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a g a z i n e a t u r Why Not? resrrtint lets. 14 Ir4S4 1'ibiiiniw 0 1 M Yora k' . t Wertdl. By Maurice Ketten eWR She SMases0n "Tht Gvthn of the Httrt." SstTABUgHK) nv Published Dally .1. 0, t gumiay by t J US 0PM PUMTKKfl I'resy I'.. 'dishing ''ornpeny. Not. r York. to tilt I'ar): Hon BAU H PtlblTXim, President, Pm Ttiw. .1. ANOt'H HHAtY. Treasure; ': Park How, wril PL'UTSKR. Jr., s. .. Pari h..w. Vf. Nam f WE HAVE &OYS Subway 6EAT INSURANCE Co INCORPoRATtP VnE (jjllADatj-rrc A CCAT Don't STAND UP I "R All ocjU. Policv HOLOCRi ) IN UNIEORpA IRVELLIN(t UP and Down in THc oUftWAY AT Rush HoL)P4ToReswve -trrASEAT INiUKANCE Poucv ANDSlT DOWN OEATS FOR. OUR PATRONS InTM &UBWAV The Evening World Daily ivTTaWsPTT? - IjIMSI miim i Filtered ii ; c I'imi-i if fl.-e it Nw- tor t St- endClaa Matter, debscrlptton Hates to The Hvenlng: l'or Knglend and lha iwntlneni nnd World i .ir t.i I'niteu Staler. I All Countries In th.- International Si CUM, ' I'oiital t iunn. ne T-ar 13.5 One V.- $!.:.-. una Hon:: "J ':' .Month )i VOMMK ."-:! N. IMW REVIVAL OF HORSE RACING THIS SUMMER. WITH i.i'' pwijioaod revival of horse racing thhi summer there will Isj gtBofal gntificatioti protidvd MtnrMM ! giran f,...i uluni irith H tbera ba ratlfad tbfl old aboaea that routed popular antagonism, Tle spnrl one thai net h upcr vision from irithin biom than polkv regulation from without, ltj lends itself . Mailt ipecica 'if gambling made fraudulent liy almost nnv kiad f a trickater that unleaa the men thai manago it are watchful ot ita fairneai and its honor, it ii ahnoal certain to draw bltalfltft in! well ben a noney iimus flii -. That tfaa .-)' rt can be kepi clean and lionual ii beyond dlapnte. I It ii o kepi in ureal Britain and in r ranee, it aa o :n "taw York for mam yaara. Bui it wai netor kept clean by poll r by canit4ibularv. onl.v u j..'kf cluh having power to exclude man "r a horar iroui the track Mmuiarily can defeat ill aoheniea "f raacala forever aratehuag to profit by the cbancei of the track. Tha courti iiaving rjaclafwd a nraf for returning the s..irt. it i up i" the .! I.i-v Club am! aaaociation mauagen t play the game right. STILL HOLDING OUR OWN. AMuXU tha preteata atal t Albany againat tha propoeed inereaaa iu the iu. on st.vk tnnwfi-r i t i it a mcrrliaiit of Brooklyn (..tying; that when he began the wholesale dry good? bust net... there were twenty-tbrea liatributhug bouaea f that trade in the city while now there are but tn, ihe trade having gOM to Chicago. St I'uu!. St. Loui and other Weatarn wtiea. He urgaa that ii the tax be imposed on stock t ran. ere exchange, bttalaeaj will go West likewise. The fact cited hi interesting, but tiie weatward drift of dry goods distribution waa not oaiued by taxation in New York. N'T doea it appear to have injured New York. The eity in larger than Chicago, St. iOs and St. Paul put together, and than i DO visible aign. evidence or omen of nn approaching hw ut pre-otniuence. Tha Block Exebanga nor any other intlustry will have so long as economie law tfives it a pltoa liere. When that law caUl it else where it will move as it is now moving from London to ua. But it will take a much bigger law than the one proposed at A litany to get it started. THE FELLOWS THAT DIDN'T. DISCLOSURES in the grwft inveatigatioua ahow that about ten thouaand mdoons in the city have been paying each $10 a month for "protection," making a neat annual total of about $1,200,000. But the whole number of aaloona in the city approximates thirteen thousand. So there are something like three thousand that either went witihout protection, or elae got it in some other way. It appeara tliat all that paid were members of an aaaociation Conned to look after their intereeta, to protect them from oppreeaion, to have excise lawa drawn without undue restrictions and to guard flaen from aaaanlta within the trade or out of it. The special dnea of $10 a month under consideration, however, were not a part of the aaaociation dnea. They constituted an honorarium extraordinary and ware aeaningly at least for oooult uaea. Al of that is intelligible enough. But Ivow faree it with the gfeae MM al that didn't pay either the aaaociation fees or the graft? Have they had eoma secret way of protection unknown to 4 met? Or do they atasd safe in their right by obedience to law, toOhiaiag; -evidence that virtue naeda no policeman ? IHE PRESIDENT IN THE CAPITOL. afajOOflaC Wnahingtoa waa not mora disturbed by the refusal of Sat Preeident-elect to become a member of the Chevy Chaae aw C3Ub than have been tlie Congressmen by a report that he in VajNO to make use of the Praaidenf a room at the Capitol ae an office and to keep busy with legislation. The two things taken together wrndgom of brisk weather ahead. A President who would rather do pottttea than play golf, rather confer in the Capitol than sulk at tha tWlxlte Hoaae, ia going to have something domg during his term. The innovation will be one of form more than of fact. From the feffinnta PwaVidentB have been party leaders. The country has looked to them for legislative initiative almost as much as for exeeu tive enforcement. It has been the custom, however, fa Oongressnn 0 to call on the President rather than for him to go to them. That has given them a sense of liberty and the President an air of Impartial aloofness. The new plan will frankly display the President as a di rector of Congress. Much good may result, but many a day at the Capitol Mr. Wilson will have oeenaion for wishing he were at t'hew Chnac. Letters From the People Tlir "laa'a llir-Hoara. T ti MM "( Vf BaaafeM WotU: In reply U A. CJ. K.. tno daooun N ho lowrrins Sf Ul V. BJ, !la l.rleeli tfjnaet u.-mI SUajtsa, I aV I inat'.ar at aaasaaaa aapaaienar, if f"r naahtaa -laa. tha t'. B. ftu ahoiild hitvo a few oura off daiiy fr raeuaeratton, rt, an ooaa!"ual patchlnfi anJ etfcas aac ry rrpitlr. And vvmit nintr ka.iiiD..- - - V7. (Js WHEN Voo CNTCR. A SufeWAV CAB. FLASH THIS i DADGt TO OMt OF OOR EMPLOYf i NAT S ALL Vou HAVE To fX) l Will TikC Ia poucy Am Su&WAYI -.l-ln-Z-rT-i- 6v Chats With Great Men of the Civil War By Mrs. Gen. Pickett l.KTTEK cama to ma from an old Confederata Ml dlai'a widow who, not raallilnc th Impotence of on who had bean thrown helpteaaly aahora whan tha storm paaaad. wrote to me to aid her In eecurtn a posi tion aa poaUnlatraaa. Though I had not aa yet grown accuxtoined to calling at a public office, tha letter waa eo pathetic and honest that I amotherad my reluctance and decided to o at once to ee Prealdent Hayaa. When I waa uahered In he waa sitting at tile dead holding my card In hla hand. "I came to aee the Prealdent," I mid. not feeling euie that thta waa Mr. Have "Yea. What ran I do for you. madam?" "Vou can in a great charity and give bread to a widow and orphans you helped make by granting the requeat con tained In this letter," handing lha missive to him. After reading It he aaked: "Do you know this lady neraonally and can you vouch for what she aays?" "Yea, I know her Intimately. aad" Coirrlgac. 113. bf Tbs Prws PabuabbM Oa. m MSSJ Yard K,.ni, World). 23. PRESIDENT KU THERF OJt D B. HAYES. Ct 1013, it 1 1st Fssm l'uiiiii i 0a, Tas v Y.iri BeaaJag waOat, T liii" liet-n -hIo thai the dlnVfim' batWtan in Idcallat aral a realist la that I Mm word "Bartsmda" always Hiiffa.t- lilies w ilia on" ana onions to thi olher. I am Ho I nir- ,iout that; hut. gatMbOW, the word "Kranca" alwax ramlnOs m- of aelatoea mii ar- n )'' There ire paallf only two thin In thd world to be tlioualit of Jut now, an. they are Love nn.t Oardena. Th II of ttM gafOsfl alWara comes upau m about this time of the yenr. along wit'.i the i;i of the spriiiK hat, the call ol Parle and the gall of the heart. OlM to sleep dreaming of tulip bulbl and sweet peas and lettuce and awahoitg wit'.i the etranire fancy that the bagaiftsj in t u alaaai radiator i a susamor locust Real SjardeWa are Ilka matrimony! they cost a lol of money atsl sometimes turn out heart bre iking failures, Hut my garden Is as ParftOt as "the girt you didn't mnrry;" because so far It baa been located entirely In the Imagina tion. And there i. no fardel! in the world I'he the garden of t linaitliiatloai. I 'Id you ever eat any of those dotlcloUS little p dSUIMg le lene and petit! (iols, w lili h ,;rc aroivn In I lie garden of Kram and now lien cle on earth? K so, you "andaratund" why 1'arls an I p itatoes a id peas arc Inextricably lntee mingled In my memory. The mlier day I aaked a little Krrm i WOnMUt wh we never see any such peas and potntora in this country, and her answer madl me sit up and rub my eyes. "Ah. madalflS I w she exclaimed "You have the so beeg potato. Ihe so gros peas. Why? I tell yoal BacaUaa you have the so many machineries, You make lots, lots, lots grow, and make It all grow beeg. Hut in Kranca a man work wis heoa HANDS! Ho puta iiees whole HBAltT Into liees rardan' Vetlari Ah. yes! Volla! Tha who,.- sc ut of lbs flatness, taatalaosnaas and dui- ness or mrxlern llle. We liave the "so many machineries." And no man workjt with his hands, or puts his w-hole heart Into anythlns. The so many ma chineries, and the u.) m, my m.e-hlne made brains, and machine made souls, anil machine made educations, and marriages, und divorces, and lives! Wonderful a as of fireplaces with no tires In them; of buckwheat cakM with no bUCkWheat In them; of children with no childishness In them; of flirt. tloaj with no sentiment in them; of bOUSOS with no homes In litem: of hearts with no contentment In them. Wonderful age when everything, from pota toes to novels. Is Judged by bulk, and nil things, from dollars and diamonds t husband, are collected and displayed by tha wholesale! And yet In the garden or the world It Is the little things grown wit!i heart .tint hands and brain that count count more than all the vast products ot machinery. The Utile Trent h BOM ami potatoes still brinit the highest prlcet In the market, aid we cannot ii,.t hair enough of them, Nobody Is going to H bef .re a gOB log blase If he , .in afford a blUe-end-gold driftwood lire. Tha lithograpner has not crowded the real artist out of life; the phono graph has not put Caruso out of business; ti e talking picture machine has no for. etl John Prew off the stage; ami. thank heaven, noboJy has yet discovered a Way to write poetry or to make love by moohlnorj ! Quality still triumphs over quantity; and the short, rich, fruitful lives ot Stevens in and Poa and ShelN.y still stand OUl Ubova all the long ItimbeiiriK. in effectual lives of the millions that have to thrce-scoro-and-ten. Oh wonderful thought: Life, after all, is noi a machine mads thing, but a garden; agid those nrho work In It with bands and brain and put their who! hearts Into it are the .nty really "successful" people in the world. Kuccess, after all, consists not in doing many tilings but in doing one thing worth while, and In doing it thoroughly and beautifully. Tor tha Important thlna with life, as With a poem or a story, is not that it should be long, but that II Should be beautiful and satisfying. It Is hard With the buzz of machinery und the whirr of nervous rush all about Ofie fearfully hard -to keep Inside o!;.'s own little life-garden and go on patiently working Willi one's heart and hands at the otic thing worth while. It la hard to stick to one's own Ideals and not go wandering off after "othot people's gods." It Ik hard to stwn 1 by and see ones machine made neighbor turning out "litis, lots, lots" of things and taking In "lota, lots, lots" of dol lars, while one waits for the (lower of Oenlus. or LoVO, or Talent, or Hups tt blossom. But If one can -If only one call and WILL one shall surety tlnd In the end that the priduct of hearts nnd hands stands out above all the machine mad products in the norld and makes them seem cheap, nnd flat, and tinprofltabls. Ah, yes, little French girl, with your petlts puis, and your ponimes de tarre, nnd the sun of Alsace In your eyes, out of the earth you have dug the secret of auccess ami Ikapplnees, You have given us the password to the Vale of Contentment, the key to the Harden of Life. , Her oldest aon la named for den. Pickett, "I see she says she Is going to hsv some other fellow do the work." "What of that" Does not everybody do that? Don't vou" "I gueas I do my share. Hut why didn't shs write to her rtini.,in,n This la a political office." "I know that, but she is Democrat and ou do not recognise her represen tative In Conaress." "How do you or I know that she will fill the plsce?" "I know. And you must swap sight unseen, as the bovs say." "I never gamble. I always know where the knife la before I obooes hands. Are you living In Washington now'' ' Yes. sir; I am In office." "In office? Why don't you ask for this place for yourself? Wouldn't ,t pay more'"' "Three tlni-s as much Anil I might possibly keep the place a month. But in me MM or that time I should be put In tha penitentiary couldn't do Mf sums to bless me " Then 1 suppose it would he better f laughed. I can't count. r yau to st.iy where yog are," he week, etiuAla -1 wicks m l 4 days. Thereforo i'-t. weeks and 1 day. 21 weeks and 4 days. 2 weeks. Total of 171 week and s days. W. II. K. H Is Hlaht. To t-.e gdttSJ t'f T'.f honing World A olaltnS that If a foreigner who has never secured his titlienshlp has a son who was bom In AaMltoa that son caatiol vote until lie has taken out it- t'.me than at bight, when banting pat'' - I Itensliip papers. Ii claims that the son ot are wrapped in slumber? ' can rota without taking out the pa I', O'XMI.I.. j pers because lie s already a citiz,.n b The 'liar Problem. I birth, even thotsfh M" father nn. n. t Is t. r tkii'oc .a Iks ".n:. it. i Weiltli a cttttt ii. Which g right 4 Here is my iohillon of th" icodf.u VINCENT reading, "How many greeks In 9 years I months and 3 weel ; Three yeal". 111. U weeks; I'll:, S3 necks and 1 day; IMS, It w-.-eks. tuts of tjii geekS and one tlty. ine months January, t weeks and days; Fsurunry, weeksi Man-h, 4 wweks and s days; April, waeka and -days, May. 4 waeka and : day a Total of IO weeks and 11 da)i, 7 diys tu a Ywrli Ci'y In 1;.' is)-- day. 'fa UsJ BslltOI uf Tint Kn-b tg U'l.rM: tin what day of the wtek was .Tune " 1'? .1 HOI. MAX lln-o. Htttiirtrll and Hrarr t.rtirir. i In 111 Editor ' i ' BaSSta. WmM: Who were the candidates, oppos nk' ibran a Hi will for Mayor of New it c. After usklug me some questions ah QUI the war ic siirfl: "You know I have a little war record of my own. I started g us a Major In the Thirty-third 'lm, ami was made Hrlgatller-Henernl on the reeommandation ot Sheridan served all through the war, and llk.d the srniy so well I refuaO'l to have It for a seat In Congress. ThMigh I have been UoVOfnor of Ohio three limes, the lust after a most desperate campaign, I am nothing of a politician." "I should think you were the greatest of politicians to occupy the PregL dent's chair when another man was elected to 11." I ieplle.1 Impertinent!) "That was the other fellow's politics, and for a while It looked as If I'd have a aecoiid war chance. Hut the Democrats decided It was better to stomach me than another revolution." "For my part I am glad they did. You have done more tor the South than 1 believe Tllden could or would have done, If In nothing else, in ridding us of cer-pct-bag rule." "Don't you think, perhaps, the check of the Louisiana Lottery Company de serves a little credit for that? It is paid to have helped In the prevention of a quorum in the Louisiana 1eglalatui e." A waiter coming In Just then with a tray, ihe President. With t ie hospital ity of old Virginia, turned to me and asked: "Coma: won't you have a cup of tea?" Kscortittg me through a door w.ilch separated the I'lesideitt i oftlt e from the family rooms, ha Introduced me to Mrs. Hayes. To my mind "he was a beuutlful woman of great dignity and kindness of heart and one who received arid welcomed the humblest of her friends with the same cordiality and gra clousness with which she greeted the wealthy and mighty. When I returned to the President's office he had culled up the Postmaster General and some of the members of Congress from my State ami assured me of tha appointment for my friend. "I want to thank you, Mr. Prealdent," said I, "for this great kindness to the widow of one of my heloved Confederates, and for the yet higher act of hu manity In restoring that brave soldier, that heartbroken old hero, Qen. Warr-n. to hla rights, of course, on the other hand, I can never quite forgive you for thrusting Hen. H F. Hutier upon the Democratic party." Standing, the President briefly told me of how Hutier had tried to Influ-n 'e the committee In favor of his candidate for otllce. a one legged Union Soldier, by making him take off his false leg aad limp in on crutches. Indignant over the failure of his dramat'c s enc, Hulls:- left hla party and Joined the Demo crats. Mv friends were utmost incredulous aa I told them of the generosity nnd quick response of Mr. liuyes. saying that was most unlike the President, who wns a great refuser and a slow performer, hesitating over and n-fuslna tha re quests of even the most prominent "f his party. BtthSr for Ihat or tome othor cause, it Is certain that Mr. Hayes hid the hostility of nearly all the great lead ers of his party, only three Senators of either able supporting Ills administra tion. Iia. fortunately for him, he hnd the ablest Cabinet since thul of Jefferson, and was himself a wise, earnest, cau tious inlmliilsti aror. Whe-i he was through With his office he banded It down not only to a Kemunllcan hul a member also of tne majority of the rr, V-T"A.' C7 5. Beetoral Commlsalan, and Its nas ths 1 l vj only Pmtdi nt WkO tVtt PfOM (ttd tuvtr to bf u candidal S. uymn and fcrt U icorrf. I ssuei - m l-j- -ruxiotririririri-i ...... The Week's Wash By Martin Green Oapsrlsla, lata, tv 'ru resei Publish tsg C, Tas gee York Breabu Weddl, t 'oiks to -lie." remarked the head I capsjuUltlas of many of the most par BoHeher, "as though the ica-is- sistent critics of the police Department rathe Committee, would lie the and I'd be willing to bOl that some of Polios Department ths ex- up In a how knot : line If It acta on all I the tae confttettng dope V a r Ions distin guished ol 1 1 Zens have been feeding It during the past few days." There are very few voters." said the laundry man, "not deaf, dumb . and "blind win) can not tell you right off the reel Jut what Is the matter with the Police Department. Umte a few women, not voters, are also wise to what Is wtiing with the Pollee Ivpart ment. And to hear the n tell It nil that Is necessary to reform lO.tfiU OOPS ."i to apply their remedies. "OeorgS B, McClellan. one of the com mittee's adviser, was Mayor of New York for six years. He had the polios problem on his haniia every mlnul ' throughout his term, and in- left the lllce Department Just as he found it. Wtien he got through doing his stunt ss .Mayor the people handed him Ills hat and asked him not to slam the do u us he went out. "Heth Istw. another adviser, was Mayor for two yeara He was fleeted on a reform ticket Ills management of the lommtaalonera who are so pro tf ideas now didn't begin to so'.vo inner twists of the Paine Depart ment machinery white they wen- in o.'- tlce. "There Is o'ip man who could tell tne committee what Is Hla matter with tha Pollee DepartmentIf he would, name is William s. Devery." A Prophecy Gone Wrong. T it HAT Tl aw LJii4l,il," uiti 1 poHlhcri "inn't any the too t-fftttl "It couldn't fiuw if tluy !uul U'l him lUoil worsa tKrtiil thi uat. Some Attention, Barbers. I (MM HVUUMtKi: vraa mm m ft inirlipr alitip is lun I ) I r Uei , h h( waa J lltiUil fdf Ilka -rill lif llti)alt , ftJ4l I aav that onr t.air ia Krllinji pNttf t:mi. t'eu't 1 ajs'H fOH a ie . f otlf i1 lads i r tnuicT" "li. lit','" ai.awvreal Mr irr uinr. "if I MM! ui ftir Ut pDW, 1 tfOllM Ml a aUtl,", " atrrl ll m "an atea-i mikr Hat' sjtt v" aiki-l ' lia dBtfiitaii(,l trtHt. "Wt-H, t'a Hk ttua,'' iMWtfdaJ Mr. Barn nuire "llc iron ft natch? " "Yara," trtiiiitl tlip baafftotl WrM, t'ttii." aj aw. e l f Rart m rf, stair M ! m-iftr tUr tmr t;.t. .'" lUita tm'-l HlMtll) Mi,.i. r of the Good Stories of the Day laundry man. "The attitude Of the puh llce on the subject of i-i.oi isonment of a man Willi lot of money Is cynical. "When Patrick was pardoned it was the general Impression in New Yort thai Thaw would be the next to go fi-j,.. You'd hear people say. They can t kti him in. because he s goi all kinds of coin.' However, :,r teems to nave pret ty thoroughly staled himself in the crazy house for criminals (or some tlmo to some on the strength of his latest effort to buy himself out. Xo ofricilal WOUld dare turn Tina loose on the ooOi- munlty now." Experiences Useless, f ti in Ttsi bloa lie Too Warm for Writing. 44 O" -ot "a SSSIdSBl to SSSSSl, safe year1 ISM tbg i"-"l letk In His t.i. mom of :u "fei, ii i the frrfiiir. sad, ifUf sms Inj at , ssajMSttf f..f coimiitnil. lliaSS UM ark t!- ,(iort. it rsi.t "Pels N a M Naior, of tsoalaati iistih cnuiiei. Boa is-.i ascktssUJ tn.ui fskeees4iaBsaVi sieigr i,,u,ii,r II .!. "Van satd " ssM Ua .;rk. 1 But u hi i t u,l sslltaS 'lUourk. c " "wrii. nr,' m.i im fiasSaUi, aim ts nn i.snk si, ii, "wiIm ssM base ht mi' a, iul as . ,i kit. at ii hti bi las "141 was v.". I welt, I dulii l Usi to i,ut ai Soaa." fil Bits. a use For Consternation. TUn i9VmtonOl tiUMH (1sfN 'rarlirr tUl talianattil all utlarr x,lleita f,.r tn tutttn ttoaiftj iif itn Ui id Mpf lulu ui ajaftvil iM ). urvkr t.ff a aM auatf ami. tWt wa T0Wl4 ttnr anl a0iutti4alara J irntiiHU-' ITinlrfssltnt la) ''nrniv Killtv, Tttii .-rt ai'sitifi rirrtsiswiM if .. -rriflr.t ait. ..u.-ist ua . h UftC v;t s..U.. , J a n-' waa diaulaadai at ujud Lktf gjatli red u ri'itas.1 t!r.'i,ai an I t: 4,1 in ;uispra. Kindllv thi'a DlsVtaH MMd it M iMgir. ' -.UlngT Ht tir Tlitmaa u bit aim U OUt.lf 4 ti n tanat trf list ih-Uadl.ii, " Why 1.- tahr. it.'i ,ieir." h atimuu tfftd, " at- tjat liitciil f'U Ukexl J.inuv sftlll I kit aa tht trt bjmj ill tet oillj Iftt Ai!'r hat."- -II 4ruf'a V'aiaal4. "VeVUi tltfti." Ugau '.lit Ji;.m .....1 :.. aaaii), "Rt Bight n. it it jii u" ni.uik iu, llhii," mtaiTtr list' iU "hut tht'rs Uil any 'iniattit' atit t I tlit ftmk thi BsChfUa. ..n.l u tilt In y.hi I i'iih MIih awassntasssl right rjowi lifsmtf UfJ i.jiigiit Hut iut!" -U"ina- ! on,y MCllUV COtlw. POllOtt Ik i.u tmt'iit wan lUCtl tlmt popUllteCv of NtV York, alumni hy Ht -OlMMUOIli nave rhf n un-.n kn i-ruiitent the bum n rush and llMtaVltid a Tani- ' :imnv Hal) a.! :n i :iil rut ion. I ' 'Nfltliir Van Wvtk, Low rOT Mot 'UN i Ian to imstituti' any r.itiK al Mtf rHforniH uml eai'li of their adininiMra ttom i queered y i 9 pollci and $ fit QUtftiOlsA Mayor tla nor ia the iiu'e t'oisHimdatioii tliiLt ! as at si t r I ml laa tin tan wftklaa H I l ain. tt 1K." said tha head pollaher, "that uscar Hammersteln has goao awa committed matrlinuny uirsin." i letting niarrieit. il l the laundry- Cook Could Afford It. YOVtM welfi SSMaarn atll t ul .getl to imiriifs lUt steuiittilai aelth tJa i i,Wtn - I l , . k , tuisa. ts.-n hsr 1 nhSSd SsUaWSd beau uue e,rnln 1 Saaad r rtbsnlrel In tt-. sn.l SSJSfld t4 iMtssiliii sh. iu-1 tls- res, u tie' lu-r snW. "lsn," said lbs, "eMf tlsy litis eb I hste etiiisst iu Id t s isrl.c love of s hat is Mme UvsUe'i eusleVi Beai s kit, 140, sasb bsaallfttl '' ' K .t ihe nrlei -aU. I wanted II in UmJ wuiat lay, bat ku: t-uulUo't aff.ttd to tu Ma" t.. t wort te .l.i ft ' It w..r T.onn yean ajo. "Keens and I n.a Iihi -tssl tayjatbsr at a smart Flftli aieittie rfstatrant, ami Ibnagk our lunt-h waa a SkaalS 'tne. Iks Ifh NWS to 111. Keteia iksaed tha Mil to ma ulth a SBUkl, aisi 1 aaid " -IVia hls-h isiat lldtii it oartslnlr t-oata a lot wore to lit now usin It did s-uen s u and 1 were tioya.' ' 'Sfdl,1 SSM geenf. ' t icih BaSie,1 Wsskaraiaa au. J th,. Pollci Department, And l. s The Cost of Progress. lrtaiwa, compared with ths experience I HflM KHBXa li is optlsdat, " . beakw ssM I '" Rwb'" t "a? Wy'k' Mh Low '" I sadly ol Ui dead Hsiaaler, "llr wias't l,,",IK, M h conclusively proved t w gruiiilsina isofil Ihe rioj and .rnslty and ! ieVBl n"' Major of New York Is dllmtlisl I I lulSIISUl "f UiiSSBn hums .leilirui tlie wari.l I If he does und he's damned If he doesn't." policemen have rigiits. auaruutecd them by the fharter and the general laws Kor mftliv years they have been. IhmUgh their orgiinljatlous aithln the tJapaytsnenlt huiwaritina those rights snd adding here arid there, a privilege. To handle such tin afraregatlon of talent l nooie jou. it ia away btyoud the man, is one or 1 lie only two ejma. enous t at don't IvSl'h a man an thsni Tht other is getting souead " THE DEFINITION. T..e I'lsltor was examining the otan, "Can any little boy cr any llttls giri here tell me what a Sjg, m.t lp ,n4do ofv he kindly inquired, "A 101 of little holes tied togsthar with strings, smiiiti tne ,.Ver- ' Luigai Uoy." Buffalo Commercial.