J 1 w J J T r > = > l
r w ir 1 T J foir JIiII M u r il
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Complete Results of the Races ToDay at the Belmont Park Track 1
r Whitmore Takes the WitnessStand to Aid His Alibi in Murder Trial tI L j L
l 6000 Pearl Necklace Disappears From Womans Home Driver Arrested < f ltE5urr3 I
r Fnlr tonlEhtl Frlrtnr uliowers r t f 1 I 11fi iI C J
ED mow
I I NA L be j oriO GREli1l1 ED
pINAL lJJ E 1 II n 7 N tIfJ y I
RESULTS EDITION I ti Circulation Books Open to All 1 I Circulation Books Open to All II I 4
s +
fet Louis 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 04 i
Highlanders 0001 00 020 3 iI
UThe beautiful summer dav broazh
eco fans and Rub Waddell mlt to se
ret York and St lyoul fight out th <
last ftamo at the series Iluhe hna
with Man
utche4 hl differences
patched up
ager McAleer and Is hick on the job
Jt is understood that h romprnmliei
for 10 cash Orth and Dlneen facci
each other as pitchers
First Inning
Stone Hoffman out
Conroy threw out
on a grounder Nibs to Cha c Will
Jam fouled to Chase NO lUNS
Dlneen tossed out Nils Hemphll
ingled to left and then Mole second
the ba he went
arid as no one covered bag
to third Chase hit to Ferris and
aiemphlll was run down Ferris to I
fjtfphens to Ferris Chase 6tole second
fjtuhl walkt l Chase was out stealing
third Stephens to Ferris NO HUNS
J f Second Inning f
Nlles threw fHartsell Sehivltzei i
JjJ LIed to 11 all Niles i threw out Jones
Hartsell threw out Conroy Hall heal
out an Infield hit and took second ai I
Morlarlty went out Dlnctm to Hansel
to Jones Klelnow hit to Ferris and
Ball was run down Ferris to Hartscll
Third Inning 1
Ferris struck out Kail threw Out
Stephens and did the same thin foi
Dineen NO RUNS I
Orth died on a bounce Dincen to I
Jones Nlles cracked a twotwicer to
orntre Herrphill suuck out Ferris
ffot Chases croundcr and touched Out
Fourth Inning
stone went out on hot Broun lor Nlle
to Clusc Huffman walked and went U
third on Wlllnjns siime to right
Hartsell was safe on Nlles error and
JioiTman scored Oonroy took Swllzor
grounder and touched third fjrclna unit
y Williams Jones popped to Conroy
StAhl smashed a twobacser to left
find went to third on Cons sacrifice
yvrrls to Jones Ball Illetl to Uoifmin
eoorlne Stahl Morliny out illlaiu
to Dlneen ONE ULN
Fifth Inning
Ferris Hied to Hall Stephens struck
out IXneen was safe on Halls funule
tout was forced out on Stones grounder
Conroy to Nlles NO RUNS
Klelnow lllcd to VullUm Orth sin
gled Nlles struck out llemphlll again
singled Cham struck 0111 MJ UUsS
Sixth Inning
JClles threw out Hoffman Williams
made a long drive to the score board
for a home run the ball bouncing over
I the fence Orth tossed out liartsell
Swltzer filed to Dull ONE RUN
Stall singled to right and took sec
ond tO Corroys grounder Dlneen to
Jones Bull llntvl out to Ferris
ttlorlarlty tiled to Hoffman NO RUNS
Seventh Inning
Johnes singled Orth got Ferrlss
popfly and wn a throw to Cnasc
doubled urJones Hall threw out
Stephens NO RUNS
llllams tnrew out Klelnow Swltzer
was UiUtr Orths h sh II > WHJIains
nnd Jones attended to Sties Nf
Eighth Inning
Ball tlirev out Dlneen Stone walked
Cfi iTman situled to right Williams till
Umpire IXin and knocked him down
tor a tingle tilling till buses Hartsei
Nini ut scorlm Stone and I I uifui tin
sad tuok second on the throw Williams
gonif tu third Switzer hit to Conr y
and Williams was run down Conroy t <
KUInow to Cuiiroy Hall threw out
Jnes TWO IllS
Ho rpIlls Rrojulor sol past MII
lam und Hoifnun and was eooil tor
tlf UlECs Chase got to second on
tells vrwr and Hemplilll scored
iilahl llied tu Hoffivui After n hiird un
diniio muffed Oonroys low My tint
I Chase went to third hull slnhled
r Hciiring Chase hut was uut trying to
make tpfond Iloffniin to Hartsoll Mo
Jlarlty lllcd to atone TWO UVNS
Ninth Inning
Ferrlss singled Stephens popped to
Conroy who throw to Clmuu in tlmu to
double up Ferris Ball throw out Dill
Harteell throw uut Klelnow Orth
J went out the same war Nlles singled
to left and tolu second Ilemnhll
walked and Nibs stole third Chase
I rued to Stone NO RUNS
tourist from Now
I wealthy
r I C Wood a
YOrk City lies seriously Injured at
1 Oakland thu
I tm Key Uouto Inn us
rwulf of a runaway accident In Red
fwo d Canvon Tuesday In which ha
I and Iiwifetaa a narrow escape from
1 dst The buggy was overturned on
= tf Wood and Wood wu thrown
l 41rta
I Nils2h 0 2 1 5 1
I Hemphlll cf i 3 o 0 C
Chase Ib 1 0 111 0 0
Stahl If i 2 0 n 0
Conroy 3b 0 0 4 3 0
Rail FS n 2 r r i
Morlarlty rf 0 0 0 0 0
i Klelnow c 0 0 2 1 0
Orth pv 0 1 1 2 r
Totals 3 10 27 17 2
Stone If i 0 2 0 1
Hoffman rf 2 1 3 1 oi
Williams 2b 1 3 1 3 01
Hartsell ss 0 1 2L 1
Swltzer cf 0 0 1 To
T Jones Ib 0 1 10 0 0
Ferris 3b 0 1 4 2 0
Stephens c 0 0 3 2 0
ninern p o 0 1 4 0 i
Totals 4 7 27 1C 2 I
First Haso on Halls Off Orth 2 oft
I flncu I
Ift on Jues3t Unils 4 Highland
er In
Struck OlltJr Orth 2 by tln en 3
II 111 H in Williams
ThreeHas HI Himihlll
TnoIiiM Hlt XiUf Stahl
Solen Hasesllmpiill 1nisi nnd
Nilc 1
I Dinblo P1Orl to ihnt Conroj
I to I n
rtnpii s Ki7nn mil OL i lIn
Fireman Leaning From Cow
Catcher Makes Quick Grab
and Holds On I
Jimmy a towheaded brown
skinned little chayi of four year who
knows no other name was saved from
death this afternoon by the heroism of
James Harrigan a Jersn Central Rail
read fireman who standing on the
cowcatcher of his engine reached down
and grabbed the boy as a train dah
In to Newark was upon him
Jimmy was pliylni on the railroad
tracks on the tildgj forty feet above
the roaCway not far from Newark
A mllo away a Central train was
leading toward him Tho little fellow
lennl the creaking of the rails and siw
he thin column of nnnke rise far down
he tracks before ho saw lie loconio
Ivu which threatened to crui i out his
Ifc Ho made an effort to get to the
sr und and then fell to the ties
The column of smoke linn nearer and
laaror until Jimmy taw the gUs tell
illS brass and the big steel front of a
JUnt when Jlniniy thought that the
jlc wheels would pass over him n sot
covered llgure swung through the
ivlndow of the cab down the rail to
tlitt cowciitchcr and leaning far over
wo one mighty grat and tug and
Jimmy landed fair and tqunre In the
arms of his rescuer while the engine
stopped half a dozen yards away
Jimmy was too frightened to tell
inylhlng about himself and late to
day tho oollco were trying to learn
hero he lived
Men Blue lers Suit A1I Woo
al fOIiVorth la
Sale today up to Decoration Day
I500 Mens all wool blue verge aulta at
S9 your opportunity to buy a now
serge suit at a treat bargain All ilies
single or double breasted and for tout
men also fancy patterns W95 and
I7JO Klnci 23 Broadway S
PAYS 100 fOR
Sent Over to Learn Our Meth
ods Three Con Men
Give Him Lessons
And Then They Tonk Him
Valking and Rude Raider
Gets His Roll
Th dlcnlty of Prothnd Yard the fi
mOil rniiilni cmin 1 of tl Limlor
rloiitli fit n prp jolt til aftrrnuor
wlin Central omci lieiirs aITee1
a mln who siirl he win louls Waxen
liisor of No M West On llundre
a nil riftocnjh st roil I ic wns oharKcJ
wlti loIn one of throe nffihln well
drFfpii Anirriiii xho sit away wit
Rio tnn ng to OVell Tnyp n Sco
land Vsrdrr who has been In New
ilxlro and thiDtizh the TnltoJ State
MndytnR the ways of con men and
Acoordlns to Mr Tap he was taking
It nasy In a reiintng chair In the cafe
trf the > Holand Hou > e Mnndiy nich
when he got a ecrdlil Good mining
from a tajl stout gentleman In venlnj
tlothrc The Mranser was so con nlsi
that when he Invited Sir Tape to hav
n drink th4 English sleuth ncco ted
with liaeure
The new foun friend of Mr Tape
said that lie wni a stranger In the
< lty anti ite asked Mr Tup to take a
walk According to the EmlIh INC
live he nnd his new fiund friend went
to a dilnon near Madijon Square Gar
dcii Tiev weio having i drink whet
another well dressnl American fttppei
ii I > tr Mr Tiper friend ai 1 oon Mr
T > pe IriO luiiilrrd another fr > il
Friend No loft for a few minute
While tic was gone Krlend Xo I tried
ti sot Mr Tup to enter Into n scheme
to set n little oisy mirey by mats Si
rs reins tmltlns Friend Ni the
nit Mr T1re Inllyiantly raid he
iY > ilil enter Into ID Euh Xlienie
Frloml No > raru InrI anl h ard
X J I jft t initcilnc iitiHdoMar
WhIp they w > ro matliln Mr Tap
lb niirit It time f ir another dink Th
Iml iWd4 115 II drew from hl < pccket
11 roll of bills aninuntlnx to Jw AS he
peeled ff a ten spot to pay for a drlnl
a tllnl stranger hurst In on the party
nut announced that all were under ar
rest for gambling As the thirl juan
nde the InlloUIIC IIlIt he rah uoi
Mr lanes JJOl and In the scuffle that
followed friends No 1 und 1 rushed nut
if the doors followed liy the raider
Mr Tape Was to nail home with his I
und of knowledge On the Lusitania
which sailed yesterday but he says
lull stay and see that Frien No 1
who hi Enyj Is Waxnberger Friend
No who Is missing and the rude
aider are brought before the bar of
ust Ice
Special to Tr Evening World I
tiimmel playing short Instead of left I
ItId howls playing In left field Brook
yn took the field with the local Eat
rn League club for an exhibition game
this afternoon stopping ova on the
way home to Urooklvn from Cincinnati
It was the first appearance of Lewis
lit the game since he was Injured in
going to first base at Plttsburg Burch
lid not appear In the lineup Manager
Juckenherpr chose Maroney a young
outhpiy to pitch against the Dod
Brooklyn 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
Rochester 0015000
HittcrlesBell and flitter Maroney
and Hurley tinplreMr Sullivan
At Plttsburg
oFtn o 3 0 0 1 0 11 0 t
Ittcburp 0 1 0000000 1
Batteries Llndaman and Bovi nnan
lelleld and Ihelps Implro Klein
At St Louis
lllciKo I 11 t 1
81 LouIs 20000
Batteries Krizer anti Kllng Hallee
and Hosteller Umpire Johnstone
At Boston
Chicago 01000000 12
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 1
Batteries Walsh and Sullivan Clcottc
ind Carrlgnn Umpire Connolly
At Washington
lleveland 20000000
Vnnhlngton 03006000 8
Batteries Lattlmoro and Clarke
falkenburg and Street UmplreUurlrt
At Philadelphia
Detroit 08000110210
1 jflladelphla 000000200 S
fi t etl 8um n and Schmidt By I
Clft and SbhMck JrnDfthtrjan
HI Did Not Kill My Wife I
Vas Not in Jersey on Christ
mas He Swears
HL Train Despatcher Gives
Strong Evidence for
the Defense
Theodrre S Wliltnoro went on th
stand In hit own hehnlf at thi open i
ing of the afternoon M s lon In tin i
Court of oypr and TTni Jersrv I
City toilrv nnd rifnind the murder I
of his wife H pnn In 1impbltirk I
Svamp 1 Inn sun N JT on Christmas
Day I I
v non Whltmno iva < Cllol hIs nllhl
was in n pretty bid way turn of hIs I
riot inirortant witness linvlns been
i severely shaken on the crossexamina I
tlonThe young man Mopped up firmly to j
the wltncsK chair He spoke III a ack
nervous voice with his hands hanging I
loosely at his side i
He said he was born in New York
I and that his wife was Miss Elizabeth
1 Helena Salter From these preliminary I
question Lawyer Simpson brought
I the witness up to the Chrlntmss Eve
Whltmore was walking on the street
I nat hl < home He had not een his I
I wife for five days lie mft her at the
I corner of Concord and Tlllftry streets
and asked her to come home
She wilke up to the house with him
and then hesitated
I put my hand on her arm snlc
Whltmoro and as she pulled back I
tripped She was a more powerful
person than I anti dragged me down
with her Then I ii eat Into the house
Saw Her Christmas Day
i Whltmore said nothlns about taking I
hH wifes pockthiok Mrs Whltinjre I
went iinnv Christmas Day but lie I
found her near the liiui the in xt I
niirnlng Td wWied tier a Merry
Chrktmas Slu wrnt Into the li1uuiJ 1
with him anl > hi ttnliraco him ihc
nild hU lunl In her arms The wit
ress sild thit lie was huunekripei In
huh home
My wife he said dl not cook a
meal at tWill fur live years I
At 330 Christmas afternoon the do I
fendant gave his wife J13 to pay her
1 way to Schenectady
I She wintrd tu go said Whlfnore
t and I gave her the money I had JlJ
and gave her sir
I Luler la the afternoon we 1nd n tur
key dinner that Mrs ONeill brought
i down After dinner I went out to get
a drink I cuiif back between 6 and
I 7 oclock and my vlfe had gone
Whllmorn said he went out for an
other drink after that
His wife agreed to take the Montreal
express at 3W and promised to wait
for him to come back
What dd you think nked Lawyer
Simpson when you Jame back and
found your wife had gone
Thought She Gave Cash to Harry
I thought she had probably taken
the mane to Harry as she was paying
Ills room rent at that time
s Whltmore progressed In his testi
mony his voice grew stronger with a
trident nasal twang to It After Whit
more found his wife had gone he went
nit for another drink
He returned to the house U out
again and walked up to the house of
Mrs Lillian Hcldel thinking his wife
mljht be there There were no lights
In the Heldcl lat so he again returned
home During all this time he had met
no one talked to no one lie got home
at 9 oclock and waited arcund until
945 when he decided to go over to the
City Hall Station and see about his
run bring covered lie turned out the
Continued on Second Pngc
At Brooklyn
leading OOOOOOflfl 11
3rooltlyn 0 0 0 0 0 tI 0 2 2
I Hattnrles Levy anti Molena RclilInK
anti Hartman tmp Latham
A Remarkable UUcuvcrr Tlint lie
UUC N Fat llarmlPiily nt the
Hat of n Pound n Dna
NEW YORK May llIarned Physi
cians are greatly Interested In the reo
narkable dIscovery for reducing fat
made by the wellknown physician Dr
Bradford of n But rd st > ew York
City Dr Bradford sends a package of
till new fllicvery tree to all fat periile
irho writ hUn requesting ttAdvt
v f mf t
rince Wins Gaiety Stake
Handily Irmn Melisnnde
and Field Mouse
Spcclil to The Knlne Wirll
Jiuiioii It Keene has u worthy suc
cessor to Colin In Celt the Conimaivlo
Mpld of Erin threeyearold colt Cell
won the Jockey Cltib Wclqht for Ae
lace the feature of UIP day at the
Hack In a common gallop He won
I like a ohamplon and unless some accl
dent befalls him should KO on and earn
I thwpopular white btuspaoila1Wi
victory this season This witS Celts
three > < arold debut The betting rIng
foreshvdnwed his nbllltj when he was
quoted as n 1 to 2 hoC At this plc
tho public plmiKef wse fish and In
fact everybody took him strong
HeportR had him as genii aa Colin
and that setmed noiish for the bettors
Them were only two other starters In
tlo rnco tMsde Celt Jiick Alldn and
Drante Salvldere belnp jcratchiil
Jack Ath u wib bacoii some lit il to 5
ami IXruitc wan nibbleil at for tin
phi r Tlf rue ii HS Celt all tin way
after the lirtltteentji when Jack At
lln aklns in frint led
Celt Gees to the Front
Nutur tuok no chanves with Jack
Atlln howtvrr a Oil sea t I tie Kfeii
volt to the fiint and kept him then
Atklti lav meC lid a length behind but
niuvfd up a bit on the stretch turn
from where he looked to have a C litt net
to CUmulI on Ielt evidently tried to
loit hole but Notter reminded him III
his business witi a few licks of tin
whip VIt then bounded away trot
Jade Atkln wh right at this time
glinwfil n Opposition to bear towanl
the outer rail This however had tu
effect on the result Celt came right
an tu win easily with Notter pullltm
him imp It looked as if Atkin came
again but thin was due to Notter
easing up n the winner
Big Chief WIns Easily
The opening race wcnt to the odds on
holci Ills Chief Ho led practuuily ah
the ay liedouln stuck to him uncly
> ut never could get him Big Chief
vas usdar wraps with Bedouin driving
10 May within halt a length of him
Monopolist run a good race for his
first outing considering that he was
leirly knocked down shortly after the
start by lUdouln
Wise Ones Get Trimmed
The second race was n great betting
event The wise flab were divided
Some weit to tight Sol while oiheiu
01 them played inlcivrna as If It was
over An wey went by the Judges it
vas Arlonette Tom Held und Intervene
vrionette was played by some careful
term student and the Cellar bftoked
her lightly but outsIde of that she wan
ilayeef little
She broke fast Put the usually does
and led all the way to the middle of
the track with Intervene and Tom Reid
trying hard either side to set near her
J Lee kept her going however by the
whip application and she Muck It out
rom Hold ran to his best form today
with a lone price against him
Trance Beats Mellsande
1 ranee upheld her reputation In the
Gaiety and Von after n duel the entire
tiny with Keencs Mellsande They rrn
like a team to within a hundred yards
ot the llnlidi when the iMinetioss of
Trance told and she cam1 away from
dcllsande tii win by half a length lleld
iloiie ran a good race being Just head
d out of the place money bv Mellsiinde
ifter swerving an over the track In tile
arly Part Thin one Is a good filly
Irance and Mellsande weri well played
mil the books were hit barn by the re
sul I
Juggler Shows Good Form
Juggler Is a pretty shifty horse right
tow He carried 12t pounds In tht
handicap fifth on the card and won III
its usual fashion no trailed the hunch
10 the stretch then closed fast und in a
Irlve of almost the length of the
itretch beat out the hot tip Master
Robert The consmem BerkeleY led all
he way around to the strotc where
ho speed of time other two > IU < too
niich for him He held on lone enough
to he third however Colonel Jack ran
second for n while and then tired under
hn weight
Frlzette Keep on Winning
Frlzotte won the final event In much
the twimo manner as she won her last
start coming away In the last six
teenth after running head and head
with Tom McOrath They were about
equal favorlt In the b tUni but just
Weather Clear May 28 Track Fast
J14 FIItST HACK For tni f jciroMi art iipnanl 1000 aiaH rcn rUrln
I ml MnUn1nV 11 nlr 3Mautg 1 V or V1 IIlnllr rh c b > iAn
tile Mi4linr On > WUr Stilt Time 1 I
liKlx surtir iiI iT i IJ uh pin Irk up HI 7 j f h
i ttt Ior t1 I tbl IIT hIuisgiio tiuu li 11 111
I iii lirlviin 121 2 2v2 > T2 2 karh I i T TIII
Mil > Ill 0 ilj 11U an ai Shrexe I If i 111
I Thistle w1 tux 4 4 4 I I K Kill I mi joT mil i i 7
Hirf Ihlff HUH 119 tiC ltl the boy snI him lath riini 0111 m > iiitiK Hi mci
easily MuiKMti rl a u rry confident rire ih favnrltf no i r imldnc i mien imiln
I 1M of thr iiher Imn1lel his wright wrIl ml hoxcl pkmv f MI Monipo hv
IHtf I r rr I e fiirlingn thin In Ii nm fliorl nhoull imprntc t1
I Tlji illrtJt inti oTIhl 0 iFt Fn tuiiyearotta i clllliK fni > nlde1 four unit n hilf C r
tlli 1151 rr an 7i iittirt dr itun lrhlll IIlnlor h r iuy 1
F uutuutrtr ou a r I i Cr1 hi Titus lut2
lrii vSiirtr Win St i C f Jk p III Jj YIS
ITU Vrlmfrttf lilt 1 iuj 1 1 1 I r I i 1
1 Tnni Hfld Ill i1 ii i 14 Flynn 2u 1 11 lii I
liHJ Intnin W i 41 i4 ii tarllr I 7 it i I I
sin HlKht Sort II i 3h h 4 ienanmri 0 7 II 2
a 1 > llurrlujn Jil i au 0 au 1 7 1 im
12S Dr Pillow 102 tt t 01 iIlhrrt ji 0 I t 1r
I alum Hnme Hun 10 II f Tt ti tuB it it Z i
lufi 5 t E lugsn n I
Jl Uniform 11 11 1 JU ii 1
242 PrlnceBR I taRix tI I II ti I DIby I 1 2u S 4
ONe V 10Z II J 13 to W Walsh m lie 1m 40 r
ana Olady Ixiulsn 01 10 10 10 II T Komlr I 1 1 r2 1r
221 ijttlii Mote 10 12 14 1 12 henry 40 ausu lull 31 13
2iW Fontinrl tl IS 12 1 II adlra en iii mo 40 Z
SIS Mornlng Hourj E U H 1 Iln I t 2O 100 40 V1
° Ai4onetts4uatiatad Tom ledI big Improvement ran < o his b st form In
rnl hI I on ll
nil TIIIIIO HACH The atl tyfl300 added for twoyearold fill four anif i
3 4 f
J lll hilf furlonffn
Pot tlm r330 off 313 Start good Won driving Winner b f liy nm Uruah
Pair Vision Ooor O tOtorn Tlmt t
In < Sfirtfm vvis st U t Fin Jockt of in CI 11 stT
f3u13 Trance 7 122 2 2h1TI lb Mumrrair is u3 BIO 13111
ISS3 MfllminJi IJ2 1 1 > 1 2h Noltfr 2 1II3 1PT 7in 11
l2T Field lInes 122 3 3U 3S 3 McCah y ft 7 7 b 5 12
3W Olldlnn Hflll 113 4 35 ii 4 J Ic 2 uu III 30 I
114 hair Ilulihard 112 II 41 414 SW 8hr Mi zg 10 411 c 4
tl < tloMn View itt S S fl n Dufrin 7 7 i3 12
287 Lady Srllni 112 t um Al 71 McCarthy 20 40 iii 4
lariil Hrn > n 17 7 7 l S Mcliinll in iim ru 13
Triinc a grind filly 1I0nI ran back to tier previous gtiil race puM uisr
Bhowfd a prtiii rCd
ii 7 Fulrfril TlAUS Thf JirKi > ciuirwriBhfiTAi o iTnc for Ill r3earoiis sal
fj l f upwjril irim ailing nnc mile anl 1 furlong
Pint time 11 off 402 Htart good Vnn Bully Wlnnor ch c liy Iomnuntn
MnM if irln Ounyr 1 II KJMI TH5TL
TniltX surlfrs Vi Se ij t 1 Fin lee keys JJ bj > llf L PI Sh
rvit lao X I IHfi liNotfir 7 a 1 i tft lln
3ll Jacfc Atkl ISfi 2 i 2 2 2 1 Iuin 2 12 2 I
rfi ixrintp 10 1 3 J 3 3 J irr s p in T1
I > M IK 1 rJiil ftut lli > Mrt to the front In ttiv first i rjijhIwr out n llttti
HI Hi mrttrh turn Nutter lIl lilii n raniplo of tlnim mil he drw aiviv ark Aikln
ta iln > tl tiilny li Inv In liehln felt to the turn iv here ho nioil up an I 1111
1 rioted Inck Durinti unn r IMT iiiiKi2oua
T7L PlTlll 1lFilriieal fur threTyearoMj nnj u > nanl fl 2I aJJetl cnc to lie
I J and A rlitHlilh
Pi > l tlm J2S itt 4 27 start good Wnn ilrlvlng Winner hr 1 liy llimliurc
fltrIiu iwmmertI 1 1111 Time 14H
lmiT im T m Win 1 V ii I Fin Jockeys 0 fiCI lI Sh
i riii Juggler 131 ft 3 1 4 It McDanlrl 12 ill1 7111 1i
Sin1 Mislfr Rnliert 1IJ 4 Hj 3b 31 2 Gilbert 31 113 2 7 in ll
CW7I Herkelcy 1lcrt 13fl 2 I I 1 1 k a Oarner I 3 I ilft 12
rtl tftl Jack 117 I 2ii2iU2iii4 Notter I > 7 2 I
jini Kllllecrnnkl 03 3 41 4H 1 3 F Hunan 11 2n ir 4 73
JuFKler titnfthr rice tn thn stretch where ho mmi J up on the oufnhlc iml won
2t HhrtrnrhIi rTce =
> HI mviil 1iAIIClr Y < tr uhit and u1uwarc1shIutiitriX furlnnicii straight
> t I intt line 114 off 4ul Stirt IPV > l Won Molly Winner 1 f by llem
hlrlOnlul tr A Wcrnurg Tim 1 t
Inlx matter it il In Jk Or II CI 11 iii
ttui Frizehic Z2 I 1 P iiir f i 3 12 =
17 Tont Iorlh Iii I th U t 2 f flhtean S s 1
tnt flmnnle AIn I 4 tJ 1 1 3 ahrev 1 t d I
it rrotilhrmnahuer 1uL 3 4 4 4 41 nU Callahan 1 1 i I 1
7 1 Cuurv 111 II 3I i I o Mugrarr 21 ti ii
II 3texiriifl Mhlver I 7 7 071 till York P 11 lull Ipn It 13
vauKrix t 01 i it iii McCarthy 41 ItI Itu I t
lennle mwlvfr 114 < 8 s s F In 1 t t 1
Just lasted long tm tmgh 10 u e u tilt
Frlz < n > was alI tltO winner Tom McCrnlh Tmiii ulh he
place nonnlft Alan clore1 alrong
at the last minute a lot of money
showed on Frlzette ami she wan the
closing choice BonnIe Alan ran a good
nice and nt the end was closing fast
on Tom McOrath who had all he could
lo to saw the place money
Miss Curtis Again I
Wins Golfing Honors I
Miss Margaret Curtis of the Country
Club successfully defended her title to I
the championship of the Boston Wom
ens Golf Association at the Braoburn j
oiintrv Tltih toda by defeating her
lubmate Miss Fanny C Ongood in a
nrdfought match by 1 up
I Miss Ot good led at the turn 2 up but
Miss Curtis look the next four holes and I
was never headed I
The races here today resulted as fol
FIRST ltACFShx furictnguuStnttal IS
to 5 and 4 to 5 1 Bath Maria 5 to 1 Mr
place 2 Brnggadoula 3 Tlmil U 11 I
KKCOND RACE Five fiirlnnus Rag
man 13 to I and r to i I IVail Iiint
It to 1 for place 2 ChIng Hare 3 Time
102 45
THIRD RAfEOre milefall Boy
0 to 5 and out 1 Mnntrlalr unit fin
place 2 helen Holland 8 Time 143
FOURTH RACEOne tulle and a sixteenth
teenth Photographer 4 to J n ou
I Glimmer out for place 2 Facto
tum 3
FIFTH RACE Two mics Spencer
Relft 10 to I and 4 to I J Mttle Wally
13 to I for place 2 Huddy 3 Imo
3W 45
SIXTH RACE One mile and seventy
81X1 RIne mie
aruisEI Dorado S to 5 and i to 10 1
Campaigner 5 to 1 for place 2 St I
ario 3 Thne 147 35
Value 112 now on tale with hundreds
of other phenomenal bargains at tho
Croat ala of manifacturri clothing
lock now on at 39 6th av bet 15th
and lithits
Woman Accused of Urging
Boy to Fire on HisFather
During Quarrel 1
Starch Is being mnde bv the Jersey
police for Mrs Mlohid linn and liur
thlrteenVenrold son leonml mi the
chaiijo of shootlnc tho it nmnna hus
band at thlr home in Teineck
Quthro Is In tho hospital at Hacken
sack with serloua wiiauls In the breast
and nrms I Is though one of his
arms will have to be amputated nnd
the doctor declare the man Is In a
critical condition
Accordlnl to the story told the po
lice Crtithro quarrelled with his wKo
and the woman Incensed exclaimed to
her son
° Why dont you shoot your father
The boy It Is claimed picked up a
shotgun and deliberately fired point
blank at Guthro who fell to the door
The woman anti her SOl It Is stated
Immediately left the house und have
not since been seen
31RVN lS
Pride of James R KeenesJ
I Great Stable Collapses Af j
ter Reeling Oil Mile and a
Quarter in 205 25
Fonved His Unbeaten Rec
ord as a TwoYearOld With 4
Victnry in lirst and Only
Race This Season j
Pv < lal to Tho Evening World
Kieat iVilln rlnmplon of last year and
destined for the lame honor this ell 1
has broken down lie will not start In
the Ilelnmnt Stakes Saturday and for
that matter may never again be seen
under colors
The nrat coltbrpk doivn after
sensational IIi I 0 and a quarter In
203 V This was his preparation for
the J2SCM Belmont Stakes which w5
believed to be at his mercy The work
was exceptionally fast and Impres
sive as the fractional times Indicate
Thn quarter was made In 024 half j
01S15 threeqtiarteis 11335 and the <
mile In 13S25 >
He milled up apparently all right
and not until hn was back In his sta
ble was It discovered that ho had
broken down badlv In front
Culln was considered by all turfmen j
the best horse of the decade and his
loss Is a great blow to Owner Keene j
ulm really loved him Colin has never r
been defeated He started twelve tlm4l
muM I twoviarnld last season and on
In tile iitflBhliiirhiiod ot 150000 1II won j
I tl Withers last Saturday his first
shneyinrold race and added JWOOO to
I ills winnings
It is hard to estimate Cplms value
but It is doubtful It Mr Keene would
have tllkl JIWOOCO for him
The Racing Publics Idol
To thousands of race oer Who haTe
ioiirisUiitly folliiwed Colin In all his
races und cashed thirteen straight times
the disablement of the horse appears
little short of I calamity To hundreds
of thousands of occasional attendants
at the raced the breakdown of Colin
because everybody
pitiful thing
acorns a lltul eler
body will over saw tho game thorough
bred on the track fell In love with
Inlln Is one of the greatest rac
inrsrs In turf history In point of 1
races won consecutively In one season
by a twoyearold he was excelled by
but one horse the great Tremont In i
pont of money earned by a twoyear
old In purses and slakes In one sea
son Collns record te exceeded only by
that of his grandsire Domino
Colin goes Into retirement with a
clean record of victory He won twelve
races last season and earned for Mr i
Kecnc 5137007 i
His Hoodoo Victory
Last Saturday he won the Wither
it Belmuru Park his thirteenth and
as It proved his hoodoo race
Had he been able to stand the strain I
he would have down
> r Ihs eon gone
in the records of the turf In all prob
I tUH as the greatest thoroughbrid
that ever looked through a bridle
Domino won nine straight races 01
I tovearold In 1SS3 and earned
J7i5A In that year also he ran a
Jud heal wit hu Dubbins
In l i 1 J and M F Dnyers Tre
ujiit won thirteen srallltraCe ai e
iwnyearild Stakes were smaller In
tlioFv dts and Ills total earning
imoiintid to only 3I3
Mr Keeno was all wrapped upJn
Colin Domino Is dead and Commando
Ir ilitid and Colin was depended Upon
to far overshadow tho feats and records
or his sire nnd grandsire Of course
in still nvallatle for the stud and may
ransmlt ct his courage nnd spetd to his i
Good and III Fortune i
The good luck and ill luck of James
11 Keene In racing has been etrairgely
liitonilnglcd He had a world heater
in Sysonby and Just when U appeared
IMU tho good horse would succeed In
proving himself tho finest thoroughbred
ever foaled ho sickened and died of a j
skin disease <
Siiperman another great horse owned
jy Mr Kecno ended hU racing career a
> nly a day or two ago and was sent e
tn the stud only yesterday He was
lie winner of last years Brooklyn
I Inndlci
landlc Howe Is considered one of the
best trainers of race horses In the t <
business UIldr his care and handling J
follti established Ills wonderful record fP
Coln estsblubed
Nevertheless there are few racegoer ri j4
who do not consider that sending the r
hone 10 mile In 1M15 and a mile and j
iv quarttrn 3 < 16 In a trial was aa
lug him aocomplUh i too muoii J