Newspaper Page Text
- THOUSANDS IN PANIC OVER SUBWAY FIRE INDIANS SPRING SURPRISE, BEAT HARVARD 18 TO 15 WBAniK.H-l.lKhl ruin to-nlul.t r lunilny. I "Circulation Books Open to All.'' I 11 Circulation Books Open to All." .-- I final! 1 EDITION, EDITION. PRICE ONE CENT. TIGERS BEAT DARTMOUTH IN flUKIEST SEEN ON ANY GRIDIRCN; But for De Witt's Accidental Field Goal in Final Quarter Great Game Would Have Ended Without Scoring on Either Side. Mi FINAL SCORE. PRINCETON. 3; DARTMOUTH. 0. J $ by num. ht BDOMi s. Special to Tlie Evening World.) PRINCETON N. J., Nov. 1 1. Princeton beat Dartmouth on Princeton Held to-day by the most astonishing (hike ever seen on any griUron. Bvm the Princeton rooters were full of sympathy for the game team that had lost without being beaten. The sc re came in the last quarter, when Ue Witt's try for a field goal sent the ball so low that it rolleJ along the ground toward the goal posts. At the 5-yard line it suddenly hounded straight into the air and went over the bar. Enrcpt for this accidental SCOT the final result would have been nothing to nothing liartmouth played , mag nificent, snappy game all the way with out slackening speed for an Instant. In everything hat punting she had the tiest of it, and In handling punt she entirely 1 nutcl&seed the Princeton harks, whose fumbling and alow starting after catch ing punt vu a feature of the play In every quarter. Except when, driven Into danger the Tlfcm seemed willing to play on the defensive, and even at lhat they often failed to stop Llewellyn. Moray, htogsatl and Harends. who could dhc through the eye of a needle and keep on runnitm. Princeton didn't how bar real strength ua aha did against Harv ard. There wara no Injuries Korth man tlonlng, Mid throughout tha game the plaj wai tut and dean Way down in old New Jersey, In thai far off Jungle land. There liven a Pt Incel on Tiger who will eat ilirht off your hand, But Whan he Kail '" haul.- with tha other beasts of prey Ma frtghteni th tn almoal : daath in this pr, MMOI wa) (CHORUS) Www, wow, wow-owwow, hear the Tuor roar! Wow, wow. wow -wow-wow! roll tig up the avore! Wow, wow, wow-wow-wow! batter move aorta! Winn you near tin- Tiger Sing hil jungle Thai wa tha greeting Princeton root era Have Dartmouth to-day, and the Dgrtmouth rooian came back with a rMrlni cbaar. Heforn tiie customary battle .Tie. wer over Prtnceton and Dartmouth came trotting out Ptinceton waa Brat. Home of Prln aton'a rosulafn. Duiv an.l Wttaantf wore oat of the linen. i, and Pendleton i . m 'e triad out Stain at quarter. FIRST PLTP.IOD. Vaughn hi chad off fo PrbMOtOA, After a few punta exchanged n'tth mueh advanlaif on eliln-r aide tdewallyn djSappad hack and on a fake k! k aklrtad dean around Prince on'i rltht tend and laare.l a fiii twenty'flve wtrda before ha aa driven out or t iuo'.i by Maker. Dart moat h wlldlv rxclted tiled for a eteamhoat yell. "Ah I an J WhlJtte), loonitio mi. I HON I n K. ' As .f tncouraied by tlil weird com- t.inail m of noiiiid . 1 1 irtniouMi began tin' Tlirer e I ill. ttllta and t (rioting agH.n on punta Prln lon'i bacha were tackled befnri Dtjrtmouiii'H Ihey cuul I k'aln an Inch end were lightning faat, r llii" was ao lenky th it and th- Tlgi Iforay, Kent through PhllllpO, evaded renvoi (AKei Woil'-'ie t l-Klers In II crowded field, ami ilodiad tlong twenty ard" nlle i.efore Pendleton got him, Ac, in, an exohama t punta, Mora) alipped through i hit how nnd tuoi. Otghl variU viiy ncitlv The end of the III' quarter found the iaii in mil- Held, wltli no score. SECOND PERIOD. Or Witt chad. More punta, ami then l,levvelln for seven yards iv nt ground i hin!an 1 1 1 i t inoiit b was pla v- lUg I lie sulfte! ,l vnai ii eal glnd of a gam r'ie rii-uen euink' uie ueeue i three yaroa I'lioui; i inr line coo oaieiv failed, lie Witt kicked, and now hap pened a surprising thing, Tin- light looking, green boys began punching Hie Tiger line fall of hole, Hefore Ihey held I he 'rik-ers had been driven back I" I"-! aid line. Here I a it in ' i 1 1 Ii lined up In try for I field goal 'I'll" ball roaa beautifully, nnd while every PrlncOtOH lie.iM sloppe.l I.eatliMC. aailisl -low v along toward tha goal posts, ii ,t It mlaaed by a fool. A moment Ut-r Princeton was aafe out In mid tt I'l- Here Pendleton had his .'ttance, and it looked like another long in with a Mine it the end of It, but CGoaf-'ued on math Page.) ''S'l'wT11" NEW PLAY EVER LINEUP. rwian. ... i.. I ....I..T ....I.. II . . .t'eatrr. . . . Prim tan. WMt . . Hurt Urfkmnli'k l('-i,tli(:!i.l rnrtswnjB. I 'A 1) Blra 1 Wilght lilh- a 1 i ri .in pehorn Illu . .. l.l(lWll . ... Moan .... lhiju-y Snow H. I IL "I n k. . . , g it . . i.. it. n . ... it. 11 ii. . K. II jij!a IVtMlUam II ik.T Issiu I . th llffi, in). I.oiffc, 1. Tnml rrferw; l.lfHIt. Nell) Wi-t I'. mii, uaiplrr: i ill hrsit hi,rww . tie! I la in IN A BOX LEFT BY OOELlSjlELATIVE ; Police Find Recluse's Papers Allotting Property Which ; Ex-Governor May Share. UOfl ANOBUW, No,, ii a email 1 ImuiiiI tix found at Hie head of the be I n w iden . . Udell, g i , aced eighty, and a relative of former i!"v Odell ,.r New York. WJ fo,tnd dead. g In I I today by the polio... The hn. ii i- btllevad, contain papers Jla. poiing or 1500,001 won i of pro party. li win he opened by the public- ad mlnlatrator, whan relative, f Qdoii iM tha Kant, who w. re notified last ajg ; or id death, n toh Log Anaalaa. ieii i aurvlvad by two brothan Itenjamln Odell of Paakahlll, . v ,,n,i Ifier Odell , M'alervllle, Kan. FOR OTHER FOOTBALL GAMES SLE PAGE 6. $500,000 FORTUNE RESULTS OF FOOTBALL GAMES 1st Period Dartmouth Princeton Brown - -Yale - - Indians -Harvard - Lafayette -Penn - - Rutgers -N. Y. U. - Michigan Cornell - 0 0 0 0 QTni fN W) nnn SOUGHT ON STORY TOLD BY WOMAN David Rothschild Put Federal Bank Funds in Vaults Here, Former Wife Declares. ONE BOX FOUND FMPTY Prosecutor of Bank Wrecker Says No Such Sum Was Ever Missing. When DtatrlOt - Attorney Whitman '0 taff hegan an Investigation to-day of the aiory of Mrs MugOWg Hatten, that her former hualnnd, David liotbachlld, had "planted" In two metropolitan dis trict banks M22,nnn of the money looted from the Federal Hank and Uloho rJe rurllles Company, they ran Bqtirtfoty axalnst a snag. Isldor Kresel of Jerome, It rid & K ies,.. who was fhe Assltant Pltrlct-Atlorney aroaecutlng Kothschlld, aald: t ao, not inciineu vo iinitii voa storv I went through the papera In that ease from A to 'A, and aa far aa I 1 went In the investigation of that caae there was no ouch aniount of money unaccounted for." A second stumbling block cam when ft was' found" th.ifTtoflis'c'fnlil had only left his loot In the Corn Kxchunge aafety vaults it Soveuty-second atreet and Columbus uvenue tor one day. Mr.. Hatten In her story aald her hunband placed tBT.OOO in theae vaulla. Stanley K. Walker, superintendent of the vaults, aald to-day: On April II, 1U04, two men, Riving their names as D. and L, Levy, came here and rented a box. They said they had an account In our Astor place branch and did business on the Howery. We rented them a box and they placed tWO packages In It. They came back next day and took the packages. They took the keys. The receiver tor the failed Rothschild Institutions opened the box In January, UNO, and found nothing In II." The assets of the ltnlhschlld companies have been shrouded In more or less mys tery for seven years. Rothschild died In Sing Stng while aervlng a sentence for1 breaking the Federal Uank and the i tllobe Securities Company. Ills wide-, who had sold many of her rich Jewels to pay for the last prison attentlona to the man. married Hatten two years ago and went to St. Loul.s to re side. They have been living for two ' months at the Hucklngham Annex, West PiSO lluulcvard and Kings Highway. SI. ' I.oula. TCID HER OF TWO PACKAGES OF MONEY. iJe.larlnj that a mental haae had de layed her disclosure, Mis. Hatten yes terday, In" St. Louis, (Old that her hus band haul taken tier Into his OOnfldonOO while dying In the prison hospital and (Continued on Second Page.) 2d Period Id Final Period Score 0 0 0 0 0 3 - - 0 0 0 0 - - 9 3 3 15 - - 3 9 18 - - 3 6 0 15 - - 0 0 6 6 - - 5 6 0 23 - o o 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 YORK, SATURDAY, Mrs. Batten, Who Says HerFonmr Husband Hid $422,000 of Stolen Funds " t a WHITE VTlNGS STRIKERS APPEAL TO MAYOR SAYNOR Riots Renewed All Over the City When New Drivers Start Out to Clean Streets Under Escort of Police. With mobs imulting and stoning city and w ith mili; ol ,lreets piled ,i .. t irganizer William n, rumon prutiacq .in driniMict; n .Mayor uaynor thic iffrriiwin nniilim- ilit Mavnr IIU auwi H'V'ii, ifivi ,V"',S v.i. i i n v 'iiiiiiuifcv of citizens to heai Hie grievances of the striking Street Cleaning I partment drivers, Athlon can! hla nrnnnanl I., Mavnr Havrinr at SI hmM I I hu a special messenger. It ran as follows: "Our most brilliant legal, financial an.) legislative minds differ on Import' ant gubjeote, UnroaoonablOni haa been daolarad by the United States Hu- promo Court to be an error. "Commissioner KdvvanN saj s be AM three gtrlko braofcara to aaoh carl ,f 73 each which is 111,35 pit day, and thev work days, or .it leaal ma i attempt to, wiliie nil r voteri and sens wtio have wurhnl luitnii i: l"i j our city for many years ara denied tha light of day and the MIMhlna to iel make their pal i- a little brig. iter i Ing the long w i"ti r. "You say there Is no strike ami I heartily agree aTtth vn i. but aa mual agree that thero UJ a oegtatlon of nrork i nolely due to an unmaaonabli ardei ol tiie Street Cleaning Commhwlonor. 'in behalf of the gmntoyati I ronpoctfully I request Vmir Honor is our chief cutive to have day co lectlono 'i i ' ad 1 by our citizens and not by Imp irted strike breakers at enormous cost to ur municipality. WILL DECLARE ARMISTICE IF HE WILL AGREE. "An armistice will lie at on e declared and men ordered to report for work If i auch a ooininitteg as luaaoatad pointed, and we will clean the itreeta Inlellglbls a f hours for 4v per carl, inste.i l of 111 36, which Is being paid lo In 1 ported eti-lkr breakers and non.Gttlgeni Aa an adviser t,. theoa poor men with families to support I want to ap peal to the humane aide of Vour Konof and ask if veil reallae that your action haa placed many families In want whose providers have tolled many years (Cenuuued on gecund J'age.) NOVEMBER 11, driver, and policemen all over the J high with decomposing refuse, Strike ,i , ii will innin1 lii nnnlnl -i I'mimitl m ivllion I )Iosed, Jurors With drawn and Exhibitors tt l )enied I'rics. IKiMl;. S i. II Hlff ience among the managers and palroni oi tho Intama tloiiul trl BKnoOlllon have resulted In the el.. slug "f tie- Imerloan pavilion, the Withdrawal of lha Jurors of a.v.ii.l-, and tie , x. lu-ion of Ameri can aghlbltu front tun list of moss '. clve prues. I.ate to-day, daaptta the troubles In volving the Ataorleon pavlllonfl Joigph Pangell, ihe American ortlot, as ; tlaotod mboi " the J.lnal Jury of en who will IWOrd mo prlza. SIHI rl.M.ln Sll l',SlstW-r. isseristluns and ticket vn -.eon Amrrl'su sitd asi iiljr. s .ui ir ojji. lav SJld QlStlt. I'-V.'.t., 1 1 art sn l trsiitll-rs' I... i. Thi World ...1 II. ,..,! I'lllllU. ill'. ..Ml 11,1 Jl. I aaas c,. Taltiikoa Quasi S00. . ROME SHUTS OUT AMERICANS AT ART EXPOSITION 1911. 12 PAGES wnwicMwiAVQMnKf nAMin im ounuiAW rinr numL.,.i,n.umunLKnm m x KUUMV rlKr INPIIRIIP.PIACS ,MM,U ,M wuihii ...... Ill VWLIV Ul IVkVI SAYS CITYCOUNSEL Declares Ordinance to Pro hibit It Would Probably Be Turned Down in Courts. ONLY ONE STRING TO IT If the Woman Disturbs Public Peace by Smoking She May Be Arrested. Women may smoke In public, provid ing their performance In rhat respe'-t does not bring about a dlsturtmnoe of the peace. They may smoke, even a clay pipe a dtideen In public If they wish, but If public peace la rufflad by that act then the woman amoker may he stopped by a policeman, and If aha persists, she may be arrested. An i .11 1 ml opinion along these lines was rendered to-day by Corporation Counsel Watson, who himself uaen to bacco aparingly. Recently the Alder men asked the Corporation Counsel to them If women could legally smoke tn public. Alderman Howling In troduced the resolution seeking to pre vent women from smoking 111 public places. "Tf We' don't atop It now," he said, "some of these fine days we will he seeing women going down Hroadway or Fifth avenue hitting up a big clay pipe. How would that lookT" In hla opinion the Corporation Counael says: l nuer ine noimoii.i-p, to o ,,ri o sustain an ordinance aa a proper axer-J else of the police power, the papera. tol be effective, must bear a real or aub stantlal relation to the public health, morals or Hiifety. "The validity of an ordinance auch aa you propose, depends upon whether tha Court would consider gUOh a prohibition to bear a and substantial relation to the objects of the police power, and whether such a provision would con stitute an iinreasonabln discrimination on the ground of sex. The question can not be answered with absolute assur ance at this time, because It Is one, per i haps, aa to which reasonable minds i might differ. But I may1 call your at- ten tton to the fact that the prohibition would attempt to control peraonal con i duct, which Is no way encroaches upon tho rights of others, and which many might conalder to be not subversive of i public order, health or morality. Par ' sonal conduct ur hahila which might ue merely vulgar or Indelicate. In the opln : ,l,BlaJ" ,I,B Hlty . r a prohibitive ordi- nance. ,.. ...... . , . . oaaoioa mai mm nara woum kn.i.i.. .., ... i MlUlllllgJ pHVMV IfWfl i MJJ iJ irillCII IU , he vlJ than vnlto. "It is possible, that auch an ordinance might conflict with Hectlin 1 to of the Civil Itlgbta law, providing thai all pel HinH slmll be t-ntltlfil to ttiual Mcummudatluna, aiivatituicni, f m ill t Icif ami pi Svilegea tn inn, raa titurantet, hotslti &c. In caae of aiirti oonllloi i hi ordluDM voul4 kiv way to (tit- atutntu." Killed in :i.iMio-r,,t r'ull. rBRKINa, Okl.i , Nov. 11 Samuel ttallnr, tblrtyfOUf years old, eM killed here lust night while making h balloon aaoenolon. Whan his bal loon was 3,000 fet high Heller cut loone ine pgrnchute. Tho auddan Jerk broke the brass bur to which he was holding Heller clung to the broken bur until ne was one nui.ute.i feet f i 'he ground. tie tuen lost ids grip ami fell. Mew Justices Swear Jobs Uost Aotiing Affidavits of election expens es were filed to-day in the County Clerk's office by Jus tice Francu M. Scott and Justice-elect Henry D. Hotchkiss. There wasn't much to the sworn document, as both Jus tices took solemn oath that their election had been ob tained without the expendi ture of a cent. The affidavits state that they spent nothing directly or in directly, "by myself or through any other person." WHEN LIGHTS GO OUT AND SMOKE FILLS TUBE Short Circuit in Express About Forty fifth Street Stalls Crowded Trains Along Whole Line for Twenty Minutes. FIREMEN AND POLICE ADD TO EXCITEMENT. Passengers Leave Trains and Walk t6 Nearby Stations When Power Is Turned Off. Alt the trains in the subway were halted for twenty minutes at noon to-day when the burning of the insulation on the light wires of the ninth car in a ten-car Uronx express just us the train passed Horty-rifth street tilled the tube with dense smoke and started a panic. The train had just left Gfind (Jentral Station, going north, when the short-circuiting of wires under the ninth car put out every light in the train. LOST HIS BRIDE AT CHURCH DOOR WHO'SSEEN HER? Gickrell I.esster, Son of Lum ber King, Stopped to Light Cigarette, She Vanished. Has any one seen a lost nlueteen-year-gtd bride? This Inquiry la Instituted In behalf 'of William Cockrell 1csstei , :'nd, who 'soys he lost a bride In the most care- toog sort or way Imi Monday night. I.esster. who Is a wealthy lumber gjgaiar ami only twenty-two yeara old. I ItVM st the Ansonla, from which resi dence Ids plaintive pica for the return of his bride Is sent out. I) seems that I.esster and MPs Rettv Kougary appeared before the i lty Clerk Monday gftefflQon and got the last mar ring., license Issued thai day. le bride elect, naughty child, gave her address as No Wil West i in,. Hundred and SOVonty-nlnth street, which was a story, because nob.aly by her nal r den, rip tton Is known In that neighborhood, Hut anyway, Later .-.vs. th) went lii th I. .to.. Church Around the Cor ner and were ipllrod hard an 1 f ist into a combination Than, While a liking w.iv from I in- church, Laaater stoppad to light a cigarette, WSien he turned around his oriue wa not in signt. Its j thought for .i minute lie h.ut merely 1 ( ,.rt ,.r behind at liie c:nirch, ' cughl luggl t Ik., bill Ihej loll iii when lessly Ike. on in) toll aim when to Weill bu k that tile bride Had v a n - to lahOd from their ken banging 01 ii. arm in regular bridal fashion, I gUjsl she was spirited i ruse.' -id Ueaatei to-day. 1 luppoo the uei thing y b .iiinulmcil pro ceedlllgs lef i-.d to (lis ' ' MS the tangle further. T is deserted bridegroom is Hi., aoo at ICd ward Ueaatar, g Western lumber king r ' betSe'g fathei la William fougary, i notlva of Frsgoe, and ir nother was Mlsi Qlgdyi How ley, n Mullah woman. w lllln a ae Dead. . hi In Tiir Wuejl i CHATTANCMJtlA, Tann.i Kov. it.- WltOon Van 'e. ,f Ifgg York, died at fr inge' Hospital lit -1 uiflii Mr. Vance, who was s't - 'Vcu years od. wis a writer if gOma note and had bean con ne tl wtth various neWSpoM)ra in an editor! capacity. He had all ai led as Washington CorreaiKuideul veral New York papers, A onit Joseph Sew York aulhjr. Is Ms . Vance. son III. body fcurtal. be takan to New Y.ok for PRICE ONE CENT Some excited person cried "Klre!" arg the smoke, percolating Into th care, with Its greasy odnr, thoroughly fright ened the paaaengera. The atatlon at Orand Central and nearby stations wara filled with early matinee crowda, to whom tha panic was conveyed by grees. When the cry of "Fire" went ringing through the . cars the guarda hurried through the aisles assuring the p.itaaa gera that n .thing more aerloua than a short circuit had occurred and that every nna would get out tn safety. The guarda closed the doors of th train and refused Ho allow any one to leave, a woman with a baby brok the chain of guards end Insisted upon being allowed to leave the car Tha baby cried end th woman demanded her rights The current had by thto time been ahut off In all Una of tha subway and It was perreotly safe for Passengers to go Into the tube. FIREMEN STRETCH HOSE INTO TWO SUBWAY STATIONS. An alarm of fire waa turned In under the Idea that a train waa burning, and two engine companies came and I stretched hose Into the tunnel at fit- I tleth atret and Tlmee Hquare. with i the nremen came police reaervee the Weat Fgrty-aeventh street elation. Tin arrival of the flremen end police men Increased the panic among tha matlneegoers, who thronged th a to il m:i platforms. With the an.val or policemen and ahra- men the subway employee agreed te permit the passengera to leave th They opened the rear doors of the and the tlremen and policemen formed a long line from Forty-Afth street i Times Square and escorted the terrfflad passengers down Ihe tracka to the Tim Kouare station. There thev cllmbnd u th, platforms and went Into tha ootar 1 gjp, I j,, ihe meantime all th other train) on the line bad come to a dead atop b. cause the power waa off. With the out lung off of the power came the loa of gers on all local and expreaa train were left stranded In tha dark wheravar their trains happened to get caught. In th" n i in nearer the scene of the treu blo passengers could smell the aawoha of the burning Inaulatlon and many slarmlng report became currant. AMBULANCES CALLED BY PAN- i 1 i T hick EN CROWDS IN STREET Tho g tarda had Uttla trouble In gats ting tha passengera to maintain order, m i i ,re were no Injurle. Th pacta in t'ie Immediate neighborhood of the j accident, however, waa great. It ei i. nde I to tne streets, where amllad pr 1 a us called not only tha ogssa aad, emeu but sent ambulance oalia to . in .s pita Is for ambulancM to i aw. iv i 1000 overcome by amok. Cue tliemen turned a line of i i- nrulng Insulation when the seiigera iiad been takan front gho egga,' T i .. was iittl us for ok ggaggsyj i isc the Are waa out when tha power was taken oil, and the wnaaa had onl, tho work of putting out the) suio nderiug insulation. 'V luring th half hour of Immediate ur ox ini inJ .oca n- rapx y naakar. Hide the ereaa neal traraa led up In aatonlshl rapt crowd of holiday