OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, December 24, 1907, Final Results Edition, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1907-12-24/ed-1/seq-4/

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Admiral EvaiiS and Gov
sonExchange Visits and
jOttlcers Banquetted
Tfirongs See Ships and Giv
Warm Welcome io Men
on Successful Cruise
Port of Spain today welcomed th
American fleet of battleships boundfo
tlio 1ncUlcwlth hospitality and ROO
fellowship T1i fl t arrived here las
crrenlmr and davllcht showed the w i
ahlpa anchored In foui column formii
tfcn about four miles from the wtmrl
The people crowded the wsterfrwJl1 t
view the Impoilnjr array of whltn Jhip
of war eniertalnmcnL committees com
pitted their flnaJ amuiKemnls and th <
rapidly took on 1U beat lioilda
j Numberless launches rowboata smal
r yachu and harbor craft of all sort
fcesan puttinir out at an early hour ti
take sightseers over lo the America
ve cls Th y clustered and crulsei
About between tho anchored warships
artUtenijiK In the ounllcht of a w m
° r pcrfocl day whllo tho crowd voiced 111
Evanc Call on Governor
Evans called official
on th < TGovernoc ef Trinidad Sir Henr
Jlooro Jackson this mornlnic and i
number jjf officers from the fleet canu
f authore this afternoon so did a lore
e > vjjttmber ot men of th ships who were
f given shore leave
t Later In the day Oov Jackson re
p turned the call of Admiral Evans and
Inspected the fleet This evening be will
tinder f banquet to the admirals and
higher officers of the fleet while th
f offlcers of lower rant will be rlv en a
reception at the barracks
All on board UlowarshJps are well
Tne tender Yonkton arrived durlnic the
iilcht covers hourlater than the fleet
Blio was unable to keen un with the
other vessel All the warships are tak
f laclbn coal from colliers
During the movement of the torpedo
boat flotilla preparatory tpIeavlng tbe
f harbor today the destroyer Whlpples
propeller fouled tho anchor chain of
r the collier Fortuna This accident un
tf ioubledly will delay the departure ot
the flotilla second time The torpedo
boats returned hero > eslerday after
liutlns railed Sunday because of dam
ajre to tlie machinery of the Lawrelice
An English Welcome
This handsome city of Port ot Spain
1U on a curve on the Gulf ot Iaria
on the next side of the island oC
Trinidad It is on of the cleanest
mnn attractive arid comfortable towns
la the West Indies From the bay the
vKw of tha port Uibrlstit und btnutifui
Tvliite walled houses capped with red
roof nestle oniony luxuriant and brll
15 Ikint tropical foliage in the fori
ground > parkle the blue waters of tlio
suit while blilnd the town tlie en
t circling hills make a frame ot ciiang
Inp hues
It U an English town English Is the
JJ tongue of everybody Christmas Is
observed In thu fcnzllil way andthe
j wtlcorao given tho ile t Is tlioruughly
U In a modern town with wellpaved
treet good tr e < car service good
f nlorea und hotels utiractivu tropicji
y parks and extensile garuezu There ar
several clubs soma In the city and
others in the nearby country Th
Jamous Trinidad asphalt hike u alxty
if irIJts from ion of bpoin it SMIJHJ
under lease to an American company
k mw material for Alnencan pavuncnts
t Tlia UttUrs of thq bny are shallow and
J vessels of deep drauisbt have to anchor
souio distance out jhe clliiutu at this
f sruugn la vrami and pleasant
f Metcalj Send UreeUng
l Sleamlnj through the Dragons Mouth
th > v ssel cast anchor here In tour
columns at 6 V it > c ttiUay ii
arxved one day uneatl of cinJuu m
their trip frum Hampton Hoida whlc i
trey left Dec U bound for thu 1aclflc
t iThe average speed wai a fraction mor <
than ten knoii an hpur
The only mishap iero temporary dts
P arrangement of the sticrin s ar of
j the Kentucky and the IlllnoU on Dec
o and to tdu Ueorgta on Saturday inu
weather WUA so guod that even tuo n
recruits cucapcd nviislckncss t
Tho < nttrc Heel except tlio Connoctl
cui which Imil been left behlnu tein
porurltx 10 Usl ccnilbrkUiUt j topped
hiihday atienut > n und half nintej cu
for nine iitlnlltrs while uniinury
n Q lli ca a victim Ctt intiuii
KltU was burled irum thu AUtiainj
> UeurAdmliat Uvan kdlii Uiu cruise
J had Ire n liiJMly
IIIIIM lus reported lo the Navy i > o
1 p l Uiani Ui arrlva uf no luUuiili
liut ut TrinlUau > cJilutJ y HuiU
inlrula dtspAliih van vnry bnui lm
< ply jiijuiituij tun uirtvit ut tnat
ut UK lleui uiiti tuc idmiral leniirr
the Yankton In me at cnco uf any
1 ord to tnt contrary tiie Inference at
Kptlie Navy Ooparunciu according to tju >
f naval cod 1 thH all ara well on
beard the vcs els of th tlcvl
iKtenlf todny ent the fol
loiflnK ClirlntniHU tirtftln to lie ulIl
ecru anJ mvn cf thr Atlantic Initl hip
f flf < andtho torpedo dcjtroer rJHIUi
Ilvnnr IMrt Of fllan Trhildidt TIui
> dcpurtment > tnnds 10 jou oilirerj and
mvn under > < > ur command thu UM
ili > ijiei for f mfrry Chrlmnut
ff k Tills mMsapt > ll Iv riMii to th nun
j totnorrow > bftcr < i tho ytzinui ipj Of
L the licet ami IIMIIU or will be iutHi
KV in a c < uui > cUt lij ce wiurv It iiiaj >
n fv diiy iri < n by thenn Oier llt j iltfc
Cjf nnd Wfn iirr nov ai Iorl of t palu
i tliaf I4i Seciittar nviMttti w i ii
i Juan
After tov n ilays of life a ttli >
V4 u nter of Utorcu IU4hli uf Whoioij
S J dl J v ir < myVahe had two
Begins Quo Warranto Prc
ceedings Against Bor
ough President
Quo rarrano proctrtdMnps Will b
stnrtr l to test JohhF Uiarn risti
to ths office of prfsliXent of the Boroujf
of Manhattan by lrtuc of the nctlo
of the Hoard of AWermcn In feelcctln
AttorrrnyOencral Jackson prcjiimnbl
at tho request of tho Governor ha
taken the Initiative and appareall
IUiout sugcestton from the City Clu
or Citizens Union which took com
hlncd action In t nlctil The Attorney
General served papers on John F
Ahcarn at the tatters clubhouse In Eas
Broadway late last nlfrht and toJa
vAhcam sent tho pipers to hi
attorney UrtinpLltUetpji
To Tert the Law
IThe lltlfritlon to follow the Injtltutlor
of the quo warranto procceJIntn is t <
t tbe law and not the fact It mcam
an Inquiry as to the leirallty of Ah arni
present position as well as the loallt >
of the Dourd of Aldermen In reelcctJnj
aim What effect the present move will
have upon any prepared plan of th
City Club and theCIJlxens Union In
their contemplatapVoc < llnss to ousl
Ahcarn remains to b slien
We have twentytdays In which to
answer but there will be no detey on
that score said Martin Littleton at
omey for Ahcam The question at
ssiui now Is pureJy legal Was Presi
dent AhenriilcKally removed and wai
10 legally rcclected ara tho point at
Qeorga McAneny president of th
City Cub said today that at tonights
meetlnc at the Clt > Club posllve plans
f action will be determined The re
ion of the Committee of Fifteen to be
lamed to dnvuTa a plan of action will
dnally determine the nature of lie pro
U 1s known that H Fulton Cutting
will head the Committee of Fifteen
le and 1rcstdent llcAncny arc kolng
over the list of members from whom
the flftevn will be named v
We hae cerUln tiling to consider
icfore the start can be made said Mr
McAneny Certain means have bejn
uXKcatcd but these remain under ud
Ucmcrrt until toniirht
Salaries to Oe Paid t
Tiie Ahearn cpntrocrsytwIII not result
n tbe liolJinir up ot thu Christmas al
rloa of city employeea in his depart
ment Comptroller Icti today re
ceived an opinion from Uia Corporation
Counsel In wjikn It was stated tnat the
Comptroller would Incur no rU in pi
InK the < riuplo > e s and lnil thu ques
tion u Ahum oflioiul status hau no
bearing on the utec ot lha mplu c
ThU rulinc aflorJ mucti relief to the
men who today revived Ihe money
dUe slnco Deo a wnen lh Comptroller
decldkd to withhold all txiynunis uf
iuldiica pendlni the kvUlenicntvur the
Aheani otse
The Corporation Counsel ay in his
opinion if > ou ro atlsned lhat thuo
cirployets navo done ttlu uorlc > uu art
juuilied In paying Uitai all niuii yj
turned lnco Dec For tho purpose of
pa > incM of pay rolls the question as
io whether Mr Ahvaro leatl Holds
ofilce Is imtnaterlol
Alderman Moffett wiO voted wltji
Tammany for thu reelection of John F
Ahtarn goes the way of Alderman Hat
ton who wus rultd qut Of thu Hopubll
can tjcrty for havlim aided In reelectin
the Uoroucn President
At a meeting last nlKu > af the Fifth
Aldtrmanlc ltvpublliian organization uf
wtucll James T Hacitctt is Chairman
AlOtrman iloflill wu rvad oiit v trie
utri > ubllcan oart >
The case of Alderman Jacobson the
third Itepubltcan member to cast hla
vote for Ahcarn Is btflns conslderea
Jlw has not been Idvnttlleil prominently
with the itepublcnn ortcunlzatlon of hU
rv lst to The Kvtnliu World
DETROIT Mich DVC IlUurliiR tile
post lx veoks tbn nilmbvr of persons
dlntr from heart dUease liu lncrcastil
nearl tlfteen per ctnt Healtti Olltccr
lu > U Klcfer says
The Inweave 1 < due largely to th
fast life of thu business man not fronv
a mom I standpoint Uut from a binlnuM
point uf vltw the hustlo anJ bustle for
th < Wmtity dollar The rujrr < i lVL
bjHLi < i iiun of IDday U not satUlluU
iVpis little bufintf but must c > n
Irol u larRu buslncm unil tile mttufury
worry unii frlln f Hut rcault rmni
munairliiK IUTKU biiitatsu uitirprues ufJ
f ctfl the Iitart mure than th < > ordinary
bunui < < 3 man bn any Idea of
Take frank Olutlrr Htatc Treaiurer
of Michigan forlnstuncu Tin worry
of running his lo sork t o bunks
lw ne hjai < > ri ami ufhrr enterprises
benldts hs duties ni Htute Treasurer
his hoart lo BO bick 011 iilm
cuiapx > u
nnd he hn been al Die point of iDitli
for u wick
Jl Ihlnk the recent flnnntlal strln
fccnfcy alic hai had conslilurablu to do
w It Hip Increase of dcallis from heart
LIS T 0 If W
s LA R G
l lo The nenln
Tlore hav < bean more dcalfs
lucrt failuro In ihls cly lurlnn
l > a t tnu months ilnn In any
iilInK time w thlnMlfty J <
lihls aro unable to ncoounk
UAUinu cpldtpiie nut ttieo
MVU rfJJ cognitions n iWlly
tnj iH trmtaK kruwth of ncart ai
o ilii r nt ssfUlso of the QOIiurtii
fr OfKMlt ami rrUft tonipAn aru
im llr innklnu nMltutloixi
pMV U > n iU > ol Dm rtteni vie
Jm of nuilddti Jiths from hurt iff Hex
LlSlK tntf Ijien Hlccl pcr ijli Of Iho
knawn l pi Jtor > in tlio tile iinan
hat vorp
t > mip
use Heveral of iheic art known to iiai
i3le l MiJtltnly uplx 1il > jrs a rfeuli
v ° rirv1 ht l i cnCHl fctcr loalntr
llwlr llfctlmfisalnir f
f ±
Q H Sehbrook Ruined by in
sdiutiuns Collapse Takes
Poison Cuts Throat
Depondency atjrDul < l to the fall
ure of thi Knickerbocker Trust Com
pany In which he had on deposit all
of hli money prompted Cliafles H
Hftibrodk nscd llftlxo to commit
last nlKlit In hi handiomelyv
furnialiril apartment at No JSl
InRMld avcnuft He illHl ut nililnlslit
Beabrooks death created a profoun l
hock amonp Xew Yorks horwimcn For
ears he JuilH > ecn a prominent llcure on
the Stiefdhay iuid w < known to have
onnml many fnat and nlutb1e hones
He was 111 ardent lover of horse1ei
Ills opinion belnjr much sought by care
ful judsen at the thoroiMfhbred
At one time he was part owner of the
KurckRjJWblfa under the name of Mar
tin X HtM brook on One Hundred and
TUcntynfth ftrcet Of Lite ho hndfteen
ccncml manaser of th auiblci of a bit
exrrois concern Some time ago he
me Into considerable money sax th
rerult of tho death ot his father it fa
mous carriage manufacturer In Con
KdlonlnR the bink crash Seabrook
bccuno loomy and the persistent ef
forts of hi Closest friends failed to
arouse hl former feellnfri ot K oil fel
iowuhlp for which the dmd horseman
Vilut noted
Ho returned homo at S30 oclock last
ulfrtitJocltid hlmcelf In tho bathrooni
and after drlnklnc carbolic acid
ylaohcd tils throat with a razor He
wn found by hU wife wtio tint sum
moned tho janitor to oiiMii h r
Ur Franllln Hoyd of NO a Lenox
nvonuc was called He did not Irivn
Ime lo report the ca tothe police of
Uic Weal One Hundred and Tweiily
Uth street station until four honr
atcr belnir occupied In trylnz to uvi
S ubrook life Dotccthi Iavcnilcr
wnn mt to thi lintisc ml nlnoil the
blur mnn fonnullv under nrroit
Policeman Had Battle for iLife
SavingRestaurant Man
Policeman Walnh of thV Ellzibeth
Street Station had to flffht harduo keep
rom being stabbed to death todjy
when he came upon a burffiajr In Pan
qualle Ilbrai restaurant Nd JO xul
berry street WaUh wa at Cannl
nd MUlUcrn street when n nnn rushed
up to him about 4 oclock nnd ald
Them a robber down there In Li
bra and uhe U stnndlrc o > er Libra
nlth a knife Mavbe he has killed him
by this time
Wnlsli prnted to thft rtslaur nt and
found tile front door open He entered
and In the rear SAW Libra sitting on
a bench wltli n man standing over him
with a lone knlfu raised
Vulsh made for the man and the
lattiir turned Tho tuo tnd a turrirte
IlKht the liursar tidhu hl knlfo unJ
Wntsh J > nluht stick iUiiy Hmc
WnUh broiiKht the club down on the
mans head before Ive fell Vnlsh took
his prisoner to the sttatlonhoune hero
he na lit he tv as Sinlo Hmerlco He ro
uioil to slve hln nddrcss
According lo Libra he was asloop In
tho rear of the restaurant when the
burglar forced tho front door When
I was awakened said the rnstnurant
kecpcr the man wa standlni over
mu nllh a knife and threatening to kill
me If I nude n noise I didnt make
any noise cither
jqilNSTO > VX Pa Dec i Sulla
ntff Tiled todny for diiinapei of more
trnn one million dollars bv the Pcnn
> lvina JJetch Crvek nnd Eastern
Coal nnd Col > c Compiny asalnst tle
Pennsylvania nillronil chargltis dU
crlmlnnllop In distribution of coil
cars anil TUuatcs to O HT corporations
The coM li
companv jiopulurly p
POlril to Have behind It tho Xo York
Central llnllroiid
hun r < TSTiHun tefs SJI
Tin Tii > Kfl
l l nillfl 1 in 7
Hell Gau > trnM Jm IT TOI
OP MV von ic
IVtlli Cltr BwannMXiuiHixj hUlM
Jh ro ll Chrl itn i i
TitkS llamt ll < > nif ef
< MtnH la
lUJcitlc Cllj of MenuiiH
Muthimtiton ujnt
tolttrii itintts Jclfrrun VoXolK
Plorlt I AIM tljgni trevntlu
Colon Colon
FJowmaw Bi Wiie andPicture
PostCards That Figwrv in
Henry n Plo man the cjvll
who sued hl < wife Vlvtin for illvorc
whenhe Intercepted some picture postll
enrdi addrcK nl tn cr It waltlni o
< lfcy for tlif declldi of SaurenXs Couri
Justice Ncivburser who huril tho ml
Ictjct t
Evidence wn siven to prove that Mrs
Plowm n lived at No MlSixth nirvt
Drookbn nlth n man knonn as Mr
Plownun nho was not the Plo niin
who wax Tier husblnrt The4 rcnl Ilov
mnn U connected nlth the White En
One iKilfea neTBaclly Hurt
rs Signal Lanterns Were
Not Seen
Two track nalkeri were run dawn
lajt evenlnn by a subway locll 01 It
wp < slonlnp up a the Nlnctytlrst
street station One AnseJo Alfcro ol
No 37 East One flumlrid and Thir
teenth street wSsdecapltatcd by this
ivheclt and his companion Morenta
Amoroso of Xo 2it > Kasl One HUndreJ
and Kourteenth atrec had a remarl
ale i cape from deatll
The accident happened In full < ot
a dozen men and nonien on the plat
form The men had brn walitln alon <
the track at th fouthern end of th
pHtform each carr > nK n srcon lan
tern as n slsnal to any approaching
tnjln Molorman Ward did not s u tho
iiiKnal In lime mid mtido no effort lo
jtot his train until the men nvrt only
a few feet away from tho train
The Injurnl man unil tlio Uojy of
his comtmnlpn were taken to thi
Xlnctyslvth otnet pplice station
fthiru an nmtiujan q as In wcltlnc to
lake Amoroo uJ thc J llo d TUllt
lloaplfil ll < Injuries may be1 fatal
Bui Mines Starr Up Despite
PresidentsRecall of he
Re lars
OOLDKICLD DfC iVork > belnsr
crn tintly rcsiimeil In the mini a anil
hiatus throughout thu ilHtrlci notwlih
Jilandltij UK Presidents order vvlOr
ilrnvvlnc tio troops
filierlff InKnll Is perfecting arrnnitC
nicnts for Pjllclnh thn camp anil tlio
trfts are lplnR pitrollod hy Buanii
nrmcil nlthjjl otKiiin Ily the first of
Ufe jcnc Sheriff will Imvo jiboij t
vent flvp loputles as ctnentl pollen
Ifii hss notified lie orTrntors they must
furnlih their oun irinrds
Whllo tluljODeratar Insist floy vlll
npon the mlhc and nfford ainiilu prur
lection io their cmplojoe whether tlu
troopi remun or not they admit ho
Itimtlou will be cxtreniKly dellcuITi
iflcr the departure pf llo solilleri
flinty CommUMiMicr Hunjaniln
Koxcnthil anil II r Hpcnlier bjtli
frttfiilly to the IViierUlon lis c sue
j < Mcdi petitionanklim thuTr ttdent
< HIM troops be rctiilncil llU ln <
mvii stmrnlly faor KiipliKT the troopj
IIMV Tlwro nro not ti Uruen mm in
irmi > nulitn from Ilia indlinH of thv
VisUrn IVdrrntlon who On lint fear
tr < hblo ns soon a the troops aro with
Doesnt Expect President to Modify
His Order
WASHINGTON Oec 1 After cpn
ullntim A tlh PrcsMent Koo iv lt
Mtnllor Ntxnn of Nmiilu ileclantl
tho IrcxUlitit cuuld nti ery well
my lit hi orVr tlttixlliu lh ivIUi
ilaual of the trcoai from CiolilticJdj
One thlnff U ctiialn hf ansertei1
that HIP Western fnlcrnlun of Jlln
tra nil I not Nq known In 0 ldoM vji rj
hu troublo has been concludoJ I
glneerlnc Compiny nt tbe foot of Co
lumbia street UrOoKbn
Tha husbind set turth that he ono
tiny gat nold of a postal bearing the
picture of n mnn carrvlnir a hindXxne
woman on hli shoulders under which
was wrlllenIf Ihls erc jou I could
stand It nil rJslit The card wai d
drrsaed to Alhs VlvlmntJliiinrrtin
kitld the hunband Tte wife dfd ro de
fend tho suit Gcorgp Ilohliifon of No
if NTJ3U street Is the jtu > nie > for Mr
English Underwriters Declare
hat Lloyd Sabauito Line
Owes 1hem that Amount
A < loput > from the ofilce of the
Sheriff of Hudson County today served
pipen of nttacmcnt upon the t < am
shlp HwBlni dlulli wilch ui l > lns
at the Itcr o tfc LloyJSabaudo line
In 3cr sv City The csrcl waj to sail
Titxr SJtilrcii y for Italian parts
The application for th > attachment
wnt mauo to Jiiil r In Chancery J P
McMaotel uy luni 1aln of die irn
of Sr Jamci Liln i tons limited
o London Accirilns to thu wtlilon
of Hush Lain who Is now In So
i luii > 4 tutu uv cs nU concern In iu
tfrti and balance un a er < ii o can
tracts tliokum of JlCJTCSi d
Attatlitncit oa kvjeil un th flnl
slllp of tnu llo > JSal juilo Cumpiny
which cutno Into port It iuppeiitid to
b the Il Binn jlltalla wliUli anlvcd
lasl week with a Ian number of
4K J pii cnr < r Tin line orcrilv five
or six sum stramera between Ilnly
and tills npjrj ilohu mostly v pasivn
Kvr business foTTiiinlsiunis Thu New
Yor agenl Is Cncan > Contl at No 55
llroidwlVl ir Jainec Uilnc i Sum
arc underwriters
At t1o otilcc of Mr Contl It was
Billed thu the itwrina dllalli had bcvn
Icnacd by the llntifrojn owners in Kns
latKl Mr ContfM staff knew notfilnu
of the claims of tneXIaw on undcr
Prediction Made by Leading Brewer
Who Sy3 Scarcity of Barley
4 Is Crippling Trade
CHICAGO Dec Jl Cm thousand
saloons will hue locked their doors
and jtonc out of hnsltion In tnl oily
by May 1 next said Adnm Ortselfniij
1rjildenl of IJio McAvoy HrcNliur Com
pany during a talk today rin thu scar
city of barley which la seriously crip
pling the larfru breweries and the malt
hausci unil nny mean n probnblo ralsj
In th price icr barrel ot beer within
few wceKs pi
IerJmp onethird ofitlio brinJrlcs
tfc HriMt ouwT In thlH city < io their
own malting Tljc amriller ones buy ot
iJu miillhnufit dJnth breweries and
malUlirs for several weeks hno been
1ldilttlK UlliiUfil < < > tl point of wiping
nut fie mat Kin of profit In order to x t
the few ciirloitli of barley that urrlvu
In I ilw mnvkel each dny
liter now In mllln at from IIM to 1
n birrel nctordliiK to ijuallly Tiio
riunlUVt drpcnils upon rntny cunilfllons
lull qnlffly on llu maltlnK cxprnje In
which barley rtgilrt nfi tlio chief polor
V nr not mnKInc a < lolnr under
ilu pr < nt < ontilon > salil Mr Ort
rlfcn vAi n bualn mnn I can fore
niq only an Increase In tlio price As for
tie other jbtVncm I do not see how
tliiy > lth ujcttn nod u ralso
11 i A fact well known to thu lrod <
thit hundreds of finnllrr siloonn are
not miklnic mnrti If nnj rnonoy now
iind 1 iirfdkt ttinl nnn ihoiiHiiul saloons
wIII linvfl claicd their dooro iind ijonc
uut of biislntM by May next
C1I1OAOO Oca iliThc nirn Inillcled
for nllrsed consplrncv In connection
vilih > r colu diuiiue In thu pricu
peaiunce whcp the case nro culled for
trlnl The surely In each case was
Kjbnier Also Tried to Whip
fcursuinjr Policeman Locked
Up flames 1 Us Luck
When a prisoner who slid hei wa
Frank Jromcr twcnty twov years old
was nrrtlened In the Vork11e Court
today on a charse ijfjfautt and rob
bery he attributed tils plsht to hiJ
I wns donn and outi discouraged
and desperate he raid
The man was thinly clad last night
When he went tn David HrcRcri tailor
hop No 1013 Kkstaejiti trleJ
on a coat waUtcc at nnil nirovercoat
and wild they uor < alt rltht He took
off the ovrctxit and put on the trousers
and alti the latter were led lone
AT 7r < Kcr ktooped to measure the
Icntjtli to cut off tha man struck him
In the heulvlih a hammer and tried
to run but llrvxer shouted tor help
The maiilii tryltic to hit thu tailor
demolished k bis mirror UreKer pur
sued him Into the street and the blood
on his head cuuivJ a crow illto ake
up tile chase i
Iollccniun Sullivan joined as the man
an down Klft > nlnth street toward
Hait llivtr Jumpd a wall nl jUvcrvc
ftrrace nnd cmwle l unilor a irier
I Sullivan with lintcm nnd plsto found
j the fugitive and ordered him out He
came but as sixjn as he straUUtcned
I up ho knocked the policeman down t j
j a punch in tho Jaw The policeman wns
up Ilka a Hasi and at the point of his
plutol forced the captive to uccompjnj
him t
lircstrfell from low of Moo1 In ti < >
strict nearby andan ainiiuiam > b
KC3H hKl to take Ux stltcKa n his
Mud inhere tt had been atriuk uim tnc
hammer Kroner had to take olf the
new cuat and vost at th iist Plfly
Iifvontn Strci StaltonJiausi ail put
on tiln old eljlhci which he hid iarrieTl
aivay from the ihop In a biniillij and
diuppnl In ills llirht He nild lie came
from Newark and had no hume
Nineteen Year Old Heiress
Who Fled With Parrott Held
jf for Later Ship
Ju t before the Xlnjcitlc of the
Star line mllrd today two dtpuly
UnltoJ Suites ujr hai arrived brinK
In with them a inournfulloDkjnK
jounc man who tried Ineffectually to
hide the steel curt on one of his wrsti
The jounic mnn wits John Henry 1or
rutl Mio iiiKl iMinan tvhu was arrtrsttd
ilnu uay os wiitn he urrlvid from
London with Mlxx Gricu I irenue i
nln letniearold heiress Mho paused
as his wife
1arrott liai been held In in Tombr
ever slnco nwaltlns the Arrival trqm
Vaiiilnston of the extradition papers
vtincli take him back home lu bo tried
for ImbczztMittni Uurlnsr Ihe voy s
he wll be loclcd In stateroom on
the main deck Hrltlih uincxTi nil
be wailltiK fur him at the dock on the
other de
it hail W n pTpecte1 thai Miss Lnw
renie wodlo i > e bent back on Iho xume
chip which took liur sM tli url o > cr
Shu 1ms boen detilned nt Kllln Island
i aivaltlng deporintlon as an undeslra
ble nlkn hnu bi KCil < o be allowed to
j return vlth Hjrroi It Is provable that
she will be returned to tier mothernexi
A half tiour < inft < rn > iti Majestic had
left hpr ilstk Ml n Luwrence arrived at
thu Tombs iuoulUnled by tho itcv
ilcCnullr ot CIIIi litland They luid
betrt sunt over by Commlssoner
Watchorn who antid to the mur
rliiBe pirformtJ before Parrotl was sent
homu for trial
They found Chaplain TVa le w ho
learnt that the IlfllHHConHillOenernl
hul hurried Tarrott nway The > oumc
womlin n li > ai oJofti iru > v t v
Iain tUnilu and tho Commissioner were
much put out
1 think thin hunJInc the joiincr mnn
awov before lit could nne this voun
v omatiM name Is n moan pleco of html
nei < was tit way the commissioner
Xll s Lawrence will sail next week on
the Lucmia
Mrs Marie Josephine tucln McMillan
wife of ConkrcMiinan Samuel McMillan
died ycsljenlny nt her home No Kfi
West Bnd avenue Mrs MLMIIlan was
born In Iarls France on Hept S IKi a
daughter of Alfred Itomaln and I mllli
Alphonslne JtlKln Rhc Icavoi three
cilldr < inrthi jonnKcat on oar old Tlu
funeral ncrvlcc1 will IMS helit nt the
Church of tho Itlcssed Sacrntnent on
Thursday mornlnir
Gudi formerly Minister of Norway and
hvnilen to Denmark ha beunLappomt
fd to succeed the late H CTIIaunti a
Mlnlt r of Nonvay t the UnlteJ
I s4 Cutu of 4Tt ttr m > M
OM MMOM4rOtli > rllo
I kill rttlslr M Umita s
l t4i < UM 1 k > T T r
3 mu M i ru wnt
ltnll R raidyCoChU joorHY Ml
Police 5a Newcomers Rriend
Proved IFalsc ind Lock
Sopierstein Had Told MoViiz
Vh > Oinic From
Russian Town
A b th which he didnt w nt cost
Mendel Sophcrateln all the money he
tad In tho orlJ 1300 rubles about 1700
n our money
Sophersleln came from Russia He
had previously notified his fellowtowns
man Morllz 8c1uetr ks forlyfour
years old a pipemaker of No i least
Jlroidway of his cumin and Morllz
was a the pier to welcome htm to bur
After BreetlnKs the newly arrlVfd wa
piloted to No Id Hester street where
ho cnvaired lodgings He had his trunk
> nt there and the remslndcr of toe
slory li told by Detectives Jlenp Bta
ploton and Harvey of the Centnl
They sajr Morltz went to see his oU
friend last Saturday Sophersleln was
IttinK on his trunk His mono njie
In It Morllz according to the detectives
had been told by Sophersteln of uo
IJO golden rubles he brousht with him
Gut jontos safd Morltz which are
Sabbath Rrertlnes according to thoo
irto kno Voure n American now
jou ought to take a bath he contln
aril Come with ine Ill take you Mo
> mikvch
f nmy br sj quoth Scpherstiln
but I dont want to liive my money
IK nas tolJ to csrcuty wrip It In
icwspapers and leave It tn the umV
and finally with many mlsfflyln s he
illj 3J lie n deposited In one of
fie little mlkvolis ih t dot th noch
and left to his medltttlon
Sjpiersteln wis away a man
t No 101 Hesterstrcrt lor a
r > jn H cari J a mail trunk but
wasrtold thit ill the rooms were taken
Mo vvas jrfHtnt It looked like such
a life plice he ld he was villln to
> > are nparlmenls with some one else
The Utidlad U > ixit herself of the
inmlyrant In the bis room upstairs and
4vis Mtuln 1m would vllllnxly share
hs rojm aM thn cost thereof with
one elte So tbe stnnier was
Vfrn scphcr tcn came back
tli bath his fellow lodger had gone1
an hail tio lW rubles from Ihe trunk
Hflilulj the poll and Ihe detectives
10day look to Hrtdquarlcrs in suspi
cions Tpcnoni Morltx Schucwaks the
ImmjBraits fellowtownsman and bl
nephew David SchueTraks twcntythr
e ra uld whurf ij Jie Is an unibreila
i ikcr of No 1O Madison street
Trey uy ths vounBer inan is Ihe one
nho too1 Indblngs at tta HMtiratrcn
Ilnth Schuewaki were held In thf
Tomb < Court toilnv for fortyeight
hour until the police can get more
Public Service Commission Grants
President McAdoo Exten
sn of Time
On the assurance of
am O McAdoo that his company wlll
operate next March 7 a through lino
from Hobokcn to Fourteenth slreet nnd
Sixth avenue Manhattan the ubllc
Service Commission crantcj iTesterdaJV
io the Hudion and Manhattan Tunnel
Company an extension of tuo montht
U be lnthe operation of tho tunnel un
der tnu Hudson lllvcr
Under the ternis of Ihe franchise
KranUJ by tt old itupld Translt
Koird Ihe franchtue only was for a line
UuJer Ihe river us far east In Manhat
tan 01 Christopher nnd Greenwich
rcet The new company the lludvm
ind Manhattan lux obtained fnmchles
tt > build to Thirtythird street and
iroaJWAy and e tuard to Ninth street
tnil Pourth avenue >
> ne tunnel now In ready for opera
tion If trains were started the pis
Mntirs would have to be dropped at
JJhililopher and Greenwich streets
Ol Is an Inconvenient point ami
President McAdoo and his associates
think It would be better to postpone
beginning operations until trains con
be run over to Sixth avenue
Flash of Light Avkencd Fair
WlioGrnpplea With
Through Halls atjd L own
Stairs Bifcht Raai Ttill
police Arrived
Awakened by n flash ncron Ui >
eyes Joseph Kalr anil hli wife jumpxt
from their bvil In a front room on tho
thlal floor of the npartmenlhoutt No
M WeJt Sixtyfourth street ary thU
mornlnK and coins Intoa rear room
found a burslar al jut to lease Hjth
two bigs of loot valuisl a about CW
Setzlntf the man inlr strusjUd with
hill through the hals and downstair
nnd nianaKcil to hold onto htm Until th
police arivcJ Thtjjjrtiipner rsve him
name as Joicph Iluffy twentyfour
> ears od of No 173 Vc4t Sixtyfourth
Uut nlsht Kalrt his nlfe and hU
sister Ullnn KOI together a tarsjo
number of ChrMtmos present srd ft
thim on the dlnlncroom tabe Shortly
before mldnlsht MM Talr Uft for her
home near by and Fair and hs wlf
wont lo bed 4
They had been asleep nbout an hour
when they were awakenco by lh fiMh
Aa fair srapp vlth tho burglar th
felloiv dropped the loot and tho two
ctruxccd about the diningroom over
turning chairs and tables and wr > tiA
out into the hallway and rolleddcrwt a
nlsht of stairs line burslar ustd a
Jimmy and tried to hit jljalr over fho
head but 1Vtr managed tu dod th
In the meantime Mrs Fair h d ltl
phone to Police Hcadauarters and th
West BUtyeijrhth street Jiallon w J3
The mlruder was jcettlmt the b tt r ot
Fair when Policeman Kearns arrived
Investlsatlon nhuned the maa irho
had garned entrance with a itef which
the police ay they found In hi po
scsslon ad ackej about 0 worth
of JewelrjslUeVtv rll aiid a numby oe
Cliristmas presents boforo h w ji dl
Never Falls to
No mailer howlon it hu b oT gray
or laJeU Promotes a Iuxu i ntrow1i
n h lthy Mr ilopv Its fallnir out
n l positively rcm v
sjrvll Kteof luir soil ind low >
Kcluse aft substitutes 2H lnjf u
much l3 > to < i lc < lie
rjIK tl v rc Co N w rkrj <
5 itcndtSOc bolllcs JrBf flUli
350 FOR
you tKat WIJoug
la 350 shoes are
tifebeitinttie world
Stoni la firutir lit twlrr
4J llroiulw r cnr llo ni
TU ilro lwRr rot Hh hi
au llroKtwar ror lull HI
IMt Ilm 1w r ror h fit
UlT114 llriMitn > ri cor tuu
i Arennt
x l TIHrit AI car imh
ITTf Thlrtl A
tu lilh Aicor = l M
IU f Ithth ATnn
J rijllNtWMrkAT
XrawtTU Uroad S
e Adventures of
Mr and Mrs Newly wed
ill 11 J W > < J TL
and Their Baby
I 64 Pag Lithographed in Colors Illuminated Board
Covert Price 100 at
WORLD OFFICES Pulitzer Building Park Row
UPTOWN 133 Broidwiy n6rthw t conwr 38th Si 1
HARLEM 2 fVest Jl5thiSt
BRONX 658But H9th Si ntw Sd Ave
x DROOKLYN Jfc V jhlncionSt nd 317 iWt n St
1 Or at nyiofAhe ollownj
skfrS Tajrlor Co tf iWst JlloomlncJ l Dros 19th si
I American Nnws Co XKCharntxrs st Xyer Chabat 34 ave aa4
prcnianua 11 Union tquan M J Whalty ty Vn e
John W n msk r liwsxanil 10th st lAilamii OXtlll flt > l avc
Sl boop r Co Oth v ° Oliver ft Co 48 W
ft II Mac Jt Co Slth aj d nAlhiSU
simi > on Cnnford Co acrr llh ay ilUhnt A Co NnwarV
V AO erhvmrtx 3D W KI < I I Uv V Hnyrter N
if C V Koch A Co IJltti st i K iMtrr te Co Rr
Or by Mail 1 A Very Funny Bfok
i l t 1 f
J fv > Wj rf J 7ll
rtr f fcSl < > <

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