By Vic Oiiii It!
Threaten Her With Knife,
0 Then Escape Unseen in
Crowded District.
Swissco Stops It
B0XIN C(5MMl3S(0eieft O'tlEIL j
cj ouin co eti PST THE.
: r"i &1X MONTHS FCft
cvw r-iwni . YOU WIN THIS 1
ftOVJT AN" YOtau M AXE. f
ect on ive u'. i
m CccvtMiivCNi- K ONCIV.
, 5 wftvcHiN' YOU 1 '
V WAKE up -
Y.iA.,r cwjvuinu onvs. .
rwi yrtiM HIM , SEE 7
'riisnpca J
1 1 t ' -
nam riAiv . -
jm II . - - CVT CHU i i
Ste KNeric I ' I I
I A. ft..; II 1 WIW PUNCH S 7 e-: i f.XKF a ruane. . 1 . ...i. .J y?.' " w""--.
1 -. ' y Ave.. II WL I - '
J-. Ofr ;-.i W-"--t. ; SOFT' , I
lzr i i - .n i one ii i t - - - . . a - l v )-'
f - - . . . id v i . I . rtif i . i - ' r . rftu.u i - -
i-. ? flkaTaw a. I If i vj , J j'V v v W " f cT ?
Two man entered V riwns of Mrs
VruNC4 DoMlnl. on th dm floor of
tha UMimnl at No. :2 James street,
to-day, choked and beat her, ISJtkacl
liar of 14". tied her feet an 1 made tlll'
escape before she couM alve the alarm.
Tha assault and robbery took place tti
tha heart uf a teaming tenement dls
trlet and In a liouae en-armlng wltli
human bulngs, but the attack was an
auddan the victim was unable to sum
mon assistance In time.
Mra. Boldlnl'a husband, Qlus.pp., Is a
laborer employed In the excavation for
til Fourth avenue tunnel In Brooklyn.
They have two children who fo to
chool. By thrift and deprivation Mrs.
Boldlnl had auccreded In savins $t out
of her huaband's NMl) i S nd had It
comcealed In a pocket In hr underskirt.
Two rnisft) lnnwlm men walked In on
her at 10 o'clock yi'stenlay morning
nd announced ihey came from her
huahand's town In Ttaly. They quoa
tloned her closely, learned her
Vuahand waa away tit work and her
children at school every day and prom
ised to return later.
When they camo bacl to-day Mr
Iloldlnl waa not surprised. One of the
men atood by MM door. The other ap
proached her and, catchl ig her off her
guard, graaped her it and choked
her. She fovglit hack but waa no
mat j for her asallant. He punched
liar face with his free hard and knoclied
tha baclc of tier head ngilnet the edge
of n table. Pt'.ll sho atrnHKled.
"If you can't keep q ilot and tell ui
tvnere your money la, I'll cut your
anroat." threaten ! the BUM who had
told of Iter.
He pulled a OIK dagger from hie
pocket. The expression In his eyes was
amirUeroua. In full 'ellef he would
carry out his threat, Mia. Hokllnt told
Aim v.herc tV money was and he rut
the Underskirt with the lufe and
siecure.1 the family savings. The other
anan waa on watc h at UM d ur.
This aenui'. man, wtien ii'o robbery
tSad l-oen pom?leted, Produced a piece of
tout twine which he knotted around
JJr.i. Botdin'l ankle. Tlien, With a final
Iloutish of the knife, both men ran out.
hWwiMil the door, CfOaaad the hall uml
entered a vacant Hat. They dropped
from a rear window Into the yard.
dlmhed a fee.- f. :iee and fonnJ their
tray to Oliver stn et.
airs. HoMlnl !eKnn to terrain as soon
a t'ie robbers left and waa dragging
Bin ill on her bands and knees when
i.-Urhboi i ran In and reKaaed her. Her
icacriptinn of tha two man appUaa to
thousand of Italian lab rers, but the
9 r-
Dandruff Ma4Blt.
r grty ami ftvlwl hair to tta
IMM " , -U'.druff aultklj. amw n iMtr
out i in! ftir.
t I'tMBM, hJl apota. falUw halt.
vabt7 i , aor aralp. brtttla hair or
tif era!,, tro'thlet
To pro, that aLataa ara tna a ff
rmi a largo trial bottjt 1W tf pan ta mm
In t)?r nr tkauM 1i help i
and narking to rffHo Hair
r. 1 1 (.in-inaati. u
5.000 IN SONG
George V. and Queen Mary at
Great Thanksgiving Ser
vice for Them.
IjONDON', Feb. t.-A national thanka
irlvlnij aervic,. to commemorate the esfe
return of Klnp tjeorne and Queen Mary
from India, was held to-day In St.
Paul's Cathedral. The Klne; and Quern,
with the Prince of Wales and Prlnceea
Mary, MM Queen Mother Alexandra and
other members of the royal ftmlly
drove to Ht. rani's through a chilly,
jdamp fog and deep a'.ush. Xeverthe
i less, Immense crowds atood alnnir the
atitets an 1 cheered the procession,
which consisted of five carriages and an
ee"ort of Household Cavalry, aa It
passed slowly toward tha city.
The Archblehopa of Canterbury and
York, with nineteen bishops and many
other clergy received the King and
Queen on the atepa of the Cathedral. A
proceaslon waa then formed which
raarohed down the centre aisle toward
the altar. There were more than Ave
thouaand persons in the congregation.
The service consisted of the national
atithem, tha T Deum, five prayers of
general thankaglvlng and the Halle
luiah Chonie." Then came a ahort ad
dress by the Archbishop of Conterbury,
after which all atood and aang wttn
him "Now Thank We All Our Ood."
The Westminster City Council present
ed an address of welcome to the King
and Queen In Trafalgar Square, while
the City of London dignitaries received
their Majeade at Temple Bar with the
ancient ceremony of presentlnng to the
King the clty'a pearl aword.
Caught by Die; Kly-Wheel.
Thomaa McCune, who was employed
as engineer In the plaster-making plant
of W. H. Bell at No. 117 Eaat Forty
eighth street, died In Flower Hospital
to-day from Injuries he received at mid
night when his Jumper caught In tha
belt of the big fly-wheel and his head
waa banged against n Iron beam. Ha
waa not drawn within the belling, but
the force with which his head struck
the Iron timber fractured his akull In
two places. He was forty-two years old
and lived at No. .TO Kast Tn tut -ninth
Toaag Maw Inhales After lie
l.oaea la Business.
Max Rosen, a young man who had
successively failed In several business
enterprises and found himself unable
to find any eort of employment, at
tempted suicide to-day at No. Ma Four
teenth avenue. In the Parkvllle aectlon
of Brooklyn, by locking himself In the
bathroom and Inhaling gaa through a
tube. He waa taken dying to the Nor
wegian Hospital.
Last night Roeen aald to Mr. Tan
nebaum, with whom ha boarded, "My
next attempt at suicide Is going through.
!l triad It year after my first failure
and couldn't even succeed In dying."
Mr. Tannebaum aat up to keep watch
and It waa not until 3 o'clock this morn
ing that he dropped off to aleep. u
' awakened at 1 and amelled gaa, which
he Immediately traced to the bathroom.
He had to force the door with a hatchet
to get In.
Tamed la Plre Alarm on Dare.
Thomaa Weber, trweive yeaxa old of
No. t'd Rest Eighty-first atreet and
John Kornoa, eleven years old of No.
432 Ka-st 8evnty-slxth street were ar
rested at Public School No. 70 on Bast
Seventy-fifth atreet to-day by Police
man Patrick Tooncy on a charge of
turning In a tales fire alarm from the
s-ntheaat corner of Seventy-sixth street
and Flrat avenue. The two hoys blub
hered plteoualy ns they were taken to
Ihe Kast Sixty-seventh Ktreet ItattOW
nnd thence to the Children's Court,
charKod with Juvenile delinquency
They said they had turned in the alarm
on a dare, but refused to name the boy
who "dared" them.
That Imai
v with gtljitr
Talcs it In time.
That cough or
cold, now t rouble
some , may become
aarioua. Rider's
Expectorant ia
simple, aafe nnd
effectual for
child or adult. A
sample bottle FREE at
Riker Drug Store it you preaent
thia ad. Regular aizea. 25c.
and '60c. GUARANTEED.
oak Street s.;,t;.r.
cje think th " haVi
detseth s . rt
i olua.
Katl tlrniiRc- I'sreiil. Will I'orihe
It Children III Ibolt I p.
If little Klla Kdei'iolT and Johnn:
riiapatrtck. who sloped from has.
Oranga last Wednesday and have no',
beau heard front alBCa, will commu
ntcatu with Klla's parents or at lt'
let them know wheiu they are, every
thing may tu.-n out happily. The Bdal
httfl'.i are dlftraoted with grM UVI r
iliawPpa iran e of their i!ilr;cen-year-old
daughter and are only too anxious,
tney snid to-day. to forgive her umj
ajlvc the couple their hlet lnc.
Since the two youngsters' wont away
Ho: the a.igh'est clue tu their where
about his been uncovered. They had
but HO and thu I'.delhoffa fear they are
flaw destitute.
Foremost Clothiers Since 1845
These are wonderful Come in for your suit
Overcoat value days in now and get double va!ue
the Smith Gray & Co. and double service.
A new Comic Retire, by George Me
Man. author of lha Nowlywada, now
at -spearing In Uto Sunda; World's
Funny side if yon worn some on to
naUn you la i ;h. "Lot QsOfgS l'o It."
stc es.
Vli;vl "a. -ervy wv a'
PI 1
1-4 Carat, $10
1-2 " 20
3-4 " 29
1 " 39
TO-MOEIOW ws shaU have on sale
yeral hoadred single, stone DtaBwad
Mess at the above wrtsbes and
as wau nana ne cm ui w
Md Tslse ef neerlr doable our
The SB three-auaner carat
I'tsauaeao'e, Vrerrtatead
eat with e lane SDread or surfare.
aaa be returned within a rear,
serve the weights and nnreo of
aaaae ef ear ether "Diamond Mas
EerlsU" the! will be o sale xlth ih.
aaaae aarreeuieat. eouaiir as rneeu. uuai-
lly eeasldered.
msssaads, Walshes. Jeweler.
IN Braodwiys New York
Smith Gray & Co. Overcoats enjoy the distinrt
and decided advantage of being made up continu
ously as the demand requires not six to eight
months before they are sold, as is the case with most
other overcoats. T
Smith Gray & Co. Overcoats are rarely made up
more than six to eight weeks before they are sold,
and it is no unusual thing to have less than three or
four hours elapse between the completion of the gar
ment and its sale.
In consequence, in the Smith Gray & Co. stores
the production of new styles and models is incessant
- the acquisition of new fabrics is continuous, so that
the fabric styles and models which are brought out
during the season arc not found in other stores until
the season following.
From which you can readily see that no matter
how far advanced the season may be you are always
sure of good style for the next corresponding season.
And then, too, your savings now- to-day will
be more than half on next Winter's price.
18.00 to 30.00 Broken Size Over- BZf
coats are now leOv
22.50 to 35.00 Overcoats, all mod- AA
els, fabrics and sizes, are now . JL JUv
27.50 to 40.00 Overcoats, dress,
storm and English guard mod
els, are now
40.00 to 55.00 Overcoats, silk
lined dress and business mod
els, English coats, guard, M
storm and motor coats, are now aw U t
35.00 and 40.00 Fur Trimmed and Fur OS afark
Coats -COetlU
50.00 and 60.00 Fur Lined and Fur
65.00 and 75.00 Fur Trimmed and Fur
Lined Coats
100.00 & 125.00 Fur Lined Coats a
most exceptional value
Motor Clothes for Owners and Chauffeurs
as A jb .
You are sure ot a rull two seasons
service and what to all practical pur
poses is double value if you buy your
suit now.
The stock turnover of fancy suits in the
Smith Gray & Co. stores is so rapid that it is
safe to say that there is hardly a Winter suit
in our four stores that was here in September
or made in from June to August.
Furthermore, almost any suit that we can show
you now was made from two to six months after all
other makers had finished their Winter garments
more than that, there are thousands of suits here
now that were made since December 1st.
And so you will find that every suit here is of a
IMWWr, later style than can be found in any other
ready-for-service clothes and none but what you may
be sure will be good style next Winter.
Many of the fabrics, are medium weight, suitable
for service right up to June 1st, and then, too, right
on in the early Fall for another full Winter Service.
Come in today and get double value and double
service. 11) KPa
18.00 to 30.00 Broken Size Suits M.&2W
Gjrkinn good business suits buitabk' for very hard
usage. -a gh f
22.50 to 35.00 Suits are now ... M.3m9W
A woncterful assortment of worsteds, velours, tweed. .
serges and cheviots. a a fkfll
27.50 to 40.0 J Suits are now Mt9m93
Exclusive adv.-n ced style fabrics many are imported
hipnest class garments ol lxst possible value at original
prices of 37.SO to 40.00 Tsgj ff
40.00 and 45.00 Suits are now tattW V
The best fabric from English. German, Scotch and
Arr.erican weavers - exclusive design! and colorings.
25.00 to 35.00 Suits made from exclusive medct
measure fabrics, tailored in our custon 1 w rs
shops cut on advance st y le models. , J, o4LV
Tailored, trimmed and styled e'xacth ih same as 1
vest .9. aWL rar i i r
aaary asww .i... .1:1 v fount m aie st su laaaasaj
VV rfi" '"Warns" Wn-k Wonders.
alaaa '1
Thes Shoes Arg on
g Sale in Our Casement v
they were made in our
Cost you 3J.50 t0 5.0c.
pecial tailoring department and
Two Brooklyn Stores 1
Fulton St. at Flatbush Av.
Broadway at Bedford Av.
1'oxr Charge Account In Solicited
Smith Gray & Co.
Two New York Stores :
Broadway at Warren St.
5th AvV&tiVth AS tl S '.s.
ts frSl frSil frw fffl Irz I75r 1 fr ft
1 '-2.'
I .
Tin' Men's SIkm-s we otii-r an" all this sc sn's
lasts in the Cammeyer exclusive styles. In
Gun Metal, Tan Russia Calf. Patent Leather
and Block Kid, Blucher, lace and button models.
The Women's Shoes are every bit as kootJ. Styles
and lasts that yon will readily stc that are only
made in the values we tell yon these shoes are.
These ire all button shoes with a snappy .and
finished workmanship, never beti ro otfered in New
York City at this price. The loath rs areas follows:
Tan Russia Calf, Gun Metal Calf and Patent
1 eather.
All sizes in the N w Slant T p l t-Button Hoot.
, . " 9 ii "ii i tys rt r.i u'i. " -Z-il
6lh Ave. nnd 20th St
. : J. .
saHdafaaSa . aWSHBaaaasaBBBs-BBBs,
m lEifflll.tMffll.O.i.r.lMl.t,
..I i ii i milt iu j in