II I ti I C 1 II 1 m t I iHlPR j lff
i I UM >
jm I M rpliElE M IlK
0 H ij s I MI I h U fl
Jll BSMfc >
1IjJ YI 1 I i II Ii iJ K tJ r III r Mn s T A PPALl ING
iiii 4 i1
oftI i i
j f hf s 1 0 f UttlefLiyesi Iti this Eity
DJ I ut Every Year lay Dealers i i
1 I I mH AdultetateProd t Served S i
i l wml r jtl r t < Tlieir Customers I i
l1 1 P IYj I
I f k t
W1JI11 t J
J Itii Iri I fJi 1 rj 1 A S LIVE INFANT FOOD t
OUII J fl lV rv
y a Quarter of the Children Born in Greater
f f Y Last Year Dead or Dying
J I o Z r ainly frprn JPoisb n iiatl THeiri
if Milk to Preserve It
1F if Jvli11f t II
jr l fi t
1 t rllri g ioihij annual report of ihcfBoard ofHealth of the 99555
iViV shy C3r In Greater N wVork pvwiiquartirircideador
f xiwh thousand ohe V hundrccfahd ninetyone I infants underthe
i i 9 fy at leMasbY ar 561 betAecnpneand two years ojdand
irt w twal1dfiVel il told 2Si623 Ten per cent of thetola
lj iP Mp lation died in twelve calendarmonths
1 f N ItQb ISI ghteroftI fnt It a er in gni ud > mthe
lIBfiJfiffrst mJn Phtraohst e
terthawthedea t
XJXHfvK l1t tifVJiXiPi Pe p TT V f W V ll If 01
pgfgjleliel inuniber tquaIMthe jwlati ofthem ajdrity
i i IIr rfd Cw fJhc Stale and largerthan the population > of any
ttftSSSSWV c l
mjj j t J t l 40 ch IIdrl n > PQ i on notwJtti 4I ii teDtioi1
f IJr 7ibl1t h hnk m dler f and lI c i1si j Inamlte tt1 triore
lyS ftRMS r < fln r with < tenweintihoUg fth 1IMfB1 r k Bt I to rmllk
IIMth lbt eW11 iiilf ftt tofhDlillO r iba
irlilJ b rThe Woniacha
it iti I j It t C
IIV IODeam 1 IX i
i iW ti iv t11 unJ c ild el t llar ll Xt iiJ Ia rw8dM
M hLrt1 ij 1 rJiI 1Iri1i r t iii o I he r JIk V IC doeathe
IIIItJaOikJ n I b Qnt8 t n w 0 mlCh j he aridt oo mU8
l r p i II cream In
be n 8f fmllldo ti f
fi jJ tI Cii iA t d
m ihDriTh Di D 1 I
i h 1 klJilJry 1 nlr sId Pb tottbe
AHlU mea 01 wilfPportelut ihE 1
t iiiili Or atir owYoJt t yenng WOi49ttl h ah i
iIWWl 1 Atkinson Pt Cheml t 010
f t with < W > bat if1 P r
c i r j ie Ullllr viW ln dreatefNow
010 t IIttdAlld o ti waniv o
J U Hl fitt l t othduUwitloa
I IUl i
l ormaiaehyde to
tf it 9preent
JI liff r i DeiMty
d i f Irwpt teiBparttif
i ii ttli ttieVtee1llnsiofriJ
101 iJ 1 j fsmllk Improparly il
1 Sy Jonjcli feiiponjlble
i IiiwicVpftftgi 0 fiih e 77I56
> ii Hi Wfea tD reator
Jl t I
f 1l y
mt I trlf dI
1II tft n ycernU1
I h ll
on vr I lt
Ih ClIO t urnll cot
i ilr to dpltt
FV tn eon Ii m 1111
i 1I 1Uft mabY
J I l1 eu cceD tlr
I if
IM it < erm l j
Ii Lale i1 nlq h uman
ltl tW bn hlot U
t If 4I fra l iitue to
ji Y fn r nt t i
> S1 i ula I sten 1
11 t WI > < 3 I
101 2j1 Uffiisn fttR QQIn
i I ftri I 1 1
l 1 16Doarde Wa 1 d
IL vtJh
Ij Jt
Sr 4iitUjcesofJropenY f I
I 1 11 k rtuhttles
14 l I L epo
J111 aorkes
r I t > It rn
> 89 80 sJwani
Wftrn4r i t I
PJ igen W nt d
lI i fStt iGrts Want d
1IJ il slnd S hools
1jr J9 t iliet
r Hr4 k
r I IPj i 70 e 11 to tII
nnnbllnrd t > reedee a
it Ibuilrieiiictlvity may
i9 l l Tfiriiiti ab tt < f
> I Wiij Itfcttnofrjitf you > our wlf
Itt1I4n llsett will bt
riu vLilddmestleandlburtv
t i ro
ft iob r litbriiglnlB
ftfwpltkland mploy e ot
i < iS > < yaBfetWhei nd o fho M
tW eomrt MtiifjrAthiiYf < wantr
iI lflyUi4iti > bypreMnt
1 art wiyhour tomorrow mornltu
jl l yWO p WjS1 WAJIT PI
K wmit rt iut onlte wotklr
iY iotht hom f lind ofDcts of
li lalt a1lIlU arit4tf1 I
1t will conwln about 8OOC 6tarl ot
tl l1 llions
ftll t furnished Ropma
h 1 H 9 i and Apartments
it fthr J t l Brains
i Business Jnvestniints
lA sac ifice 5ales c
IW f
bi tijoint tpr M wit
t t ht Er nlnu Worfcl the
tftiwiti ilittil abovtihavt al
tMtkit r oV 4t arp bca tlon In
j f Upiiili pI LJ t Ibe
l A
unIeWlfY riin
i oW r
J t I brlhJ cln jiili
U1 l i1nf llt i ti11iI
Ifiu bat Irr u w llll1
1 J 1 wk i tt M UNPU
i WAKT OiH 9Rr to
i114 rf u iIfI1f mol H
19 trlltr r I ti 0 Pq re
1 b Hnr prpm I
b rllIlIP liatl
6 mli U dtt e t
Wil9Hh L 11
db i
bafl < i poisoned nilik lss how by < he
CttM ofjiBT6rlxth
thra prpiiha tIe
lUrillkid 1itlltlOl Vand itlii Striu
milk dipdti H Thrf li alao a io tjfer deatli
rIJt vfbcr A iHce li iupplld V the
fAth mllkli < Cemp ertur
kept below
fifty fogrita
thw by
tIemullJpllc Uon
ot el
O ta if rlt roua of
il1lt forms 6f
II1l11t r ted mllk ifaM pmb < lc
t > Si fbf rp i
bC jTbwth < r ujjiif preiif rvatlviet
I t sm YUi lI
Ir h ldel
WhJJp mJjk
fd d 1 I H I I I tI1l1 < t r
I 4
li10 1Ibr d
JI1 If fon qI oA 1 tli + I dlool ipe lui IIlta
O etI iWJtholtt tai
f dlfljliy iinllk rII ljj II lIIL r
5 It YJjyVJJnfahts
hpluav r il an
dletl retUJtIl tin < cennln r deatl
t o
int 9 q ii Ion
j i r n1 11 > f a OI1t
f ivoiwit
Qi i r r IV
jomwti nlmJlar it c rros1v
ll llma tUj Ita ie t pu Itr rent 11
to j4J1Pea arncl diii its nitbncJ of
emlc Hy lebnI dor < a It 1
r te > aotu W j kj waterv ifc dhijf
toT tailt Ii l I oy principally UiA > 40 fw
cont aiuilon uadtr the 4itmi pt Tor
malln f itli very ivojatljq andr e adlly
ellcapl fWtday aftef It lI t
mllkvlt ls difllouii bf dsfcotlon It 1
lili qimllly wliloh ff < eJI jt popular
ity with the tojilk adutterntor who
laislj r th children fNo1lotk
Kfiould > they use subllmatd
corroslyo lIt Iti i
prijw lct woiilfl be nnicb longer < tii
eiHlblii of detection j
The leaUihiiU Iho of fbrmaldcKyda 1
u itn tPlliflmn = fli4 and n a dlsln
ec ant Iti Ul e by undtriaker and
embalmeri to preaiirye corpstj li e
tecNVeWh n 1tJIIt4lun Into a babya
miich lt all tlio s mt embalming
effect and Apt a i priuerrative
liftt should the body i Of a btbrpolwncd 410
bt formtldehyda b flltlnterrtd many
months after Iti burial although all
oilier parts qf Its bwJy mlf hi have de
cayed and turned to dust the little
Stomnch would be found eml aJm du
thoroughly Jiyllis milk aduiteratora as
tie If a work profs lonar undertaker l dl1lJJe
J It I dlinculf without
a tfiwnlctl
nhalysli o1 distlrtruish between the I
liklmmed or partly soureil m Hki Which
hailleu butter fat than normal milk
and tfiore eh een or caselh content
andih < tmllk whloh has been from
iring ty thf wot formaldehyde
F niiuluwiju changes the cawln In
milk tIi a less soluble form thereby
miklrir the milk mu6h less dlgeitlbl
To nyhflt Yer elton the forraaliWhyde
priarvej ttie milk to that extent it
J troy readily dlKeitlble qualities
Belhr very volatile the formaldehyde
transfers Itself from tne raseln of the
milk to theJIV4I1nlllsot the Infants
AIrmlnB SUtlitloi
This tuesjjon hal neon taieri up by
the jnedloaT MsocUvtlonii or both Xmv
York and Brooklyn and by th Naw York
male Medical Association which
Its meeting In October Jiad submitted
olt the watletlcs for a acrlw of twenty
yearn wlileh wnr BUimnnrljcd in th
atateintiit that th dwOw under
years of ngr conatiUitf 3i JV
Of wr cent of
urdcOitni und that of iiieroJeitlis flic
htnh ptrcentnKA 1tIfII rjlnrrliotnl
dlse wc4re ulllnK frotn wn Or pjIwneU
tAVW polntcilbrtf Tn lills statistical
summary that dtirlne the winter
r oh whuri the naturnl ijold preiervos 61
milk for a long Derlodwlu putthoftJd
tlon of ohrmlcals orartlflclnl retrluera
tlon the dlarrhooal deathrAte frn
oWdren Is a small fraction of what nmonw I
isdurlp < the summer nrwiths of high
t IfJ11l era1ure4
he lIIot soured milk whll intiir
10utI s btM means so dj astrbiit a
thetlie ot jnlllcInwhleh ihVreare pr II
Mrvatlves The old way of k nW miiu
Will by refrigerationWch 11 much
morft 5xpnslv than a solution of for
waMehya rvhorcloadd Tho refrft
+ W Jl mwtt
C v1 b It it il II
IJiIj j r
< I
I y
r jf t JtiVttI jJ iHdi U
QurE Ri FHlraGsAlf TIf rEj t RTcfNi t i IlILltI
L t
KtioiJ o
I 1 <
t I
r > S
n wcti as the Ice melts away in warm
weather while a dose of artificialpre
sjraitlyes wmlast for some time and
If the1 TOrc ntages hlirti enough the
ttlllk will not sour at all
Plaln alB of Pplsonl
1nll any iuetreeullll < ofrom 1 uao
W preacnatlvcj arooasuddenIn their
erectsft If corrosive sublimate of pri <
m acldimd bean ndmlnlstered Inpnt
famllyjquotaT In tho New York Stata
W4dleol Association ort thtvso
iJiejJthflr Infants trlpleU nv nionth
OM were taken lIIloleon the samo day
Alter1 being fed One dicj within tw n
tyxfourthours one wl lllittfO days Rnd
the third within a week bacterio
logical examination of the mltttsnpwcd
nJ maH > nurnbeir of mlororwffanl ni
ttirtr than In many sampjesi of whole
IIOmemUf It mas evident1 that fcho
deaths were cI1ted poisoning Add
n > t bybacteria
In th M tAiet of preservntlv i lon
mfthe first symptoms ar vomHIng
andi lldrrhoea The medical treatment
generallr fallsbecmnei4heproperrem
fdvihould bo0n ntld6teto the poison
aiwtheattending physician cannot tell
wJiethertfiiitrpublBcomas frompoliunv
lnKor ulinplv rombl1 lelll1tlftrIMln I
the mllk wUJioiifft tliorpufh ciemlil
exftmlna < ion vhlch tnkessomp time
Mr Ir mueti itiore costly 1hanltamlty
HvJng In a tenementhouse cnn afford
to pay
Th uneof prMeryjtlvesulMtroyflbive
terlnl nernii It noljons thfm In ll o
manntr to < UapIIIIDnlnAIlte Infants
The administration antJdwtes would
41lTeat harm juniors preceded by nn
aecumtft dlajmosln Which 0114 reiult
onjyfrpm oi chemleal Analysis
Danger at Weaning Tlrne
A bacterjal analysis which shows a
smallnumberof mloroonranlsma Inmilk
wliicn by Its exposure to B high temper
attire or other like conditions would
naturally be erpftctod to have milllnns
of bacterial ts reasonably conclusive
evidwicet thait isomo preservative hftv
beoon uwd as otherwise mone bacteria
OUld bepr stAlt
More mothpro fMdijUielr bahlfs for a
tmr months beforn weantng them than
ILttMI start co nneth enHrely in
bottle milk Th neossfy for early
weaning ismore soverewh re the mOl hi
er goes out toVOr1clllltl her ages I
nre etopped whllo she Is home nurslnr
the baby 1t1 umongthe olilldren 011
wnrklnr women thll1 Ie mortnl
lty Is most high and the hluKt
centage I from fhefoUrthito the jlsth
month when th ciil n IIIP I
upon botfie feeding The weeding out1
process ffom on rnnlilh lien nll i lrnt
nally dlmlnli w ns Mrr Jirtlcles of
food we tlllr d beaJdes milk
Wiero the child I1IR ill imturnlly
strong constitution may not take
plao for several yeqrbjit where the
rereentagr of preservative Is high
death frequently occur within twanty
four hours after the administration of
the pols n
This prs ryedi milk u iold almost en
tlrely to the poor One milk dealer
said A > cent a quart difference in price
will turn trndn In a teiipmfnthouiie
nelKhlwrhbod and there Is as much
profit In cheap milk as In the expensive
bottled mlHt No milk In so bad that It
cannot bo old
CerclirnKplnnl fenhllrllh n J1Cal
Jn t Yrhr Currleil OITThHe
Children Yccrilny
DoctorsthrouBhoiitthe city fear a re
turn of the epidemic of oerebrosplnal
meningitis which lost year killed off
hundreds of perMns mainly children
itnotiK whom he illstase is more preva
lent nnd more deadly
Three boysdied yesterday from th
Olseane In Bellevue Hptpltal adnys
rcrord that outdoes any slngio dayof
tin1 ppl emic a your ago
IlilHp Klanncr four years old and
John Sweeney eight both uf JM SM
Kwt Thlriyllilrd street and Jnipcs
Klood ftls moiUiui old of Ku i6 Avo
nue A were tlie vlcllire The former
ltvyo were cousins arid slept toHeUnr
I Tlij touiiw ot tlio cllsdnac hifi never
b > cn cerlalried for1a certntnty and
ihysclati have CoundIa ppzzlo
Usually the disease develops In un
li anltnry tentTOcrtts and the Raird nf
Health irbused by its reappearance
a 4 Mxirlld all llu i3lbjlliJ ia 11I
take measures to brine about better
sunitatlon places where Uie ailment
aboU j
at f t i r
1 ri
Madison Suarj Garden a Mael
strom of jCareFree Pulsafe
fnq t p t tf g J
Whfrllng in iMazy Waltzes
< o i J
AnDnBall 1 1
Thats Bll
And thafaenoughl
With this countrys lITMotutaltlplll
theitre Madison Square Garderiturn
inr and JaHne In the ltl IUId dDd ii
Inihere and evading there In the polka
alt th twasU 1tandi airy and happy
and carefree skipped and topped and I
kissed Its fingers to trouble and smiled
tip tl0OO light
And BI 10000 lights blinked down on
Ifie tlirong they saw a sight wlilch no
city In the world can see
Paris can see nothing like it Berlin
cannot Nor can Vienna nor Jiome nor
Heir Conried at tlie dinner of the I
Theatrical Managers Association said
that tiieie was no city like New York
hiallUhe hUtpry pf the world He was
rljrht New York > sings and dances and
is errywhl othfwjwmfkeNew
York they Inchlffon and < white lace and
in broadcloth skip and turn and forget
Theban4plays on the nouth side of
tUlsymanimothchaos iantlnu glrla and
eager men hurl themselves Into the
maet IttromH Then we see s6methlng
thai Is kaleidosoplc iVe see pink and
i blue and red and green iind yellow
IMie noliw of tlw bond ceajea Masks
are thrown aside
Wes e to halfdbmlno f atvr tlht
iire fiwnJllar to III reflSotvotUtlio
graplu and illy colored prints in9ubway
statlonsi t i
We see shrinking and lIor1n her
notoriety IIKlrlot toJ riti Yews ago
she achieved fnme as an Informer or
an Infamous dinner And yetpln this
pplendld vortex she presenttall
bloiid and with i a black scarl ovar her
mouth as If defying all who looked to
say1 wlto she was I
Outside in the lobby Is the gray Jn
noector of Iolice Brooks With1 arch
InK browsor contracted lds he scans
all who enter And as he stands there
Hie great tragedy of Nnw York runs
lights tlie music I
its merry course The
sic the dancing the boxes Its
painted women and the brand of the
wine turned Ubcloutall ire there and
we kttfiw that New York U Itavliw Its
one tree swing
The Arion Ball
Thats all
And thats enough
Voninn Arrested for Intoxication
jnved from Suicide In Cell
lir Police RtrUl
Peering Into tlie cell of n woman who
HJtld she was izzl lcaloln thirty
three years old of xii 101 Fnst One
Hunareti Sixtyseventh street Ala
iron McCartney at the Bait Fifth
Street pollen station early loilny foiihrl
her hanging fwm thn bars Bhe wiis
nllve when cut down MId wns illicitly
I loHturid to cJinnstausncHH
Th wonun wm 4riiM on tho How
cry < urlnjt tMnlgbt OUIl charge of l
loxleatlcm Whon herfcoveri0 from
her drunken otupor she become HO
dwpondent that she tore the rlbbW
from her haf r4 dress made o rop 01
them end tried to bans her elf 8
tV oyI1 y
ft M m AAiJ
rt IhN 13 I Ht t s I 1
f 1
Rcimaine and Schroeder with
r Battered Features Appeal to
Io Y and Managers of Shan
leys Are Arrested
rtin TterJT
n m rBe tU wslfrjnatoh Is the pltc
i > for m
LMt night ti2 I MV Immense
Thli rnormnita fwlIk thirty cehts
Thli lo1O limn for mirth and Inuihttr
Thrcold Kiny dawn of the morning Rfter
It was030 oclock this mornlnK and
tticyhad been tp the Arlon ball at
Madison Square o Garden They were In
full dress arid rolled UPIo tlie West
6r yeeenlh street police station in a
hllnllomcWb As they alighted was
Jlali1 to besein they had reached tho
sire and yellow period of revelry Each
of the two presented a badly battered
physiognomy >
1 My name 1 Max Retmatne and I am
a1 chemist at No Broadway1 said
one oshe rudied into the station I
iiave been briitally beaten In a reatau
rant on Broadway
I too have been assaulted ex
claimed the1 other Jam William
Bchroedcr a realestate man > oti No 172
VftBt NltietyiUUi street
The sergeant In charge sent Policeman
Houro with tlcm to arrest the persons
wliornVthey charged with assault Tho
policeman and the two revellers got
into the lianuQin and were driven to
iliroodwayj IelmBlne ordered tile
driver to stop Infront of Rectors
Got In Wrong Place
There was a great commotion vwhen
the buttered pair accompanied by the
Itoilcomarii marched througli the res
tauranti Kverybody craned their neeks
to seewho wsis to arrested After
they had marched to the rear ttlle
place the two men Informed Policeman
lloare they had made a mistake nnd
led tie wayto Shanlcys on Broadway
ne r Fortythird ittrent
There they oolntcd out Thomas r
ButleriofNo 133 West Nlnetyllrst
street lnnd liiabrother John S Butler
of No22 ianhBittan avenue who are
nmvloytd nsi nwnfljfers of the rcniaur
ant There nre tlie men who beat us
shouted neimnlhe
Iollfeman Ilcare arrested the But
lers nnd the were nrralsntj In the
Welt Bido raico Court later Both do
nlwl thatthey had owiulted the two
After the Ball
Weiliiid nobhlns to do with tho ar
fnlr sold Thomaa Butler About 8W
oclock Relmalne and Schroedor wflo
had becn to the ball at Mndl on Squafo
Garden calM Into the restaurant Will
Wiroo womeji They oixlored wine and
were so Ixilstorous tho wilters wprc i
tioM 1IolW serve any more wine to
them They bwimo angry at this luid
declared they wouM not pay tneir but
M ltt ti however tlinjvleft the tuiilc
Wch thqyiliaU occupied and started
fur Clia 0 oor There they Juul un argu
ment wlMrthe wiiHurn > > or ttnitr olivcK
While they were WIRHISA party it
I iwelvu men and women trIM to pn
I lilt tolmilno threw 1il arm around the
I nick If one of tlm women Shu wax
nittunilly oitunded and hyr escort us
BM byHcvcrul other men whom lito
not Hmw nttnckeil Ilelmnlne nnd
fnlirocdi r Ttt li hiw l < > lnialni KOI I
his blackened cyc and Sehrocdct the
htutseaiilpon ma fiiijc r
Thin explanntlpti did not entirely
satisfy Magistrate Barlow and he hold
th1J Uuutlor Moo boll each for ex
I d
i 4j J U lio t
I Jf Jf l Jf It llrI1 iitiiitt
BaiiJ Hlh IfCQM ohn
100 Allls Chalmers Ify i6 M M r >
SOOAIlls Ch IItooU B 41
800 Am Beet Su MJt 2414 WHi +
12900 Am l Copper Ify n H 7 < HH
13100AIlIoCarti rS4H H St 4
1XACI pfW4 P3 M 031
lODAm Cot pliiJ T4 341 81r 4 H
lOOAm HJ ft LiOU JPii 10 W + H
2OA H t pf48W 48i < < >
900 Am Ice 6 ii
2300 Amlco pf 40 S5V4 SH H
100 Am nOIl 16 H l 11I
4JOOAm ix > co J7W ST4 SJH 4 H
800 mlaIL 7H 7 T H
SOOAm Jlta LPf i4T4 ZW 2 i 4 H
< IOO Am Smelt 6Ct 83Ti ttKtt
209 Am Smelt pfllSV4 IttU IWH
iodflAm 8t Fdy16 If i 16T4H
1500 AmBt Fy pfKVi 6 ZH44
2iOO iBunf 144V4 HS H 144 M
4MAm Tpbwipf > 9 9ST4 19
400 Anaconda iioqii lq7197 7 H1
2000A TB yiSJiV 88 8SH4U
BCD AT SF pfioJii io2 1 > 10214
3000 Ban 6iioi6 H wvi ioeH
ITPOBkn Rapid T62 SUM 62HU
< sootan PAo 131 131 U4H 4 V
350pChes Ohio CUi M4 51i + 14
iobqjl INWi2tO 210Zj
i0300Chl Qt W2JH 2222P W
i6700C QIW BiM4 SM Urii
f4700aMi8tl17 V 175H 15H 1i
300 hITermlT 17 17 H
100 chI Terltlpt30OOOO
400 Chi Ua TruJSW 1JU 1 U4W
ooChlU Tlf pf51U 6114 81 > 4 +
SCO cCcrJt L9H4 WV 8i + N
ioo CLB w pfuo ito 110
415ooColI1I2 H4 ji + 1
100 Col H CAIW4 16K 1614 4
400 oJBouthi i 24 4 2G V44ii
100 Con Qas 20J14 207W 20S1454
100 C tnPiod22 tin Jlji
3OO Corn Prod pt7 14 7S 78
200 nei t Ud19319 1 < m d 4
100 Del Un Ry78 7J 78
100 Del South 6i 6 < 4 6H i
13io DIWerIIS ilJ4 1 4 +
I 400 DB S A AU 1614 1 +
iOODfBS ApfSJ i < 32 < 4 3Ji4 + W
i OOKrjo 4JJ4 3M 43 H
DOOBrte 1st ptso 79T4 JJJtH
300KrleJd ptIJ 03 65
900 Fed Mii S95 90 92 1 i
f 00t d MS pf 90J4 904 O 0i4H
300 Hock Vnl pf 91 91P1 + H
l O < UU Central 15774 18754 lGrn ft
idoaht Paper 21 2121
400 In t Paper pf77 J 1171 + U
100Int Iofcr 7SK 7SK 73i H
700 int Pump Sift 38 MJi +
ipolbwn C fntJlt 68J4 WJ4 56 > 4 14
1200 Kan City 86 314 SOW 314 U
KMKan CBo pf 69 C8 C8J4 + ft
800 Lou Nnsli137 137 iS7ft
3700 Manhattan il7IU 174W 174 + i
7509 Met St RI2 l71i 1224 U
1400 Met Secu S3 814 824 ij
flOO Hex Central 224 22H 22H 14
lOO Minn St li 60 CO 602
1500 M StP > 3SM10l 103 1034 + U
MOMtJf T32 32 S314 + W
2S1JO Mo Pacific 1074 1C6H 101111
400 Nat Bis Co 674 J7H B7 + 14
IWO Nat Lend 32 31 4 31
2000 Nat E H2 23 2314 +
lOpNat URM Pf L4 42 W 42WI1W
3700 N VContll74 141 H7J4 + H
100 NYC 8tI2 75 75 75 Xj
SIOONnr West tUI 3 5314 + 14
ISMNorth AII1O 10IH JOlH + U
jClXOnU West iSK m Wi 4
700 Pan Coast 07 9 Dfih fl
4200PflC Mull 47 J1H 47 + Hi
22100 Penn RttHO HO lM4
2101 Pco aasiiOS14 10V4 10S 4 I
400 Per Mar 102i IWtt WA 41M
306 1ew Mar pf S5T4 W 85 +
tOOPCC HtL 8T4 83 S3 + M
2200 Pressed B > > 0 33lfI17 SSH
i00 PreMed SCpf K K Mi W44W
7 JO Uy BU ppgS4 3414 S4V14U
niliipptt6 t5 i
7 Ufit h I > 1tW t I
> i j
N I 1 CJftr ciifiiinnrn IT i
PrlsoJ1ersShfver with ldln
W lml 1JitQital Yard astHey
Are I Lined Up for Punish
d to 1hJbenJliVorlcl I
WLMING TONi > l Feb Jl W l
hlyerjnjr at ihe > lilppng5os < fln the
Jail yard John Wlion Will given ten
luriesforst lliigs footStove used by
a llwryman to keep a cab wtrm He
nqulrraed wlthlpsln but Wsjden Mes
nehsdno mercy and the IsJih bill
dcrackMt ej skin of Wilsons
WIIlIlfn Pottles crted for miwoy as
thfi U he < telonhlln Btojo three
mackerel to relieve his < hunger nnd ten
laifhes arid a year in the workhous
cohstHuted his puhishmont
Ge6rgef VhltK squirmed bentath tht
cet MS i h after lash fell ciuslnf
ff real big w iu torise He has six
jws to spsnd behind the bars for
robing anti attwklnr Ulssj EHiabeth
Four men stood an hourtn the pillory
and nine man were flogged One of the
men In the pJUory fIa1 i IHivlel Hsotor
a yopdop dpct rv wJio l reaped 1LUr
VM itmong the colored t1eOIIthweb
telling > fortunes
Wllllsjn Ryan spent n hourv la the
pillory and tua gtren forty lashes for
hlghWy robbery <
LONDON fib llMonoy warf in fair
demand and Inereaaod supply In the
m tod y oIl wer firm
oil the Block KxciuDgo tiio t trading
had the usual Sajturdaychiituaer The
tundenoy wa rath r Irrtcular though
in sttrdrxg the n nr dccount some dt
arM of 1oe1lIA manifwit
Much linUrejt was takCn ln th new B
percnt 1Itri6tt1wonQyur 5000001
Bold loan which WM lai elr oversub
scribed ConpU < uM slightly
Atntricejis op ntd IrregiUtT recovered
to afr cll04i above partly vA b oani
lnifltle owing to t11oNw York holi
day on Monday United Bute Btett
was tbe feature The market closed
with price quietly a4y
Canadian PAclflo WM cheerful on Uie
traffic i Inoreise for 1e flrat > w ek tot
Fe nrary r
Japarti dtnctidemaD4
torGrtoat Brlttln suid Ura Oontlnent
Imperial Barn Oovermnent1 nlws ot
JIOI t e quoted nt 10 14
84 Hlich Uw ke ehg
lI000l cp Steel 1SH 1 18H H
J ep Bteel pt fa 174ifi
21800 n jnc 9I 9V4 95 W tf
I9Q Rodtll 3 < V 34
JOpJIUb aooda i 25IfZi 2SHM
11110 IJlon8l1etr V 6i 66 +
100SossShpflM 104H 10154 + W4
lW8LiSK2itnfe mtmt
iMStsrCBIcflTJ 11178
4WStLv8W p16 11 Gi4
8011i flO 66 C6 W
100 Sou P dOepil 4ViitS 118 +
170080UI By COS4T4 1414 3414
JOOSpu Ry Ooi p 17 7 91 + H
100SRMA0ctliJr M M +
MepOTJwm CaI 8214 MH 81
WOTexi dd 40 40 14
t 200T M Pac M54 Sf 364 4 H
JO Tolf8tLiJkW H M1I51
iOoTo48L ftWpBK M 5J
OUn BngPlK ip icft +
JUK Union PaclflaiJ24 m 12
1 Vn4 a Pao pf 97 97 97 + 14
JOO nJ IR1 Inazrilm Mftr1
lWUiiBjr In pf iS1il51 7114 4
4100U 8 C I 2525 II H +
MOU SC t PpSIJi It 4 8
ISM u an Iilm 89 wji 1
MW U < B teatI1 m ll 13
aixru a U n9 M 10
0ou B Rubi 3311i S8H414
440U SRub Pf1034 IWi 108 1 f
91SOOU S8t < fti32 UK M 4
WOO U 8 Steel pf 854 IU4 WH
16QOVaX3ar Ch87 H 874314 i
spo ya r Cd C43 42 w 41 54H
SOSWabauhpf 45 4IK 44H it 4
ZOOWest UnTW4 WA 3A14
l OVlICMt 22 BH 2 W
SWAVIs Cent pt60 4 H W
1 i
The opening of Hh e wi it marked was
ftam but quiet oday ipriowi btlng in
nuen II teeihifher cables from tile
morlifj t UY pOot
Tihe < wortdB anlpments of vrheat this
week < are estimated at 8SOO000 bushels
Corn t rted tlnm with wheat
New Yorks openIng prices were
Whfl1tbJr 110S 1Iep 10m bel 96 1
Corn f llb
chicVioBopenln < prtcea were Wheat
< fuatwlld 68 to lie 34 July I
lOOTgiW 100 84 to 100 7j September
M 34 CornMay 4534 to 4578 July
4638 to612
New Yorks closing prices were
WheatMay 116 1bJd July 19458
bid September 9114 Corn May 6114
bid1 July 6134 asked
nun rtM 6etlSun i ti OMlHoon lefaAM
lllgli Water fAWWlltt
Ai PM1 AM l
AndY 1oOk 1 t l r 000 CU
Governorl1I f a 021 1I4D
H GUt FNI1I IM 767 812
treterl IM < Umt ur
Alamo < I OfilvNton
City of At Unta Sivannnh
t11 Monte nalVMton
Ntw York CarlMUm
El norade > > > OJ I New Oricant
Apwhr 01 i ChurWon
onlyldeo llarcelona
African Monircli Numldlan Qluiiow
shiddi Isunon s Gibraltar
t Alcano crty8 al saUlnn iiinks Ixincbn1
tlmbrin Liverpool lATmiralne lIavre
Now York Houthumpton
St Paul BoulhimptonLucaniv Liverpool
Mlanci Antwerp Nicfir Nplu
Kthiuiili 01111011 lalrlclelIlnburr
Muabtt London Trlnlaad Uermudi
Xulil Vewsutls Vfrllnl StiThomo
Cowno Porto Illco Altiil Jamaica
Mexico Itavtna Kl VslU Oalveiton
c < jnth 0lye ton Jefferson Norfolk
Rdt ndi NJJt Paam 1
iN orl
i T IiiplI
i tPi EDdWK J
X t
Speculators f Still Giving Atteh + t r
tion to Metal lssues fid Al r t
lth ug proker Wer N i
NUrn on Change Deal
ings Were Good
I Hi
v v i
< io r <
Interborouflt Gains Some Att nJ 1
lion While Other Leader Fall f
i M
Away lnGe ral rlD llll i
Colorado Fuelra Feature h
I5 i
flituitlay F J 1 i f
Twoh vr oDenttorson IIbearI
were obliged to hustle to lay tocovep I
torae of their accounts antj the market
sawnore activity than > otherwise voujd
have been > thecase The fact that MoniJ 1
Uy Isa holiday caused a large niira
berof VVall street menttp jeave towa ii
lIt night and the generalrani of op f1
eratlons In tho Stock Exchange wa
comparatively light
boot operations In Tonnes se Coalatiaj1 < 1
Iron continued with fair dorreo of
briskness lOneot the largest stock r
holders ofthis company Is authority for
the statement that there Is nothing > Ih
the report that a merger with the Rfe
public Iron and Ste4tandtM81o
8h ffleM t belntr arranged lie declare
that the present movement of the 1
stocks of the companies named Is Oua
to the manipulation of a ltq cpOOt
Colorado Fuel and Iron WAS a3fo fatrly i
I4tlVt today
United Suits fltAeel oOmrrionwutbt
leading feature of the market aJi4 i
tiere were Indication that Inatttnr
were active In putting up tfe p ilc 1101 1
Meyer Jr who has the reputation ot
doing considerable business for tho Mor
gwi Interest bout 15000 harts of f
fctel common sOOn after the market
openeii and heavy buying by someot >
the krewrt housed mltbeuetM11
low d V
Jfoflt of the brokers In M zctnc > I
had the tip that i weilplanncd buM t I l
inovetnent In the fiteelshare WM ut j
der way ant Would Jbrobibly eonilnu
throughnextweek The kottvtty Mthi
minor steel and 1Ontoeksltl < J Vr i
merely Inctdfjitil to otnJJr0e4f1I f
movamcnt maptHll tfdrU B Steel i
J Amsterdam blught Ohlcago Urcat 1
WMtern quite freely and London t
housts executed A fw large ordejs for
Union jPacinc Erie Ptmnsylvaalt an4
Heading showed somo activity other
wise the railroad lI tWM otg leow
The unfavorable tiaiik Statement AppV J
ently had depresiiris effect 6n ths
orOlimry room trading Tha decrees
of mora thsn 7000000 In CMh hadnol
beta genernlly expected
Traction nocks were visibly affected i
by the report of earnings of the Inter j
borough Oampuny for the BIX month
ending Dec 31 The Interfcorquffb
tJtart gained a paint In limo on tna J
curb on the strength of this report
w > hloh8howed gross earathfM of WCS5
153 nn Ipcteaso IIJOBSOO jhioiiet
eanalntsncroaBed tSMlil Tmlai Op
uhowtrnr taken In connectton irtthJSihe J
xipectcu oxjor sbowlhg of the ilt tropol
lUm for the l si six months caustxfan M
unusually buying dnmand lorIDtlrtJor
ouzh tni a corrcspDndlna BeUlnr move I
intivt In theMetropolitan 0Wd1 rj I
On t lie curb American < rltn piper o
preferred contlnu d the Activity which I
began yesterday and HtttrtlonsfSn J 1
made with much conHdence that tba I
meeting of directors next week W OIlldl j
result In a satisfactory distribution of V J
ewTilnrs onv Je preferred Northern
Securities wttja fesiture on tie curb
honing ctrftiitth rtheiol1tetn L
comparative weoJmcss at the close
flouthem Paclfle new 4 per cent bends
were In active demand atVA fractional
ndrance In price Foreign banklntrl
houses have boutfit these Seourttlsiiiln
f lr quantities forshlpmentiabroad
t 1
This weeks bank 1I etalMnmt MUM r
today was tliopoorest In lIome ttak
A heavy cash loss was shoiwn Tberel
rn a steep cut Inreserves while ih
loans were heavily Increased The fl I
urea as Issued by the Ctearlnx House
ur rn f
roIIII Of Inrru OU
DepotlU iIncntun D
Circulation lncre
1lIllltfndmDerr6aae 2MI1IOO I
fl Gtele Dcrreu e 4T4
n er i Dert i t 7 aor
lIaerve required IncrfUn II
Burplus DtC rliIIe 14113
KzU S dpOIlbt Decmalt8 88S
The cotton market Is closed todijf 1
and will remain dosed on Monday f Un4
coln Birthday V
Telen nes
and I I
The Bronx H
i I
Net gain in Stations con1
tracMd for in January 1905 111
Total in service and un d cry
contract January 31 1905
Superior Service
Reasonable Rates
New York Telephone Co
15 ttey St Ill W 38IbSIr
23E59thiSK 220 W 124ib tUI
616 E 150th St I
f ir