Newspaper Page Text
T HE EVENT NO WORLD, rllDAT, 0 C If OB IB J lJ Ml. ENRAGED FANS CLAMORED AT THE GATES FOR HOURS BOW RroiniiW that Yerkes tossed ihl, Merklc k lni to third on Ihll I l It did him no good, as Mey ers' lone drive to left landed In J.ewls' haiuls aftrr he had made a high Jump fur the b.ill. The t'hlef was ogsin MM vMSf of hard lucr. ONE JUT. Ni ROM. THIRD INNING. Wllh two strikes on Wood, TesTeSt! tried a curve, hut the llostoh pit her drove It Into right for a single. Tesrrau missed tba piste three HMl In a row and then msnsgd to act n strike over, lull the next waa the fourth hill and HMpf walked. Yerkea attempted to bunt the flrat ball, but missed It. Ha again tried ti bunt, hut fouled. Yerkes then sent a flow bounder to Tesresu. who threw to tleri'ic at third and forced Wood. Speaker went after the third ball pitched and was out on an easy grounder, Poylo to Merkle. ftoth runners ilvsnced on play and Uwli had a (teat chance to clean up There wag nothing doing, however, aa he topped a spit ball for a aloW (rounder to Fletcher and wa out at first us I, HIT. KO MTN. KletchT was given a great eratlon when he came to bat. Hut be hit a cufva'balt to Wnnd aad waa an easy nils. Wood to fttahl Tesread st,ruck out on three pitched balla, taking hefty awing cacti time. Iiavqra drove a hot grounder to Gardner and waa out at Oral. NO 11 ITU. NO HUNS. FOURTH INNING. Tesraau waa very unsteady Id the fourth and gave Oardner four strain In ha I la fir a pass. Htahl SRHQRoa S eacribVe. )Ut Te.reeu gat tha ball and by a quick throw to Fletcher furred Oardner at eirond. Htahl got a good alart and etole accond, Meyers'a throw l .! high and wide. Wagner waa out on an raay grounder to Mr kle unsssM rd, Btahl advancing lo third on tha play. Fletcher made a great attempt fnrl.lndy'aahnt over second, but fumbled after breaking the l ill downtliutlt went for a alngla and Stshl acored. Wiod lifted a high fly to Murray and retired the aide. ONK Rl.'N. ONE HIT. NO KRROIIB. Doras want after tha aerond ball pitched and waa nailed at flrat by a halr-llne on a alow bounder to Yerkes. After making Hnodgraas atrlke at a fart one. Wood completely fooled him wlik a curve that apllt tha Plata. Ha then switched back to hie fait one and rtnodgraee atruck out, without awlnglng. Murray a!o truck out on two faat mica and a curve ball. The New York i irowd ahnwed I la appreciation of Wood's artletlo work by ohaertng him to the echo. KO BINS. FIFTH INNING' Murray turned hack to the right field wall andmada marveUotgi tjaute-hand-id caH' a drlvg from Hoaper'a bat that looked good for a triple. Thla waa by far the mott wonderful play of the game. After taking two strikes, T.rkea laughjt, a faat one on tha POM) and ehot It Into left for a Magic. Tba feus were hitting Tesrcep hard, and hie unstrad: neai Ml hefeetng tres. Hergog got speiker'gihot shot and anspprd tha bail to loyIe In Mire to force Ygrkea at aecond. Speaker attempted to gteal eec but Meyera mae m perfect throw to Doyle and flail sd him by three feet. NE JUT NO ItUN.H. Waster made a wonderful plrk-up of Merkla's alaah through ''in bog and got him at flrat by a nose. . -ersog took two striken aad than drove a alngla paat Htahl. Meyera atruck out on three pitched balla, tha laat one being a curve that completely fooled him. Wagner ran hack of aecond and made a marvelloua top of Fletchrr'a drive aad threw him out by an eyelash. Thla waa the aecond marvelloua play made by Wagner In one tuning. Mi KI'SS. ONK HIT. SIXTH INNING. Lewie farmed weakly on low aplttera. Oardner awung at a faat one and hit aa aaay foul, to llersog. After giving Htahl three balla, Teartau arttlrd down and atruck him out. NO HUNB. NO HITS. ' Tcsrnau singled to left and atarted a rally for (he Oeanls. On the flret latched Jiall Drtor. araaehed a terrific drive against Wood's ahlu and the ball bouncel past flrat baaa for a alngla. Teareau going to aecond. Doyle awung at the flrat Hi' and lifted a high fly to Yerkea In dlaguet Larry threw hla hat against on play era' bench. The Marrta had stopped their waiting game and are now swinging at the flrat lull. Knedgraaa amaahed a hot one to Yerkea. who tbrvw to Oar-drier and forced out Ievore. Murray then forced out Hnnd graae on ekartly the aame play. Thr Olanta had fallen down on a great chance TWO II ITS. NO rush. SEVENTH INNING. Wagner waa an eaey victim gjfe etrlk.a and Cady follow I anil by fanning nn three pttorrad balla. W ood drove a MM fly to Murray anl retired. Tcareau waa going great now. but It seemed that hla lart waa too late. NO lU'NH. NO WITH. With the onunt etand!ng two and two Mrkle waa fooled on ettTVt and atruck oat. Thla wua Wood'a aeventh victim. Itrraog amaahed a liot drive through Wagner fur hla rei ond hit o( the gurna Myera got Into the 2-3 hole and then llftnd u high fly to Hpe.ikcr. Fletcher la'urhl 4 curve eutiarely on the noae and rammed it agalnl! the right fieia wall for two haaei. arndlng llerrog lipmv. MiH'ormlck waa rtnt Into hat (Of Teen tu and grove ,4 alngle that Tgrkag lirnke down. Fletcher trlnl to icorg ng (e .!ay. Yerkea recovend feg .all and r!.1c a perfect throw to tht pjate. ."Iitclrer wna Mocked off the home plate ind waa an e.iay out. OOtU RON mwM hith EIGHTH INNING' Amca n w pitching for the (l!ant Hgoper inl-e1 two eirlkra gnd tnen paapad an uay fly to natehar 8 iborl I'lat cher made a wotelerful atop of Vfrlice'a grounder and wltH a parte t thraw got hirn at tlrat. tpaakai in gi ied a aVuMt kgalnal tba ritriu n.-id fence, i.ewle r-ilred the aide on an aaga rao under that Fletcher toaacl to flrgl '.'C3 jtl'NH. NO KITE 'jir r ohefli gDotner Mdartttl gtop rvd ikrow cm Davore'i grounder gud nttilnd liia man. Doyle amualo-d Jni 'ii' strglghl Into Hooper' I hgnda Wur'ier mtde a pliln hoot of Hno.l-grr-' i it ro inder and waa good for h baae. Murray arniahed a clean alngl throng i e h c. i t . gdrgJti ln nodgl . t . agcond. Jt w.a now up to Uerltle After tooling uff ihrre hnlla h wga OfelM out u Ktr.kcr. ONK hit. Nrj Hi NH NINTH INNING. ar Iner poled .1 lorijt single 1 . -eiiti, cn the tMfebd ball A kad, Mtgbl sac I, Ames to Menle. 1.., .' , ., 1 vau'iug iu keend, R'ugnei g-gltnl CROWD OF 10,000 RAGED AT POLO GROUND'S GATES WAITING FOR THE UMPIRES , Secretary Refused to Let Them Enter Until After Weary National Commission Had Been Called Out of Bed to Give Consent. (By lUract Wire to The Kvenlng World ! POLO GROUNDS, NEW YORK, Oct. II. Exactly at noon to day the announcement was made that the fourth of the contests to 5ettie the baseball championship of the world would be started at 2 o'clock. The decision 'o go ahead with the gUTM was the signal for a riot and a rush through the ticket gates the rush of ten thousand eager men anJ women crazy !o pay out thlr own money under any and all ra.r'li.-ec ,if time in. I rnmfnrl In .rp n reitfu dtaalM i-u-j .. Juat how far that de.-lalon waa af fected hy tha howl like the lynching hungrv an earn of an Infuriated popu-lac- whl h roarel through the wlndowa of the ofll -ea of the New York Haaehall mail, at Hlghth avenue and One Hun dred arid Flfty-eeverith eiraet. It would he hand to gay. Hut after evnry POOVI encute had been ceinaldere'l are! tel rrptHined down to the heailquartern of the National OgfeMllggtOel at the Waldorf and lauik, and Ifrnplrea O'l-oiiKhlln, Klem and ICvana had lookcil uver the ground and had gone to pollne-guard ed, aoundleita tr-lephorie Niotha to report aa to whether they ahould or ahould not give a verdict that tha groutwU were too wet for a real game, there came a atirlll, wild cream eg nig and mur gafaejg wllllngneaa from the waiting thouaande outalda. Hy thla time they etret.-hed from One Iflindred and Fifty aeventh afreet to One Hundred and FtftyllfCh etr.-ei acrota to Hradhurat avenue and aouth again to One Hundred and .Fortketh etreet. which muat have been heard throug-h tho wlrea to tha Waldorf. The aleepy magnatea of the National ('ommlaalon km up and took notice. They declared tha game oa. After a night of light and heavy rain from midnight until daylight thla morn ing, the I'olo Orounda were a myety myatary. The great giUleree of the front of the atadlum atood out of the fog dimly gray and yellow brown. The grounda were wet, but not eoggy. Had It been the day of the routine game In the National League aeaaon nobody could have doubted that there waa to be a game. But becauae It waa a world'e aerie, mand did doubt. And . alien the street lamps went out thera ware but a scant Ave hundred men and perhaps naif a bundled women a Land ing, flrat on ona leg and then an tho other, along tba huge board fanoa of Klghth avsnue, all of them facing wear ily towards the admission gates near One Hundred and Flfty-aeventh street Aa to what happened after that the National t'ommlsalon ought to answer, but probably will not. TTu ldegree to which the great American public, and aspucially the New York pub lic, which Is supposed to be tba wisest and the moef cynical of them all. will at and for being used as martyrs bad never a better example than under the eoft shadows of V.Hig,n'a Bluffs In the early hours. Murphy, the gruundkueper, who loves hla gTeou lawns of the In field and outfield as a mother lovee her first horn, went across the flald followed by an Kvenlng World reporter at I o'clock. Every I'm,, while he tried th turf gently, lovingly, with the toe of his generous hoot. It was soft but firm. "They can play on It, all right," he said, "but I hate to think whit It w.ll like to-miaTTOw and the work It Willi take to set It right o4:i!n. -tur.', iney ' i can play, but oh, me poor grass!" BOYS HOLDING PLACES IN LINE READY TO SELL CHEAP. At It o'i lock the people out on the aldewalk of Klghlh avenue resulted nearly to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street The men and boys at the head patiently and got four straight hulls Ames now 1n trouble. r'ady hit to PI ate bar and forced Wagner ut second. Wood drove a long single to right, s cor. log (loj'dtier red sending 'ady to third. Hooper lifted an easy fly to rtnodgrasa. ONK RUN, TWO HITS. llerrog drove a long fly to Speaker Meyers fooled out to Cady. Ptetohel popped out to Htahl. NO HITS NO RUNS, LOUISVILLE WINNERS. PIMrT ltAi'K-Three-ycar-olds and Upward; selling; six furlongs. -I hi- mesne. 111. (Loftug). won: Unas af J ad. I dxh, l o i Henry), gagondj fash on Da ! luciv, in (Bug ton), third. Time, 1.18. Island Qtiagsi, Tolaoa a'Os ,CoegMarg' Toil' h. frlrohltd, ComplOa, He en Hur- nei, tuuee niguimtra utni I.assle also ran. TwdoUai Uutuelg Paid OaquMne, stralgtii. 1;''., place, fel; tbOW, Roag of Jedilab, place, life); show I Cfegfe on Daltvary, aliow, :.&. BECKER WITNESS TO GET $590 AND $10,000 INSURANCE. It was learned ;n the 1 ilstr'ct-At- turner's olBug to-day that Thomas Coups is 'inning to New York prac Uoajl) on Ida own terms, without tha 11 PrptMoa uf which by Assist ant r4grletAttorny Us pord 'n refused to hndce OUtSldt Rnfetiab tetntory. Ti e-,, are: Tint he anall l al uwcd $.'' for '. Dense Thai hla life ahull inniv. by tin- tyrunti of Now v fi ii'iKic, the Lnsurgg c t ,r opergllvc from the day hs laavi Rnglgng until tba div he ggalu (els foot on Bngligh .oil. S - "'j uiaiiiiKuianeg nascpaii efame of the tin who had tieen i'llng "Want to ray a pugg, air? Take thla place for five dollara!" were now cooing much more gently and were apeaklng of dol Ura rind half dollar, and were finding few ruatomera. He, retarv n'li,u. whoae chin whlakera were getting ao alrV urltK -..!, - . ...... r.. .!,., mat tneyt were making aounda llku the I. viatica of a mtMla box when hla flngnri twiddled them, walked out over the field. He returned to the Blab houae and allowed ,,ow " couldn't MM , thing about the proapecti. Then came an eavesdropped converaa tlon between itr. O'llrlen and a peraon named John, presumably Mr. John Heydlcr. H.cretary to the National League. Huoh parta of It as ware un avoidably overheard confirmed the Impression that the pereons In charge of the I'olo Grounds a ere emuarraaeud. It ran something like thla: "John, how about ItT" "Wall, you know what I told you. What do they want to doT" "There a about two thousand out here now." "Yes, the line la growing all the time." "I know, but there la a man hara who says It la likely to rain to-morrow too. If It rains to-day he aayi It la certain to rain to-morrow. Then both gamea are gone." "But we have got two thousand people out here now, moat three thousand, and more coining all the time. We can't hold them here all day. The Police and tba Fire Iepartment and the press, all ut them, want to know what they arc going '".'lo' U Mr '"ann "P ?" HURRIED TO PHONE HERRMANN TO OET THE "DOPE." The two leagues assign four umplree to settle a mooted baseball question through this championship aerlea. Tlie are under orders to be present on tht grounds at 11 o'clock each day. Than la no self-evident reason why ona 01 more of them ahould not be here a least as early as the newspaper report ers for the convenience of tha public. At a few minutes after 11 o'clock two umpires, Mr. O LoughUn and Mr. Klem appeared. They wulked to second baae and then to third baae and then hurried to telephone In apparent hiiate to learn whether the omnipo tent Mr. Hurrmann or somebody else had waked from hla wearlneae of last night's tntor-reuben excitement between town and Hoaton sufficiently to tall them what they ought to think about the ratl0 between to-d.iy'a wetness of grounda and to-morrow's poaalble profits. Mr. Kvjim driahod up to tho gates In n taxictb. Thousands ,rf fans recognneil Mm .in t iiaauiuliiK a lMMiPty friendliness wh ch no fun ever felt toward an umpire howled How uhout It, Kv, Old Hoy, does she go?" Sternly, myaterluualy, with beetling brows, Mr. Kvana hurried to the fair surface of Mr. Murphy's beloved em erald diamond. "Iluw about It?" asked Inspector Sweeney of the l'ullce and several mcasengcrs of (lie Fire Dpart tnent, aa he hurried toward the enfar abOt room, where the other umpires LEACH CROSS. 01 ,Y0II HE'S IN AGAIN, AND HE WILL BOXFIGHT TO-NIGHT. Leach Crnaa. the boxing dentist, was baforg the State Athletic Comnilsalon to d.iy, tiookiHl for a spanking because he hud Bf MUrnad to book hlmaelf for a buut with Jack lirlttun at the St. Nlch olua Athletic Club tu-nlght bt-fore re ceiving ofllcUl notice that his sentence' of sixty dgyg1 suspension had been com muted. Instead of the spanking how ever, ho waa ofllolally reinstated, with the risult thai he will he allowed to go on with the bout to-night with thi 1 lev. r 1 hi' an o lad. Leach was "set down" fur sixty daya Sept ID for using the "kidney blow" In 11 hout with Puffy, the young Buffalo huxer. He presented to the Commission petition! containing fi.OOU names ualiltiri that the punishment be lightened. lie was told the mutter would be taken under conald' ration, and apparently ma ins' llos gi a notice that lie was agal 1 in food grace he ui tit ahead and matched hlmaelf with Brltlon, Toe show ,is gdvartlted, and when Commissioner I'lxon learned uf this hu demanded un explanat In II. i Ing liu had be. n a. I I 1- 1 Inaamuch aa he bad naval given his i. hi o a commutation or the Bibl- r's lenience. Accord in .ly to-day a ic clal mgatlBI "as culled. It wua rsporlad that there hud been friction botwaoQ Cotumlsalouar Ulx in ami his uollaagua, Fran o'Nell. avw the matter, hut tins gg danlad by bold, i'..e sa.l their principal reason lor shot ti oh,,; Cross's gUgpailglOII .1 in tu avoid causing (bu llglilvis and p: -nioteis 001, lie d (he loss of IQOdfey already In v led. "But Id . big must beware," said O'Nsll. Crowd Lined Up at Polo Grounds Gate Waiting for Umpires to Order a Game M.44trwM w were already talking to the now thor oughly aroused Oarry Herrmann. "They could play right now," aald Evans, who had not been supplied with what hsseball patrna vulgarly know aa the Inside dope. A moment later a pale faced youth shot Into the croup of wait ing reporters below. Everybody hud been shut out of the upper ornce by this time because or , ribald comment on the earlier telephone dillberatlona. A moment l.uter earn that blood-curd- I ling shriek of 10,000 fans atratchrd from i One Hundred and Flfty-aeventh atreet lo One Hundred and Fortieth street, thousands and thousands of them. They did not aay It In so many words, but with a bright though clouded aky over hoad and dry sidewalks all over town that yell meant Just one thing, trans lated Into words: "This Is a baseball day. Give us a game or tell us why. live Uf busphall or give ua Harry Herr mann and Bun Johnson and all the I rest." ANSWER TO CROWD CAME BACK OVER PHONE. Whether tho savagery of that cry waa begird through the telephone In the Wal dorf or whatever other suft places of repose In which t lie magnates might have been resting at the moment, the consequence could not have been quicker hud It been an answer. A hundred gray coated guards, a thousand of the pea nut and sandwich cadets and MO ushsrs run thundering uver the passageways tu their stations. The drumming of the stampeding hcrda un the plains In the resonant Sep tember night has been told uf old. One may have seen a Mexican mullliu lo liullflght-mad rage Into the old flasa In the Iu Torus and may have heard them bigg bitter Spanish oaths as they fought their way politely to the Lazom bra and Bl aVil, tba shady and the sunny aides uf the anna between Mies of sol diers ulert with loaded rifles, bristling wllh fixed buyunets. He may have marched self-consciously along the aisles uf the amphitheatre of a modern intercollcclntc foutball gsnie with a girl conspicuously wearing Yale blue or Harvard crimson Bf l'rlnceton or.ingo and black. Hut until this day of grace nd tumultous vunfuslun and joy, no mun uf this generation ever saw such racing and pOUnuini and yelling uf dla- traugbl men as puunded along the aloe lag gproacbeg ut th. I'olo Grounds and began slumming down seats with a mighty nolle ut ollt minute twelve o'clock to-day. Who shall tell of 1 lie thousand and one thtngal between tha' sudden, fevrr lah Rgltl for pluce at noon and the ac tual 1.. ruining of the game two hour.' l.ilcr? Some man who has three pairs of hand-, and who . .111 sr . opy to tcleaTaPh opci'uwns wl h lna lOOl mi) tell of It. by way Of low comedy an actor whose n. 111, 1- w.1.1 si. id to he Munn st.'Uyed with as ii. tie self -cons clougfJOM us nog- ' glblg, Isiwinif to all pertona who WfeTI I wIIIIiik lo rcomrnisM' him nf - ne feat) I bowail flrat, and aa on the end of the (ll.inls' beneh, or rather oave, M ,the left u( tliu ecu j e uf the grand stand CtXVl "WAITING To EmTbT.H1 THE Pouo GROVj NDF t S g HONOR THE FLEET ! B g CITIZENS OF Hang Out To-Morrow, Oct. 12, It the Anniversary of the Ducovery of America. B Celebrate the occasion and the Presence of UNCLE SAM'S GREAT FLEET in the North River bv DiiDlav- ing the STARS horseahoe. Swat Mllltgan. who hus nu tact when the Olan a are con-ldered, or If It waa not Swat It was a peraon uni vensoJIy recognised about the ground-i aa the hero of the PoHon tasks, went over and whispered to him. ACTOR FORCED TO MOVE FROM THE GIANTS' BENCH. "All rlgh', all righ ," tald tho actor unolcgetlcally. "hut would you mind If 1 went over .ind Jlnxed the lied Sux?" ilu tu It," was the answer, and the official .Utix wen; to ItoBton irn, while the new of his evlc Ion uprcad front nctlon of section mid rroni tier to tier and was urreted wllh ever growing cheers. On the other side of the screen VfeJ a wave uf sympathy which moved uci oss the stands when It was hotlced i that the automobile of John H-ush.l Cut Flowers Given Away Saturday L. M. BLUMSTEIN, 3d and Melrote Avenue; at 150th Street, Announce thai cut flowerg will be given away to custfetnara all d. y to-morrow, Saturday, aa a token of appreciation of their helping us m ,ke our ormal Opening Monday Evening, Sept 3; lli, an overwhelming aucc;-aa, ; nJ aa a comp.-naa-tion to thoae who, owinj to tho Uomoitdeua crowd, could not get into the tore that evening. Special Safes arranged throunh out the store for to-morroiv and the week following worthy of your participation. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS t NEfV YORK: g Your Flags! S and STRIPES. f4 owner of the New York club, tiad not wheeled Into Its usual position at thu hour when It always does appear. The New fart players knew that Mr. Brusu was under the caru of a trained nursa with an especially Installed telegrapn Ir.mrumeiit In an ante-room and a phy sician In attendance to look over each bulletin as they were received, play by plsy, to s.iv whether or not thsy should be censored before going to the trem bling f n re i h of the sick owner, NO CUB-WHITE SOX GAME. CHICAGO, Oct. U.-A rain-soaked field and a prediction of showers tit the day Indicated s.uall likelihood of the Cubs and Wblts Sox getting to gether In the city champlunahip game to-day. ERLANGER WINS T; (Continued from First Page i between the lawyer and the Justice's bench. "This Is a most outrageous charge. There la no word of truth In It. I am Inexpressibly ahoeked at Mr. Mouvler's question. I ask what Mr Houvler ssys be disregarded and that a Juror bo withdrawn." "Motion granted as to Jury disre garding statements of counsel," ruled tha Court. "Motion to withdraw a Juror den eo at tms time, i rorDiu you 10 , further go Into this matter'" Mr. Bouvlcr evidently did not realise the serious way In which the Court re turned his decision, for he returned to hie papers and then asked deliberately : "Did you not In June, 1(1 1, swear that Leonard was the husband of the woman you called your wlfeT" Mr. Jerome leaped from his aeat and ruahed to the Jury railing. "I main tain, Your Honor, the Court's ruling his bean wilfully disobeyed and I move" "Motion to withdraw a Juror grant ad!" Interrupted the Court, smashing his gavel on his bench. "Now, Mr. Bouvler, I shall hear you ns to why you should not be punished for con tempt." COURT ORDERS A MISTRIAL AND FINES COUNSEL. Bouvler glanced about In a dased wav. Tha ashen face of Max D, ItttMf, who sat quietly during the exciting court scene, assumed a whiter pallor. Jerume waa grinning triumphantly. "I deem this case a mlstrlsl and I flno you, Mr. Bouvlsr, HO for con tempt of court," aald Justice rage as he arose to leave the court room. Mr. Bouvler pleaded that tha fine be withdrawn becauae of the stigma It would attach to his reputation. He said that never before In all his years of practice had there b-en the slight est reflection cast on his reputation. The Court declined to grant his re quest. "Will the Court grant me an excep tion?" he pleaded as the Jugiice left his seat. "Tan, yom may have an exception to my ruling on the withdrawal of a luro hut no exception as to the fine I Im posed for ewnternpt of court, liemem br. too, you will wtand committed If you fall to pay this fine." Miss St. Clair was geeklag to recover tt.M), flrat Instalment of a SS.ODO con tract fur her histrionic services mad with her by Mr. blrlanger. This Is the second day of the hearing of the case. Mr. Urlanger waa on the stand this afternoon and ha proved tu be an Interesting witness. Led by his lawyer. William Travrrs Jerome, Erlanger told of Lawyer Max U. Bteuer's visit to bis office on Aug. 7. its, when the contract waa signed. Mr. ah-langer repeated bis story of what Hteuar, acting for Miss St Clair, aald regarding an alleged contract for life, which Miss St. Clair believed (be was working under, and alro about the re lationship between the producer and Miss Bl. Clair. As a result of what Htcuer said, Krlauger testified: "I knew that sir. Steuer had me and I gave up." The witness told of "Little Tim" Sulli van vlaaUng him on Aug. and telling him that a friend, Mr Steuer. Wlabad to see him the next day "on the St. Clair matter." eHeuer and "Little Tim" went to Erlanger's office, Aug. 7, the politician leaving before Erlanger and Steuer had their conversation. After Mr. Erlanger had slated "only fear of his hoing belrg rul.ied" In ducod him to sign the contract, he ad G Special for Friday, Oet. 11th. ASSORTED HARD CANDY ,,,., and lavltlng assortment of old - faali- b'Ued wlii'lraidneneiia. h as Curia. eallnellea, llutlrn uu. Itiittsracatrl.ea. Bat a. tuts, etc. all la a -g i single bos. li&V. value. I Iff hiiMi ant AW OPPOSING LAWYER IS FINED Wi flhiirissit f.Vi TlsssAif JwBxwJI SPECIAL FOR FjuDgY A D A i UK DAY OiOCCUTE RA!S:N CLUSTERS A ue ;ir. iul nhleh will ,i.i,l, appeal tu you rluatars of tasli sml w ioleintie rainlni, cov ered thickly frith our iiot-i.lele to add dv- B ne- rtllN'll Itiiv ASSORiEU CfiOCULiTE COV ERED jELLIES eel era of pure jelbr. la an aaaurtmeoi of frail Havura that makes the mouth water, cud a tie. elate i overlug that uiaidrlea a ixrlrvt uffering. Our regu- fj f lar a .-. goods. I HP rot 'D BOX JLJr OFtEr NGS i OR i K1DAY A D bAi UkDAY MILK ChOCOUTE COVLKEu ALMOND CLUSTERS The sweet est ef all auts. bunched In roavsaleat she and moulded la a thick grwarb, shell of our Premium Milk I bouiiiaU I'll, Ml 1UIX WV ag i a i n r r as saa si Jaw ss l'ar Mow aud I orllaiidl Mtreet alorea oorn every evrnins aniii"Ti".o S ' 7" " All our rtursg ouen Hatur.laj sVealS until "t " ' 'oek. MILK CHOCOLATE COVERED I-RlSH FRUITS Crntere of fnsti fniltg, retaining ull their natural Julceg and luHclougnegg, and given grea:er Uellclouaaegs by a thick ia. ket of our Hreiu.uui Milk Cbooolate. QQ POUND BOX OUIa, mitted that fed reputation was also at stake. "Von feared the wrong you nad dona woull reach the public?" "That' the Idea," answered Erlanger. Asked If he feared his reputation might be besmirched If his relv.l.Jns with Mlsa St. Clair were to becomn pub. lie, Erlansrer answered: "I'm a llttla too modest to answer that question." "Well, drop your modesty for the oned and answer"' demsnded.Vr. Houvler. "For a reputation for Integrity I ant second to no man In the ITnlted Staltea and I did not want to lose that." "Did you believe on Aug. 7 that yoti had done Mlag St. Clair a wrong?" "Tea: that Is, I believed tht I had done Mrs. Erlangtr a wrong." "What wrong do you mean?" "I dont want to answer that. I don't think a msn ought to I called upon to answer such questions. " resumed the producer, with a gallant sweep uf hia hand toward the crowded courtroom SOLID GOLD SKAMLEJ mDDIG KINGS g C P e- K asa L mow nfr Mtwrirri bfb AT I ACTORY PMCRS. MUD 1 4-BT. GOLD MUD I -KT. SOU A 17.71 A B .74 7.71 C- 1.7 C d.M D- Ml D CM E 4.75 E 6.50 F .71 F 4.M MUD I2-KT. HOLD A IM.Oi) B U.M C ICM M Chara for Fnnravlna I'er Mere than MMv Yeara e-s have BiisMlned our rscutatton t ntaniifac rur'ns and 'Ulna the i t reliable Nelld Cold and lllamnnd Jeoelrr and solid oild s, .,!... IVrrti Ins Klnsa Al thr Most Modrratt PrtoM tor the Fianl Qaglity and Bed Workmanship .':.. I il. . v.l. Our loislnesa. located for more than tl'i. isnra at 'in l.riind HI., rurner llldrtdKc. has moved te : Jxth VC. Cortrr 17tll St. He ueetipr the entire tnilldtns, erltfej much larsr and heller fa .rules for our laereastna luisliiesa. 4 No ronneeiton wllh inr other . 'e-e. 1 YOU don't have to accept "any old thing" in lollies impl because yuii wish the acconn.i. .liitiori of credit. We aril only first-ciass, st.illsn, wrll-tiUiug lot he, fur men, women and chil dren, ami expect you lo be us par ticular as tbougb you bougbt fur cagb. NO I 1 A WEEK MONEY DOWN Our prices are one-third leee thaa you'd par slsswhare, aad oni Credit Terms Are Confidential 2274- 3-Av.i7w.l4r. Sir Itoi. i3u a i fedtfel net. ntliAutb Ara. Open I ulll r. VI. CARPET J. A J. W. WILLIAMS hi et Calaaba. fett iis CLEANING 353 Waal MM oieo, i BTRMsV-Oa Oet, in. mij. at uo praai- dint at., Hrooklvn. &N24A FlAKl.T Hi It.NS. wife of Udward Bgraa, Services at Ht. Attgttgtlag! Ctmrrh. flth gv, and hterllim place. Itrouklyn. nn Bgtardar, t'ct. It at 10 A. . Interment private. Krlanda are re uueattd not to send flowers. Trade Mark. I Spcti a for Saturday, Oct. 12th. I CHOCOLATE C0ERED CALI-I POBNtl PIP... VlilrliloUB stud Bppa- I 1 1 I JT 1 'ii-. r, M.lrrnl rVfJO tllort? 0 1- L ""' "J m liu iv i i rrina in 10c? I III) lair. at. i' . 1 .In.' elrtB- VtrM pnrvn bi.x 15c ASSORlEu NUT ROiAL MSSES 4a original romhtnatloa, la rhnea. late. Mu-ilo and Van. flavor, mlualrd with nhlch are rhntnied nnU, formia. a ntoai troiutliur eontn tlon. ara, aw Our reaular Jite. goods. A. a I'" Ml BOX eVtJfj, SLiER BONBONS AN J UlOCa wiu un all U1OC0LATES Kare drltelnunni-ev, unusual ! ' aad uiieuiialted uurin a!aTBKaitjffe sons for li e nlirnonieS J MBaCuVsI'Sl thla "I jeriiig. Vuur . a. n c-r,i" '!C "i ii i" i Ha 1 1 ...... i , " pari ahaalag rj power here. I'"" Ml HON OfJI iwrj I LMIJ nw safesaal KmE1 w ST. Ths .Dselfled weight I,, , , i'TT"4' elude. Ih. eaatalnar WBC" ln' mm SIX1H AVE., Cor. 17th St.