iCTioBBCT iM = = Ilf = THE EVENING WORLD THURSDAY MAY 2a I9O5 w 1 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE l REAL ESTATE FOR SALE n G c r WESTOHEBTER WESTCH ESTER WESTCHESTER WE8TCHESTER WESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER u I The Last Year a Homeseeker Highest Most 1 a o a Resident of 1 i Healthy r Most Beautiful I BeaMost ie Accessible AristocraticaT1I Y1t ON THE HUDSON r r Do You 1t Part t rTh1 1 TIT Want I rY ant of Free a Westchester t r J t I i County 1 4 M 81000 I 1 VILLA Site a p a 4 e 4 I 1 I iJ t t Ill 1 k fl s 1A t I y U r 1 n 700 is 1 5 c F I HOME Site J GJ 1 I II I 1 I I I r 1 or 8 q J u Ian I a 11 II I 111 300 aftft I a Bungalow J Site 4 1 r A Post Card will 1 u 1 Bring you full infttr k = t l j mation relative to this offer 1 ofelWIITE M v F ry WIITE f I TO = DAT i II < children are hling at Harmon and are growing strong and healthy J beneath its blue skies and amidst the green trees and beautiful surroundings Why not bing yours here I 1 TWO DECORATION D A V Leaving Grand Central Sta 1 I u L i 9 hon Lexington Avenue Ter t minaI stopping at J25th St I 50 p t 1 11 M r l o Station ten minutes later lotw M SPECI 1J J l tiJ 9 Leaving Grand Central Sta tion Lexington Avenue Ter i TRAIN SUNDAY MAY 319 mina r stopping at J25th St er l I PP Wl p j I Station ten minutes later ft FREE TICKETS can be secured from either office or from our representative wearing yellow badge at either station 15 minutes before train time at the train gate i Be Ou Guest on Efiflnei > of Our Trains an d See with Your Own Eyes Why Ofhcrs Arfe Ruylrtg Dont Wait HARMON Is Your Golden Opportunity DOWN SECURES PRICES GIVEN S 1 0 2CO UP 50 000 B 6 1 ANY LOT FROM FRlZEiG WOOD ILIRMON CO 315 Madison Ave Plume IMS gsni sr I rYi o Ilerlem Branch 42 West I25ih St Phone IOM tf rtem I = < on REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION I wvMv wv vwva nioe F nurtrin AttCTinvBiu Absolute Auction Sale of I 400 Building Lots at SOMERVILLE H j Saturday May 30 j RAIN OR S SHINE TWo FREE SPECIAL TRAINS 1 AafMrrllU hu 10000 iH > ulilon starer MBlar ichoolx churches and all ally Im CTQCiwnittj th county neat of Mcmuraat I trolley dlrct to Jrraty City Inn I HK ir < wt > ljJ hUh dry land tot to b knookM down to the hlnlitnt er 1t Idette are free m1 UI at Lltwrty nr at ftrrlta 10M A M and 110 p M w ride 1I1d et pwnrk ti 4J 14 a I1J 12VJ lplook Kllinr > th 11 la A > r c 00 P look fortbaJgre r JIIng i W C REEVES CO t I 114 E KM et New York rty I l i I FOR SALE WATCtlBS AND DIAMONDS t CAU Oil CItBDIT BAT PAYMENT ABMrlcan Watch ecUianiondCo HABOICK Um Phoo OliflT Portland 4 fit IN JnwmJI niroae matenuN C EXCHANGE CLOTHING CO MOADWAT Entrnc on Park PI I 0 u EXCURSIONS l M EXCURSIONS M Decoration Day Excursions Lehigh Niagara Falls 9JO 810 Ithaca Valley a ey Intercoltoclite float Races Glen Onoko and 1 Railroad Mauch Chunk J 1 > bJ Sprdal trains loavo Penn K n Bellcwood Park I 100 fcrrlM Vow York for Mniicti Chunk Day and r 01 Sunday 7 Vi A M May 30 lltllowuuj Park icioralloi every n a S31 A M Her particulars lime of trains etc Inquire M60 and 355 Broadway New Ycrk 325 lulton St Brooklyn 755 Broad St Newark Fare from Brooklyn via Annex Ferry J5c additional DECORATION DAY EXCURSION UP THE SOUND TO GREAT NECK GLEN WOOD Stfam ORIENT will have few Ilfr R K n N V near llanovr Pq I Bta USO foot 8Iat V 13 H OW A M EXCURSION TICKETS 50 CTS Sunday World Wants wo ik Monday Morning Wonders NORTH BEACH FREE FIREWORKS TONIGHT i Boats East 99 and 134 Sts FOR SALE X > r w n < n NX X V XV S vvvvvvvWqlXN FURN1TURL 126 W 72D ST t rlUVATB HOUSE I Private family crlflcp content from whole house oanititlnic of nearly nan mag nlflcrnt mostly Imported furniture rum uolnllnxi brio R t > nu To buyers purchu Inr more furniture will cell a ton new up rlrht piano for ta0 utabl tor those con trmplitlnir housfkttplns ilealrn not aj mltlfvl 120 W T2J it subway fiprrM ana L flatlona 7SJ it WORLD WANTS WORK WONDERS Y EXCURSIOI N EXCURSONS w liHUCH CHUNK Glen Onoko The Switchback DECORATION DAY May 30 JliO Round Trip Tickets 151 CIIIIDllKN 7t 1KVTS Learn 1Y an si IIP Liberty St Sqo A M Lake Hopatoong I DECORATION DAY 125 Round Trip Tickets 125 CIULDHIIN II > CHNTS Leave w cad al SKI jil rty St YII A M Lake Hopatcong SUNDAY MAY 31 100 Round Trip tickets 100 rllllllKliN r 0 CiNTS IMI v LH ftt 11 lUJtly St JOO A M STEAMBOATS j pATTE LI as 0 IIILVSfll kI UAlI c AS1UIUY 1AUK AM RACK boo WKKtC VATS Lv llloimfl nt a lilocki below West 14th it M A Mi 11 01 A 31 and 140 J1 Iv llJittcry uMU A M 1130 A M ajiu 310 I > M SUNDAYS Lv nioomfl at 3 blocks plow Peat Hth et 833 A M b 4S A M and 10M A M lv Uattcrr SIO A AiI lu10 A M and 11in A V EXCURSIONS i ON Iq ollllllnClI1I u eve all telly thertw arr All IlcUil 1111111 needslen 1ft DRUAMLAND CONEY LAND R rf aAti Amtmm Knterpri in th > r1 mm TAIIIK < MiMnrr TO rnvvoEu I x > il 7 nil ft N rlh nlvr pall 41 I I O 11 11 A M 12ty 200 Sd 4 VI 41 P M 1i c fT i 2il Jt North Illver Pall 94V 1IItn II 11 1 11 12IHI M t IB 2OI 243 I 41 Ip S S > 15 700 741 K30 910 P M 11J P I V II half hour later than at 1LM or li < turnltiil < Mo Iron Ilfr Coney UlnnJ III HI U 2 A M 1210 120 I io i v ik iii i 21 n 10 1Il 7 51 Q in M i Into to41 2i it i t lirturulnir from i niV Inland trim irark l i with n c I in rtttk ot Xirti River I Itiiniul Trli TlrkcU 10 rent i hound Trip lliLrl 130E SL 3 > rc ti i SKAMllt TAMirH nT ltea trips KVFIIY DAY to riSIIIMi liANKS Ivnl I21 < th H X It 7 rt V M 221 M N H 7 40 A M rice n < w t Nu 1 N It Sal A M lull and Tai kle on Ixfinl Fare Jintlrmrn 7V taller vc OliIMren 21e I I STEAMER GRAND REPUBLIC fl Tilt HUDSON ret wT IVilVT AVI > NKWIlt HO DEcoitATiox HAY jiAV sore ANI Ml MIAV MAY JUST trvln Jl J North finer 1It0 A M J n yi Lr 100 A 1 1IIh t 11111 flUe Tonlir 11011 A M nIHiIJ STEAMBOATS TSKILL F I C UI Yo for Cntiklll lluuntalni all pont llulfon CoTiacklt Week day foot OhrlitophM it a I M tars l33 Bum miT Itmort Hotel and ttncrdlnc llmu Di I rectory with CataXlll Mountain Picture Free AMdma Pier 41 N n JIj DEN TEST Y T i II you IIIve tKrw or four teeth I will Inll rt a run st wlttnut a plate yttlJ can ioVs tt slt doe Exalftatlft tf year Uh tree Bride iVrk per T eta 300 TEE Jl 47 t10 GUILSHAN N E Cor 125th St Ind 8th Ave Entrance 271 W 123th St 5 I FOR SALe t CLOTHING 1 I ON i i I CREDIT i j For Men and Women I fluIneaa Strictly Confld ntlal I So aefrnae or Security n nulr J I I a week will keep you and yourfamlly well dressed PAT ua vnctuax OR MONTHLT I PEOPLES OUTFITTING CO I I 414 Sth An bet 34th and 35th Stv On night up Open vateci Closed Saturday Decoration Dy a t I J Inl A D > I 1f 1 FOURTEENTH STREET West of Fifth Avenue FRIDAQ AS ClsaAL BARGAIN DACJ I LAST DAY OF CARNIVAL OF VALUES Judge What a Friday it Will Be B These Matchless Offerings i r 1098 Womens Suits 649 14 ct Corded Ginghams Tire pnnatna tTlpe8 checks and plain Mill Lenirthsplaln ntrlpei And check I color1 flloo golf trlpa 3 rgea and In beat cOlor2i inches wide quality Worstnds new st coati In great dotnand at full price I22Oo Womens Suits 1358 14 ct Yard Wide Percales 7 ij PanAmn lclllf line and Worst a nett siring sly1 Ine tiding the Plain colorn check and slrlpeCul ular ninck rId White llnlr Lines pop and I I sways and StrAlch Krvmw strictly plka Dotawhll and tint Iigrounds plain IMIorod or oslitonxbly trim d Wdmens 10 ct Check Gingham3I54 I 1998 Waifcn Dresses 11 93 17 Incilts WlrtIItOIH1 firm quality tha populnr Black and White Comblna PrJnc color and pionMlnr Princes and JUlTlperbeort tlnn strlpeeFIIt Jaco Yoke and slOovca AI5O alan other ntylos D2 IU Lnctha ta4 Itemnnnra 1498 Womens Coats 998 JUT i grrat rridav Ilcanup n follnm > P ft IHncy l > tioI SvMswii IIXI Panama TuffftU and Pfeau ySole It 1 ct Tin I1tr rttio Viillrs T Ihre qiurtr and pent JrhtiriMMttl > s 71 rich braid or rape wnbroldery trim Jl r to Tlnf Fancy Foulard Hatl tir 8 > i 71 ft 511k Dotted Fine DIM Mtullnj KH I 1198 Womens Jackets 7 49 h ct Tmr Fancy Scotch Chrvlou SB Panfimn And rbadclohol1l lined f ct Fancy Pa nirnM 84 Lai 01 Jltln itch fancy Duck Suitings mj1 1698 Rain Coats 1298 in ct Aprrrti tilnhimiifatt color B I Oxford Olive tan and 111acklPlltl 10 ct Urea ChmVirajti plain colon 461 tilted ntid loniwj All the above Lie new lIondo rimde for thta reason 7 8 Dress Skirts 598 119 H S Table Cloths 63 I ldllra and PtedfAdsUincit mil Col nr rclOri a find f1 IIUlpl all < 1 sill Al nPIIAlIslrJan Pearl Hleach Kx toadyresales riritl extra size < Inch tloral jiuttorns lidiitlsuin brdars 198 Womens Kimono Itsb 88 96 i ct Table Linens 521 Crate CJidlllo and fane JJlAfi Iip Linen antic Pctilan and convrlttlftnfcl pat Pul alln hlnnehsent FIcur do Us1 tent and Floral Jo lgniii > Inches wide 53S8 Womens Silk Waists t2 ct Huck Towels 12 2J9 Pine or hivivy I0x3 < heinU colored hroch or while Damask borders t Hlnck rr Whlte J g fiirx trannpirint la c VHstrlmrl hOtllc and MtV y ro1 10 ct C15J Cambricss1 J 1 rY I SI69 LoUdr 1 Hats 95 fltekchrt and nntihcd by LonsJale Co U lilts UatTi Jrnnfl shlrM drrArde4 14hitr I crriwinrufrirT with jac or mlj 17 c t Flgd Madras 8K ntln rlbMn or r9Wtts sires to 8 tferctrftedwoven 1 car woven llcure over a t donn patterns splendid quality j I 293 Girls Kl 159 16 ct Merc z d Sateens 9 1 I amenhigh and Dutch nekatare Yard wide Black White colors I trlfhd JM 11 OH xrnl bferthas or emrbfl pne1 fronlir to II years Plllerw Case Muslins UIfe Fine gonllty full bleachc = bY seam I 125 Child K ° y Dresses 69 ing c ntre will make full size sheets 41 inchra wide vorth 15J4 cts8V4 Wlilto I < nwn hlgSj or low rreCk ahort 43 melts wldft worth HV cts9i I or loirs tiVCslrfCe rmby and rib bon irlrtrslzn to 3 wears 169 Crochet Bed Spread 84 69 ct Womens Corset Covers Full ifc naraelllos patterns y 49 t 219 Feather Bed Ticks 114 Xulnsook lace insprllr fr and rlbbmi trim Fjll amt three qunrter SZM ready to flUmsMe In our own factory I 79 ct Womns lIIIIa Sacqucs 46 59et White d Flannels 26 Fancy Lutra iait and dbl1I4ax Fi ujislirinkable quality twenty 1 piss lofIclralJ frontwith belt new lotxcrns In hemstitch and ciillop 198 Womens Corals 17 40 ct Scarfs and Shams 29 JIrntWffrht lilte Court ntlftlllm b1S4 and 32x32Appllqued Muslin or lone krllur 1lltkSRj n to y Kmfcd Strtseaflaln and fancy con I tea 1 98 W omen Petticoats 114 Black Henlharhkiom T Tf > tTt jihlrrKl t Buy ToMorrow I flounce nlth rum Jfft > MT > fthii IS WE CLOSE S7TmDAg I Buy ToMorrow I f Decoration Day t WE CLOSE S1ocitn It1ab Curtains 598 SATtlRDACJ J1 750tolOp tCurtains I Decoration Day 2 tof pal of a Jtyle wide or nov i elty fxrnTer plain or flsd centre f7 ftylm 138 Womens Unttfmd lilt 95 I 4SO French Net Chip nrntrti nnd UI > T7 > Bed Sets 298 Bladk Natural Drown tod Navy FuB Iftmiosance centre bolster 2e Lingerie Waists 125 ham ji fioft WRM Uatit 1at > orat trim of 198 Portleres398 lace And Filet niedAnfoTll tlOt i MorccrlMd Damask and FlgM Ar more rop edge or tapestry border 498 and 598 Boys Suits 295 10 ct Flgd Art Velvets49 r All Wool Mlxnre crilckOVrr fa1 For crurtfloni and furnttura coverings atou Navy Ch lotll1tittll brtltll Oriental and floral wit and < nthn u Wt ftnd tf fl en or mohair IIntnS to 17 eats Imported Colored Madras M to 72 IRYRrea wide cleaxance prices 69 ct isyn Pants33 Verrti llCO and 1M 49 Knee PahtH and Blofn rs Cbvpt Worth lOO to 1275 93 T ttKn Cattln wn 410 HnlA t putt pur n t Oorfluroyj to IB y4r I M ct Curtain Muslins19 J iiln hpot stripes d and Jacquard 49 trtd Si ct laps Sfirrts27 stym anlliJacquard e MaBrin ami rwpefttoffrun Sot ana ch kU to It neck 79t Rugs 598 96 ct CfjIWrenj Parasols 6 > did All Wool line at TttpAStry eol rs40 and styles KontC 6x9 feat pea rhito with Hand tainted floral de t 1nIIJ ust the thins for JUN walk 85 to 98 ct Window Shades 49 qg ct Womens J n 27 Import IITeI1IM2S to 30 Inch toy 7 It swiss Klb Umhr IU Drf1hlll IaEe 9 ct Shantung Silks 33 IMmi De1iptlle Vouch flnljh full tuatre 49 ct Mens flrght Shirts 28 21 Inih Blnck and best colors < Stronf mUA1W taie4e or collar 13 ct Natural Pongees Vdr 49n Se incite lr ifl f s It te11 vtdc All Silk wkhx61e as well as durablo 49 end 69 ct1resqNets 27 Olllent1 Lace Drew Nttt jiltt and 49 ct Pee de Cygnes 33 Crtam flrute and scroll delcn All Silkbttt colors 12H ct Womens Hdkfs 7 69 ct Foulard Silks49 ° sheer Iviwn handsomely mbd htm All Silk ad Satins rlJigs dots stripe ntltched or icallop edges and Uurea Jest colon 23 A9 ct All Wool Serges 27 aft ct RIbbons11 tSlnrti bliwilc navy royal and other S All Bilk Taffeta black white and 3lrnbU shades colors txtra wide 53 ct Imported Mohairs 331 98cty okes and Chemisettes 38 Shadow stripes and hairlines blaclc = Yenlsl Irish Crochet Cluny and Pilot and beet colors Including tan and lace with combinations at Venue etc navy OS Inch 59 and 69 ct Rogers 79 ct Storm Serges 69 j Ulnchall wool colun and black Teaspoons II doz 39 f A A or Al Teaspoons French payor 39 ct English Mohairs29 1 bright nnlsli plain or fancy hand lei SSlnck black and calors xtra lustra t 75 ct tol Metal Purses 31 149 Chevron Strlpe Scrgcs98 Floral or < > tch vl d < vslgm allver pata burnt n extra nuido purse with nap All trodb lnchall up to date shades 59 ct Cabinet Stationery 29 40 ct Candles 25 j Favrlle Fibrlo nilte Gray Blue Pound Boxes Del tclous high grade 100 sheet and 100 envelopes Chocolates and Bon DoltsIIolldsr I 493 Suit Cases 298 Special CowMdB athet34 Inch llntn tined At Soda Fountain Special 8 extra delp shirt OcIcot e4 oar j deep Siril < due < U jS 5 3ffS 1 BtVaea Piche and Cream Mndu i 4 I NOMAHQR7 U K < nBO JHBBa f f v to I r j J