Newspaper Page Text
U THE EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1911. T LASHES GAYNOR I IE Comptroller Severely Criticises th Measure as He Prepares to Sail. BLAMES MAYOR FOR IT. Declares it is the Work City Executive an.i His Lackeys. Fcfnr r.slllni? for Klin) pi 1n-.l v r tha fp;im.hlp Rotteftla i 10 .'"In h'.- family ahrna.l. Comptroller rrrnrlirenct mii hin reapecto t" ihi tremors of lha prnpo.pd net rhirlr nn'l lenougjred th attrmnta Is push the measure tliimiKh the I.eglslHtnr'. " tiimp rt spoftatste for thin rhur- ter la William J Oaynor," sen Mr Prr-ndrt enst "U rppr il h k .Ii-hIi,-, In rlly govfrnuirnt There itMrgWI I no shift!--.- ' the ragponglhtllty, The ftrt Kiitinn of it. Introdu ad about Murrh 3n. area prepared in the office of the Corporation Oouneol und the H rfrtinn of tiio Mayor. Ktrorybody ROW rsattaga what mm ebsotuts strootty this Mtempt lit a rhartnr wu.. "Thr preeent draft is a mueh tipt tr-- Inatrumr-nt. An far In Km kmitmliln 1 onewne.!, It has hprn fairly well rlnnr- TMl la iVu tii lha fad that the ?lty Commit lira of the Senate md thn AgggmMy Sglled to thoir help a man who unileratooil how to draw bSlla and fraitta chrtra. Whlli- the lltprary runstrm--tlon of thla Bhsrtgr la brttrr. It la mini with the inn. ularlnK attcnipta tO grnsp IKjwer and to BOndUOt thla i lty a ivi rn- on a haala, aa were evident In he flrat tliiynir charter. "If Mr. (laynor and hi. larkeya were disposed to frame a good I'lmrii-r for thla city, every one would WalOOaM It but they have done exactly the oppoalte. "Vhat could he worae than the attempt to concentrate In the handa of the Mayor 'he ahaolntn direction and supi-r-vlslon of all subway de dopnient. I'n dar thla new charter he would have a veto power over nil plana, routes and contracts 'Vhn on earth but himself avar si. attested that he. BhOttld mvn ttila power? Who wants him to have I' hut some of hla Intereated friends? "He Is to-day In the position of lie'im a rsnlc ohstructlonlst, an. I In of this p.ilpahle fact It Is pr let him say hereafter a hat routes shall ha hullt. what company shall operate them ati I what cuntractors will get the awards. This Is power that ahotild not he, left a any one man -1 don't care who he Is and certainly It should not t left to the present Mayor.'' T TRAIN IS STALLED Conductor Lets Magistrate Krotel Jump Out and Run Back Alonj,r Tracks. Magistrate Paul Krotel, In Mortlsanlal Court, to-day gpologlaad to a larite rowd that bad waited for more thin an hour for the un.val of the Juatlca of the hUrh, 1ha middle and the low and plaoad the subway upon the altar of Judicial wrath as a laorMelal goal The ouurt-room was congaatad almost aa badly aa the Fourteenth street sta lion at the evening rush hour. The -ds-f. nd. nits and rhe OOaOfdalMntd f.ngoi man differences In a Joint complaint I against the snail gait of the Kllnd (Joddesa When Magistrate Krotel did arrive he made this addreir to the aaseoatded multitude: "The IfaglatMsta feels that he haa an apology to otter to the people of this court, it la another case of the bune beaded management of the Subway. When once you get In It you can't gut out- I have been jus; one hour and fifteen minutes In tha Inbargy, Tha management knew an hour ago of lha trouble and yet iney kapt ua in that heated tube. They placed us In a p . sltlon where we could neither get In nor out." The subway trouble was that a West Farms train which left the Atlantic Avenue Terminal in Bl lOklytn at I '-' o olock would not operate. A s, . ,nj Un-car train pushed It to M. tt gvaaiM where the puahlng train left the track. Train after train piled up i.e. und the wrec-Keu cars, i w o wrecking can vara sent to clear th" tra k and It look iitt minute to t, t the naffl, it, work ing order. Magistrate Krotl was In one of the imprisoned car He was half way be tween etatione and he grew Impatient ua the time wore on and he though' ol the waiting crowd m hla courtroom lie demanded to be let out of the book .luu' The conductor of Ilia train wouldn't atand lor It. Then when the Magistrate explained his official position he was allowed to Jump out the baok door and then he rn'de his wa,y to a point where he could alimh the wall of the utway It Is Just becoming an elevated road at this uoltit and get to the atreel. in the meantime tha Proaidway branch was ha', trig its own troubles. A blown out air hole caused the stalling (f a Van Cortlandt express at the Ninety-sixth street station. Wie the wrecking force tried 10 get the train In rhape all the express trains had o rain around the stalled train, take the local tracks and then proceed at Irreg ular Intervals. It took twenty mlngtei u get the aapraai iervca raetabi)jho4 PRENDERGAS AND NEW CHARTER JUDGE CLIMBS OU OF SUBWAY WHEN VICTIM Of BOMB WHO SAVED SAGE, Blown Full of Wounds, Laid law Suffered Twenty fears in Incurables' Home. VAINLY SUED FOR PAY. Millionaire Who Used Clerk as Shield From Assassin Foughl $50,000 Claim. H'liiiam it Laldlaw, who was erlpnle.l when FtUBeeH Saae uaed lilm aa a ahlehl fi iha bomb of iha crsay aaaaaatiti N'or'Tnaa, In IN!I. dted tn-.lny at th.' I Hoflat lor Inr-nrahloa. Third seeAttg and itie Hundred and Btghtykthlrd street, i ilia laatb wna dua la lha injuries wh ih he received twenty yearn iiku when Mr Saga dodged nehlnil .ilm aa Norcroaa Sgptotted ttie liomh. ! I.iil.Haw rrpeati'illy mini Mr. Suae for damages CbaraotertaUcatly, Mr. saae I raaafltad the notion thai he wn. liauily lnnnl 1o pay anything faff l.ahllawa purely aoafdantal uaafulnaai to him and the litlaathin, wiii h waa eonduotad by Joeepri ii Choata on beldlew'i ahie, developed mi h bittarnaaa that lira lava, with aii her philanthropic enter prise fall thai it would ba dlaloyal to the metnor) of her aucantrlc huaband to make amende. Atter Lerdtew raaouaoaa an i Mr. Choata1! patience had baan used up by lha prolonged battla arhloh aeal Mr SaKe and his aatata more than the irm.iwi l.nlilluw naked, the aultr ware drapi LAIDLAW USED A3 SHIELD FOR SAGE. I.aldlaw was i I Mi. xluood A I 'o , nt thu time of gage's nf- Ua clerk for John It hankers and hroker.. the attempt on Mr. waa delivering home papers to Mr. Sim'c In Mr. SnKe's oil). when Henry '. Norcross. a Boa ton lunatic, waa llBKKlltlK wllh Mr. SaK for K,m,noii na the price of ro training from blowing ne mllllonata into eternity. Mr. Suae wns putting Nnrcrosa off with postponements, saylnK that If he came hack later In the afternoon, "evorylhliiK would he nil rlaht." Laidiaw antnrad. Ignorant of the pur pose of the arKument, anil Mr. SnKe grab bad him cord tally by both hands DIES Or INJURIES the faca and IWUng him between the craiy mnn j P;mderS, With SeCOttd Opera ppoaal to and himself Just us Norcross shouted: 'Then you refuse: All right "That'l all rlaht." Mr. Hae aahl. "Now vou Just he a nice man and come hack at 4 o'clock" And the bomb went off and Norcross was blown to hlta and 1-aldlaw received the Injuries from which, lifter almost a ' (feneration of lingering torture, he died to-day. He left a Wifa and four chil dren, who are dependent for support upon hla sisters, Misses Harriet and lmlse I.aldlaw. SAGE APPEALED FROM EACH JURY'S VERDICT. Mr Sane alwaya hold tnat, while ho nilKht owe UaldlaW debt of apontani'- oua gratltuda for coming in just when lie .lid, I.aldlaw cancelled the obligation . .-inpletelv when he svied for I.V1.UIS) dam agaa, Laldlaw was wounded In ISO plaooa, .too lor a long time bis Ufa a h despaired of. He was thirty-live year old at the time and an athlete. Joaaph ii- Choato'a lamparamant led him to take up Uaidlaw'i eaaa and catrv it through four trials, but when 11 DavOltie BtH'iiu'i'i mm .,11. U.I.H,- I iu 1.1 has. lo abandon hla nar r 111 in the law and as a mini f affairs If ho w da to pel alst. he let 111 lust appeal or Mr. muxo go ny oci.iun. Miicceaaive Juries liao gien i.aituaw iroai ,.h,um i,, I Itll.iun ilamaites I he hearings were a tni i.i lha t'l.iiiiiiiinltv. I'nr liiNtan.e: "1 didn't hear you." replied Mr. Hage lo one of Mr. Choate's .lueatlona. 'Which Is you best ear to-day?" MBad Mr. i noate. aiic a uiuu laiier I ""' " ''r 1 . "Wl"''.k Up, Mr Sage Jnat Imaglno - 811 Id. 0U are in the giooa I'.xrnanite selling Western Union on a rising market.'' Again Mr. Choata made Mr. Sage acknowledge his trousers as "Plymouth Hock oatits," which cost him Ju.vt J, CHENEY SHIFTS I'm ( Condition of Affairs and Failure to Investigate Up to Deputy id.e. Former state BupertntendaW at link Ing O. H. Cheney, testifying t ' da i- fore special lieputi Superintendent Fd ward Lane Uvlge. In the investigation of the defunct Union Bunk of Brookly n, refused to gesums any responsibility for the condition which develop,. I In that institution or fur the alleged fail ure to fu'inw eMlsUg Unas of invaetiga lion prlcr to the prassni searching in. uulry In reply to all qugStlOnSi the Inference of which was an am nipt t hold Mi Cheney responsible, the latter put mat ters squarely up to Mr, Dodge, who hud baan given full power to act, he said, and In whom he had Placed the most implicit eoafldenoc M Dodga hai been in cha'gi of the bank slnea it was closed Immediately aft. Mr. Cheney had ' mi sworn, a ling letter, which was written to him early In the present year by Mr. DnAfa, was read ni... the raoord It a '.ii Ml Povisv. ' In - RESPONSIBILITY IN UNION BANK Woman Annoyed By Arrests '"ft Hon Pending, Vanishes Oddly and Is Found Dead. Althougli the widow and the hrotJier of Prank Flandera, the wealthy silk buyer who was found drowned yester day afternoon near h:s hands. mie home at Whitestone, Insist that hla dealh waa due to nn accidental fall, an Eve ning W orld reporter learned to-day of circumstances which 'end to the sus picion of fciil. Ida, Thomas llellly. whose saloiin Is about a block from the nandara villa, aald that a week ago Mrs. Flanders called on him In grant distress and asked him to come up to the house and turn off the gas. She uppeared fear-stricken, and told llellly that her husband had threatened to commit suicide and that she waa afraid he would, attempt to asphyxiate himself. Uellly turned off til gas and since then the family has used ml lamps and candles. An additional reason for the suicide theory Is that Handera was In terror of nn operation which he win to have undergone this week In a Flushing hos- P1"11 ''""r month! ago he became III ! with a complication of diseases. One ' operation had been performed and the prospect of atiotlier which th urgaona aald waa ,, laaaary horrified him. Hi trip to Europe, hoping tor relief, hut had returned unimproved. The poll, i' nave given up worklni; on the theory of foul play Flanders die- appeared from ids home without a word to hla family, at midnight Suiid.n, an I when the bogj was found, naai lha Long Island Railroad pur by Poll man Vouches, there was money In the pocket and a diamond stickpin and watch und chain were In their places There was nn abrasion on the fore head, but the police say this was OaUted by a fall from the sea wall. OOOrga Flanders, a brother, said to day that Frank Fl. unlets a as a light sleeper, that In. fraauantly walked out ui night be. aus. hla lllncH Would not let him sleep, and that he must hive fallen, lain stunned on the and und been druwiied when the tide came In. BRONX FUGItTvE CAUGHT. The DlatrleLAttorney was notified day by the Chief of police of Toledo, ti n Edward c. it tson, wanted here - ' in nii'i ii.iu.i larceny, na. been arrested there. Itouertson wtll brought back and placed on trial. A bench warrant for hli srreet was 'ssue i by Judge I'raln early in July. Robertson was superintendent of an apartment house at No. nn; Woodycresi avenue, Bronx. He collected the juna rents and Had arttfe nil, abandoning his wife and children number f loans which had been made during t I regime of luM A Sullivan, faimerly pr. si lent of me bank. ElgpevlPl reference was made t" an in o.i"t of the Orr Contracting com pany, which covered transactions amounting to tliteLlaO. "This account was tl.'tltlous," wrote .Mr. Dodge. "I urn sure It whs used to cover up spSOUlatlVS transactions, In cludlng (he buying and .-idling of bank i am convinced it was fmudu. lent hi Us entirety." in ri p use to repeated queatlpns why he h .1 not investigated certain Iransso ttons lilch had been .H.-.l iq his gt tentton Mr. Cheney Invariably replied: 'Thuee were f.i- Mr. Oodire to eon sh lei'. He gad ' irga of all such 111.11- i reputed aver) egnildem a in ,tl n i FEARING THE KNIFE, RICH SILK BUYER DROWNS IN SOUND in Denmark for Running Auto THREE HEROES DIVE TO SAVEONE BOY Ten-year-old Matthew Carlyle Plunges First for His Little Chum. To the fact that "tophen Moaner, a night watchman, burled hla wife yes terday Matthew Carlyle of No. 72 East One Hundred and Twentieth street and Arthur Olcloth of No. 110 Eaat One Hundred and Twentieth street, each ten yea-rs old, probably owe their lives. They were linking In the Harlem Hlvor to-day when Moshor Jumped Ofl a oier and held them up until a big, stout Harlem hoy, "Hod" Murphy, Joined dm and helped him get mem ashore. Young Carlyle came out of the ad venture a hero of the most deserving typo. Ho almost lost his life trying to save Arthur Olcloth, hla playmate Matthew- and Arthur sneaked away from home after luncheon and went to where Fast One Hundred and Thirty second street crosses the, river. A little beach there 1 a favorable resort for boyg who like tii awim or paddle around in the murky waters. SPRINQ8 TO RESCUE OF HIS DROWNING PLAYMATE. T'sually there are many swimmers on the beach. To-dny only a few little boy a were grading around when Arthur and Matthew arrived. Arthur, who can not avian. gtl into the water while Mat they waa removing his clothes and Wed ad out until ho waa up to his neck In water. The tide whs running upstream. Ar thur, paddling vigoroiinly with his hands, lost his foothold and waa swept out into the stream. He called for help, and Matthew, with a mighty run and dive, struck out after him. As tihe little hero reaejied hla chum young olcloth hnd Just returned to the sin fa. e from his Aral immersion. He reached out and grabbed Matthew arOUBd the neck in such a way aa to paralyse the efforts of that courageous lad. The boys on the beach yelled at the top of their votOOg, Here Is where Mosher comes Into the story. He lives at No. ti6 Fast One Hundred and Thirty-third street After burying hU wife yesterday he worked I lust night as a watchman, hut to-day he could not sleep I atise of grief. So, about noon, he Invited "Red" 1 Murphy, a neighbor, tc walk over to the river. 'THIRD HERO OIVEP AFTER THE TRIO. Mosher and the Murphy boy were seated on the pier at the foot of One I lun. lied and Thirty-third street when they I the shouts of the lads on a block away. The tide swept lha drowning boys In their direction atid over went Moahar, Murphy stopped to remove some of his raiment, ne being a stout buy and his clothes fitting hint snugly. After Mosher and Murphv got the two boys out, a crowd gathered and many volunteers set to work to revive young olcloth, win. was unconsoloUS and full of water, it waa a tub requiring near ly half an hour. Then, w hen witnesses of young Cgrlyle'S came attempt to reeoue hi. chum looked around for the h'ro, they found him BllSSlng lie hud quietly sneaked down to the beach, donned his clothes and started for home, where. It 1. to be hoped, he received the greeting due a hero. This was "Itit.l" Murphy's second res cue in a weak, lie dragged John Mur phy, who weighs M pounds, out of the Harlem at One Hundred ami Thirty. sixth street list Wc. 'nes. lav ni- Thurs day, he doesn't remember which ay ex- aotfy. John 1. no kin m "Bed," whose rggulal name te Ugnttlg Maiiytiy. INT THE HARLEM BIG LINER ESCAPES ICEBERG CRASH BY ; DODGE INTO LANE 1 lellig Olav Ran to Safely Between Two sections of Giant Cake. SAME ONli COLUMBIA M'T Came Out of Mist Suddenly and It Took Quick Work to Save Ship. The b!a lrehera with e-Mch the Anchor liner t'olumhla collided last Wedneslav off Cape Race came mighty near raualna a lot of trotlbla for the Hcandanavlan Atnerlka liner llelllg Olav, In thla mnrn iBf from t'openhaxen. ('apt. Moist anys tha llellla olav nearly collided with the herif last Friday afternoon and It was with difficulty that she waa dex troiisly steered throiiRh a lane which had opened up between two of the three sections Into which the mountain of Ice had been split, presumably by Impact with the Columbia. The incident occured at five o'clock In the afternoon. The har.e which hunglnOR Minister to over the water prevented the lookout from making out the berg until the ship was within a short distance of It. Cap tain Hoist saw It almost at tho same time from the hrldae He noticed the lane which had opened up and he gave hurried orders to have the ship's rourse marked out through this. This waa the only OOUrSe in which safety lay. The watery lane was about two city blocks wide and the passengers had a Splendid view of tho Iceberg. Hi near neas rendered tha air unusually cool. None of in e polar bears or walruses al leged to have been seen some of the imaginative passengers on the Colum bia were visible. Flrat Laeut. Johann Hecker, Chamber lain to HI Majesty, the King of Den mark and an officer of the Kings Ouard. was on board. Ha 1 here for a nine-day view of America. He will live on board the ship. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge ftasmusgen of Chicago, were among the other passen gers. They brought, with them Strange stories of the amazing number of lines which are Imposed by the petty magis trates in Denmark for Infractions of the Innumerable laws governing the conduct of automobiles In the streets of Copenhagen Mrs. itasmusaen 1 an enthuaiastlc motorist and drlvea her own car. "We were there for thirty daye," aald he, "and 1 was flned exactly thirty times They don't arrest you. They Juet call you up on the telephone and nnlltelv Inform vnti that vou have been fined and won't you please come down and settle They fine you for passing a atreet car at a speed of more than a mile an hour, for crossing In front of an omnibus, for being on certain streets, for having an automobile horn which offends the ear and for a thousand and one other things. I offered to put up 160 or$10" and have my fines taken out of that without bothering about the formality of summoning me, but the magistrate refused to consider the proposition. Mr. Hasmussen Is a wealthy coffee Im porter. He has purchased an old castle near Copenhagen and he and hla wife will live there a part of SO Oh year. A. Toxen Worm, general press repre sentative for the Hhulrerts, was also on board. He was returning from a vaca tion spent In his native country, Den mark, and he brought with him for a hrlef visit hla friend, Jorgen Jenaen, who will also "aea America In nine days." WALL STREET Pronounced weakness prevailed during the early afternoon. On a downpour of liquidation stocks were pushed to the lowest range reached on this movement. With 1 eadlng at 1M. Steel at 7.1 1-2, Union at 1R0, St. Tail! below 122 and Atchison at 107 1-2, lending securities ranged from 1 to 3 points below the Initial prices The slump had all the earmarks of a bear raid, the volume of sales not Indi cating that very much real stock was being pressed for sale. Beginning with the Una! hour a rapid rebound developed that carried the list from 1 to 2 points above the bottom at closing time. Thr rilnv Price. To-1j'l htahcut. pOWMt nd ltnt prL' ,1; s of itoekf avi-l of net rtiieN' 'in.--.ravl 1 r.'rr.i . flllsU fist'.. tre .1 follows. Net I AM. rt4'. C'h'gA Saul. . ", sat csi nuedri Mi ins it ii -O 1 . ;isv, 74', I OA 4 11 i aft S .lit s R ft.'IV, - 10 MM 201s .'Is TUV. IIKV, . 116 liaii M M. ios8 liftv, idii) Nil 77. 12:' 14'.", :ui', I4IH, 1117', an lftft 1'4 4ISV, mo :iT', Am. Am Am Am Am. Am. Am. Am Am An. rrt ('11 I'f in Co I.. ..motive . . Sun "f. Sun & H. pf Htig.r r a T. Qe, Teh. 00, pf. .nd. Mining in M', .'." . as 73 lOlli UA 1.14 ' I in MS. lo? l.'.M, lull', 7'a o.'ls ... TH V 1-1 . 142 ' mm I i iv. 107 11.1 X'.". lftft 4S', lj jfu If c Hfi 1I5U i M I'M, mil IIMti it I Ml I'm s 1 Vk IS, I I v, 2 ,!; i I r a a, re 10014 ill ti. .Ml 111 Hi it nn A ohi I oa 94 7SS 7Mr. I!H IP ill liifi 17'. a.1 :t:t', ISrt 17i. 4rt', n 17IS 147'. ati 411 .V4 9 HI71, gap. Trao... i so. rs, Che. & Ohio 67. Mil A St. P., i-hV a v 1 Oil, Pug 'rf,n 4 oneol. lss Dal, UiwUm . . . . lil.t Baa, cars . . Ha ... Klectrtc 1 titer. Met lntr. Met. pf 111. Central inter I'unit Kta. i Iti 'ith. . . iahlsb Valltj IXHIl. ti N.h Mo . K. fc Tex Me I'l.'.fir Nat, 1 .s.1 Sort 'Is .v Wsat.. N v. Ctetisi Naftnani Henna... Ontario ivimmh I'ro.le'a lis. Pr I Htwl Ilrntitig it., atael it. i. i 1 i H.or i. Pa. in.' Hoitttn ll.illivsy . . . I'liinn I'.-ifle p. aterl p. H. St i el pi . . . . Ii.. i ir. -car. Cbaai, I'f West I .1 M 1 SB 14'', nan 4ft MS - 1 04 . Hsl 1-'4V I.", i8 - I'M', :i4 1M' - 'gk - u 1's1' no', - 1 51 74'. I IIP, 1X8 .-.ft ii is - I V. I '.'.-.', 4IS mi injta . . n'. . .'to', . IS'H. 7r.. . 117', - t' .Mil 1ft''. 1H 117 Mil ISO 7:1 ' .. I III', 4i ' , an ' T'i -De. Una I i I n Til 70H 70', 4- Aocirji'. EIGHT DIPLOMATS GET NEW POSTS BY TAFT APPOINTMENT Ambassador Leishman Goes to Berlin, O'Brien to Rome and Bryan to Tokio WASHIN-C.TON, Ana -Thc hh ex pected reorganization ot the American diplomatic corps la vol trad in appointing UCOaMOfl to Dr. I'avld .lnyio Hill aa I Ambassador to Ocrtnanv find to Charles It Hherrlll as Minister to ArjrentlnR. both of whom reslaned, waa announced to-dny when the nominations of three Ambassadors and five Ministers were sent to the Senate. John i; A. I.eishman of FlalMmore, now Ambassador to Italy. Is transferred a.. Ambassador to Oermany. Thomaa J. o'Hrten of Ilaplds. Mich., at present Ambassador to Japan. Is transferred as Ambassador to Itnlv. charle. I'aae Hrynii of chlcaao, now Minister to ItelRlutn, is promoted to ba Ambassador to Japan. Lara Andamon of the Dlatrlai of C3- liimbla, who has previoush- been In the diplomatic service is appointed Minister to HelKlum. John Rldgaly Carter of Baltimore, Mlnlatar to the Flalkan States, la tran" ferrel as Minister to the Araentino Rapubllo. John It. Jackson nf Newark. Ki i.i uha, Btloeaadl Mr. for. ter as Minister to the Balkan States. Arthur M. fteiiupre of Aurora, 111., now Minister to the Netherlands, be comes Minister to Cuba. Lloyd Bryoa of New York, the only one of the nominees who is not now or has not bean previously in the dlpl i matlc service, Is appointed Minister lo the Netherlands, Secretary of State Knox announced the resignation of Charles 11. Sherrlll as Minister to the Argentine Flepubllc, after today's Cabinet meeting. Mr. Sherrlll was aske.l by President Taft to remain In the service, and It Is said was offered an Kinbassy. Ha declined on the ground that he had been In the service a long time anil wished to retire, with tho Idea of going in business. Pound IU Ins Beside Railroad. Cornelius Kellly, aged thirty-eight, of North Hempstead road, Douglnston. I, 1., was found unconscious and wltn many cuts and bruises on the B. R. T. tracks at Hempstead Turnpike, Douglas ton, early to-day. He was taken to Flushing Hospital, where he died with out regaining consciousness. It Is sup posed ne was ..truck by a train. From K. Y. IVord. June f .M. LITTLE MISS DODS AT PIANO CHARMS COURT Miss Doils testilieil that her perform anre was the result of her Kducation by Corresponilcnee, nnd that she hail stud ied from sheets .eni to her and never bad a teacher. The audience demanded an encore so loudly that Justice Brady threatened to clear the room. JV. Y. IVorld. This is only one of the ninny favorable comments of the Nsrgr York papers on the perforniani c of pupils of the United States School of Music in our recent suit for damage... Our pupils and those who have had the pleasure of hearing them play have long known the remarkulilo resuita ob tained for the past 19 years, hut this Wgl our first opportunity to prove the value I ol our course publicly and in a court 01 Law. The pupils were selected at random and testified with their fingers as well as orally that You Can Learn Music By Home Study Metliorla This nine gul, whose adiireea will bi given upon request, together " it h furtlu i details, commenced at tns age ot u, No one in her family was musical, yet at the completion of our piano course she ggg able to give a performance in tin Supremo Court of the State of New 1 ork which brought applause from the en 1 ire room. Among the thousands of satisfied pupils of the I nited States School of Music there are thousand of others whose experiences are equally remark able i as we can show you by letters on file in our offices). We want to tell you more about the suit and what the press said about it in our leaflet, "Fair Criticism and Foul, ' bOMUSS it proves that there are many dellgl tful hours of music-making before you or any member of your family when yoti take up our lessons. Instruction and Music at the Cost ot Music The una! iruui ksvLili' uug hout our rorr DOOdllMC Niton the itrj 1 w coat to jrotv. Tht (Arm utf 1 not tsoMq 2Wu, ir dty, ttiijr tbt uric bujuwi our i-upiu vntbiti m t m.iWe It it rasy fur yuu. If thia little uirl and U0tt kriinln f 1 't lifts 1 an tW I'tiipltnii v list M hu, ml win nol you? J1 is ilifrf u nuM1!1 nit"mitajt in your htm , ' 'nt u tii wurk. Vttut . i i. ff tiir IntiTMhni , ba iftlft. givi.isi guareutfe. int v.ujr raquett Bt 3 Mlli "'1 nitutinti t h:tt iintri'msnt yoy art In- :j 1 trat1 I" stnalns , Olefin I aiiltatr Hsslitn (sll. HlnjrlnaT 1, iKpWVM'llfl upp'ttil trhm nifil'd if rr credit. I t. School ll 1 lisle, Mi W, 221 Firth t iw Hrt. 1 I Oil Tre.r ua Hrt Fkiltui T.". SS.'KTH. KiJi". GAYNOR ORDERS DOWN BUNTING IN CITY HALL But Decorations Go Up Just the Same for Loving Cup Presentation To-morrow, Elaborate flowers and Inside City lecnratlons-dags, hunting, palms -were being put up Hall today when Mayor his office to go to lunch. (laynor left Lieut. Kennel followed. Noticing the decorations, the Mayor turned to Kennel and demanded as he swept both arms: "What Is all this for?" "For the presentation to morrow," an swered the lieutenant. "What presentation -what does It all mean"' again deminded the Mayor. Kennel was non-plussed. He knew that a number of cltlr.ens were going to pre sent to the Mayor a large Tiffany-built loving cup on the anniversary of his Shooting by Oallagher. But the lieuten ant thought It was a secret, so he could give no Intelligible explanation. netting no answer, the Mayor ad dressed the decorators and Kennel. "Lgt that work be stopped." he said. Take down those decorations and take them out of here." But the workmen went right along with their work. They said they were taking orders only from their "boss," and could not recognlr.e the May ir's command, even If he la hosp of the city. fpon his return from lunch at the JAMES McCREERY 8 CO. 23rd Street 34th Street On Wednesday, August the 9th. SHIRTWAIST DEP'TS. m Both store,. An assortment of Shirtwaists of various materials, trimmed with laces and embroid eries. At greatly reduced prices 75C 1.25 and 2.95 WOMEN'S SUIT DEP'TS. m Both store,. Gingham and Lawn One-Piece Dresses, 3.75 and 6,50 value 5.50 to 11.S0 Lingerie Dresses, elaborately trimmed with lace. 10.00 and 18.50 value 145.75 to 27 Jo ART NEEDLEWORK DEP'TS. m Both store,. Remaining stock of Stamped Patterns at reduced prices. Gowns, on nainsook 50c Chemises or Drawers, on nainsook 30c Corset Covers 15c Waists, on all linen 45c " fine batiste 35c " sheer lawn 25c JAMES McCREERY S CO. 23rd Street 34th Street Plan Any Apartment You Please For FREE Attribution at all Tha World' Branch Office, and you may quickly find the very tort of an apartment you seek. For early copy of this comprehensive and handsomely printed book let by mail inclose 5 cents for postage. Address : RENTING GUIDE DEPT., Room 103, World Bldg., New York City. READERS OF THE WORLD f Going out of town for the rum -'" . ivava Tha World aent 10 triem, anfl aaurusa . ii'i iften ee araireo. Morning World. l!c per week. Evening ono, 043 w, s.inaay srorio, 3 i""i in"!. HsaS roar rcnlttancs t th IfBW YOBS SOILS Hardware Club the Mayor demenAM to know of Kennel "who la responsible for putting up those flags and thlngaT" "MhP, Mr. Mayor, " Kennel ventured, "I guess tho committee did It." "What right has any committee to do such a thing at the expenae of tho city?" asked the Mayor. That waa too much of qulaser f .r Kennel. He dropped astern as tho Mayor wrnt Into hla private office A few minute' later the Mayor ceiled the Lieutenant and said: "1 want you to And out who Is ra ponslble for this display." Then he went back 10 his Inner ofh . officially Mayor tlaynor haa no lur- jlcdletlon over City Hall. Supervlalm ! I reposed absolutely n tin Unroug l I President and H rema'ns w ith him to give permission for ileorationi, wllh th.. approval of the KonlOlpaV Art Com mission. Such permission waa o talned. it Is stated, without '.he Mayor being told. Had the Mayor gone up to the Alder manlc Chamber, wherein the ceremonle are to he held, he might have even greater cause for Indignation in the at,', more lavish hangings and festoons. In a corner of the chamber is a beat tlful bronae tablet hearing the coat of arms and staff of the V'lty of New Yor with this Inscrli Ion: To commemorate care and tenderness of the Sisters of gt. Mnry'S Hospital to the Hon. William J. (iaynnr. Mayo of New York. whom they received Aug. f, 1511, a,fter the felonious attack upon .ils life and tenderly nursed until his return to his family Aug. 28, 1910. This tablet 1 tc be orcsetite.l to aft, Ma-" f Hospital. I.lathtnlnat Kills Workman. OKWEtrO. N T.i Aug. f.-A bolt a lightning, striking where a gang workmen were repairing the track . the New York Central Railroad here day. Instantly killed one of the. is lis toleme Potenxn, and severely injui four others. Several bulldtnga In 0 wego were also struck by lightning. In your mind's eye. Then study tt.e illustrations, floor plana, description., rentals, fee, of the 200 Multi-FamUy DwalKng Houses Presented in 1 : The World's Fall Renting Guide To New York City Apartment Houaea Out This Week The Sunday World's Want Directory makes more "Offers of Positions" than any other two medi ums in the universe liigtsta