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The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, October 11, 1912, Final Edition, Image 28

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Divorce Prevention
njuuTj-LTin ii -- .. ,a,,,
77te Object of Latest
News Oddities
Fishermen's Stflttfl off l'at'hoaue wr rarrif.fl tn aea by lhnuanfl of en-
Discovery Day
James McCreery & Co.
Society Run by Women
trapped i.iur nii.
A RantlfaftOII II. I flnrlat, Archibald M Funnell, y b'.a transplanted
tlofr chrjrMnthMIIIIIIII mad themselves slfk by Inhaling more osoneoua laMaT
laland air than they could digest.
23rd Street
34th Street
nnual Week of Sales
55 ats q"GrowtKe
in Acrc Kandisin
"A Committee Might
Serve Quarrelsome
Married Folk the Rail
road Sign 'Stop! Look!!
Listen!!!'" Say Mr:
Arthur A. Brook; Who
I Interested in the
Family Hearth.
Not that It le ettlMflti hut If ou want to know snakes killed 24. 114 people
In India lait yer
On hi" xeddlnp rt.iv M1 Ki.lv n llaxter Naaon. Philadelphia society girl,
MltOwlaMd th:tt h' II was only a muaterplei'O of mythology. Premature, per
Imp. Some of the exceptional merchandise
offerings which will mark the day.
Golden Specials for Women
$30 Tailored Suits for $18.75
Cra'krrlnrl bnirlmlt pliurrt, iWlffM Dr. Martin Brins of BaU
fimorr, nrr iMtrfea m 0 rt of rrflrx a'tiont t up in thr lumbar
rrgxan of thr a;;m7 tihimn hi prt viout hnni-hnU rrprrirncr, and HO
poMi-M on Aiirtfigry brain uiich in minting in thr ordinary
. I
Marguerite Mooer Marnhall.
Whu km the tint man to call th
woman cln! an enemy to th hnmaT
Jt th baae t-alMff ru n forth and aat
hla word In the prrarnoa of th City
Federation! For Mra Mildred Manly,
Kaston. president t the LMl aa a Tina ;
Art Club, la responsible for tha Idaa '
of a real Home Ouanl. a Committee for
th Prevrnllon of Divorce, and Mrs.
Kaaton'a plan la moat entnuilastlrally
racalved throughout rlulHjom.
According to thla eminently lauilabla
arliame, a committee of truly yma
thetlc an ) rortnett NMI will wait upon
any weak ila'rr who haa heen aeen '
ourc.iaeo a ropy of the song, "I'm J
nn tha l; t Keno. lianiiy out
nrmJy tha guardian of the hearth will
aat before thla erring wlfn the pallia
and peril ferine her. Rli will learn
that lawyera are not phllanthr iplata,
and that alimony lefrrd maketh the
hart lrk.
Coarrion will form no part of tht
rommJtte tactic, hut mural auaalnn
will b freely uaed. and In peculiarly
recalcitrant rnae reaourre will b hud
to the methuda of menial healing or
lrhapa to tha lai' huahand. H la
iadertood that the onunlltee' mof;o
atte unequlvo. al! , "Tha Mom Mt'HT
H Preserved!"
'Wow, lan't thut a aplendld Idea!" .
.aim. Mra. Arthur Alfred Brooka, n-
I IPtU - I
I Si
Iterauai- a Camden N .1 undertaker put In hill for IIS. Mayor Jamea
Itreary will have the lmd of lillrn BrO(M exhumed and examined to what
th undet 1 1 -: did.
West's In a name Mm. Maria I.lp, fifty. one year old, of Jamaica, who
ha twice team divorced, la trying to upset tha decree that preventa her killing
a third huahand.
Htlll, there'a nmthlnjr nncnmforlabla In the Idea of that Toklo ataa.mah.tp
company which laaiian with every pasaaa; ticket a coupon for a aeat In A
retain lifeboat.
"Bafora I die." aald Mis Ada Welch of St I, oil la to a atrangr en tha
tret, "I wnl to feel for once In my Ufa the touch of human klndneaa.
Pleuao klaa me." Her rtQIMM granted, hc drank poison and died lnstniljr.
I think a prevention committee would
do well to citu'liaalaa tn hoth paranta
that eeiratlon wuuld niea,n parting
from little hetnga heloval by both.
Whatever their dealr in lie rid of each
other. A old Id la rompromlae peraon!
fled. "In a phrnae, I ahould aay that a
Committee for the Prevention of ll
'orce might aerva ouarrelaoma tnatrJcfl
f"lk 11a the hlg atgna at the railroad
rroaalnga aerva wayfarera. The com
mittee and the elgn exlat to prevent
aitdderi cataatrophe, anil tha mcanigo
of aach la tha nut, 'Stop I Look II
ltaten:!:1 "
Thla la getting to he a had country for royaltleo. A Newport bull put
Prince fjennaro I'nracclolo to flight ovor a fence yesterday.
Acoordlna to an advertlaement. Washington dyer and cleaner haa reno
vated l.fiOO pulra Of glovea for Mra. Allca Ixmgworth at flv centa a pair.
ANRWFIi TO connKSPoNDKNT- No, the new preparaflon nf that Cali
fornia chemlat to keep rnoater from crowing will b of no aervlc to you
after ttie world'a aerlee or election rlay.
arouaiy. Mr. Iltooka'a approval la grn
aroua. baraua aha heraelf, a prialdent
of th Ootham Club, I avr o keen on
apringlng new projecu. Hut truly, a
groat mind alway welcomea greatneaa
! other I
"Of oouroa," ahe added, "the mam
bar of auch oomniius would tiava
to t aver ao tactful, and experienced,
too, I ahould think."
"You mean that they ahould ba dtvor
cooaT" 1 auggeitad.
'They'd know moat about their aub
Jact wouldn't theyt" muaed Mr.
Brooka. "Like the woman who have
boon married three time an J then lec
ture on th carnal deggwdatlmi of the
bond they've aeen th folly of It. t
really don't aee how a woman wh '
never had any troubl wMh her huaband
can properly advlae the wife whoae
sou mop up th Boor with her. It
would be a If the daughter f a mill
ionaire ahould attempt to teach a girt
earning K a week how to keep out of
"Serloaaly, I lmaglna there ar
many woman who have obtained
divorce decree la th pat and
who have oom to wlah they had
haaa lea baaty, tty ffrieTaaoea,
Uaaglaed allghta, Ta a pa Blag
taf ataaUoa for th third In a tri
aagular altuatlon all thaae thing
are eraneeceat, ahould be regarded
aa mere chip la tha aroad at ream
of married Ufa.
"Th woman who ha taken aurh In
cident too tniouly la not often given
the opportunity to put bark the handa
of the clock. Occaalonally one hear
of the remarriage to each other of pr
eona who have once before betn man
n 1 wife. Hut ItrOh a turn of event
1 rare ludevd. Now, aurely the woman
who reallaoa thut ahe haa rid heraelf
too qulrkly of a huahand whom Ihe
cannot win back will be glad to do
anything In her power to keep another
wuinan from making a almll.ir tul(
"But th legretful women of my ac
quaintance are the women who can't
get divorce, not IhOag who hve got
1 hi in," I objected.
"Of eoure ihcro are women much
.'appler after their divorce than they
vr were before." admitted Mr
l:ruok. "I mual b falr-mlndcd, even
if 1 am pralelng a divorce prevention
committee. Why, 1 knew a young woman
married to a 1KI1 man, a banker, who
Imply loaded her down with every
thing. But among all hla glfta he
wouldn't Include hlg own aoclity. A
h aald, lie would Vut and run,' leav
ing her alon to atudy the wall paper
a id wall for omrthtnr' to happen.
"Hit told him )ic waa rnolved to
ae him ofttner or not a; all. He pleaded
uualneaa und couldn't he Induced to
change hi way. Ho ah got a divorce
for neglect, and 1 muat I . ahe had
a caae If ever any one did. Later ahe
married a oung architect, without
much money but devotedly In love with
her, and ahe'a tiren huppy a a queen
ever elm e.
There waa a rate where all the
prevention romtnltleea In the world
couldn't have acouiupllahed anything.
But, after all. It lluatratva my point.
When a woman la aotrmlnad to aepa
rate from her hut.bun I, and Inn eiul
table grounda for doing o, no .me.
enlightened, madora Bgfgnn winta to
top her. A prevention committee
would get tn It gooq work among the
fooUahJy dlaaatlaAcl wtvca hoa ltii
band ar more alnnad agalnat than
Inning "
"But how could the commute know
wheiher Ita Intcrfe: 1 . vm jvatlflaaT'
"If a woman dcaarve a divorc
ah ought to h able to anawar
thaa quttou la the aatrmatlvei
Save yov tried to ocar your
hoebaad' material comfort?
atav you attempt id ameatal uom
tadeahlp with hlui? So you know
how to apead hi inoaejrT AVre you
pulling your aha re la haraeagt
Of courae, when theic 1. ehlld'reili
another aet of oomplli gllOM ! brought
tato day. 1 douM If one can gy dog 1
any general axiom to cover the cge
of the dlaagrcehi'; huatiand and wlf
who are al" fain and nioil.er. Home
peonle aver that a dlvar e ahould ngvai
h) atarmltlad undir tho clgcumdan .
1,800 Attack 150, Hang Com
mander, Cut Off Ears of
a Score.
LAJUBDO, Tel , Oct. ll.-nehel num.
Icrlng LM under leaderahlp of Chech
Campo. have practlrally auulhllnted
a force of ISO Kederala near llerma, be
tween Jlmlnrx und Torreon. according
lo advice recelvi.d hr to day. Of th
Fmlerala only ervantn are aald to
have earapel. Among the dead are four
officer. Including Col. Tell , In com
mand of the deral.
After killing Tello, th rebela hnnged
hla body tn a telegraph poke. Klghteen
Federala were raptured and their ear
cut off. The Federal flag hearer waa
offered hla Liberty If he would aurrender
the flag, which he kept afler h waa
captured. ll rcf.iavd and waa ahot.
The Federal were marching on the
public road In a woded aactlon, accord
ing to tha report, wtian the robela cud
denly appeared on both Mdea and In
front of them The battle did not lat
long a the rebel force waa overwhelm
ing. The Federal ate leported to have In
II;. -ted mw( Inaa upon Iho rebela, hut
Hie number of th latter killed le not
Five time a white loilldoir ha prevented deputy alierlffa from nerving
tatwM corpua paper In a dorneatlo ault on Clarke Whltlock of Iloualon, T.
A novel plea ta nd inced by Mia Helen Teniae Wataon. a trained nuran. ac.
cuaed at White Plain., of crnnd larceny. She eava long hour of watrhlnr have
made her a kleptomania.-, ami that ahe alenla only when he la tired.
Mr. AKIricli Wins Possession of a
Chair Reputed to Have Belonged
to the C ircnt I'oct.
An old armchair, aald tn have one
helonced to William Hhalieapeare, waa
Ihe chief exhibit In Juatlce tlreen'a
part of the City Court yeaterday In a
ault brought by Walter Aldrlch of No.
10 Murray atreet. Kluwhlng, to recover
It or ita value, which he placed at 11,
600, from A. J pli Cinder and Oraun
Jay I'rguon, executor of the eatate
of tha late J. W. Ilouton, who waa a
dealer In antlquoa.
Aldrlch alleged that he bought the
chair on Aug. 6. 190H, for fltOO, but did
not deelre lla poaiaaalon at that time.
Last February, however, he waked the
defemubtita tn deliver the chlr to him,
but tiiey refuaed. II aava It haa In
creased In value hy tl.noo alnne ha
bought It. Cornier, aa the only de
fendant living, offered In court tn aur
render th chair lo Mr. Aldrlch, and
Juatlce Oreen dlainlaacd the complaint.
Andrew W. Smith, who waa aeivtenced
to nine yearn and lx mcnih' Imprleon
merit for emhexxlement In January, 1900.
received a commutation of aenti e yes
terday from ilov. lilx. Smith, who wna
convicted of atewllrig SJ7.0U0 while em
ployed by the Warner Chemical Com
pany of No. 141 liroadnuy, will be re
leased on Oct. 14, after aervlng three
yeara and eight moot ha.
After hla conviction friend made ap
plication to the Oovernor to commute
hi ntnc. Their effort wer reward
ad yeaterday. the Warner concern mak
ing no proteat.
Levar Bart'a gait a,, (led.
When the bearing of tne aotlon
brought by Laura Burt, the actre, to
recover damages from the Caalle Square
opera Company, of which Henry W.
8avag 1 the controlling spirit, waa re
sumed in the Huprema Court yeaterday,
It wa announced the parties had agreed
to a settlement. It waa aald M s Burt
would received 300.
CI.KVKI.ANn, Oct. IL "If, the peopl.
will not rum in church we muat gki
th church to them."
Thla doctrine fur EpUcopallana wa
preached to day by a number of apeak
era at the Council of the Fifth Mlaalon
ary Department of the Kplacopa.
Church. They told how they hud hold
ervlcr from automobile In rural .1
trlrta. In danc hall at aummar raaon
an I In ii. le room In th coal mlnln
dlitrlot of Southarn Illinois. Arch
deacun Jnarph 11. Oodihon of the
Southern Diocese of Ohio, told of hu
automobile work.
Don't get bald
SHAMPOO regularly with
lUainolBoap. Iuaoothing-,
bealing, anticoptic balcama atop
dandruff and Itching-, invigorate
th hair foUicloa, and pravent
loaa of hair by malntainua; per
fect aealp haalUt. In aevera
caaaa of hair and acalp troublag
Resinol Soap
ahould ba aaaiatad by Reginol
Ointment rubbed thoroughly
Into the acalp at night. Sham
poo next morning,
T-J.l irmmt Beainol Bop (c) and Rm.
I nil rrvei outaunt (tO) are re
onaaeadai nd aold by your druggist far all
sit of akla and acalp trouble. rr aaaapl
at eaeh. writ to Dept. I-A. Baa tod On ! I
Oa Balttmar. Hi.
(lives ( 'olor. Lustre to Faded
mid Gray Hair Dandruff
Quickly Removed.
For generation Sage and Sulphur
have baM urd (or hair and aculp
t rati plag. Almt every one know ihe
value of audi a comminution for keeping
Ihe hair a good even color, for curing
dundruff, itching acalp nnd falling hair,
and for promoting the growth of thr
hair. Yearn ago the only way to get
a Hair Tonic of thin kind waa to inuke
it in the home, which waa trOWblagQBlg
and not ulwiiyi satisfactory. NtrVaV
dnya almost any ttpttdatg druggiat
can aupply his nalrona with a ready-louse
product, skilfully prepared in per
fectly equipped luboratoriea.
An Ideal preparation nf this orl
ia Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Hair
Hrinedy. in which Sage and Sulphur
are combined with other valuable reme
dies for acalp troublra and thin, weak
hair that ia loaing ita color or coming
out. After using thia remedy for a
few daya you will notice the color
gradually coming back, your acalp will
feel better, the dandruff will toon be
gone, and in less than a month's time
there will be a wonderful difference in
your hair.
Don't neglect your hair if it ia full
of dandruff, loaing its color or coin
ing out. (iet a fifty cent bottle of
Wyelh's Sage and Sulphur from your
drvggikti and see what a few days'
treatment will do for you. All drug
gist aell it, under guarantee that the
money will be refunded if the remedy
i- not exactly as represented.
James McCreery & Co.
23rd Street
34th Street
55 Ye
in aercKandisii?
Raincoats, F.nglish Top Coats, Mackinaw
ats and Automobile Coats, Caps, Hats,
vi loves and Gauntlets.
Furnishings, Underwear, Halt Hose, Shoes,
I'mbrellas and Travelling Bags.
Boys', Students' and Young Men's Suits.
"McCreery Silks"
Famous over half a Century.
20,000 yards of Plain and Novelty Silks and
Satins. value 1.00 to s.oo, 55c to 2.00 a yd.
Hats and Feathers
Black Velvet Untrimmed Hats in a variety of
shapes. Special, 2.25 and 2.95
Fancy Ostrich Novelties Special, 2.75
Black and White Feathers, French curl.
16 in., .value 3.00 to 5.50. .1.95. 2.45. 3.25
18 M.. " 6.50 M 10.75 4.50, 5.25,6.95
Suits and Coats
For Misses and Small Women
Velveteen Suits, new model, cutaway coat,
plaited skirt. value 97.50. 29.50
Attractive Suits in various materials and
models, values 18. 50. 25.00. 12.50 and 19.50
Chinchilla Coats, bound with braid, collar
and revers trimmed with cloth in contrasting colors.
value 27.50, 18.50
Chinchilla Coats, full length loose model with
belt. value 18.50, 1 1 .50
Misses' Skirts and Bath Robes
Wool Jersey Skirts with messaline ruffle.
Black only. Lengths 34 to 36 in. 1 .95
f value 2.75
Silk Jersey Skirts in all the new shades and
Black. Lengths 34 to 36 in. value 5.75. 2.75
Bath Itobcs, price according to size, 2 to 16 years.
Eiderdown 1 .95 to 4.95
Blanket Flannel 1.75 M 7.50
Flannelette ..95c M 1.45
Japanese Quilted Silk 3.50 " 9.75
Suits, Dresses and Coats
For Juniors and Girls
Juniors' Suits in various plain tailored or fancy
models. Sizes 14 and 16 years.
12.50 and 17.50
Juniors' Dresses of Serge, with sailor collar
and cuffs of cloth, braid trimmed. Size 12 to 16
years. value 7.50, 500
(iirls Coats of Chinchilla, wool lined, full
length model buttoned to neck. Size 6 to 14 years.
value 12.00, 750
Girls' Wool School Dresses, one-piece model,
trimmed with fancy bruid, patent leather belt.
Size 6 to 14 years. value 6.75. 4.50
Infants' Coats and Hats
Corduroy Coats in Navy Blue and Brown,
various models. Size 2 to 5 years, value 6.50. 4.75
Hals in a large variety of styles
value 2.75 to 4-50. 1 .95 and 2.95
Baby Coaches
Pullman Sleepers, with roll hood and body,
heavy rubber tired wheels, upholstered in corduroy.
Fine Heed, white enamelled value 30.00 . 20.00
Oak or Natural finish value
Dolls and Toys
Royal Dollf, Sfttin finish, Angora sewed wig,
moving eyes with eyelashes, shoes and stockings.
22 inches high. value 4-25. 2.95
Flush "Teddy" Bears - all white, best quality.
22 inches long. value 1.00. 75c
Farchesi (lames, most popular one made. .50c
value 69c
Magic Lanterns, with one dozen extra slides,
fine quality. value 1.50. 100
Winslow or Union Hardware Ball Bearing
Roller Skates value' 1.50, 1.00 pair
Their maker never tailors anything less than $80
Made of beautiful worsteds that go into men's a
$30 and $35 suits and which promise never ending
durability; or of the better kinds of diagonal cheviot.
of black and white stripes; in all the good and new and
scarce colors, and of course, plenty of black and navy
blue; in every way suits of fine quality, in all sizes.
Linings are of rich silk; collars just so; shoulders
of the most enviable kind. Every bit of detail work
is perfect. They fit without a wrinkle.
We do not know of any better $30 suits anywhere.
And these are $18.75.
$1.95 for $3.75 silk petti
coats brocades, plaids, messa
lines, some with wool jersey top.
78c for $1 and $1.50 black
Heatherbloom skirts with the
label on.
Subway floor. Old Building.
Second floor, Old BufldlBf.
Hair Ornaments
25c, 50c and $1 for 50c to
$2.25 pearl, black and other
fancy hair ornaments all new.
No duplicates after this lot.
Main aide, Old Building
Golden Specials for Young Women
$16.50 Tailored Suits, $10
uiata euiu uiuc uiaguuau liicviui, iiiaui-iauurcu; mmmcQ Wlin .
little crochet ornaments in the back. Flannel interlined and
lined with guaranteed satin. Only 100 at this price. Sizes
14 to 18 years. Subway foor, Old Building.
Tailored Suits and Liberty Satin Dresses
Tailored suits of Scotch tweed, plain or with hunting
jacket, twill serge in blue. Flannel interlined and lined with
guaranteed satin or fancy silk. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years.
Regularly $20 to $25, for $14.50.
Second floor. Old Bonding
Prettiest Liberty satin dresses, with shoulder yoke effect,
white and satin vest, net chemisette, long sleeves. Sizes 14 to
18 years. Black, taupe, navy, gray, pale blue and pink.
Regularly $11.50, for $7.75.
No duplicates after this lot is aold.
Subway floor Old Building
Charmeuse, satin and chiffon, some in white, many new
styles, all fresh, $2.75, $3, $3.50 and $3.85, worth $5 and $6.
Sizes 14 to 18 years. Third floor, Old Building.
Golden Specials for Men
300 Black Derby Hats at $2
made to sell at $3.50, $4, $5 and $6
These came from a hat maker whose name is known from
coast to coast. The maker, who made hats for Abraham
Lincoln, did not put his label in these, but if they have any
flaws we have not found them. All new 1912-13 blocks, first
quality bands and trimmings.
288 English Tweed Caps at $1.50 Each
Made up for us in London from the ends of materials
that always go into our $3 caps. Being ends there are only
a few caps of a pattern but every one is a beauty in material
and workmanship.
A genuine imported tweed cap for $1.50. Sizes 6'' j to
Burlington Arcade floor, New Building.
Men's $2.00 Canes for $1.00
London doctor advises cane carrying to prevent nervousness.
Partridge wood, penang, Cornell, Whangec, sterling silver
or pleated gold trimmed.
Burlington Arcade floor. Nrw Building.
Men's and Women's Hosiery CEi, Underwear jf
at less man usual prices
At SOc garment Medium weight
rcru ribbed cotton. Medium weight
gray merino; heavy weight fleece
'ined shirt and drawers.
At 70c a garment Medium or
heavy weight ecru ribbed cotton
hirts and drawers, strictly first
quality; heavy weight natural gray
ribbed merino shirts and drawers,
At $1.25 suit "seconds" of $2
quality Medium or heavy weight
rcru ribbed cotton combination suits,
strictly first quality; heavy weight
blue-gray ribbed merino combination
Women 's
At 18c a pair "seconds" of JSc
and 35c quality 1,440 pairs of fast
black seamless lialc tiirtud, cotton
and mercerized stockings; narrowed
ankles, reimorced hcils and toe.
At 50c a suit "seconds" of $1
and $1 .25 quality Women's medium
weight white ribbcl cotton combina
tion suits; low neck, sleeveless, knee
length, regular and extra sizes; high
neck, short sleeves, ankle length;
regular sixes only.
Subway floor, Old Building.
Formerly A. T. Stewart At Co.
roadway, Fourth Aventas, Eighth to Tssttb Itraasa

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