f V l < V V > i V
j Sfs5 v f v V t r
lltll V U > EVgNljLG WOVLD MONDAY P Re E MB ER 2 3 9 07 V V
i lV4
Tfrq1 gF0 Wheir Mis Brain
Jt feeyeleiping Is All funnel tot
Iti Tthe Ckannei of 1FliwsiealMe efc
IIp opment Says Seientist
f5 f 4 > c
ifeh f7rHIS cemato be theday of the
l w I negro flghter In light wel
tor middle and heavyweight
classes there are great scrappers erf
ebony hue
r p Q tjm j Philadelphia He aeenu
regardless ofWighi
to take on almost any fighter
Then there Is Sara Langford who claims to be a middleweight nnd U
the greatest fighters In the game I havent seen Langford on the
c lesjf he reilly Is a middleweight
M Is surely tlifl blggtsl one In appc r
j Kccinthe ring He has broader
than most of tho biggest
stndls thickly and heavl
ly bii4Ufrom the waist up
Vjack Uohiuoii the hcavywcljriii Is
f tne ijfas clever n Uan Although the
iSUtatones of Johnsons yellow streak
Sim y b true there ari > few lighters
viCanionp the ncavywelghts who c nptr
ijblm hardfenough to make H ccmo ow
I ItKc othervstgroca Johnson flshts
a champion fas lone s tieI conrt
i scientist a few days
that so many nesro
have such magnlllcently d
torsos A man like Lans
EJBJforiit If nls color was white wouia
SSySf be considered more ofa muscular plie
Inorocnoa than Sliarkey The only white
man 1 can tUInK of orr thts spur of the
inoDivnt viui1 outclasses him in build Is
Thocausi is a simple J y
sitacui replica the scientist OH you
evernotice how briKflt nesro children
r Up to the age of lx or cifrlu
are tully ns bright as walte chll
But all Pf a sudden thelrNle
5 velopment stops A nturo pf twenty
L 4one Is still mute or leia of a child In
K this tasleji and actions
J Jit Is a racial eitaracierlsttc that the
eKros sktill olldlflcs at a verr early
sKjage Tho sutiircs erow together Afler
3J tht t er Ss norooin for further do
s yelopmrnt of the brain A white mans
skull d > ivtopKfor several yoar lonecr
thananegro His brain srows until
t > Is fliiiv inaturtnl before the skuj
4 jrTlfc white mans development la
U sly divided Ktwisen body andraln
The nt > ros whc t the brain stops de
veloplntr IH all turned Into the channel
Of pnyxeal development Thalstbe rea
i on thatyou fo omanytwell doveloptd
j nccroes among thcIlBhters1 The same
< rtx on explain the mastery uf the
white races over the negro ever slnco
i itiic davm UChistory0 Tho vthlte mana
ibrsln development tins iilndo him mas
ter amj Um negros muscular develop
ineiu hns mode him the worker for mo
1 nations of the earth With h ivhlle
mans brain to direct and the neuro
i trtfrtth lo do this workKsypt built the
pyfniBtds Todayall alons the north
r lenii coast of Afwj itnd In tho slndy
< le4trts of Arabia nnd Persia modern
scientists are fjndllic traces of thou
saiid pf mites of ancient Irrlcutlntr
iiiaSlSjLvat wera errater In roiic < iilu
tb nraiiythlnit In the niodfrn world
T tv vr de lcnedi bv the nillnsr racfs
ni a JUlIt by UQKro Isves millions of
tl m Thev tisca to think nothing of
firjnjc out nftv or a hundr < xl thou and
at vpji In the construction of n Kfeat
F llavs Americans Plan1
firefc Championship Game at
atlpnal tiea iifi wllljiext
rtYltihifr at Qie American
SUP iid nre to a later open
of Uie jfiisoc than w achtsl
joBr In sixIns olit
spring tralnlne nchydutot of
ttdtintx H Is anuauncea tRit l > <
iTvfYlll rturn to the 1uo Uwnntl
SfA rday Al jUJl < ind open lj > prc
Inarj seaspn wlttin same with the
> t > ln T p JMi < y City
tern SAHSVS tijam III fivlulfd for
aba the Newark iiallpr
foliriccntlu ltJif so ntnunir
Hnttalo club tyll nrrJU e IV
that It e n u if > iir i < t > I
Jin AprlL u jja anuJ hi the
ipWji cp ii yfK tJ V
fi sfSi j > ri es tf I Sfir t i ift
ifeafcfciSfiifijii > ijliifiyicjntlfiilf i > vifivj V
J praejictc ty iif iiiwjurtj5cfS ji i
Pj ipik feotiit1 mftlVi ftS > Miitt >
V JR ii t iJNJatonj wlU j > ii 1j > rjf ast1 a
There Is no doubt nt all of Joe
Dans flBhtlng ability Qan stands
alone a few Etcps In advance Qf
j tliosc irhQ llne up for lightweight
i honors Very close to Cans Inclever
new laJack Blackburn who whipped
j Jack Morgan In Philadelphia on Frl
rduy night Blackburn lost to Cans
oiSce In fifteen round In Baltimore
and > boxed him < elx jpunda icouple
canal Thousands of yaars ago wuere
the Suez canol cuts through now an
ancient ruler conceived the same Idea
The canal that he built userfup hslfa
million negro slaves TJi work took
telWWlmc nnd from starfto nnl h the
takmasters drove tt laborers to their
work until they UroppeJ In the trenches
This was morethan a score of cen
turies K ro butthe characteristics of the
nf rp wcrethe same then asnow Th
wnoie hlstorj of the raos hasbccntho
Mine People used to explain ft by say
Inrthat Uie Creator Intended the negro
to bo the laborer for tbc white races
Hr that is n fact he went atxiut It Ina
eclentinc wa3 for the early hardening
of the neBro > skull retarding the brain
KTOwth and turning all of his deelop
PhJ1lcal ha Placed his
position fonatl time
IF6 n some very mart
neirroes I objected
Yes aalrl1 the eclentUt soi
have I There ar excepllohs to every
101 characteristic fact
their children do not Inherit the
supsrlor brain power Amonc Catica
slnjjs Intclllcrnc usually > UnsnhJroush
Kencratlon after generation < TlUb < ist
example of the tendency to KO b ck to
mere physical strength Instead of men
t I ntrensth Is > i en In French Jlaytl
vVhcn tho French were attending to
Ute Government there sendlnr the
ntKrta to school and doing even thlnKt
for themtthey Improved ButI was
all on the surface Th to
theniselves now ond already they wave
dropnedback a couplerof centuries In
the Intftdor of the Islknd the civilised
esroeni ot a few yentt aso have dcle
rlomtetl until they att exactly like the
wild ulacx people jwho wer broucht
over a hundred jenrs or more BKO by
the slaver
do witn
the flKhllns camcT I askcdr
Why replied the scientist I im
mcryly lellinc you why physical per
Ircon ° common amonjr the neisro
I flRhters iext time you see atlnerro
f it K you iMp > rti io i < < m mtHT ml
notice his hoad You will nnd ttiat he
i lias a little bulletsnaped skull st on
1 n crind pair of shoultlers Hl skull l
tliic too nnd thats why he Is so
Imrd to hurt with a blow anywhere
about Ihe head A neKros stomach
Isnt any weaker than a whlte manX
lint thats the onU Mace wherp he can
be hurt to any extent by a hlow and
thats why when n negro quits In a
tight It Is Invariably after belns
pounded on the utomach th only place
wlura the punlnrimem hurts H would
null soonT than ni white man every
time If he could foel thelUnchlnir the
way a white num trtilsltv
i honklnc hack over HTi > Hat of obony
fighters In my mlndn cjf mint iy
Ilic scientists theory laokxfairly
o ci < i at wcfue
CJiare H KbH
Dr fu c IltUburo nml
y Hcrnnunn of Clnclnnnl h
UttnlH tfUa d nu w atranj the lot
ch JUa with the AnuriSu that the
ca on w il op r April K
yrJ < i3io W 3 i I
P I h
iornr tv
e > n tliU j f
tiioGpfV EDlTiON
every dnyfor the 1tvo
ncuJ nil goisip of tc
6e fXif
V ill lH K
I S > Y
O1I I > XGBOAT the fnmpiiB In
dlsn runner will not tof tne
scratch In a race for worlds hon
ora In I ondon nextyear
What U more hcwlil not bo a com
petitor at this rastlme A C carries Jn i
iladUon fVja ro Garilcn on June J7V
President Sullivan of the A Av V
hns taken sl nd asalnst the Canadian
Vdman that liars him from compUtic
In the metropolitan district
tiightweights Agree to Box
at > l33 Rounds < Before AYmory
A7vM of Boston
MATCH hn at asll > CTi arrnnifed
A between Pucky McTarlanJ ot
CMcam nnd Tommy JIurphy
of thin city They have Wn ulRncd
up by lllah Xlurray mnjchniaker of th
newly Orsanlztd Armar > A A ofBos
ton to ciiKigc In A twclvcroiinilboui
at in3i url at the pptinlne show of
the clUb which wll cume off onthe
nlht of Jati 7 Mnrra tiH beei tr
Ing for tome lime to bring lx > ut a
match between thiVo two nalitcrx and
11 wns not until lant nlKht that nil de
tails for the contest were Completed
Both Uds areto br allowed their tray
IlInK expenses and besides will battle
for iVi per cvnl or th < > Kr < > rec1Pt < f
which IhB winner will set seventysue
ini ih < loser twentyHvc jtcr cent
OtKeefeFrgKte HarryfUewls To lght
fat yKttr th Irish champion wiyjmtirf
Harry fr trn n > u i befons th fWB
nllmmltl A C of ChtUra MaV lonUSt j
OKvic tat J ubft1tfOTinthtroubl
nA > rirJS to fro up nh fniatch
AnoUiir club ha ju t bwn omnlrnl ft
Jlorton for tfco pufpo of hoMlnK Iwrtnl
isni It li lh HoirolcB A C nI wlli
w niuci l W EJJ Kwvln The dub l
holil llVf nri how in nboul thrf w ff
will probihly put on Cycinni Johnnj 1
TJiirapSn th Wwtrrn crack nJ Tomm
Clulll f hrockton JU In ih < main Ijout
of irn njuniSt
Erne and Gallagher to Battle
Toune Krnf Jll llsht fl htiof PfclU
who l iu > l rounlSne lnto h P
nurtMw KOI chfip colt
FUBD Anselus for HfK at h < > aale
ot Whitney cast 0X1 Inut October
lis was hlKhly thoughtof by Jaim
th Whlttiey Drainer but lie
never showed as weI as wa r cjcppcted
iHurlew ia Voh twkp with him at
N > w Orleni more recently Saturday
In the rrcllinlnary Derby Anpelus 1
a half brother to the Llamlnirs Illy
Jumbe Hoe
Xot iulf < ti pr3ml lnr t o aroIl
ll Ii il nlOBlnr nlctlr I SSerwh ai
U y She will b n tl H rctirWd JvJ
fta Imporlant factor In nut ititoni bis
John K Mscidrn Ihi Kcntiickr owpcr
tin irinr ill < J Fatur4 s for Bnclind
wScru h l limienlfnl In th i 3 t r of n
Irtlnc omt vntfricnn1 mojTraroldii In Jlps
XBV OltUBAJfS lAi Dec Ul
ntrt for lomorro ruct4 ar
cusn iLVFKr fit fi Ill yr
MUTOXU lt < KB Ont mill iil a
ov tf hut tt
n t ivur Vmmr > > jjin
t Mfflrcillat > Ti <
Crl Iflafk l > 1411 i
ltll V kMHi
74 jvtfriIl Utr J <
i niHoffiiilTfr 1 la
sa Aulfi lI Kl < i
1 71 ll U HvrnV i I
TlUltt > nACKUir url < mc < r llnK
W K Kan < < < J >
IS Thf Thoni
ft lirlriJt in
H I 1K 1J
inm iH
Oilrfll ll
Avnwmff < i II
ilrr > r It UU Onn nr nnl furnli
AWr y M
cntrla fij Knmcb rventi Il trip now ts
to urrinne foriblptafnt ant iralnlnr abroad
Trainer ITUctt of KnUcKr bllOTMhi
h K JnlIaclfn r In JarnM Co
ttllo a lxlii < nyear IJt boy who can rd
t lshtyaU poun < l The bo > i rather It1
a ph > > lrun amli h > on ha > lakrn up rlil
Ins Junt out of par lor for th < hortt
and iift out of nc < f tclty
Iloth D lntr tltlU upd I > r McCluer have
won ix mod at Xew Orlni
John of th
n < ncli A oeatlaa R t > aomf from
in li > diy lo clou ntxt c jn
v > loun ln fall frprf Mrtt Not
tit ua wilt froonbl utt > him on the
or a wwv V T
Co IU n bl S WI IT ITI n g i8 cli e ciU jei
ViVffr > > r AnfSmcpij Minaxtj
jj > lli > ej art a > Vfolli > rriJiBJ SCi
fiSfe llS ffjfe 3 V 4SUi fe
ic ij fi5i > b2iiJ1rlttc lonrWt7S
acaln was mslcfiM l t nurnt to mm <
i the ClJtaso JlEjilT fr lx rounjli I
In Ui nuw cvrnt at the f r Ul ho r Ixs
hfld ty lb NallOMl A C t Philadelphia
en Otrtuma nirmvpn Oilllirin has ly j
K on well In t > out In th Vtftl and
to Klvr Krn n haril ficht
Valcott to Fight Eddie Charnbers
Owing to loiiv4 J > trouble Trrrj Martin
vhc Qdikcr tHy weltert il hu will not tx
to m t J VaJcotU th > < l > r
tit round at ih HroaJ ay A C ot
tJilladf IpaUi Tin Thur y til ht lv
tlallcj inatthmakcr of Wo club ha f
eura Mille Cliaiibtra th yuaker City
noxiT to Blft Walcott ln faa Ch mb r
ix aw miichM to m t Tommr Sullivan
t Uiwr nc < Jla al the National A 1
< n Chrlatmu nfterti n
JoodmanMadden at DryDocl A C
I Jack UooJman and Frnntli Itnlien who
rnertvto have boxr < a slxroun < l s at thi
ji inw Aero A Or nrk from rhurlay
nleht will eom tiicethfr Innxtd lit ttir tmr
tit t > nullrl nff bj Hit Dry Back A C on
ibut Tenth > trwi a wrk frnm tonltht
> l lrhm Ufr JCH Cain waa anxloui to hav
Ui Uili iioi at lh Dry Dock A C and
j > ffcnMl itool Indunmcnli nhlcb wireac
1 crptwi
Dcihlcr to TacKle Young Kloby
Dav < Dt hl < r hai ilituri anlcf of ar
menlifnr a battlo with Vouni Klob v th
Nen ISiaUnJ UcJUnrluht They lfl elh
In a1 tcnroiinj bout t > foro the Vtl Knit
t A C of lyiwrimc iti on JTSrlinnui
artcrntnn Thl tulr ahouM furnlih n In
HrrfJdnc rontmt 01 l > oth of them ar1 Doxlnc
j In fit llcni fprm at pruont
1 Kellj Already Down to Weight
j HUM Kelly Shoiitto tackle Bill lapka In
I lnround boat before the Uidcrr A C
lJ irc irtt ot ht
lrirttirht title will b ve no trouble In
1 l < l rTlu fleht 1M tOuna
It already belnn Ihjit wrliht and Ii
ironr a > h ever wa for a battle lie
H B > derfilon anl t
I telllnit > hie frlendi to hive abet on nim
Injunction Will Stopsthe VGops1
T flfiytnA bl > ll J l i Willie Letrl
and Iat
pKeeffe which wa nreeJited rrom
laklnir placn at tha J oni Acre A C la t <
ThurMay nlzhl on accounV of twllce Inler
TCJ saw < > ° Thundsy evenlme
> nll Kuchfi counwl for the cluty will a
> > Ip th Hunrnno Court to lav for an In
junction tf > wevrnt tbo pollm fr n enier
ln the cluWwure Kuch vil no doaln r l
the Injunction a the flub claim e m
an excellent ca e trUiu the jolc or oa
Brock > tb Meet Frank Carsey
IhU DrocV the ClrreUmi il litn < leht who
l Trent nt lh sf rrcf > u Car > ev r <
ntly knockfj utit Mufvty Hho lithe We t
rrr cracl In elcntnn ruunit >
Si clsl o The Kvenlnjt World
PimAlJKMHlA 1M Dp 3 Tom
my OToole iini Orovcr Hpyet hni a
afnnrxillomiTA 0 Situr
wild honors nven at ti r ml
nt lh < wfxih rolirul OTpolu wlio dIU
ths l Hi > r work at Ions rnnse oVcnil
timer dad IluycA In lHlrexf Kach time
Clruvftr met OTooto haU waj iind tli >
Olilr 11 111 Jiatl tftn lie tjir of uyury mis
ip anil frefiietf > compelled OTgnl
lo hrtnU rroiiwli tir hold on
hard billing ylv r was the Kurpr
timt In the IltJtl TOiind he iiutl OToolrt
SrtiERy froinyi right wlnK on tnc Jnvr
nivl In tln > Jlxllt rotmdhc dropped Tom
jny with ft riKfit upportut o tfu JJn
Ijtlt iach tlmcOrover fRllcdto follovv up
i The rommlUcfl from the
CjclliiK yllbs o > w York In nrruiiff
Imr 10 maliB thtj Now yj caix ruir to
rurrjtown thlK yfiir tlic Rrchtoit ovcnt
In yuan uid tlioprlw Hliould Inxure
lurfte entry Th rltl r nlitn from
Uentrnl Inrk Ulrclj nt 1 oclock mid
nlsnl on Jail The inotorcyclo ract
ihls ycnrwlll l < v m InlerpisiInK feuturt
Maltln KoHtlfr wio won IJIP blcycl
nnilA J HHlr motorcjcle honors
j t yenn nr both connjont of nK ln
run I n
i > v Wv nJCe o
of Wlliff wmdltlpn Six
IKO U V lleiloll rodv H ln n
tf fliitr ihrn nniv rmilicd <
no l cleviii Hours t tnnke the Journey
herei < T ti e record l t > ti hour d
twonlytwo minutes Entries may u
KNo 10 W t 8lxtl to trt t
J v Vn >
t all hlnpes oftn reputed acreemcnt
enterea1 Intoby t jncboaito poso as an
amateur for rtveJ ycarsjirhPn he iwns
to receive ti < > from HtipirOraham of
Here Is an extract from a letter re
ceived by Loncboat from Mir Graham
If at the emi of ttvp yrui iyou ar
stilt In the athletic Held nnd It can be
truthfully said of you tbat you have
resisted temptationk < pt temperate and
ranned yourself on h side of clean
sport I shall be pleased to hand yoii
a check for Jifto
The Indian replied
Vou arcv ry kind I know how
you fel Von want Canadas name
kept irood J feel the same I will do
my brst Five years from today I
will send you a little blll or nW i and
will buy a nfce little wljrwam for my
This makji the Indian a profe slon l
and the EnKllsh Ai A A will never ac
cept the entry of nn athlete under a
cloud and Longboat U now under su
pension by the Atriaieur Federation of
x StfOfSxIN 72500i
remarkabln hhoottnic cxlilbltlon which
endod yentertlay A Xoenpcrwcln c > m
pjeted a enday shoptfnsr scrlis iltir
lnsf wfiTcb hc shot at tlM tarKcts and
iinlsirctioniy nine
I Tils bre ts the worlds rtcoril both
an to themiimber of tarscts BJOI atand
the number mlssod Toepperweln closed
Ihe exhibition In whirlwind fashion
shooting at the flnal s61 target and
mlsflnf only ° onc Toeppcrwcm used a
Kcallbre niitomatlc rlllo and the block
1 Inrtrt were two nnd a half Inchen
thick They were thrown Intothe alr
twenty feet from tha marksman
< 8ecl l toTho Kvenlpc
Quaker nshtcrs wllf be kept busy to
day yilll Moody ami1 Younir Ix > uKhrey
will light at Sprini Garden Av C to
morrow On Tueiday Mlko Donovan of
Rochester and Jnck Illackburn 11I n
Kaie In a tetiroundfconlcst at n ddlnR
Ot the Jive bout3 nt the Xntlon l A C
matinee on Chrlstmns theilTrlncIpal one
e Wwn Jco > caBO
and VounK rrH Mickey Oinnon of
IllTHlJUrK and Ocorpo Jnnsen of New
York nnd Tomnly SUlllviitu of LAW
VenVe andEddie Uhiimbtrs
At the Vnynt A C ChrUtmas nlchU
Kreddlo Wfllch of Knslnnd will face
KddH Garten J Wnlcott and Eddie
Chambers will mret In tho wind UP at
ftmmf GartrdmXer Swill W
mtet tfii l l t < > whocan be jecureil
nt th < IndttstrlHl Boxlnir Club on Ifrl
day uml tKrNittlonalwill hold another
show onSaturday nIKlit
nhe prouramme ot boiU liai been
arrnngd by JlannKir JOB Cnln for the
wrokly Ixixlnif tnr f np Dock
V C wl > l h tH io VW I tUclub
iii IVml Tcnllj itfcct near Ave
nn c tonlBhl In thlmiiln bou l of
be decided
ltrtAHOU K
A11 AiX jh it MI a
from more than lxly
collies will b In attendance at a
niwllnK of th InttrcolleKlftte
Athlftla A x3atlon ot th Unlte < l States
M ai Jinrray Hill Hotti atunlAy
Many InvStnllons h v bein nt out and
nil tile rwentatlves present wilt l
InvitrU to participate In the discussion of
Important imbjecLa
One 6f thw i mlhj < l will be Uie Mini
mcr bn eUill u < x tlon to t > prc nled by j
upeclnl committee and dnistle lKll
tlon In exiHvtcd up n hl im W 11 J
th Locket and football rule also i
the nubJecM of p tnl reports Tp
Jrctlori of a nc commit t o sticcrj
the iwreoent rontbnll rales commltiw wllj
h Ivld Clmn in f cOnitUutloii j
and byUw will b < mad to Kle VM
the old
committee a ponulnrnl riir nUllt m
tit D lo Incriasij the term of tno conKr
commit tc miinbar to
Other nrw Ir slntlon Is proposed
w 1 L claimed by 111 r < ullve corn
ion nl il morntalff
fly CapU >
0rJRg >
iQiu iuTST nr in ar > awj
CKllhK10fi I
Marie J > oro
TAcFtJji TIIKA My ft sih at sso t
MntTtnjr iJun 1
Tlrr Tlllrf
Till Til tk Jfrunn nnuiw
I niiJllllUL > tAUiTAU > rriLiiixoTON
i ljt VvWluT t SiKk PU n
SlhAT Tlie U r Dlly Mat 25 60c
n tith Xtf itlghot
iH io llailr
Conllnuoui Tlir M r Houti
jMVchiVlnWUJly 10 mSrr
23 WXL
VjttnrC Kfllx Our loj In
UlD > I > ulln nMld Dill
0 > VH antt Notrl CunUnuoiw
Onw ji l l Julian KIIInK ilf
Harlem Slock co imitnmoHx WAV
tr Drsftxillc Amiiwir Vfyht Thur
ol OTa OU
4 pJPortimtnfslSitew
mmi m m
illffiinsNi ii slntbtXMAi
y ix
fThc jRocji MpuMain jEiprtssl
N in 1 l iiinTHitiiAiinr ftJi
Ioweyinr Canil iBvimlis
tf OSwUyi WelganJ fc j J iiKi
Junction of tti I A A by Vrof Jl
ICettlp Columbia The KuneUm ot AU
lctlc in CtaieKv LlfJ hy J > n Iuthor
It fiullck vnwt rirl m and by i > r
1hlllliw AtnlKreti Jnlcrixsllecil Ath
letic Sclidul < If c
< Knilrr lilock OiliAr < < id III hi
Dane ilan n rK i i i < r > itilo
or iioiinvY JIAKKKI
i iBirA < rE
IViyctilNa riMl
of ii
n I
n Xw IUR <
ImJwtTW VBlfr Ptrfwrjiini
10 fltoit Clrraw Act
nrt llwr Tiinlclit m Jj O I
nALfviifj sw pjjj iy AJ
flYRIf i nrin > wWithui
L i IV1V < th jr NVU w kO nltn Tbtt
vt s is
HACKET T ftVv A irK4 J
SO ys rVSk i
itkciNvixi Vif vniiiT 11 1
ipfj lST HOUS
vwi rXHE IfoUNDlfE
Xft VI iltriT
inEifFf GiRi
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