17 J T WNiiIWi f to II J k O w rW 1r1pr I Q J r t m r ml c 1 I I AM VINDICAT SAYS I 4 4 Jf 11tr l lJ I itt1 j t f 1i 1 101J t t 1 r I L 44 MAINS FREED BYJuy = ION 1 T Cloudy HIM IMIid r liinlvlit Satiiruny o nOr ED I FINAL Gbt orIOI > = RESULTS EDITION I Circulation Books Open to I1J Ac I Circulation Books Open toA1l i PRICE ONE CENT NEW YORK FRIDAY JANUARY 15 1909 PRICE ONE CENT I I = = = = = = = = = = GIRLS PLEA SAVES MAN I FROM lONG JAil TERM He Is Leading a Life That Makes Me Proud of Him Miss Barclay Yrole HE ADMITTED FORGERY But for iwo Years De Purest Has Lived Upright Life Judge Grain Paroles Him The pica of his fiancee In a letter writ ten to Judge Craln saved William llarl I De Forest convicted on his OWI ronfes lion of forgery In thp secnrd dcKree I from a senttnce of live > eirs In Slan Pins Prison lodjy nheii ho was ar I ralgnecl In Part 11 of Oneiol Pe Mons I Two yean ago young Ue Kore who lives with his father at No 3 > < Presi I 1 dent street llrooklyn was In the em ploy of Charles II Scott Co No 22 I Centro Btrtet as bookkeeper One day a check for l 50 came Into hli possmlon to NHII to one of the firms customers Inktcnd of sending It It Forest forged the customers Indorsement on the back anti cashed the check He spent the money In a spree that night and woke up the next nlornlng to find that not only wan ho a forger but that he was p husbnml as well having married R I young woman he met In an East Four I teenth street resort that night I Captured and Confessed Us disappeared but wa < appiehfnded In Washington and confessed Later the younc man ai Indicted for forgery nnil released on ball Shortly after his release ho obtained a divorce nnd be gan to lead a different life How welt he was wonned from his old way IS I eloquently related In the letter of tlH Sara Vestn llnrclay of No V Presldnt Mroet Hruoklyn which las handed to Judge rain by the young mans coun sel brnham Levy The letter reads I hale known Mr IV lore t during I the last ten years pos ibly better than any one else I was only a child when We met He was n big brother to me then ft lover now We aic betrothed For the past two years true to his promlio to me he ban nut taken any alcoholic ilrlnUs He Is leading a life that has made mo proud of him and I am honored to be his betrothed Only this one shadow overhangs our IIes I have tried In he n help to him and I hall ClIiiK tu him until this shado hRS faded nwny forever He It Part of My Life 1 Know of his mnrrlagc thut occurred nt the same time he ruumiltted thin crime and uf his divorce I can only plead that you exend clemency to him because I love him because he Is part of my life The llev Albert J lyman pastor of the Houth Congregational Church Urooklyn also wrote to Judge Cram In the ynuiiK mans behalf sa yin g that he looked forward lo performing the cere mony that nnuld unite the young man Kind Miss Barclay In marrlnKe and mean i the fulfilment of the happiness tlmt he I believed God Intended for them The Court had also received scorn of oth r Miters from merchants lawyers and doctors all testifying to young Lo For ests struggle to live down the fatal er ror he made ton years ago I I have been fairly deluged with let tan In your favor young man said JudR Cram all In the same strain 1 nOd testifying to your honest purpose to lead a boIler life I A Her Appeal Decisive Put ft h the appeal of this youn S woman whose happiness Is so finitely L Interwoven with your welfare that a moves me to leniency In your behalf 4 I could have senl you younc limn I to Ring Sing for five years However there arc sn many persons Interested III you end confident Hint you will not RO astray again that I will suspend sentence and place your future In your own hands At the announcement that meant his freedom the young man was moved to tears HU fiancee who ROt In the rear nf the courtroom with Ids mother and hther had teen IiplnB but when she liead that her Ixirnthed hall len Ills clmrKid she rut ii eagerly to him and tiling to him turning her smll i upon S the Court and thanking Judge Cram for what h1 hail done Technically the young man was pj roll In Ihe cuMoil of Mrs n S I AVCIker tia proliatlonnry ofllccr of the court I I Vlnr lIen Turklili Unit < row OMII ui ii > ntv i Lnnriiiuij unlr1 i II flrtlCUM ilownloun ttublnhnnnl tfodfrn In saC57 ililtH iictIc ani rUT kith bathe 1 tjlt heuIThbWr ihoo o o Jijr J I Jll rfu i 0 1 I FIRE IN BELLEVUE HOSPITAL I QUICKLY FOUGHT BY HEROES + i I Panic Among Patients Averted by Prompt and Vigorous Work I in Extinguishing Blaze That Starts in the Desk I I of Ph vsician Quick skilful die fighting work In Helicvne lIoplllll thl afternoon averted nhit might have been n ihi astrous panic under oilier chiuin Malice s A hut lilaif dlsiovered In good time and enslbly handled ianseil mumonts of iinxlety ID Supt llcl > nd and hl stuff hut the fnitunate outiinm w HS that t iis patient nhn knew of the blaze Kept ulm undii the piemie of suoildi advice flora muses and the majorIty nf the Inmates nf the liiillu lion weio Krpt in utlei Ignorance hint unv danger ml linpcndid I Tlc fiare liippIUil In the Arc dvir I Wind In INat Is known as tin centie build of the limp nl The Informa thou liuiean Is up tn giound Hour of i the mddlp nf hIs hiilclng lli > supei I lniHltn offlte on ilc second limn and dm tor offlivs nil tii llmir alme Found Deak ulae An all llIlanl piisMni ihioiiKh the cunldur oiitildt tIt like nf Ur Bark burn Miiillul smdi1 Opening the hoot he looked III and dNcoveied Dr llarkhorns desk uUliin tl e tUiiif III i iMib corrhliiK npiiliv nocdwutk and tnrtltlon li u > happened thai tills paitlcuhtr I mil innt l gifted with good common sense In the tint place lie closed the ilonr Then he fell ilown the stall II Supt PlrhanV i tilts and imported I what he hail seen and done ituyt Klckaid sounded an ala run call I ing out the hospital force and within two minutes the Hellevue Fire Depart men under IVill tranzcl was In the corridor on the third flcnr outside Dr Ilnrkhornii otlke 1 = ii lit Itlcknrd wa S In active charge and directed that the door he kept clo pd until everything I was In reiidlniSs tor the aiiault on the Iflie Blaze Fought In Good Order i The flitiiP < could ho heard emMllis and mail Inside the moni and til i hall wis hazy with smukr Water wis let Into four llm1 of IIOSP and the linemen I men stood dlrcctlv outIJ the dinr I linn it a II unl of coniniuid tin door was oped and fuiii striMtns of atir v erf turned on Muneaiislv and dl I reel nl Into tin Mom The lire vas lltcmtl ilmwiuil out at though when the door uas HIM opened the entire iilllie was Illlcd with Hie and a hliM fit heat and Miinke hot Into the i linll Tin ttatir tiloklcd through the Hour down Intn the mipsMlntendents ollUe and down still luither to ilie of tin mi hit ground Hooi iivldentlillv the wunl adjoining Dr 1 llnrkhorni ullko nn It imtu and sepaiated Iroin It hv a vuuden pirtltlon uiis nnlenanteil IOCHIIM of repairs whlih luu lieen under vii V for several dny The paitltlon waN htiiiied thioiiKli and the unoccupied ward was tilled with 1 chokIng smoke It Houlil hal lucn haul to restrain pitlents thtieln The ollur wunl on till tniid llool 0 etH lit onie dlslanic front the tin and when thn ilmnx ueic closed little cniolie eiKiifil Hum Xnrsts and ilm tot l vent ftoin lot to cut tilling the patient that theie WIIS a little fne In > the liiilldlim hut that Hide han no uhaiigei Ill work oT eSllriKUlshlnK the i hlaze was accomplished So ea bits 1 y that there VIK rewily tui time for I rylrs like a lint I The origin of the flu Is a mystery Ii Harkhorn says he may have had Rome nmtche In hU desk SLAYER OF ABRAHAM REEDER FOUND IN BAY STATE PRISON + + + William Mason Who Committed Murder in the Mope of Getting S31 Located After a Hunt Extending I tending Over Many States lale this afteinmm Capt Arthur Carey uf the Central Office Homicide Hureaii received a despatch from De tective Fogarty nsoirlng him of the finding of William Jlaion the tuis ii who murdered his emplover Abraham Ileeder al No TI Second avenue JUIIP S last Maiton Is In the Charleston Muss State prison serving a sentence for highway robbery which lie com mitted In Tnunton Mass ten days after the murder nf Hepder His dhrovery Is Hie end of a hunt which has cnvred every State In this Union and hai ron tlnu d imremlttlnRly for muro than half a relit Abraham Header nns the Janitor of n flat house at No 17 Stninil nvenue Mason nas his asslitnnt nnd hal been with him In that house and at a not her for seyeral years On the night nf lime 5 Mnson MW Herder sitting at the din ner table receive the rent money from s tenant and until It to a roll of money token from his pocket containing over JlfO JlfOWhen When Mason left the mom Mr Kecdcr told her liushand that Mi i II had glared nt Ihe money and hind S mu ii sign s uf glen e tit e Ilielut while j It was exposed Slu reproved her hu band for submitting him ii temptation A few minutes later Herder turneu over all but Ml of the money to DIP land i lord He the i went out nf the irmiu Mrs Heeler hfard tiles from this basement nnd ti tin k I thinking that Mason was suffering fiom epllectlc fit to II hitch he i was subject ran to his la elll Slit tn sec Mason ileelng and to ninl her husband with hlR skull crushed In und his poik eta turned Inside out Detectives 1 I lngnrly and C W I Wood learned that Mnnoii had gon with n circus nnd had lieen rested I ntil locked up somewheri Coneipoiul i I rncwllh all this primus in the coimtiv i ifrllnwcd rndlnir with lilv dlsrovciy at i Charleston where he was under the I I name of George Jell i Detective Kognrlj took Mrs Iteeder I In Charleston yesierday III the course nf Ihelr lnvpitlfallnn the detectlvis i found that lieeder had In en In iii isitu j many times and that his plrtme was I i In the New Ymk liogiies1 Uall PROTOCOL BEING RAWNN I I THE VENEZUELAN SNARl 4 United States Reaches Basis of Settlement With Republic and Dispute Over Claims and Other Matters Will He Referred to the Hague for Arbitration WASHINGTON Jan 15 teneiuela and the United State have agreed tn the basis of settlement of the disputes FOUND SHOT DEAD IN OFFICE IIOSTON Jan l5Th body nf Henry C Ijingohclne president and treasurer of the Amalgamator Manufacturing i Cpmpany a mining concern was found en the Moor of the company olllce No 3 School itreet In this city today with ix hole In the forehead and a revolver at the tide A medical examiner found that sheath was by suicide Mr lAnge > lno aj fortynine year old nd lived i In Kvtrttt I 0 k I between them and a prntornl Is being drarn up Piesumiitlvelj the eases In dispute will bo referred to The Mantle for arbitration I CRAZED DY STUDY A SUICIDH NrWllimtl N V Inn IVMIss Florence dale ini > tfcn years old died early lila 111I ruin from iih poison I which sle had uXii vtitn Kiilcnlal In I lent She had tnuiiip uientally unbal anced by overs udy tfie lens graduated honor from the Ncvvbiirs Acadn > In ia with I GERMAN DRAMATIST DEAD IIKIIIIN Irn liThe death 15 nn inounctiKor Kni t on WIMenbruch tho Uermrn poet and dramatist He was borntil 1HJ I KISSING Of WIFE DIDNT STOP HIS PINOCHLE GAME I Baumgarten Tells Court He I Was So Shocked He Didnt Know What to Do SO PLAY WAS RESUMED f BrolherinLaw Who Did the II Kissing Said It Was All in Family I I tl li a shiiini that you two old pen Isle alter ira ihltiig along together Mile by stile III the mitrlmimlal hanie s for thirty yeaiy could not rnnthme on I down the easy toad lo the yettlne vn In peace said Justice ltlinchird who linl been listening fm tno liniirs III the vvltniNSes iMlled Inday too Hibtaln charge and counter hun rge between raiuilt mid Ignat Itamngarten In the Sllplenif Codlt iKiialx DuiitiiKarten was a policeman idnvui to 1S1 when he was letlred nt his e wn quest on It pension of 1iJ1 a year He Is suventythree years old Iannle hh wlf Is a C lu It ihunt ret gent hi alfd vuuiian of tlxtyelght tguatz said that he had lome unexpectedly upon her two 5 ears nso whli she was being hugged and IUid by Chailrs Popper sixty eight jiari old and who H a rich ranch I owner living In Central 1ark West All i the Family I Poppor Is bIn iupigart nR hrotiitrln ilau and hli explaniitlon of the hugging Is thAt It was all In the family and that he imam nothing wrong Hut Haum gui ut en did not look at It that way lie Is n cused MrlLng Ills old wife awl calling her a haul name The old man packed up and left Ids wife III their home at No IIJ West One Ilundrtd and Thirtyninth street Mrs Haumgaten and Mr Popper te tll1el that ituuu iuugart eli woo crnrA with Jealousy MM Haumgarten I Id that Haumgaiten asked her to go n llurope vvlili him She n sented and diew JK1 from tin bank which lie got I Then he changed his mini nml went alone He gave her a ponel nf at I torney to draw his I nslon wltlle he I ntis gone but yh says that when she I went for tin pension nn Kxprcss Com i pany hud davvn It on another power of I I attorney nml forwaned to Ignatz J I aii in gut rteui I est I ni that one day I hue was playing pinochle with Popper He was calkd friun the game for n minute and when he returned Popper I was hugging and kissing his wife They jumped apart when Interrupted he said He Resumed the Game I Did you resume the gamo of pin ochle Justice Itlanchnrd nsked Yes I was sn shocked I did nut know what to 10 said the id man Justice tile iichii rut gianted n decree of separation to Mrs Hauingiirten and took undei advlement hr I ayers sug gest till that 16 a week half Haunt ga ru cuts pension IIB avvanbd as all mony 0 CLERGYMEN PALLBEARERS Al SLAYERS FUNERAL Rev J H CamiLlncI Who Mur dcred His Frietil anl Then Killed Hini5elt Buried friin Church nOMIlrs Mini Jan IVltrv John H Caimlchael murderer of tildcoii Itrownlnpr III the Methodist Chinch at Cattle Hun was btiikii lieie loday fruni the Metlfidlst Cliiinh Itev I W HaMwln lit Detroit anl Presiding Fl der Itev John Sweet of the Detroit district both niado brief addresses nt tho funeral A large tloril trlluili1 from the Detroit Methodist Kp scopil dls tilet with tlp words Our Hrothfr laj on the i iitln There was no curl His crowd at the Si ft inn when the body arrived The pillbeaiers v > ee nil cler gy men FIREBUG AT CUNARD PIER Ilnltallon Chief nOM and the smoke ml era aboard the llrelioa Ictlfllan conquered crly thIs mumlng a blaze wlilch threatened the destruction oC IM I m hue toot uf itt tlieeniu Ficet llu Iuiuuil structure winch hasnt been completed Itoth liieinen inI police believe the hli Inccndlno The Illf wan In the ciih below the water Imc among the spiles und tlm her and It made n tough job for tlie firemen I I DR BULL MAC A GOOD NIGHT I At ti f Hotel Plaza this inornliu It I wan iinnoun nl tliit them lid licen no IutrL chit Ilc vlianijL III the condition of Ji ulliaiu s hull and thul he had pjnml II iomrortillp nlghl Tlib phy jlclim tnouRht that nlth the coming of dry weather the eminent lurieonv might Imptovt omnobat Iureeor ii HAINS ACQUITTED OF in I HfSSfS fOR THf JURYSVERDCT I I m mm I II T J Mains Who Was Acqwttcd of Complicity in Killing of Annis SAVANNAH MEET I WONT Bt CUT I I iVendigs Retirement ViII Not Affect Racing at Thunder bolt Track Spfilil Ths Kvintnn World I SAVANNAH Ian loThc weather na clear and Invltlni this iiftoruoon which hroiiRh the ciuud out In froiully numbers The card tlioiiRli I huh t lis rcRaidit iitiuitlty win withal a nicely lintancrd one and good faelnt with I html speculation was the csiilt The Hist rico found Big Hand the favorite lIt Ulrdflayer Arnwaka and Hello of I ho Hay all had their suppmtors Hccause of tIt retirement of Joe Yen ulIg from the cluh a repot ivan circu lated that the nuctin would end short ly but those In cliarsje atti liclnc In tervlewid denied tlmt It wn the Inien full of cut tailing the inet und pusltlvcly tfittir that the miellaK nlll run the full thirty uhnys as tirheiluleil Kl HST KACKrnriii for threeyear uldH ant upward sic rurloii s iieiin of the lta > Hli 0 rowleyi Jl to J to 10 and I to I llrst illnlslajur 107 I oullin 3 to I I to r and I to 1 nccond Mnlecon In lira II nOli I S in I 3 to I und een third Tliiu 1IS I J Dig Hand and Amwnkn bo rail SKCDND IIAiliirne for thrf eirolds und upnniil live fiirliinuv Kosher 1C iIohnaom T to r to J and T to lo fIrst St Ate W3 iDnuphlm ii I 2 to I nut even second V 11 V 111 lams ll > iDuKKant 5 In I I ID I oust even third Time 101 4S Clifton Fttn lledemptlnn mil Ifverv nl 9 < 1 ran Til bill IlACKPurfo for threeyear oldi and up six furloiiK3tady Fllj hirhert IK iHiirim I to I s to > ansi I Ii o won M crts > Ml Uynehi I to 1 s to 5 nnd I to i feeond Its K n II 10J I YiiunK > 10 I even anti I to I Mlril Time ll < Mls luiMln tolnrldent and Ucnu Rlso ran KOfflTII hAs R Iurse fi tlir < > yenrnliN nnd up one hulls I inn lain Illon ICO i 1 i i > wli I S ui 2 ceu unil out flr < t leo llillry JH lYouiu S tu I 5 to 5 and nut rceoml Miss Marjorie < 1M 1 McCalxIt 7 tu 10 and out third I Tlm UI Ji lieattrllnc also ran CITY ON APPEAL WINS A SUF1 FOR 91 000 i Builders of uscott Dam on Croton River Lose by Ap e Court Verdict I The Appcljate Iilvlslon nf the Supreme Court toilny handed down a delslon Iovsrsln a jnilKtnent for 1011 Mcured hy John Williams and others i alnn lie city of Xiw Vork In tin lower court and ordering n new trial IIC the case I WIIItiiiH anil the other pUilntlffi en leieil Into n contrast with the ohl Arjue duct Cnmmlsxloturs ti litild the Mils cott ilara nn the Ciotijrt Illvcr In connec I tion with I htJ conduction of tlio Croton water supply byotrni The aKrcemcnt jinllod for ic completion of the dam j within a certain spccllled time hut the i work proKtcied to slowly that tho Aque flint Iommlsilclicni noilllrd the eontrao turi to ciai > work and coripletej the dam t tuiIliuPI ice I Wll lams biousht stilt for ibmaKiM to I the amount of S > leni alleKnt that lu I hail hem haiidieappid liv the strict en fiiiTitniMit it tli htghit I lour Unbar i Ian and also t > y the ImidltiK hall liy 1 lli fity of m > eral payinent due im the vork Tli Uluir law V llain held I I wa > inn oaa llullonnt JuilRintnt for I i the JJImi was rendered nKaltut the I I I city In tin Supremo Court j I The city appealed and the 1011 I I I riiiifliiK Ill JiiJ nieni und onltr1 j a i new trial wai handed < ttn hi 1 j Innrahrm tirki All of liie i > Jus tin ciiiuiitniiK In con foilIng Ills de I I cision Justice Iimrulnini id It t < little clear Hint the action of I t tie Aiueliit Commliiilon r I itch en 1I1rr r cinployeej In InilstlnK on a I rnmplluie citli the IH ln > i liv xni not i n 10 reai h to f the ourraet uMh Im i posed till I ihldtv nil Its rin of NVv I York I U I EXPLOSION KILLED 50 VCPPItlM llitnqaM Jan ISTh I i > llnaion of llrulamp ill the Auka coal inline lisle ycteidn > itilled In a total I jiUatli list of M men Two humlreil and forty men were at first entombed but JSI nere taken out alive j I Amid Uprcar Applause From Others 1 in Flushing Court Bayside Yacht Club Members Express Disap proval of the Finding n I PRISONER DISCHARGED I HYSTERICAL WITH JOY 1 I I I Cheered by Enthusiastic Crowj as He Whirls Away From the Scene of His Trial S Capt Hams Case May Go to I Lunacy Commission jh I r Vengeance Takes Precedence Over ihe Law Says Darrin Under the verdict it is perfectly safe for any person who is ingenious enough to frame up a defense to go out and kill Private vengeance seems to have taken prece dence over the peoples law in Queens County State ment by Prosecutor Darrin after Thornton Mains was freed as The trial of Thornton Mains for murder at Flushing ended at 3 I clock this afternoon in a verdict of not guilty I The jury readied its decision on the tifteentli hillot From the time the twelve men took the case ai 5 oclock yester day afternoon until early this morning they stood eight for acquittal and tour for conviction for manslaughter This forenoon early one man ame over to the majority making tle jury nine to three They still > lood nine to three when they came into court to hear the testimony of liree important witnesses read After this three more ballots were taken There was a demonstration in the court on the anouncement of the result and Justice Crane cleared the chamber before lie received the I final verdict in one of the most famous murder cases in New York I When the Jury appear rl the foreman Joseph I HIM was wiping his hands nervoiily Oentlemen of tha Jury said Ills Honor I pent for you to seo It you listS iisrecd We have Just agreed sild the tore S nun I It developed later thoU the men had I hren on the point iif takhiK the de 1 elut hug hal tot when the word rcacned I tern that the Justice deilred to see I I them at the ehamher They hurried j up the last ballot and clime direct to I the roiirtroom within n minute or two If you have ngreed Mid thf JU t nu will proceed with the neces sary formalltloj The prisoner will arIse I The Jiuos nlll arise I They all shoed up j i 1 Oentlemen of the Jury chanted the I cleit what my you Is the prisoner I I guilty or not guilty I Cheers and Hisses The foreman domed Ills throat twice with hR RiilpV before he could get the words out In ft husky undertone i We the Jury hind tho defendant not Kiillty At the word Not Entity the court room which had filled with townspeople nf IliishliiK sprang tutu an uproar A little knot of members of the Uayilde Vncht Club hl rfl hut their hisses were Ink III the cheer crud Imndclappln of t llfty or sixty men aunt women ThrutiRli the clamor came the sound of the Judges Sivel with u shatp rat tat Clear the room shouted Justice Crane Otllcer remove every person in title oiiamtier except the members ut hlo court I Thornton liaise had sprung to his 1 feet with fHi > vlliwlsh hU mouth i upape rlmost hysterical with joy and ro hot He twlitcd his lips as It about j to speak to the Judge or the Jury or both lout then changing his mind he fell hack Into his chair nnd slipped his I sills crounil the shoulders uf Joseph Shay Darrin Stunned John K Mcintyre chief counsel for the ilefem had slumped down Into his chair completely overcome lit was I shivering like a nan with buckague 4 THIS IS JUS JURY THAT ACQUITTED l1IORS1ON HAINS Ulllinni Mill fiirrinaii I fore lunti fur the Slandiird III Com Piui JluaulC Inliuul thy Ihiiiiini Vulnh linlliler Lane IilMnil Hy llenrj llorkrr xlilppliii clerk IHHIC I I Snniiicl V Inhiimiii nnpplj ilenler Irliininil Illll Inliii lleiilium a fit 1 I rainu Curonti Iled I re II IcIllniMld rnnlileri Fur lliirliMii > Alex 1st cull ti c 11 II III tier tong llnnd ity llucli MeCitlliiKh milk dcnler insure Illll I I null Viiv iirienler Jamaica Vlllliiin llrlenn ntnui car hell I C r I tirniin 1 1nlilrU Aheirii retired fnrnirr Itt utaha llrnrf llnrnlir fnreiunn of cltr Mnrti toriinii I I I Mr Darrin never moxed le was stunned for Im lindnt expected such a verdict When lit a room had been l cleared of the vociferous spertatorn and J when the last of them had been herded j down the stairs nf the old Town Hall < K Justic Crane said sharply keeping his tf voice nt a level iinsympathctc mono tone J Is there any other charge acalnit < this defcniMnt 5 Mr Datiln shunk his head You tire illschurKed said the Jui C A tire crIsply hardly lookIng toward thus i jubilant novel writer Orntlemen of the Jury said Hli Honor turning now to the twelve men f again you have had a very dliHcult task to perform and I want to thank ou for the attention whIch rOil h In given to this case You have been paine taking and cartful ansI I thank jouj I have received n note from your fore I win touching the questIon of ipecltl compensation for your irvLis I witi t j a