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The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, February 09, 1905, Evening Edition, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1905-02-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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I i iI i Y i i 1 lf 1 M i4 I l tr1 rl J J J D WORWlt > TBUIIDttT 8YBn1l1iltIE urRYA i i I 11
1 I iihifJ Ii j y
rfr r 11 0 1 iTR IALS
i f II
I 1
V s
I T flfl tolr fl
i 1 Oat Decikm at Trials
4L j 4 I
Iilfl i Mwmrjiii III J t
r i
I I 4
I 1 4r
jlprders 1 Then Commends
itrolman Who Sont I gUllet
After Fugitives
i to r I I r
ijnct Commander Get Hla for
P10 Flv > MlnutM Lite Cover
Three Poitu Brings Fine
i fr
ty Police Commissioner Llndiley
1I an otpeclally severe mood
1 iY j when he looked over a
W Br of 101 cues before him
Deputy Commissioner began oper
iti1 or the day by publicly reprl
4 ilnff Capt Shaw of the Madison
rt < Station for being five mInutes
11S appearing at the trial room and
> led this up with some weird JUd
Iilt TlrJa ono policeman four and a
t Kday pay for drawing a revolver
kIp fen JjeVaa attacked by a mob which
i trying to prevent him maklne on
ariel an4 fallowed this up by
j llcly commending another policeman
ft flrei a iiot at n fleeing pair of
glari and telling him he wished he
hLd the power to place him on the roll
1 Ji rorv Then he lined another police
r Ien days pay because there was a
robbery on his bent
LIoonu Mr Llndsley took his seat
Mletbe courtroom Deputy Commissioner
Vvoy with whom he had a row dur
the trial of Copt Tlgho yesterday
I iln and shook hands with him
gcamo up a case apilnit a po
nan In which Capt Shaw was the
blalnant It waa set for 10 oclock
Bhaw arrived nt 10 03 oclock Ho
PJHMtantly summoned to fIe bench
wtt Berates Capt Shaw
mat da you mean by coming her
like this asked Llndsley
> t ili riI1Yo minutes behind time
eredthocaptnlnbutI had to
t over from > the JIadlson treet eta
p TJw cars were not running
Phatty no excuse mid Llndsloy
i r tf waxityttu to understand that you
hfMtyiotc me here Into any more than
injr poUMtnan cnn i
4ItJL iiwv who Us one of CommU
1 aAdodA Myfltlte captains
W die man with conslflterable dlgalty
tjxz iifyj t thehumiliation Wnd
1SJ Y ket i1 ccrjjifnE jilm like scliool
ZaArnand Uftercl the rQoI tllI of policemen
AMlittle Inter CnfiCJlHtephensoa ap
r ircd HM complnlnant scUnot Polisr
n Otto Hatuuurs Kan 6urar was up
tobftilJIu tPChmcaloharfR of JulvlriS
red lpJtal wnll ondut > It wja
I PIntIiJ that ho wa < muklns an ex
lttwlJ a crowd atlQckeJ 111m
ijKU flvUI thet < tIn IHJ fr1 one
Itrthlalt hating co me
r Wont Have Shooting
itir wuat OtJ lnf59ianj Ihit Wa
o rrwotniK IWIB fbt to sbil jald
feputy COlQIflealsLCncr anrIiy
Wh9dtdai you UM yxw club oifheM
w i 1 exneo arrwt and I Ba
clten ItlbtheSts 4ld Hansburff
Wol 1 tttk a club net time cud
Lg idatlty ont nec Yow revolver Ilka
EaIfl l will not have JIA re
ola a poor thInG to aceorripllsh
thing wltn nnywsy if you cant
it ocr a crowd with your Mit8 nhv
ooeghtll t to go ont on nueh work I
wflI not have policemen firing hell
oic and thats all OVre IH about It
c f < U four and A halt days pay
1 t Jlysm Wasnt Dead
SJHfiif cllrlB tno rasa of Follceiiiuii
1lIotthe Mercer Street Station
lenry purjued two buricUrs Tney
h < routdnt stop so ho fired several cot
I at them They Btopped then and ho ar
4ted them Upriry VAK trembling
1 UH shots over what wan coming to hIm
t hut Llndecy only eflnned and said
Ii i1IThMwana splendid piece of work
f Mwlsh l coUld put you n1Ie roll of
< nor You are a eopd policeman and
iSfcomplalnt dhmlsecd
oltewian Goodwh who accidentally
Iollcoman Ryan of the Alexander
rrua police etntlon wan up nwrt
Sr ynen nod where did flynn die
Iced Lindse
1 Sure and Im notdcadslr spoke
tniabIi flt > pollemnn It was rynn
Ii Th matter WAR explHiifd ns an mel
ent and the Deputy Commisloner rcflj
Viang lecture on tho nefnlclous habit
fjacci5aiitay jirlns plctoli
f y Tills Cop In Hard Luck
ij Policeman Patrick Keller of the El
WldBcx treet elation was the man up
jlvlnff allowed a robbery on his
k He ml < l ho was coveting three
t on the night In question and his
Hptriln slldhownsoullof threo rron
fWiiO wer covering three posts enn
rj Lkntght f Keller alto said he had 7ea I
d or3n try I
J S TihFdiivn pay sslcl the Deputy
i Con1iftlB3loifr ° nornan ought to have I
thtoC cover three posts
< Clptt Murtha explained that he had
tb aCthn his men to triple work be
ut holI1IrI rmiuffh patrolmen but
I ndWy lot the judgment stand
Vt1 Q
It t
tJiM Mareum WnntejUlroree Irliot
lri t > ualitcr of lroukl > n
1 Ihle
i1I Racial to The Rtfnlnr World i
fa Uarcum filed null yesterday for
Ivory against JIubol DrlBj Marcum
tthl r of the R8Vi Mr > Vjnans of
440eklyn Marcum alleges that their
Mneymaon was ecahccly over bsforp ho
kcovercd that his wifes love was rap
jtIlJyonthe wane and that he trlej
tJr meitns passible to hold her ntfc
lions her frequent vlsltt to New York
e borne of her parents caused him to
me suspicious
declaration alleges that aho was
oiit take trips covering many days
a14 tiht on ono iccanloi she tookt
i IIlsilllhp Atlanlc with Arthlir
I Int car five day aasompnnled only
hVone other young nun nnd woman
tli ot whom were ilnknown to him
thaI tb tty ivta without an es
tl r
l iPit i 1 j I
i +
< R
Aged BanklBurglar Declares He
Knows Nothing About 1000
Bond Stolwi 26 Yeans AgIand
Just ow Recovered
Jimmy Hop the reUra4bem1
Burglar toady declared hlmttlf out
of th atUntft of Dr Xwta 0 Wll
ooxn of the vTUdorfAitoria aid
othtrt to Hour a loaa of MUO on on
of the thirty 110000 United Bt Ul bond i
toltn from the Manhattan BoVlngi In
stttutlon twttttyslx years affoj Ho also
declares ho U not Bamuol Warns
Miller WhDta name M payeeflli forged
on that bond and who pnssodU to Dr
Wlcox In what the latter says ho
th utht Ins the regular course of a
business iran laotl a
Tin retired bank burglar Is living with
Jtii ton John who served a tonm for
the Manhattan roM > ery Their home Is
at > o 893 Cohunbuir Avenue Jimmy1
Hope at th ao islxtyolsht Is brlgli
and vigorous IIeaJ a gray b ard tuu
auuUMhe and a fringe of 1bU rflr
around the top of A bald head upon
whlfb he IWCMS a black skull cap
I dont know thiS Dr Wllooxen
never sawhlm In my life he declare
todajr Of course Im not thtsSamue
Warhol Mlltor 1I1he police think 1
ain they cankflnd ma here at any time
and convince themselves they arc wla
CUel Flynn of the Secret Sllvlc
aid today he had hopa of reoov rlPI
the other twentynlno mlas4n bonds
and Blub of capturing the olutlve Miller
who has nut been sean slOce the arrest
of Dr Wllcoacen Flynnfe men have
been mmble M yet to find Hope
alchoujh they had a line on Ms son
Tliey are looking for Dan Noble winy
wua also accused of being Implicated
In the Manhattan robbery
Dr Wllcoxen remnirrs In the Tombs
luicaus he cannot furnish 10000 boll
He continues to protest hej < a vleUm
or circumstances nnd boMo < l the bond
fco patfrom Miller WI1S all right As
evidence of his Innocence he points out
that Tie wcnt with Miller to PresIdent
Moyer of tho National Shoe and
Leather Bank nnd introduced him for
thn purpos of having the bond prop
erly certified
The Comptroller Will Quit Politic I
When Term Expire
II am not being groomed for the
Mayoralty nor any other elective
ofllce said Comptroller Grout today
In denying the published statement
that Senator McCnrren Intended to op
pose the renomination of Mayor Mc
Jellin by bringing the Comptroller
Into the political nrena
When mv nrcsent trm expires
added the Comptroller I shall retire
to private priuUce I hnve long promised
my family < trU would un er no cir
cumstanced nocont a nomination again
and expiration of my term will tic
me a private citizen
Lawyers William A Swcetser
and the LnteMA Ruger
Completely Vindicated by La
ter Events jjtL I
Argument the motion of counsel
for cxBuprome Court Justice Fursman
A H Hummel and Renjiunln Stein
hardt Indicted for conspiracy In connec
tion with the DodjcMorae divorce scan
dal Inspect tiiu minutes of the Qrand
JW y was adjourned today unlll flies
iy next
The argument will be heard by Justice
Konfllck In the criminal branch of the
Supreme Court It Is claimed by coun
sd for the defendants tint Insuf
ficient and Illegal evidence was ad
duced before the Omnd Jury It an
jnspMlon of the mlnuteo of tho Grand
Jury Is allowed by Justlco Keneflek I
application will then ho mndo car a dis
missal of the InJIcicnts against the
three defendants
One Unfortunate Incident of the
PodgcMorie tangle has been the great
Injustice done to the memory of the
Into Mortimer II Hugcr and to William
A Swcetser an upright and honorable
Iluger vas the attorney for Mrs
DodKO In the notion of divorce brought
by her against her first husband
Charles F Dodge nnd the summons In
that action was soned on Dodge by Mr
Vhen Dodgo after the lapse of years
turned up and claiming that he hid
never bwn served in the divorce action
dflugllt to havi the Judgment In that
actlin wt nlue the charge eo made by
POIRO vis a direct clurgo of fraud and
mow a alnrt Ilugn and BweetHor The
flndlr or PXJudso Hull as referee ius
tfllnlnc Dodges contention left them
both In an unenviable positIon said the
Supreme Court before alt tho facts had
cimo out hold to that slew I
Now that nortec stands the confessed
and perjured tool ern band ot con
spirators It becomes for tho first time
plain that the TlctAttornty In un
masking this coniplnwy has also shown
how unjust were the accusations made I
against both fivseetser and Huger nnd
that no one In tho community bears a
better imputation or stands higher In
the bur than William A Sweetser and
that the memory of the iwl lluiwr has
been clfcaroJ of stain
Ian with npmnrltnble flirt Will
Entertain Aided by Other
An entertainment and reception Is to
bo tendered J Wallace Muekay by the
Ullts Club at the Johnoon Dullillne
Muse Hall riitbush avenue find
Nevns street Brooklyn thfs evcnlns nt
8 oclock Mr Mackay Is well known
Tor his rcmjilHble gift inasmuch us
lie can imitate with his voice the
tones of n violin and cello He also
does wtrlloqulsm He will be no
Ftnted by Mlai Agnc Humner Gecr
Miss Jemmitlt MiicCanoll Iho Nelke I
Ulalers Messrs Dan Quinn Joe Under
Tom haydn fthl blind actor Joe Mc
Konnu Fred Dimworth Frank Fo
sane at Kelly Bmlth and Bolter 1
Hello Will Thompson DSivli Carl Tot
Icsfen a Tom Drcea
l m
Turns Down Harriman a
Director Backed by the
Rockefellers V
Wall Street Surprised as It
Believed Harriman Sure
of Election i
In low ot the great Influence tWntly
acquired the New York Central nail
road by Rockefeller and other Standard
Oil magnntes Wall street Is wondering
why E J Harriman was not elected
a director of the rqnd before the de
IJrtU of W I Vanderbilt for Eu
Mr Harriman and his frleld hold
considerable Central stock and Wull
street has understood for some time
that It was the desire of the Rocke
feller Interest that Mr Harriman be
elected a director Mr Vanderbilt and
the head of tie Union Pacific system
have been on friendly terms therefore
I the assumption that Harriman would
o Into tho Central board ha been I
genera among raflroad men
I now transpires that Mr Harriman
F Baker
was sidetracked for George
President of the First National Bark
whose election to the board was urged
by < Plcrpont Morgan This fact sig
nifies the domination of the Morgan
influence In New York Cefttral affaire
as frrouter than thtt jf the Roohefel
In gtr Vanderbllt assumed a neu
ral attitude his position being that
any representative of lars New York
Central stock holdings would be welcomed
Places couM not he made for two new
members however and Mr Morgan In
slated r Mr Bakers election Incl
upon 1 Jeker electon
dentally > t was shown that Mr Hikers
as president wls the First National Bank
represent n block of New ork Central
took equally as large I not larger
ban that own by the Rockefellers
rhl fant was not known to many per
lb prior to Mr Bakers entry into the
Centrals beard
Wall street quite naturally sees much
Ignlflcance In this preferment of Mr
organs friend and ally over Harrl
man who Is regarded Asl close friend
of the Rockefellers and la a chum at
James titllluian president of the Na
onal City Dank dominated by the
lockefellers Mr SUIlman Is an Infl
ntlol member of the Central board and
wanted his friend Harriman associated
with him These two men are codlrcc
properties ors In all of the oocalledi Harriman
Hid Harriman not been fighting the
lorBinHllI Interest In Northern Se url
ties there possibly would luivc been n
ppojltlon to his election to the Now
York Central board at tW present time
Operations Begun in the Market
Hero and in Liverpool and I
S Prices Drop While the Bulls
Hold Off
There were rumors In the cotton laM
hot today of a bear pool raid said to
have been formed by prominent brokers
H was reported that the pool sold
000 bales In Liverpool explaining the
weakness of tld English nwrkct And
that It aIM dlipsied of a lot of cotton
at the opening here
This news had the effect of dlstuctlng
bull Ihterests and with some tale of n
possibly lure movement caused sharp
decline In the early trading Buying
was scattered and without much power
The father In tho Gnuth was warmer
but wet Wire service to that seUlon
was crippled S
Tho opening prlcea were Tobrujuv
7M March 74S to 749 May 7tl Ifldt
June VCO bA July 761 to 76i Sept
r to 7rl Oolober 773 to 770 Novem
ber 7iS bid
Toe late prices were Marc 738
May 7W July 740 i October 7W
Th wheat market was narrow to
day partly due to the tact that wire
service wan crippled The higher cables
from Liverpool furnished n motive that
caused the list to open 18 to 14 of a
oent higher Otherwise the situation
vas featureless Later however prices
faced off
faee was firm S
New Yorfcn opening prices were
WheatMn IK July 104 34 Sep
tember V 38
Chicago opcnlnir prices were Wheat
May 111 18 to Lit 141 July 101 to
101 18 Heptembor 92 34 to 92 12
CornJuly 45 34 May C 18 to 45 M
New Yorks closing prices were
WheatMay 11618 bid j July 10434
asked September WI4 bid Corn
May 61 16 asked July iI 14 bid
Ohlcaffox doling prices were Wheal
May llli 38 asked July 10034 Sep
temlter 9Z 12 to 9268 Corn February
41 Mm 4534 asked July 46 H bid
September 4658 <
LEAVES 30000
nvdmnnil Who Died In Aleniinllo
Wnrt nt Holler ne hail Hnved
Una Than lSnlnr
Ills wraith conservatively estimated
at J30COO accumulated In the eighteen
years lie hail been a policeman Robert
I Redmond connected with the West
Ono Hundred nod Twentyfifth street
station iliad oirly today In the nlco
tiullc wnrd nt TJellrvue Hospital
My hu < band was a laborer when ho
jollied the force In ItS sold Mrs Red
mood nnd had then saved J2COO out
of his earnings Ha was a very thrifty
man and saved every pitslblc penny
Re < 1niotMl ns a patrolman earned 1400
n jcjr Ills widow nnd IVMO children
live at No 3i6 West One Hundred and
Nineteenth street
I was announce today that on Sat
urday next the National Bank of Com
merce will ship 43000000 In gold emm
cites I W Cxibo r Ott1n
L i
Other Tractions Also in Demand
at Good Gains but the Stock
Market Closes With Losses
A th stock marteet nation advanced
today prices frndutllr sawed off and
trading diminished considerably the
tho list fmctlonaltr
dole showing let ttlo IT
lower Professional rule In early tail
Ings uliloh robrll with prlpw
Wilier FIlj
The Tractions were about th only
faturo to the market they advMcliiK
from M to almost a leflww spell following
trn 18
lowing a hlator Swt Manhattan
Railway ma the conspicuous issue the
the group It establishing a new high
record for seine yea the price sell
recr almost lper cent to 175
InS up Ilm < pt t 1
into is the highest price In fifteen
years The hIria record dfar M
known I B5 wlilcb ww nwjo about
113 At that tm stephen V Whit I
FWd aM lOOtS Others
and Cyrus a tmO olr
an below to i
boomed the d from psi
bOle reoort point IVom tfwHPW
that blcft nt tlt
ceeds tbfc bull W ° k campaign White
who Iwl failed Ewe time totfow and
tlllr a
faied le
wa reinstated shortly before still
owing debts was able to pay Iis e
Itors In foil
Ontario ft Western and Great North
B the
hUh ftRnre
reached new
cm a80roehed nG hlb fAnr
latter advance 01J per cent WtIICII
broupht over 8 p01015 above th previous
P record Th former was
vious hlffh ol Tbet rt
pushed up I llttto over 1 point during
dealings tort late eased off
the early dolplbut late or
with the rest of the list
Reading and Eels showed the effected
prot taking
The Paiicn Bt Paul Atchlnsan and
Rock Island suffered fractionilly
In the Industrials the Bled l tocl
suffered slight losses The wpply In
them Irsufs was probably ns food a the
Conolldlte Gas closed down 1 per
Trading In bonds was fairly active
The total sales of stock were KS400
shares and of bonds 810
< First Time American Shipment
HUN Ueen Taken There
DOVER England Feb 9The Red
Star Linn steamer Vndcrland from
New York Jan 3 arrived here at 7
oclock this morning after having been
delayed in fog Fifteen hundred bags
of mall from the steamer were sent
to London by spetlal train ThUi 19 Ute
first time American mall has been land
ed at Dover
d 1
a 1 c < g > A nr
The Leif Erifcssen In Col
lisioa with a Standard
oil Whaleback
Prow of the 01 Boat City of
Everett Struck the Other
After having collided with and sunk
4ht Zforwegtiin steamer L lf RrlkMen
oft Cap Romaine ilL In a dens fog
on Feb 4 the Standard Oil Company
steamer City of Everett returned to this
port today Irlnglnv twenty of the
craw of the sunken steamer
Two member of tah Erlhmnn crew
were drowned elthtr In the collision or
whIR the crew took to the boats They
were Oscar Ortsrtcn the Second en
gineer and Johajin JotanneiMn a sea
Jttia City of Everett was bound from
New York for Sabine Pass far a carte
ot oil and sailed faint here on Jan 29
Capt Bunting ot the City of Everett
laid today 1hat In a heavy gale and
for off Cape Romaine on Feb 4 the Lei
Erlkaten was seen crossing the bow ot
the City ot Everett Tho latter U a
whateback and has overhanging
cigarshaped bow whIch cut into tin
Ertkoseni hull deeply and ripped her
open far below the water line Several
of the bow plates of the City of Everett
were stove In
Seeing the Eriksson was sinking fast
her crew jumped Into their boats and
wero picked up by the City of Everett
while their own vessel drifted out of
sight In the tog
The whole affair was over In ten min
utes Tho City of Everett then re
turned to tttli port for repairs The
Lelf ErikMen WILJ bound from Matan
sac Cuba with a cargo of sugar fo
Philadelphia She was owned In Her
ken Norway and her tonnage wa IS41
LEWES Del Feb 9A barkentlm
Is ashore near the Wachapreague Va
lifesaving station but apparently Ir
good condition Tho crew of the Wach
upreugu station made an unsucccsafu
attempt to board the vessel The life
savers used a scltlmlllnir boat In the
attempt to get through the high stut
that prevail
llleftl high Low Close iiis
131 Allis Chulmers 16U 16 16 +
200 Allis Ch pf 05 61 tl
IJTOOAmal Cop 74K 73U 73S H
400m Car P Mtt tJ 33 i
TOD Am Cot Oil 389 311t 3i i
BOO Am Hide U 10 10 10 4
KM AmH Lpr 49 481 481 MW
600 Am Ice 1 Ci 6 6 W
1100 Am lois pt 391 2 ½ 9 i
100 Am Lin pfrr 37 37 4
1000 Am Loco 37 Hi 3G V
400 Am Loco pfUDit 110 I 119
100 Am Mall 7 1 7 H
CO Am Mill pf i S34 24 14
VSOOAm Smelting 8714 HJ 00344
14l Am Smelt ptllSTt 118i 118i 4
300 Am Steel Fdy 16 16tf 15H 1 4
700 Am Bt F pf HIT 0I 6o341t
7foo Am Sugar 1UK 113 14334 34
100 Am T T143H 1133k 1434 1A
8100 Am Tob ptJ9j 983 09
300 Am Wool 23 Y 2i 2514
Anaconda lOG 10516 I05l
EDO A T S F 9j 88ft W4 12
600 A T B F pflOSVi 1D2 102 1
WO At C LlnRm m 122 34
W300Balt k Ohio i0734 1064 100 34
100 Bait ft 0 pf n 93 SS
19600 DkCyn U TW B 0214 U
100 iirmisk Co 11U 11W 1H4
00 II n prU 6i 6U 034 + W
7200 Can Haclllc134l4 133 ¼ 131 Ii
lROOO Ches 052 6114 61ai
200 Chi Alton 43 4194 42 11
BOO Chi N W2I1 WMi ml +
17000 Chi Ot W 23V4 22H 23 34
1200C OtW pf UM 4 S6
1MU C M St P170 4 175W 174
700 Chi Ter pf 3U IOtA 30H + 34
1000 Chi TermM 18 17W 17W + 34
TOOChlTcrm pf 31i 304 30V4 + M
000 Chi In Tr 12 12 1UM Iii
ZOO C C CBtJj 00 94 91 2V4
JSCO Col F t4814 4714 47fc i
400 Col 11 C 8 1161 16 16 H
1000 Cal South Wi 261 i6V4W I
100 Corn Prod 22 22 22 + H
200 Corn Prod pf 78 78 78 V4
2200 Cons flas 20014 20814 20914
1700 Del 6 HudlMi 193 18214 1
100 Del L W3i3 353 m 4
1200 D H O pf 88 88 aw +
C00 Dot South 714 B 714 + 2
1200 Del Sou pf 0 3214 3241i
200 Distillers S 3J s M5 31 + 34
lOlDuithS A 11 i n
400 D a 0 A p 3214 12 32
23700 Erie 4434 431i 43 f i
1700 Erie 1st pf 834 79 1joi 8 4
300 ire M pf 6314 Oj ffi
1800 Fed Mill 8 B 85 78 85 + 94
MM F M H pt S8 8JV 67i H li
1100 Gen Ulec Co 1SSV4 1S6Y h8C3
1100 Great Nor pM 200 J8V4 + 11
100 Hock Vally 61 M4 Pi + 1
100 Hock Val pf 9J14 91i 91 V4 + 14
11600 III Central m 1579 158 + 1
800 hat loser 73 74 H1
100 Jon Mich 37 37 37
2200 Kan City So 31 31 3114 14
8500 K C So jf 68 i 67 07H + 1 4
llffl K C Ft S vf S2i 24 82 > 4 4
tOO Ltmg Island 61 63 63
2100 Lou Oc Nosh 1384 137 137
2tj Manhattan 173 1T3H li31 + 34
56100 Met St Hy 12lS mi 122 + 1i
10 COO Met Secu 83S f2 234 +
3000 Mex Cent 23 2214 2214 Vi
200 if S P 8 S S M 9834 9934 Mi I
300 M K Tex 32H 32 32 34
coMh T p6634 M i 6ihK
fMO Mo Pacific 107 1MJ4 10714 34
1100 Nat B1 Co n i W 57U + 14
6000 Nat Lend 8I4 31 aii +
1200 Nat U S 22 21 4 22 f 4
94 Nat nnMl1f 42 411i 4114 IH
200 N RUM 2pf2214 m 22141 I
100 N J CentraUD9 199 199 2
300 N Y Air Br154 1534 15314 + 4M I
< OOON V ntrall43i 147 14714
su 44 t 1 U
Sl huh Low Close ell
i 5SO Nor A Vest S3H 8214 82 IH
J OKWOnt We 4S > i 454 4S 4 + 34
OPsc Coa In W 9J14 + w
ISOOIVac Mat W 41 44 IS
146n Penn KR14ii 13S 140H + if
SlMPeo Gas 1414 108 1034 S
300 Pen A ftist 33 334 324 ij
Pttwta S > C za 914 3814 y
ftW Poses ft C pf S9T4 S94 88J4
1IWRU Secur 96 K 05Kt2
32MRy 81 8Pf 3I4 3JJi 31 UV
ICMltep Steel 17 16 1614 li
MO Rep Steel pf 711i 7014 70 i 34
IO1iOO Beading tIIIo 9334 9334
200 Heading 1 pf P314 9314 9114
11400 Rock Island 35 31 4 0134 H
700 Rock III pM 81 M ani 4
2200Rub Goods 264 2514 264
100 Rub Joed pf 9634 WHi SGJ4 + 34
00SlosiShed G514 ell4 6414 11
1700 S L aF2 pt ni4 73 73
VM St L 8 W pi 03 i C3 633434
lUAQSon Pacific ffii 6614 66 4 34
MOSou Puc pf111 118 118 4
1I0X Sou Ry Co 3 > 4 3 < H WM
200 Sou Ry Copt 9714 9i 974 14
em Teim C ill 1 7714 764 i614 5i
SWTex lAnd 4D H 30 49 V
KM Tex Pnclflo Wl 3i 4 30H Ii
8CO Third Ave It133 13114 133 + Hl
100 Tol Huxys 23 23 23 + H
1 COO To StL W M 4 3 14 3li1 4 + 34
TolstliIlVp bITt 544 55 1
100 Un flag ft P KWi 10i 10il4
72000 Un Pacific 1234 13H4 121HUk
100 Un Pac pf 9714 9714 97V4 + n
600 Un Ry Inv 33H 32 32H +
200 Un Ity rnvp 7814 7814 78141
1800 U B C I Pipe 2J < 4 2434 2I4
too tJdCIllpe p 8t4 81 8 lt f 4
100 U 8 Express 131 m + H
3087 U S H Im HOW S315 83 1i
2JW U S Leather 14 IS1 Ui 34
38COU B Lea pMM 1C594 10554 iiJ
1200 S Rubber 3814 3S 38
mo u S Rub pMOStt 107 107 14
330001 B Steel 31 SDA 3034 i
S1WX U H Steel pf 9114 9314 Wj h
SWOVaCar CII 36H S514 3514 + 34
COO VIICar pf 10814 I08U 10314 + H
Gto Wabash 23U 23 22H U
700 Wabash pt W 41 4IH
MOOWesthoumi 18014 179U 179 14
4201 West Ie 7 9J14 M4 8354 + W
ICO Wheel L K 1834 18VA 1834 H
100 3 L E JJ p J714 7 A 1I14 Vi
GOO WIs Cent 35i 2J14 22H H
800 WIs Cent pf MM 4J4 431 34
Mauv such moments await readers of
The Return ot Sherlock Holmes The I
first story of 1M series will appear In
The Kvenlne World Saturday Feb 11 I
new Sherlock Holmes story weekly
for three months
a II
Run rises 70llBun Mil SPIIlIoon fti 1f3ll
POUT or NIIW vonic I
oloreda Hull
Trlnioud JImIU
Arapnho Jaekonlllie I
rh roke Ran Dotnlnir I
Artlronilark Port III Irlncc
Kanels CIII 8118I1nth I
Iutllr Iortiaml Me
CIII of Evuftt rialint Pain I
African Moncrjh Mont Video Naples
HhUlli IretDrli Hamburg
Main Hrtmin Nuinldlan Glasgow I
11 Lamtlnt Havrt Irttoria Bt Jutlt
Jmtrenu Havuia Kl Alba Otlveiton
Wlawa NBMU Croira Prlnc Ururuay
XOffiUtea Norfolk
ExQovcrnor Favor Appoint
ment of State Commission to
Concern Interests and For
mulate Distribution Methods
STormer Coy Odll at the Fifth Ave
nue Hotel today uid that unfer u
Jjtlna laws 1M city MA get all tbe
water It want Ill lUncMtlon that a
Hint CommiMtoa b Domed a In d4rot
opposition to te view ox Mayor Ho
Cteltan that a city uomltaloc be ap
pointed to draw up mis plan tor 1Mw
water system as welt u Oletributloa
Mayor McCtoKaa want to have a com
mission of three nasstd one by him
elf and on each by the Ctotnbw of
C mmeroe and ths American Moolety
ni EngIneer
A State Water ComntHloa would
unnerv the water Interests of the
State mid the format Ooveraor pro
tect the sources of supply and super
180 the methods dJatrlbutton to
cities In tact the BUto Could
through tuoh a commlMioa sell the
water to the tie I would have the
State build great aqueduct and
through State iuprvtol make the
needed distribution tor which the
cities would pay the State
Would not that plan delay New
York Cly ffrtiln an adequate supply
for the Immediate future was asked
Not necessarily answered the for
mer Governor New York under ex
isting taws can go almost anywhere for
water for temporary ue New York
must eventually go to the Adirondack
rAke Osone wifl othvrMurow tn tit
motmtaln for Ita oupply Thoio waters
btonrW the State and In my judg
mflnt should be distributed by the
State TIM xpens of bulling great
bquoduoU would of oource be enor
moui and tho matter would of neooe
ity Oral bS submitted to the people to
vote on bltt the State will eventually
be the rent distributor
l > 04Is ytwr plan not favor the Ram I
uoa water lohnme
Oh that namapo business Is a bug
bear There is nothing to It The peo
ple tiav nothing to fear from Ram
gpo con ludd the former Oorernor
Whose now waiter lohecne If mit let > >
9 ojMratlon eurpane In magaltud the
famous tlMOCOono Canal bat
LONDON Feb I eMonty was In good
demand lnth market today and sup
pOise v re ttaroer Discounts were
firmer on the Bank of England buying
bar gold
Operator olltlla Stock Exchange
wer Ufftly absorbed by the settle
meat The ton was good and a fair
amount of fresh business was iran
fiwted on the contInued rumors of the
proeixct of pnce In the Fur Knit
Coruols hardened owing to the pros
pect of cheaper money In the near
future Horn nails were buoyant and
Retire on good atnlng
Americana opened dull and ra led Ir
regularly to over parity New York
Ontario and WtsKern wa In good de
mand Ualtlmora nnd Ohio and Phila
delphia and Rending were the features
Price eased onwtthat later but closed
Mexicans wero bought and rose from
12 to 1 point on ftivoratyfi truOlc returns
and coniUiuivilon of the new regarding
the jMOllng arrangement
Jn foreigners fair amount of bust
ness was trantdcted Jahencee were
nunted And Russians were upheld Im
penal Japanese Government SIxes of
HOC were quoted at 101 bS
Personal Property in T lslstate
Owned by NonRosicicnts Will J
Be Assessed Under I Senate
Special to The Evnln World
ALBANY Feb 9A bill aimed at
wealthy New Yorkers who claim real
d ncovln Connecticut New Jersey
Rhode Island other nearby States
for the purpose ot evading taxation of
personal property was Introduced to
day by Senator Haze a former as
sistant corporation counsel In New
York City assigned to tho Tax De
The bill require nonresidents to ftlt
a detailed lilt bf all personal property
In this State to be taxed Inthll tax
district where It Is located
As the lawnow stands nonresident
cannot be taxed on their personal prop
arty The courts have held that real
dent of other States owning property
In New York cannot be taxed but that
the property can
Special to The Evening World
ALBANY Feb 9To compel attend
ance of children at school Assembly
man Shanahan Introduced today a bill
providing that no theatrical manager
In Greater New York snail admit to
his theatre durbig public school hours
qny minor under the age of fourteen
veirs unless such minor Is accompanied
hv an adult person
i Store Closes at 530 oclock I
II Another Interesting Feature of the
February Furniture Sale
Is Announced Today r
Planned OB this February Furniture Sale is to present great public interest every one
of the twentythrco business mornings of the month many of the events come in the
nature of pleasant surprises We count it the very best characteristic of this Wnnamaker
movement that so many of the offerings are specially made for the occasion
Best of all ara the arrangements we make with some of our foremost manufacturers to
produce couches specially made to order and as is tIle case today at 10 below their
regular price while at the same time they ore made up absolutely new with a covering
selected by the purchaser in tho piece made up in exactly the same manner and with the
same care as that sold at the full price
t Naturally this means that the manufacturers as well ns we ourselves must produce these
i new goods on the most economical basis and at an almost imperceptible margin of profit
I The two styles of couches which are here for your selection today are as foliowa I
I 28 Couches to Order at 18
Eaieedheud Couch 6 feet 4 inches long 30 inches wide golden oak base heavy round bail
feet nine finest grade tempered spiral steel springs in the head and twentyeight in the seat
all hair filling Cover may be selected from four styles of tapestry and five styles of fancy mm
embossed velours and each couch will be made upto order and delivered within one week J
30 Coaches to Order at 20
Raisedhead Couches diamond tufted puffed edges golden oak frame with heavy ball
feet nine finest grade tempered spiral steel springs in the head and twentyeight in tho
seat all hair filling fiuu quality workmanship and finish Cover may bo selected from IS
four styles of tapestry and five of fancy embossed velours Each couch will be made
J up to order and delivered within one week
gome of the other special items of extraordinary interest are these
375 Bedroom Tables at 250 U Rockers at 7
tjuartered golden oak and Imitation mahog
any lledroom Tnblom top 1tI x 1 < I Inches Quartered golden oak Hockrra wood Mat
moultlHl edges shaped iogs loner shell hlglily nriimi Krins cross panel back tine construction
lull hed J highly POlisilod
9 Morris Chits at 6 Ii 650 Rockers at 5
Mahogany finished MorrlA Clinic Frames j
hfBY ttquuro legs brood ariuH Hat spindles Mahognny finished Horkors polished wood
IllrltlK seat semis eire eneeretl with innhogatiy pent shaped arms fancy spindles panel bnck
on top u very line ikilrn lululd marquetry Highly polished
7 Morris Chair Cushions at 450 16 Bureaus at 1250 J
Tapestry Morris Chair dubious 4lncli Golden oak llnroatM shaped top 118 x 21
It two large hail twu small drawer
borders belt qnnllt of upholstery work Illled up
with odorless sanitary K atlmlr right ovai pinto mirror an x 146 IIICho9
J 32 Sideboards at 26 40 Brass Besteads at 30
quartered golden ink BlilebonrdR tt0ln Klnjst quality Brass IhdstendH III doublebed
high I swell top base 44 x UU Inches one long size 4 ft II in vide oiiidi continuous plllara
amid twoHinnll drawers doublecnpljonra lancy and top rails thirteen tillers cornercon
carved top two shelves I French plate mirror retinas endpiece M Inches square
i footplew
JlOx 18 Indies 40 Inches high hl hlv
to highly polished and fInished
l > tSt quality inc
JncIU r
550 Center Tables at 375 IItSt
Quartered goldon oak Center Tallies nlmpid 825 Chiffonniers at 675 I
top UOxlO Inches i slumped lower shelf nnd iuga
polished Golden oak Clilffonnler shaped top paneled
ends live bug drawers well built and finished
65 Sideboards at 50
Qunrtercd olden onk Kldelionnls larjtC site Ufy 22 Bureaus at 16
and uin slu In dcslRU 7 ft I J In Mali swell
54xUO lnclitH tliro3 Hwill front mahogany voneer Bureaus two
top baec a email drawers ref
large linen drawer douhlu cupboard lrpncli large und two Miimll drawers topium inches
pinto mirror 40 i L4 Inches highly polished slsiiaai yixi8 Indies IICH upright highly ovnl polished French plat mirror
150 Clothes Trees atJI5 525 Rockers at 425
Assorted oak imitation nmlioKiuiy and nut JI
ural birch Claims Trcwi heavy turned poles Mahogany llnlstied wood ecnc Ilockers
lour logs six clothes plan 1 0 It 8 In high pnddli > simpi wood sent fancy uplnillou Inlnld
marquetry top panel highly polished
15 Extension Tables at 1150
18 Extension Tables at 14
joldrn nnkKstfliitlon Tables 10lacli round It
tow turned und fluted Jegl deep rim G It long eme floldpn oak Hxtoiifllon rabIes top 44 indies
when oxtemhd round leap ilm tU rued mill ii U bad legs nix feet
12 Pror Tables at 7J5 IOIIK when extended welt built nnd Unladed
Mnlio miy Iurlor Tables Colonial rJl1 lAn 20 Toilet Tables at 14
dull finish turned legs i shaped top IIUcJU 9 f
line construction and fliio llnUli Mnlmitnnv Toilet Tablet top 32t LO incItes 1t
scr Ititlnu rout fuuuv inrMd AtaiidanU nnd
Irn in pattern plutu mirror llicW In highly
t 25 Buffets at J65d polsliiil
inholCnn Ilntlcts swell front top 42xJO In
35 Bras Bedsteads at 28
tWIt small drnwrrn two cilplioniila Colonial
lUnlRii I IroiRli plate mirror iitixio III Ilnus IloilNteiuln 4 It 0 In wide Vblneli pi
7 Desk Chairs at 450 C auctions Inrx anti cait top rails brass oven cornnrs liters licniliilLVP 1 r liml ron 00
Wontliered oak omlseat Doak Clmlra InchcH high notplifo 40 Inches high hIghly
pnlntid decoration on top pnnelll nil artistic pollNlinl nnd finished In beat quality I
ilHIklI lacquer Fourth floor Jcr
formerly Broadway fourth
A T Stewart 6 Co JOHN WANAMAKLR ave 9tli and 10th iU
it J 4 I t j
I j
A j
ff I

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