OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, December 24, 1907, Final Results Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1907-12-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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n 2 Mo
AttorneyGeneral Brings A A Suit Against Afaearn
Cj T C3
Clondy nnd colder tnnlulit Wivljirmlnj fair
drcolMtion Hooka Circulation
Mlteafed Friend of jHarry Bn
M its Mrs Young and Takes Her
to bscure Hostelry Where
Daughter Is Stopping
Relatives of Woman Who Is Said to Have
Eloped With Vlanderbilts Horse Buyer
Still1 Insist She Went to Europe
With MrsYoung
PARIS Dec 24 Mrs Alfred E Dietrich wife of the jtotmg mill
ionaire of New York who was reporiediiQJiaye eloped from flew York1
omthe slearnshipBluechcLDec 7 with H rry E Brenchleya horsebuyer
trid former whip for Alfred G Vanderbill has been locatedhere
Mrs pieterich 1 stopping at a hotel little frequented1 by Americans
iThere she was seen late last night by her mother Mrs Albert Young
3 tnd her brother Lewis G Young whoicame to Paris it is said for the
expresSjpurpose of having an interviews with her
MrsYoung and her son arrived from London at 10V30 oclock last
night and went at once to the Hotel Ritz
Awaiting them atthe hotel was a man well know fin Paris
laid to be an intimate friend of Brendiley This man had called at >
Hotel repeatedly throughout ithe daytoask if the Youngssliad1 arrived
Mrs Voting and her son hild > hurried consultation with the man
Me moment they arrived1 in the hotel Then they took a cab and1 were
driven to the hotel where Mrs Dieterich is stopping
Wnen Mrs Young and her son returned WtheRitz it was past
iOclock The man who had accompanied1 them to Mrs > Dleterich was
not with them Both Mrs Young and her son Lewis seemed greatly
Have you seen your sister Mr YoungWas asked t
I ihavenU time to talk lie replied andhe hurried to his room
What have you learned1 about your daugtiter Mrs Young was
It is now pastmidnight and 1 am s too tired to talk wiltt any one
xvas the answer andishe too went to her room
Dieterich Will
t r
Wot Hurty Abroad1
Alter His Wife
Alfred E Dieterich was per uaded to
despatch from Paris and th
8iy by
advice of hl t r nt not to hurry
V e lc Wl
the JUJetla n <
U > ro d on
Vi fo In th French c p Ui where
fcoiher nd brother have lunt wuifht
bir out
i Th younic mllUon lre ha don y
rythlnn ln l pow ° r to mother Uio
iKouidali that would not down con
cernln h wlfoi tleparturo < or
Burops In the company qTthe tngllnh
founder who forced hU w y Into Vow
Tork toclety UirouKh the il W doors
Th r wi no nncrince thnl UiW plcn
didly loyal and devoted younc huaband
Would not make Throughout morn
Ittwin week while he waited without
t w at hi w fe whcrcabouta he
4 nounod ithe rumor of her > ° ej
ln nt S outr gou and unfounded
H WM Willing hli friend ay w
kurw to 4 r ld nd hleld her no
tnatter wh t 1 cot to hli pride Ha
would1 do > knyfchlng for her i ke f nd
l ft Un th irreat lonely apartment oni
Hadlion avenue It waa hf dnvotlom
or thl Baby lrl prating abouiSanta
ClitM and cllnicln to h r father that
h ld him steadfast n his unfaltering
Tho e who know thl young man big
> blb 7ed and as Hno a typo of Amerlj
can manhood ns ono may meat In a
jnany day Journey consider It a p y
ohoioflcal marvel tlmt Uio dashing
yount Southern woman who haawbrrf
hi i nAStie leveii jeTrj could aver urrT
him for a man wno e ohl f dU
rii tJiat b koqwa hr Thl
> >
fnct alone jjjnvlncea hl frltnds that
there oonlj b no truth In tho report
of the elopement but recent mciiairta
from Fiui have irtven more life to tho1
TlTorelatlvMi of young Mr DJctcrlch
nUll maintain that the young wlfetwemt
to Paria wilh her mother and brother
andi that ulie la with Uiem at the Hotel
H1U though them nr many advice to
the contrary From a wholly reliable
OUrco It la po ltlvely atafed that Mr <
oletorlch U ot ono hole and her klm >
p oplo nt nnMhcrjnlno that nn Intimate
friend of Brenchley met Mr Younit
and her on upon their arrival In Parli
and accompanied them to the hotel
wher Mra DleTerlch waa tayln
It Was when1 tho husband
full report or the e circumstance hi
Frlendi of Urenohley decUr t
have h M no word f
r rt of hi wher ibprnrnerIeK
N w York the J3luocher
on Dee T
They asceruvltied concerning
parturr Chat ho
entered hlmiielf on the
paaiehRer llt of llic iramBtfiFgAmor
lcn boat under a flctltlou nami nj
naaraocompanled by a notrian who was
entered flth ilrV to the
nanie Who thU woman waa no friend
of tho honoman waa able poiUlvely to
= = = rfv
i f tAniOTTETO X P E nS
S4 New has been received here of the
at aes of th brlmnUne
and the nafc transfcrrlnfofihrr
rrewito > tho Anchor
bound fronj New York to Xuplei The1
Aqula loft Biiolburne N 8 lumber1
Jaden tor New Ycrkj 8h wa of Ito
< on burden and wia biillt n im and
c frl da < c r of
f Yonkers Force Halts
Lively Battle
Although a Target for Hiddenl
Thugs He Shoots Until t
They SlipA way
to Th Rvtnlnr
TONJCEUS N T D < 2 < Flve
masked men who are thought to have
Ifotvn to Tuckahoe with th Intention of
blowing up ithe poutoffice tf trwrr
bui who were frightened away by the
uppwirancc ofan officer namodfOormari
enraged Frank Doty a mounted police
man of Tonkcrs In a pistol duel early
itoday on the illlo Squnre Hood
Doty Wle hnndcd hop d when he
wthe fellows approaching to arreati
one or two or them but when he nredj
a shot afjer calling on them to aurrtoi
der thero6bertf turned about and aent
the bullets from their own plstola nylocj
at him
Although Doty was In a bad predlcayi
ment he juve chn c Hrlnp ajishe rode
and drove tfi desp radew Jjijla tiie
brushwood nlotife the roadv HldipK behind
bush K the mi ktd men shot airaln and
but their aim w bad j
Doty In the darkness could nbt locate
the ganr but emptied hi revolver
shooting In the direction of the nashe
from the thieves run Finally after a
half an hours sklrmlihlnic the mon Ula
In the Dronx valley
About 2 A M today and prior to
entering Tonkers territory the robber
iwere seen holding up a mnn In D pot
Square Tuckahoe directly oppoilta th
police station When they saw onicer
Gorman approaching they dl appeared
toward1 Bronxvlllr vhcncn Uiey croood
Mile flUar road 4
Two of them IWCTC at the doorof th
Pot0fflce and marks found on the
door are believed to have mad
by bur rs tool carriedby them
Policeman Doty Is
new man on th
tonkrrs force having teen only thrc
months In tho s nlce r
Tho roUcr
madetheir anp < su nc r In
Tuckahoo soon after
the 2M A M
train from Now Tork nulled In and nil
approached th pollc lntloi
ly rH mit > ltrln in polkt
e d k and
enur the r l
of the cw York C lrnl rtallrotj
wer olutttlnc loejrtnr wlicn thov
nou puwde the Ration and
ot un to lnv < nUgat < >
A he reached the
of the ta
ttlon hou he wn mvl by two of th
maak l men who poked
rwT w m
hlk face and
commnndeO him lo throw
up to hand Hodjrwn vn < f tnrtl
that he fallcj to fibo and He order
w r hnrply r < > peaPd This time Dor
man hwird iwhnt n paid and1 aT plnK
the alttmtlon he jiejicd a revolver and
apronjsi from lMhlnd the doak TVie
mnkkel men had heon tumble to i e
him but n lheIciuRlit 1 Kllmpir aa
he n > n olt thev turned nndfld up DH
aenborry avenue In the direction of
I3r3nxvlllc Tli r w > ro joined by tha
twoi other men who had been seen out
ride the btilldlnK nm tho quartet wore
quickly out of slRht
Alarma wcrt seat out to the police of
Mount Vernon Yonkcru and Xoy no
chelle but Dity waa the only pollce
nian to MU them
I Ifjllce H ilnuart rs deteollves ar
tontay MNhln for OM wortlt of
dlamptuls upd precious ston t which
aloicil In t u
Iweie Tendern Ja t
Snuirxlay afttrnoon Charles VToodson
a PhllndclPhla pnwnbnikor and polil
tlclan ntports the theft >
i Vooilnon was ntopnil hy f rramnn
it Twentythird not and sixth
mm who n Ucd him to direct her to 4
store whhfe n Teddybear could bn
purchased While explnlnlnx that h
wnn a fltrnnccr in tlio city vWoodson
Maa Jotillcd In a icrowd nnd a minute
Unr M discovered tlilif Ill sklo pocket
lmd bocn cut oft nnd tho iromM wcro
gone >
Thi police knnvu t a donprlptlon o ilia
Molcn property ntul tlie xiwti ht > p
hav ib n warned ot tb theft
hv A r U
Fulton Street Concern Robbed
TofDay Willi Aid of Jl
Light im Windows
Valuable Instruments andEy
1 enything of Vdlue Car
broke Into the tor of E
O Huehlo A Co dealer In drawing
material and crrtl englrmer and ar
chrtBctii Iwitrumrntn on th second
Jloor of No 11 > Fulton treet oarly to
> ay nd carrle off Instrument worth
morn rhan JlCOO
Mcmb r of the firm have no Wa
of the way In which the tlilof got In
ave thivt a Yale lock hnd dl app ared
ifroni the front of th door nnd the
jlatch had b < n picked bnck JThrtlOof
fwaa found opened when the flrat clerk
larrived thli morning The street door
ihaaa snap lock and It wan found
TJ Qitave mado a clmn rrrtiio of
ubout every valuable tWmr In igtot In
Bhe tore ave whal wan in two iafes
and What article were It C M n ar
the front window brightly lighted
from the trcet iind toward which the
thtaye did nol daftf approoch
They carted jjway wlfli them a ur
voyora cvelllnc Inatriunent vulul at
MO half n liundredl rurveyoK te l
tapei valued at from K to til each
and friim flfly to n > irtTynv t at
drawing Inttnimoit of vjirfoin values
two doirn ita of trtilch old M
The wfeniwerejjwckadifull of valuable
drawlngliutruments but in a case near
we Tdndow rapp d up1 Jn paper were
n number of win worth probublj J2COOJ
Th e the thlevm did not dare approach
to take i
When the meniNir of the firm ar
riwd today the More looked as K n
cyclone hud struok U The lilirulnryi
wiw ImmcdlatiVy ri port d lo the Q kl
tr t station andi rvrry plnln clolhea
man hi the precinct was assigned to
rO iiinl tip tio lawrMltop and look for
Ole tuff The polio b lleve that one
thief made his wn > Into thi bulldlnr
Oiirln liuJ ei B hours si r t l hlnuejf
let the othiT In later and then tho two
made a clean Ketaway
Black TouringGarFatally In
jured > Mant at Eortynihthj
Streetand Seventh Avenuefi
A Mnck tmtrlnic car whose rwner or
river cnnnot bo found struck and fa
talry Injured R man at Kortynlntl
and Seventh avenue today and
after cnrryW It victim to tht
The poilco W6uld not Kave knowni of
the accltlont hnd It not bf n for two
Jiallan laborers who
aaw the man
ntruek andwJio tried to follow th < mto
Holt tlmt two men wvro In tKe utoJ
VVhen Hirv rin over the man tho driver
of tho cflr < rt out nnd lifted him Into
theitonneau Then thev ped off
Jlolt tralloped to nocwcvelt Hoipiui
where he foUnd that an ntHomobll Had
jtirt left a nun wtio waa fatally hurt
HI ribs akull andjrxa wore frcturrt
The utolnU TOff norjaiwa and rm
> urk qf ldntlncatroncould beroufi
ortth vjotlm of tho accident Jle In
nbout thlrtynv i yoarn old
kJnAndUittlrand wa hatb
sTfie police of Uio Went Ko
8trtet matlon wero noltut of
dent b > Holt and liicy ent word I Yo
th optovsn ormicJi of the IJutecilve
Uureou A Kquad of men win turned
out to took for the auto and Iti oc
RlCIIMONDf Va Dec < Th < > iChrl t
ms pre nt of Mr William Luck Of
Ilonnoke to her huaband toduy aayaa
Olnl tu tlF < n eiYiiI < nder wa two
a and two ulrUata bdrUi
i ii i fcjatoi
Gonsiderafion for Calendar Is
tiirgediibyiRetiring In
sPractice of Pacing Cases to
Higher GourtsHeld Part
ly to iBlarne
The Orand Jury which tia
worklnc durtnR the mornlnita In > <
ccmber wa dlweharifod to Jay by
aud e Whitman A pcreentnvent deal1
ln with the DhtrctAttorhnyn offlc
the Tomb and otrier city InKltutiona
aa rknded up by the rrdtlnic boSy
The OranJ Jury found Uiat It wu
tiled upon to handle m ny c which
bv been finally dlopowd ofhby
the city mairliirtrateJi TWa trouble l
e perl nc d by all mind1 Jurlen1 be
caum of the practice by 3I litrat a of
p umc up caa i on which Wi y mlrlit
pa nnal Judiment lo th hlctirr
court The Orand Jury for > Dec mb ri
recommenda tJiat there be a retonrflB
ihl wirtlcular
In the llfo ot the Deo mbr vOrand
Jury A rf HinV iDlitrict Attorney
brought up pecll c uie at rloi
tlnvn when there Werefaa rnany
fywItrKiMei wjiltlnrin trie corrldorii to
bo called on caae icheduledi for oon
Die Orand Jurr would u < wt
ayailh prevfnlrnenL Uiat the District
Attorney bring up peclal matters with
aocne ronilderaUon for tho cuUndar
Tike iFedenl iPraoner Out
Coricerntnr th Tombs the Grand
Jury found that tho Irmtltutlon lltover
crctwdtd althouirh It T excellently
cared for and managed It Ii room
mended that thu rVdernl prlconrrii now
mlttedHoitho Tombu bem ni > t fj M
low Ftreot Jail In the futtir for tha
ptirpo of maklnir room
The yartou irntltutlon on Blackrwell
I fland were found to b In xe llenl
priyalcal condition but the AlmihouwH
iad1y overcrowded Then are 2691 p r
orw In that Inntltutlon 150 iiior than
ttie acccntnxlatlorui provide for
The Q rand Jury recommendnthat thr
Comml loner of CharlUea and Correc
flori take up Cia aubj < st of furnUhlnic
the Innuitwi of the varlmii city Inntltu
tlonn with acrenter variety of fool1
In tlii tlouin of DotcMlon thnOrandj
Jury tfound tw ntyiilx prlxoneni Bonn
of them Innocent praonn rx ld ololy
n > wfne had been locked up frorol
lirff to lx montha Ono man
rcleaard a fow d r aico who had been
lhi re n year
Vff bellove thr Orand Jury re
port that It hould be pondble for
ttio DlntrlctAUornoy to o dlnxxm of
hla ca that Injiflcjent permnii ahal
nm be kept In the Ifouae ot Detenlloni
for a longer period than > afxty day
Slayer at Man andlForrner Pa
tient Gaughiim Milwaukee
Street After GHase
a nurke At 8t > Marys
In till city was today shot and
by Quwiv Wlrlh jrd thirtytwo who
is slippo ed to b insane The na jMn
fled when he had ftrd four slK f
tho vnuro body but was cptut d
lifter belt chaand auroral blocks i nd
lodged Jn a poo statlmt
Vlrlh wis opgrat dn pon at he hai
pltl iit ut > e r HH < J and It Is snld
honed si of lnainltr nt tliaOim
When Wlrtb called ut the hosplul to
day he ww admlM diby Uie fllsier Su
portor Hctlnfimned her that In wl ho
to e nom one el Shortly ofter
vrard Sinter TJierese who as liu In re
oelvln r patient1 put In an iipnvanin
nnd upon seelpK herthe iivMjinin beKnn
A Mslll d Sister Thereto died In a
faw nitnuiea H
Tti prlnoiiar whon seen at tho nolle
station mada a tutomrnt In which l >
pUnl ofllcliJ Irledito pol > n him
Phylclan > theret no doubt j
o th man insanity
New Jumping Event Brings
Out Twelve Hurdlers at
i New Orleans Track
Bob MurphyCaptures he Sec
ond Place iiisihe Second
to Th rfMnr WorM 1
Kow Orlenni
For < the Teirular the prORramme prc
vlded wa fair one everything con
Mrrni It had for Its feature a handl
c p uid a hurdle race at a mile and a
quarter The owners of the cross
country horses Jmvr been petitioning
the ecretary ojprovlde mote races for
Jumpers nnd thai they were IrPearnent
i about b lnirr < ady and anxlou to race
iwaa ijhown when the1 number today In
the hurdle affair reached twelve candi
date only one of which WM wlth
KIlfST RAOlv Purse MCO foufyear
old and upward selling five and H
haf furloriKs Kllldoe n INotterA 7
to 61 and ill to JO 1 inati Wind IS
Nlcol 7 to 1 and 6 to 3 J Creel 130
CKoener S to I and to S 1 Time 1
11114 Sfell Perkins Florentine
Profane Alcora iWehern ld also ran j
8KCOND KACH3 rurse l < 6b hurdlr
fouryparolds and upward Ane and a
quarter mlleii IHiink Holiday 146 Gp
II Pierce 3D to I and 10 to1 1 Bob
Murphy lil McCliln M to Iand 8 lo
1 2 Auioi 14S Sobel y to 1 and 10 to
1 1 Time 2326 Ooiil IJUek IMI
Sain llorrhrlmrr also ran
THTUD UBACB Px r e Boo > twoyer
Ids jifllMns six furlonm Itutml Qile n
104 Jhukr 10 to 1 and 3 to 1 tlratr
TC toli iilke ICC IMcDanlcU S to 1 am
2 to 1 second Rustle 103 Notnr 11
to 10 and 1 andS third Time 117 1J
Iay ru ljnrk Cutlass AnsonJa A rnea
orotfKa Mo oow Holle Bttiel Carr
Apple Toddy Bd Kane 1nt Ormin nl o
FOURTOr RACBColtn s l to > B 1
Dainty Helle I to place 2 Donna 7
to l iow 3 Tlm lM
Suit IBefore US Court Is
According to Jackson
JuUco Groenbaum of the Supreme
Court cbrned an order tliU afternoon
on Uia appttoatlon of Herbert
npecktl counsel lo AttcirneyGenernJ
Jackson UtrtcflnK 1rwlilwit Vrwland
Charles E Warren Daniel n Han
fbrmick D Clifford Moorohind Hlciard
jW Me id iHalpll U Andrrion Jr Frank
H GinoroOrrliiUoot Jr and Bdward
W 8 JT dlr tor In tihq Xow York
CJty Hallway Company o appear be
fore ll ferea John FrankntiheJmer at
No z lifoSy sirebt Doc31 ond iTubmlt
to examination
Tiie order also directs the production
of thi minute books containing nil
record of tln meetings of the Hoard
of Director or of tho Executive Com
mittee nc StPl 1
The actlo nl brou Tlit under section
J7M and IM of the Code of Civil pro
cedure1 to dissolve tlw corporntion us
l hasDO n Insolvent moru than Om
TJie compltUnt clmrRri thatthoiiro
cecdlnw In Jude UicofubtiV Court
were fraudulent and collusion Vuid
TTiTnufht UiruUK1 n BKriernvnt bot imi
HIP Pennsylvania flte l Company Digj
non ContrBOtlnj onipany 1iid
tOjpiU nil expenmw of thus
who brought tho null tn the
jeiifmi Court tlmt tllttre wns no roil
icontwversyj between tliom and Uho
compiui > WBJ In not toth nlamtliT
and defendant and llml It tvat on Im
position onthe IVKloral Court tnd tlmt
the Federal Court had no Jurisdiction
to appoint rcc U r
t I
IFrantic Rush of Emigrants on Mam I
meriean ILinen Bulgaria 3
with Burning Cotton argo
in Her Mold
Tinely Discovery of Flames Among Dangerous
Maxtefial and Quick Work by Hanbor Firei
I fighters Prevent Gatastrppheiat Sea
The Hg iHamburgAmerican liner Bulgaria witrraOOOisteerage pas
s ngcrs aboard steamed out of New York Harbor today bound < fo
Hamburg with a bad fire in a cargo orcottonMn her hold The Maze
ms extinguished with > tne aid pfthe iTreboat the Ney Yorker ibcfore
theBulgarii reached Qitarantine and her commanded reported by wire
less io < the < HamtoirgAmencan officestthat all < danger waspasL
While it lasted1 the Maze produced all sorts of excitement THe
emigrants ibecame panicstricken and rushed1 for the companionwty
leading tolthe tipper deck only ito > be forcediback by officers alid se
men vEverf after the fire was out the odor of burnt cotton tandiwoodi
hung heavily in the steerage quarters and was the cause of great > un
The Htilicnrla had Ju t buiiccd out of
her Hoboken dock wlwn a member ofj
two lmlr > of
reported Uiat
the cr > w
coiton In No 1 Hold ere nbUxe The
oorotnundV of the ihlp wan buay om
the bridge and turned the nre lti atWn
over to First bmcer Hook who sound
ed un alarm
Fire Brigade Called Help
The member ot U crew
In the flre department of the hln
lwereioon at work but the Job of ojc
jtliwculihlnr tli flame looked formtd
hnb1e and ithe bis whistle was iblowm
as a l nal of dt tress The flrebwit
New Yorker steamed from tho Nowj
York lde of tho river and ranged
alongside the Uolffnrla
i An effort was mad to conceal thcr
nre fromlthe passengers ihuf they soon
whtvt waa rolnrOn Thosmoko
from th thrertlened section of
Ithe hold pie flrcboat alongside the
fshoutlnK of U mftn of l crew ent
to eil In pulllnK at the bUr carxo of
cottoh formed an atarmmc comblrti
Jtlon v
Three firemen from tho Newt Yorker
were aboard the Bltlirarla is < on a
tliflrorftft waaraade fast Theyruahed
below look a look nt tho blax and
decided thnt outside heln was ne < dedi
ne qf hose was run fei > rrrthelire
boat Into the Bulgarias hold ind the
powerful rnglrte were pufto work In
a BhortUlmc thocompartmentwna fleod
r with salt wMnr and the blaxe was
undnr controli JBxilthatlm rhtjflroboat
g0t 0 work the inulifaria hod drifted
dj n the river t ° i polntopposltij thc
jrp irindroad furry
somo of thn ofricon of th ship ad
vlwil putllnic back to Ilobofcen but the
capian conflJent ot tho ability of the
nrfmen to inibiltia the flamefl would1 not
llstun to them Htf maintained7 only
limulway eiiouffli however to enable
rthn boat to Ixi tocrcd
Fir Was Dantjcrous
Tho Uulpirln was wt l ilown the lay
before tlfl Now Yorker casjt off and
returned lo her pier Tion cln mem
Wfa of tlfu ertjw wcru net to work to
ilioroiwhly overhaul all ho nirso
packed In Not 1 hold forth purpose tof
rlnrf any troy ap rk that
> u
soaped th attention of tlw Bre
Nearly in hour and a JwiritUrfcay
In Oi Hoboken dock ch Buliitrte
pn ed out Uiroueti he Marrow Bh
jw m Jturt gottlmr up npe d ObMrrwi
at Quaranthie noticed
ttiat th r
pnire < l to b a lot of ootlvitratXMrt
i The nrerpitma daniroroua bnc u th i
Bulgaria cairrtea a blc carit 6
nammalenvUeri J n wa aJuoky bfc
coyrry on fh pa of tb ioan who
found the balea of cofton abtu ft
h d the dUoovery b en delayij tli
would hav gained areat he Jwar to
tho cotton I
The lira boat McCleJlan
fljritl 3ht ff Keroon In the ITS J
artment Launch Deibz boWed tb
Gar Stalled at Railroad1 Gross
ing by Pole Slipping Is
ThroNvriTrom bracks
Ifrvrlal to Tho nvfnlnr World
N J DC A trolley
car of th Mount Pivr ct avenue Ilrw
crosslns ills1 Kllzabotll afnnu >
crpsilns ot the Ix hlh Valley Rallrond
this afternoon nlien tho trolley pole left
the wire and tho car became slollod
Jual at tlmt moment a frclfiht train
was baolit r Vrwn nml jheforo tlie en
Rificor could slpa < fie r wai struck
mur tho TOT platform uml hurl d
around tiPt ° a fr Irnckt
ditar HiH sonio fMnKil when fluty had
tti jn was Jilmttnr a that at
the Clinton avenue cro lilg 9V rral
year nfi wfcen nearly cor
oohool cMldren wcr killed

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