p Wants Evidence of Pvici
ft GharWlc WhoHas Long
r Haled MoiKe
Don Force Me to iEoif lie
Warns Prosecutor bit
Latter Is Defiant
JIMixtnilllan liar
< jv editor of the Zukuntt on trial
charged with criminally llboillnz Count
Cuno von Mollke has demanded hat
Princess CJitrlotie HcrrOllarv Prln
< of SaxrMclnlnjjen bo aked to
lye testimony for him against the
Count atvl It i bcllwnl 10day that a
cotnml tun wllf bi nont in lrar her
evidence A mcntt > r of Uio rruttslin
ray family cannot be dlrettly BUCT
monsd fo a court
Ttu c has rano over until Friday
when Important loveJopnientn nre
looked for Hnrdent made a little
net no In court last rvenlnc when he
nfrrJU facol the public prosecutor and
houtcd Do not coxpcl mo to play
my Ian tnfjnp
JIHsy lu avl nU > p your threats
the prn ecutor thundereit
Th Pflnccjn of SixcMHnlnscn who
U Bmptfor Wllllnmii eldest nUler In
upao j4 to know n sdod deal of Count
von MojtkfSic
Sic Dislikes Count
Whtlv ie > vn Ilvncila nreslau nhcrc
7 rhurtiindj Ucmaril Hcrcditnw lrinc <
of pjixe Jtdnlnjren ntin cosnwnjlnir
K n iral pr on nrniy corps with head
quarters tfiere ho knew Count Cuno
von iloltXo woll H vJjw ixjrvlnK ln
t ia culra Jrtor then Slio took n Br at
illfiilltc to iilm and ypoko of
i naiidlned both lr IlrcalaU and In
1 > Berlin
I Sits often mRt tho Cmmtapfllec
Cpuntew von Moltkf who mirrlnlProf
cjjwehlngicr nirnnrclcs phyalclnn Th
Prlnceti often talloxl about iloltke to
ilTlii rifece juid cipfevied her dUlikp for
hlni but laid nothing extremely srv < e
ffon tle other hand her husband Prince
jfjlerri rd alwuya had a hlsh opinion of
t T > Coltke
Harden never learned directly from
the Emperors l t < i her opinion pf
oltkl bA Oq fi it bF ihe
Jatter nleco oft her hiarrlanc ProTs
Schwenln tr and Harden are Intimate
Hrteid < < < jinl ° oth nro Dlamardc nor
i hSpp r L
Blcmarcitc Opinion Ccmlng Out
Bchweplniftr l 111in Munich nd a
< nmb r ofrthe cour > tnrtcdv for that
cSty today to take hU testimony It
litxpectei of courti < that Schwenlngcr
will1 quota Blnmrck ns bftlnc ex
priuiiid tho beliefthat both > loltkeand
Prince PjiJIlP lu Kulenburc pmctlnyJ
JUraln to day It seemed that
boldsithaweakcrliandln this dangerous
< train e
Tfi trt J Is behind closed doors still
fc U Itcan bo statoj pjjsttUcly that
y yt tnntlon was caused when Dr
Hiriobfiid > > pcliUIst In the treatment
joCtdwcsidWit teadfacles arose and asked
MMKGgurt to be permitted j1 to maka a
t AitVnr t trial Ulrachfeld said that
fnlttrn Hipped signs of beinga man of
inclinations Such testimony
source ao learned did
OMBfe to twin tho verdlct for Hnixlen
Hlr ebf ld recanted and aald his llrnt
nrroneous ho had been led
sjvadt PT placing too much faith In
of rau von Elbe Moltkes
Prosecutor Sneer
Sieving Hlrachfcld Harden became
itot niiy Indljmant The public prose
itorrau hed at the turn affairs were
itikln It was then that Hardenturned
JOB him with ills threat about a last
Tlie > court o reopened to the pub
llo at th afternoon KCMlon after Krau
wonBib had been a witness asnln
Bha fraivtly modified some of her tes
timOQjr at tha llrst trial HhovnlthJroW
Mm of her statements derogatory to
Jloltfc vcharactiT and KIVO tu othor
1 t t mnt she hn < ii made un entirely
diftpr nt meaning
HK phystcianx being called to the
Mand t tlHcd Uiat sho irtiffered from
urathenlR anj It wii then tlmt Dr
Hlr eht ld wUhdrerr his expert opinion
Detectives snoro that they knew nolh
Ing positively agXltut Moltko about any
abnani > llty
Jw a j W V < ifli > Vfn
ijp vi Bpj SaysviHfr5avr Reifly
jl lif
felff > SJ
f fej itt
sTJv jivVlwUIJvsrlwlN > Kli
lfe14 tQ ito ti fVir
Vv lSiii aroVeiiglheurs oiii thp Kow Tdr <
AC tcintrainHjiilroadV 4
tr tfi i hu Wa
fMdVririiV iavcjiiio iSundiiy imornliiBi at
u o < l
uSIOAvcy iiijtlid back or
tn ckranilwthijhuiildoftao tburj
nderilhrow hlihi liitoiithoslriMiti Tho
rtcndertbld tho MuKliilrato th t Mc
veylb o ni riol y andrho was iojoctcci
y Wtfa > plohedjupYutidK < nt 46 Ihn
a fractured slaill He did
MmprersSistf WlmoMayB
In Libel Case andMwd TaMe Chief
i j
Stable Employee Vrrests
Emll Maucbctts chauffeur for Dr J
II Frankonbefg of N6 i4 East Seven
tythird street was arrested > carly to
day aftor Timothy Saundcrs Instructor
In shoemakjns at tho Workhouse hsd
been InterrAlly hurt by an auto at Tark
avenue and riftynlnthstr et and after
a scene at the Hotel SU Iteicls whnra
the chauffour whose cor hit Saundcra
went ufter Uic accident
When SaUnders was run dpwn the
chauffeur attempted to get away but
Gregory Doyle an employee of th
Mtneola Stables near Which SJunJcn
was struck rushed out and shouted
Youre undor arrojt Stop L
Tho chauffeur slowed up and Doyle
got In the carwtUiUlni and remained
Uiero until tho St Itcgls was reached
They found a man there who Doylo
says heard the chauffeurs report of
the accident and then turned to Doyle
Vou get right out of this place or
Ill have you thrown out
The man whom the chauffeur called
Dr Frankenberg wm dressed In even
Ing clothes and aeuraed to know wh t
be was talking about Doyle left to
vold jmnhlr lnit ioolcthe number of
Vhe auto rs477 and reported It to the
lia t BixlyMvunth street station and
Capt Cooiioy sent out detectives The
tar number Is that of Dr Franken
bcrgs but 110 physician wasnt at
home The atoutlvs left word that they
wero Rolntr to look for the uhauffmr till
they found him and suggested that the
doctor surrender hlm ThlsiDr Frankj
cnb rff did shortly aftw midnight and
MaUchotta wol lockrlup Ho will bV
arraigned In tho Yorkvillo IoUcoCourt
Doylo promised to ibe on hand to Idsn
tlfy him Hunndersj ntu sent to the
Frosbytrrlan HosplUI with n fractured
skull nndlt was samfthereearlytoiday
his rcoovorr Is doubtful 1
SRuse Bunis ut bn t
aiidiEelSys wusa lsiipr
iBroblilynites Sir
7T t
lyn at Us
jinci cojl biiJTiied put mulor one of tlio
brljtrjo irjsJiiJ fuy > rythlnsManraianr
< l vn If
ttcn s hs Wwliriilo for n
fat liav < i bconvpuljeJ
oft nt a iijoro ppiiiirtum ilmui 16 in
convijnlerico patrona
iKft < V1W4i utfid sost
the car and many pa
Lti6iijit nipi ja vclttio i iis SO TK ttf
> it afire but lt diJiff It vivai oho of
ihc olii Wiyui by tho city v Uich
has bi < ii n tuij aijiiqst ctfntlruWvtsl
iiicj tilir tHasu Vai liuiliiTliut it1
> vfcvijol tilt > iik of tho iiuiileii
loiln otrUro train was cohsmeted
i uirs <
nmlCiiieiui W3sfa
> trln < fi of4cnri Ofrojii tho stalled train
whlclrvfit4 inlho mlddli ofothsj brtdiio
liaOl t l HXillkUk IulliV U DiiiiOiMt > >
tjt litjllt hiuMjnnti i rAt
i l
for ttfi lljv U Ti to do s
to Miihhnttiihi Tj nctual
hooX Utn mlinite Jn atlplher
lElsie oedksfs Brother
Intended o Crime
rAt the request 6f tho
Betj Judge Hosalsky
itence tbday upon Iluiro yoecks who
pleaded jrulity yesterday to a charge of
1 attemptlns to extort 11000 from Ilay
mond Hitchcock the actor Voecks Is
j the brother of Elsie Voocfcs one of the
principal wltnossei against Hitchcock
In the coses pending a aih t him
1 was sJmltttxl by Voecks that he
went to Hitchcocks drexslnir room at
the Astor Theatre andftrledtOfKct llKX
from hTm > under threat1 ofcriminal pros
ecution Hitchcock had previously notl
fled doiectlvea < that Vo < sks was to cjll
and the youne man waji arrested lth
5 marked bills in his pockets and wear
line onoof Illtchcockn rings
When joun Voecks was arraigned
for sentence today Judjte Koilsky
said he had communicated with Prcsl
fdtjnt John D UnOsay of the Chll
drcns Society about the case and had
1 recciv d from Mr Lindsay a letter
whloh he read1 Tho letter follows
BoyDemanded Reparation
Tho defendant sister a child of
thirteen havlnr been debauched this
defendant undertook to nccomplplsh by
unlawful means what the childs mother
might lawfully liave accompllsheU
through a legal process In other
worJa tho tfoV mado a direct dcmanil
for monev for the Krone done liliixiU
ter flccompanyin his demand with a
throat of criminal prosecution
j Jf instead thoniother had txjniuHoi
a lawyer anJtlnouirh him brougitcivil
faction there would havo boon no baj
for a prosecution even thougit the re1
suit hodl been VSic recovery of money
damages by verdict or compromise
j Thls Is not a caso of un prdlnaryi
blackmailer but the bungling work of
on Inexperienced boy smarting fromj
the wronpdono lilmUter
It the boy really Intended as H un
derstand hoclalm to apply any money
he mlfflit Have obtained to his sisters
use and benefit If Is doubtful whether1
ho Is guilty of any crlmo Ills offense
was at the most technical and It does
not stem to this society that the sue
cess of the pending prosecutions tol
which Ms CAM is so closely rvlMod
and jvhlch ar of far moro Importance
lollif public should bo Imperilled by
the moral effect which would be created
by tho Infliction of a sorlousipcnalty at
least In tha present condltlonMif af
if QnrvanJ
isald that thegirl hud always dcnlod1
to him that sho had beun ruined
decks lawyer brofco In to tay thttl
tie brother nad every reason to be
Jlevo that sh had been
Juitoe itosalaicy aiumargcd Vocckii
unJur paiole n u to r port to Su
pcrlntcnUcnt J nkln of Uio Chlldruna
Hocltty onoo a week
This Childrens Suclcly nnd th Dlsi
trlctAtori s ofllcii ari1 not In cconl
over the orpocutlon of Hitchcock Af
tor thi Voecks ca a luul bdi ill noinl >
of Suriirlntondin J nkln iccltr tint
Mr Onrvnn erred In stating thaU tho
clrl Imil ilrnled that she was ruined
IIt > snld hn Imd her > > worn statement
Charles Allers nineteen years oldj
of Ko 71 Wooabliii strrftr Ilrodlilyn
separa from his bfldo pf a few
ntoks some time aKO tiUiitQday wau
found unconscious from gus In Ms
room i
Tlio police say ho attempted to take
Im life > nnd hn Is hold a prisoner In
thi Uuifiiyick Hoipli
llrr1 Is a clerk for n collectlon firm
illls brlrfo 3 ealdvl6 b only about sav
JfJf y SnoW
Stationrtouse She
Appears ilhsane Except
on Medicine1
With a handsomely dressed younr
woman in his arms PolicemanOwens
of the John street station itarccred
Into Ithe station house today and told
Llout HrocUcn
I Just found her In front f No a
Wall street and she sayj she wonts to
The womans goivn wa of excellent
make and In a purte clasped in her
hand was a nlca sum otninonoy It WILI
plain to tho police that she nWnot an
ordinary prisoner uiJ It was evident
also shA vvos not e suffering from an
ovcrlndulsenceln drltr
Who are youjb Jk Jl Uracken
The woman coultf only murmur I
wantvtodle s
TJiats what sh0 woa saylns when
found her spoko up Owens I was
at Wall street and llroadway at about
3 oclock when I aw her elttlnic In
tho doorway of ai bank She seemed
tired and I dldnft blajno her mucii
Its close to ChristiTias
eo mott of MM
oro tired
t watched her for a while and saw
her go from tlid bank door to the side
walk She strctchcdt out on the pave
mciu and then said Jt want to die
Why do they make InVllve
I picked her up and ItrouRht her
hcrv Alt tho Way to thu station house
sho Insisted she < vAiited to die and that
wa In her way
Bracken and Owen could Ret nothlnu
from tlio woman and cnt for an am
sulance from Hudson Htroet Honpltal
L > r Stcivart reypondfd Ho questioned
tho woman but could loam no more
than tho police until she nnld
I am a trained nurst
Dr Stewart then talked toher about
mcdlclna and ho began to talk Inlelll
Kcnlly at once Sho told Dr Stewart
tho WON MU4 Marttk Kaige a riurie in
tho Norncslan Hoipltal
Dr jStowart then
attempted to get
something about hor hlstory but the
11 < > mcrit ha changed ho subject sh
boeamo Irratloanl On tha subject of
medicine she wki mont ilntclrtjcent
I cant undtmtand thl at y ad
the physician Shu atcru to be saita
on modlcino but aha 11 not BIO on
other uabjccu U nuiy bo a caso of
Miss HasS wan removed to Belluvue
HoNiltal wlKro itha ivlii Ls detained In
the psycovathlc wsrd
At tho Korfvosl n I Jipltal It was
said Mli w s not known thoro
lyfourth Jufintry one of tlo four
luwtlio ro UUr
trill on IEa arrlvnl rcn the rhIUpptnei
early nuit year join tie r > Dnrtmeiit of
the Kast Tho headquarters band and
nwnml Thlril ItAtUllons will bVsta
tlnnnl at Mndlson Itarracks Hickata
Hnrbor N < V > the Lloutanantcol
oitcl niw Pcii3 d Dnttallon at sn
rlo near 0 we o
Appoint a Committee andGet
Court In junctionsby the
Proprietors of movlnjr plcturo mu
in varlouH parts of the city
wern nyinraoricd tt > n rac tlng today
In tho oillceiitol lilies Urps at No
Slxlhuttyiinue a plan
for b 1klnK thopolice Oiq Sunday
tlue law enforcement A rwiolullon
denouncing tho action of tho polleo
and criticising the Corporation Coun
selforfailure to clearly Interpretthe
Iicw ordinance wus puttied
A conunllfootot the fnovjnitplcture
owrierj wnn selected to employ counsel
anil seek a method to get around the
ijmllco and open next Sunday Word
was received t Police Headquarters
today from ilia law firm of Frank
Neumann A Nowgrafi No U Ccrtsr
street asking for Information as to
iust where thu i > ollco stand In the
matter of moyingplptunj sliows Tho
liiiyers HtateJ that they represented
thn CBuntCM Maria de Hautorlves
whom thoy said owned three moving
plcturo chopH one at No ltH Uroad
way another at No CO CnstCfne llun
dred and Twentyfifth street and a
third at No M7 Sixth avenue
Tlicsft lawyers announced that they
purposoj applying for injunctions re
stiainlng the police from lntr > rfcring
with these places Word Wax also re
ceived t Police Headquarters that
many others would r > clt Injunctions to
day and Gen Ulnghnm said that he an
ticipated having at least 1W Injunctions
torestrain him on Bunday There was
nothing for him to do but obey the
court orders Gen Gingham salijf
Tho Commissioner also announced that
he wouid go away tnnlghl nnd remain
awny from his ofllcel for several days
J need a rest sold theCommission
er and tahlnk I should havelt While
awayl will work on m > annual rvport
which I expect to have nnlshed and In
the Mayorshand by Saturday It will
Dhow many Interesting things especial
y un Increajie In arrests for fisonles and
a decrease In the arrests of suspicious
persons all of whichgoes to how that
th > Detective Ilureau has been doinsr a
lot of real work
IRuth Kendall Romantically
Left1 Boarding School
ilo i3e a > Bride
Because tho Christmas box which
went to Miss Ilith Kendall at the Nor
walk Finishing School In Connecticut
contained thirty foot of stout rope she
isnt itlis Ruth KcnJnJl any loncor
6hn Is Mrs Alfred Kent It was a
regular nomeoan < lJullot elopement
that they had according to tho ac
count of It that comes from the
brido chum Mlu Ettiti Kelsey of No
IB West Fortysixthslr t a ipretty
chorus drl who used to bt a pupil at
the finlshlne school hersolf
If appearif that a few months ojo
Miss Kelsey tired of the tinexclllne
life of n select remlnary for young M
dlc WHh the aid of a frjendly oham
Iwrmald sho pot out of he room one
nlshf left the JbulldlnB without twlnir
ovwhauloJ anJ jcame to her aunts
house In thfs city whcro she staya
when sho Isnt on tho road irnn one or
onotlier of tho musical show
1 was orry to havo to leave lluth
Kcniill bchlnj mp said Uie 4vaclous
iMIss Kcb y to an Evenlntr World re
porter today becaiu wo wero room
mutesand that nlbMc ho was
so desperately In love with Alfred Kent
Theyre both from North Carolina you
know she from Halclirii and he from
Aihovllle and Lhefr fumlllcn arc bitter
enemies 4iSfi
When < Uuths father found out that
shs > haJ cot actiualntcd wjtli Alfred
Kent thoro was n bis rowAllo seat
word that her moll was to be readcare
fully at d that sho was to bo watched
whenever stwlefttlic achool gb 1 used
tu vend his letters to Hutu In envelopes
of my hamlwrltlnB
Ijut woclcthoy made up their minds
that they coaldn J wdure the sepura
tlon any longor Alfred1 appealed to me
for liolp and 1 hit on a ichcinc I got
a thirtyfoot lonuUi of stout line and
sent Htoonuof tlu > servxiiU upat Uiu
school In a CtirlatmuH box The ser
vant sniu Kled U to Uutti
it wan Just lovely tho way every 1
thine turned out It happened last
TilurjUJiy nlsht Ilutli mid her room
mutt tin olio end < t the rope to a von
tlldtoi Then they put knots ull alons
io Her hinds wouldnt slljr and throw
nil tfio bedclothes out on tho ground to
break her fan In case sho should drop
Thcro wn A Icdko about ten Ce l down
tyhrrc she could rest ilf her streiiBth
DUt Itutl didnt have any trouble at
all Bhowts tho biiiftbull champion i
at school nnil very athletic and she
Ju came down1 that rope lkeianythnj
Alfrod V3S waiting outside the Kilns
vylth a carrUtse A minister married1
them nt f oclock In the mornln t and
they went to Now Ifiven On Sunday
they came to New York and wo had
weddliur cclobrAtlonrat one of tliu hotcU
rherro tjll here
Miss Kelsey wouldnt tell where the
x uplo went stopping Hhe said they
were tlng SouUi atter tomorrow to
bcz pamnta forrfvencsv Sha added
that botli the Kcndnlls and the Kent
ware w eaithy North Carollnn faro l
Short Stories of Unusual Happenings and
Singular Experiences Picked 0ut of
the Chronicles of ToDay
Though public sentiment In Hudson
O favored ICKJH lh s tijwn went
dry yesterday wh n JKHdM was of
forej by A millionaire for pljbllc tm
provemiMits If the llqlipr houses were
The offer tout jmld to hnve Jxcit mad
by J K RtlWprth n coal man who
llyti In ihla rlty
The big fuVl willbo ui > to putIn
clecfrle lights a gaii panj ami p inwrr
ngc Jystem anil remodel tho < > U West
m llejcrve Co lose
WAUKrJ 000 JUftltES
A young than saM to be prominent In
iKlrty fn thU city Is walking from
herflrt Chlc LKo to break hlmnelfof th
liquor Wblt
He U now In Plttsburg where rJohn
rOlonn Assistant Superintendent of ISj
llc > enlwtnlnod jilm yesterday Ho Is
walking under tlio name of Anthony
Jfo told Olcnn IIP hud born drunk
fifteen years And hn l tried all manner
of euros without avail
HP left this city without a c < > nt and
hoboed hj way Crouln tha moun
tains he fmiu liU foot but h hasnt
taken a drink
IJoysatTustrn Sullivan County Y
aUirled n huge siuwKMI down n hill And
It rolled through JMVWWIE Schncllors
hen coop gathering up nine fat chick
ens The mlnlaturn nvnlinche went on to
another farmers pig lot where tho
poultry WHS eaten by tlio 1073
Tho funeral of Mr Gllbwt N Allen
of Walllngforvl Conn worf JAM evening
s Beasts and
at the Grand Central
Tlie first annual Sportsmens 8how
of the Forcat Flsli and Oamo Society
of America btjgan at Ornd Central
ilnloce ycsterduy nnd 4000 New York
ers jammed tliclr way through tha
doors to wonder at the strange ntilmals
and iiueer fish that are natives of thls
country but that never nnd their way
into fdothom butcher ahop and fish
Mores and for that reason are s train
ers to the Inhabitants of Manhattan
In themain hall of the Palace U a j
Uiroon In which all sorts and Ucs of
Uuqlcs and other water fowl swim ma
jestically about or rest on allttlo Isl
and In silent contempt of the mero
humans who rape at them with undis
guised Interest Tho birds range In
color from white to block and In slxe
from that of1a canary to a Christmas
Arclent and picturesque ICRI ob
structed one end of the little brook
tlwt flowed under tho white birch
bridged niU keen eyed water birds
scanned tin bottom will great atten
tion keopiiiK an eye outtfbr any sjray
mlnnown or chubs as they are called
by the practised woodsmen who arc
Tvllllnx to tell n they knowanda llttlo
bit mora about the habits rf the various
ll h and animals
AtmiK lf wall nre small nouarla In
which straagr n h saxo goggleeyed at
thi > specutOM openfnK and shutting
their gaipIng mouths In a contempla
tive manner thq while the strive to
jratler oxypeTf froaj the water In tlte
glass tinki >
Tho birch brldce looks as If 11 ha
been bodily llftcil fnJtu some pas in
THo woods of Maine After croslnV tlv
Bridge the spectator cornel upon thci
oxes coons ami other smaller ahlmuls
that slink backnnd forth In OdneaKeaj
trylnir vaUily to tliul n hits through
with which to tscnpo Then come ihe
dWr caribou and otler animals that
the wojfaun rave uVcr These creatures
scan their admirer with ax lo like
eyes while their furrier relatives Jookoilj
with nopdctfug Klinccx aa If tryingtlo
xscosnti In tho Korgeoua fur > of thej
wr < neii the p lt of lomeideparteil frenilj
At another end of the hall great
mourned heads of glnm moosa and
autlered reindeer lodlied glasslly t the
ofuwd and skins that would mnko a1
warm overcoat far a f t goitloman
hung from tho walli The umaller
licadJ of caribou and mountain gouts
nllcd In the npiccj betwetii the aKIni
and tho blgsor hca4snatul hornsof all
< iid mndu the jiuco look like a corner
n hatracki u i
A comumatlon canoe and JKwedjhitil
tractcd a grvut deal of attention Itj
wa bflllt by a party at Camp
Abruzxl on ItUdolt Island Jn IM
ntllle on a northern expedition Tiie
illrst cttnvaccivwlns of thn canoe was
torn by the JaBK < fd ice dftho Northtm
Park and tho present covering wai
j in i Jo from hu nmlnsull of the lust cxr
j plrine temor Amtrlca Tho llk
ull and the spars wern lost In a north1
ern storm Ijomiath the boat part otj
tho affair aro Ions led mnners K III ai
belting straw wjiere nlno Oquimauv
doss nro hltceil vhm tlie vehicle
travel over thi snow or ice
In Cice a tvn > r tho walU birds thivl
aro unused to Uroi < lway hnurs sit ft
lino cxampitf for the spcctnlorj by po
lngto 1iod early whloh they did b > j
rontlng t > the rnfters of their cAgux
Tlth ttelr hciiH boneith Ihplr wm5 I
in tho nflercoon n prlvat exhibition
> y Invllitlon vnt Klvvn Oov ituehrg
tvnonhnil wrlttMi that hn wpttM Ix Rjittf
of tlWopporUlnlly tn 1 present vnr
comreUert to dafer hi visit on noount
For Infants andVOhndren
TheiKindfYouiHavB Alwa Boughf
Bears lihp1
IndeflnJtJy postponed becauw Mme of
her relativesbollcveshe1 Ina trancoi
All pr parall < in had liecn made for
tho bUrlil wh4n a doubt carpo Into the
minds of Iwr hiisbaml Rndotheni Doc
Wri coufd not determine to be tamltyi
it fa < lloii that thfe woman wnji ideiul
isOT MACflJNE iff
Whllo In pflnon PrankKoefoW of
Chicagotlnfterje his wooden leg Into
a slqt machine
Drop a nlclWl n the slot and threo
collar buttons fnll Into mall tin cup
Tho nickel slides Into recpptacln
visible througha glans set In itbVfront
of the leg r
Kocfopdl madr o much money thn
flrit day oul of Jail that he got drunk
was roblw1 > y boys who nhoolc hla
leg nnd got the nickels and was nt
back to a cell
Ililladrlphlas streets aro cleaner
than aver befonj ijecauM John Vlrdln
Assistant Clilef of tha Dureau of High
ways tbounliL he lost KM diamond
ring on Friday Dec 11
Ho ordered the street cleancrt to
scrub the city thoroughly and look
out for tho ring
They ncruhbctt till last night when
Vlrdln found his rlnir In n copy of
lira Olyns Three Weeks where be
Imd left It marklnc chapter U
Sixty caddies employed by the llun
tlngton Valley Country Club near
Philadelphia last eyenlnK enjoyrU a
Christmas dinner at the clubhouw
Wealthy members of tho club uonntd
nprona and Mirved them at tha
Old1 Man > Asks Gommitmejit
to Drown Memory of
Happy Ghristmases
Beware of th women said Robert
Hurr on old wreckof a man In Mor
rlsanla Police Court today after tie had
beta committed to Blaclcwella Mand
for six months ut his own request I
warn you ypung men h re to look out
for em
Fifteen yttr tfo I hadHJCOO and a
happy home I mot a woman nd she
got It nil she an l other women who
helpedherdrain my fortune
Uurr blue with coldandicrlppledtfrom
rheumatism tottered Into court Just as
Magistrate Wuhle was closlna the
morning session i > said he had eaten
practically nothing for three days ajid1
hod walked the strectn uif yesterday
and lajit night
I dont want to walk the strcnts
a bum tomorrow Iw told thn Mag
istrate I dont btllev I could stand
the mvmorles of happy Christmas vdays
I have irpent If I had to tramp upland
down nnd meet persona with smiles on
their face I wish you would send
mo to a place where I can have rest
and nutllcnl treatment 1 have no rel
atives who care for me no friends and
no home
i Burr said that he had n hlr laundry
on tho1 Bast Side a decade niro He
fenuil to be iiultn proud of lha fact
jthat he had done laundry work for
Jnichard Cfkr
Burglar Surely Will Retuni It
When He Knows Whom
He Robbed
The nolw of5 an overturnWchalr
awakened Mrs John T Barker Varlyto
ilay In her bedroom On the first Jtoor of
tho two family house at No 1073 Lin
coln place Brooklyn She called her
husband who jumped up In tlmo to see
t stranger of a forblddlnjiiurpocl sliding
down tho rop In the dutnbValior shaft
to tho bo cucnt vhenco lie vanisheJ1
xxllh great expedition The Intruder
had sot In with false keys
H must have KMI In upstairs too for
John Walsh a newspaper reporter who
llvcson tho second floor missed Jl
iromLliU pockot at
brrAkfast tHtiuj >
eth < H > 1 < was short tJ8
Hut say what would a newspaper ire
porter be doing wlthll7J
Governor Indorsed by pver j
t veil Not Men ligped
Resolution With White Hduse
O K Opposiijjf InstrufctT
ed Delegations Buried
President Charles H Youmt of th
RepaMlcin Chili It yltMnK out en
thusiastic political workers today to
carry Into effectn resolution ndoptnd
last night by tho club Indorsing WV
Cliarles 13 Hughes for PresidentTh r
tneeilnc which wai attended toy morn
tan XO of tlie fft members utterly
burled ft resolution which had tha
clnrlng npmnit plwlslng any delega
tion at preient Ths nimo of JPT
Idcnt Rooitovflt was not once men
tldriH during ttw > slon
Job E Hedres who lunched at the
White Houso lait Wednesday offered
ttio antlltugiies resolution which wa >
nently dlsj ilsed In a few honeyed
words of pralso for the Governor but
which opposed plcdln any deto atec
until an opportunity shall have been
offered for all candidates to express
their vle on Republican policies
This liut line refern to thu constant as
nertion of tha rtoosoveltTaft foreea
that tha views of Gov Hughes are un
known on pubIc questions
TurnedIt Down
ThV Hedges Will to House resolution
rcccrved only three vous and thcti th
original Huehca resolution Introduced
a week aco uv A Jl Humphreys and
printed and sent out > v malt to verjv
membor durln the last seven0 dnys
> was passed bv nn overwh lmlmr volt
Tho resolution wns as follows
Itcsolved That tho Tlepubllcan Club
of ihe ity of New nnrtr indoricsOovl
Charles Bvnns Hughes as the Rfpub
llcan candidate for tho I rcsldency of
tile United States of America In 18C
and Invites the cooperallpn of kindred
organizations anif of the Pfopte gen
erally throughout tho city ttnd Slat
and nation to itcuru his nomination
and election
Amons the nine members of the club
voting against this rasoluton weri
Job C Hedges A A Anderzom
wealthy artist > V D Murphy of the
Union hcivsua Club and C P Coyne
formerly of Livingston County
After llr Humphreys Edward Wet
mc > rc of tho University Club and
JuniM Talcott liad pok i tor tha
Hughes resolution Mr Hedges sprung
his resolution v
Hcdges on the Defensive
Mr Hcdjcea after presenting his reso
lutlon sold r
Ihavo not been asked by MrPar
son Chairman u tlie County Commit
to do so Tho mcrbJact that I had
lui cJteon at tiiq WUlto Housa a few
days ago after waltlit six years for
tec to offer this resolution and I hav
not bc i orvlcretl byr1ho White Hous
on Invitation does not Indicate that
tin resolution en mo from higher up I
will ay however that I prefer an In
vitation to nn orJur any lime
The original resolution before you
wa IntroJucod for a certain purpose
and I nm not un expert In ascertaining
the color Of the1 bami WUKOII The thlnff
1 want Is a baud naton with enough
B < itn for the Hepubllcuns of all the
States There N om body In this show
xvho > yantn olllce or JIM oince now and
they wunl to KOt all tlic H > ala on th
band wagon and leuvo none for anybody
Ihave no doubt It vlllibo reportedto
Gov Hutches tomorrow that Job
iHnlKes Is cutting under him bvcaum ha
iva not npn6lnixl u mcmbar of tha
Public Bsrvlco Commission I know
Qov HuKhC and 1 kncnv film to be n >
uprlirht abH inin but ivliat hs that
got to do with tho tariff KChcdUIeT ThU
substitute resolution I have offered will
got Gov HUKhes morui votes In tho
national convention than tho other one
I do not have to have myopinionvised
by the man who has tlw iappolntlv
Geo S Sbllv of 75 Nassau st New
York says Tor years 1 have been
troubled with rheumatism and dyspep
sia and t concluded o try your pills
I immedhtely found great relief from
their use 1 feel like a new nun since
It commenced taUnj them The dystj
pepsin lus lefi me and my rheumatism
is gone entlrJy
cure alt Disorders of the Stomach
Liver Bowels Kidneys Bladdir Dizzi
ness CostiveiiMS Hies Sick Headache
FeiiTile Complaints Biliousness tlndl
gestlon Constipation amlal Disorders
of the I > lv 25c a Box At druggist
for by null t
Si CO 35 Ulm St
4M M t JJ3
i iunnces > ai s
Santa Glaus iUses hemYouiShould ReadIFheim R < fe
> iMi v fel
Zfmtmmimmimhi iL M i f Vi n CffiTwraggMli JEfe
tfwtJ3ViiV i tiiVn1