Newspaper Page Text
4 . THE XVSNINO WORLD, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1912. DEATH CELL READY In the v Girl With itye Square Jaw Lies Real Hope of the Future; "Doll-Faced Type Passing Away T ' NEW YORK HEIRESS I nritn npvuovn rwe ivrn rrats nnriooi m i now A SPANISH PRINCE. FOR RIB IN THE STATE PRISON AS APICKPOCKET Cop-.1bt, 1912, by The Preii Publishing- Co. (The New York World). MERCHAN HAULED AMERICAN DUKE'S DAUGHTER TURNS DOWN A PRINCE N TWO COURTS Warden Prepares for Execution as the Alienists Complete Work of Examination. EX-MINISTER IS CHIPPER. Shows Less Exhaustion From Yesterday's Tests Than the Three Experts. BOeTOX, Mr lt.-Whlls fl alienists ace oonitauJns" to-day tfis examination af Her. Clarence V. T. lUcheaon to de tannins his mental condition, 'Warden BlMgss put the death cell In order. Via white washing of the walls waa started early in the day. To prevent any possible "untoward rrent" during- the exeoutlon, the vrtree ttoroufh whloh will pais the current 1 completely cone over and the cur- thoroufhly testod. At every point where the wlra looked the least bit winded new ones were Installed and Ban tested. Tlx tamo electrodes and steel cap wMcai snuffed out the life or Bills Jf. Felu. the Munroe Mountain murderer, wo waa electrocuted In January, are ready for RJoheson. A wleoted Jury of twelve clttiens as vatossses for the State, the specialists I be selected by Warden Bridges and a Warden himself will attend the exe aatton. Warden Bridges, in whom full asthortty Is rested, may decide not to aannlt a representative of the press to attend. Drs. Henry R. etedman, Henry P. Frost nnd Oeorge T. Tuttle continued .their tesu In the music room of the Sheriff's residence at Charles street Jail. To-day's testa were similar to thoae to which the minister-murderer was sub jected la yesterday's nine-hour exam ination. The three alienists showed signs of fatigue. Rlcheson showed none. He had slept well lost night and after a hearty breakfast to-day walked oheer llr from his cell to the jail music-room In company with two guards wtho at tend him night and day. It Is expected the reports of the three famous alienists, with those of Or. Mortn l'rlnco and -Dr. L, Vernon UrigKS will be thoroughly gone over by Gov. Fobs this evening. If the majority of the alienists say Rlcheson is snne tho ex-minister will dlo In the chair shortly after 2 o'clock next Sunday night 'Itlclicson seonis to be standing up r.-cll under the alienist ordeal," said the former minister's counsel, William A. Maine, upon leaving the Charlej street jail to-day. Sheriff Qulnn announced to-day that Rlcheson would not bo removed to the chamber In vhe State prison whore he will await death until after the meeting of the council on Wednesday. "My reasons for not sending htm across the Charles River to the denth cell," sold Sheriff Qulnn, "are that I want to bo humane and considerate of a man In his position and also to Cive the alienists, who might want to return, a ehAmMi to rAniimn 4hAy r. ! amlnatlon under the same conditions as those of yesterday and Saturday." CUPID TURNS HIM FROM STUDY OF THEOLOGY TO ART. Now Mr. Selden Exhibits His Paint togs atiHis Prospective Father-in-Law's Studio. OTSBCTWICU, Conn., May 11 An exhibit of paintings here by a younz . 141st at tiis Studio of a famous sculp tor proves to be the prelude to a wed-1 log whloh Is expected to take place on summer, ine aruii is iienry mil Setiden, son of the Rev. Joseph II. Selden, D. D., and the bride-to-be Is Mlsi Willi Dumont Potter, daughter of E. C. Potter, the sculptor, whose massive marble lions guard the Fifth avenuo eatraaoe to the New York Public Library. It was the girl's friendly encourage ment which led Mr. Selden to abandon plans to prepare for the ministry and turn to art. Mr. Selden was a student at Vale a few years ago when It was decided by the young lovers that he should pursue Us studies for the pulpit no further, tie entered the New York Art League, where at present a brother of Miss Potter is a student. Mr. Selden hu since studied abroad. His recent paintings will be on exhibi tion at Mr. Potter's studio in North street each afternoon until next Thurs day from S until 6 o'clock. ICEBERG FAR SOUTH. Copt. Polsck of Hie North German Tloyd liner Geuw Washington, arriving hero to-day, reported nlffhtlng a groat lewberg In latitude 30.02 north and longi tude 47.C1 wi-Jt. This Is further south than tills city. Tho ship paused About fifteen miles from the floatlns Island of Ice, which seemed to be about a quarter of a mllo long at the wnter line nnd rose 150 feet Into the air. It was fifteen miles distant from the Onrgn Washington, which was at no tlnm In th slightest danger. The ship was following the extreme southirn course. It was o'clock In tho morning when tho Iceberg was sUhted and tho paseiwrrs piled up on deck to look at It as soon ns they were notified. Abraham Ilrlanger, the theatrical magnate, was a passenger. Tuft Controls MoiitmiH, nUTTK, .Mont., May 13. Tho Montana State Republican Convention at Living ston May I to iwmo delegate to the Republican Nntlona) Convention at Chicago wilt ho controlled by tho Taft forces by a majority of about Kj based on returns from all of Montana's forty two counties except six. which, If nil vers carried by Hoosuvclt. would not hak the control of the Taft force Mother of the Coming Super-Race Will Be the Square-Faced Type, Which Constitutes Real Feminine Beauty, As serts Prof. Nearing of the University of Penn sylvania. By Nixola Greeley-Smith. Are you a round-faced worn an or a square- faced woman? The 'hopes of humanity hang on your answer, for Prof. Scott Nearing of the Wharton school of tho Unlvcrnlty ot Pennsylvania has announced that the only girl who may aspire to become a super-woman and tho mother of the "aupor race" Is tho girt with the Jaw. Women, according to Prof. Near ing, may bo divided Into two general classes or types, round-face! women and long-faced women, and tho fu ture holds no hope for tho chubby, ehlnlcss, doll-faced type that has con etltuted the popular Ideal for so long. Tho woman with the long face and the Bfjuare Jaw Is tho roal beauty, Prof. Nearing says. And because the facia of American women show distinct Jaws Instead of the melting oval ot the classlo Ideal, they may become the mothers of "The Super-Race" told of In an Inter estlng treatise on the new science of eugenics which Mr. Nearing has Just published. WOMEN CONFRONTED BY A CHOICE, American women may be. Mark the word may. For Prof. Nearing says the same choice confronts us that was faced by the women of Rome's degeneracy who hod to choose between remaining sober matrons and becoming profligates and who took the easier and rosier way. Women," said Prof. Hearing to me yesterday, "may be divided into two classes ronnd-faesa women and lony-faced women. The round rccc d woman is the soft, chlnlsss, oversowed, big-eyed type that con stituted the old Ideal of beauty. "Mrs. Nearing and I were In Eu ropi last summer and we were as tounded it the proponderance of the round-faced type In the art gaV lerles, tho weak, sloping ovol that Is the classic Ideal. I tell you It was a Joy to get back to America and sco some women with Jaws. It wai a Joy to iee tho girls on the magazine covers. They may not bo high nrt, but they all had Jaws. They ray American art Is not original, but, at any rate. It has developed Thi Girl with the Jaw. "Women are social, men uggresslve. In tho fciiper-raco women will have gained 'uggrcsslveness without losing their social qualities. Men will he more social, but not less masculine," "I Judge from these remarks that Ileauty will not play an Important part In the development of the super-race?" I Interjected. DOLL-FACED TYPE WILL NOT FIGURE AT ALL. 'That depends on what you mean by benuty," Prof. Nearing answered. "Thn doll-fiiced typo won t flguro at all. Ul timately I hope shu'll disappear alto- L'ctltcr. In that sense the eld saw, THE OLD FASHIONED . ROUNP TYPICAL Of EUROPE AMD THE SQuAKE JAW TYPICAl Of TMH US.? f , 'Beauty Is only skin deep,' applies. But If you mean real beauty, tho beauty ot free, healthy, well developed body, tho beauty that nny man or woman may haw, why, then, beauty will reach the zenith In the super-race." "It would ceom that tho so-sidled "New Woman' resembles your super woman," I said, "and that you have no use for the Roosevelt Ideal of the au tomatic mother." "None whatover," Prof. Nearing an swered. "It's astounding how that no tion is kept alive among civilized per sons. Yet only last year a senior In the university here expressed to me as his serious opinion that womni are only machines for having children. There Is no hope for a super-race so long as that Ideal prevails and we fall to realize that the race rises or falls with woman, the parent stem ot. hu manity, for you know tho latest biologi cal theory Is that femalencss Is maleness plus X In other words, the latest biologic theory la that man Is a minus quan tity. We've known It all along! "Women do the soloctlng In mirrlage," Prof. Nearing added. "Tho way to it vel p a super lace Is to teach young girls how to aclect hubands wisely. It Is only in novels that girls fall In love became they can't help It. Already we have unconscious eugenics In certain thlnrs. There Is a taboo on marrlago between the white and the yellow or black races. There Is a taboo against marrying the Insane, the feeble-minded, the epileptic, tho sexually dlscasoJ. To bring about conscious eugenics wo will have to Increise the number ot thcie taboos. A girl will have to feet that It Is Just as taboo to marry a consumptive or a man of Immoral llfo as it would be to choose a mate from the alien races. COLLEGE WOMEN LOOKED TO FOR THE 80LUTION. "The college woman, tho self-support-' lng woman, Is tho greatest hope ot the super race. There Is a great deal ot nonsense talked and written about the college girl. It is said that she doesn't want to marry. Bho does want to man-, but she doesn't have to marry. She has a high standard ot whit sho seeks In a mate and she can mako $1,200 a year until she finds tho right man. She doesn't have to tike up marriage as a trade, as at least CO per cent, of women do, accepting the first husband they can get bociuse father Is tired of supporting them. REASONS WHY AMERICA 18 IN THE LEAD. Prof. Nearing offers six reasons why America may produce the super-race, which all good patriots should be glad to hear. They are: 1, Oar superior natural re. souxots. 3. Our superior racial stook. 3. The growing emancipation of women in America. 4. The movement toward the abandonment of war, which takes the best of race. C, Our faculty for sooial adjust ment. 0. Our educational facilities. But don't get the Idea that we are a super-raco already. Not even l'hlla delphlans are perfect. This admission from a I', of P, professor shows the earnestness of Mr. .Searing's purpose. "Mankind la not advancing," said the advocate of eugenics. "In tho birth rate of civilized coun tries to-day there prevails the survival of tlit uiiflltest. An KnglUh student of eugenics has discovered that In f.'in 1 in one-quarter ot the population has lulf tho ohlldren-of cjurae, t)io iiuaitrr least capable of rearing them, purs In Philadelphia the Llrthrate la X V J ' r i the prosperous suburban districts Is sev enteen per cent.; In tho pjorest and most densely populated sections ot the city it Is flfty-nlno per cent. "In other words, ws are getting Quantity at the expense of qual ity. Before ws develop a super race we will have to fet rid of the Idea popularised by Boosevelt and the Kaiser that woman is merely a ohlld-bearlng machine. "Tho KalBer, I believe, has offered to subsidize every eighth child In a family, and It doesn't seem to matter to him or to Roosevelt If the other seven ure Idiots or epileptics. 'To say that quality and not quantity Is what counts In children sounds like a bromide, but once men nnd women un dcrstand that fact the super-race will bo a noar possibility. To every mother and father, their boy Is a future Prcsl dent of tho United .'itato.s. Hut It a woman wants to be tho mother of a future President, she must choose her husband wisely and carefelly, tho young man must show equal discrimination m selecting a wife. We should begin by toachlng biology and the laws of bored Ity In the public schools. Home part of tho JI0O,OiK),W we spend to teach seulng, rending nnd drawing should go toward enulnplng the parents of the future for the task. Until this Is done America may go on turning out steel rails, shoes and text books for a few generations with success, but It will grow further and further nway from the Hiiper-race." HAS $300,000 IN CHECKS, CHARGED WITH FRAUD. Frank T. Hughes Arrested In Den ver Claimed to Have Credit for St, 200,000. DENVER, May 13.-Frank T. Hughes, alias Stephen Wilson, under arrest here accused of trying to pass a fraudu lent check for JM, when searched to day was found to have In his posies slon two checks for a total of $7W,(X). One check, drawn on the First Na tional Iliuik of Cripple Creel:, was for JKS.OOO, wlUle tho other for J175.UW was drawn on a Victor bank, Hughes a few days ago gave up a mining lesiso and exhibited telegrams purporting to bo from W. L. Daugtv-rty Company. New York, establlHhlnk' credit to She amount of Jl,'.t0,(W0. He Is said to h.ivc gone to several banks In Cripple Creek where lio tried to rn.lf(T money on tlve strongth of the telegrams. No such firm as W. I.. Dailgherty Company is mentioned In the New York directory. AUTHORS UnToNIZED NOW. Publishers who don't pay and thoso who don't pay enough will have to look out. The authors of America are organ izing a business league to protect their Interests, It Is to bo Itko the Authors' .Society ot KtVKlind and the Uens de I.ettres of France. Among those who are identified with the movement are John Burroughs, Klien Ola.s"w, Jtachel ('rather, Augustus Thomas, Rupert Hughes, A. K. Thomas, Cleveland Moffutt. Thompson Uuchan in. Milton Itoyle, Kilts I 'ark or Butler, liar vey J. O'lltglns, Will I'ayn, Kamuel Hopkins Adams, Ixruls J- V.inr. Prof V, M. Hlonne, Arthur C Train, Ohoii Johnron, Hubert Orunt. Ulnni.m Churchill, Jliimlln (lanaud. riellott Ilur t:e, (It-orge Ilarr MC'tit hen, Waller I'rltchnnl liilon, Will Irwin, Judson ( William', I.uther lAng, Jullati Ktreiit. fri-lcrlek Palmer, Franklin I Adieus, Arthur Stringer I.aiudnn MII'li'll, .Uik luidon, Oeorg" liar, I 1 ! ili riieier und 'leorgH Adr I 'I hrt) ' II, M'llH llhjrrt IS Mi, air wrltiis full urd pronpl pay fui h: work. Robbed on "L," Blunder Has Biber Arrested Because He's Standing Near. FREED IN BROOKLYN. Then Brought by 'Detective to Manhattan and Again Dis charged as Not Guilty. Accused of a crime of which he was not guilty, looked up In a police station and denied alt ball, Herman Biber, fifty- five years old. a wealthy woollen mer chant, to-day was arraigned In two dif ferent police courts and honorably dis charged. Blber was Arst ftrratgend. before Magis trate Nash In Oatea Avenue Court, Brooklyn, on the charge ot acting as a stall" for a "mob" of "dips" who picked the pocket of (Marcus Blunder of No. U0 Walklns street, getting 1K In. cosh, diamond ring worth $164 and a pawnticket. Magistrate Gates dismissed the charge, with the intimation that If any crime had been committed It nnd been In Manhattan. Later Mr. Blber was arraigned before Magistrate Bar tow In Essex Market Court and dis charged again. Blber Is a wealthy business man, with offices at No. 401 Broadway, Manhatttan. He lives at No. 871 Park avenue, Brook lyn. He was arrested last night' on a crowded elevated train In Brooklyn, after Blunder, crying out that he had been robbed, pointed to iMr. Blber as the man who had hold him whllo the pickpockets 'worked. (Mr. Blber denied his guilt, but volunteered to accompany Detective Kllroy to the Ralph avenue station, where he submitted to a thor ough search. None of Blunder's mlestng property was found on htm. Nevertheless, Blber waa locked up. At 1 o'clock this morning, Mrs. lllber appeared in the police station with the deeds to several pieces of property owned by her husband, but the police lieutenant refused to accept them as ball. In both courts to-day, Mr. Blber was defended by his son, Herman Blber. JUs father produced half a dozen bank books and a number ot deeds to real estate to show his finan cial standing, while a number ot his business associates testified to his rep utation and character. Magistrate Gates Immediately dis charged Mr. Blber, but told Detective Kllroy that if a crime had been com mitted at SB, It had taken place in Manhattan. For that reason, Mr. Bl ber was later arraigned before Magis trate Barlow. Blunder repeated his charges, but there was nothtng to substantiate them and Mr. Blber was discharged. At No. 401 Broadway, where Blber shares an office with I. Cohan, deal er In buttons, ,tho story of Blber's arrest would hardly ! believed. Cohan Immediately se.( forth for Brooklyn with a goodly selection of real estate deeds to aid In freeing his friend. "Mr. Blber Is too old and respectablo a business man to be a party to any pookot-plcklng," said Cohan. "He Is a married man with a family and an owner of Brooklyn real estate. This man Blun der certainly mode a collonal blunder." INCONSTANT PUG, HALED TO COURT, POOR WITNESS. Wags Tail for Anybody, So Rival Clavnarits Fail in Effort to Prove Selves His Master. Tls a wise dog that Iukjws his own master, but Fritz or Carlo or Prince take your choice of names who ap peared before Magistrate O'Connor, In the Torkrllle Court, to-day Is not that kind of a dog. This canine of many aliases would wag his tall and bark Joyously it you called htm toy a short and ugry word, If you only did It with a smile. Mrs. Alary Dandeknnok, of No. J10 East Thirty-eiemth street, toii tne Ma gistrate the collie was hers and that Charles Anxdback, whom she had haled to court on a summons, was not the rightful possessor of the animals. To prove she was mistress, Mirs. Dan deknack had the dog brought lns!d the rail and called Ingratiatingly: "Here, Frits, ntce doggy!" Fritz bounded over to her, linked hnr hands and wagged his tall. "Just" watoh me, your Honor," then Interposed Angnback. tht defendant "Here, Carlo, old dog! Come here, Carlo!" The collie straightway foireook Mrs Dandeknack and fawned over Ange- liack'e feot. When a court attendant railed him Prince, he showed the same Inconstancy of affections, and he ev-n llcki'l tho hand of another who nd dressed him as 'Mint." Tho Magistrate allowed Angnback to keep the fool thing. Omega Oil Neuraletia It soothe the idling ncrvei In a men wori'lcrful wjy, iinl lias hrotiglit nightt of pracrful real to people who hsve mfffffil agonlci, ffillUxUt 'M.;triicUrftlei2iciiG B9 ' 5 " y H PHOTO .T o.on.iN . NEW PARIS SKIRTS ARE TIGHTER. BUT- If Not for Ribbon Stripes You'd Not Know the Ladies Wore 'Em. PARIS, May IS. If nnything, skirts are tlghtor than ever this spring, despttn the decree of dressmakers, and In the In closuro at tho Iongchamps raro course far more tight dresses thnn panniers were seen. Some of the' new creations were so tight walking wus pt)ssll)o only through silts made In the hem in front, at thn back or on the side. Many pannier dresses were seen, tout they" are assum ing a now form. One of whlto liberty satin had a small box pleated tunic, arranged In tiers. Another with box pleats looked as If tho panntors had slipped down toward the feot. It I this costtme that Is likely to be followed In all the summer toilettes. The hip are free and the drapery Is gathered up on each side In circular folds from the knees downward. All white lace frocks had rose colored sashes, draped high round the waist and hanging down In front. Many of the women are giving frtn rein to their faucy In the matter of titncktngs, which are so thin In many Instances they are hardly visible except for narrow black ribbons crossing almost up to the knee, after the. fashion of ancient dreece. Thin silver and gold tissue stockings, with istrtped shots richly Jewelled at the toe and alon: the strap, are ntso popu lar. The erase for black and white has brought out many pearls and dia monds, and on every side were seen long strings of pearls, great diamond corsugo ornaments, hatpins, brooches and buckles with Jewelled watches and bracelets. e One of tho surprises wan a new pa goda sunshade of changeable silk, oc tagonal shaped, trimmed with lacu and looking like a lampnhude. They have short Jewelled whlto handles. Taffeta dresses are In bright colors, principally emerald and cerlso, bluoand bright tones of rose, though tho pref erence Is for black and white effects. Taft tn Open .VemtrU'a shnn, President Taft will press an electric button at 7 o'clock to-night that will start tho Industrial exposition In the First Regiment Armory, in Newark. Thn exposition will continue for twelve days. There will be 20J exhibitors of Newark made goods. What More Can You ask Hum a tea that tastes twice as good sad goes twice is far? CEYLON TEA Packed When Grown. Wfcite Rasa Coffee, Ponad Hat, 35c THE WAYNE Gedarcd Paper MOTH PROOF WARDROBE W kalba k UiM of ; V lf.rbJ il ft i rc; rouf l4 Vu If ii it ;l tntV Jar nl atii , ,r ml tit j t r 4 ivj li i - luiiu III f ' N 14 rr IT'S AIR TIGHT A SIUt9tti ttu'M. If tUilt '. If A A m It rln to is Un mi- ? 9 Itttr luiiiui a44 Ut Mvl . It tljfj A at' t l tff If I MIUHICE O'tffslU CO., Hf ''" It 1'K in. sr t WbvlMU l',IIIIW riffl 01 D'Aragon Returns to Spain Depressed After Failure to Win Heiress. Trince Ludovlco Plgnlatelll d'Aragon of Ppnln. according to lotters recently re ceived here, has retired to Biarritz, very much deprrssed. The cause of Prince Ilgnlatclll's depression Is tho determi nation of Miss Mary I Duke, daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin N. Duke of No. 107 Fifth avenue, not to marry the Spanish nobleman. Rumors that the $20-$25 Suits Reduced To-morrow $ 13 75 The most sweeping, relentless reduction ever known so early in the season, but ting has been decreed nnd go they must, re gardless of cost of production. Dressy Sertie Suits Chic Diagonal Suits Striped Novelty Suit's English Mixture Suits A host of styles, each showing some unique and charming feature; conservative tailor mades and dressy trimmed suits, where ex quisite braids, contrasting satin, and beautiful materials combine in making each model a beauty. Alterations FREE SALEATALL THREES T ORES U and 16 West Uth Street New York 460 and 462 Pulton Street Brooklyn 645-651 Hroail Street-Newark, N. J. The World's RETAIL SILK STORE Fourth Ave., at 24th St., N. Y. . Two doors 'from 2.1d Street Subwav. Location: 0ne )oc East of Metropolitan Tower. YOU can buy here every kind of fashionable silks by the yard at prices which cannot be dupli cated elsewhere. NOTE THESE: 42-inch hand printed All Silk Voile, Bul garian border effects (the new parchment color), 68c a yard. 31-inch Tub Silk, sat in "Stripes, the present craze in fashion for both men and women, 98c a yard. 28-inch Printed Shantung, pretty floral effects and natural grounds, 68c a yard. 42-inch Summer Silks, in pretty border effects, fashionable colors, 98c a yard. These prices are one-half previously quoted mill-to-consumer prices. You will never know how cheaply you can buy silks until you come and compare. Mills to Consumer Rogers Thompson Fourth Avenuo st Andrew Alexander Young Men's Oxfords. S5 Out; of I he new styles of the sail" L'i'iicral character shown in .shoes of the highest grade receding toe, hroad shank and low heel. .Many oilier styles in all leathers at the same price. Sixth Avenue at Nlnrliintli Htrect tobacco prince's daughter would we the visiting Spanish prince cauted much discussion last winter, though no en gagement was announced. After the Prince sailed for Buinp tast'March It was said that King JUfons of Spain had Joined with Mr. Daks In objecting to the match and that Prlnc PtgnlatelU had left for Spain to win the King's consent to hi proposed alli ance. Mr. Duke last evening at hll residence authorized the following an nouncement: Ttir nvr wa nny engagement be. tween my daughter and Prince Plgnla telll." On the Prince d'Aragon's arrival her Inst August he told reporters that hi engagement to Miss Helen Hilton had been broken off because ho was s Ro man Catholic and ihe a Protestant Stole Landlady's Wntrh. (tll to Tli Kttnlns WorM). OltKHNWlCH. t'onn.. May U. Chsrged with stealing u valuable gold watch and chain from the home ot Mrs.1 Klonnor Hobby of Itanksvlltc, Conr,, where he boarded, Arthur O, McDonald, who says ho Is a forester from Holton, Me., was arrested to-day by Police Chief Rich. Tho watch and chain wer found In his- pocket. McDonald went to tlanksvllle Saturday night, declarlnR he had come to tko charge of th estate of E. T, Holmes of the Holme Protective Bureau ot New York. price cut Greatest Looms to Wearer Givernaud Co. 21th St., N. Y. Fifth Avenue above Foriy-lifih He. fT J 4