Newspaper Page Text
WALDO TO PROMOTE BIG BATCH OF POLICE 0,000 OPENING OF GREAT NEW LIBRARY WK ATJllill fair tn-nlahl. I. i in n i nsc ttlrrli fair tn-niBhl RACE RESULTS AND ENTRIES i SFF. PAGE I " Circulation Books Open to All." I DITI O M " Circulation Books Open to All." PRICE ONE CENT. Copyright, Hill, by .'h Stm I'ubllsblog Co. I The New York World). NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1911. 18 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT. 0.000 AT THE DEDICATION OF CITY'S GREAT LIBRARY; TAFT AND DIX TAKE PART AMNION IAF IMS DRIVE DELMQNICO Rmurirte the President Un- recognized Through Crowds. aarnitlfVni RnllHInor Hivlrirrvi to Set High Standard for Future Architecture. SOT ABLE FACTS CONCERNING Ml W PUBLIC LIBRARY, Building coat IliVMi.OOO. 8lte worth HO.000,600 Estimated value of contents when library Is complete, $l.,O0. Total capacity of library, 4,000,000 books. liulidlng covers plot of l0x;;i) feet, or M,I00 aqugrg feet -More than I7u.(iii cubic feet of mar ble used In construction. Hm NO rooms gild hull and 7B miles "f tv-wik shelves. ELMONII GUESTSTOSTREET Packing of Tank In Sub-Cellar Blows Out and Quickly Clears the Building. New Police Commissioner in Office, Showing "23, ' Fateful tor Cropsey (Specially Posed roDay for Evening World Stall Photographer.) LAUNDRESS COLLAPSES. By Using Oxygen Helmet Leak Is Found and Stopped Whole Block Affected. The Ideal weather thnt developed Respite tha Bloomy official foracaati of continued heat brought out a monster throng on Fifth avenue this nfternoon to witnesr- tin- dtdJcatlOTi of the greatest public library In the world, a monument to education which, when complete, will represent an outlay of M) m.Om. President Tift. Gov, I lx. Ma or Oay nor, Andrew Carnegie and hoM Of not nbics in thi dodV atlon coram on lea and a throng of more than 5",nno per lona Jammed the region about llryant rark and poured through the vast, roomy spnre of the great marble struc ture that the aged John Iligelow, presi dent of the library, declared would set a standard to the future architecture In this country such as the Notre I lame Cathedral eetabllahed In France six can tiules ago. A Secret Service Ruse. a pi-ked battalion of M0 policeman and eeveral squadron of mountsl men were posted within and without ths building when President Taft and h:s party arrived front Washington shortlv after 1 o'clock. Through a ruse devleed by his Secret Servlco attendants the Ires In: got Into the library without attracting notice. Accompanied by .Ma jor AratltbaJd Blltt. his military aide, Mnntor Bacon of Georglg and hli iaore tary, Mr. llllles, the nation's Chief Ex ecutive arrive! at th" Seventh avrn'je Pennsylvania Dapol at 104. lie was mc: by his brother H nry w Taft. and John D. Cndwalladnr, with whom he will tiino Informally to-night. Five automobiles, a squad of a dozen mounted policemen and a flying squad ron of bicycle poll emeu were waltln : Outside. The automobllei were all alike. Major uutt. Mi. EUllea and the Beerei Birvle men plied Into 'he first three cars an l President Taft, Senator BaoOn and Henry W. Taft got Into the last cai . The procession then started, the tnoun;- ed nan blowing their wttlsUai as Uiay galloped ahead. The Lading trio .f cars, following th. police escirt, proceeded up Seventh ave nue 10 Fortieth street, cheered by the crowds on the pavement, who mist", k one of the Secret Service men for the President. The car containing the Presi dent shot across Thirty-fourth street In to Sixth avenue and thence up to Forty gaoond street unnoticed. Then the S ;ret oat Out. When Mr. Tift's lone a-nd nnegonrted automobile reached the Forty ggOOnd atreet entrance of the library he got out and was half way up Htalrcase before any of the great swarm In the atreet discovered who he was. At the Fortieth street entrance, where tho nvst of the I'lcnl.lcnl's : irty 1 seml.irked with great eclat, there waa thUnderOUl cheering. The PrggtdMt went to the trustees' room on the second lloor and ram. lined there until he was Jolt, d by the otlier dianxtaries, and the oaramOBlgg began Promptly at 2 o'clock In the rotunda at ti.e main an tT an OS of the library on Fifth avenue t igra w invited quests "vere Seated. When al. was In r tidiness the banil, Itu c I to the right of tli" speakers' Piatform at the and of the great onyx wallod room, urn It up the "Star pangled Banner." Thin the doort of tne truataon' rooni up gbovt. back of tiia great bfgnonlng tnarbll staircase, gpanad and the little group of guests of honor, city gflolglg and direotOTI of the library came out and marched down. First came Director Kdward M. An derson and John I., ''adw.ill i ler, then C llowland Russell, secretary of the library, and Bdwgrd W Mialdnai than Mroctol John Bllllngg and Andrew Pgrneglgj then Archbishop Farley In full c.iuonlcals and HU.-iop tireer arm in arm. than Mayor Gktynor and Truatte ADMITS HER RICH I 10 KILL DEPENDING HUM E AND HONOR But Newark (N. J.) Prose cutor Questions Mrs. Pig natelii'S Death Story. (Continued on Becond Page.) The r!e"M of a woman to protect her homo and her lion -u- by killing a man who s-uight to Invade the home was tacitly conceded f-dny when Prose. UtOr Wilbur Mott told n Jury at New ITk, N. J., what the Stale would show n t' e eis. wherein Mrs. rarmella Pig nntrlll Is oha-sed with the murder of nt..n!o Antorlo April H at her home, x.i. .'.2 WIHowdala venue, Bloomfleld, X. J. Hut the FrogaoutOf had a strong itrlng tied to his ooBeaaalon. He denied hit any such fnots were to bo found in the woman's rase. She had assert ad that on the day of the killing she sont ler little boy for the man aha killed md that "he bad stabbed him when he line to her home. The woman Inslst- 1 that she killed In defense of her hon or. This state of thing led the Proa- utor to sny to the Jury: "If It cm bo shown here that this ao.nan, who Is charged with taking human life, was honest In her home life and killed this man In protecting her home and her honor 1 shall not nava much to say to you us to what our verdict shall be. Hut," he continued, "the State will hOW that Antorlo left his wife In Italy and enme hero to Join this woman, who id bean his iweathnart in the nM ountry. When she learned that hi wifo was coming from Italy to Join him Iba openly displayed her Jealousy and Mild that It was a question of her life or his llfo If the wife cauie. "The Kiatc will show you that the Identical baby Which this woman holds now In Iw-r lap was IhOWn by her to many people with tho tsiast of its re semblance to the man she killed, and wa will ubk you for a verdl t of mur der In the llrst degree, which Is war ranted by the facts." Tho selection of a Jury to try the case required all of the morning, owing to the reluctance of the veniremen to larva on a Jury which Involved capital punishment In tne case of a unman Judge ThOtnaa A. Davis presides at the trial. After the statement of the case to the Jury tho taking of testimony began. PAPER FAMINE IMMINENT. i mo n iin I rawing our Mnkare, Vorrla Tells Innate om m U lee. WASHINGTON, May M, Only by the adoption of the paper clause of the Ite Iproelty agreement with Panada can neap paper and the retention of the print paper industry in the Pnlted tatai be secured, according to John Norrls, representing the American Newspaper Publisher' Association, who app. trad before the Senate Finance Committal to-day. "Tne Canadian provinces which con trol the raw material of paper manu facture," Mr. N'orris said, "are trying to force American paper mills to move to the other side of the boundary line. They believe they ell starve out the American paper makers. , whose domes tic auvpltea are nearly !iautod." For effectiveness In dispersing uest" and employees a fire could not have been excelled by ammonia fumes which agl from a pressure tank locate I In tre aub-cellar, Invaded every Bjrgnnj of the six-story Helmonleo restauran: and hotel bulldln at Forty-four::, street and Fifth avenue tills morning Until the choking odor was shut Ofl the building was completely deserted Oni 'f thg employees, a laundress. .. overcome, but doctors revived her. Not only did the fumes of the an. monla through the Delmonl establishment and drive out ever! human occupant, but they permeated t! atmosphere for a block arouisJ and caused discomfort to pedoetrlane an I persons in neighboring stores, dwellings and upartmenta. Blowa Out With a Roar. Pelinonlco'a has Its own Ice and coo! Ing p int. The ammonia supply is kep. utile: pressure In a big tank In the lowest of the cellars. At s.UO o'clock this morning a gasket, or packing. In the top of the tank blew out. allowing the escape of the comprused ammonia fume with a roar like that of escapln, steam. Thomas Maloney, the second englnee: , started from the engine room to renie I . the damaged tank. He got aa far ai the entrance to the sub-cellar, where ha encountered a veritable wall of ove powering gas thai almost knocked hp., down. Turning, Maloney tied for hi lite for tho open air. The funics of the ammonia progress!.! upward rather slowly. but rapid I) enough to cnuso considerable btlltling In the guest rooms on the upper floors Ueneral Manager Wilfred J. Taupier an t Chief tierk John Hossong, with BlOiSt ened napkins pressed to their faces kept the elevator operators and bell boye st work until It was apparent that everybody waa out of danger. L- undress Collapsea, lles!.. N'r oli of No. ::i West Slxt; alxth street, a laundress, was on the top floor when the ammonia odor as sailed her. Ibl made her way down by tho servants' stairway and, naturally, tho farther down she got tho more dlfBoUlty she found In breathing. As sin rea hed :he office, o d:. ipse. I. The girl was earned out Into ths air Dr Warren of N. H Ka-t Forty-fourth street was summoned by tie:.horis. Po liceman Italian of the Fast Flfty-flrat street station also sent in a call to Flower Iloapllal for an ambulance. Hr n,ier responded and !:. I Of Warren In restoring the Inundreaf to rtonavlua..: nrss. In the mean time the tne-hanleal gtlfl had conrludcd that the flee could n ha abut off without outllda anatntnnre Mr. Hoaaong telepinne t to I' re llsi I'.iart. r. and from there a Mil' waa ten I to Hook aid sadder impat No. 2 at Fiftieth gtnat and UtXlngtOI! .venue This company is equ.p; ad with OSyge alntitl for use in ovnrpowni ng amoki .ni gasos. i. lent, ftowe put on ana ai thi halmiti and went Into the luboallai wblli his fallow-flrimen nttaohad a Una hose to a starnipipe and 1 nay of water Into the lower pan of tile ding. Owing to Ms gAfnniUlirli) ftltb the arrangements of the .tgnkg. ...cut. Hov... waa unable to .o a'.o th U la. Maloney, tho engineer, then put on ;.o l.elmt. He was able to pgog the IPO Vetlt ef till, fumes Wll . po tag id I griip and bundles of wnitl. As tho I building cleared tne tank was drained. The dlaa! nation u' the fumaa wm muuli slower than nad baan their pro, gross through Die building. As huh ua j possible ttie employ. lag venturisl hack. Windows md door were open.. I, trie fun and voiuillators were h' at top ipgndi but onnaidnrnbli time 1 elap-cd before the atmosphere of Ntl mor.ico's regained Its WOAIad purity. You may ihtll Off tliu leak ai (ha tank If you III. lint tl ami II of gmmonlg w in n I ger 'round Hill, thus Warbled till pool laureate of Hook uud Ladder No. J on t ie way to the Hi e j nous. IPP i ABOUT CRIMINAL : - ; C TRIAL OF OIL IN CROPSEY HAD QUIT ! SEVERAL DAYS AGO; m jr w a SCORES TO-DAY NATIONAL LEAGUE. AT NE.W YORK. aNCINNATl 0 1 0 uiANrs- 0 1 2 Bnttnrlai smith and Clargai Mathaw. son and Mey.-rs. AT OROOi'.LYN. HIT rSDURQ IlKIXiKLYN 0 0 Bnttnrlai Cgmnlti and oih i n and Millar, AT DOSTON. CHICAGO I , i 0 0 UOSTUN i (I 0 0 0 nmiflll Wlllllll and Archer; Brown and Karldcn. AT I HIUADL ''IIA. ST. LOtMS o 2 Z PHILAI LLI'illA - oi2 Bittniiaa Harmon and Braanghan; Heebo and M n an. FLYNN BACK IN OLD JOB IN THE SECRET SERVICE. it port t IVAsblavton umi 0r ! r -it i ti Tub i iiiiruc 1 1 1 1 , NATURALISTS MUST MOVE FROM THEIR "ARCADIA." Presented in' Banker. Agents Vw ( irder Sound Beach PI ice Vacated. Ilpetlal to The Bianlag Tfiaatl TAMFORDi Conn., May St. -"Arcadia," In Sound Iteach, pren i.ted to tho Agnaall Association of Naturalists two . us ngo by J. Kennedy Tod, the c.atil er, whoag country plica. Inues Ar- di 0) i nt South Banch. muat be va ealad by the gaaoclatlon. Bdwnrti f. Blgalow, Preetdant of the annociatlon. ha lived there since Ar cadia was aatabllahad. carrying on ag. perlmanta in nature work, publishing a nitura mnFAllhO and se-k:tij- itudanti for the study of nature. The outfit on- lata of portable bulMlngg. it wm an paotad Mr. Tod would finance the un dartaklng, He is now in Qgnnvi. but his agents here iiave gotlftnd Mr, llig. low t: al lie must mo . I Attoruey-nencral Aske.t Wha Steps Have Been Taken Against .John I . and ( thers. W siUNOTHN', May El Information ii to nil it sieps had bean laken for the criminal prosecution or the offlcan of he standard mi Coropnny under the re ant decision of the Supreme Court s ai damandad of tin. Atlornay-Qanaral to-lay by Iba Senate, which adopted without dlacunilon a raiolutlon of in qu.ry ofii red by Senator Pomarann, Tha resolution names st Ideally John ckafelliri Archbold Supremo that the WAHHIKOTON, May J. Klynn. format I lap i 1 ; miSHlotl'O' of New Vol k 1 the Secret Service, and 10' dered to take obgl'ga I New York City, WbUb , I formerly held, ELOPERS CALL ON GAYN0R. Bnnvbtar Becelvaa Ilia Dleaatns l It Hull. Mayor 'lienors neweef aon-ln-law, William Seward Wel.ii Jr. who alopad to Wilmington. I,i., with QnrtfHd 'lav- nor, onlli i 'o-d.y at city ii:,n. ii,. won I iceompanlad ! hla brtda, Shi wa at-1 tlnad i" a m :. lad h i iWi skin of Uual and a neatly lining juoket of thi aamal oolor, Tic Mayor rnoelvnd them gmtllngly Ho kissed his 'I i lighter md ahook hands J wirh :is new on-lnlaw and than gnval hla hlaaalng KTvery thing was Joyoua. I It was tne llrt I km thi Mi"f Bid ion j ung oupic alnoa their atapemont foung Mr. an i Mri. Wnbb dapnriad in., palm In t Mgyor'a otn a inn .1 red 1 Ui VI "fid Irani llnrraii !lu i on Ii .V 'I to - c.l" auU iii ler ..... l. u.. i. is rooei '. ie a aad Slat, rsn lb msUmu. j, i. . ... sua uwa uiUws. II. It'c kefeller, W III! Ifn 11 Henry M Flnglnr. John D. and Charles M Pratt, Pomernni set fortti tbal tha Conn in us did ilon da ad stand ird mi Company, thlrtj thraa constituent corporatloni and lev an in dividual unltid i" form and affiot a nomblnntlnn and eonaplred lo monopo iir.e ami liuve monopollaad tubatantlal pan of tha iinno i a among l ha Btatea in raatrnlnl ol Iniei lata tr Ida in vbv lati ni of lha Sherman Anil'Trult law." He add d Under Hm provialung of the act, If the defendant, or any of timm, entered Into Bombing! ion if monopoly In restraint "f trade, they are amenable to orlntinil prosecution." The reeolullon say. "That tha ah irneyQonanil "f lha United states : nd is Itarabj dlrtoted to inform lha Sonata what, if any, prosecutions have 'ecu begun or are now pending ngalnii tho standard Oil Company of Nan Jarniy or thi n- itltuinl comp-inies ot individual dnfand ants alKive gamed, or any of them, for violations of sections one or two of the Snerinan gajhVtrual law." iier sBtli t ' la u He lrlp, Mrs. ''. It. SI kw.-il, of No 0 We Tblrtlath atroat. was a paaasnger in the Kuii-'-r w lhalm d.-r Urooaa ulll lo-day. sic went over with Mrs, j n Harmon and F. Hgrmon. a ih i she is ui. , then- twanly.fifth voy age. In honor Of the runt the Hum. buig-Auierl an Company praaentad her wiia a Uvnr aav, Blltd Wits Bswiri WALDO GETS THE JOB Police Commissioner Sent In His Resignation Last Week, but Gay nor Urged Him to Remain a Short Time. DELAYED PROMOTIONS ARE M A.DE BY NEW POLICE HEAD Joseph John on or Arthur O'Keefe Likely to Be Appointed to the Vacant Fire Commissionership. Rhlnelander VN'alJn, fur the past sixteen months Hire Commissioner, handed hi resignation to Mayor Gaynor al 1 1.40 o'ciiK-k this morning .iiiJ was immedlatel) sworn in as mrnts . iner of Police, assuming his new duties al noon, The term ol office ol James s. Cropsey as Police inimissioner expired the rnomeni Mr. Wokio was sworn in. it was upposed that Mr. Cropseya written resignation was awaiting the Mayor .11 the City Hall this morning. Thai idea was dissipated late this afternoon In l ewis ll. Birdseye, who acted as Mr. Cropsey's secre tary in the Police I lep.irtment. Mr. Birdseye was ask ! ' for a copy of Mr. ; iropsey s letter of resigtwHon. TO LETTER 01 RESIGNATION. "There i no letter ol resignation," said Mr. Hir.tseye. "Mr. Crop sey resigned to the Mayor last Thursday afternoon. The Mayor asked him to remain It Headquarter! for the present I presume to allow time lor the select! ii of a successor. I do not know that Mr. Cropsey had any notice from the Mayor this morning that his resignation had been accepted." c immlseloner WMo vai scarcely MATTY IN B0V T AGAINS REDS New York. Dnvore. if. ' Doyle, lb. nodgi aii, ' ' Murray. If. Merkla, lb Brldwall. ss. 1 ie tin. lb. Mayari, . Matin w son. p I 'nip. al Is lam and I myl -T.iiuo. Cincinnati. Baanhar. if. ' Igan, lib. lies, ef. ibiltaall, ib lltehell. rf. 1 Irani, lb It lxer, Si. 1 lark, c. Smith. ndanc i ' Iliad In his new office w-hn he aent for Chief C!,.rl Kip s"t Instr ited him to prapnra Hia iHgfbli lists for promo tions. He announced hla Intention of pnmottng, ag soon a ponMMa, Ave ( naptnlna to hi Inspectors, twelve lleu , tenants lo ho captains, thirty. two I iergeants to be lieutenants and twenty ' seven patrolmen to I aergeante. These promotions have been held up for months. Mr Cropsey did not like s' one of tiie man entitled to advance- i t Commissioner Waldo will pick lha tanking names on th lists aa he lid In thi I'lre Iiepurtment. Another thing the new Commlaalnner I I waa to .pi.-r t at polioenien be paid on tli it of the month lnatead of on lha luth of the month, a reform that (Speetel to The K.enH' World.l , 10 1 lag ofllceri have been demanding. AM RR I (IAN UBAOUR PARK. HMW .Cnmmlaglnnnr WgJdn'g private aecre fORK, Ma II Tha C nelnnatl Rada try I WtnfUld Sheaan, who acted In ma le t'i r fl r- gppanrnnci Of t ia sea- th, same capacity to Mr. Waldo In the son on ths Hilltop tids afternoon and rue Department Thi new Commls- Lwen greil I ij a roowd of i fan .. n. r and Mr. Sheehan will keep the i ' o inn I'unii-u on iruiivv snsiri inrouga rles of t li ii for the Olgntgj us it thi piesa. m t i d Wn0 ,0P n5vv Fro Head? tnam down i i fourth place Uathew- son wai ' plti I " n. rork Ul" 1 n.mie! ldo when hi and ha wm ippoaad by frank Bmlth, sworn In a Holloa Commlnatoner lle ,.f t.l ' n Americana CntOhir Vera former l'lre Chief Kdward Croker V. if thi il la ' il l n ' report in. I civil Service Commissioner James for l itj i- 'day, as to- is confined to his Creel man. The presence of Croker at room with n aevnra onai of tonalllttg. t ,., ,'.v i l( :i KVe rise to th rumor ii lo, would ce appointed Un Com- aOY WHO "LOST ' S 1 0.000 n i i i c Emmn mill TV ' ' " 1 ' 1 i" ' ' ! bam appointed KiLL Ib l-Jwi.J uUiLII. , ..i inglnaar of Are i I tan in the M iyor. When the Mayor lleris ei Langai tha seven-ecu voar-old vva- askvsl if Croker WOUld go to the mi boy. who claimed lo lava , i 0 gg Ktre Dnpwtnwnt, b ra lost fM..i run unirusieo 10 ... .-are o, lh.. , dld BO, knu. I I... possibility of the Mr. Croker to to his care bj , hrokei igs Arm In Wnl street to be de- M.lil ',, Vtiil.oiMl Civ Itiink aboil, , r I guilt! t gl '' I ""' Position of lire Commissioner Is not ireeny 1 . ury befura luatl MoCall seriously gntartnlnad in city Hall clr- i , n i:, h of me Supreme lag. I'irst Deputy Fire ComnMaatannf fle i i Joaaph Johnson Is anal to stand In tile Thi i gnveptid lha vardloi calmly, una of promotion to tha potltlnn va ' " '';! fntlier who ,..,.,, ,.v Mr Waldo, geend Deputy mi nar Arthur O'Ketfii chancan out ins trial, seeuml to take It vary ..... ' , , , ,,, are ionsidere.1 good, because he la a Young Uangi . dafinu waa that he 1 Hrooklyntte and ou vir friendly terms I Of I Ibl bill. with the .Mayor, who sad Ihli uftea-