this u&msi wokld, Tuesday, February e, 1912.
Mayor Asked to Select I
City 9s Best Egg Bo ile r for
Even 'na World9 s Prize
' flif Speech
Stmt th
to Hchi.otfirU
Coniest and
Dltcloncd Many Unique fro-
CMC of Vr "J i.ff .'.' ''
ular Break!.. I 1..J.
Reader Jo-It vj Say the Size
of the I gg Mtt.H De Watched,
end A lo liou Its, t'rehnc
Con Be Judyc.l.
Tfce Evening WorlO agf ron:: en'ls
-? Th iieTi lo (hr ItlMUM
"What I the Imi ' to lijil an eggf
wUJ be eulinllt.l 10 M or Oaiivr awl
M Will be ukid 10 WM tih winner.
Villi perron who mil the aria MW
TB Evexiir.- World xlll TMM dea ;
erae .
Myor Uynor h la keil In J
MM th jt ! winner iiecau It a
nt Query, wtien Tiamii an 'l1ress to i
pnlgli I r e'lu IhaVI atia,-iej the
Evening WorM DM BMM unaMe
to print auntlreda uf letter received by
Mw Kc Wlim Nu one ". I Hint
Aw war (o many ways lo boll an
IgfJB. Many unique. prOOaMH ere Wn
jafen by hnuarwlvoa Some of Ilia
WMWON follow:
BJ Mitar, (team MM
1 mn not euriiMMd at tha nn
war of tha diefe aiiiMlil bl rela
tive 10 agg boillm. Nlnl-nlna
reataurente oirt of arary hundred
in till city employ cliefe. If you
avid bv fount) tha odd ono una
001 b or h would hva told
you oonoctly.
Lot tha watar boll, than put tha
ogf rn and boll three full mm una.
And loan. If I mey he allowed to
add, got an ggcup. place tho egg
la with tb broad (Id up. crack
gfeall with poon, then Insert
entail oad of apoon under cracked
art. But b ur you get tlie eml
of apoon under rh kln attached
ta Ua aboil. Than Juat work your
aaaon around and the top will
Una off aa olean an a whlatl.
The root I oaay. It will b found
hotter and clener than having
your egge dumped Into a aloes.
Plana aond tb doun gga to
No 117 Waat Fifteenth eur.t.
gj gaUioi, great Worla I
A ntlnlatar out Went who eon
gugailnn waa onwtiat ooat
torod paaaad tba night at ih
bees of on of the mombora of
the enuren. lEnrly In th morn
tag ha hoard hi boat singing
A hymn. Whan be met her at
hmahflil ha aaast "fMatar Jon.
1 waa greatly plaaaad to boar you
I gtnglng a hymn during your mirn
lag work." "Tan." aha replied. "I
- aieWya do that when I am boil
ing egg." He el. "I do not
P ita understand " She replied,
"ire one veree for eoft; two for
bard." P. P. BARNUi:.
No. l Eaet Twnty-Hrat trt
taffMlbw. Jag Wedt:
Tha heat way to boil a, egg la
ia cook the egg eo that the whit
at the egg will be only lightly
hardened--not validly coagulated
aa It then will be In a aultoble
aoadltton for dlgeetlon. even for a
ohlM or convalescent, a well aa
far ordinary Ublo use. Direc
tion: Pine on gg In a bowl and
' coer with boiling wnter. In which
gga egg I to remain five mlnut;
At.nicHTA rxnsLBT.
No 101 Beat Seventeenth eUeet.
iBBbii laajgej Werti;
Pi ret waah the egg no that th
will he clean. Then have a
of boiling water In
vou hero out n teanaoonful
of aalt to prevent th egg from
aaaaang througA the ehell In oaae
It ahojld break. Than put In th
egg aad boll It for three mlnut,
tag from the water, and If the
ehell drlo th egg lo dona; If not
put It hank aad boll for another
riant and remove from the
No. Ill SttB akraot. Bay nidge.
eh Better. Btialig WeeUi
The way I boll aa OT U: Let the
watar boll and than put th egg lu
and let It boll from three to four
ntnutea I am married a very ebort
I eigea aad my hubby think that I
; een Be eaavmptoe afg holler.
Urn. U ROB.
. He. Mi Went UBS etreet.
, TB proper way to boll eoft egg
! tg tk right way. four minute In
hailing water, elnrlag to th egge
Tea Watting. My Darling, for
Than." Drain off wnter and put
, oaatn m lukewarm water juat a o
No. sag Went Forty-fourth ilreet.
tto Barter. Beeateg World
Bell water In a covered kettle.
Whan th water tia reached the
BpJIgaj point drop the egg lnU th
watar from a apoon. Turn off tba
an aad let the egge taint for flv
Thle I th way tu :.. :l an agg, o
eat In th oounuy and gt fieeh
agg from farmer. tm win only
east you ti Then earry the egg home
a your hand and be aareful not to
Span It. Then pla a In a pan of
balling water. Then alng iwn vera
at "Don't Wake Me Up, 1 Am
Dree mine;.' ,v fir rtree fat .ft
hailt i . hn -..a far i, n n gnS
gacond rare fur hud bnfieej.
No. id Mncdlft airaef,
Jpirv i'll . N J.
0 .:.Y ONE niOHT WAY.
Mi I .1 I." V....I I
Th. ere eevetwj tlffrrenl nya of
Bwlllag hi rut for n .nal!il hill
Ihe w,'-.r ii nl fai IgMa on -tnve.
put rffg el ran J let liAld Kit gajkniM
h,.fi holled can kg boflad In thrr,
tlkialea if water l bet I'lvc mln
ale Ii required f-.r merllurri iive ta
tin hiln'itea f'tr hud 1 .' u-J
Cm keltef tiiafa u arM
Tbi at eei j) t., anal m agg m
my humble ablnlsn, i. Piai t'h . .-x
li poi nf rotd water, carefully i.n-
aorviiig tii.t the egg la auhmergod,
M aa the Spa, Ml kH for two
BjlauteA lhn lift 11 out of tha kOgV
In ai,T. If Mil raff freeh you
MM ' dioi lb ahell dry lmnx,dlitly
When the agg may l.e ronnldemd
d'gettlbly cnok fit far th rklat ur
poorrat epicure
fa Z ! Tweritv-flrat lrrt."
r.u BWar, gem iw BMM
Mv hu.iiuiii. 1 geyi 1 !n art ggpafl
l billing I hatre the lilli
ule and boll my ogg four rrln
ntee I am glad th-v wilt M.iynr
HaMiiir If h. 10 get the .-gg. frenli.
iiirv nrc mii jgpaiMlya.
Mra SUKA. No I l"r. Third avenun
i . BBtoj gemfag WarM
The llrat thing to do la In get a
freah ega, then take It elr. Into
cildrrtlon. na there are mamy
else In egga Pal enough cold
water In pan to rnver the egg. and
put pn whore It will renrh the
boiling point In about three mm
gtafa which ctiTi rlly he dune rtn a
gaa gtoA If tbe eg-g Ih very email
take right out on a tahUwnoon a
aoon ae watar alarm In bolt. If the
n-gahell drlea up Immediately tha
egg I aoft holled and raly for
rating. On according to alee, but
do not let an egg boll longer than
two minute unlraa It M a duck ng-g
that I If you want n aoft boiled
egg. Mllft. A. I 'HI I.I,
No. 220 KlTajWland vnu, Hrook
gg Editor, grealag World :
To boll an egg proparly I would
uggegt that you waah th gga
before boiling them to take the
chill off them, alio for cleanllnaaa
eake. Than hav a pot of boiling
water ready and put the egge In
carefully with a apoon mo aa to
avoid breaking them Allow them
to boll for three or four mlnutee,
according to how you IHta them.
Than take them from the fire and
allow celd water ta run aver them
for a mlaute or two. Thla will
looeon the ghell from th egg.
'Egg are to be eaten Immediately
when eerved, a they harden In
their bat ahelL A. PfCTOHBON.
No. Bank abreet.
g ttoear IB toning WarM:
To boll egge. be they freafi, or ahall
we eay act aa new laid, but afore
egga Place egg or agg In eauoe
pan of cold watar, ae they are all
covered, then place lid. Bring (low
ly to boll; If required aoft boiled,
take off after on mlnut; If hrdr.
IWg and a half fain iteg Hut the
ru'"ia ll In Irlnglng the water
li v 111 th ball n fie whit !-
c in, m perfe. iv gal) leaving th voke
(Mlla. M iRfM MKT Y'HW'O I
1 On V.. all 1 VI"..n will Hat be .le
I In Bprak a' the "g1 loggthgf" dinner of
no r.-.ev in tumor of m-mory of
Ororef Cle alaad at hg Hotel Bavy
I neat Hit irdag. He had necn egkidulad
I In gejod filth grp the dinner committee,
r, in f. rjovernor (oufetl th.n Ml diiea
farbad Mi at epiattc al lha Invitation,
I Oil. IfftMcv will al.n be a nntig th
Invited ibi nteea" If alga 1 ankad
the 1 ommli 11 for the in .1 atloa, kul de.
ilnnd n 1 'k
WrinHle'ess SKln
Now Easy to Have
(wj ruBiir i" 1 lea. 1
Tlirn . a gggBM f r nn union hav-
ing wrlnklat now. It hen brag fouml
' tlial a imiile gngtUf nf MgoMlg and
I wilt Ii Itarel Iwn a ftBtafkabM action
I tiiinn tBt itoSPett wrinkli",. no matli 1
what their nature, wli titer intuei) b
1 worrv, bgbttBnJ ffawgikg. a iluliilitatril
' eondltioTi nr llic rgVkgaj Ot Pathgf Time.
Tail liarmlr.ti reinnly. w kwh ggypBg BAB
eamlv make, nhtggajgg tin ingreilirnla al
ny ilrtig It ore, act loitli gg an gatflB
g. ni mill btoBM. Tkaeombiked i arcl f
liglitcning tin ikin and baigntefllbg it
vilnlily 1. In iMfBwdiatet) gfM I every
Hag anil wrinkle, keeping lb CVtlcM
glOOtk ami firm a in ynnlli
Tba kfapnrlloBt a fa oaa ottfica ato
it (powrMrarl) ,t one-ball pint trUeg
har.i l. The inlutinn 1I1011I1I !' inril u
wah Inlinn. It in etwally efleilive in
iliaponing of fltililiinrnH nf check and neck,
an well hi nigging bdlow tbagye. Arlvl
opr.N MRt'ULN'a illBTHIlAV
Open Monday god Saturday i v f Until
I ReeMi at . . . I7B
4 Foroiibtd at $166
6 Complete al . $225
Mb rat ratio! f KM NV1LSMJ fKM
Write toi our
New Catalog
Ne. g
Mtl rg free.
Z)?b " DU o st. Rrrlnrl fins
Baieapari noia
like rat. velar IN
Grand Rapid Furniture
1.1 Jl:14gmf A'J M
Lord & Taylor
Fmudtd 1826
Brass & Enamel Bedsteads,
Springs & Mattresses
Extraordinary Values in New Spring Goods
Brass Bedsteads
Hcbvv gtock. begt lacquer (Buarantfet,). All finish?
and glSBa; f-incb poata; 7 fillers.
Round Post ntyle regularly $28.50 $17.0
Square Post style regularly $40.00 y2f.$0
W bite Enamtl 'Bungalow Bedstead
lH-nch square poata; 7 filler; liraaa cUpi; S foot sire.
Regularly $18.50 IQ.O
Special Hair Mattress
No. 1 black draYvinKv twtotfad quality with ita full
natural reailiency ; full size, 45 Hi.
Regularly $38.25 $20,50
South American Hair Mattress
Select fil grudr; full nize.
Regularly $25.50 $10.50
White Cotton Felt Waitress
French roll edge, !et ticking full ttse,
Regularly $15.00 $12.00
Up bo I tered Box S firing t
P(yf gfOod nr metnl lieilatrarli. ,
Rofularly $18.50 $Q.SO
Elxoeptiona Vuluea in
Bedroom Suites
Of plain sad decorative Bnaiusli soaslstiai f nresaer,
( hiffonitr sod Drvaalng Tahiti
At $200 $H0 $175 to $17$
Valuf 1154.00 1241.60 1187.50 MfO.OO to $470.00
MITlut L liit TALC R
i 1 Oc. 9TON
Broadway & 20th St.; 5th Ave.i 19th St.
o S3 Wsai SAadasV
Restaurant French Cuisine
Dally Concert by NAHAN FRANKOS ORCHESTRA. wUhgdJltt
Antoinette Cantarelll. Soprano, and E. Gertrude Mcrrltt.Contraitc.
Popular Prfce-Dy that we mean price a little lower than Dinar
firit-clai reitattrants ak. The prices ari' liicli rBOBgn I" IBlBfl tn oe
quality In evcrythine. ffr BagMI Hmr. Upreaa glTtere.
The Annual February Sale
of Silks Begins Tomorrow
An Extraordinary Low Price Achievement Which
You Will Hail with Delight Marks the Opening Days
Prices Qotrd Are for All tho Week
THE house of Simpson Crawford Co. has had a silk-selling reputation lor very near
n half century, and our silk supremacy is fittingly upheld in this Annual Event a sale I hat always
I I . .1 til . .i i - 1 ..-. I " ' tai loci
urings out me.vcry unest siiks at uic very lowest prices Known to rew iotb. sunuaj "
week, silk sales have been announced all over New York City, the pretentious and the unpfetcnlious sales,
and if you have attended any of these events, you will appreciate more than ever the offerings of ono of New
York's oldest and most reliable silk selling headquarters. IT Main I loer. i
Wa do not make any pretcnae of exhibiting allka you would not want gt any price; alike that are made for expmltlon pur
poao only. We bring to the fore the regl live, wanted weave of th hour- every etude and color which smart follower! of
faihlon wHI require to comply with the dlctateaof ihe newest itylea that have met with tha approval ot the real yyUhttreera.
When we announce a sale of this kind, we know just where we are at, and by forehanded buying and the placing of
large orders - orders that represent more silks than most stores use in a yenr we are able to get our prices down so
low that we can say to you that you can conic here and secure your entire season's supply and take your pur
chases and go where you like .and make a careful comparison, and if in one single instance you find prices elsewhere
lower than ours, quality considered, you can bring the silks back and we will thank you for the information, as we
have yet to learn of silks being sold anywhere near the low prices that prevail during the annual sale
Wo are going to devote our entire main nisle hnrgain tables to this sale to enable us to have plenty of room to install ext r sale people to
wait upon you promptly we earnestly advise early shopping, as these unprecedented low prices will, of course, brin,; thousands to this
store tomorrow.
1 A New Low Price Era on the Newest and Most Wanted Silks Begins with the I (ems Below
1.25 Double Width Marquisettes. 59c
tell sou this bacauga Uw
$2.00 Satin Meteors, $1.39
Full 44 i ii lies wide. '1 his is indecu u big bargain
rarpfiaCi Itiw the unlit rotor are hard tu get; a perfect dren
ilk (or nftcrnoon mid evening wear; ftS new ami hantlaome color
ing!!. A heavy silk limtroti fabric, Cannot be duplicated again
for the price.
2.50 Satin Feutre, $1.35
That's the new weave ant! utmost at half price. A
haadaoraa Iggpaltad uality, ti inches wide, in ivory and black.
n Ideal weave whirl) has that ricji, highly ItUtrotl titiiali. Extra
heavy weight that rlingl and drape ao artistically.
II. CO Dlack Pallet de Scic. 5Qc
Absolutely perfect black, B quality that will com
pare favorably w ith any similar weave ever sold nt tll.OO.
11.00 Imported Silk Foulards. 58c
l'leiity in this lot worth ijl.Kj. (jeuuine Lyons
ilyed, eiqilllUe Itnalgni. benutiful ettecta; all the new and deair
able ground which the luson ha provided.
11.00 Black Bengaline, 48c
A very apeclal purchase at legs than half price
prompt thi xlraordinury uttering. A ailk that is in great de
mand for eiohtings, trimming and the new jumper.
Handkerchief Silk at 19c
A new idea lor those hivndaoine ailk handkerchiefs;
two handkerchiefs to :i'J inches, only two (ides to hem, beauti
ful bordered effects.
11.30 Black Satin Duchess, 91.19
A handsome full .'Iti-im.h dress satin- a perfect black.
A staple nuufbcr with us. well and favorably known for its ex-
$1.75 3fe-inch Satin de Luxe. $1.29
A new low price record on this qUBlity of silk. Forty
five distinct colors to select from. A rich, heavy, lBtrOB( iik.
an excellent finality, and ft big seller nt the regular price.
$1.00 Fancy Mcssaline. 39c
Not. otitis and ends, cither, but u full line; new,
clean r id up to date, with a larce rnii,' of the reul wanted up-to-date
colors. Don't miss this great -ilk bargain,
11.50 Fancy Marquisettes. 39c
Not all worth $1 ..;), but you cannot help but choose
an extraordinary bargain. Double Bidtu, beautiful and ex
clusive novelty effects and a broken lot of jacauardj at less thnn
ctunl weaving coat. Excellent for over-draping and waist pur
poses. 2.00 Imported Satin Foulards $1.38
New arrivals revealing the very latest Parisiun
effects: a full 10 inch cloth, beautiful and rich self colored effect
end .1 handsome gathering uf staple colors. New shades and
marvelli u- combinations. Sec thcin by all means.
75c Natural Color Pongees. 39c
Another record breaking low price, strictly all silk
too. it and '27 inches wide, now in great demand by those who
anticipate spriug nod summer needs. Wc reserve the right to
limit quantities to each customer.
1.25 Polka Dot Foulards. 09c
One yurd wide and a value giving achievement that
will be talked about for months tu come. Handsome, rich navy
blue grounds with various colored polka dots, also white. A
guaranteed water resisting quulity. You may never get them
again at this price.
$1.25 New Chiffon Taffetas. 95c
Chiffon Taffetas will be more popular than ever
before, especially the changeable, not only for dresses but for
trimmings and millinery purposes, and they will be scarce too.
A complete range of the new colors and color combinations in
changeable effects.
Kvavv tlmvul a II silk: wt
price is so low. A complete range of colors, also black, rorty
inches wide, now in fjreal demand for ovcrdr tpii r.
11.95 Colored Crepe Meteor. $1.15
Fort) inches wine. Ntcteors, as you know, are
taking fi'rst place among smart drearer for entire costumes; hand"
some new colorings, wide rang"; at this price this siik shoulu
create a sensatio.i.
$1.00 Natural Color Pongee. 65c
A SC-inch fabric; will be greatly in demand this
summer, but you nniy never hnvc an Opportunity to buy them at
this price again fiu:irautced all silk.
$1.00 Striped Tub Silks. 59c
That's the new and Wanted fabric tha. .ill the world
of style i.s using to make the new Igsatt tailored waists;
guaranteed washable. A variety of colors and hairline effects;
excellent quality.
36-Inch Colored Messalines. 09c
Forty-seven distinct shades to choose from; beauti
ful evening effects and street shades; perfect in every way;
secure your season's supply while you may at this price.
Satin Bordered Tub Silks. 1.23
Hundsome and rich eltects, made up especially for
Simpson Crawford Co.; tomething entirely new, oil boiled to
insure perfect washing. A handsome range of colors to choose
from, including natural.
3.00 Crece Meteors. $1.59
Double width und full 40 inches wide. A hand
some gathering of the new street and evening shade a closely
woven rich smooth-faced satin for entire costumes; one of the best
50c Colored Satin Messaline, 29c
Fifty-eight street and evening shinies, also black.
A closely woven fabric of rure beauty and a revelation in low
price selling.
S2.2S for 8.0tl 40-In.
S2.S8 for tl.UU 40-Iu
Dlack Charmeue.
hi, i' k 4 harmcus"
Extraordinary Price Reductions in Dependable Black Silks
S3. 38 for ltt.0) -W-ln
S. 79 for 0 00 41-1
ill. i. I. ( It tr mc'is '
Hack Chlfjn Faille
51. 8S lor i j() H-l.i.
2.9S forl 01 41-ln.
Mack K.--i
II. i k Cr.'puu.
ich ll.-.'ss Satins
j 12.33 lor 4 50 i4-mcii ilUck Charmeoi Ue Luxe,
I $2.t3 for $3.30 W-In Imported Black (woolbaek) Satins
Copies of High Class Imported Hand Bags
At Prices You Have Never Known Before
'3.00 to 4.50 Hand Bags. 85c $475 to 600 Hand Bags $1.85
OHKOVKIt, we can say to you, and time will prove it, that you will never buy at auch low prtoai again, because we c!ea-ed up the market, and the loss to the
' man uf in tnrcr would I p m k the ordinary man a lops that is en'y possible because ot the enormous business ha has dure in theee Bags at n very large profit tJ" Main Floor.
Theee Date arc conceded o be. by tha w rid of a-yle. the amartea-. nc eat and hands tnes Uag eve b- iuyat
rtgUial pric wo lU t kc on; heaitat be or-- buying. 'Theae Bag come from tjBji clcwres man in h
busin. ss. and, to uae a timely anJ topioal p.irasc. you'll "take your hat on to ht w .cn you ace th.Tlags.
The man ifacturer govs Lu Fun aud at ok up tnre uml tberu 1.1 Hie quatnl little spatnalt) .-nop one una two bag lEopt which oul luveterate travelers know where u
find und bri (ban to America ariq eool s them und in this way bring th'' usual cost to VOU down lo f'"100 In 0 '10, und when we tell you that Wi ire going to 111
these Bugs at 83c end 1.83 you will appreciate the crowds that will come, but there will b- nlenl' of them more than you have ever seen hi o ( a' an' one time.
Here's a Glance at the Assortment
1'ine Silk Velvet Bags in black and c dors. Silk Moire Bags in black and colors. - f Satin Bats in black and colors. French Tapestry Bags. Fine
Suede Bag! eeiy IroagTuable stupe ami itylo, French Opera Bugs. I'niquc and novel bags, one and two of a kind. The Gaby Dedys Bags in sil t velvet
and plush. The new Hat Turn Over Bags with and without frame, all silk line. I with in-ii.e a i.e. Hauusumc Velvet Bags, beautifully lined with artistic hand
in I r. i erv, munv of w tin Ii are rmliellisLed witli Hand embroidery Mlk Moire Hugs, embrotoered in conlruMing ci lors, otuers in tinsel a . sj q
s. l,or eon- i.ouis as i. naps ana nriiutiiui r.n'ine nags. 1 our ci 01 e ot m entire i i JfM ann fi.w
NiMpgnv c'kawfihid eo.. hixtii avi:,stk kohkmobt si'
f iwket
xo-Morrowg offering February Furniture Sale
1 effect. IV
T I.1, ". .3l m
Room Set
Regularly 165.00
bot COSIltfetl l,i -fcrt-iiu It genuine
RMbogMy Huff -t olid maK-uny
Pining Tnltle mul olitl inuhoKt'iiy
( "l I rt" i ''I t nA . aaif'K l)B ,! 1 ' '"'.
This $10.00 Brass Bed
Iebruary jt" ff.OO
Sale Price. J
A more haBdiomt'
bed has never be n
vhonn a', double
thle prlt e lias
Inol posts, extra
baaVy fillers, panel
head and foot.
Solid Mahogany
This Reg7.00 Brass Bed
t v considered The' set consists ot
a handsome two-inch post brass Bed, with 1 one-inch fillers; a 0.00 Box Spring und u $li.00
M r Bttt BflflL ,
Top Tables
K x I r c m e I y
heavy, beauti
fully datilBedi
the lop I of goliri
mahogany. Price
45.oo Mahogany ; This $60.00 Brass Bed
Dresser for
Also in t'irca.s
tjafl v.. ilnut; full
swell frout, cluw
feet; ueatly designed.
4 OO-50 An unusually
aw Zf good va ue
One of the most
sensational value,
we have yet offer
ed. Note that it
lias 2lsj-incli posts
and seven i-inch
fillers. Seciully
priced at t29.S0.
ees-e, . L