Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY. JUNE t1 , 1911. 5 GAVE UP $150,000 AND MORTGAGE ON life LOAN Court Steps In and Restrains Alleged Loan Sharks to Aid Young Man. rin nan ru In dNiwrilt i of nrn.r. an.l. rr: Vn nn niln mnt tiy mn MHM Wolf, be w.nt to Wolf. T !ti.-r took him I ' .! -' v Ij. I.. anil Ibefe Intm-lucd Mm to a man nm.l Hrajr, nl at thU offlc ha signed tha various iiapeia fl. In: . Ma Inheritance and tin In auranrs policy for t' and tha no'n for IX, 760. counsel aaM h araa nut allowxl IS raal the aaalfnmanta. Cmni a. I alao aatd that Caapary palil Wolf aa broker 1400 out of tha 12.200 MMM ha received. Tha collateral euhseojiently pBSMl to Foster and Llewellyn, and tha In junction raa dlractn.1 analnat tliein crushed to-dsv by a 200-pound ske t Ira which sllnne.l f-nm tha loi.l aa the H flRrin use PSMlnsJ . o. 7.1 Avenue I a The bof n taken to llellevue llispltal, whom hr died an hour latar. DETECTIVES SAY CHINAMAN HAD OPIUM WORTH $15,000. Jootfra Pag, In tha fruvrems fViirt, "tar. at tha nonrliwlnn of an aK ant for an Injunction mada In bahalf M ITnnatl faapaf). described aa "an In- t vportancad man man." wtieredn It waa Alleged trial Oeajwiry. in deaperete need or rnonrr. met an eUcired loan ahark nd for ITS' In aah rsve up Ml Inter en !n hta father s asta'a worth I1M.W. ,nai a policy of Ufa Insurance for to, -"!, mo da out a nota for t :. anil save Ma all eared loan ahark S for commls- lan, cranta.1 an Injunction from he hf?h. Thla waa dona after Attorney .Tamaa A. tlray, for tha dafandanl. In. ob A. Poo tor, conoaded tha facia atatpd on tha nriwnant but maintained tlmt a sajel cf equity could no! act in the inst'er he 'Onaa It had no Jurisdiction. Foster an, I a man named Llewellyn ara anJotMd from disponing of tha coiuter-il until the irtil of Iba action. i Counsel for ("ajipary aald that tha (ioon fhnnf,. Manager of the Oriental Restaurant, Arrested This Aftemnon. Ooon Chona, manager of tha flrlentnl lin e i imtvt on Pod atraat. waa arrested on Worth street rhla afternoon chnticed with having In hla poaaeaalon 12f pounds ii' fipliim, tha cominarclal ralua of which la i:. l.teuta. Suinmr and H irka of tha iVntral 0001 chaie.l thai CtMmfl had sture.1 tha miliitti In the anop "f ti'N'elll olllna. pooltTy dealers, of No. 191 Ciinrnbers street. A parkin esse con 1 14 : " riat opium taken from a Seller In ) 'oil atreet to tha poultry dealers' plil'-e. The tioultry nun aero Ignorant of Ita OMtonta end It waa In liell.d "(llaaa. Manilla with Care." Th I'hinaman waa t.tkan to Pollet Haadnitartora pi riiiratory to hla ar- ralanme'it hefora I'nlted Ktnlaa COM j tiilaalonar BnlOldi. Kill.. I ttr OatM of tea. I Itentnniln hwartx, alx yeara old, of No. Til Bool NIMH atraol, hltehlnf on behind an lot Huaon, waa atruck and More alunblc .nun uim - l i mt)re MCMStry than to CuiiH'rve your (Vfyiptl t lie mod prccioui of III senses. Hani Gtassts are dependable flMSll Ivcatise they are prc vriKvl by an Ocutfsl, not an "OpticiaD or an EyCftaS! -Salea Person "over a tounter.'' Whether your .irjaes COSl tl 00, $.( or ss.oo, tins charge ln rhnles the double s.'rvice of an Oculist 1 registered physician) ind that oi .t competeni Oftfieian complete satisfaction pos itively guaranteed. Oculislfe and OUdaixs 14 M ttrd Htraet. near tmirth Aranna n Wat Mtn Straw, l. t and "nun ft Weft ltMh Rtraet. near I Avenoa 441 Calnmbaa Avanna. at it ami hi nd Htraat ft Naaaa.Blraat. near John fltraat I0M Braadway. aaar Wlllooahbr. BronWhrn iR8 rtllton Hu-tat. eppnatta A. A H , Brooklyn Wn Braad Straat. oaar Uatma Co, Nawark g7 23d Street, West Ntar 5th Avenue, New York MILLINERY SUITS DRESSES COATS WRAPS WAISTS Etc., Etc., Etc. Pre-inventory Clearance,, ADVERTISED IN SUNDAY'S PAPERS HAS ALREADY MADE A Tremendous Success IN SPITE OF A STORMY MONDAY! Remarkable Offerings Still Remain Throughout ENTIRE House. GIMBELS Store Your Purs at Oimbels Larfaat. tl, cut, Bafaat., Claanaat, r.r.BT Cold-Air Vault lu Naw York (Rlfl.t In Our Biillamf) TKLtFROHE MADI30II SQ. "300 When Vno WMll Halat'all fni Tllom MODIBATO ITOBtOr. t HARf.ES :.nll fur Bchediilc An Advance Four th-o1 -July Celebration In the MEN'S FURNISHING STORE SUMMER SHIRTS and NECKWEAR of High Degree In a Vacation Sale Peppered with Price-Reductions July is the logical time for clearing stocks. These clearances come two or three weeks too late to be of much use to people who take their vacations early. This ii the sound reason why we have gone through our Men's Fur nishing stock nou in this import ant outfitting week before the Fourth, and have made the price- reductions that would naturally comelater on Men's Summer Shirts, Neckties and the ike. Offerings are unusually fine, as well as diversified. There are probably 7,500 Shirts and 2,000 Neckties in the Sale and prices are QOWhtre nenr the proud pin- ,..,.!., II ll 1, l tluiv llf.'ll- A niod earlier in 1 he s a- son. li s a nood time to aumt tit the usual buyinn power of your clothing money by one-half. Here are some of the ways to do it: Six Thousand $2 Shirts at $1.10 One of the most important shin otrerings of the Summer, and including several sorts of hand some shirts that it is exceedingly rare to find at any such low price - $1.10 each. hundred! of different pattern", that have hoen $2 in our own stock. Fincy MercorUod Shirts, with neat UUMIM stripe on while and colored ground-,, all with aott OUflk. Various HtyleM that we have been sellinif at all the neason. tm: joijij t i u t i irv fine Mercarlzed Soft Sliirta, in srlf-cordcd ud tatin-striiMj petternti all with soft culfa; Home with epanite t;o(t collar I, Plotted Bosom Shlrti, of hand.wmo BafaeJoj, with attached or separate cuffa, all wcll-lauimered, and in $3 Flannel Outing Shirts at $1.55 Comlortable, will - Bade l;irts, ol WOO - and - cotton (Unnel, light in weight, hut with enough warm! h to make them exee'lent to wear when tlMeUne, with the eOMe quent rooling-off. Soft double cuff, lapel pocket and neck band. $2.60 Silk-and-Llnen Mixed Shirt- at $1.56 Hitherto ollemi at the apaeU price ol : ,h0. l'ine and very ahoer, with a generoua proportion ol NilU, but very serviceable. In tan, gray, blue and while, with Bolt French cuffs. An Omnibus Lot of Shirts at 86c Shirts that have been $1.50 to j'J in our stork: renviin ders of special lots, whose former prices were higher- a large and greatly varied aaaortment, with sumu of the bt. picking in the whole Sale. Some of them are aoiled lit m handling, but otherwise all are ierfect. "Titanic" Soft Collars, 12' .c Made spociully tor ut, from much better materials than mindly found in collars at thiu price. Perfectly lining, in white and colors, linuheu with button links, It to IS. $1 and $1.60 English Four-in-Hands, 65c l'aisley. madder nml bauditima prints, typically Eng. lish ami very tine foulards, showing the border on the ends. We imported them ourselves, and had them made in New York into distinctive , flowing-end Scrtrfs. Splen did for midsummer w ear. To these we add liberal sell c tkmi from our Summer neckwear, hitherto priced at $1 or more. Silk-Knitted Four-in-Hands, 45c Tliiais an amazingly low price for pure silk "carts that have sold in our Htock for $1 and $1.60; but they are in broken color-assortments- chiefly lighl shades, in small lots that we with to clear out. Hare prizes, if you can lind your color. 60c Washable Four-in-Hands at 26c All that is left of a large purchase, at a new, low price. Conl-lnoking Neckties that men will want to buy by hall dozens, of sll'.i-and-linen, mercerized Oxfords, Hussian tords, Balin strlind materials, mostly on white grounds, in French or open end shapes. Main Floor The Hosiery man couldn't resist the temptatii know what good stuff he has in his slock. Sonet Men's Pure Linen Underwear Undor-t.rice 7c Etch for Shirta and Drawers, rtsually $1.60 (or Union Suitt, dually $2.60 This ideal Summer Underwear is made from pure Irish flax, smooth and cool and very absoroent. Therefore, very safe to wear when one is overheated. The Shirts, Drawers and Union Suits are all in athletic stylo -sleevo-leas and knee length and 40 it cent, under-price, because we bought the importer's large surplus. Men's $1.60 Pure Thread Silk Hose, 90c Pr. Blight silk, of heavy owlity , reinforced toes and heels, ta black and all colon It very unusual offering. The Gimbel Subway Store Is ready for "The Fourth." Are youP helher it's PMdvtrvwnar armors! for men. women and children, or furnishines and fixinus lor the Summer home, the cool, comlortable Subway Store is ready to sup ply your wants qtttckly arid economically. 1,000 Tailored White Waists at 50c As food quality as often sold at $1. A mannish model (like illustration), with soft French cufTs and collar in these very desirable materials; Crossbarred Lawn, Linene, Striped Lawn, black or navy, Black-and-white Checked Lawn. Exceptionally good value at 60c. $1.50 Tub Skirts at $1 Like the illustration. Well-tailored Skirts of linene, in tan, blue and white; six-button paneled front Skirts, with pocket, plain gored Skirts, and Skirts variously trimmed with straps and buttons. Regularly $1.50, at $1. $2.50 to $3 Tub Skirts at $1.75 The surplus stock of one of our best skirt makers. The materials have all been shrunk and t he Skirts carefully made by men tailors. Some of the materials are Imported Rep, in white, tan, light blue, pink and lavender; Austrian and Irish Linen, in white, natural and blue: Indian Head Lawn; Linene, white, tan and blue; Bordered Reps and Batiste, tan, blue, pink and lavender. The variety of attractive styles includes overskirt models, trimmed with lace insertion, plain gored skirts with inverted plaits, paneled back and front, button front or side models; with or without pockets, tucked panel skirts, new three-piece habit back skirts and pleated skirts. All are ;-j..,n to s.'i kirts, at $1.76. Subway Store, Balcony fi n 111 "W -a a- Pay But $1.50 for Men's $3 Straw Hats or Better This sale of fine Straw Hat is interesting New York men by the hundreds. It chimes in ad mirably with tomorrow's sale of Men's Furnishings, for it enables men to save money literally from top to toe on their Summer outfits. The hats are samples from the famous firm of Samuel Mund heim & Co., and two other fine makers. They include practically every desirable style of the sea son Splits, Sennits, Mackinaws and Milans; are chiefly in sizes ti7 to 7' s and are all of $: qualities or better. Today, tomorrow and until they are yone which will be soon- $1.60 each. Fourth Floor Also Men's Summer Underwear and Hosiery m to seize this opportunity tolet many more men tttributtd this very excellent news for tomorrow : Men's English Cotton Underwear at $1 Two famous London makes 1. & H. Morley's and CartWTjght Si Wamar'a, (!auat cotton, delightfully cool, the shirU sleeveless or short sleeves; the druu'erd in knee or ankle length. Splendid value at $1. 60c "Gartlet" Half Hose, 25c Pair Light weight, lustrous silk lisle socks, with triple hoeU and toes and dimble soles; made especially high in the leg to wear with knee drawers. In hlack, tan, gray and navy blue; at half their regular price. Main Floor H4. Diplomas Framed at 45c to 65c Ve will frame Diplomas in one-inch black, brown, preen, light oak or gilt frames or 1 U in. mouldings, tilted complete with glass, at 46c, 660 and 66c. This offer is for HxlG anil lflxl9 in. diplomas or class pictures. Subway Store, Balcony Hosiery and Underwear Women's Underwear. Women's Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, low neck and sleeveless, umbrella style, lace l rimmed, very elas tic; regularly 60c and 70c, at 38c. Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests, sizes 4, 6 and 6; regularly '-'or, at 18c each, or 3 for 60c. Women's 16c Vests, now 10c each, or 3 for 26c. Men's and Women's Hosiery. Women's Lisle Thread Hose, fast black and full fashioned, with high spliced heels and double soles and toes; regularly :15c pair, at 18c, or 3 pairs for 60c. Men s Sample Half Hose, black, tan and many good colors, 125c kind, at 2 pairs for 26c. Men's Underwear. Men's 60c Underwear at 2f5c -Nainsook, balbrig gan and open mesh, sleeveli ss and half sleeve. Men's Union Suits at 60c Open mesh, long and half sleeves. Men's "Porosknit" Shirts and Drawers, S8c Stumped "seconds," but hard to find any imperfections. Women's Sweater Coats. All-Wool Sweater Coats, roll collar or V-neck style, Oxlord or while; regularly $.'J5. at $1.96. Mannish Sweater Coats, ail-wool, V-neck model, Oxford, tan or white; regularly $3. 50, at $2.26. Handsome Sweater ' .oats, all-wool, V or roll-collar models, in white only. They tit exceptionally well; regularly $5. at $3.00. Subway Store, Balcony Steamer and Dress Trunks At Very Moderate Prices 11 you require a Trunk for the vaca tion trip, here is an opportunity to pur chase at a saving. All are well-made,service-able Trunks that you can depend upon. Basswood Dress and Steamer Trunks ; oil painted canvas, hardwood slats on top, fibre binding and centre band, two straps all around, brassed hardware. 28 in. 30 in. 32 in. 34 in. 86 in. 38 in. 40 in. $6 $6.26 $6.60 $6.70 $8 $6.26 S6.60 Canvas Covered Dress Trunks; four slats on top, brassed hardware, inside top tray. 28 in. 30 in. 32 in. 34 in. 36 in. 88 in. 40 in. $8.26 $3.60 $3.76 $4 $4.26 $4.C0 $4 76 Canvas Covered Dress Trunks, four narrow sluts, steel binding, centre bond, strong hardware, top tray divided with hat compartment; 28 in., $2.60; 30 in., $2.76; 32 in., $3; 34 in., $3.26; 36 in., $3.60. Subway Store, Balcony Decorated Tea Pots at 35c Regularly 45c to 65c Each These Kockingiiam and let Tea I'ots are decidedly attractive in their rich, dark coloring. Some of them with very little or no dcoration; in three popular sizes; regularly 45c to 66c each, at 86c. Subway Store, Lower Floor "Cut Pieces" of Linoleums and Oilcloths at the Lowest Prices of the Season A clearance of all our "cut pieces." Also "cut pieces" secured from several of our manu facturers; of 2 to 20 sq. yds. ; many full-room lengths; all 2 yds. wide. 25c to 45c Oilcloths, at 10c, 15c and 20c square yard. 45c to 6Cc Printed Linoleums, at 20c, 25c and 30c square yard. $1.25 to $1.35 Inlaid Linoleums, at 60c square yard. $1.50 Inlaid Linoleums, at 75c and 95c square yard. An opportunity seldom offered. Subway Store, Lower Floor Smyrna Rugs at About One-Third Saving Nearly everyone knows the superior quality of "Im perial" Smyrna Rugs. These ;5,(HKt, then, will sell out in a hurry, especially at this time of the year when so many are looking for medium-priced Hugs for Summer homes, hotels and boarding houses. Two words ii'. vet he reason for i he cut pride "dropped patterns, "that it, patterns the mill will discontinue making. Mainly Oriental designs ami exactly as desirsbls as though you paid full price for them. 30 Hall Runners of various widths and lengths at proportionate savings. Size 18x36 in. 21x45 in. 88x54 in. liOxM in. 36x72 in. 30x33 in. 36x40 in. 2000 Carpet Samples at Half and Less These are also "dropped patterns." All are nicely hound and very useful in many places in the home. Approximate W10AV1S Sins Brussels and Velvets 27x18 in. lirussels, Velvets & Axminslera 27x48 in. Brussels, Velvets Ji Axniinatcrs "7x54 in. Brussels, Velvets a Axminsters 27x54 in. Royal Wiltons 27x54 in. Also Samples of Carpot Borders at half and less. K '.llrl I'l j $1.25 1.85 2.50 3. 4.45 1.85 2.50 If Bough) by lliu ai d 60c SI. 50 2.00 2.50 3.25 Now 86c $1.26 1.75 2.26 2.96 1.26 1.76 NOW 30c 60c 90c $1.25 1.50 Subway Store, Lower Floor STORE CLOSES SAT. AT NOON franklin Simon Si Co. Fifth Avenue 37th and 38th Sts, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28TH Silk and Lisle Hosiery At Reduced Prices WP fil.'ARANTEE THE WEAR OF ALL SILK HOSB i.l pair for S2. IS) Women's Silk Hose Pure thread silk, "ingrain dyed," in black and colors, lisle SCtM and lisle garter tops. Women's Hmb'd Silk Hose Of thread silk, lisle soles and tnp, black and colon, self-embroidered. (3 pair for $2.45; Women's Silk Hose Of pure thread silk, black, white or tan. lisle soles and four-inch garter welt. Women's Lisle Hose Silk or plain gauie lisle, black, white or tan spliced heela, with four-inch garter welt Men's Thread Silk Sox Silk Sox, In black, tan and colors double lisle soles and lops Men's Silk Lisle Sox In black, solid colors and vertical trlpea Boys' Vacation Stockings I'xtra strong yarn, wide or narrow ribbed, double knees. Sizes 6 to 10. Value $1.50 ,71 .85 !. I H 11 Value 50c. Value 75c. Value 50c. .45 .25 6 pair for 1.10 Children's Socks Cotton Socks, with striped tops sizes 5 to 9 Lisle Thread Striped Socks " 5 to 9 I pair for 118 Pongee Silk and Linen Coats EOR WOMEN 'T MISSES. Reversible Linen Coats Full length kimono model, of natural tan Siberian linen reverse side of Delft blue, Violet or Rose linen. Heretofore $12.50 Raglan Linen Coats Of Siberian water-shrunk lin.-n, in tan or white, convert ible soft roll collar and gauntlet cuffs of black satin. Value $18.50 Dressy Pongee Coats Of natural tan Shuiitunt; silk; convertible soft roll coM-ir, revers and gauntlet cuffs of Dslft or black silk. Value $29.50 Reversible Pongee Coats New exclusive model, of natural tan Pongee Silk, reverse aide of satin, in black, royal purple or Delft blue. Value $29.50 9.75 12.50 18.50 18.50 CMLXSmS TRANSFER -TO f Ma LEX. to 3 tfi tx GOVS Our Greatest 4th of July Sale of $500 List Walters Concert Grand Upright Piano Outfits for $225 $5 Down and $1 a Week Krrr MMbIc ( htnrt. ( hulr. Kilt. In r i oi T uiitl tnif rMri t tinlnic. PrM Muir I iiblnot, I hulr. Jtiii'ltrr Cu e r ii ml dm yrar'n i lining. 1 IP, Walters Pianos Arc Built to Last Forever NO CHARGE FOR INTEREST, NO INSURANCE AND NO EXTRAS. UPUM KIR ST PAYMENT OK S:i :'E Wli-L DELIVER THE P1ANU. Remember, this Sale ll lor n Short Time Only. None of theae piano wilt be sold at this price after July 3d, ."rid as there is only a limited quantity of them we advise an early MleCtion. Piano perfection hoc been reached in these beautiful Walters Concert Pianos. Perfection in tone ami Construction, $500 List I Walters Pianos, $2S0 $6M list K Walte.s Pianos $300 $550 List D Walter'; Pianos, $260 VfiOO Lul Walters Baby Grand, $575 $1,000 List Walters US-Note Mastert,ne Player Piano Outfit, $Z05 On the very easy t rms of $10 Down and $2 a Week CAUTION g EXCHANGE BLOOMINGDALES', Lex. to 3d Ave., S9th to Mth St.- J GIMBEL BROTHERS BROADWAY NEW YORK THIRTY-THIRD ST. SUNDAY WORLD'S "CO IM" fld$. i't bu a m-ntlei! "nl iftb t : y ual" or 'cornl-liinil plunit at price. It will anion boeoBII vvorihlt-ss m. 1 you will bw tur. your old pl4tHJ for on of IhfM beitutltul. Mffi liPtOMtfttfl t nicer I'.. ii .1 ami itv an v bit In in en I lit- t- mv imv m plnn o 1 ,00 ptr wrk Uiion rtautal o ri'pr-""pritaUv3 will oall. V. ;u i-room. :M Floor. ftAth Ht Beet bm. i ii ,' - Simplify Home-seeking by saving time, temper and tramping. "xjt- (sBMsRSMaBWfll