OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, December 23, 1907, Final Results Edition, Image 6

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1907-12-23/ed-1/seq-6/

What is OCR?

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tyf j T H E E V E N If N G WO B L D M O M O A Y D C G E M B E R 2 3 1 9 < O 7 >
i i
1 r
1It i 1 A m om FLAIm
1 l
i I If J I GH H LP L 8
1 f t It 1 10 PIt 8 I i I A mrmr imi
iJt itr
r < Carried > by Strong Arms to His
AI eskA4ged Man Works
tt f r 1
iST I Every Day
j I J i J Yi v >
t > I
I 1 tiftekFrom His Qirriagelo
Wheele4 Chair Attended by
vpJi J1 > 0 I i 1 StrongGuard I
it t <
tl1i r
tc f l Tnewionla wcitljer made e a rx > cliUy
JfJ4 perllloai to U > t fiRed nnd Inflrm by the
> drifting rain > and nlect haa no terror
1 < tar Senator Thomaa C 1iatt who was
fi t htiduk Jn the UnltcJ < HmlM Hx
X preiu Company new bullillng on Rec
tor trel at 9X oclock thl mornlnp
a Wlfflmuly 41 4f It were A balmy
1fC day in June
f > Mr I Iiatl la now no feeble that a
t ouad Jot pVwn attendant watcfirc
j ofer ahi rMfmnde to khe old mani >
tii + illKhtentvfiJih with alacrity From the
klr moment hOeavea hi home until ho
osfila placo at hla de jki nth
t4p < h floor fifth new butMlng he U
I 1 under guard of Htalwirt protector l
1 He jiover u e > hla feot except to leave
f hla carriage > nd to alt at bl desk At
I the Rector trect aide of live buildlnc
iC Inrre wliwllni chnlr la ready In the
i handt of two huaky men by the time
KI1 J hla carriage reaches the balldtnj They
Virtually lUt He Senator from hU > acat
i < lJ 1 j Z
i In ttie carriage to th noft cuahlon of
N 1 JlthlbI armchair Today a nic < of aeven
ilf rntn held umbrellas from the carriage
Ii 1r 7jSoor to the door of the building to
1 i ijif proUcthimffrdm Everybody lhefraln M ke W y
Once Inalde jhT bulidpK everybody
h t i m ell way for the companya president
fIti poibaa a pr i nI elevator r which waltn
j < tor him Ho I wheeled Info tho car
ldr rapidly ralaed to the tenth floor
J i t Here three of hla poraonnl cimdTana
leave Wm and ono of hla omc men
i 4 rhw dm to tila deak Hli gecretary
1 t and asalatanf lift him oftenbut u u
ilL 1 i Ally he la trohjt cnauirh to totter to his
JlK chitlr Hero no remalna readlnic
i < hU iMtera and dlrectlnc the work of
fly i the iranilc concern of which he la
1 < 1 Jresldem 1ltHl30J > M J > etlmeot
L hU departure does not vary five mln
1 tatea In montli
Hla attendants Rather i fhlmnt
itf thla lime and plaoo him In hla wheel
chair Tjioi am routine la I gone through
in returning him f o his carriage
J TbearrlvalUnd departure ofthe S n
1f2 atorlaalwaya followed with Intereat by
crowd which remnrkaon the aplendid
p caroMr Watt elromhla n
fY ploye a He has no fear of the weather
5 conditions and despite hla virtual help
b Jeasne a Irecan alwavalbefoundat hl
dtak botwwn S30 A SI and tSO P M
fitn c 18P lil Tie > > rnjri t d
fie ll 111TI IJA1SS So y 1kc238i
P h jpr me iSc irrB Justice KeqBh t6doy
iiS iKr < d Bii order1 KrantinB a JfthuJ dicree
f lOf abaolute diorc to lr1i Junnli
tiuckiih trcunHr 111
iiuckHri Tho euatody of I their child1 j >
i given W Ue molher
1 There wt a romance i connected m lwlth
i tbtmarrl1 of ithe Hucklln8V Mr
11 > BircT < lln 7YIFhthjtIlIIFhnloC iProft
ffij QorJoni br N fjIi itlooliclo waa known
ti as Uv8VvuWlHaveni railroad ibrldci
If > llucklln mide 10velot r While they
wereiilmv lllpB on tilt New Jlaven
strjliu be ven New nocJieltoahd Mnn
Jiallan vTh plnlntlff WJ isni > loyy llri
b r fatherfa qdloe and1 nlthoueh thu
1 rroCs > t as briPCisedrtn IluSKllii t > ty
7 Jniri aUtrrtlons Jto hi daughter there
rnatiy clnndeetln meetlnKS and
11 < finally they eloped
IF jnuchllnulattr on was nccuwr of pny
ili InR at tnitlonVlo another ivoin an In Har
ix ilfnii andvnjinlly dlynrco prnceedUiK
> < ire Instlliitedi arr
i + IRODG 1t A JA u J
< ill
I > t fP > da InTh Tlnlnl WOrd
ynIrERLAINIi y l 3
tJpoa tha appilcat Jon1 pf JuSf fr f John Jj
ff lf i 71
Jofin CJ inojgofi jr pn of a 01Y
t 1 Torkj millionaire contractor who U un
L f der Indictment for manilauchtcr bl
cause Ills autoVrah over andkilid two
iiN red wonien of Nw iHo hcllev County
JI j Juditi Platt > ha Ktanied iV tiirhfpro
rifF j ceedln a lUndilan appeal will b Sarrltd
< I > oth I Appellato Division <
1f Ju tlceJCcO tlldlnltd Inn application
loiW for a > wrltoffhab iR Oorpua for tho rfcJ
IMS ofnbdger nnd ho WAMhcld for
t trial mod Jlfe t taViout riAIO 0 hall
and theiftKht aualnst placlnf Ihlm < > n
trial iwlli b carried If necftafry to
thOCoun = ot Appeals ii i
j ji I u
1 8ifts
e r Itt
icXj > iT
eft l aL
+ tt 89ULl1 811 astllg
1 r tr i Appreciated
W r yp I iGift Glasses will
r y icajefiilly filfeai by our
y o ullsts mnvcnlence of
i tthe redplen
I c 1ylttcuf Ex t ChArg
ir > 1 ollt olJi j lass s SS
Sf PffJrsufMu AS 150 II
ajv i i i GliGt If t r < iti
ftPuXra RHTA1lfPW 41
JS v tr
< S IvJSiBlxlhAyc Uplow UiSt
0te 350 B5xhATc Delbjiv 221 Stv
1 < U7Btoa IyD l W33dSt
i 211 nWII Al lorIUotaeCnlock
J aa Ilt i ll JU
5V vf 21 izilLiiIl ± Lj ± ± g Ljii ttv =
j t > Lfr
i ft K1fj liffJi
iii I 1
1 I Ii J I
tyl i i
fIJ r I
< Ii
ex 0 YJr J
ITm m c r y 1
1JI1J1L rl rt
Jf I j
1Ii 11 <
1 i 5 ff 1 i iJ 04
i m E E m m
i m r r I lllliL rn 1 i 1 W IDI
Al m QJ Ij
K1IN I I 1 1 B UJ
Assistant DistriclAdorney Ely
Expils to PVovc It in Trial
ofGitiSiJppi Capuzzo
I 0
i I i i
< >
I r i
rAaalKtant nlttrlctAitttrhey Uly wttfln
tll1ill htloci teatlmuny wan begun to
< jay In thccum of Oliisoppl Cainuto
nlilllr Charley Ittvln who la 011 trial for
murder In the flrfft decree befpro JudRo
Ipatcr In iart III of BoaslAns11
< ild 11 p would proilucia wttnen to
wliom the prrsoriiir conf ei thttj fto i
had killed more than ono wonuin by
sfranifUlation apd torture J
On July i3 Mrs Bophle Kehrer wii
found dead Ina furnished room In the
ho elltNoHG West twentysecond
street She had bevn choked wlthja
nviklitv Thu body showed signs of at
tucks by a dtKenernlc rl e1 llIrllu
a young married woman who had run
hlubitl1fji1dI ei home
away from her husband
In Tonawamla X V She had Inlfo
thehoillie a few days before with CaI
jilnzo They posed asn married couple
calUtm themnelvrii Mr and MuDIb
Tho man had 1tllthetJaca short I
whllo before the discovery of the bodyf
He was arrested later In Xow Jcntoy
In his p kellie had pawn tickets for
ahull trinkets that had bslqnged to
Mrs Kehrer
In his opening ttatentnt to the Juror
IhIrY i > cutor mild h < > would > bring
fonvnrd ono Jliijfftie JolU who wi > Ulit
s nf fint CapuKo tout him In Jer y
tint hir h d murilentl ilrx Kfhrr and
that hf hnd done nwivj with another
vrtntun In h Jm < > fnnhlon <
Th < tlrat wltncin for thn HInto wnit
Vvt HriyUin Irk of thtt li ui who
tulil til renting nt ii1lo Caputxo nnJ
thit ivoman
llr prli ncr inJ little Attention to
the tcKtlmony He IH a peculiar lixiklnK
man with hl11 chrek I qnes nnlll ubirk
muuth Carl Klseher Hanaen la defend
Ing him i
iH IBiMAilleH I RO sOtkjI I
t J lOf NO AVAll I I
wljlf Joseph 1arera and hlji Wl l
lto A Wfro UIhn prison Jwil of iho
Klnfja County Court today wnltliiB to 1
bpv > entenced tlm nian suddenly Criinted
a panic ntnoniT the other Inmntca by
throwing Iilinwolf on the lluor In what j
appeared to b a fit Uelwvcn Kn ps
nnd groinii lie announced JIm th had
owalloweJ tliBheariK of several UKitches
nnd that ho wid1nik Ho wanted a
instead Of a prlct he pol nnnm
bulanco surgeon from ho llrooklyn
1 Kpiipltul l1ho Inmt tlulotot ptumb
Inc kjwn lla thNa iiivl pumped lm
out lintil no had oulte I1II01I0J10 < k
TliemtrKOon wnx Ih nublutoay that
if rnrcci hud eaten an mucli henda
Jc had tlkowlm digested th < n
Instead of gittlnc ymp < thy by tlie
wiles of tho huHbtnd the pair draw
tho hlghent p < vi > lble Penalty Judge
IMkc cent the woman to Auburn unit
the man to Sin Sing for iwl its Ujan
Co UIIn il not more than four and a half
1 ytnrs He said hsaa orry h > couldnt
maka the puntKmwnt greater but un
fortunately the Grand Jury had only
tndletrd them for grand larceny In the
necond degree
The couple convicted last week
of rob lnJrAnL rrtstreallnir a neighbor
fr Marie Oalatere
ffiffibl bE AfmEffi
WlillM N
I I ffif I I A ru K m NID
House Burned After SheMade
Death Threat and Money
Demand in Letter < iL
i < nr
Iollqt CnptnJin jOardniri and hi i di
I ctherot 110 Xewiowh < I 1 Irc
clnct arc InvestlgatlnR n flrc jlch UA
sprayed tho paiiltiTlioue of tic 11 rr Hen
seKy at Corona earlyon Rlllt ronl1ut
Hlnupky wlw koptn poultry farm In
an l ttfJe tloltOfIM Meadow
used all rllon o the house n a dwtllt
Inp Tivhoco he UvM alone
Ho hl1dAnatTow cscapibeing forced
to jump from his bedroom window the
flamei Waving destroyed fie lower part
oCt 1 houses when paMingers on a
trojley car discovered the tire
The e police are looking for a woman
supposed to bo an agent of the Click
JIand who wroto to ilenesk > a month
ago threatening to kill film and burn
his hou If he did not leave js lnft
box at Ht Kona a wtU near the Thr e
Willows adjacent to the mnna honnft
I TJie writer who moiled the leticr In
Hoboken dvlir < xl tiiat xh knew tn
certainty that Hincsky was well able
to give tho money nnd < Llh
wanted It to pay trnnsportatlba o Itor
itS your m mood sentimental r Tfoe Edisn
J l Phonographwill sing delightful ballads Jfor
you OE J are you i blue The Phonqgraph has
witty comedians wJiose funny songs and h elever
stories v ill ma1ke you laugh l the j blues away Is
gnfrrd opera your dfesirei The stars of t he
i opera house will sing foY you your fa f te
sele fions i Would you like a S 11S m mareh j
The Phonographwill playJt for you rtf
i you would like to danee the selfsame r Edison t
Phonograph will furnish excellent danee music
I If you havenot heard i the new Edisonmodel with tiheibigJhorn I
I go to the nearesj Edison Store and hear it or write to ui for ia
descriptive bbolilet L
11 m AA T
J j 1u l f II ee I pa Ht IJJ I Jvli W
I 11
I 1 r w WOI it iget ll it e ent rlt nll1 I1t04t i j iiPilSiTO
i PH j RPfPF unlcssvOUJuy tl1 iNEV RED0RiID u
fjliT Rec < > t m hjnc eri teiitiiriitieriit 1J hiieYet
i iig t 1 Iiit ntstrr sIieiiJo m entollyio t E libnpgrapk
iff puUkeepi ItS Blf witli ithenew jReqpMs asi liey
J j fOJItif f iirltanCefis i tilie aIy list jRead 1
ItPveran al what ya lot of igbqid stcteare a c
mi1n th t ClockrStora i JEdihnn CoriceHBnd t WM om I r > 1 BJL o ltd Qn ri tt
mzl > Qwnlnlh01d ChirrirOrcbirdf v t LlKridcrtdiJlOfm Pi34fTatmoIIlCuJd lilln
9ml mlllra 11111110 iAdJollO dIIJIIIUrr I Loy1MMtJ WorlotbtlIDo r Aythor Collins
vm helI cl JoyeJu f AIbIlIooz r87IT ltniryjVlojln Cllon 7 V JlIiuirKr
97J3lre mlnir v r > V3lMlnrimeiU Q7S8hUWIJI l flurI > IY er 1 1t Ill1Ior
I STWWho DOjToB ujrejv L < > iColllWand 018Ji1 tI lnlC nella Ada Jono r anilI n Kntncer
9jZ hl11t foonUht1Iaf7iDullnc r4 1iD Urln1 nllln c BobKob rU
NllhlhOIIOr ArboriJ1ad IbnorllROmlarttantnrtrltb OrehuIn tV rlatloni
ImoiDonlotiJrTled nt AdaJonM EdIon8ii1 ph nr OrehMtra
1101Lr1Dlth c m e Dtockmui 97 iIliU Dan ii 1 i JllllrlIDI1
tmlli Jomnt lt lDI r frnlllnJhleroDS SN3 loclcMo to BlMTi Mother EdleonUalQnsrte
7 erf6ht MfryiadynwbpVAuUirri BVroa1iJiillarUn 19 44tThlmV n 1hO IIIP JDafi tedJottur
I if aaoanny > VJKdtaoniilUlUrj Himl I IV7 lalIonkLandhdJT Ed HUIur7U land
Yhntb Uammorfoo5 th Anrl RlajpiPi > < n
G oyo r deal rorwntelo yi anilgeilbescjthree rO8 USJN5S MENIWltli n Edl nlDlI lntil IPh nolrIPh fJ
bOO 1c1etsCOI dlelal JOllttllr iopportmiltr loriiinlli a UIOwlr
iCAT La tiiiS tir PL neItNTL
t f ii oirplraie and without Interruption
gr LJ lilt apd In r rQf OL The1tel b WE DE3IHE GOOD UVE Dale EALERS to jfR Edlton IMiono
lJ lhcIRcorl oIdJiln i U r Pb In h rrtWearcnol now eU rtlreJt lr d
k new J Uul < f > ihonld wrlleAI once 10
iSati jt1a1 Bh < iif k Siae ye 1IJ t 1 g N Lr Jl
i l
j j
svt and lulonclMKN from tlio country
InMeaU of roniplying with tho d <
nmnit Hlnclcy notttltM Cupt Johii Oar
dmoJr iL th X wtowtt 1rtfclnct ami
JielfCtJVft llanitfr nihl SrtirAoJcr w < jro
tltLIitl to wach the hourc Several
wetkn piuimrd no atfiinpt ww inaOe
in rnrry ttb tllrtats Rrtlitie
itltitli cro wtyhdruwh A dummy i
box tva bUrled b rlclolt lUjrmnn
iwll byt hi > effort nmJn by tiny
onu to tsJtiMtth It
tMeinwfiUii IllitA hus mulq veritable
fiirtre i of h ill roomon the sc nd Jloor
It wan beinif l Up With Mont Site ntid
lad lxlI a > iJVlaliu llelna iKiught it
ilintirun nn dtwn revolver and cnch
< ilght sfipL Ixjhlnd tlila Tjurrldalo pri
pared la light foV iiiln jlfo leaving the
police to gUard against tic idinrlos
At tlie Xdwlbwn lollc v Station to
Ylny It t inld that Uio Ce whtcil
Vim a Jnr i tylhd apparently slatted
in tho cellar Ther i was nn Insurance
au tho property tit JltiO and the Jn
guraneo1 company elt I understood N
alio tntklnK n Investigation 10 ilo
icrmlne the cau < < of the Ore
fllnpsky It la said bar given tho
polltMvivn Important clue that will prob
ntily lend to several nrrcstn
u U
I I fOW j A I I
lAIlUm 1Ttt iCiAvO
llIWI1 u II J AI
1A1NAN i i IlJll jJ
Brooklyn Prclite Fells Meth
Lodist Ministers Binghanr1
At the meeting olnyof tiIC Motli
udht MiniatureAHMochuioti atNo J5C
Kltth atenuo Cnnon XVJlHnin Sharp
Ohioe rector of Chrint IE Church
I Italfonl 1AcnueUrooklrntTlflclIN
n A
PollcCornml8tinier ill ghlln for fail
ure to enforce thotBunJny taw > ro
An > ut
I am not wpowd to proper concert
onS J1tInti declared Oinon Chawe I
am nl o In favor of Rood lectjire and
Address a on tlie nord Jda IDutt
am opposed i to a re i WAVJ yellow and
VTiriculored Sunday Inhtcjllt la
commonly uald liverythlns fo We
dvvlrea renpectablp white iSunJay
Our forefather handed down to UN
a < pitrc > i51te Rimday l1tii l our dutK
not to penult twin jacred Inherltanco to
l BiiIUfHl 1I0notmlnd tho Doull
rr801 II lion AS Idfc1 fear lax hforc ment
uf the luxn BcctlonfNOi M3 otthelq
nal Code an Interpreted four Su
pnme Court Utstlce forbid all mov
iriitplcture iihowx on Sunday Thre
verei however somel theatren openye
terdny whlaii werwi reported to have u
movlnsplcturc nhowa
Why were they allowed > to open yi
tcrdny Them Man been no chango In
1 he law b U iKdlnxr to be an attempt
111 decalvo the i > ibllc bYIteat CJ
lr < add ldoduroI 1
1 Th i Pollctj iComml iloner In under
hondii to enforce thelaw anJ to rnxke
4 eAIonllteItplr Wht flrd be con
tent hlm > Mf With making arrenU and
allowing performancea to BO on
d d J
I j I I jM I I i 1 r119 I I 1
J r
j 1 f
l j If
1 I
i oJ1 tri Ua1tjrv >
a ilIiM4Ie za 11II11mR1a t
I U1d xua MlhiIXtJ
Tl CUftJ I a tr1aJ a > t1 1 OtII
doctor roar f4Y lIDiUJ to O9 > prW1IISIce S
you tnarln < aJnet 1112 rll mtNlle
> UlIrUc1uJ > 4 mL
bottlO crh S5C iaiBUlIATI8M C11JUi I
j r WBflWdMMilnaboU anda oil i
j =
aViaara ByeiTjtabl tlaiWp Otnioi > > t < ui
il mUDJ fofl iJIse 1
eur va rllyfolk foTjrontrbot3iJiij
S ftrUT v 1
RLt T8jW D flj f
L 0 i q 1
Cj u 1
f i
S fot 1 P 7lces r alii the g iftIu l gi I
tldi i W i ltilt the y y 1 I
IIQ sJ fQf Yhl h all ntle Ipe ctl i
reliable ig uaranteed jewelry can be iId
Igr 8t eill Jilt IliVtt I
Morrow Night Until 11 l ii
i I
fl jyhpjn ji losejitp Ghri Jtrrustas i we lift
jiH eic pjwn iEyeriiii i designl
l > I I
I 1 C
< r il
Hltart SolM Ukar t Soiidr J4karil BoltJ < Ukarit
arti ticjiljr Boitdj UXara
i llorain Et > jd Jlomai ifln lajtiil tnsmell < l
i 3lJ tlni cira4t i
poirt flheVpearla
I 6ln ric rfpfns
I ifsiOO fromM65tM r to
i TheYaripus stylesHof ifihish by iich thenalivevteairty of 1 ngrayeimonogninis williout fChnne ih diains ibygb yith itKese
goid iisridcHfencdi are shown lih bur iloclcels WKeri desired we lpckes are in allwyi rthubf lrierrii
I i
I i
i I 1
BolU 14kltit icold Indman
tVilW l X rat roldi Maaonlo
Ilntlh Wlth Srturqui
el lid TiSrVr llB illnltai j
5 raHil ut
pl ln t > k tor j i
JSotld lliiiarst juJil Kith Ci jn dl > 30iOOl
monoir rn > P4C formo o ipi x ff l
wlihra innilimoBii12S00
N ckjChalnto maicliU 2V2J5j Chaln to m sin finlth tlnc illv timni i
df lnche 4Uj
lin J4 j jmonl
iRqJMptpJiOiBod J
lr preseri XT UKillliVli
I it as pKseiu itainayc a solid gplclijgioldfilled or stcr li iill
ifobi Tori mn of ta
tlingsiJyerHse israJli
I ore iwnilblo clft UK zn rriarjorwornarij boyor gri Vteijeycr votii ieelc
I itonsfJor women of tis <
ternmtnli who nev < r Aye supply y fguairanjeci
cotnpl lnwhrn < they com
ito the Ijimbort Swr iadia Silver W
tbaf lt o harJ to fit
S nytiilnc for ajman
I Ii
I Wohun iold tifitirai
j gold engirt itufnedi buntlngj Wbmanlsjppltnlficephlnpol
i c cjlancy nlw WaUh m >
regulation vjicS WOHN WITH SHORT SLEEVED i
rjRjl tpwii iiltKoUgh pui on Me pniy iiiislia ItlfiVe R frPWjii
Aeailllbn xreiri Mounted plJd l lct n if6 nKiveMpitenledHiihli racftri a1SajllRcih be U Wfllli
s < bouiht < only of usi It Is ofi6dtVk5rit < rqldLanrl IK Vliii
rpXX V mV4Joi Wtirtii nHlnrV iPfivi nntljAOft ff il < trlS
p6IUKearb jfdc Ibcking clMpt V X Jnitl
tX iQt yrf jjf Esiijty ipj 5y sv
n alt
bracelefi plain 6r l
i y
the AsKing
u V Ufr ro i
h Rj IbE Si NDIMPO R to I
T 1 l r L li eRQei CL C eir I y 8 I b SL Ii e t a J i i
> I iBii tiiRf 0 Ei Ef JJ I b1 1 11if rc D u I 111 jjjD < m e E j j r 0 0 I i h J I
11 or 1 C v in flc T ttW ritlt ljI1
I r i 7l
c 4 I if i J iJ iY d w jjt lt J 1 Ji fil 11 j i 11 g tifI g li 1
h 1N I iidit ii iii J < 8liJ i 1 I 4d i jI Y JiV j1 tIj iJ s 1 t iJ J f fi 1 i I rjl iXtI t jH a

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