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rtimtm "V . MT -"TI """ff mm?: 10 THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, MAT 31, 1912. WW- IK st r. V rV V U SUFFRAGIST GIRL IS NEVER DRESSED TOOGAMATWORK Leaders of Cause Condemn Ballroom Styles," but Say ' 'Wen Can't Dictate." TELL' IDEAL COSTUME. Second or Third Rate Stenog raphers the Ones to Be Con demned, Says Miss Donnelly. Marguerite Mooera Msmbmll. "Bm wltk.Ua WUrooa stjls of Wt a horrid old Wsstern Union offl sist, it a genuine champion of tha sex H f sonsttls for tha abore aloran. It WM aeunad by n. O. Beadle, executive sjsarstary of tha Men'a League for Waauaai SuRraie, when he wae told that ft women wnployeei of the Ms; tele gNfJi company muet henceforth appear la waists with lonr aleevea and mod- eMtely nUn collara. incidentally, a MWbtf of euffraclite ajrea with Mr. Beadle. Dr. Anna Howard 8haw says he thlnka the atyle of dreu affected' toy May cjrls whe work In offices justifies tkt Western Unlon'e attitude. 'TThaaa low-necked walita ao many Ma are wearing about the streets and la oalcee now aro Just an effort to SjKfSbCt man's tiotloe," deolaree Miss OarslsB Rallly, another well known ttfjravlpt, "The Western Union did juat liffct. Otrle go about In peek-a-boo waUta out down In a way that li com aasa and vulgar, to aay the least, and yet they can't aee why any one should settles them." , It occurred to me that Miss Mary, Dontirlly'n oplnlonxjtjotit ballroom dresi 1,1 business ufTlces would be IntrrcitltiK. Miss Donnelly linn Juat organize! the IntcrboroiiKh Furfr.ige Club, l'it wan formerly connectrd ,w1tli Mrs. Ilelm.ont's Political Krjiiallly Association and'there fore came Into cloao ronlnct nlth many vnrVB clrlp, QIRL8 IN STORES DRESS NEATLY AND NICELY. "Thero 1 far loo much elabornte ilres-InK anion; the Klrls who work In the downtown onireii," she admltled to day. "The Rlrlo In the Mores dress neatly ninl nicely, and of coiirna no fault enn bo found with many whom jwu (e In offices. "UnfortunaUly tlicia !. another tyy. She In frequently n second or third tale stenographer or typist, fcho earn- t or $3 a week and la apt not to itay long In one position. .She live-; at home anjl paya her parents no board, ao that she can ipend every bit of money nho earns on her wardrobe. Mho la the one who appear at her ofllce dressed to attend l aoclal function. "Her shirtwaist la cut out at the neok In a broad oval, or turned down In a deep V, The sleeves end above the tlbaw, and both they and the waist are sktntlght and transparently thin. This aort of girl always wears colored ribbons In her lingerie. She usually displays several cheap bracelets and rings, not to mention a locket and chain and a collection of 'rat' pins. "Iter hair Is a mass of puffs, rats and curls, studded with Jewelled (t) combs and pins. She wears high-heeled slippers, silk openwork stocking-; and a narrow, abbreviated, skirt. Her cos tume Is bound to attract undesirable notice from the men among whom she works." "It's a play-up of e," I suggested. Miss Donnelly nodded asiont. "And yet," She added quickly, "lots of these little girls aro perfectly nice and good. Their chief fault la one of lasfe. They don't realize that certain clothes may be perfectly proper for certain occa sions, and perfectly well, 4 he reverse for others. SHE'8 NEVER A SUFFRAGIST WHEN SHE DRESSES SO. The business girl who dresses too gay-ly la never a suffragist. For the believer 1n votes for women Is a thoughtful who has brtqnped to reallzf for herself Jutt what innt most disgusting anti-argument, me i 'Indirect 'influence of women,' really , means. Klin knows thAt It la sex In-, fluenre, nothing else, and that one of( us umo-nonorecj nianiicsiauvns is buk gestlve clothing. "The suffragist business girl nellher consciously nor uncoij-rlourly attempts tf 'Ml In Ed' wftll tier emflnyer l" a sartorial revelation of her seductive charms. Instead, she devnlei all her attention to her work, and expects to be Judged by vxeellenco of accomplish ment Just ns the man who figure up columns beside her Is Judged. "Of couute. Miss Donnelly broke off, with a shrug, "It's perfect nonsense for tha Western t'nlon or any other band of men ofllclnls to thlsk they can dic tate as to tlfs ares of the women who work for them. No man knows enough to tell a. woman wnat to wear. Ami one of- ih most chorlshffl signs of democracy Ui Amerlro Is the compara tive absence of uniforms. "In this earucuiar instance tne v. w- em' Uplon man who put out the order o noted In the papers went too far In the other direction. That's what comes of I a man, trying to meddje with things that he knows nothing about. "The Ideal sjimmer costume for ft Now Tork business girl Is a ooltarless shlsjt waist with sleeves coming Just below the elbow. The iwabst should not be out lower than the tot of the collar bqnc, and It should not be of the pe-k-a-bon variety. Hut the round, Hat Dutch collar, which leaves tho throat bare, Is jicrfoctly modest and dainty. And' no young nlrl ought to be forced to wear long sleeves with stiff cuffs In hot weather. DRESS SHOULD BE SUITABLE, BECOMING, COMFORTABLE. "The three essential requisites for every (Ires' are that It shall he suit able, becoming and comfortable. The costume I have described for office wear Is nil these things. A girl In elaborate nnd fussy clothes Isn't really comfort nblc. liven' If thero Is no actual physl. eqt discomfort, such as Is caused by tight IncInK or light boots, there is tho continual mental strain "Such a girl can think of nothing but her appearance, and she must be all the tlmo pulling out her pocket mirror or her flowder puff to look for and repair damages It Is obvious that she won't accomplish much work Hut nellher will she If she Is pinioned In a tillili, tight collar on a hot August day, obeying somobudy's notions of decoruhi. Thero Is n happy mean." FRECKLES Don't Hide. Thm With a VaUt Re- 1 move Tham With tha New Drug;, i An mlntnl iktn iiwlilljt nfentlr ilKotwsd s new tlnis, o01d foutie trrngth, which II so nnKornOr luToful In nmorlns frwUrt sad fit. ins rfrar. ImojHiiI immlriton Unt II li Kildhr ltlb..lliffmin Ifruj MtnfM unrlcr an Atiarilii niiftnli. In rrfnn.1 fh 1iWnV If It fall.. Ounce tl otrunr ini irwniw inrro, r.irn iue lint nlftHit'i lit till hmf a -rond-rful Improtetntat, smns of Hi- llsl.tfr frerutt tuIhIiIm enllrrj;. It . II lwl"t'lr biraiteii, and rannol Injurs tlitmoit "l?rwrnio s lUlrr-ll-feman Dnis RtofM fot tlx rtotfliU itrrtnlh nlti n(: It 1l thli lint fa anU 1 tin l-n mon7 niica anianinirT, POSLAM QUICKLY CURES ECZEMA, STOPS ITCHING If suffering from rctema, your search for the most, effective means of treat ment 'will be ended when Poslam Is procured and applied. Depend upon this perfect, modern remedy to 'repeat for' you the marvellous work It has ac complished for thousands of others. Many distressed for yenrs have ex. nerienctvl complete cures through Pos lam In a f ear days. With first application, physical dis tress ceases. Its penetrating healing properties are exerted actively; tUUy the lroub grows less aggravated until permanently cured. It eradicate! acne, tetter, Itch, pimples and every surface affection with astonishing readiness. All druggists sell Poslam (80 cents) and POSLAM SOAP, the beautifying sVin soap (S3 cents). For free sample of Poslam, write to tha Emergency Laboratories, 8 West Mth Street. New York City. ssH alH I E. E. TURLINGTON, Vice-President i!a ItETAIL - - ass ss ar w J V as vaiUWI si Summer Suits for Men & Young Men Hackett, Carhart Fine Clothes .TU J te month when you.chopse your clothes for the "torrid" months. For FIFTV-SIX yean Hackett Csirfeart clothing hai atood the "cruclsl" test, and NOW ns always our stocks represent the HIGHEST ART & Hssa clothes making. Summer's newest COOLINO fabrics and colors. AJthouih our prices are SIS to M5 W twssr extreme values below and between these figures, for Hackett. Carhart cinthTnn r "'wiriPT itv Suits, Valued at $18 & $20 The fact that thli price, $13.50, "falls" below our "given" prices, Is due to the tact that we CAN and DO cive the some quolity mit at thit-price at you would have to w w ior eistwnere. we are oiiertng you this low price suit for com- iWison, so you can see that the hlgherpr.'ced suits can take care of themselves when w matcn" tnem with the values advertised. Twc iy mixtures- Two and three button models and also the Yankee Blue Serge and Hackett, Carhart Qtey, special. $13.50 Suits, Valued at $25 & $28 $1750 These suits fresh from 'our Tnllorlnc nent. will fn 'lndlrectlv." Incllr rth. -hrr. "M description. DiKctty because you have ths privilege to call and verify our assertion, ani ws know what your verdlci will -be. New blues, browns, tans, ayfva arv4 fnnri, rnln... ...1 . . .1 . I !,!.. .....I . n wee button EncllaH or regular models, with at$ full or half lined, special ........ Suits, Valued at $30 & $32.50 It dees, not require clothlns philosophy to s:ll these suits -itht mere fact that you ye ro pay rupisr pncea elsewhere Is a guarantee or the extraordinary volues offeejirl. Two and three-button Enclish or American models in summer's newest psstterns and fabrics, opeclal , $22.50 Suits, Valued at $35 & $38 Tha BIO SAVINGS on thec suits will convince you of our superior values and cMthing. There's mors adtptness In tailoring more hannonUliig of colors and Mere cooling fabrics than usual, due to Advanced Clothing Methods and Twentieth Century Ideas -Blue grays, blue on blues, herrlpgbonTS, pin cliecis, pencil lines aad chalk mir:ures. A sovinz of about $10 that's all I Special $25.00 Suits, Valued at $40 & $45 Although there's a "severe" difference In the values quoted and the price asked iot weae new rr.oac nur.s, n particularly "demonstrates" to you wny we have existed fifty-six years. The excellence of fabrics, the proper attention to tailoring aad the skilled workmanship "back up" our advertising. Many fabrics, more styles and better patterns, special $32.50 An Important Sale of Genuine Panama Hats at These. Remarkable Price Concessions, $8.00 and $10.00 Qualities at $4.75 55.00 and $3.00 Qualities at $3.75 $12.00 Qualities at 6.75 ' $1E.00 Qualities at $9.75 $20.00 and $25.00 Qualities at $12.75 All croaniv vMto finished, and blocked In the newest Enwllah and American models. Aim a) "let" -' itH mado Sennit and Split Straw Sailors Rogularly $3.00 Now $1.95 Suits $15 to $45 24 Broad'... .y Hr Clumbers St. 841 Broadway , Cor. 18th St. 119 W. 42d St. Near Broadway Hmrhm and 42d Street StormfOpen Evening 125th Street Near 9d Avenue and only cor- f nwjm ex-1 elutiviy for STOUT mnd MEDIUM women 'and intended for no other type of.figure that hat achieved a country-wide and wonderful ntcce&e. STOUTJ MEDIUM 11 V VT I 1 1 i '.. x San a m VSU. m esaaaaV Sk a BB1 I WTTTI I F"l J figures have always found it well nigh impossible to secure a corset that would give support of the ab domen, permit of free, easy and graceful carriage and, give perfect style OurTnventlon'of .the Rengb Belt idea of tailoring holds the figure firmly, yet comfortably, and is the leading idea of corset mak ing for stout women All Rengo Belt corsets are extra etrong and are boned with DOUBLE watch-spring steels, GUARANTEED not to rust. $2, $3 and $5 per pair at all lepartment stores. CROWN CORSET CO., Mfr., NEW YORK Established 1863i KELLY 263 Sixth Ave. Only Entrance It Through the Furniture Store. Men's Clothing on Credit Startling Suit Values at A ii m e! il I 1 If Mi AM Suits that excel in all fea tures of style, quality and workmanship at the price. Cassimeres, tweeds, wor steds, etc., in all the latest shades and weaves, for men and young men. Men's & Young Men's $ P $20 Serge Suits. Iff You'll never know the pleasure of a blue serge suit until you have bought it here. Not only will thete be pleasure, but savinga combined with unusual value. On These Suits Only We Offer the Special Terms of I 00 Down & I 00 a Week This it the Only credit houte where you are sure square deal in Reliable Clothing at Cath Prices, of a !. OPEN SATURPAfS UNTIL 9 P. M. 12,000 Secured from Twenty-Seven Different Manufacturers and Priced 55c to $20 An annual event so important that, for the convenience of 'our customers, the entire Main Aisle will be given over to it and extra tables will be added in the Specialty Waist Stores on the Third and" Subway Floors. On the Main Aisle Lingerie waists, $1.75 and $2. Hand-embroidered waists, $2.50 and $3. Sample lingerie waists, $3, $3.85 and $5. On the Third Floor Lingerie waists, $2, $3, $3.75, -$5, $7.50, $10, $15, $18 and $20. Haiyl-embroidered waists, $2.50 and $3. Sample waists, $3.85. French adaptations, $4.50, $5, $6.50, $7.50 and $8. On the Subway Floor Lingerie waists, 55c, regularly 75c. Tailored shirts of embroidered cot tons, 55c, regularly $1. Lingerie waists, 65c, regularly $1; 85c, regularly $1.25. Lingerie waists of voile and lawn, $1, regularly $1.50. Tailored shirts, $1, regularly $1.50. Lingerie waists, $1.25, regularly $2. Third floor, Old BuSdfaic. Mala Aisle and Subway floor. Women's Neckwear LAWN FICHUS, lace trim med,, usually 18c and 25c, now 10c. Stock collar- of scalloped linen, run with ribbon, us ually 25c, now 10c. SATIN SAILOR COL LARS, nice for bathing suits, dresses or coats, usually 50c to $1, now 25c to 50c. Subway floor, Old Building. 500 Sample Under clothes lor Women Combinations, 75c, 85c and $1, regularly $1 to $2. Crepe, nainsook and cambric, elabo rate with laces. Princes slips, 85c and $1, regularly $1 to $1.75. Pink, , blue, corn color and white, with embroidery and laces. Sixes 36, 38 and 40. Subway floor, Old Buildin. Summer Petticoats 58c, for regular tSe blaok petticoats, of aataan aad other cottons, because tha mansfke turer is disposing of all hi stringed skirts in favor of1 patent bands. 38c for cool striped percale petticoats, easily laundered. Subway floor, Old Building. One Happy Result-Fox M em of our recent offer to co-operate with man ufacturers in distributing their over-neavy stocks of Summer merchandise, takes the form of 325 Summer Suits of Cool, Gray Worsteds, Here, at $21.50 To-morrow, instead of the accustomed prices of $25, $28, $30, and higher. We bought the cloth in the piece and had the suits made our way, on our own models, and in the sizes we preferred. Most of them are in one or three shades of gray plain or with hairline stripes. A few are of brown or blue shades. All are of light, cool, hard and ser viceable worsted, eyery thread wool. We can fit men wearing sizes 34 to 46 regular, long, short or stout. Burltnston Arcade floor, New Bldg. igggfzf&jgVgr Shirts We Couldn't Turn Away Not because we needed shirts, fered were so strong, we could not shirts away. 3,500 Men's Fancy Mercerized Madras Shirts of $1.50 and $2 grades, at $1. Stripes and other patterns on white ground. French cuffs. 2,000 Men's Fancy Woven Madras Shirts of $1.50 tirade, at $1.10. Woven stripes on light grounds. Starched cuffs. but because the special inducements of- in justice to our customers turn these 2,500 Men's Silk-mixed Soft Shirts of $3 and $4 grades, at $2. Plain shades and white in a sheer material which is prac tically all-silk; and pencil otripes on white in a heavier shirting with just enough silk for beauty. French cuffs. All sizes from 14 to 17 in each group. Saturday, Burlington Arcad; floor, New Building. Straw Hats tlhe WaimamaRer-Oval Based on the actual head-measurements of many New York men. Fits the head Brings comfort with coolness. In all good straws and styles. And doesn't cost n cent more than the hats made on the old-fashioned hatter's oval. English and American straws, $2 up ward. Panamas and Bangkoks, $5 upward. i Burlington Arcade floor, New 13uild',nr.. ' Formerly A. T. Stewart JOHN WANAMAKER B.-ondway, Fourth Avc.,Elr,Uthto Tenth St. WORLD WANTS WORK WONDERS: . ibC raji