THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1911 7 BECKER'S ALLEGED GRAFT HOARD TRACED TO ir:w of flMtuMNt "! looking Nl t , IMM i1w1 gamhler. reBfagBM IMM BXkf is imonn life ! iei,h!llBrg. ' i f?t ,ht ! t-A'torney hsts bMD r;.Tonoted - tsttlgtf. ly end sounded out on Mi Hon reape-t of taking UMfM , in ti rlfl the Inllrtid UnMMI ' Mr W Itmkn I willing to accent the lM ! II, ker nnlv on condition that Becker will Itll ll knrrws and thst his - Mk i re Will irtng to IMM the hta ii i up In th now WMWHIHl pny Unit I to m.mrM-r, Ml "t gr er h folic lepartmnt. I'm i ii'i or four different oromnn lb Whitman ha xired til view I i Beiker't standing. Bismmarised, hem In III , ".t!"n of the IHalrlo.. Au ey; WHITMAN "HOPES" BECKER WILL TELL ALL. "i:. cier in charg"d Willi M llgatlng the 1 i"ler or Hcrmin Rosenthal II la ac. used of aupcrlntendlng the cm- Jllo .11 lit uf the uur dcsjicrnle y.nin tlnia m'k' committed (.Hi actual crime. I I. ira-tu agoui! uccaer la ul the 111 i ailliiua tlu- Ire. I 1 nil Id Hut aay. nlT hund. Ilia! 1 awwai aw aider offering h in iiniminlty. veu though ho ehoulj volunl'ir lo aid M I 1 liih . "Illil I have iiopc I "' Becker will find I lua. It I" In hla Inlereal In I'll th- truth. I. he lOIlM an outline Ilia IHUMIMI ! '' 1 "hi. uld M IU4.K over the situation- aurd(i la n crime more eerlout lliun btoakmall. But m thi mm nine thM I.', .okumll la Involvnl. Wear, in .1 l" lion, 1 think. 10 hreak up wKkcd. In ntirnu and ilemorilu ng MltollM Valw.en ceitaln men In tho l'ullca '- g. 11: 11. nl ami towblMkm T M bMMM to "" roriimutilt v of tha :n MalUM Mob ah klllMOl would Brtlgk me ene t of IM Inlllcllon of li' ngtrama p.iiilahment BrMgrlbO My law Cm a murderer. If Be U'-r rould tU nt In hiring UN BOB BtkM batWBM the 1 liepaHinent and thi . nnduct nf'dlng houaea ami plana ut evn i ,(lr tnitc I nllght .ik MBM clemency IB, lor lie would UBdMbtoAl) to the 1 ' nf New York" n greni gn4 '.. UM oVr lea." At the lima of Heckera arreil, The BvmlOg ' "Id aaiil that John W. Hurt, routin'l for the acuaed pollcemaii. hid veiled overture to the Dlatrtot Attorney nonrWnlng th" pCMlbNIty that .Becker might ba of aid to th tfMMi tion I" utiMverlng police Kiaft. Theae nejntlatlona did note axlend beyond th preliminary vtage. M'INTYRr. SHARP BARGAINER, TWICE SEES WHITMAN John F. Matntyre. tho recntly M."R" """ www 10 si ii asaw tal'icd e-ounael lit chief for Boker. has ' darers t,m ' getaway" money. This hl two conferoncos with Mr. Whitman. ; "'of Backer wtnt to tha Wat Mr. MeUtm la a v.tersn In th prao- atr.t atatlon. It la as lie of criminal law. II Is a sharp "ted. bargainer. nd It might fc that T. Mr- Mo''' on hearing Mlaa T-und s JMntyi would con.lder turning his ""r- Immediately lud a subpoena, el,-.. 1 ovr to th DUtrlct-Attornoy In '"ngf on QrlffHh lo appaar bofor th return lor a promlM of ora drfalto (lrh' J"rr n Tuesday. Thle Is not nuniahnnn.t in tho way of a Urm of Im-, " flrat report that has reached the prtxinniant. After th Grand Jury adjourned ye- I teilny Mr. Whllinan learned that Becker's wife, during th month of I May, mil, mad four depoalt In th We t Mdu Saving Hank amounting to tl.d'ic. th limit allowed by aavlngs In It" relation to police graft I of ln bank on' an Individual deposit. He aleo tcreal. llo regard the noeentlial cas iMrntd that lU.wu additional wa d- the opening, at laat, to a dUclosurs posited at about the sum time to licckcr's credit In four olhtr aavlngs bank In thl city. Mr. Whitman alio haa Information nf depoalt inad by llvrker, under en alio, in av!nr bank In New Jerey and l onnectleut. Arrangement have herculean tk. Thy wer badly handl boeu made for securing a record of all , cappPj. Thl proceeding, on th con thet deposits. And aavlngs banks, nut : tiary, Is very simple. Here wo sr not being nuiiieruu enough lo noiu all or Ue-KH pickings, tho lieutenant car- 1 rlad an account In a broaeragu office. ' avuordlug to reports inde to Mr. Whit 1 man. Thel brukersg account will oon ' Jje unco w red - My. Wldlinan lias evidence that the Jng.i tide of B-ckere pioeperlty was: Iptruck in March. April and May of thl ft'oar. Money tame, to him so fast he J was hard put to dlanoto of It. That ba cltaned un cluae to Iso.uOu in graft t!n"kneVi'ttM '"0"t"" " "UM ROSENTHAL TOLD OF STREAM nt adict unuiv ""-V The reveltttiona coiice.riili Decker's tank depoalla aiu oonllrmalory of Her. Ulan Hoteiulial'a atatmiiciils. Hosvnthal told th" lUstrict-Attorii.-y how Uecker's ealhacUona climbed ua the winter of IW wai.-j and rtoa ol ISU .et .... , It la BOl known wheilur Mr. Uhltniau! lie IhS n.ici in. r. - . but K, Suur Ua before ha Was killed, told a tl..d that liecker was so fliiah In th btglunliig of th year that hu loaned him (KuM-nthal Sn.uuu In tndal lnrnta uf from f w to ..nj at a tun. ' It was nut uiitll Kusenllisl necileil LHI :u one loaa that B01 I.. 1. accur.llng to Kuaeiithal, took a innrtgage 011 tbu ' , . nltl. Street gambling houn . Iht DUtrlct-Atturuey has toOatOd thu bunk occounta of two polno inapector wii is name have boon montlonsd 11 cuiineii.Liii with th Rosenthal cu. Tl.c rucords of the aoootintg ha-, e been ISMS, It 1 not violation of con. ttdciior tv ay Ihat Ihey show tuot ahisBfhgjJsf asJOltty oa tha pun of th two p ' , ofBciai-. The time Is not ripe (el ii.'lnglng alt thlg evidence, Irjwevar, a.- other bjnk account are iik w-ttigit eIklown tied. vy ,.., , ouu.vM., Ia LOOKLD FOR. It I ,i fliliotlv xpcted In llie In- 1 trlci-Mi"i ney's ofRo that lh nut big M.i pin. nt In the i'm se will he a con- fas Ian syaai Ja.ou iteich. aiiaa la ok aatUvan, who wan Hausferred to the Hl SUo l'rlsiui ye:erda from the Toaibs Na' an I Important evldcn -c d.reii!)- eviBCCcIlug Ketch, with Ine mur der hu heen discovered. din. ml ataalak, a witne.s p oduced uii. xik-lI' -lly before the Cli and Jury yes lrdi), who suw ihe murder of Itosen- thai, is pi cparnd loauuar Unit H tlltvan was lh fa st person to touch Rosen thal's uud aftei th gambltr toll dead on .ue - n Tue uimva thai aUeuiuh was in tie Disirlct-Atlorm-y'a hands aitJ tin- naiure'of his evidence was con vi . ,1 10 Ktlch to-day. ..Jamre M. dulI'Vaa, aounl for "Jack" atc', afler a visit iW .Hint at ths Vit bide t'rlauii thU inunilng, called t th 7"ltr1'-t-Atlornjr' office. Mr. fliilllvan wm bubbling over with rxclt ment. "I bsea fnivl nesei. fmm thS oi gga loii " h raid. "Toil ran lock for something h t to i." i by to-morrow. 'Harry Vallnn and Jni-k Hulllvan had a long t..'k laat night. Vallnn aougn t In Impress on Sullivan the Importance "" Interests r Irani tn n knows. A hiic tjulllvan did not n'lrnlt thai ho wan Impressed hy th argu ments he undoubtsslly was." WHITMAN HAS EVIDENCE TO CHARQC RtltM Wllrl MUHUtB. n t'ia evidence ol stunt h and liula , Knse. tha waiter. I i.lrl t-Attorney I , . H , , i v Whitman la In poMtnn In n-k the (iraml Jiuv in lltiil an Indictment ' haralnW Helen with murder In the flrat degree actual participation In tha killing of li.innthnl. Tic (irninl Jury will not meet until Tui-eday. and Hulllvan gaga) up Willi three men Brest have T2ZZ rcn ly .infeeel, will have 4 I port mi 1 1 y for thourhl hofni that Itm. i Thn ppafBhui at Meet. nekr in I ti T n today hrr.i 1 h published i i ,r.,r, ,hnt hr h,rt hrok'-n down in hie cell when he henrd that Nil hank ac- rowitl hul leen In it.l tnd fiat I l.irry I'nlhik Imd given dii'naglug teatlmony tffalnal him. Ilecker'a . wire cltar ,.t"l hll BtfVi WM appaten'ly na atrong aa ever. "I wnnl II to tie ttndei 'food nnce and f.'i- i'l," Ml4 llccker in an Krnlim Wm Id reMirter, "Ihat I have nu con- rMlon l'i make, fur tha alniple reaiion wnu 1 rinvc uninillg 10 enmeaa. 1111c iriii bo pforon vary clgwly at tM wopw i' ii... when 1 havg my day In court. v.. Ml Mllar than now, and anyone win; him Ida prlvllign of entering the Tombi and iMlnfl me will realize that.'' aiRL LOSES HER JOB FOR TE8TI PVING, SHEl DECLARES. Aaaiatanl Dla4rletAttomoy MoBa waa Hoc I i-il.i hy Harriet l.und that -he had hern Uncharged from the poai tion of nlgiit caaiiier of Drake reatnn- 1 an: at No. HI Vet rorly-"i -mid n l. hy the manger. Marry (Irtftlth bOl BttM alir ha-l bMB ttlbpOOCiaOd tn up Mar In f,,re the QfMQ Jury. 'Jrlfflth I told her, he enld, ahe had brought too miflt nuturlety on the pla"e. Via Land 1 n wltneaa fur tho Dlatrlct-Attnrncy. She aw "Ja'-k" ltnae, "itiidgle" Webber and a :ien I ruppoied to hav been llei-wcr In con fcroncc 011 the shlcwnlk of Korty-aecond atnet, near the rcataurnnl. something more than sn hour after Rosenthal wn killed. Her teatlmony Is Important, In that It confirms Ito' aacrtlon tha. llccker hurried downtown from hi home when notified of th killing, mot Rose and Webber In Kot ty -second atreot I)lrlcr-Attorny'a offlo of apparent attempt to Intimidate wltnessM for tha ni-iinle 11 the lu-ctcer case. Ilecauae of hit experlene with the !..- iw and Muni Investigation, Mr. Mosa's Ides of the prarcnt procdlng uf the Syitem" In the Tollca Depart- merit. SAME OLD "SYSTEM," BUT IM PROVED METHODS. "The I.CX0W and Maset investigators," I aald Mr Moaa 10-day. "undertook a ,fral, r B11y wilt of habea corpus. u h Hyatem,' aa revealed In the cur. rfI, HTggtUjBtllB 1 about the same aa t)le ByiBWIl' a revealed by the Lexow sjTtttHlttlr, 1 man by that thst ths hly ), there, hut the heads, however. -nf rur., wm, the progress of time ,n,.r Jmv. noen some Improvements, Th f,k, rBiflii fnr matoiice, are new. , i..,.., ,hev hadn't thought ... i.i i... . . r.,i,i .,,d I ' """ rt",a "" 'n, CUUrt" 1 JSPECTOIt HIJGUKS ,..,.-..,. in I nl 1 t .1. I tiY It 1 1 1 1 At , I Ill'CnV 'M HY nfttiRTKtl " Bl u v ,a ulJtJDM u Th" condition of Inapector Kdward .Hughe. In . h.irge of the Detective st HMdquartars ana now Hned nt his home. No. SB 1-ourth trt. iiinoKiyn, with nine cc.ntrctea aur Ing his search In the Catskllls for lh in the Inveat.gatlon. Mr. Watsun ld BoBontha murder auspecta, changed 1 to-day he waa going o conduct an ag nmtei lally for the worse laat night. ; STOBglVS Inveetlgatton from i n. ouiel All the tadlMttaas of pleuro-pneumonlw eompll atcd by a weakening of 111 kidney and stomach function. So serious became th Inpctor' tat. that Dr. Edward and Dr. Mi Ooldrtch, the latter police aurgeon, """t '"r SarS D. I'aunor, Head aurgeon "I the l'nii e Department, and lh throe worked over the tick man all ntght. The falling heart action and high temparatUra manlfeatod caused them I" baVB grain :,n for tile In- pi stot rooatfory, Karly lo-day ooadltlans were aiighiiy bttn 1. but ths three physicians id thai Hughe was In a very danguroua condition- nrMnr- Ar- ccc . , M , , M , , UCUIUL 3(0 UUU tWUULlM I rnn nr ar nil I rnf, niTu-n FOR NE-V HILLTOP PITCHER. , 'f. Aug l.-il,.- d.r. tor of Lawfanea Basahall Club of tha New , '" ' 11 i lSBu0 bBVB the utuhorlty to ' !l ' 1 :'-1 " Keating "f that cluu lo the .New Yoik team of the a ai . 11. Leagui forSMM Judge Min ion in the SSJttltl seaslon of the Hu- pn inr Court to-duy rofueed to lasua an Utjunctloa auke.l for by the plaintiff It) the sull of J or cult hu'.lliaii aga.i.-. . li i.s Hloaoi and Denial A Moon. The ill te id.tnl, a',, dllectlil uf th Ugwron e ,111.1 us audi had saraod t; :::: Keating t., -.i. v...k aiuei. l-aiia for Kutlivan who Is a st.., khoidci nt tho LaarrenM team. aoiight to have ine defendant re strained from kol a tnseting of the direct. os mi Aug 41 tiffo ratify Hi Boatraot, alullu.ill -l.ll'lia1 thai Keal ihe' ...: J ... Sold tot BUN i-i. Hi I -S). GAMBLERS OFFER PROOF OF GRAF! TO THE ALDERMEN. Pay Extortionate - ' I I 1 1 I I 1 I Kates and W ere Driven Out of Business. SOME KHPT A RECORD. V-iirman nf Hi1 fWnmlftM Says Special Counsel Will Be Selected Next Week. lie.,,., .... who have !een driven out nf btlBlMM hecauae they cmild lint or would not auhndt lo poil. e graft or who 0frntrfl police powera have volun teered tn tiecom wltnea. e.i liefore the AMoflMltifl eommlltee which la tn In- ivatlgat police graft. Theie offer hav heen niai'e In l-ltern to inr.nher of the rmiimlttee. who Iranaferred ihem to 1 Chairman k. m. Curran, Himtiar offer from fnrrner lieapera of dUorderly bOtttoa who had dealing with th police have alo btn rcelvd. The committeeman refud to-day ta make 1,, th name of th writer of the Icttera, hut aald they would he called upon to teatlfy. On man, who, aald he waa a gambler and declared h could not afford to pay tha police the high amount of protection money d-I manded. and wa uboquently rlrlvan out of hualnaa. wrot that h had dealings with a cartaln Inpctor now on th force and that he ha In hla j poaion memoranua in 000 k mrni. showing Juat how much wa akd for protection. Thla book was kept for the satisfaction of a partner, who Is Mid to be willing to corroborate th atatemen t of the 'writer. BELIEVE THE CHARGES 0 GRAFT ARB TRUE. The members of th committee eay they have no reason to believe the acctiMtlons are not true, aa the letter beara many marks or truthfulness. Monday or Tuesday at the latest the members of tha Investigating committee will have a conferenoe. All the nine membera have promised to attend. At the ronferenda the nama of tha apodal counsel to the com ml t tee will be decided upon and mad known. The conference will be aecrat. but other meeting of the committee when wltneaaes are called to the stand -ealU be held In public. The flrat testimony will b taken on Aug. IS, when the Mayor, Police Commlloner Waldo and other official will b ailed to the witness chair. Alderman Curran. Chairman of the committee, Mid to-day that while scores of names of eminent lawyer had been presented, the Hat had now heen re duced to about twelve. He declined to give the name, but It 1 known that among them are Samuel I.'ntcrmyer John Purroy Mltchel, Jam W. Os hornr, Magistrate Corrlgan. who I allll at dugger-polnt with Mayor Oaynor; OOOtg Oordon Battl and ex-Oov. Frank Black. NO OUTSIDE INFLUENCE WILL BE TOLERATED. "We propose to make (election of coutiael without the -lightest outald Influence," said I'halnnan t'urran. "We j do not want- nor will wc tolerate any ! itch tnftiieiKu either In the beginning or during the Investigation. The l.exow Inveallgatlon uncovered a link of ln hiulty, but the cover wss put back again. That lnvtlgallon did not rem &0Z& n-cnu ir."",nadUe, and wher thee paymenl go eventually. w ltr" oln 10 Prol, deeply. Then ' 'r' l"H'r lo mmovf thf ranlnr. It Is a big task Much will dapend upon ,h character of counsel to be retained, foi we must have a man who will do a ood thorough Job." On poiatlon ticiins! Walton 1 pr- ivy "- "' "" - w " smg X.T'i; ZiiZM of .1. ,lllliunll , bp ,,. ,h and In consultation him titrouah- c,n ' the witnes. atand any man efho I able to give Information o' who nny be accused. RUBBER OAS TUBES BRING DEATH TO TWO. Widow' Attires Herself in Mnurn iiig Ciarb; Tailor Found Lylflf on Cutting Table. Tan Williamsburg pie. a nun and a woman, tied rubber tubes in ll.elr . mouths before turning on the gaa, to I make aure of death. Hoth c , veiled Mrs Kaie Muelhauaer. aged fifty-four, j li ft BJaM by the death of all Jir near I isihtsb eiwa "e ,'. lew lllilllins. ittht-il )w.r..)f vMt-rrlv n l.-r will itarh nml wrm in that authaiPsan i 'an.a. I ; lr, where ehe placed flower on the graves of thOeS for whom she BBOUrnsd, She eeturn.vt t i her home a No. 217 Hlmrod street, Williamsburg, nnd seat, , 1 herself in a rucking chair. Then he Hod rubber turn from a nar.iii gas jet Into her mouth mid turned on tne ga Iter body wa found to day bv Patrolman Mch at the Hamburg avenue station, wlu was matBiOBOd l nolghborai David arsskskors, gei fony-nve. cost prcsaer In the tailoring establish ment of 1. 'jut andstnan, at No. m ThrOOP avenue, hid himself g (he . building when his fellow workers loft at midnight I"1 nlSht. Early to-.Uy the night wetohmen, Baniusl Bstflstato, found ilien-berg's body lying BP CUtllng labia, a ga Uibu lied into hi rnuulii an-1 tut gas tinned on full imiNK i i.-H.iitr iiltv am. "Ml ss seal , s w.-.ti,. Inspector in Charge of Detectives Reported Dying of Pneumonia M tBrwF''i .KeM bsbbW I ka.m. tf IfbW''' COL. ASTOR WIDOW MAY FIGHT WILL AFTER HEIR S BIRTH (Continued from First Page.) mv opinion thai under no circumstance and under no conditions will there b any conteat for It hj so far never en tared my daughter' head to start such proceedings. There, now, I have been a frank as 1 can possibly be. "If ever there was a woman who tried to avoid notoriety It hoa been Mrs. Aalor. Her OOndUOt has been ninKnill- cent. The crowds around the house up town are only an evidence of the out-1 rageous condition. whb lh exist lu this city. The police say that they can drlv the curious person away from only that portion of the sidewalk in front of the Astor mansion. Wo simply have to bear with conditions as they are." CONSULTS WITH CLERK OF DAUGHTER'S ATTORNEY. Mr. Force wa in conference to-, lay with Italph O, Willgus, confidential c!rl to Judge tllldersleeve. It was believed the subject under dlsi usslon was the ro cent crash Into the Astor mansion of the Fifth avenue hut. which was Wit neaaed from an upper window by Mr. Aator herself Mrs Astor will havo a claim fnr damage ngalnat th company as the owner of the Aator mansion, Judge Wlldcrleee Is said to lie on a vacation lh New- Hampshire. If the Astor will can be broken the expel, .1 heir will receive 1110, 000, 000 or 1 more, instead o' the j - h Col i&SfeOf provided for "any" posthumous heir, It la reported thoul.l action be taken to contest the will Judge Ollder aleeve will have assnclsted with him CongTMSman Martin W. Littleton and Judge Nforgan J. u'Hrleii. Judges I I'lderhleeve and Judge 0BriOn have olhces 011 tho aainu BgOff at No. '1 Hector etrest, while Mr. Ut tlaton, recently u member of th tj'llrkii firm, ha moved to No. la) Broadway, Hoth Mr. Littleton and Judge O'Brien are oirt of the city, tha former flrhlng up -state and the latter week-ending at Oood Urrnind. I-. I. When Hie will wa probuted. May Zl, jmige QHdaralsevs fflod hub ma mo ran- dun with the oourl and that he deems th rights of hla ward require hint tn state In her behalf that nothing herein shall ba taken as an acceptance hy or for her nf the provision mad for tier In the aald will " ITflder the untt-iiuptta! agreement nuiile lii behalf "f Uri Astor when she Was a minor b her father she Is said to have waived her dower rights in tin' in lieu ot n c'ash sotttomont ol near!) pi 009,000, I'ndar ths win sh r.-- celv tho Interest on pioOMei and the ii i the tator mansion a long she does not mam If the antenuptial Ugre-Tlellt . ould he broken or the Will t... knock, il o'it. then Mr. Astor would act one-third of the Astor ..tate. which is Variously Mil me tod at from 1101,(100,000 o iu, 000,000, - tn.. win stands the bulk of Ool forfnn g"s- t. his sen viuiam Vincent Ator. ACTIVE SECURITIES. a fi.liel aistft 1t"l. oon .iitsas - 1-e'ago Plii, ' ""'t"! 1 i -00 , , . ev ! 1 ' I a Inc. .'- cc'l i i jA i ' . i nspector EDWARD T IN BROOKLYN HOME (Continued from First Pas ) doctor at the hospital believe that tin- Ira complications aet In Mrs. O i jlla ghan will recover. tn ih fl.t nfter the shooilnr the no- II -men found O'Callaghun In bed. heavy calibre automatic plalol lay be side him. When told to get up and dress the cotton merchant ataggered out of bed and the policemen aw he j wa very drunk. When asked what had happened ho aald: "Oh, thl 1 awful: I thought It waa a burglar. 1 heard a noie. I got out of tied and got my gun. I heard a noli In tho hall. I ahouted '1 that you. Lillian? Speak. If you don't answer I hall shoot.' 1 heard no reply, and aure there wa a burglar at the dour, I tired. Oh, my Uodl Then I found It wa my wit. KNEW HI HAD SHOT WIFE, WENT BACK TO BED. "I didn't know what to do, o 1 went back to bed. "My wife and I liavo never had any trouble, o why should 1 hout her?" Th cotton merchant's aon-ln-law, Walter Hutchinson, who I tn the banknote bulnea and living on the top floor of the house, told the police that his fathor-ln-law had niarrlud hla aecond wife sla yeara ago and waa extremely fond of her. He had never heard, he said, that there had been the slightest friction between them on uny occasion and they always ap peared very happy logsthtr. Ho said that only one bfor had he know n of his fathar-ln-law to get drunk. On th floor of th room the police found mora iny.ii a doseu empty beer bottles. Mr. Hutchinson thught his ' fsther-ln-law must have sat on drink ing alone afler he left. On th way to the Orand avnu po lice atatlon Mr. O'Ctllaghan had to ba assisted hy the police. He wa o much under the Influence of drink he could hardly walk. He wa rubiuently arraigned before Magltrut McOulr In th Oat Ave as Court and hld Dendlna the outcome of his wife's Injuries The doctor aald I they wer.- probing for the bullets and I thought the woman had a chance of re. I covery. or Killed kr Asia. An unldenUtled boy about five years old. was run over to-day by an auto mobile truck, at Klrit avenue and Fifty fourth street. He wa taken to PlOWOf Hopltal where he died. For Garden Parties it is as popular when iced as punch or lemonade. Costs less. WUiiftose CEYLON TEA Uniformly Excellent. ishits Rom Coffee, Only 35c. a Peead MERCHAN SHOOTS HIS WIFE IN DM FATE OF "SQUEALERS" CLOSES NO. 5011 'SUPS EI Man From Sin.y Sing Refuse in Testily Against Pal After Betraying Him, 1 w'.in la No aiill at Ulna I Charier n. King, knoM w ist hapie:i to ,q:iel er" in lb grim iron woril where he is spending years, He remain ban how one man had UtottaH IroU poured "b accident" on Ma feel, he recall thl ce of another, only iaat week. UPM whne ftStd a hea . fish-plate d popped m: Ii rlongly So' Cfff hll llos re anted to day wiien Astlatant Ditrict-t,orney lluckner called him In th wltflBM tan l befora Judge MulQUBBII In Part ii. QtinsrSl Bfff sions, to testify against Chester Vales, aivue I of iinvleg heen the principal in the crlni" for Which II " is now serving time the iheft of worth "f bond from aged Aaron Bancroft In the lobby nf 1 he Prodaei BBC haa a safi deposil vaults Hoss prison in ict. is. ML was brought down from Cue. la and had made a the full statement of Yates's alleged complicity in the robbery. The convict had told lluckner Yates wm the brains of the chnie. tht after the robbery ihe had fled to Colorado and California, where they d;poed of the bond. When Ilo-s had ix-en sworn, the first question put to hint wn. "Do yon know I Ihls man ' Huekner pointing to Yates as he asked It. "I nev saw him before," answered the art t nasi with 'he gh lay, white, shaved head HI eyes narrowed and ills lips tensed a he braced himself for I the sinry he war to tell "Didn't vnu make a rull t Menu nt to j me about the rnhhery. wherein you aald 1 litis ii,-'cm.! w-as the one who eng'.- neered It and tho sale of the bon is suo- 1 sciuently ?" "Xo," the w..iic answered stolidly. "Didn't you plead with me that If Yates were convicted he should he sent la Dannemora Instead of Sing Sing, be cause you were afraid he would kill J Oil for a 'squealer'?" Again the man wl-.'h the shaven f.utc denied. Huekner ordered him from the stand In d!.sust and he wa locked up again la the Tombs. "Didn't yon tell me laat nlgiit that two tuuealcra were nearly killed In .Sing Sing with a pair of sclsior. and that another had a heavy Iron plate dropped on hla heaif" was another question V Buchner naked noes. "I don't all that." MM ROM. Brothers Hart In Auto. Three brothers, Edward. Jack and orrin All fan of No. 19 Bloomlngdal 1 venue, Garfield, N. J., had a narrow eaearo from death thla morning, when I on automobile In which they we-e rl l- I Ing skldrlcil ana crasneu inio ine euro 1 A 1 were unpen inio ine sireec anu severe, y injurca. nay "tn smsvi 1 a hoapital. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Ramova Them Wl.h the New Drug. Aii ssuasai skiu sriilan pkssUj ejaeejel - .1 ,j ..thine ,1, Mil.1..' l'i, .'Ii. Whl.'ll 1, Ml iiinforuil) sncesiful in leniiiuii lie,kl sn,t fiv I ins s .lesr. beautiful oosuarisM laat .t i, v,ld St BISSI lltt'aisu llmg Stores nndir sn tDSM He I lusisi.tsc S refund IX ru.a,. i if It fdj. Ii.n'l Mil' row freeVle Meter get sn n ines of otllln snil rsai .v' hen the flr! niaht't una irill slmsi s un,di'i1 ul ime i .m,hl. vims "f "I' llg'iter fr'H " ,'l" ent.rfly. ll I I, sbsnb't'lj birnli'Ss. snd PSSSSl mjurv tli muxt K'tara'U u ninr il'essnsn Dras "tn" for th itmibls -' otlunr; It I thii tlist Is a, Id . on ths monrv MWrl t'.isrsnt". IPEMMY A rOUNQ taROnTl WEEK-END COMBINATIONS FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS ONLY, 99C ccssnlNUTIlW Mf 1 COMBINAl IUIN INUs 1 Dal B5T r.lllns lo take the longed for SIIIH I ns.' -------t-.V--.i -., i ..kllMtv asm tn ae-ctl SPttiAL FOR FRIDAY. AtlC. 9th SPECIAL FtfRSAURDAY, AUG. lOlta r,EWpjRT STYU CKIAMS ASSORTED CREAM fD ALMONDS ""',,", ". Vii. inerlal will A . a sweel. aholesome ul- -SJ afsa TlSwhefe. PWt'WnBOX V where. I'll! Nl IIO SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (OCOLATE COVERED CRLAMFtY TOASTED MARSBM ALLOWS I ARAMILS Ihe I fermula im s., marshniadlow, earrfull, toasted oV,.e Taramels makes Ihem stsod In a ullll almost melts, then rolled In ESS S themselves, and the drlli luil- .hredded SBSS St, BSUfcll unlit rrlsp ue. of the rhw elate ''"i,,r,Jl Jew.""" and arOWB. Our ,egular n j eMualled. our regular -' " OgT Slh-g ZraP ovda- Hiisiiniix J., niiMiHW "OFFERINGS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ABORTED Mltli CR0C0L.AIEvH.tfLb I. A I. BONBONS AND ASiOKItJi miLa vsi- CH0C01AIES OR ALL CB0CO- I. . single has OTt lH$ only the best tngredteni. eeinplete ,.rl,lT of our aaatBSW )h,.,r .feetlol... with Ihe choeoi.te igasialsi I'aall Bad all roar JJJjK ,,',, ,. (f,r rati lh ut in fan, rite here more giiodn" lhaa hulesoinenes. iurll and drill .,u.- sr 404 39c B39fEr $ l .00 ro 1 so is, v e-e-T I i'ii k ii. 1 in 1 1 m "TNlrktiea-HnTTtrTuTnuTI itlljiierjljirejoeeji-alor MILK CL0C0L rlTE CuVEHED flJ!!iJ&$Z MARASCHINO CHERRIES cAlJ ' WST U Luscious, ripe chprrlen, fnlrly fj VXK ?(?!f',NAS?An floating In tlu-lr own enerOUS 'F,of 06 BROADWAY Juices, pri'servr-d carefully iiu'ldoa W Sr S la, 'ua'el'eZii , shdll of our Premluru ifii,i-f-T-.-..,f I Milk Chocolate. DQn Th. ,, in,n weight m ..h in. isms in POUND BOX ' eludes in coutaiu.r. BANKS MOOSE MEN GIVE WOMEN A VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES. 1 Hair so to l) Represented by Delegate! al Coming si:iiir i lonvsMitrohi It wan aniWUSetd lo- lav at tile head- I BtMrten t 11" v.iti : FrasftMlv FaH) unit tin- mi itc Csnvraiten wnM he held In Sir:, 1, on TlMrffday and, I'M la-. Kent. . Blt4 S I;. will be made Bp of icn d1PltM and ten alicinates from Asembly Dltrci. or ap- proxlmattl) i'.noo nun ind women. i.iiiniy Chairman have been In structed to ee tiiat women members or th l'rou cs..e Psilv arc sent ss de- lsgatea fi rm th. ir Counties, and that women who hive enroll.. I. or .1 "'n to eninil l.i the Part)', be admitted to 1 participate ;n ll rwlmir'o whe'evcr held. The plan for th" ne ..ssiry prl marl and com etitloiia la Hie various Agacinbl) Dinict are being formu lated and will he issur.i early next week. The Pro ft etonal state CommHta of Iht party extended an Inv.tatlon 10 tlov. Johnson of Cillfornl.i to he Its guest nt the State Cnnvenilnn. ITCHING EVERY MOMENT DISTRESSING" ECZEMA MAY BE QUICKLY BANISHED. Trv this Remedy at Our Risk. Eczema i seen in so many form that any itching eruption is almost certain lo lie this disease. In the acute ta?e the itching is almost mad dening, ns it does not give one a moment's peace. Our Dfw .-kin remedy. Saxn Salve, na devised to meet the need for a rcnllv trustworthy und scientific treatment of skin trouble-. Saxo Salve not only stops the ter rific itching at once, liul also pene trates the skin pore-, reaching the very root of the disease with its beal ;nc Kcrm-destrcying, power. Von will be l'th ttrpri-ed and de llghlcrl to sec how the eruption lie gins to dry up and disappear after the fir-l few- application. 1 1 is splendid for children as well a for adult", und wc give hack your money if Snxo Solve doc not Mtitfy you perfectly. All Kiker and negenian Stores in New York and Brooklyn and at all drug stores where this blue and white sign Bs is displayed. POPULAR ONE -DAY OUTINOS Lake Hopatoong $1 tVSV SUNDAY AND HOLIDAV Leave Wet 23rd St. Si a.m. Leave Liberty St. BOO a.m. Maueh Chunk NEXT 9150 SUNDAY Leave West 23m Street 6.20 a.m. Leave Liberty Street 3.30 a.m. Clothing For Ladies and Gentlemen on Credit No Deposit Just $1 Weekly 22743Ave. I 7wl4tHSt. Hrt. iflBd iib I Bet. nan tvs. Ol'EN Til l- 7 I'. M ; SATt'KUAV. Mil'. M, Y I trade dark ) lonslats of one. pound bus eaeli 01 ine odbmlng; Ten-f enl SipeelaJ. Milk ClnWO). iXx:; sweets with joii on your week-elllt trlp II a i.i. ... ... aak. r f .ill lit) ft Clean up Salt For the Balance of the Month Jiii an opportunity each dollar you ipend lo make here lor footwear cuy ;i niucn as a dollar and a hall usually does. Twlci a yctr 1 dean up stock Uigusi and Pabruary. Now is your time. I rtlUtl liave space to examiiiv' (all stock ail my regular stock Ol dimmer fool- wear is rraucca in price oniy. The rime high Krade stnjk Sft.oo. gjoii and 1AM Hiack and mJ I all Ian Vlgl Kid, Black and I'an Q Gun Metal. Patoi't '.alt. lace am indd A?1 button shoes and nindv sin nd dnuhl.- s ilr. egp and plain tors, not ill sum in any one stvlc. put all siifs in the lrncs of to.ks. now sflling St $2.00, $2.75. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Sold Nowhere tltc John M. Forbes sNor. i ov. i at i Tom 6 West Broadway SKAk VKf:V SIT It Kg r 221 Greenwich St. NKAH At.l. PKIBIRS AJfD Tt'BKS MltV Volt',; CITY Send tor CataJogue. , Stomach Troubles Diarrhoea Dysentery Cramps Cholera Sunstroke Malaria and all other summer complaints can be prevented and relieved by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey the one remedy that has been used with con tinued success: the standard of purity and excel ience since I860. Sold IN SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggist,, grocer and dealeri every where, or shipped direct for $1.00 per large bottle. Th Dtaff MsltWsiak; C.,IUcfar,N.T PEMBROKE 2 In. CHATHAM 3 la. This correct closed -front shape has the UNOCORD "SNAP-ON-BUTTONHOLE. Sirnpae to adjust -it snaps on and off with ase aad will net stretch bos heeek. Si Ide Silver Collars Two fee Twmty-ria Cent a by actual tests have proved they last longest in the laundry. Ample Scarf Space exo r roe a CO, ktskm. trov. n. t. For lelic:itc, appcliz ini; flavor in soups or salads, add a dash of Same Its grcut for meats, game or fish, too. 10c. At (irorers and l)rlicatr.eii Storei. Ifftdl by E.Pritrhafd.SJrllKpringSt N.Y. MEN AND Ki 1:ir tft , c , Tiya UpOD thf mlOil. tlln e.TI gll Icsams Bmbitlrn; Waul v. Vlffnr and .'-.: ,.;.ean gVuOQ OBI A U PM dlsapiMl wlito ll,. kldn. , IlUI'ltl" . , mil of order or .IIsm.I. Ker .sl SSS 1". KUmsr's Swsai.-Koot. the past rltlssj tsmsdJ- At druggUu. I BSB 1. I.nttle hr mall fat, sh SSSBtMel. ,dTM, Dr. Kilmer P "' ""' " g T OICEOl It 11 1 1 . in W.dnes.lay. Aug. T. ISIS. MAItV URICB. S( Of Andrew ll r Kunral from hr 1st rldac. ISO Bast SOth st.. on Saturday. Aug. It at ao A. St. : thenes to tho Church ol gt Ignatius l-oyoli. I'srk av. and 4th st. IBtSnBOai M ' I OHM VI Is At '"J 'h KI KA MeCORMACIC. Servlie.. Aug. 10, 111 A. M from Bt. jaasph's Chureh. M U'SHK H. - At her resldell . 4iV7 LMi Inst, .ii av.. Brooklyn. Aug. s, Iglt. M ARY M NKH'r: l nee Cmpb)ll, WlgOW , w 1 1 1 iu it, laha Laaini Hi Klos, fuaarai Saturday moralag. Aug. in. from lier late restden'-s. II. .10 n'-locK; thoiiee i" the chureh of the NatlvltVi mh, iiHiin st. an.t Classoa sv m a. af.1 where ii mass of all lie offered fnr lh.- repnse of her soul. lni.'rinsnt Calvary m,i,n . AGENTS WANTED. shims WANTgn " rkMslesit oat tdstrhstng roaiaiasj Is-nt peet.altlo .,rr 'i.-,-i big ni'llliy I" VMMWSSS BUMll aaly nisi, r.lltbl S'-nl '1 a My. OIL- Sseopj 1 T-S W 1 i;Vt ' , I HELP WANTED MALE. Lltll KLAYKKs, rut ,ist; JU luik SPI'V inr I "r iie;,iioiie, n. t Sup! , I'. KitUr Uidf. Cu . C-aual afaWl gal : SgggaV laFg.ggP. Wt aa. 1.. T.- kUo, ay 1 J ' ' '