OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, January 26, 1905, Evening Edition, Image 11

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1905-01-26/ed-1/seq-11/

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lJ it miffilfif1 11 111i
MMdbftMfcaHtfMUMMMt MMiM
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i yr W1 1T
tf 41 II 1
I u r
t1I to
t Margaret
I i W ii ubbad fiJIsr
Not a Dry Brush j
lna Bl In utljvft brash for the
H cosnpleslon gdt the rliftt kind
J 5 f W brutnarjs t with rth r
wort b lsilcs 1 jnraerse ItJn water Quito
t I hbtMW ger tho bristl ii ar oitenl
I JIttonlopa enough t Omdk R lther
fiI IflboJlr face gently but with
jY1f9rJt1nlothorourhY and apply >
cream > Here f a formula
jn wu 1 winces aperniacetf 2
19J uacs almond l1la pint Melt thwo
to7 tiner by gentle heat then add
Glycerine S ounces attar of roses li
jf drops 3Ur till nearly coldthtn let the
mixture settle Thla la tha basis of
nvMtot the tollot unguents ao largely
oM Any kind of perfume can be
4 4 to elvs cu etbtJ1i
rp and Y roWS
Diet Ui rerl
Jw IND suggest a remedy for oily
il K oWrand scanty eyebrow UELEN
Hero an the recipes JLctlon for an
CNyiBkinTyhcre the pJlheM of the skin
fc excessive the following lotion ap
pllM two or three times dally ir excel
Imtt Sulphate of 1no1 Kmlni com
pound tincture of lavendtr S dropij dli
tflltd tyatttv 1 ounce
ITor Bpaatjr Eycbrowa pod vaseline
I ounces tlnoture cantharides ounce
Jamaica rum 1 ounce oil of rosemary
> l drops Mix thoroughly and upply
nitlii itinjr brush twice dally
i < I F6r the Hair 1
T M wu rl 1I cure for para
I i IiteI det a cakapf bichloride of
i jntrpvryBoapXtho jmpotted Is the
1Jt1ti and cut It Into halves and ebavp
kIn Juilttr1t fins bibs Dissolve H it
bolUn ty water You may sot Uie mix
ture oh the stove over a gentle he
Jf you choose y You should have water
dtotritta Jcllyllko rabtturo rwfyn cold
Utoiiw flnt w ttho hair thorouirlrtir
with clear warm water theri rub tho
oop rnlxjure Into the half taking care
thtejyparUeleoftihe i scalp is thori
J oucily saturate with tha Map mix
turr Olve the head a good slrampoA
with this mlxtura and rinse several I
times If you follow Ahttt directions
correctly e result wH betSuccessfuL
2h Same Lel1 tJi
1 I
II Aro you ready to believe without
I ltll1euurJp iho lines A 1l and Ql thnt
bey aro exactly the sama lenjfth
tj f
A Game ipt Ghildren
Stopping tlie Ball i
the branohes of a tree or any
FROM support bang a ball
by a strlas that Trill hol41t
lonve four feet from the ground If It
Isnotpoulbletorta ball a btant ag
dr any weight iit 6nou 1i t6 punch iUi 3
pat will avail
Directly beneath this draw a largo
iquaro seven fat in wl thCln the
pavement clearly enough defined to
be promptly dUtlncuUbed during the
action of the came
It will be found Jiwewary to stP
Dbo tbe Bauare to Btart the ball twirl
1nBilhelllSt oMId give Ita emart
tap1 and Is supposed to 8endH tfng
to thq next player irtille lbe In turn
trik It for tha benefit of tht third
anil So on
jtyo t ppinjr into tbe tquare la allow
ablv K you cuinot bit the bill by
Wndlnsr outside the lines then the
tjotmt muit go QK lnstiyou Six mlnsts
< litjv ft player out of the game Tills
keeps up until one alone remain u
iho ylotoT
Tl reu much opportmilty for lively I
content the game and It will prove
of unending benent nnd muscle anfl
the vourc of muoh merriment >
Theres a M n in It
Cut out these squares in tho groups
that me indicated and place them to
gether oji ns < o mako a Cgiina of aman
BlUlntj down
01 > 1 ri
By Alice Rohe
e S tranff6 i aftd t Amateur
Il PhJipsoiihcr rolioctlvoiy VlMw
women who nro such delicately
olllUtuted and froglle i creatures ores
Itdlffcrcnt to liio extr enesiof weather
Oh th yreanytWnK but Iwilffejrent
said lho POTslmlat What makes you
say iiiatr
Oh Jtu4 the way they dress Tliey
seem o b nWetd wear any kind of
clothing JHfhhy kind of weather and
dont stern to mind It at all
IHmyou know why th y do that
don OuT snapped the TesslmUt
Why no returned the Philosopher
Bec use they ape Idiots blurted Out
the Peftslmiiti
Dont you ever pcetlt Into Our be d
that women are Indifferent tOttlo
weather 44 y uIcr agonies the aamf
as other human bQlngs but Its their
foolish Idea of looking nice that makes
them do all these craty tuntsYou
go Into any restaurant In the midst of
a blizzard and you ciri s woacn come
in clothed In ordinary weight oats and
walking suits and when they throw o f
their wraps what do you weT
Of course you expect to find them
dresicd with Born consuteuoy but you
dont Nino out Of ten will flaunt a
dlaphanouB peekraboo oAlatou you
m9doollt ot Inor oll andt 4th
or one
erl one stlulilng thats ail stitches Oh
Its awful Hero wo strong1 men are
clad like sensible creatlires but these
trail women appear In tho midst of
winter with costumes on that would
make Venus on the balm Island of
Cythcrca shiver Uk 1 ah aspen leaf In an
Iceland zephyr
1 dont tiee why they do it eald the
Why they think it8 smart to wear
clothes that dofy oil tho laws of health
oiid tcmpcraturo said the Pessimist
Women dont ccire how many risks
th y rim H they just look chic A
woman wlli go through nil kinds of
agony to make lieVgelf look attractive
from her own ttandpolnt Youve seen
them Ijmplrg along m ttBht tohoes and
frlt lhnt sort of thing Well the new
form of feminine Idlpcy lias broken
loose In tha antlwallier malady <
It a vonan nnlca uj > her mind ahp
will I6ok stiknlnR In a cortnln costumij j
heIltofngn wear It no matter waat
Wie wcBthur Ivo seenJcm prunes
pjQUitn the mlddlo of July with suits
on that would melt a thermometer
Hut dont women like to be com
tollable aslsd philosopher
tOf couwo tney do when It doesnt
Interfere with tnelr diat6rt di Idea of
pcraonal beauty said the Pessimist
vBitt wotjiw dross to plewe the men
said tho Philosopher
To ba mire replied the Pessimist
They think they do but 1 never saw a
man yet wl < o tvii hit bya woman Sl
Inr herself1 up like an Esauimau In
mraiummtr nnd Ilka a fairy queea Itn
tho middle of winter
It ell ijciw loi > rove that women havo
nooommonenSIJer d easnlngpower or
scnReoQf thebl1A11Itj1for
Enon iliIctlM thO lh l1 hef
1hal l Out aIU r to bCA rWdaY
1 l
jl r fbe i 0 ijir vTti I l paic > fth Mr1
K Copyright 1905 by the iPrepPub
lihlng Co YorkWorldJi
UllaptlJll from naru mplaUpI4u
61berlll roJuce4 III h f114 guk bI a
tUUIOb UI1I A lira J
QrlJn4ll j II btt 0
s Ol rn ffu rilliiJ
lc olaJ Nalllot a ung I IH I Ii p
Co11 iaJanonsky thi ChrlUan daub
rrot y a Ufbrew Innkctixr ln > JCIirtilnflrs
Bart1 slater Mane itnuaxtj 10 han Nor
lotfj Joncoff OuvtrnO KljWnoff pUn
t tltjnaii Mario and u aidediniljj plot
toll wcrtury Mtchatl IiPArla
eiwrtafnHtMthe towintollt t attatkth
Itfhr < Iululer A Icrrlblo11IJCfI
au 1I durlnj H whicb Sparta carriw Mllrl off
llMdtrr Ii tnurdored by tho mob
Mane f mnoratllv ON nor wind from the
ehtt kOt her faitiori dcsth Hlie I carried
toJClllltolr rnlacc wlieiv Kan Ivtuionjft
crvant lumcj Trojshy GOln icnrcli of htr
Ivan rocum tier Jirnooff Irlrm to prevent
the itW and 1IIUhbCO by Sara He do
111 nOI JI rw e a lIhlll 1
Sentenced t Siberia 1
ftlJ XJuttyartl of the PalMof JUt
IJ Heo 1cre Rrourfd ft Towldlers who
I tind brnvod the inolombtiey of the
iay in ordfr tp ept the flrst pOI of tho
f sentence pnased on nn uniuiially large
batch 01 political prisoners
tJexerai of tho Idler hnd colccl < i
nrounil an pbeBo pmant hid who was
exp > l lI tlntlrortuIlY with ppo of Iii
Jalcri Pho lud wna rplskV
Its n hard fate lie VtlS mumbllni
i I am so youns and had suoh n bright
future befpr mb l And just became J
tloo to i9lp Sara tolllldhcr BJstmv
they Ay I am a Nlhlllsti iavepcji
twiced me to twenty ycnra in Blberja
VXouw lucky to have gotten off si
usrOf sneered tho guard They are
hanging a lot of you Nlljllisu lately
And you neednt worry about bavins to
upend twenty years In Blbbrla for tha
trcnscst prisoners never llyo longer
tllllton In Hint horrible anil
Hardly luul tho prison door closed
i behind tlio veet > nK p want rhinBaroC
was led into the yunl to nwftlt the um
tnoni to tho tribunal A priest raile1
boside ller iinlcavonlns to comfort tho
miserable girl Turning tha Jailer ho
IlIkM i li this unhappy childs of
The Jailor consulted his list and read
1 An atkmnt onlhollre of Governor
Joracoff In connection with Nihilists
1 Wonro tnUlpC her before the Tribunal
jiow tor cthtencu It will cither ho
Siborli or death i
I There are mnnv frlfiidn of tho Ills
oners In the chursh waltlni to > ay fare
T =
That Spare Room
j F 111 4W 1
Home fol sqme
Nice Yourlg
Manor Woman
Ant It 7lll hell > pay tho hpuie rent
Tin ciiai of Inanrtlnir a J irilB
Vnntcil adln tho Inni
> U
Hundroili of Hoarder ads will b
crlnlM In the next Sunday World
well to them before the march to
Siberia be lns
i VAawon as the guards ae doubled
they wfll ba admltUd to1 thqyajd re i
jHedh Jailer lheni t1tl1I
rlle oll1 V f I
i lyoure a brave gtri Are you expect
1 U1 any friends to wygqodby to you 1
o1 dont expect I only hope Ik
w < jql < l be such a joy to seo NIcKolnla
face once more 8h spoke to herself
riiliher than to the Jailor and followed
liim nwkly toward the Tribunal As
sho reached the steps her eyts fell on
Uie stolid fftco of the guard stationed
Nlcliolair she cried In Joyful wnaxe
Tlw Guards countenance did not
fcsasosad its piM no Attention to her
WOfllj l
Jfjckolall she cried again why
dont you ipeak to mel
Becatiic sold the guard sulkily 1
do hot know you and my name Is not
Wliato thtquerled tho Jailor
jiuuplclously f This young lady seems
to know youAreyou sure your name
la hot NlckoJal
Why should 1 deny It If that wore
my Hume replUd ho jruurd Jniliffer
Look a nlnglrl commanded the
jailer Of Aro yoti sure you know this
Noi maid SWA calmly VI ee now
thdt I was mistaken I have never
seen him before
VVot you snltl
My heart was en full of I lnkojal
that I seemed to lee his face v ry
Then seized by a sudden idea oho
turned to the Jailer and continued
loudly onoueli for the guarft toover
It you should ever meet Nlckolai
algoff any to him that there Is a
hi9j clessfunfortunntn woman In Siberia
who loves him better than life
Blio nnd the jailer posssU up the
steps to the Tribunal
A blurt of Irum ala sounded and1 a
nitu iKtaohnwnt at sclillcrs m rched
Inio tho courrard n sentinel bednti
placed libido each of tho sentinels nl
ctnily there
JVic man detailed to stand beaida Iho
Riuril nt lliu TrlbUnnl door exchanged
nn Impprtfcixlblc signal with him as ho
ttok his plinf
Tho ffuuril to whom Sara hail spoken
aiiilressad thu iiowoomec In a aulclc law
tonu Vou qrcamt > a y tlie unfortunntw to
Hlbrlfl 7
When do vou atari
At or
e nro brotlihrs Ixmml by oath to
> cpve rnch othir nlllil tlmcawo Nlhll
Irlsl went on tho guard whom San
111M Jlilrlrc cJ
I mun tnkft your plane nnd KO with
thu cllos Instead of you
Jiut why
I Imxt no lime to explain If tho
man U dctcnted 1 will lako the blumc
iulld Olvc mo your papers
Vim second siinrd obtycii and also
lumlcl tliii other his kimpxack
ThanltH fam tho Irst guard What
li your numo1
John rulnsUi And yours
Nliholul Nttlcoff I
A Inns line of miserable prUtontrs
h llln from 1116 jail nnd look their
plntos for the dreary mnrcli n guard
jliuckllng tliolr haiuU to n long chain
Ivun Nordorfl culled tho udlccr in
dimgo consulting n puper tie held
Here replied lynn
11011 have tlio privilege of saylnj
fatcwJ1tto your wife
Mnrle rusliln h < franVUit ohuirh
thtaw herself Into his arms
Oh my husband she moaned This
Istoocruell You nre torn Jomilloh
land Bitrn too Jshdli boalone wtd
VipiM1 Vy IiI
COu MaritfVho whlsporcd jtaVa
chpktdvolce I mayji scapei pq not
Have tho old neighborhood Always
hopp and pniy for my return Dont
rob me pf mycourage darllnir L tmo
to into eilla without d n 4 tear In my eyo
J begoflyoii
I cannot weep murmured Marie
All the airs that nature gave mol
have alreadyshed
Find Nlckolal advised Ivan he
will befriend you11
The officer advanced and touched
Marie on the shoulder Sho cried nut
and clunjr hysterically to Ivan
JiusbandtJyanl JNo nol sho screamed lvanmy
Qoodby sweeth < nrt he murr
mured brokenly striving to remove
her clintlrtif arms from about his neck
mnydod protect And watch over
The door Of tho Tribunal opened and
Sara reappeared accompanied by her
You wero lucky td gei oft to caiy
the Jailer was BnylnRwith a rude at
tempt at comfort Iouareonlycx
iled for life to Slberlw Instead ot suf
fering tho death penalty
A living death for years Instead ot
a merciful ending 0tltaUtshore
torte sadly
Tlie line was about to start upon Its
march when the priest reappeared In the
IvnnNordoff he called your wife
desires to takeadvautaca of the Cxars
perml Jon to follow her husband Into1
Mllrlohcrface Illumined wuh Joy
hastened pnst tho priest Jnto the court
yard and took her placj In tho ranly
bealde Ivnni 1
No no Jlorlel1 exclAimed her 11115
band In nnonv yoy must not not
Think of UV twrors at Siberia I The
cold tho bunker the endless tollI
H there aro perils replied the girt
braviely they shall boshored between
us God joined us and man shllllnot
put us asunder
Heady shouted the officer
For lifo to Siberia and alonel
moaned Bra under tier breath
No not alone whispered a voiceIn
her onr I 10 with you
Vour paopod Barn Incredulously
l klnlZuplnto Nlckolala eycsblt U
la death If vou ore seovered
To Be pontlnued
Fashion Hints
By May Man ton
RojcPlaiicd SHirt
bnxplaltcd cklrt la adapted to nil the fnahlaiiablc materials but tlie
model of chiffon collcnnc corUo In color stitched The fulness below
Iho stttcliliiRs falls In ample nnd Krnccful foldo which make siifllclont
trimming In thcmsclvoji but If u more elaborate dtslgn la preferred any suit
ublo llnlflhcan he odded The skirt IK tilnofrorcJ boxplaits concenllng 1U1
tfams nnd Is stllched flat to well l > clo tlio hips being pressed into position
below Materiallor medium slso I 9 UM yards 21 1234 yards 27 or 7 yardsI
mchcs wlda Pattern No 4S22 for t 23 21 2 S3 and 0lnch wnlst measure will
i > c mnllcd for 10cents Spnl1 money to Cashier The World PulltterDultdnr
Now York pity
i 1 < MvlSfSji
uI oi m
f wre in the Cot irl l t1 1
i It s a Bloodless Battle faith PowderPuff rJppea Foils
u c L u c Ll U coj c
rroi enaaons crop of new tilings
Trtt3 Mie cotillon includes among
other things several novel meth
ods of chooslnu partners and several
new figures in fhe dan forwnost
amonffwlilch JiJatho4l eJ nirure the
Illustration of > td Ishero reproduced
from the phlcagoTribuno This nov
elty Jinfis from England and ono must
at least give its inventor credit for
ctsvernesa daring arid orlKln Hty TJio
dancers are all equipped with reiruki
tlon enclrtif foils wjth a powder putt I
fasHnfdon the tp Instead of tiiie rtgu
latlon button Th figure Is danced
or l ou ttorie say WustwUh 1c
purirer i kliij tliulr beat to tlitUrj
each other with powder The amusing
ape aclo wh h the flplit prcacnts
an < l the aiwjcarance of thj mens even
ln clothes wiitn the battle Is over cian
M well Imosflnfd
Another much used hnd effective fli1
wre jiingrc upon the war1 lnthe JOist
the costumta Nine In tho Japan ess
kimono style wlUi th fa lytnrall
The Days Wisdom
PAYINO u JOnwor1Is getting
P mualo out of the dictionary
r fleotitnent in the o days of com
mercJallsm limps along on cyitche
Sop people denounce tlio Ilalnes IV
hotel and then partake of Its marble
The frenrled flnance bubble is crow
ing round shouldered under tho weJebt
of many medals
A callous kneo neycr yet made a
Tho wpmens bqwjlnjj club las claJ
evil of which tho devil Is godfather
Tile afternoon progressive euchre Kiveg
itsdcvotec3an opportunity to cultivate
clicnp morals and to sow the seeds of
Frankness Is tho sunshltie that kindles
our sympathy and warmi the Cookies of
our hearts
Fraternal orders are fraernal only
ito the extent of boughtandpaldfor
brotherly love
Books are the mirrors that reflect
thought and fumtuli to tho wbrld Its
wells of wisdom
The man who controls the motor box
Is a greater king than he who controls
a crown
Ambition la not surcesn but It Is tllb
Keystone that brings lib Ivu Into dove
Human nature from tho view point
of vho pibllc convoyanc urowa mow
hoggish and sets n faster pace than
nnnnclal Wall street
Those sentimental women who Imva
ptvpulnrlzfil the 10M30 form of dranui
hide their light under a buJhcl and thuir
dinner dlshc undwtho 6tatoncry tub
In this wllghtencd age wisdom la
cultivated only utter the knockout or
qoncludhip round of last night tight
has been osslmllated
i t
Important parHn tlie ensemble In thli
Iguro thero > ls no limit t Ult mven
Uvp faciilt pftho lettder the ur
N < iuerteAs of tlio costumes and cits
toms 9fi tha p oplcof Uie land of flow
ers lending Itself readily to effectAboui
nrtistlfl and nmuslng V
oj But it 1 si probably li the chooslng of
partners rhaX1 the cotillon ieadern dis
play the greatest Inventlvo faculUcs
The woman Is slvjm the J Owe lq
prymo In most1 Instances when It comes
to chooelns n vs < vU and by tho
practices Imposes on ttie nl Is
qulto evident tlie desire lssto Impress J
themf thei srcat favors nM
Uipin by dancing For Irisfanioy Uier
U tho IITOrllyate1l1otchOO8lnQ If
there Is anytlilhg In the world catcu
tated to make man humble and c lC
d when in the society 6f
women It Is thinsame mirror system
The System la quite simple Ttt
women asa all seated before ntW1e
wltlii liand nilrrors Tha men M 1J1
lowly behind1 tliwn In such pocilUon
The Tiniest Hotor Gar In thel W rl j
Little Qeorgo Du Cros In Hlq Automll9 Baby
EnPJ is a plcturoQtWhatl
HEIU3 to be tho wimUMt fully
quipped petrol motorjsar h the
world alsooho of the youngestot mo
lorfsts George du Cros i WhQlsonly
nve yeani old With him APpear his
baby sisteri foriweh li tho comildence
of his parents In his control of his ma
chine that they do not fearto trust him
with such freight whenhe toes
motoring Ho Is rellllYI1sllflled bcby
chauffeur 1t has participated In some
trjalsvof sp cd
At Maiden n > London icuburb where
i ihc ilJtniy irslilcii tlw > lfiiiy faii
ttfircs4JI 1118 Infwctioiis of tlll acl
Tho cor which is appropriately named
Baby Is only four feet elk lnchc long
nndclslitcm Inches wide and Is fitted
With tweatyrliJoliwJtMli 1111 iof 2 1Z
horsepower arid Its speed tngeltrnni
four to flftnen raliM an hftur Bvory
part of course had to be specially
New Box Y8terY 1
At a London miislb halt a man 4 feet
ttlllts pacticd Into n box two feet high
by two feet long ami eighteen Inches
wide to tho wonder nt tha audience i
I wish th Invent a new expression
occasionally scilil 1 11119 he ptriueJ
tho Account of a recent 1ll1gUs
nlwnyn tho blushing bride
Well replied d Mrs Top iy1ion you
consU < r what sort of huitwwls moil
Rlrls liayo to marry you cant wonder
at then blu3iilngLondon TltHln
For Infants anil Ohildreik
TlioKlnflYeu Have Always Bought
Boars thtt
ii i
I <
lhat iljifir factswill1 nq rjjSecjM jn the
I1hrsi Aseach face paiisoiy ha niru
tiny 0111 mirrorthe air Koldtfr rub
itho IttMs l HheFtofltfercfil frt iiV
docs np Wish The man thefcln fir her
partiuT Doud I her ba pnymdre
titeUo1 miuvncr t 4ih < Vlnjf 1 mnn lie
jraV cffaccd frsn the liat of clisiblci
thajii HibpiVin bl jiB out not his
u l t J
5Iogn myr
Utit tdho falionnliie s tlifl sfoc8 bt
fore liir that she wMies for her shp
llintheimirrpt > so thntn porflon of his
face IM allowed to ljoWf This ls doni
jn prder1 jhaf she may evidence 0 lit
4omiiKiyliwte In r4kn lifrr choce
and td fiirtliM4 keen the maji In suo
pellll I W JJ1tllo I19I tt1IIk fI ldc
she holds f t h mirror 9Ih t ijictwhol
face to scciV Tfi ybunjc meriwnVttrp
ret pted must knee b lnf tia women
who reject theitii iinUI tlio opporttiiiHy
pfff rii tn aineip in nlistlier1 fnIr rjn < is
If1lr rT1uorYI caprjolous jejiUWi
paM ha yf ttntrinpr n iliiirm
hlnd her to show her popularity
r or
1lltDrfsci1V arf oil >
W A riARt
11 L ON S i R j t I
2 rQft tiPIJ 1 > t r I
I lofil JNJS
t t T J1 e
v 1 O St omGRBX
R1Ie 110I LI r t
n M f OIi Mr
n IT 10 13 I 1 roat r J
u I LK I A
n lMRRRYfilNM Viftoriiis 7S tBw 810ft r
Hatlote Emy Div ZBsand 60o
jl l Cbu i isl III DlLstfil
fe1Itnnlll 000 rnttii U booi
ft U Knawlts Dells fli Howurd tnur ton
Sin JltidaiWrMtlTroup EdlthHelen
irtfcrrt Co > ic HWMTd1 NortbM enanl
fvwlm vitiHTMH andothi
MapallirlHarrrqilf6ll8 rullih lrlf I
lH > e JITrovollB Uumonds BlaT I
WEBER JtL hi 1 JI r
Millttfc HaturiUy rortn 8lno
HTUiu oWbct iand th Ui1
UAV 1heJnt1 mv
D AT111 Wood N1fp Ii oIc
23TdJlobtrl rotiit Btock < 5ovauilt
Otiuro BAtley fltanFtr 8io nan
tawnnct lInirlnitonLaum OO tock A CO
ACADEMY OK Mt IOUtt a A Irvine pi
8OOJtOPti In thKltblneft t
IZICt8 oo131f41 Wd8tI r11f8 13
4Tll 8TTUGA Oth av MiUWti Bat
6ri St D The forbidden Land
ATLANTIC Jlowor ncer Canal SIL
TolOlln rlelInIU nru 111
lIeot Tho Norru Oltd gra MovlnIICIUrtJ
ElIhtrt ohntra
t Dwll 83ISt ET
mln rzl U tU i 816 Mat Bat 1
MRS FlSKEjleahKlcschna
Tiiai 2 s EveUfatRnI2
BELASCO Varld DrlalN Prllnts tItB
NIII SI 1r Llx > tII8O
GROlLlA11 MwnrT IUlTY 1Jt u1Ul
sla Maho Wed > 8t
rdlJrlti POLISe
100U v81rtJaISII
L t WIELDSPhOct I I ml M
V TIIKATBB Clowd ttntll Next
aIo DW lijopenii Menwith
rnlrtl crilCCP in
FRITZI SCHtrr BtnH Non On Half
IiGiit M E H
ArAEnlo ro
Ntxt cockU1Men bt the VllU > BlaVM
1 It Jo ii
i > hlff
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w l iiii Is r hd W W
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I i It Joo rIitj 1 1 1 l i r
rrost Bita Pur j h
tr 11 th t 11 rt raccliit < l
lt1 rletrl t r rtI < PIJ I
mlnulfi Tht telltrilon l t i
il ad nd d j raf 1 a 1 A
l 1
rM 1
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viv iJ uaiir auvVivu iwv AvuiWtV 4Mir1pH 1
WthlngW MOi WlNpP
fci p > lft fwkif iBlf f
T hre can Y RCO pe S iilI 9fIS I
cr att W11iii1 l 1W iPAr r 4t Gla jIB
r tIVQtlJlrdil uppiiJ5 l
> MiW il l > rul
wjthoiit sjjrriins Aini feiTl I SpSi
thrWd BcV off llf Mian rV tfe jittffiw
bloo htati atif > iskiyi tiiftW Sv
ArtaSCTeaayifiMy r tVii I l l Wi
ft 9 Hfr9uIlC iJ 5 1 iitn
Itone 1k e 1 Jjff
Jeariut i rjti IfShel1 Ms5aw r >
njii to incijuro oiio plnisi UfiiyJ
pdim0 iBr i > Ulalbi tsaririVry1Bgptinvr
AiroycrI lp flre f it wlliMuSp h1i t Ji
PiltjWMn ar in d M t t mmmm
l y 111
KAr H In MipKSfK3teAlfi
b cr d t p I t 2 I 7 lj i
one tfup vtftf bill wlthoii jUrrlpjWytjM
mlnutcsi fccat vhite uf ono f8f W m
P5ur syrup ov r tho
untli Well m ed 4rop
Four Qo Hints M
cut < w brfliU
crumbling heat knlfa bcforoicutit
Alcohol apviM to
mltors nttor cleurtlntr
produce a tew poU
Sftif nOr
Whan njilns lfacdsHt lM Wii
tditwUyj jiribisi b ntow fWf
ti fclBan1 olnsttit1
viMM < f dip lniclenr
withvwiwcr vvhon idryi
toiit J
V niwjijufM ti
flrnrW indltr iiVNKVmlffi
3i IncliidMCKpAVAnDiMottOAM1
frlrii ilg I3pllevlle VrankC UJDM
iNxt wBi Mr in ttnim Qhji
Bast 14ta s ljumlayAft
TWwI feli
Jiajtn 3d V l6un liyA A Bf
nCapsnATn o XiKiatfEt
Next Week Alon In
I Mai Snt A Olrl f th f f r
ForHl Brothers OSS Vj
K raMM < W SS BBiSaig
J 4 WP
5 > V conctrti BimJararnanaffoJfiTjfc
r jrgJi irrtrrr Mliiv <

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