OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, May 31, 1912, Final Edition, Image 12

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1912-05-31/ed-1/seq-12/

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Blackton's Baby Reliance
Strikes Submerged Log,
Wrecking Two Passengers.
Cwrnnodora 3. Stuart Blackton of tbe
Atlmtto Yacht Club nest had a vary
vlvkl recotlaotton to-day of what haP'
parted to Wallaca Van N'oitrand and
hlmiclt yesterday when the Uaty He-
lliuicc. faatatt (boat In the world, sud
denly dropped from under thccn In the
fog of the Lower tiay and loft them
floating on their pneumatic boat cueh
lOM, thoroughly and hopeleaely hlp
wracked. They had been aktmmlnx orar
tho water of the triangular raclns
courie oft the cttib'a dock at forty-nvo
mllei an hour when, craih r-r-r-rlpl the
frail Kttle racer hit a tar, flUed and die.
The wrecking of the otuh'a commo
dor and the losa of hla llghtnttur racer
wna the muit dlaaatroua Incident of a
race full ct calamities Tho Vltn Junior,
Mr. Blackton'a raolnc motorboat.
which had been entered agatntt the
Comovodore'a Baby Ilellance, turned
turtle In the middle of the course, and
the Tiny Tad, II. Z. Pratt'a fleet com
petitor, dropped her propeller In the
aecond race and had to tie towed ano
mlnlouaty back to the yacht club'a float,
"Juat one fact itlcka clearly out of the
haae- at yaaterday'ri excitement." aald
Commodore Illackton to-day,' "and that
la that the Lower Uay li no place for
tnotorboat racing. It la too full of
floating drift, which la a conatant
menace to a apeedlnt motorboat, and It
la so rough that In a nlrh power boat It
la next to Impossible to hold to a course,
I think that hereafter I will not try to
do any more fast work on these waters."
Bitting- comfortably on the deck of the
Paula, flagship of the Atlantoo Yaoht
Club fleet, anchored off the club float.
the commodore recited to an Evening
World reporter to-day the swift incidents
of ihls disaster yeaterday.
"The series of motor boat races wa
had planned for yesterday was form,
ally to open the racing season for the
clut)," he said. "Eight speed boats had
been entered, divided Into two claeii,
but hecauie of certain difficulties snmo
or the owners li.nl In Kettlntr. their
bonis to tho course In Itmo thcru ro
malncd cnly two boatt to rncu In tlir
hydroplane clan and four In thn other.
Tim course w-.it a triangle of about
three inlle, with n nhnrt b.me nft tho
Atlantic's Mont.
"Jlnybn I didn't start the day tllit
for raclni;," Commodore lllactkoii said
with n reminiscent imille, "for 1 went
up In the blr to becln with. Ycr, with
Frank Ccffyn In his hydro-am-uplano,
and t didn't come down until about
flvo minutes before tho tlmu to start
In the race.
"We wore to have started the rare at
I o'clock, but the low' fos forced u to
Postponn It until 4. Kven at that tlmo
tlicro wns a thick hnio still hanxl'iK
over the course. Wallace van NostratM
was with me In tho llaby ltellanco tu
handlo tho engine; two men from Uie
itfltunco Company's work at Alcnn.ic,
Mich., the builders of my boat and the
Vita Junior, wri In the littr rraft tn
raco against me, James .Sclincfer was
In charge.
"Off from lh starting line at tho
cliLh house at 4.01 o clock wo were ilp-
pltiK for the first mark at u very high
rate of speed. In fact, our eriKlno was
making 1,700 revolutions, which would
Indlcato our speed was sotnewnore !
tween forty-four and foity-flve n"es
an hour, we plunaed almost Immedi
ately Into a fog bank and since thero
was a stiff sea on, we were ewervn
from our course.
"Both Van Nostrand and I appreel
ated this fuct, and I was Just awlnKlnK
the boat to port In an effort to Ret back
on li.- courso when we struck some.
thlnK a submerxail log, I think, though
I did not see what It was.
"The obstruction caught us on tho
norl aide' forward and ripped the plank
Ins- below the water lino down to 'mm
ships. I heard the ripping or the boards
and yelled to Vnn Nostrand, who tn
that If he and I hid tbolh ttM li VJCTiM' OF OVERSTbDy
firm grip, he on the enrrtne nnd I on the -,-..,-, .nlrA.jAnn
wheel, we would both have Dten'piicnca , O I niVIOJU iUTt miCd I HUUU.
clear out of the boat by the Impact.
Thouil botli of us shifted our ncijni , . , .
to starboard In an effort to lift the hole tiui.ii J. vj uricn jr., ouw ui i cic-
stnntlv shut off tl.n enslno. I am siirs Internally.
nut of the water, there wns no uc.
Tho bay va simply BobWIng in up.
Wo Just had time to gran mo pnru
mallo seati wo worn sitting on nnd
Jump, when tho llaby ltellanco sank.
"All this happened ueioro we nu ucvu
away from the starting line five minutes.
"It was In) great trick," Cunmiodoto
in, .ni inn rnritlnued. "for us to keep
nlloat. Tho only nuestlon was who would
i, ,i. hi.. The Hcagate. tno Aliaiuic
Yacht UIUIIS own sirumrr, uuuim
tho club noat, was near ai nnnu mm
f.mu nf Him tiasscngers aboard her saw
us. For sonm reason, wnica i imenu iu
discover If I can, the captain of the
Seagate mado no effort to go off his
eouran and pick us up and the Coney
Island Iron Hteamboat Company's Cetus,
rirhi t,hlnd the Hcagiite. stopped and
nut out a boat for us. Wo wero not
more than ten minutes In the water.
"As soon as wo were landed at (
Steeplechase I'nrk wo telephoned to the
yacht club of our rcicuo and then went
to tho rlub by tnxl, wet clothes ond nil.
The Commodore nald ho regretted very
keenly the loss it tho little flyer. She
had eon built for speed, he said, nnd
thouah not built to his order he bought
the llaby ltellanco when ho aaw her
mako a mile In 1 minute, 77 seconds
over tho lllverdalo course on the Hud i
son. He had bought her only six weeks ,
ago, and this was the first time he hnl
entered the slim little speeder In a raco.
nor Illes From Fall.
Samuel (lendel, the boy who fell Ave
stories from the roof of hla residence
at No. 61 F.'ast One Hundred and Six
teenth street yesterday afternoon, died i
to-day In Harlem Hospital. IJoth his
legs were broken and he was Injured
graph Operator, Removed
to Oellevue.
llroVen down by overatudy In his am
bition to take holy orders, Morgan J.
O'llrlen, Jr., aged twenty-two, Is In the
psychopathic ward at Uellevua Hos
pital to-day, suffering from acuta met
sncholta, Physicians believe that with
rest and, quiet, he will recover.
Young O'llrlen, a son of Morgan J.
O'llrlen, a telegraph operator of No,
10M Park avenue, was taken to Bellavua
last night by lie v. Father Scott M St
Ignatius Loyola Church, Ulrhty-fourth
street and Park avenue. Owing to a
similarity of names, It was reported at
the hospital that ho was the son of ex'
Judgo Morgan J. O'Uricn of No. 729 Park
avenue. The young man's parents de
clare he la not related to the well known
Young O'Brien was a student for the
priesthood at Bt. Andrew's College, near
Poughkeepsle, N. Y until a few days
ago, when he broke down physically and
mentally from overatudy. lie was sent
to his home and last night It was
thought best to remove him to the
LSIclen, alttinf In Mlneola. V. t., to-day
denied the application of Benjarmn E.
Valentine for a new trlal'on the ground
of nowly discovered vevklence. Valen
tin?, who was convIctoJ In mas, mere
fote loses his long fight to keep out of
prison, lie Is seventy years old, and
Mast Sentence for Uttering
raTlsa Dead.
Mupreos Court Juatlc Jarr.es C. Van
Establishment Sear Police Station
I Looted.
The police of tho Usst Hfty-flrst
street station reported to-day to Miss
will be financed by cnl'ftj1!M,T
the aid of theJnegahJnacowta
A . Mil
.... ... l...t n.tftt .WilMilirei nuwiri, H UHTJIIMI.!:.
dU in V.M.U County! i l-.ngton avenue, around the cor-
VaVin.lne'a fight to keep from going
to Jail has Interested the legal frater
nity throughout this State. Many be
lleved In his Innocence. He was con
victed on tho tos'.lmony of handwriting
expel Is. The deed was made from Val
entino's wife to his mother, and to,
being the only child, would Inherit atl
his mother's property.
Valntma will be taken into custody
at once and sent to Sing Sing to serve
his sentence of not less than one year
nor more than five,
ncr from the station, that they have
htmn una.ble to find nnv traco of the
twenty-two gowns, valued at ll.ww,
which burglars took from her establish
ment early yesterday. The door was
forced open and all tho finished and
partly finished worn tumn.
Canadian Y. M. C. A. Breaks Array
WINNIPEG. Man.. May 3L-Thc
Canadian Young Men's Christian As
soclatlon hts decided to break away
from the American council. Hereafter
all education and religious campaigns
ri net fl AfTsffcraa
TKe size
makes the price!
No cLifferencei
THE "Arrow" marks
the shirt of style and
service. We depend
on its good qualities to sell you
another bearing the same label
Makers or Arrow Collars and Shirts.
I I 11
Save 4.S0 to 12.50 On Your
Summer Suit Proved by Test
WE pulled off1 a test tho
otfier day for the bene
fit of our sales force.
We wanted to fill them full of the
lame nthuiam which the expert
of our tailoring plant feel over the wonder
ful array of remarkable Summer clothe
which we have juit put on tale.
' We wanted to convince them that in
compariton with garment! told by the
better New York stores at 4.50 to 12.50
MORE than our prices, our suits were as
good and far better.
We wanted to give them that enthusiasm
which the ring of truth in their words can
only give.
We wanted them to feel that they were
actually selling' the fineet ready-for-service
clothes to be had.
We sent out some of our bright young men
eacn one juage or ciotntng, with
rolls of the long green tucked in their
pockets and instructions to go to every good
a f if i U. M a .a .
tfore in new rorrt ana ouy uie very nnett pgi
nftf rtna thrv r-nnlH find a anlf tn fie thm. ! !
selves each one a judge of clothing.
These purchases were assembled and tried
on a living model in compariton with
Smith Qray fi Co. suits the name on
each garment being withheld.
In every instance, the pores taken among
our salesmen proved that our garments were
the mo$t perfect in fit, in tailoring and
far better in quality of fabric.
And in every inttance the price paid for
the suits purchased elsewhere was 4,50 to
12.50 MORE than similar garments in our
At the end of the tett which occupied
several hours the enthusiasm knew no
So when we talk of value as, for in
stance, a 22.50 value for 15.50 we mean
comparative valuee values that .you can
see for yourself when you come here to
morrow to select your cool Summer suit.
Summer Suits, 15.50
Values 20.00 es 22.50
Neat natural finish blue acrge, ym dyed wor
st ecU, handsome velours and casilmeret, correct
and exclusive new grays, browns and heather
shades in neat mixtures. Light crashes and home
spuns, many half skeleton lined for the hottest
Bummer weather. English, college and Fifth
Avenue models to choose from.
Summer Suits, 22.50
Values 27.50 6 30.00
Saxony cassimeret and rich velours. Blue
serges of English weave. Staple grays. All the
newest browns, blues, heather and silk mixtures.
Tropical worsteds, homespuns and velour flannel.
Advanced models.
Summer Suits, 1850
Values 22.50 fl 25.00
Rarely beautiful wonted, fine soft velours and
casauneres. Handsome French spun sergei.
Crash, homespuns and fl nnels many half
skeleton lined. English, Fifth Avenue and college
Summer Suits. 27.50
Values 32.50 to 40.00
Heathen, gray, blue and silk mixture.
Foreign tropical worsteds, Imported homespun
and English wonted flannel velours. Each stylo
Summer Shirts at
Special Prices
Such values as are only expected
at the season's end. Twelve thousand
in ail. Made by America's foremost
shirt makers from their short lengths.
Best of fabrics and workmanship
High grade percales, French printed
madras, negligees or pleated bosom; O flf at.
values to 1.50
Woven Scotch madras, silk and linen;
negligee, pleated bosoms, and soft " fl
Preach cuffs; values to 2.00 .... J. . J. O
Silk and linen, silk stripe, Russian cord;
soft French cuffs; values 2.50 and -n Q S
3.00 J..OO
Straw Hat Specials
10,000 Regular 2.50, 3.00 & 4.00
Straw Hats, 1.75
Included are hand made samples, excess and can
celled orden from America's foremost straw hat
mukers also English straw hats of our own special
Every known braid and weave of straw more
than one hundred blocks and styles to choose from
a hat ond style for every man and young man all
are this season' newest models,
1500 Fresh, New Blocked
Aquada Panamas. 4.50
6.00, 7.00 & 8.00 Values
The lightest weight hat we know the most care
fully made and of a natural white color. These hats
are selected In Aquada, olombla, by our own
representatives and are guaranteed to be the very
finest qualities that have ever been sold at 6,00,
7.00 and 8.00. Two doxen popular model.
Motor Clothes for Owners and Chauffeurs
Two Brooklyn S tor .si
Fulton St. at Flatbush Ave.
fcJlB'iidwar at Bedford Ava.
Smith Gray & Co.
Two New York Stores i
Broadway at Warren St.
Across from City Hall.
at 34th Street
The Newest Summer Dresses
for Misses, Small Women and Girls
J Our Misses' Department is such a mine of new and distinctive ideas at this
writing that the special values enumerated below should be regarded only in the
light of a personal choice from a collection of apparel too prodigious and diverse for
any two minds to agree as to which are the most notable values. But we
believe that this collection of dresses specialized for tomorrow should prove par
ticularly helpful to many young women who are now debating trie question 01
Q..mms fmnW Included nre nil the most desirable models, fabrics and colorings
of the hour, and every garment is a most liberal value, and considerably under
ruling prices elsewhere. Keally remarkable values.
Misses' French Linen Dresses
valua 12.95 special at 7.95
Entirely new models, made of French Hnen, In
white, Copenhagen, pink and gray, with em
broidered batiste or hand crochet collar and
cuffs. Attractive little garments. I4tol8years.
SMond floor
Girls' Washable Dresses
value 4.95 special at 2.95
Made of Imoorted tissue, In striped or plaid
dimities, chnmbrays and repps. Fifteen very
attractive models, In a goodly range oi color
ings. Sizes 6 to 14 years. -
Misses' Voile & Batiste Dresses
value 12.95 special at 7.95
value 15.00 special at 9.75
Made of imported striped voile and flowered
batiste, In fen very attractive models. A large
assortment of colorings. Sizes 14 to 18 years.
Girls' White Dresses
value 5.95 special at 2.95
value 9.75. .special at 5.95
value 15.00. . . .special at 7.95
Made of eyelet embroidery, French lawn, ba
tiste and voile. Twenty-five models, suitable
for graduation or class day. 6 to 14 years.
Special Clearance Sale Tomorrow
Misses' Suits and Girls' Coats
at liberal reductions
85 Misses' Tailored Suits formerly 25.00 to 39-50 to close at 15.00
- 35 Girls' Taffeta Coats... . formerly 12.95 to close at 5.00
Tomorrow, Saturday; a special sale of
Women's White Lingerie Dresses
at pronounced price economies
a The woman who Is planning for the seashore or the country, and wants a lingerie
frock or two to refresh the Summer days, will find this offering one of unusual merit.
Smart little rfarments, made in many new modelsreffectivcly designed and tailored,
and combining to a nicety the practicability of good workmanship and the quality
of being distinctive and chic. The values are extremely good. Fourth floor
Women's White Lingerie Dresses value 7.50 tomorrow 5.00
Women's Pure Linen Dresses value 9.50 tomorrow 5.75
Women'a Linen or Lswn Dreasee value 12.50 .tomorrow 8.50
Women's White Lingerie Dressea value 15.00 tomorrow 10.00
Women'a White Marquisette Dressea value 22.50 tomorrow 15.00
Women'a Lingerie or Voile Dresses value 25.00 .tomorrow 18.50
Women'a Linen or Lingerie Dressea value 29.50 tomorrow 22.50
Women'a Lingerie or Marquisette Dresses value 39.50 tomorrow 29.50
Women'a White or Ecru Net Dressea . value 42.50 tomorrow 29.50
Women'a White Lingerie Dresses value 50.00. . tomorrow 35.00
Women's. Suits f oe nn
Values 35.00 to 50.00 at
148 suits, taken from our regular stock, i
priced specially for tomorrow's selling. Limi
Quantities of any style. All colors and sli
Women's Tub Suits
Value 22.50 special at
Made of linens, ramie crash or heavy cord, In
natural, white, blue, pink or hello. All neatly
trimmed, and the workmanship Is of a high order.
55 Women't Three-Piece Suits og 00
. Formerly 50.00 reduced to)"w,vv
Made of the finest taffeta silk and shantung, in three models. Very
handsome garments, and a rare price opportunity. All colors and sizes.
Young Men Clothes $15
and what that means at Saks'
J We make clothes for the young man at prices both
lower ond higher than 15.00. But we feel that 15-00
Is .the most popular price of all, and even though a
young man should desire to spend more, wc shall
be glad to have him formulate his opinion of our
capabilities by our 15.00 productions. They tell
nnr ontlro etnru. nc tn stvle. individuality and finish,
and it is our experience that many a young man who
has been accustomed to soend more has found all
the satisfaction he required in a Saks garment at j
15.00. This season s models in our young
garments are particularly notable for style-variations,
nnri thp. fnVirire nre pfiunllv well assorted. At 15-00
we ore showing Norfolks, single breasted and double i
breasted models, in all the favored labnes lor smart
Summer wear, with the ever popular blues, browns
and grays first in the betting.
Boys' Clothes
at big reductions from former prices
J Point to remember about Saks clothes forBoys is,
that whilst our prices arc the same or lower than other
prices, the workmanship and style are far superior.
This is our standard claim on your consideration, but
we supplement it tomorrow with an offering of boys'
suits that have been reduced considerably from regular
prices in order to effect quick selling. Second floor
250 Boys' Suits, mode of all-wool fancy mixtures, in
Norfolk and double-breasted models. Mphair lined, and
some have two pairs of trousers. 8 to 17 years.
Formerly 6.75 and 7.50 now reduced to.
Boys' Blue Serge Suits, made of all-wool serge, in)
Norfolk and double-breasted models. 1 ailorea to our
specifications throughout. Sizes 8 to 17 years.
formerly 6.95 now reduced to
Boys' Wash Suits, Russian and sailor models. Made of
galatea, madras, chambrays and linene. 2 to 10 vrs.
Pormerly 2.50 and 7.75 now reduced to
Women's Coats at liberal savings
q At all seasons of the year one needs a coat. It is the most indispensable of
garments. Even in the height of Summer there ore so many emergencies when a
coat is necessary and useful that it is unwise to be without one. This great collection
of coats and wraps offers you a matchless selection of garments popular for city
ond vacation use, ond the underpricing in every instance is strikingly liberal.
Women's Linen Coats value 10.00 tomorrow 7.50
Women'a Linen Coata value 1830 ...tomorrow 12.50
Women'a Dressy Coata value 25.00. ...... . .tomorrow 15.00
Women'a Tourist Coata value 29.50 tomorrow 15.00
Women'a Navy or Black Coats value 25.00 tomorrow 15.00
Women'a White Coata volue 35.00 tomorrow 25.00
Women'a Norfolk Coats. value 15.00 tomorrow 9.50
'Women'a Sport Coats. value 25.00.. ....... tomorrow 18.50
Women'a Pongee Coats ... value 22.50 .-...tomorrow 15.00
Women'a Eponge Coats. .... .i- value 39.50 .tomorrow 29.50
Women'a Voile Coata value 27.50 tomorrow 19.50
Women'a Short Taffeta Jackets volue 12.50 tomorrow 6.75
Women'a Satin Wraps value 25.00 tomorrow 15.00
Misses' & Children's Hats
important clearance tomorrow
J Although these reductions are surprisingly liberal,
we want to call your attention to the fact that this sale
offers you a most engaging selection of smart summer
hat styles. All that has happened to them is that
they have outstayed their period of probation.
Hats, trimmed with ribbons, fancy feathers, flowers A gg
and cherries. Formerly 8.50 to 15.95 reduced to)
Hats, that formerly sold from 4.50 to 7.95, qc
Saturday reduced to J50
Girls' Blazer Hats, In all the college effects. Suit-)
able for pretty girls of 8 to 18 years. Pormerly 2.75 1 .65
Saturday reduced to )
Trimmed Hats at $10
that usually sell at 16.50
3 We have assembled for this offering a limited though
sufficient number of fine quality white hemp hats, in
all the wanted shapes. Some are trimmed with ostrich
plumes, some with fancy ostrich novelties, and pretty
colorful flowers are decoratively employed in others.
We have also included a number of smart tailored
effects to go with that smart 'tailored suit of yours.
All are fashioned in accordance with the latest advices
as to what's what in Paris hat style's. Third floor
Women's Fine White Silk Moire Hats, with black
hemp facings. Very special tomorrow at 8.50
Youths' & Boys' Shirts at 65c
special sale of 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 values
J A malcer of boys' shirts who furnishes a goodly per
centage of our regular stocks found himself with an
accumulation of short lengths of piece goods, and of
fered to make them up for us at a loss, provided we
would take the lot. The proposition also included his
entire sample line. We readily agreed, of course, for
shirts like these sell regularly for 1.50 to 3.0ft apiece.
There are silks. French flannels, Madras, percales and
silks and linens. All fine quality, durable fabrics, and
t. p, 111 r" .
an made in a line, auraDie way. aome nave separate
collars to match. All are astounding values at 65c
Store Your Furs Now
J Our fur storage facilities are so modern and com
plete our cleaning processes arc so effectual
and our charges are so nominal, that you really
have no excuse for not taking advantage of such
favorable considerations. Drop us a card, or coll
2626 Greeley, and we will respond e quickly as a
fire brigade is galvanized fnte acfttan by an alarm.

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