Gui inn Thlelman Pfsnmlller and Dillon BUFFALO AT BALTIMORE Buffalo 1 l oooooo i s Hiiltlmnre 1 0 2 0 0 0 n 7 10 Batteries Jones and Shaw Wlltsa and Robinson TORONTO AT PROVIDENCE Toronto 1 0 nOli ft o n 1 2 Providence 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 4 Batterlea FYiulkenberK and Itaub I Puttmnn nnd Bevllle I nOQHERMJH AT NEWARK Rochester I I II 0 I II 0 n 0 o I Nowark C 0 GOO c 3 41 1113 UatterlesJLeary and McAuly Wolfe and Shea EASTERN LEAGUE STANDING Won Lost P C I Buffalo 31 14 ret Jersey City a IP roM Baltimore 1 K 30 ris Newark a M 4119 Toronto 22 M 458 I Montreal to 34 435 Providence 21 25 47 Rochester U 33 281 Sunday World Wants Work j Monday Morning Wonders I HIGHLANDERS 8 CHAMPIONS 4 Jack Powell Pitches Great Ball in Second Game at the Hub I and Had Locals in Hand from the Start HIHIArPlme H u PO A E foIJlhert If S 3 I 0 0 Reeler rf I I n D WIIlfms 211 II 2 0 II 0 Anderson ct I 2 F e o Oanr I Ib 2 I 12 II 0 rcGhlre c 1 1 4 0 0 Coro rh II I 2 4 1 Oeleen a 0 0 II 4 41 Powell P C 0 II 4 0 Tnlle I IB r 12 1 BOSTON n11POA 8tnhl cf 1 1 2 0 ci CcIhirs 3b 0 I I 4 0 lereenutn rf II 0 1 II O Parent cc 0 I n 1 II OeIlI If 0 0 A n 0 IAlrhAncelb 0 0 14 0 0 Ierri 2b 1 I I 3 0 foTNlIJ r 1 0 2 0 Tannebtil D I 1 111 I Totals 44 r 3 0 STORK BY INNINGS Highlander 2 0 o 3 1 001 t4 Boston OftOlOOOX H First base on bulls Off Puwell 2 off Tamiehlll 2 Struck oiitBy Ppwall J byfTannehlll t Home TiinwOanxel Throobase hlta Anderion Ketleri Twobase Tilts Stnlil WIlHams TnnnM hill DoirKhcrty Sacrifice hltoCnroy I Keeler 1 Pa sert bAllFarrell 1 Umpire Sheridan Attendance 9000 I Special to The Kvtnlnx Woii BOSTON June 7Jllck Powell pitched great ball today and hart the locals woil In hand from start to flnlah while Tnmnohlll wa ajiy foil he wee batted with comparative eaae Dough ijrty again came In for a deal < Jfi at tention and kept up the streak of bati ting h8hlI set since lie Joined he team Oinxela homer wan a feature aa were the trlpplea of Heeler nnd Mcr dulre CKeeler tatted In greet niiape FIt Innlna DoughertyaI saVeon Parent fumt bl < 0 fh hIs hard Utter Keeler hit to abort rl htfl ia Doughmy olni tol neeorid Wulfama out Tannehlll to T < a ohanc Atrfenqn alnnled to rtKht seer inr DpuAtrr land n 1e 4er j 0MIM fanned Anderson nut trying tolrtI second LWU RUNS Stahl walked Colllna fanned Fete mnn fanned StaW out trying to ate aecond NO1tJNSt I Beyond lanlnft r I Colllna rnsdeii pretty atop off Me i Ovilro and < got hillman at first Con roy out Tannehlll to IJichanc Oo teen fanned NO RUNS Parent out Orteen to OaniH lONell out Conrov totQanael Inohance tllfd tn Oonrwy NO RUNS 1 hint Inning Powell out Parent to Laoliaiire DoiiRhert ted to ONell Kee1 r mt safe on n bunt to Collins William fanned NO RUNS Ferrli filed Anderson Fnrrrll out Conroy to OanaeJ Tannehlll tiled tn IVugherty NORJN S Foparib Inning Anderson hit to left for three bases OanziS walked Mcdulre singled tfi right cooling Andermm tend Oaniel Conroy out c Tannehlll tot irhajico Oateen fanned MoUuIre acored on n pajnort ball Powell lied to fltihl TJTrtEE RtTNS Htahl singled Colllna singled to can tre > and stnhl went lo third Freeman fouled to MeQulre Parent filed to Ke lcl and fitulil acorvd on the > v ii ONell out to Anderaon ONE RUNS S Plftb Inning UouRhorty singled to right field I ecler out Colllnn to Lachancr will turns singled to left Dougherty scored I Anderson fouled o charce Onntol flied to Ijichnnre ONE RUN Laehance OIK Oxlwn to tInned Verne penned to nnnzel F rrell then anne1 NO RlNH Hhlth analnir McOuIre out Colling to 1nrhnnci Conro singled 10 right field Oatwn fouled out Tn lanhanc FowcTtl hit ui arent rotting Conroy al second NO RUNS < Term eh HI flied to Anderson Stahl hit he rlifht field fenoo on a hard drive for two haves Colltna poprmd to Om el Freeman out Conroy to CanCel VO RUJjfS S tIes sisti lauliiK Douirhcrty flied to Stahl Feeler out innflilll to 3chdnce Wllllaint doubled to left Anderson niwl mjtln Fireeman NO HUNS Parent niod In Anderson ONell out Oatren to Onnrcl Curlmncn flliM In K eler NO RTJNS f1dIU Iuinln Ir Gunzel started off with a vicious hnin run to the nag pole McGulrc out Kei rla to T a Chance Conrny out In ONwll OIMn nut Ferris to Ivi Chance ONK lttIN Ferris started with s xlnirle Farrell nit lIned Tnntieliltl doubled to rig hr searing Ferris Stnhl mod to Keeler nrrell ucnKnp Collins hit to Cuiiviy who fiimhlnd Tatiuohlll scorlna Fnr mn leil tnUonmy c Paront singled to left nnd advnnccvl nnII doable steal VNell fri ant ii TliniB RtlCR lnili Innlnc Powell out Tunnehlll to Lnchance lot chert ii itt tile I fn rlsrht nnd rront to HilrO on a bail thro r v Freeman Ceeler hit to uteri nMitn fri three linara scoring D > lici ntv Wllllama lilt In Collliif KI t tire Kieler out trv inc tu srore Anderimi tiled to lNsIl ONE RUN liichnnce tilt to O < < luc and nus nut Ferris hit lo Powell and ivn out nt first Farrell hit tn Anderson NjQ RUNfl RUN DOWNEY A CAfl nernard Maralln Hepped 1frnm behind an I pillar nt One Hundred arid Thirteenth trait and Socond avenue today and was struck by a northbound trolleyoar > which knoekad him half way acroaa the Street Ue was picked up and taken to Harlem Hospital whir thu doctors said he had a frac tured skull and oould not recover The mo tor man of the car that struck Marallo put on lie full current and waa out ot sight before a pollcaman ar rived The Injured man la fiftytwo yearn of airs and his home 1a at No 2K2 Bajrt witythlrd stress 4 0 1 0 j = = = i FOR RACING CHART AND OTHER SPORTING NEWS SEE PAGE 2 LATE SPORT I I I r a I S k k LsULia g J CHICAGO AT DETROITAMERICAN LEAGUE I CHICAGO 0 4 3 0 2 5 1 0 318 DETROIT 000002121 6 j H LATE RESULTS KENILWORTH I I Seventh RaceSteeplechase short courseRip 135 Casey 10 tol and 4 to 1 won lantine 139 Gaylor 3 to 1 and 6 to second Mr Churchill 154 Roderick 9 to 5 and f to 10 third Time 307 + HAWTHORNE S l Fifth Race Mile and a sixteenth Glassful8 to 5 and 7 10 15 Major Mansir 15 to 1 and 5 to 1 Rossmond 15 h 2 and5 to 23 Time 148 25 f Sixth RaceFlaxman 17 to 10 1 Gold Enamel to 3 2 lorentine 3 j + AT ST LOUIS 1 v Sixth Race Thane 1 Trio 2 Pettljohn tS DIED WHILE AT WORK I While engaged at his desk in the offices of the International ersaniile Agency No 346 Broadway afternoon William Dunning seventy years sold a proofreader nk forward and led One hundred and fifty young women and men were tartled by hs sudden death in the sam room with them Mr unning lived at No 352AvenuCH Brooklyn I fjINJS B I3ktQUAkkS BY stORE F 10 TO 2 S I Umpires Furnished Most of f the Excitement the Rather Slow Game Except for Frank Bowermans Sensational Catch ISviolal loTh Rirnlix World POLO OOROUND6 June 7It wan Frank Bowormnn dav The long ja katop was an Important factor In the ridiculous MIll with which Mc OraK4 bunoh of ball awattera wal loped the aoporlflc outfit Xrom Plilludelj ohla The aoore exprftaaea how e u y It was Klr l tinting The dummy fleldel out Barry lIes jon walked Oleaaon caught nanolnr U Unwerman lo MrQatin hush fanned t NO HUNS IlrennaJiun flied to Doyle Irtiih not under Browns skyrocket Oleason tnt Devllna Iigh one NO IllNB Arcond Innlnu 1 Do > le out Devlin to McOanu Doohi reached Drat on Devllua muff of hla pop fly Tttua singled to centra Hall ineled to rlnhu xcorlnir Ucoln and Titus got two bases oo an overthrow to oatoh Dooln at the plat Huliwltt I nilaaed the third strike and Etn ll di dared Bowerman had picked the ball up Bowerman declared he caught It and failed lo Ihrow llulawltf out at first There was a big Wok made prin cipally bV McOann who was1 pUt out or the rams Banerman going to ntit and Warner going behind the bat Jorater tilt to Wahlen who threw HuM will out at second Gilbert taking the throw Barry flied to Dahlen Titus onred on HtilftwIU1 nut TWO fWNH Warnar filed fn Titus iferter waited int walked Dihlen hit tt llulawltt and Mertea war fnrrnd at anenndi IJiiln wltt to Clleanon Ons bad throw lo catch Dahlen nleillne he cot around and crnawil the rubber flllhcrta eye was Imd end inlaed three eood nne ONK RVN Third Casing Uleaann out Dahlen tn Boa eritan luib tiled to Merta Doyle reached nrst on Dahlens fumble Doom rllet In TiieHimhan NO RIJNH Bnwermana splash was taken cars of br Dooln and Frank was out at nrst Tnvlnr nled to Tiiah lrn < nnlinn was killed at nr t by Hulsnltt fleldlnc him out NO RTNH fnnrtli Iniilna Titus fanned lUll nut Tavlut to Ziowermnn Hulawltl rnuldnt find the bender ot Tnloiand tr rk nut XI TINS rtfowne connected wHit a safelx The longjtcJired Devlin WAO all it he go1 ami amaahed fur thlte bises In left Sell Browne omhllng nrus the pan Varn r popped tip to Iiiln Ut Mrrttw tiled to Barry and Devlin scorid Und Bill wna Pel fled nut hv Mall TWO HUNS FlfUi tuning Dahlen tot under Fra nr > rv hint filed to lieauahan Oirnnon was n cinch for the Dummy nnd struck out NO RUNS RI1hrt filed lo fuah noweniin nled to Doyle Taylor fell a victim Qleaann to Doyle NO niNS Sixth Innlnc Luib rapped out a single Doyle fouled over In the right Sold grand atnnd win nailed ufter a haiti run by Bowerman who then by a beautiful throw caught Lush at eeoond Dahlrn getting thn put out it was a peachy double play Doom had the < an habit NO RUNfl rna han walked Drown hunteii areljr Devlin aacrlflced Dooln field lnc the ball Warn tot to lint on Mulawltta fror and Brctnihaji got i j < 1 o > J I GIANTS S HHPOAJo 11lIIhan t C 1 II 0 ii f Pant rf 3 2 I 0 0 DeJln lb 3 2 0 I lclonrr lb 0 ii 3 Mettip Jf 1 1 1 0 a 1Mhln 118 2 I 1 3 1 Jlb n2b 2 I 1 0 1 owelman c and lb 0 0 1 2 II TaIlor ii 0 1 0 10 ii ttriter n o 0 8 0 II Totals In it 7 IT 3 PfiTIADETllilA i ti II fi i I I arlcr 0 r 0 0 liAison bt 0 0 2 3 0 irliI1r1 0 I 3 o ii Doyle lb 0 0 12 0 II Pooln c I 0 1 2 ii Titus If 1 I 3 0 o Hall3b 0 I 0 1 0 I Hullhl as 0 0 1 4 1 Prulr p a ti 0 I II Hlh t II 0 1 0 II 011111 2 2 4 11 I PhllilflelDhla 0 2 0 0 0 0 i 0 i > mull I I 1 0 2 0 2 I t M I S First nUl on IlullsiOff Taylor J on Frailer i Struck Out ny Tyor T rlle litter Hlta Devlin Unwerman Jllbert Mtrtep Stolen Hases Dnhlrn i Illtxrt SnurJnip lIitltvihii Double Pley Bowerman unit Pulikn lap1 Uall Dooln tTmpln > Emsle and Car i renter = S liivne Warner teachod aToiicJ on Dooms throw to catch Brown nt third Mer tel < tiled to Harry and Browii porM Wnjrer Retting to third Dah g r WI IrrJI III Icn nap rleldtd out hv HuUwItt win rind a verv prottv ston of ihp hull Vi RUNS Arvrntli matIng Titus ntnt out to Unwerman tines Hlsied Hall fanned Mulsnltt rcarlHd 11or1 < ui l tileiV fumhn The dummv lo > l rntir VO RIJNH Gilbert rhmbjed and scored on Hul Knllts nviTthrow to catch Mm at I < eo ind Uulauttt threw Bowennnn out ut first Tnxlr lapped out a single Urea nplmn riled lo Tilus ttrnwne was tli > third iloavm to Doyle ONI3 RUN i OoW II Tit under llivrrvp fl OVa i i fonHw to Wnrner Iiith fell ii I i I MI Devlin to arVIr Vi > 11 INS S Ilulltli Inning AcrUn did Devlin have his eye on the i ball bill only for a single He rrachrd I second on n hort paaicd ball Oenon1 and Doyle took care of WArner splash I r > vln reaching third Dnoln split u llmrer and Roth took his place Merles walloped the ball up against the right Mold hlfachera for n triple Devln waltzing home Dahlen glnglttl Hnd Merles seared Gilbert waited and took hla bnie on hoJIa Dahlen and Gilbert Worked s double ateal now rmn tor off 1 threebanger to loft Scoring Don en and Gilbert Taylors foul fall Into Tnlo mil Dronnahan fanned rotrt S RUNS Ninth Inning Doylea hot liner WTUI gHth red In bv Devlin who threw him put nt nr < t 1 Roth Oied tn rtretnahan Titus va < given atlclCetof leave to first Hill unn d TO RUNS 1 BROOKLYNS LOSE IK CLOSE GAME Hanlons Men Had Three I I Chances to Beat Uostoits To day But Didnt Take Ad vantage of Them IHtonlnT Ii 1110 1 nhlf pr I 1 ft IJ 0111011 ib I 1 I II 111I1 it I I I iiI I t II 1 I Getler If nlhh II I 1 4 cc Re4 2h n I 2 1 I McCormjk lb I ii 2 Bergen 1 1 3 PO1Ie p ii I 10 I flitter Ib t I o Totals I I S 11 1O N HI I PO A r S Ilflr cf 0 1 I 0 I Tenney Ib I 0 M I I Cornell If U I 1 l II I I I Carne rf Abbatlichlo n S t n I f ii noMhanty Jli 0 I 1 3 I Raymar at ft i 0 3 II Needham c n 1 7 I Pittinger p 0 I I Total 5 K tn Scout BY INNINGS Boaton 11 1 ii t II ii 10 ft Brooklyn > 1 I II tI Ii I iI First Tlua > on HillrOrf IViolo 1 tilT Plttlncer 2 Struck Out Itv 1oole il by Pllllnttw t SacrIfice I1lt lmni < y Batty Double Pln > Kiiyiner tn Bull to Tenney Wild PilclienUv pmle I b y nttlnirnr 1 Umpire Johnston 0 I Hpeclal Iv Tue rlllnl VnrM WASHfNOTOX PARK nilOnKMN N Y June 27 The Di tiini 1elfrItnt the trolley ilodneni tJ iv thiN aftcrnoi by ft atart ot t ti > 1 The Brooklyn played a llfelM fame not rnakln < an effort whatever to win Pmile pitched Ifreat hall ai < illd Plltlnner The llriok Ipii tiait three luince tn win tin ISJme lint failed to mitkr tw nereiwuv hU S ririt hitting tidier aent a bounder to Poole antI died ltlrt Tmniev banged a alow rm acutter McCormlck who retire thj tiennmtten oaptaln taiiuoll wn < called out un atrlhea HO HUNS caIMut bounder was grabbed I tenner tossed to Plttlngwr who coy need the lag Ih time for on out Dllloi wu thrown out me first bj Deltlmnty hrl liumlTX Walt an rAry lftlm on Irk NO ntNa Mpcniiil lenient 1ner was dlspomd of liy lleldy and Iii Iii AbbatUvljlo ii ire M tia n i I S LII and as the 1ldl hit Ihl urn pine butter waa permitted to iro to c on A wild IHttTh adv nl Hatty iii wilI plCh third DHermnty walked HIJIIKI rtlnl out lo Dohhj JUtlV uorlui lileliriit I was nailed stealing eon Tlabb get ting the put out ONE RUN tn Jesfter ilncled to hnrt lerIUbl bunt wi IropppJ Uy DeleJianty but the Irttltr threw the ball t Tenney at first who totiwd out fltislcr Reid Blnglivl lo centre admnclnic Ifobb lo MCoud JlcCormlplc sent I liounler lo Kavmer who Inmed the ball tf Uat > forcing lleldy out nu lat throw tr T wney McCormick wja ilouhled up i NO RUNS S Third Innlnir NVedbum flied out t Ultlim llabb and Dillon retired Plitln er Icier tlon ulr 1 RUNS lane en went out Haymer to rnnney l olr drovn a rty to Cannel Dnhb IhioirdrOe Cannel heivtout M lutleld hit to Hayiner mple second and tried to reach third on Neodhama bad throw but wna nailed at tbrtt twu Oil flu ttys thiow ID Dele hail NO RUNS S Futltnnlnl I reln wi culled out un strikes h nell Mrntled to nntie iod reached cer I end on Carney retirement at nut b > MfXormlik and Dillon natty wjp retired McCorJk 010 tired ill first hv 1oole Uahh ad Dillon NO nUN Dillon singled but was raallv caught I S stealing HWdnd hv Needham thrpw to natty Juniey singled to right Icier Tiurr or lnl n iit P ie hUrl Ito to aeoond nnd Iumley h rcioh third BaMih Hied OUI to nattj Reldy tnmk out 11 NUNS S Fifth liiitlna I thlhsnt > sent M IIIK fl > tu Dohhj HavnuT wax thrown unit at first b > HaIr NcrUhim r v ched lInt MII hJ Ilnol dilve to rintrei Hlttlnicer fansiea NO ItNS MiCormlcli MrucU out BerKnn ncl1 to right l ook seCt n lilch on to fScliT Dot > b out Iltllnenr In T i icy No mil llll IlllllllK Sieieimms fli wai imileil uti time run Its Dnhbd Tetmevn IHsh Inflxld rty drouped Into Hub hand Ilnnftr ill lroLpe1 Aar nl1ll1tId hv G0me1ei NO TUNK Dillon slncliil W rentri ruiuley MI tinted reilinircr throwing him nil Jerrlrr wnlked Ilihb lUunled nlllnc hr hal Hnldv Ktrupk 111 Alcicr mick was called out on trlke and wn cnlrII nut wa the Kum a for IIrlllJ Rh tier lt 11 Inklnir lute pine NO PlNH rnth Innlna C rniy bunted tifely lieu > aaorl lVsd Drllon getting the ball and touch 11 < Ins him out on the Mie line Dle haitv walked flame singled scar JTIB Carnny On Gejsler 1hrow tr the InK 4arl 1 r rena ihrow baflk lo Habb 111 naiet at third being tiymer w nslp a UIII 1lnl tousbed out by Babb Nnedham walked 1010111 Plttliwer bunted hit wa retired on Jllttern throw t Dillon ONE nuT Bergen out Rnymer to Tnne Poole struck atiE Dohhp Died to Neeilham NO HtNB Btlth InnliiB Gator singled Tnnnry went nut Rod to Dillon Icier reaching second Cunnell out lanli > to Dillon furney Clnnpl tjlimle > NO RTNP Dillon filed tn Salty lumlry singled Dion to VPie infield Oesaler slnglinl udvane Iror Iumley to third Hahii tiled out to In < Camay uinley xoorlng Gassier HUB caught niVP II PJtlnrw In Tenney in Batty and ivipk In T nney wko tnuohad Illm otrt ONK RU S Static limluu Batty bail to Gexiiler Uclitianty nut Babb to Llllon Raymer was alit re tired hv Bahh nnd Dillon NO RUNS Reldy fllwl to arM > Rltter out Delehantv to Tcnney Bergen funned NO nUN t If 1 DOLY SPANKERS ill MILE N tOfl THE IL fASTEST Hf MEETINCF if 4 t4i Hildebrancl Shows Remarkable Horse I manship on it Gelding in the j Equality Stake the Feature Event r I on ToDays Card S t It I J Disqualification of Cascine in Second r 1 Race Cost Backers a Fortune for k 1 I Filly Had Been Backed from 2O to i 1 I Ito 12 iCperhcl I ii 1 1 Imtlum tVl I lglJ1 DAY lltle rlliMf 1I iliiH > braiid demonstrated hli 11 brllld rMm lij xllm I > H wonderful eet Jll ndrrful hI r tluc i1iI1i Spanker iii nddixl tarr n 11 Btinj SpnkH al 1 Ity fltnktm nnd mIr hiii r i i Mil I in lIW the fastest of tho m lnl j Doll Spinlter lies nn t icil MMI e the flwlfl HtuK s fffn fttrlonR IWO mutt of the chute when tn > wis rdd n ty Slna anil null dluriioftillv ToiUv the ilHtiine was furl her mu nil I Ill ii hritirt tts pullluc him up ill Inouifii tine lat xteenti Bivable 11 a hot fivorlli at eMti flinuei hut lir hail nu apifil ind wia nuer In the uiotity rit vilniiliu rIII uck1 fur th phici pnMHtiM liinded III Hull al > ut Tlure nn ii u dlkaiiAlltliMtlun during tin arHn1 which f1 n fortune to IDIIC pinplf In time srcnnd rare CUM clni1 wmua lvl11 tout 11 ta I tmi 12 tu I and rirliiln puipli In Ihf kilmAt sliidd lo win 1 fortunr He wn by 41 UiiiKth ftini Tf11 V h Wits also i guniui llllnt In this race H pne ii ilden I i > little Cuifnviii and he was fii auxoilA lo gel nnne hilt hetrltd cit 1t1 1 lute OXrlll nhu rude Tepee i In lined foul nnd Patrol Juilxu I iil t cc t I h1ml 1 Oltiimn tough 1II C i imliir 1 tloalll1 a it tue gndtlihiK pltt > iTS un Tepee cashed 111 I littler bull IIY unit ulor II nuldfi I iw hv Wi Ii ii bug tin Hri I raff c the sliori i > Mce of S lo ft Tile wiiillicr was hOC and ti trirk tmmt Th niieinlani o1iNIatgv m llrlllxlirr Vln IIIi Race Ilrlilihir S was I strong fuurlti In the = lRSrllS OF TODAYS BASK ItAJJ GAMES NATIONAL LEAGUE u PHILADELPHIA AT NEW YORK Philadelphia 020000000 Z Ph1 ulrphl NIW York I I 0 Z 0 2 1 4 10 UiLtvrlraFrixer auth > < > oln Taylor nnl fowcrllf BOSTON AT BROOKLYN Boston 010000100 2 BrooMyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I tiatterteeUitttnger unit Necilhani Pi > oe ninl IU rni > n I PITT8BURG AT CHICAGO PIHiburg 01 30001005 Chicago 000000202 4 UiitterlM Ie vr and Smith lund cren Mild IClInu ST LOUIS AT CINCINNATI S Pmtpnnnl tail NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING S vr i 11 Ir r re New YorMI HI TlttSt Uiul T t M Ulilcniro l > f RroUlyni5 VI 410 ClnrlnnatlU f illitoCtoil2 r r Ill I s 191115 hI > > R IlillttiihlKlt 41 1 5 AMERICAN LEAGUE NEW YORK AT BOSTON New York 20031001 1 8 Radon I 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 4 HitterlcA Powell and IMcaulnr Tannhiii nnrt Farrell PHILADELPHIA at WASHINGTON Philadelphia 0101 I 00003 Wathlajlon 00000001 I 2 Uattcrled Bender and Sshreck Jlrrh1 ion and Clark CLEVELAND AT ST LOUIS I Poolpono1 wet grouaJs I AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDING wi r IT I ic neluA il I rie eland7 t MD New Tnrk84 I IlJifiU LouHM 111 chlcigtiai 2 flWUetTolt 23 Kl 111 rbtlhIA 24 l4Wuebliign 11 4 Ii PARALYZED ON TREET While returning to biN homo today after a week vuoatlon In the country tollnwlnt tlix d salt i of his wlfo Frank of No 31 Concord Walker a carpenter o 3 Cnoor street arooklvn wm stricken with larnltnU at GiemwJrh and Murro Hirrru 1 MtruKcliol to City Hall Pok whvr lie cnllnpnMl He was cccompa nled liv hlx ion Juhn twalrn y nri nlill Walker wits ramovod to the Hudson ritreU llospltiil Urel 1011a1 S I ii I I THE WINNERS j I 1 FIRST RACE Britisher 3 to5 1 Torchello 20 to 1 2 Ascot Belle 1 3 I SECOND RACE Tepee 14 to 5 i 1 R < < ilgnol 30 to 1 2 McMeekln 3 Casclne won but was dlsquall I ied I I THIRD RACE Tongorder 18 to S 1 Hot Shot 7 to 1 2 St 2 I BeUsnc 3 FOURTH RACE Dolly Spanker ti to D 1 St Valentine 16 to 5 2 I Tobaggan 3 5 t FIFTH RACEDalesman 4 to 1 I 1 River Pirate 13t05 2 Eugenia I Burch 3 w SIXTH RACEGay Llzzette 8 to 1 1 St Gallen 15 to 1 2 Nc S 3 Longworth 5 ° T i op rlnR ilich and the talent went to I lilin with xtrli umrd mary confidence de spliu tlwtncl t la tho Is a very slow S e iHclntKr I there were any pUyr Ca t lii nthiTH It Wai done II the show J 1 njl TurrlLltii tut the runnnc I followed liy I tnt ielitr Ascot nelle and i I 1 fmtintit Tiry vent In lili order to I tlip ftretcli where Urltlshcr went 10 the frtint tutu diuWIng uway won with ei ct I > < In tlini tvnetho from Tore olio m who hat Ascot Hell n head for the r IlljCt < I riiNflii < Won bill Wii UUiliinlllleilf i Thl o lintiica V vrv pluycd In tl sc mil Riri These weiv Teixe rftymour und Totipoo The latter wns hacked i l > cnu e IIIMphrnnd hal the mount i I hnikfd the of Tire wi on strvnstlt r I Irk The winner upset nil cafcu i 1 > 1illonj tlinlnR pn Caaclm n 12 lo 1 ilm who mi mm Imlrd down from y lo I II MrAlfokli hroo I front but Vt5 i 11111111 liv < ejmour antI ToUpvo who i mid the nimJrc around the turn r I ru w tliiii murd un und took turn Itmi on tlirt turn Ifn WIH never causht t I wlnnlns by a l npth anti I hal from iTrpix who tvjmm a hut In front of Hod j iRiuil tin latlrr closing strong ONelU ihe I 11cr of fIf niado u claim of foul iKiilnxt ranoln iliiimlns Hint lie win intirfnrctl nliii at thn head of th > tl trclei liy Ca cliw After I hart de llburntlon 111 tvwiirds disqualified Ois 11 1111 r i i > Inl Rossl nol sec i iml all MeMiekln third i 5 5 Tiinuorder 1 Inn Third Itnrc j4 Vnrete was a hikewarn favorite1 i 1 In the Lii mimI race while t liella lie and Tuns rile V cri l > nth will Liked tJi Ii h at him Vaftrslde hud all his ipoed tg to 110 xtrttoh where he stuppitl tn 7 3 I roihlnr Tonuordcr ln showed In tl fioul l1 tilt urlone pole with St liil i line at liU lul Hot Shot then closed i P with n rush but he could never catch > S Tancuriler who won by I vnxt > u Hot c Shot In drlv bent S Hilt t hnl RI Kallnnt a hedd for the place Hull Stmnkcri Feet llllp Sivalilc uuc an even money favorltn In III KqilMlliy SInk mOletaorlnI ttuo 111 rtuuiikvr un mlded 3Mrt oiine hOI on tho bIt runnlnp 1 mile i Ml 1 Si the fastest time of the meetlnp Riiohnniptnn wa Tie pacemaker fol lowed hv Dolly Spanker SI Valentine nnd Ortv Friar They ran this way to the fur turn where Dolly Spinker brc ami up to Rnrhimpton and soon hnd him In trouble Dolly Spanker S tcKU tho lfnl In thi retell and drew away mainly st ilentln > clo e < stronir i I from thu head of the stretch home 1 S hut Uollv Spanker had rlic race In S S band and won pulllntf up by 1 neck St Valentine was two lengths In front jot of hrsnn M ltonlnn l > rok down S badly Inwn S nnlriBinn Culloprd All the t nr Dalesman welT to the front III tlw lImIt at the ond of a quarter and sol j loped thero all the way wlnnlmr waailly S IOJed iii five lengths from niver Pirate thi i posd thlnir who beat Kuconli Bureh 55 threeiiutrters of v lenKth fIr the place Gnr Lliolln Won Cleverly S Courelt und City Incite mode too i lrtt mae 1 runnlnc to the stretch where he fori I inleT qui Ga y LUette then draw away and won cleverly fcy tbrca < juajter of S je 1 length from St Oallen who fn it heart In front of Nick IJrb S II 3 sfS t WEATHER FORECAST mt ii V ForecastS for the thirtyaIx hours ending at C P M Tuesday for New York City and vicinity > Partly cloudy and cooler tonight S Tuesday generally fair froth northerly winds becoming north tr east end variable 9111