OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, April 03, 1908, Final Results Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1908-04-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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r 7r T
j < > i
r f iJ I
J 2 THE EVE N I N Go W 0 R L D I DA Y R L 1 e e i T J
t > LOOTED Of 965000
Thomas F Ryan Told Grand Jury That
He Whitney Elkins WIden and
I Dolan vVer Reimbursed Through
PurcaaseofBai3 Papr c3d
The Iveninj orlds exclusive publication yesterday of Thomas P
Ryans explanation to the Grand Jury of the Wall and Cortlalidt Streets
Ferries deal by winch the treasury ot the Metropolitan Sjreet Railway
t Company was looted ot about s5utx was received with incredulity
t in financial and political circles but the story was absolutely true
The facts of the whole transaction ns they have been related by
f Mr Ryan will appear in a presentment which is now being prepared
I by the Grand Jury
l t In brief Mr Hall says that he and
f William C Whitney and William t I
I Elkins Peter A n Wldener rnd
5 Thomas Dolan of Philadelphia put up
1 1000w apiece In January IAI to nsure i
i f the renomlnatlon and reeiecllon of
William McKlnley HS President nf the i
United States In May 1HL they re
Ii t paid themselves with interest out f IW
1 funds of tho Metropolitan Streei nail I
f way Company WLh theycontrolid
r All Done Under Cover I
The entire amazlnc piece of financial
f jugglery was accomplished like the
weaving of a Panama hat tinker cover
A trail of nuhterfnse and deceit inns
all through It Two oC the men in
k volved are deadWilliam C W iltnev
and Peter A U Wldeicr And Mr
1 rjtflynn story put the formation o th
scheme and IU successful consummation
t tion up to William C Whitney An
thony N 13radv It appeal Irani Mr
Hans testimony was not aware of
If the use to which flu mom p pild
f J back out of what ho received frai th
Jletiopolltun rtor hl Mner rtlliond
was to be put
f Accountants who have testified 0
lurethe Grand Jury in tne Muropoli
Investigation brought out that the con i
ft I tribution ot 1MM was not the only po I
litical use melll IIMI anaemic I
treasury of tha Metropolitan had to
land Sonle iJlWJ prieJ nun tlm
t tockholders anJ uced to Hdvanct po
litical objects unu candidates wa
r charged to the maintenance und cun
tructton account and there may
have ooen lot inert the experts
were unable to locale
Jlr Hyan In his amaing explana
tion goes back to JanUatj W when
he with Whitney Wldener Dolan und i
H Klklns controlled tho Metropolitan He
has told the Grand Jury that the Uis I
FUe as they were called becmne con
I vinced that unless McKlnley wa < re I
f nominated and reelected wimethlnu
dire and desperate would happen to
the street railway lines of tie borough
ot Manhatlun city of New York
Personal Checks
if Drew Perf I
On Jan U and Jan 20 IW Mr Itui I
air Klklns Mr Dolan and Mr Wid
ener drew their personal checks lOt
JIOOOOO apiece to the order of George
A Hulm Suns Pniladelphla and
turntd the checks over to Mr Whit
I ney who had alicndy drawn a chek
lor a like amount i the order of the i
same linn The fund of iij0uu Mr
Ii tan understood was to be spent m i
t t the West under the direction of fie
t Itepubllfaii Natlona l unimiief > se I
t cure delegates for William McKlnley
t In the approaching Hepuhlkan National
1 Convention Tlieodore Hooievelt wa at
i J that time Govern of New Vork and
was looming ns a Presidential po l
1 hIlHAnd
And nt t at parilcular period of I
j the Metropolitan Street Hallway
r I < I
t Help Waned
f ToDay S
As advertised for in The Morning
Worlds Want Directory
rniuxv Mnn i VHH
Addre er I ilaniener 1
AtenH H nll 17
Artlnts llouprnork Cl
Bonnaz II Moifeinofr 1
BladnmlthJ 5 Iriiei
Hookblndern 3 Jimurs Ii
Bojkkeejier I Jnnilre t
Boys 21 Je oller 1
lluithelmtn 10 Inllff Tailor 11
Butchfrs 6 liunelr s 1
PuttonholeMaktr 1 Michlnhti
C ttln iMAkin 2 Manlrure 1
CBnvapwr to MIlllTiern 11
Onrptntrrs 1 Nnrw 7
arhler iJienilers
Chiinlifrniililii 1 IjintfM I
Omuffur rhitoRraphef
Cnllivvors 1 Priter 1
> lII1nb r 3
Col 1 Ir or 4
1 < > tIflll I I 3It
Dr > > II 1
II 1
Pttlu hltt Han 1
IJlhluho S IIII lllntrs
lIrh ro I krt lIand 1
ru Clrk IU allrILr I
EIlrlcl I J SI3blnl1I I
fI3or Itllllll r 1 Srnmr1jhrr 011 1
HnbroMrr II StenoJrophrr 111
t rII1eI allor
Inrnr I rallor 10
Iarm lIon < l I rhl5nlIb I
r 1 Jn4irlten WI
FI m 1 nllshu
oJoIor I 011
I < lIN Wall 10
rom 1I I 11hn o
Tolnl 7MI
Tlie World printed 7Sf Help
h Ads Uidiy iSl inure tlini ill
othtr New York paper combined
through the Hlg Five was engagei
In vxperlmeiitlng wlti a new trnctloi
system to tin away with power house
The system emliracid tic plJn of rlll
nint iMdi trppt car witlx ponvr fur
tiNlied U > iii lnil pt ndfnt niotoi
llnlin V Sunn I T ii ifii i j I
oKentp of tiie Metiopolltnn In tlil mat
ier ind L e ilieck were osten loi
fxpenaes lu connection with it Mr
Iviii unikiManilK that Hulm Son
turned the rlieclis calling for JTOO
over to Lome n ui h Tieaf r
of the ItcpubUnn National Coiitnittui
or some one rvpre PiitltiK him
Produces hour Checks
To sulKiuminte his story Mr llinii
prodn on liefore the Irand Jmy foin
ol the ihfwks ins own Mi iiklnVs
Mr Iiolnn ami Mi ij ner Mi
Wltltllf > chcci coiinl not t > e oiind
It fft eMiUilneiL Wnat Iinlur wiK nti
uilipiar on the bIII1 lcoks Cannot
IK told until Ui jrind Jury makes ine
fact public In Its pnnentnient
1 hen tile StJt ciniMisri LilLI w <
i Inpptl In Mr Whne told ills as
cia es thai iluy ivoild be npa d it
Hie tlit fivorabl uppiiriiiiiy wltn M
terest at j pel Ieiu Tn iiinitile
ppuniinlt > Hid nut i pa mii Mir
i 1 J Whell the Wjli and IniMni
htiteti Ierrle Hallway liuptn > MII
purihuiMil fro i AnilioM x Hrudy b >
the Metropolltun
The all and toriland Streets ret
ries Oompun oMiwl a franchNe jier
nilttliiK tlip ioiislnKtlii of a stft
railway eMendlnv a TUII Lower lnn
iMttin from the 101 nt WH ru
to the foot of tcntlandt sttcet The
franc te was worthless tf in a Jt
ti lernili the nitual consmuMi > f Hie
rad because there waH a connre
itralnln order In forre tiroliibitlnu ilf
laUnc of a rail or the operation of M
ear oxer the route
fh Iltl Iwlltan n1 HailwlI COlli
a1 hu hl tlol a railroa1 r
0 I tl r IIny ott
lIw1Y r su
fh I BraLlY wa
d1 t IIt1n pur a e C hy tite
SIIt III11wLlv llOpall
Paid Back b58268
With his money he received 4
memorandum fivnu William I1 Whitney
ilieotlng him to return JY SiCW The
iairice lepresented what tlie road had
coi > t him with u niarKln for InteieM
nj protll Mr llrady wrot out live
ilipjki for JllliVJ s enih piialde to
Thomas P lt > an Tioimi Uoliin Peter
A B Wldener William 1 Plkins and
Moore v Sfhle1 Tne check to Mome
X Schley the Grand Jury hn been
Inld win reallv foi Mr Villney
On tlie bnoks of the Metropollfin
Sire Itiiwav unpany tie traisic
tloti was made to aptMar a bona fide
purla of the Wai and Cortl ind
Street Perr > Hallway The entr wii
srouped with other so that the nenil
s > iin extri Mej from Hi treatpy for
this particular purpose a pipn
lent only on lo e Inveslliration
If It was n erlmnnl at to take rS
iyUt fiom tne stKkhnl er of the
Metrniiilliin In Mm Im to rflm > iir e
the HU Flv fur a tMinpalgn on
trlbullnii the stnnite of liin liithii lri
outlawed the rfeiis under tlie Ir e
vetir limit i Unite 1I1prr the slatn e
of limitation Ios nn apply to per
son not rn l nt In New Vork and
11 n nll ha n 1 II residence in
WitbaMi Cnntinetital Lin tec
I Cloes Into a Ditch but
Few are injured
DSNVIUK HI April The Contl
npntnl llniited train So I of till Wa
bash Il llrond wille ct bound wn1
Ar ckil In a mysteiii n ninni nt Cat
i nlx niiiR frii > i HIK plare iI 1
lock i hi aftcninon No ore n <
Kltrd mid IInlV H nI mimbi of per
nll cistHin < l Injurli
The irnln wni rinnniB slnnly ihroit
Cutliil ttcu II Idtnlv left the iiill <
AH nf iif < nri < ftuii lit the track
with the evci pll m of the diner Tin
engine WaR derailed but tie tendei
remnined on IIP mvU The mall eai
Itnd tin Miink luiried fier
Tno hniKlrui pancenuBr who wc
on the train i > re tiirown Into a pan
I whci < lIhMl ldefl WlIlI It was ascer
mined i hut laore wOlr nn fatHlltlen
i Tn puvi niters ere mken out throng
t n i oi i windows
I iii i l if Ai < i t A Krli Kson hi
fe l iiim the u > i lUr iiKi inKird in
iiniei iff Me I d Tiilrix fourtl
rei Itriiiiklv i i ou two month
in 1 reru ml idav b his mm
i > ai > i i ie l bronlck Irlk
i lobMi 1 k jinponed Hi crow
t I > oc l I nlcU dall lu < <
< > 9 t Iml r 1 companion I
ir almost unrif tu bow of thi
< ne inrt v n hronrht Itif hnre
Tiger of British Navy in
Mimic War at Night Sent to
Bottom by Cruiser Berwick
IOHTSMOITII April 3 Thrlvsl
men Including Iunit Mlddleton the
ominnnder f the torpedoboat de
stioyer Tiqei lo t their IKes In n col I
in iT the Ise of Wljrht last night
botwern fiat t vl and Die British
crulipf Ih Uk The VH C b long > o
tlic Ponsnontli 111on of the Itrti h I
home lle l and wete ensiged In night
manoeuvres in the Channel while on I
their way to Portland The nigt was
dark ami the Hcrwlclx was stejmlng I
i nlowly
When the destroyer attempted to cross
I the big cruiser bow ilie was caught i
amldslii anil cut In half with kn I
like peci on slnXIns almost Immedi
1 ately
Thn deck crew who were dre sfd In
i heavy oilskins and boots went down i
with tho vessel not having time to rree I
themselves from these neavy encum I
brance Of the twentytwo men who
were rescued most of them nere en
pinners and stokers who having light I
clothing weie able to keup themselves I
alloat until boats from other ships 1
which nere Immediately launched j
picked theni fp
The collision occurred at S10 oclock I
last night The ships were inanoeuver
ing wlthou lights It Is believed that
several of the men were killed by the
impict Tugs were despatched to the
Hene of the illtuatei at daylight rhia
morning and divers will mall on at
tempt to reover the binles of the men
wno wcro drowned
I lent Wllilltn F MldIielon was on
tin brldce at the lim f the disaster
iMiil well dWnoilth fie orepart of tho
An ntflcer who was nn evewltne i to I
tile slnklnc of the Tiger give the fol
lowlnir acount of the accident
The tlr t we knew that nnvthlng liail
hannered wn when We tiw a n h i
and heird n loud repott This we mip
poed tj be a irun In reality how
ever the flnsi and the repfirt result J
troll Tie < water raiotilnir the Iwller i
riom tif me Tiger This caused nn
escape of stcnin whlili must have scald
ed to deith evvrvlvidy that it touched
I lie men In tie Moke holds must have
met a fearful end I
It wan horr > lp io see the forms
itrugglng In the water Manj of the
men went under Just H heip wa wlti
In ther rah I do no think that
fiere nnv hope of saving the Tlgei
nr riMo r ng Me l > oil < as tne wreck
1 t n r
Says His Stomach Proved a I
Mystery for the Past I
Eighteen Years I
Tie ullniviiR statement by John l1
Mi Hugh of Xo Cla on avemi
Hrooklyn wa made recently at one of I
the Hiker Drue Companys itorev
Mr Mclliuh called to ee 1 T
Cooper the young man whoi medl
cinf have eratid n s n > ation tlirnug
out the Wi t and who l now dl cu >
Ing hi < Ideas and preparation witn tut1 I
New Vok piljllc at ih Itiktr IOC 1
Btoadwav end 111 tieet
The statement Wa nuiln to tlie mat i
i ag r of the Eore and to a number ol
peopl v 10 were tvaithiK In e Ooop I
III McllJCli alt I an willing IJ
lakt oft1 n at any time to what 1 am
ahum to a 1 will ate that there I
could have be > n no more < coptlcal lan I
11 New York aoout 11 lan Cuupej
meCicim 01 tor that matter an > othn
i niellcln < than 1 wa < a mon ago
Now 1 can state positively that an >
claim Mr v ooper ha made in connet 1
ion witn what ha iiKdicini will dn
for ne Momnch is very conetvatHe
For Mglitten ypar I have suffered i
tortut < > oivoiid diecilptlon I iiav
t ing m > iiMibo na < oatar h of t
sOnatn 11 1 have b en fited nv
inous p i Mcai at dlfffieu <
I Cituei o i lie iimiacn gailrltif
11nrrli of tlie stoma n and Inllamma
tlon of the intestines I have been laid
mal lime that nothing could he done
fir me 1 had given up all hope five
> ear ago M > life II bein such a
lUilhen tmt I iave actually prayed
I lor death 1 could neither work eat
nor sleep I was iindalcd and drlnp d
II aweat from weakness upon the slfght
es > fxeitlon
Cooper was In liiooklyn for come
HIM ml U hnppemd that one or wo
of m > fritnd were r > mg tins Coop
ivHeine Thry urged me to do the
iir bin I only Lushed a tnern
T 1 > > nere pertlitent and I obtained
I 111 iiJiU iv week ugn I
had been taking the medicine atwut
lour da > s when I began to nMiizr tmt
at last I had obtaimd Ometliln that
I was realb iulpniK me I wa si ping
bftter and th Iniuld fonl I wn living
on began to tll hfttr and p med
I to dlzf i ICverv day I wa more Im
proved Two weeks after tllj I ven
tured to eat some iwefstiuk ivery
I mouthful lat good hit I feareil the
con eiUincev Ii not only dl1 noi IrOI
ble me but itepMied to gli > me < treiiRth
1 have < oiinniid i Mt solid food xlnce
I pal ihne liarty meal
Ihen now < tirp leal a
day I liavn ciind olo Hi tweirv
I pirindx I I do a day work with
PI man ind thitv U no more thnnk
I lu or plateful mdivldtiil on earth than
i 1 1111 I would not f k all the money
i In Nw York and 1 wliore I na a
month ago 1 woud be willing to de
vote I wo months In jtlns wth peiiple
of this cltv aboiti thl IIITIS medicine
I nr I < el that I owe it to him to do
Sniiiinii Krll rroiii rri H > I In
I 11 f Inrhnrou
i 111 Wlrlman a ouni PUnAI 01
thr Barllr a rel Crum Ih oteamtr
st tIIO 11 wal Klht
t rlurlfl ten Ih
i i
fm rrl1 toI Hhe ll
fr InII ald tnny
i nl wav
Vliile IT IOIIIHT ui puntlnK
I tnroiiKh heav ea veHtenUvv VleU
c inan ii looUroit In the Tow nest
i on the rrart iniiMt ant fw lieadlons
I to the deck lil > bod > brought to
Board of Estimate Voles for It
Over the Protest of I
McClellan and Met Both Op
posed but Borough Heads
Stood Together
Mayor McClellan find Comptroller
Melz re ftfniin outvoted today on the I
tllIon of additional mibway The i
vote was six to nine I was taken on
a itsolution requesting the Public ter
vlco Commission to prepare and present
to the Honril of Estimate within sixty
day forms of contract tor tile continu I
ation of the proposed Lexington nvenue
slib way
lam opposed ta till measure HI thit
time liecan e It commits the cltv to an
expenditure of JlOOiiwfl which I t not i
available snld the Mnyor 1 hal
vote against t I
What Is the use of thionliiK till up
on the city at this time when the money
cannut be obtained 1 asked Comptroller i
l1ftz We can PProxe the forms of
contract n any time Why commit the
city at this iuie
rthat do yon propose doin 7 askaj
the Ma > or addie lns Hurouirh 1resi
ilcnt Alieain i
Ipropjsc having this board act
with rofrence to the proposed Iexlij 1
lon avenue and HroaJway line Just as
I acted la1 wek in the Hrooklyn i
Fourth avenue subway ansnenid
TIe Mayor and the tomptiiiller voted
no theli votes making a total nf
six Preld nt MoOowan President
Ahearn President Coler President Haf i
rn and IrJldenl Cromwell cast I heir
nine votes In favor of the enterprise
Thl action means that the Public
enle Commission will be advertising
for bliM t htillil the l xlntion avenu
1 Mil s by July 1
There Is friction among the member
Df the Public Servce Comml lon over
the selection of new lubwav routes to
if undertaken oniinlsdoiier Hax t
lotlng It l understood In company
Ih Commissioner McCarrnll protest
ed toda at a me tlnif of tin Cm
iiUwlon agaiis the action takoi ai I
meeting y terday In the ahfence o
McCarroll and Hanseti the Brooklyn
ufminlsslonera I
1oHS Wlllcox Euotls and Maltln
representing Manhattan and the nronx
ire charited tHh all lal n nd
fantage of the absence of the others
LO order the preparation f the form of
contracts for the Hroadway and Lx
ington nvenne route wltiont regard t i
1 feature Pomm sslone Basselt had
long urged for Brooklyn
ConimlHsloner HiiHSett could not te
3re > 4 hi Indignation today He Milted
I ii frlend < that Ie regarded as dlcoui
IOU the action of ni < felliMVinembei
Mr Uas eu believes nat the Hroad
nay In1 lnfayette loop In Brooklyn
nneuing the biidges Is an Important
ature to conlin IOIIH irunsportai in
mid an auxiliary practically to tu
iiroadwaylexlngtoii nvenue subwa
He las freijuently notified his fellow
Lommlhiloners that nhen the Uroad
ayI xington contracts were approvej
tie contracts for the Brooklyn loop
fhould lmi < ltfiii0iRly be considered I
Knowliu hli Iniltlon Commissions i
BaFett declared his rollcagucp HCe
ye terda < contrary to his wlxhef At
toiln > s nifc Ing his lesohition to i
onMder e ierdnyx ai vlon was referred
l i I < Ilimittee of taQ Whole and
vill doubtless oe acied IIIHIII favorarl
I Old Hostelry Will Be Torn Down
10 ake Room for an
Office Skyscraper
not her gUI landinarl if Kmer BriMd
way will disappear oon for the riin
ilalr Hon at Uroadwaj Mil Klghth
Htrfet for > eir > one of the mem ng
I paifs of wellknown Midtimers will
clo e tomorrow at mldntpht and In a
hurl time 1 will oe turn down to maku
nay for an olllce building
Mr A P AKlinmii wklun of ti
proprletoi who rin n lnuel from I M
iinil Mr Awiman oled a few yens
ago annoimceii iiiav iMit Hie tnitti
j asemenl a gien a in for hei
and he will Into private lite n
soon as fie ilpln IM cloed airl
trlppml of Its fnrnllilrsn
Ill Sinclair ilonv ap i < Nlahlve I
i In ISoii and four vear later Aimaii
KBlKnril contpil The place was fol
I years the teort of biiFlnen men and
commercial traveller and WHK In tlie
ciiilro of ie It > g il > d trl1
I John UHiilclx who owne1 a detiartment
Htor at HriMlivnv and Klrhtli streot
led In the Mouse
There waM an Impromptu celebration
of the cloHlpg by several of the old
time patron today John Hal one of
Its freUentr who In an old volnnteor
fireman dug up many ipmlniiceniex o
the hOI
Heart Recount To Be Heard
The AnollMe OlvlBlon of tlie Su
r rnm Vyiirt todnv appointed Knprnmo
Conrl Justice John 1 l nnilierl of Krr
dnJ S T n trial JiiKtli In ttir
hcirlng of the ijuo wnrranro proceedings
of HH < People of the Ktate of New Voik
agamxt ieorge H Mcilcllpn Intei
plrndfNl wllh WIHInni n lloart whlli
Id to ix bcRim April 13 In Part XVIII
of the Appellate Term of the Supreme
flaunt In he Oo inty OrHOe
Couple Making for Stamford I
Liititliouse Almost Dead i
When Picked Up I
1 I 1 April 1 Almosl
dead from cold and exposure Jol n J
tK k and hU wife cre rescued carl >
t > iiiy from an open launch In which
te > had benn drifting ibout the Sounc
all niKht Mcmbcr of the Eatons life
> avln crew noticed tin 1ttle ciaft bob
bin nhoiit h < l > lu ily far from and
11 puttlnK out In botts found the
Cooks linK halfunconscious In the bot
tom if the launch The couple Wer
lifted from the disabled ciafl and i
caf ant
It1 ta 13Iit I
brought ashore where thy were made
comfortable alt a dot called to ut
t nd them
Mrs Cook hal been III and her hus
band who Is the keener of the < tam
foid Coni Lighthouse wa < endeavor
ing to get I lor from the mainland tu
the llghthouse when the launch was
During the Ions night hours whllt
the Cooks were adrift an aced woman
the mother of Cook kept vigil in ilif
lighthouse ftvirsonie and heartheaj
for the absent one but not forgetting
the beacon that Is the mariners Kindt
and proved a light of nope to Cook
us he fought to save his wife and him
lelf The light faithfully tendril by
the old woman steadily burned throw
ing out Its rays to the man whose duty
H was to keep It In service
Th < i Cok boarded the lltie craft late
In Hie day with a stiff wcterly wind
blowing and a heavy sei running in the
Sound ami bad only proceeded ihot
half the distance when somethng wnt
wrong with the maolnner of the tiny
hiel and i f wer > at the mercy of the
winil and nes
Cook iad bui one oar In the boat and
with tills ninde a de perate effort to
iTlill th craft and keep her neail on
o the nasty seas that were continually
iilctikinK otei the gunwales as she lay
liroadslde on Both were drenched to
the > kln and the air was bitterly cold
His efforts were futile honour and
Ihe launch bobbed about a plaMhlnc
In the water while off in the distance
Took and his wife could H < > e I ill beacon
from thrt liKhthtKise their home
ahlch It 5eimed tin wouui never
reioli The light served as I ijjlde fn
ook wno iMenng his wife with all
he clothing and tarpaulli rjoartl
rled to buve lier frum the tas and
bit II blasts
The annch hail meantIme drifted to
nard the I onK Island shore and the
arly watch of Ine Kitton Neck 11
lighting It gave the call to his mates
and going out brought the Cooks tu
8fCAMf THlff
1 Street and Double Lfe
Blamed fo Downfall of
Waring Denham
A double life and Wall street spfiila
lin It is cuirgd led Vatliig Denham
llrty Jeart old of Nu 111 Knit llfty
eentli ittiBi Into the Centre rftreei
Iollce Louit today lie i accused nf
teallnir Jit or mole fiom hi < em
ploy e5 Densmore it Cnmptun real e a
ate brokers ami contractorH at N >
Q Fifth avenue
Dfiinam a well etup welldre scd
onnir fellou wn nrreiied jit Uls home
hy Lfeut ritXRliiiinonfi and Flood of
the DiPtrlctAttoi olllce on a nni
ran nworn oit yeslcida Tie peclt c
rime ohniiCd gainst lilm l < forgciy
in fi ie ilnril ileciec and grand larceiv
li onniclon itli a JTVi checV
Thf clieck ni turned Into tne tlrr
by Robin Dale Compton one of tin
RrtnTS I cliarjed that Ixnhan
firged an endorHment cashed the
check and overed up the trnnsactioi
fii his book
IVr the pa > t tliree veari he has beei
office manager and head bookkeeper rO
the llrni AsiiMtant DlstrlctAttorne
I i Vlvler loil MagHtrate Slelnert I
the nollce court that hli liookr so fn
i an examined hr A a shortnge of JXOO
Denham IIRU I wife arid child at Nn
Lit Knit Ilflveventh street lleu
i Fitxslmmons favs lie maintained nnoU
estivMlthinenl at Plftvoeventh trr
and nroadwiu He wan held In V > 0f t
hall for examination on next Monday
AIHXNV Ajirll 1 fie Francl hJI
nioviillnir for tlie fire nmoin s fMi
fr police and flr < iiti In ellies nf I i
rtt nrnl wcnnd cli vn rep < irtOl
to the A nenihly todiv hv the Mil
riininlttec The miMstirx hail l > aen re
eunleil as ctnntherpil 1 mllc
If coffee causes dizziness
ness quit and drink
Theres a Reason
llpntl The Hone to Wellville
I phc
TO SPEND 1000000
Exposure by The Evening Word
of Menace to Lives of Children
Moves Board of Estimate to
Make Appropriation I
The Board of Estimate today umnimously adopted a resolution ap
propriating 51000000 for immediate use in making safe twenty ot the
thirtytwo school house indicated in The Evening World as being unsah1
Additional money will be appropriated late to repair the remaining
school houses adjudged to be standing menaces to the lives of thousands i
of school children in New York
In the event of a tire outbreak in any of the schools nol practically I
condemned by otiicial acton following the disclosures made in The Evn 1
ing World it would be impossible for all the children to escape
While the pre ent nn afe chool build
ings will be repaired at once with a
view to safety which contemplates
larger mid additional exits and talr
ways and the replacing of wood with
s el iron all concrete other mean
will later be adopted to further afe
Theu w 11 Imlude
gunri the ihildien i
Itie placing of outiUle lireescape
No di > Lujslon attended the acton o
the board In voting for safety today
and Comptroller MoU who na l > > n
making a personal Inspection of ins ite
school caused his leMilutlon to be
reud bj Llrk Jame < Doerlng It called
for thu appropriation of the inilll m
dollars to nnmeilmtcly repair and
make safe twenty cliool building nol
dangerous to life
Work will It Marud at one
The Dangerous Schools
The public Cool < of Ureater pw
Vurk Inn igatti1 b > tiie Board if
Education folionine the cxpouto of
M ifu coiiilltion li > Th levelling
World and rituo of nll h were ii
clHed unife b > the board llsclf are
a follows
lu nliut IMII
17 No iii We = t lortyceveti li el
18 No Ul Cast lit lllst iet
i Slantoii aiiil Slienff treei
No i j We t Portletb stiee
4S No 37 iast Tlilrtv ven iaf
M No XS Wc t Foif forl si i
54AmstrJam uscnue mid un tun
died aim ronrtr slieei
> No ill eit Klft > eitJinl uel
i No HI West Kortvflxth tieet
tjNo 1U West nftyfuiiui > I n
iNo M7 Iat lytI1 stteei
if I IornslMli strett
3 No 1It Forlvslxll
iyNo West rortvtlit ireit
t West Iftioth streetS
41 No 1 Ile
S No Vrt Itlvington tieer
aenu and Ninety
MAmMeidani alo
tliiid tieet
UMXo 4ia liasl SKlCiMllli tlet
14 street
11J No i
iVNo liU Wooster irett
l7No 111 W Thlrtyjcvenih Tti
asl Nlneleentli tne
N1 e lltnlh
li V No lii HaMT Mr t
1131 No 71 lat Second tieet
HrooWl M
I lfoncod and Adams sreeH
SMlddnh and llimy tteet
I Pi Pci
1JS ueentii treO 111 11p
11 Washington and Sfene axenum
13 Degrnw and HIcKs treef
It Navy an i fontord tie ts
IThlrt avenue and State tr < ii
and Ii dforl IIMMH
I It hrlgs avenue It and N > 111 Tlfili
IS Maujcr and Ixvmail treets
1JSouta Se nd and Kciip t reels
13 Java tree and Manhattan avenue
J3 ondwfi ind Humlioldl street
i > Lafayette and Snmner menue
I 20Qulncy street and Halph avenue I
j Nelson and Hicks stieels
I S Herklmor street and Halpli avenue I
> 9 Columbia und Amity streets I
i 3 > North Seventh near Kerry street
KVHrn1ford nuc sttvet near Liberty avo I
pI 1
tytire hnr r peilie i oda In
tire tlui de iro > od the lit ei su > p nf
1 I Hn > A Son 1 liellevue avenie
lppr Montcliir The Mide wys near I
the Krif Ilallrojd tiitlnn md I i
thought ilui a spnk from psna
1 < > iin > tlve nt iiave > iariid t 1 blaze
T I I I iiid binning Lujrled the I
puks and I iniliR emlcrx o he roof
r 1111 de sler < barn idloin
ins I lh and ihti I i aIK
ire al I a paltlr de < e1
111 u a 11 1
u id j I 1 tiantn > i
11 tI a wi i i Was
> SI
The ordinary e e ls 5 clip iy
so loose that it > lips nil the
nose all the time or is so tiqhl
that ii leaves Jeep reJ mark
Harris Suction Clip
Joo not inp the iui > e ise i
I vise hut holds
ymr eegai
I so jjently you haidly know you
I ire weiriiiii glasses and FI 1
tirnily tht you cannot possi
I blj < hake them 011
Attached to vour glasses 5S allj
1 ir ttturtH arr 11 ntur < li > li nhi
J IillUv > I
i 54FRSI 23rd St ne t Fourth Ave
54 West I 25th Si near Lenox Ae1
442 Columbus Ave 81t ft 82d Su
1 489 FullonStroet BROOKLYN
I Oppntitc Abralum c Slrui
m m M m MM
mvrnu fiz its whoesomcness anil value as a food are well known
Hut delicious its the friit Itself mny Ie it czn be made more so This
is done by contlnjc the fljr with finest chocolatethick rich and pure
thus producnK our CHOCOLAIU COVIRhD
MYRNA Fl Sa candy that uill satisfy the I y
most refined palate And now that youve pnilND I iC
ruuni a
makes it WJ
I nRiiig to try them their price easy
or you 11 buy them
SDecalAssortedCliocolatesA POUND 1VC
Clocolates D S
l jgh Grade Chocolates Bon BonsPound 25c
s 1 Illl Kl > IIKIICACIKH IUS FIIT 01AIITV V lb 10 20c
I until 11 oock
Turk lion li > n < open irrry MMiJni unll
10w rTfnln until 1 I 01
I llnrrlaj lr t nnd Ciirllnndt ulrrrl lore s epen Hnlnrdnj UII
ri ici IIASKH or ONK i > niiK AND WI
ovrit inrrtvKKN HATTKiiv AM > aooih
I HTItrKT TWtYS llronliljn proprr Wr 1 co M
STIIIT In 111 llf fin HI to lMilnt I r rT
Miinlinltiin utiove Vniiili Ht llnlioknn nn Ii J Rr
jer Cliy No inind will e O D Cnnf
I jno
r ror nur i > ntof ten uiiliitn r carv O
II fully packed nnd ulilplicil from our 1 CoSJ
ell mull order dlinitinrni
Sickness Breeds
In Your Ice = Box
MIIIV serious aiiil ftttl Ct fs 01 Infec
tloiis ilHcjsej ctn lv haeed to the Ice
Uftfii It K the ilirtiiit place In the
hotiv mil ilisit f thrills brocil quickly
thcr altackuii the family Ihrotich the
food milk stitl butter beitiR especially J
susceptible to their ibsorptlnn
You should clean > our icebox at least
once vftV vith a reliable non
roijontnis Kermiciile such as CN Dis
infectant added to the water
Be sure to add the disinfectant to the
water as mere soap and water will not
kill disease germs
The NonPoisonous Antiseptic
Al lOc
Drug I 25c
Stores SOC
Nothing like it to
feed nerves build
up tissues and
make for genenl
health Drink i
t meals and be
fTe bdl time be
came i is 200
tD 1 richer than ordin
milk and has
A ary
t U501 been perfectly pas
ttKER C teurised removing
l W0V the slishlesi possi
bility ot germ dan
10 ss or delivered in
V w
< He sure it
bottles toe a quart Slie I
bottle cap
as on tbe lttle
1111 I U > E 11 I r of
I I a I
I r I lli i Ii n e 744
t i J I M llitrr
liS what aiuibes the chi
j play
uts what keeps the bini
ltr > away
iials what pet dogs have
to say
get one through World
v tndav
No ISitra Cbar or t
I A4 < rtlitm < nti to Thi WorM racy k Ml
al au Amrlua DUUUt
te II
lir A

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