OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, November 06, 1912, Final Edition-Election Extra, Image 10

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1912-11-06/ed-1/seq-10/

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i i
'"Gimme the Gun I Told
Em, 'and I'll Shoot Myself,"
Says Dying Gunman.
Fatally Wounded at Dance by
One of Dozen Rivals Who
Had Trapped Him.
DtTU member of the IIiKbton lluater
(Mf irho i'nl, uninvited. I the danoe
of th Qaorgt J HtJTSon Aeanrlation
t Jartwwir Hull. Klft -eei-nri'l alroet and
SVnth av nut1, ahrt down owen Mail
dea, Mt) 'ivji-nlil Bade? of th
noterioua Qaptiar on The ehivrtlnl
ooourvd aafty In tha morning ahllo the
band jilav n nnil ttuxrni of r.miJoa
wr diminx. '"it the aaaaealna
arampered out f '"e hu!lltnn like rata
and ea taped MaAaafl 1a dying.
BarhnaYra in IdM vl I nit y f Km dan o
hall, wlili )i ueed In he calli-d The
Eldorado BBS uncv wua well Known to
I i j. J 0BBf Vad nmni; tlu'lr cm
'omera tnwnnl thi middle of the nlcht
a company of unpi rpiiaaveglna" youtha
The wolllah i'ai-ea Md auppreaaed cx
cltament miinifeated by tlirao young;
rdan made the ttartrndi-ra ri'Tvitin. They
fdarad a "ati.'k-up."
Policeman Miuuell wa on duly on
Bvnth avenue MffIN Klfiy-flrit and
Fifty on, I atreeta. He U4 watchlng
the lata election relebralora when a rat
fa -d youth approacvlu-d him on the run
"Hey," ld the youth, "thera'e a fire
round In Fllty-flrat atreet."
roUcemaa MM he. 1 hurried away.
from tti aeane flea
fiaarwt the dan r haU. A few
attain wora burning; In the trat. Mll
ohall kinked them oitt and, hla auaplrlnng
atoua, wont on th run bank Into Hv
ewth are me lie caw a crowd at the
W corner In front of Arboar Hall.
Mltdhell rasped and I'olloeman Noar
reaponded. One f the polloemen went
up to 1ho hall from the Serenth avenue
tntran; u, the other by way of the
Fifty-eecond atreet door. They found
the danoo kail throng in pnnftialon. t'p
In a SnJrunv Ijoretta Madden, the young
gang loader' wife, waa bathing the
face of her huebanri, who lay on the
floor, a bullet wound In hla atomanh.
"Who are yooT" tlio policeman aaked.
"John U'llrlan," aald the woundod
But the policeman, who heard by
atandoie addreaa him aa "Owney," In
alatad on hla telling- the truth.
Tin dona for," h aald. "I know
when I get my medlome There' no
tiae stalling. I gueaa. I'm Owney Mad
don." Tban he aald that a HMIa while before
a an had come Into the balcony with
a young woman. The nawcomer aakad
tor dance with Mr. Madden and In
troduced Ml "lady friend." who re
mained with Madden while Mra. Mad
den and the other man went down to
Ui floor to dance.
Presently Madden aaw a doten
atealthv ftgurna drawing toward him
from different part of th balcony.
Each of thoao who crept forward had
on hund In hi pocket. The young
woman alttlng with Madden Kolalmed.
"Kxcuae me, I've forgotten oomethtng."
And ah wn gone.
'Then ench nno of the alavan drew a
gun and cloaod In on me," aald th
wounded gng leader. "They tood
looking at nie with the gun 1n tliolr
hand and I looked at them. I culled,
them namo and told them they didn't
have nerve enough to ahoot me. "Olm
me th gun.' I aald lo one guy. and I'll
hoot myelf-you ain't got th nerv
to do It." Then he atuck the gun atcalnat
me and pulled the trlgxer. When I
went down they all ran."
The pollcenun aakrd who tho aaaaaaln
"I never law any one of thoae guya
before," replied Madden. It wa the
nwr the policeman expected, but
they did not bellv th gangatcr
Dr. Markham, who
Madden- twmovaJ to Dow or TToepttal.
aid he did not think the wounded mn
could live, lie told Madden that opin
ion and urged that ha tell who bit
aeaa1lnta were.
"You attend to your bulnaa and Fit
attend to mine." aald Madden. "Thy
Cot me all light, hut t he gang' 11 get
Minn, don't you worry."
Th nolle oay Madden wag arretted
about a year ago, following tba murder
of William Ilcnahaw of No. 141 Wait
Thirty-fifth tret, who waa a hot and
killed while he wa alighting tram a
(treat ear at Ptiteentn atreet and Ntnftj
avenne, accompanied by Mia Katl
Ryan. Coroner Felnherg relented Mad
den. In .Tone, th police ear alao. th head
quarter of th Gopher gang on Taath
avenue wa raided and Mndden waa ar
retted He got ale month In the Work
hntiae, according to th earn authority,
but waa released on ball pending an
appeal. t
rrrraa ha Rattaa TraaeaapT).
"What kind of a fountain pan 1 that
you havaT"
"Don't know th ntakt; out I oatl It
the Ind) pendant."
"Why oor'
"It Von't oar whether M works or
Litters of a Sun-Mads
Woman to Her Fat Slstsr
Swvonth Lot tar: On tho Fat Woman'
Thimble-of-Water Bath
Tar Hit: Jutt nut of the bath tavlge-
rated glowing and hunarlly awalttna the
dinner eon a with the appetite and algee
tlnn of a etev.dore. And euch a bath aa 1
had I Tou remember that before I took off
that 80 pnunda exeraa weight there ueed ta
be a tubrul -of .me-eed -a-buoket -f -water,
and that I had to nut myaelf through eev
aral "rlnalnga" to get rid of the exceee ap.
You know, ala, what a dally mleery nd
nereaatty totMpfl uaad to be when I waa
fat. Him now that I have got rid of that
axreaa "dlaplaeemenl" rhanged my nam
from "Avu I'n 1'nlae" to "Hymmatrlcal
Betty." I cannot only take a real bath In
real water, hut oan waah my own back.
Now, ala, dear, don't forget to follow that
harmleaa formula 1 gave you you remem
ber It la S 08, Marniolit powder, oa.
Ceacara Aom aic and 0 oa. Peppmlat
Water, a teeapoonful after maala and at
I beat you to ellmneaa, but doa't let me
keep too far In tba lead and remember,
dear. It will Improve your fllgnatlon, your
health and complexion, and you can eat
what you like, bo aa laty aa you ehooae aad
keep on getting thin. Ulvn Marmola a
peralatent trln.l and In the end you will'
wle aa did your HI I in Made II trfTf Advt. I
Quick Action Praacription
Cures Colds ia Dtur
The boat and
knew ta latdlral
cougha I aa foilewai "from turn ana.
glat get twa eaaeee ef Olyeertaa gaafaaW
an nance ef Globe pine Coatpoaad JOaa
eentrated Pin). Take tfi.ee tW 'ta
gredten home aad pat thata lata a
half pint of geed whlekar. aaafeo lb wait
Take oa ta two taaapoonfala aftaa ah
meet end at bed time, mailer do
to ehlldran, accord lag e age." Sa Bar
to get only th gaauiaa nioba Pin Otaa.
pouad (Conoentratad Pine), gtaab half
eunea battle eeraee In a tla eorew tep
aealed eaae. Any dragglat ha It band,
or will quickly get It from hta wheeaaaU
boa. Thar are aaaay obeaper preaa
ratloaa ef large daaatMy. fat It daat
pay t experiment. Thla treat meat la
certain cure. M Thta baa been publlahed
nare re- aix winter and
It ba a equal.
MrM F'EP.'I1, Coma, Callei
lona, Froat Hltae. AcMng aad Sweety
ret. A apoonful of CahKld la tba feat
bath gvee Inatant relief, (let a tie. baa
at any drug etore.
The chill winds of November mean
that the time to approaching when red
and roughened ikin ana chapped
hands and lips will add to the discom
forts of those who are obliged to
be oit of doors. To those who suffer
with a tender skin there k nothing
better than
"Beauty1 Guardian"
It soothes the irritated surface, takes
out the drawn, burning feeling of dis
comfort and insures the possession
of hands and face that are smooth,
white and good-looking. Good also
for minor burns, abrasions and cuts.
At all druggists', in collapsible tubes,
25 cents. Bettor than cold cream,
uaod tho aame way.
VSlSSmm World Wants Work Wonders.,
Sherlock Holmes Wins Again.
A young Spaniard was found dead
upon the moor. The greatest detective
character that fiction his ever created
solved the mystery of his death In im
pressive fashion. This is one of Sir
A. Conan Doyle's best stories. It will
be feaftired in next Sunday's World.
Great Singers Must be 'Tobacco Wise"
Tuxedo is the Tobacco Chosen by
Opera Stars
cm kOantvoort
bxhWaT" o7ihi " m ItbTotLrie
opera, "Robta Hood." eayai
" avav fill mf fit milk
Tux Jo and I n
i do and 4
ia.ef 2, atf,
a Lydacker, who la contributing
Baaon in in eurceea ma ui
pi on (mart re,
Irl (roaa
at tba Criterion Tbeaure,
My point derive i ral btntrlU
4ter m fi petal of Tut ado. Its
toothing quolitu-f art undtntablt
mud Ui very mildness rtmovti alt
o iarmtMi tfttcti,"
MEN who depend upon their voices come to
know tobacco as the ordinary smoker never
knows it. A sensitive throat or mouth feels
the slightest sting, bite or scorch of tobacco.
pi ' Tuxedo is the one tobacco which singers, actors,
public speakers all men who guard their throats
zealously can smoke with pleasure and safety.
Tuxedo tobacco cannot sting, bite or irritate
the delicate membranes of the mouth or throat.
Vaaw The Perfect Pipe Tobacco
Tuxedo tobacco has made thousands of men
converts to the pipe, because it has made pipe
smoking possible for them. Under the famous
''Tuxedo process" the mild tender leaves of the
highest grade Burloy tobacco are so skillfully
treated that Tuxedo burns slowly and affords a
cool, mild, thoroughly enjoyable pipe smoke.
Leading men in all walks of life well-known '
doctors, lawyers, ministers, lecturers, etc. smoke
Tuxedo and testify to its soothing influence on the
A host of imitators bears testimony to the
superior excellence of Tuxedo, but none has suc
ceeded in discovering the "Tuxedo process."
Tuxedo still remains the mildest, most enjoyable
and satisfactory smoking tobacco in America.
Donald Brian, of "Marry Widow" fame,
aaw tarring In Tba biran," aayai
" havt found that the us of
Tuxedo dot not interfere With my
singing. On th contrary, I've)
ntvtrindulgtd in a snort satisfying.
mort really beneficial smote."
Porr Huff, now playing on of the
cblel rolee In "The Merry C ounteaa," at
the Caalnu Tbeatre, aayai
1 1 Tuxedo is milts ahead of any
other tobacco Tt t ever tried, I
prescribe Tuxedo any time a m
Gmvenlent poach, Inner-lined C
with moisture-proof paper ?C
Famous green tin, with gold t A
lettering, ciinredtt) (if pocket 1UC
are about one
half size f
rtal paitagts.
Jack Hftul MQa. I' I i :' Vt I Klntrer who
apparr I In i u ' l'i k I ...! pr'alui tlon.
arlni.li 1 Jimt rctumetl from an all
auiunii i run In UoodoQ, bh t
" 'Loud diets for Tut (do. My
fasKriteal:ciys. I fit new test
into my litufwi after a pipetut or
Turedo. J find Tuxedo a rial
Use help."
, Humblrd l)uly, who plaa the Hero
Mile in Warba .md Irfieenln r i rml notion
ojvThe Uoee Maid, " aayai
"Jusedo turelr is fh singtr'i
snsoh, (1m and nno,th, it htlfs
th volet, and it' a Itvndtrtui
ntrv rl, I recommend lux)
highly to all singers"
at 34th Street
Tomorrow, Thursday, November Seventh
a most extraordinary sale of
1,500 Women's Dresses
at 25 below cost of production
Composed entirely of Charmcuse and French Serge Dresses,
in a truly wonderful assortment of colors and in all of the rep
resentative models which the present season has produced.
Q Just now the women of New York are busy with the problems of dress
for Fall, and the makers of apparel, having solved this problem last Summer,
are now busy with women's requirements for Spring.
I This sale is a case in point he maker of these dresses is even now on his
way to Europe to study Spring fashions, and prior to his departure sold us
his entire stock of this season s dresses at a liberal margin below actual cost.
Q Now, there is nothing remarkable about this maker's action, because most
makers clean up their stocks before devoting their energies to a new season.
But what is remarkable about this sale is the
liberality of th reductions ' to us and to you
This great collection of dresses has been sold to us at a sensational sacrifice
on wholesale prices, due in large part to the volume of business which this
particular maker receives from us annually.'
JJ Every garment in this offering is priced at far less than we ourselves are
accustomed to pay, and at so much less than you yourself in other circum
stances would have to pay, that we cannot think of any argument more
potent than that to persuade you of the wonderful opportunities in this sale
These garments have been divided into Ave
groups; they embrace the season's smartest
modelsandallthe modish colorings, though such
is the immense variety that in many instances
only one or two dresses of a kind are available.
Made by one of the best makers, these beautiful
dresses are notable alike for good workmanship
and finish and fidelity to style. It is, in a wora,
an opportunity the Jike of which you can hardly
expect to see again this season.
Women's Dresses values 15.00 to 1 8.50 at 8.50
Women's Dresses values 18.50 to 25.00 at 10.00
Women's Dresses values 25.00 to 29.50. .... ... . . at 12.50
Women's Dresses values 29.50 to 35.00 at 15.00
Women's Dresses values asm tp 39.50 at 18.50
A Sale of Clever Blouses
Irj the Saks Blouse Shop tomorrow ,
sale or no sale distinctiveness is
an eternal quality in Saks blouses.
Crepe de Chine Blouses) A ne
original modal was 180 lU.Vd
t A copy of a French model. Effectively trimmed with
combinations of velvet and fur, and finished With
a dainty shadow lace jabot. Shown" in street shades
and all the new delicate colorings of the Paris hour.
Chiffon Blouses ftc
original model cost $35f
J Entire blouse and sleeve designed with the tiniest
pleats. Pierrot collar of fine shadow lace, and the
sleeves lace-trimmed. In all the new colorings and
flesh tonings.
Chiffon Blouses lens '
value 9.00. .special at f 0"0 ,
J Dressy model, designed with vest of shirred white
net, and sailor collar of messaline, prettily hem
stitched. Chiffon Blouses Ic oc
value 9.00. .special at "
Robespierre model, with double pleated frill in two
tone effect. Satin rolling collar and long sleeves.
Large assortment of colorings. .
Shadow Lace Blouses) e qs
value 9.00 special at 9Jw9
J Designed with black satin vest and touches ef black
hemstitched chiffon and buttons. Mousquetaire
The New "Redfern" Corsets
- ,
come to Saks
' "Redfern" on a corset bespeaks
the easy grace of perfect style.
J Style cannot atone for an ill-fitting comet,
nor can comfort atone for any lack of style.
i And the problem becomes all the more per
plexing since it is no easy matter to get botb.
J Yet both are so essential that the popularity
of the "Redfern" is not to be wondered at.
9 There is such a nice flexibility in the
boning of this beautiful "Redfern" corset
that it ensures uninterrupted retention of
outline, yet offers support rather than re
sistance to the figure.
J "Redfern" models are fashioned on the
latest Paris ideas, but it is American work
manship which gives them their remarkable
4 Made in many styles, of durable ma
terials and dainty trimmings, the "Redfern"
corset is destined to be a source of un
alloyed satisfaction to many women who
have occasion to seek it.
4J We are showing a full range of "Red
fern" corsets, in styles to become the present
modes, and suited to slight, medium and
full figures; and we know of no corset which
has more to commend it, and few which can
claim so much. 3.50 to 10.00
Seasonable Fur News for Women
who are looking for bargains in furs
Fur coats, fur-lined coats, and muffs and neck
pieces at extremely low prices tomorrow. .
tj We have marked these furs at figures which cannot fail to inspire a tiyely interest in the minds of those
women who consider, not only the question of price, but the reputation of the house behind the price.
This is a fine chance to buy furs at bargain prices, provided you act in good season tomorrow.
$75 Coats at $47.50
$85 Coats at $64.50
Mink-dyed Marmot Coats, fin
ished with large shawl collar and
deep ouffs. Handsomely lined
throughout. Sites 14 years to 46 bust.
Blue Wolf
$145 Coats at $98.00
Australian Mole Coney Coats, in
two entirely new models, both beau
tifully lined and finished. Available
sites are 14 years to 46 bust.
Civet Cat
Black Cheviot Cloth Coats, lined
with natural muskrator squirrel lock.
Large collars of black opoasum or
blended musk-rat. 34 to 46 bust.
Black Fox

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