J i 1 pi < tt < i rwt TI I 1 T1 f iIit fflI 7 Y1Tr I r r JI rf f IJi I9 o > rll FfI V r r I J Ii W JryvYJ r r r U TEE WORLDt SATuRDAY EVENING MAY 20 190S Ai f i l i 1 x j 1 1 e 0 TThl l 1iIL iri i These cigars are acknowledged as the STANDARP BRANDS of Imported HAVANA cigars everywhere the world over t AFRICANA CAROLINA ESTELLA INTIMIDAD I ANTIGUEDAD S COMERCIAL FLOR DE CUBA JSMURIAS BOCK Y CA CORONA FLOR DEMURAS PEDRO MURIAS CABANAS DON QUIXOTE FLOR DE YNC LAN ROSA DE SANTIAGO CARVAJAL E SPAN OLA HENRY CLAY VENCEDORA I ROSA AROMATICA MANUEL GARCIA ALONSO VILLAR VILLAR 1 i I These justly 4 < f famous factories J I now tXrSi7SKy stand alone preeminent after years of highest excellence in their production as having acquired and sustained the first place in the Worlds Havana Cigr trade 4 I t 4 1rQMlCCID clIDffiJPANi TRADE 9 5k MARK I e e Ill FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK NY J SELLING AGENTS FOR THE WORLD SEND FOR THE TRUTH ABOUT HAVANA CIGARS by Gustavo Bock Twentyeight interesting Illustrations sent FREE FAIR WOMEN 55 THE ROMANCE AND TRAGEDY OF A DAYS NEWgj I VOCAL TEACHER MARRI PUPIL r 1 Herman Klein Quietly Wedded Miss Helene Hathaway and Couple Are Now in Europe on Their Honeymoon I Announcement made today that Herman Klein pro nllncn Oil a vocal I teacher In New York was ouletly mar ried five weeks ago oy an Alderman at City Hnll to MUs Helene hathaway of No 19 lUt riftyvtventh street Mho f tar the past year ha been his pupil Mr and Mri Kloln tailed for Euiosje on Tuesday laut and left without toll 111f ot their wedding MUs Hathaway came from Boston II Jrear or more ago and begun her must ml studies under Mr Klein Her par r unit are dead Mr Klein became In terested In hIH pupil and an engage ment followed On their return trom abroad Mr and Mrs Klein will reside at No 154 West 6eventyi venth street which Is now I being completely redecorated for the reception of the future occupants I Mr Kleins brothers are well known r In theatrical circlet Clmrles being n pi eminent dramatist wlioio latest play Is Th Music Master and Emanuel being a composer and orchestral leader now continuing the orchestra at the Hippodrome This IIMr Kleins second marrlatre He and his former wife had their homo In England bin there w < u a divorce come year ago 19 I DANDY DAYS fI OF World Want Gains Ended tail night during which period 59715 Offer TO BUY SELL RENT HIRE EXCHANGE i i 9074 I P Mote Than tjdit Year I were printed Inhe i oIIi I MOrning W rfs WnDt Dfreotort I t 1 H I H 1 T CI ZIMMERMAN HURT AND WIFE ATTACKED 000 Brute Fastens His Teeth in the Left Hand of the Theatrical Manager While endeavoring to separate two fighting dos Charles Zimmerman of No 35 West Portyslxth street and a nember of tho theatrical firm of Nlxcm 1 Zimmerman was bitten twice In the left hand by poe of the animals The doS then Eprane on his wife and she managed to throw her automobile coat on the animal and save herseU from beIng bitten Mr Zimmerman accompanied by his wife started to walk up Eighth ave nue last night with their pet fox terrier rWien they reached Fiftythird street a large bulldog which was with a negro sprang at the fox terrier and the ani mals started to fight Mr Zimmerman kicked both dogs sev eral times but was unable to separate horn and the bulldog sprang at him and bit his Index and third fingers on the left hand The bulldog sprang at Mrs Zlmmor min She tuoted her back on the ani mal nnd several men beat the brute oft Mm Zimmerman then pulled off her automobile coat and threw It over lie lighting dogs When the coat covered the animals they stopped fighting and Mrs ZIm merman lifted up her pet dog which was covered with blood Ilrand Mrs Zimmerman then onllcil n cab and were driven to Dr Van Loen who cauterised the bites Thu matter iras later leportid to the police of tho WMrt Fortyseventh street station and Detectlvoi Qulnn nnd Flti ccrild nor < sent out to look for the I negro and tho bulldog 4 LIEUTiQOV BRUCE AT CHURCH FAIR TONIGHT tninar Under Rev rather Chlrt ota AnntilovN to He Con tluiiea AnoTher Week At the faIr whIch Uey rather Chid wick Is running IJeutaov Bruce Is xpecied to be present tonlllrlThB IIIborpat of UiU city holl1lO to tako jiait In auortast for two lags ono American phd onp iTshj wll also nt > trndt 1i h v Jl 4 Vp rnGIlI1Km lit Intan idyto Dispose ot rlitllo eIf lIrI4 J aloP bY MonrnYli h U l Milild IO i IIIIJ 1 BRIDE LEFT HIM AFTERMEDDNG Smith Mourns for Wife but Her Mother Says He Must Work Make His Mark and Win Girl Again i Joseph Smith twentythree years old an electrical engineer living at No IE Concord strebt Uroolclyn was married on April z after knowIng his wife fort nine days and he has not seen nor since tno wedding Ills wife was Mils Florence E Wll marth of No 499 Fdlton street Brook lyn twentyone years old descendant l an old family of Sonilwlohsrass eligible to ta c Daughters of the Revolution and heir to large sums of money undtr the French spoliation claims Smith Is the son of John Smith nf Lot AngeJe Cal lie was born at No 57 Kldrldre street Manhattan On April 14 I went to work In a de partment store In Brooklyn said Smith last night Oft had worked there two days when I met Miss Wlimorth who wan saleswoman In the store I called at hor home the next Sunday evening Her raotLier did not worn glad to see iiw jUter I went home Florence and her mother hnd a alrefmunt und when rha came Into the Jitore ihe next morp IPC she told mo she would not BO horn attain I did what I considered a gentlemanly thins proposed that wo o nt oice and iret marrIed I had fal len In love with her She nacepted me We went on April 28 to the home of Itev Dr Ackly rOtor of 8t An dr Vn Episcopal Church ntXo C34 Fortyseventh ntr nt and were mar rim Illllo Hnndford and Biward Htindfuid of Sixtyfifth street and Elkhlh ncnue nay Ridge friends of Midi Wilmarth nero UtioiMu After the wedding 1 leift her at the home ot ttirie frIends urtll I could icefa flai ana furnish It Suncliv morntnir I went to get her hut her mother was there liMo me and took her hone Mv wife rollher writes to ma sees me when I anil nor aends mii any word When a reporter called at the home of Mr and Mrs WIznarth last night hire ilmaxth caM Irloreoce was angry beoauM I ob l cted to Ixxr going out with a strange young man and the next morning fool ishly left our home The next thine we taifw rho was married When I found her nt llay nidrtn ah was pool tent and had concluded to return home nllh pile I did not urge her Mr Hmitli has callrdonce or twice 1iitfno refuirn to see him Once she P0iC U 1dm Ilwouih 4lio thoor end ted liIm Ee wmitil nolliva with turn TtJs ItmIlvJuItMhe dean oiotIoyhIni us TaIiyhO nilneyoung men Iiaa ci I tok awcywor erian4 r I DID SHE DO RIGHT WREN SHE KISSED THE TRAMP I Phililtiphla socluly young womei mill tlnlr mother are discussing today the case of Miss Bluncho Failev of tho llolfleld Country Club and are by no nivuna imanlnioiia In thou ilouUlan on Iho question Did she do right whim she kissed tho tramp MIss Falloy waR driving her brako yeitaiilnr through Oerman town On Old York rood the liaise got beyonil her contiol Miss Pnlley shrloked Out oi tho woods ran u tramp cut hrounh ngiln to a short rut emerged In the road ahead of the runaway and f > toj > ppil It HlB clothes were raffle nt bent but they worn worse when he had finished Miss Falley ottered him money she says But he just quoted Byron and other poets about In > hair and eyes uho auld last night Then he sold a klen from my ruby lips would amply repay him Well I hesitated but finally T Just kUnccl him nulcU Jumped Into tho trake nnd drove away qulqkly I think lie deserve It I I WIFE ENDED LIFE AFTER ELOPEMENT Woman Who f Called Herself Mrs James Scott When She Committed Suicide Was Real ly Mrs Peter Thompson lUrmme not the Ion of 12 caused the suicide of the women known as Mrs James Scott who ended tier life In the old Frrneh mansion On Hun tired and Fortieth street and Broad ny Insttiu of being Mrs James Soott the tuloid was Mrs Peter Thompson who eloped from this olty three years ago with Scott At the trine she took 5000 wtitoh her hus band hid and fled with Scott a mar ried mm and a neighbor The womans IdentIty was learned when her husband Peter Thompson tan employee of th4 Customs ser vice livIng In Fourth street near Union avenue Weal Ohwtor Bronx Identi fied the body sa his wifes The body WM taken to an under taker on UMMT Amsterdam ave nue from irhloh It was burled In Kencloo Cemetery Thompson and O H De Coisey the dead woman father and MlM Musette De Coney her sister were the only one at the undertaker fencing on altercation If tie met thii man who hid stolen tohi wife Thompson naked Capt Uurfelnd of the weal Cheater Stollon to provide him r guard CalltliJnent him to the Weal 011 ivndred an4Tw tJIWU strelt Sta tlO n Wb II1 I 0110111 JI L Me t flllian Da Coney when ten years nIl iilio wus married to Tltomoson Jlle louplo lived happily In the prStty hou In Fourth street up to three yeais iieo when Sirs Thompson r Siott iV latter first name Is Waller not lame lie wiis a master plumber with a largo business and lived In Columbus nveniii near Unlonport road with hIs wilt 8111 clx children While superlnlendlug lili men at work nt the Thompson hoine he met Mrs ilioarpson nnd fell In hive with her West Cheeter was shookul several months Inter when the coupii I disappeared together Lose than n month before Mr Thnnin I son hail returned from ScntlnnJ hltli n 7p < 10 legacy He gave lile wire rotQ il this to licup tor him When she IHiii pea rod abe tirolt the 5000 Hcoit mi lii li Ittloi1 to his wife In Jernoy Cly tny I mer tlut lie tad gun uway with II nuinan ho loved moio tlmn a ill i I ii hg i IBU In the world and told her ha nho ooulil collect certain Orbtt nnd biiii hurt tht fumlly on Unit You win I never see mo aealn Ito wrote Wyoivlnz LneJn of Moanim Mf ivtil I Police Captain Henry llnrfelnd nns at ihu time Muster unanimously expelled Scott Mr dealt wee aaslsthl to luci her family Koln by nollhbol ami friend 8lio now has a drygoods jtoiu In Unlnnnoit rod Scott nnil Mrs Thompson went to J M Amtflcii where they remahi for more than tea ypars Ifoconlly win money began to set low they came tn this city Scott was unable to outaln emplovmoit nml the couple ronlul u loom In the livnch mnninn which II now run down nnd shabby A month ago Scott found cj plnce Ce tltrltjll eIJ < T with Hfdiliu elll or Wiill fttrcot Mm Thi > mpni ot lain han wnrhi fn ii ivor hor rU Th De Corseys ire n Virginia family Feel Well Fed All day when you eat GrapeNuts FACT I TgYJIU3M1 I d i fj W GIRL SKIPPER OF A HARBOR SLOOP Miss Maude Jensen Takes the Place of Her Father After Passing the Federal Examina tion Capt Maude Jensen of the good eloop Major asks no favors from the score of water boatmen who supply the yachts of the Atlantic and the New York Yacht Clubs with water and dell racks Sho tcurcd her licence aa a navigator s few days ago nnd yestor diy she started out on her first trip to carvasi all of the big chips In the IOVCT bay for business Capt Maude Is the daughter of Capt Julius Jensen who for years plied the waters of the bay In the sloop Major His customers Included several million afro owners of large yachts He won known to every navigator who entered the portn bluff nnd hearty seaman About a year ago he was stricken with Illness Maude Jensen was then one of the belles of South Brooklyn society Her parents homo at No W6 Flftytlfth 1 street was a centre of many parties 1 She Is a beautiful girl of the type pic tured by Cllluon A tow days ago tho doctors told Capt Jonncn that he could no longer run the Major Then his daughter said she would take churge Oho came to Manhattan to the olllco of the United Stittes Steam boat Inspection Service where rtie told Capt Seeley In charge of the bureau that she wanted a master certificate Capt Seeley put her through a thor ough course of qunstlons When It was all over he cried You know enough to sail a ship Ira D HnnUry Is Urcoverlnir ItolmKes of Ira U Sankey the cel ebrated gospel singer and hymn writer are Erectly annoyed over a report pub lished yesterday afternoon In Uiocnlvn nnpers to the effect that the ailed evangelist was critically ill at Ms I home No 14S South Oxford street Toi a rap > rter for The World a member of the lfyfO said last night that Mr S mkey Instead of being near death Is gradually recovering rom a severe at tack attributed to general decline AN INACTIVE UVER A CONSTIPATION HEADACHE ncton eot right by BEECHiis PILLS TO SET YOUR LIVER WORKING RIGHT is nbiolutcly imperative if you rare to get nny comfort from life or nourishment from food A torpid liver can bo n cry dangerous condition and should not be neglected Few medicines oct as I thoroughly 1 promptly nod snfcly ns Ueechams Pills Jncy are vigorous but mild nnd cause no inconvenience or nausea TO DE RID OF CONSTIPATION I There Is no remedy quito ns good ns Hecchnms Pills not only to loosen the bowels but In the niter effects There Is no binding up afterwards as these Pills aid Nature in a natural way Persons I chronically constipated can become regular and be rid of the con sequent discomforts formerly theirs by use of DEECHAMS PILLS Sold Everywhere In Boxes lOs and aao w The Best Hot Weather Medicine CANDY CATHARTIC I 5ie I I DJf iL PIEVENT AU IR UwL TUMSW Paper Yacht H fi f Compressing 100000 newspaper byihyv > draullo machinery an Austrian Inventor < has constructed a yacht of the material l thun obtained complete In every detail and no less than sixteen feet Iniengch4i EverythIng about the little vessel ftet paper not only the hull but the iiiai nnd even lIft sails The larUiilt6 vouches for the fact that the yacht if not a mere 1qy but a real reaI capable of fulfilling nil the requirement f of any ship of similar sUe i v th h i I Leave it to Little Almost before you know It he has your Ideas and you have precisely ij the sort of a home youve t b wished for I And money to put In the I bank A Virginia Sofa I of Solid Ha ogaDYf is shown above Or rather 4 isnt half shown 4 Youll need to see it Words and pictures give no Y hint of the beautiful grain the 1i fine finish the rich velour cov ering Jj At 3950 it Is an example N of the really fine goods that 1 Little passes around at mod i crate cost JH Little Co if 6th Ave Cor 15th St 4 4n KIQEMULS30N FOR CONSUMPTION Lung or Bronchial Troubles Cough K Colds Catarrh or Throat Affection S SAMPLE BOTTLE WILL EP SENT 119 AND PREPAID UPON KEQJEST Cil or WlI addir r mm SPTF HFnifM r PEMABV X Department 140 to East 22d St NEW YORK CITYJYI ZO CflN ru R I W it APER ire tite fines imdj 1 fJ Sold y good decoratorseverywbtrt E Main Onice 9597 South fifth Brooklyn t Ktu WlllUmibun BrldfI Er ti t J If j I