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The Evening World Daily Magazine. Saturday, March 1, 1913 W "S Matter, Pop?" jj g UaSSaaJ M M By C. M. Payne g rsi FTBH i rn HBBB o,so wikuAi?? 2, FnBHf itt-whists 1 ' X J Wti.u Jfl Svistm and Tain will. J fl or is JuST A H C-V) ' 1 TVlt- 1 DE.A ' '; liHH i Com; o'r OF VAihSVouT ? ( W i6URATve. EjlPKesSlOtVlJ .H w SY ) 9 -HB U v 1 rv ;7 L" rHH v vou cant mave i fljP" Jj j W YONOTTH-TA AND- J S9 HH yoa Uint,1n H HtYfT).IANY 1 J oo CLOTHE 'I BEM ( 9 fvfsn ii H ? " ' B COM1 ou-r? Oomiiht mis e t Prw hiMltMai ITSs Jlsw lurk Warl.ll. Mr. 7arr Capitalizes A Brain Fever Attack. i THINK we might have a utile Una of pinochle and amok?," suggested Mr. Jarr, the robust Invalid. "Anybody got a good cigar'."' "Now, you are not going to smoke Id my front room!" geld Mra. Jarr, forgetting Mr. Jarr was threatened with brain fever. "And &i for playing cards. I think you gentlemen did enough damage when I wua In the country laat aummerl Ton ruined my dining-room table by scratching It with poker ohlpa and burning It with your old clgare! And my rug was a r'ght with burnt matches and cigar ashes and bite of ham and rheeae from your old eandwlches ground Into It! And I found, tinder the sideboard alone, dot ens and dozen of those crimped III beer bottle tops" "Oooh!" groaned Mr. Jarr. as he leaned back In the eaay chair. "Bash!" cried the chairman of the visitors' committee, the ready-witted Mr. Hangle. "He Is thrcitrned with brain lie must be humored!" "Oh. dear! How could I forget?" re plied Mrs. Jarr. ' Yes, we must humor him. He wants me to rook 'he Vir gin ham you sent for. Mr. Pnffertv. and put the wine on lee you' sent for, Mr. Rangle. Pn I suppose I'll have to let you play plnn.-hle nnd smoke right here In my parlor whllo I tlx a little lunnheon." Mr. SlavlnsVv went to the telephone and. In Oermm. to be more emphatic ordered a box of the best cigars Gu -had, to he sent around at once. Mr. Blavlnsky always approached a telephone a thoiiKh It were some dead ly Instrument that would explode right In his face If he showed any slgna of j fesr Hence he rinsed Ml eve an tight hi face wrinkled' end then he bawled theough the transmitter In a harsh, strained voice. "Sure!" he wss saying "A bog of your very best cigars zw'l fOf flint." Then he lapsed into German Mr. Jarr afterward slid he cnulo under stand enouv-'i to rpallr.e that Mr. Slavlnsky left the matter aa to who wn to nav foe the rlglrg rather vague and ngbutOUa, The only thing he was positive shout wa that It would da Mr. Jarr good If CIus sent strong cigars. Mr Jarr being verv Wagfc In due time rimer, tins' hri'-tcnder, arrived with the box of cigars nnd i ; pinochle deck. Ami Mr Slavlnsky, Mr Raffertv tfr.d Mr. Rensle kat pafentlv to work to cheer up the patient at four- hand auction hid Rut. a they afterward told flus. I frlaadihlp or no frtsndahlp, they you'd ! never eo through 0Uh ". expartsnet i again. To initgnea, Mr. tlavdnsky ask-d 1 (not II a( he eared, but Just to make j talk) while P.ifT rty was dealing, the . In Norwav. A"- a. at stock, fco 1. ton! arid vete- ; rlnarr prenarntlons of ever" kin 1 are clasi ' as patent medi cine In Norway. Ail paten! medi cines or preparation olaaalAgd a gtwll i an be solJ through drugglt nly. and nie subje't to examination by a board called thu t, relson. If found harmful, or tha claims mule for t! em nro oonglderad mlsl"ad!ng. nr If unalj -la 0hows that they are priced out uf proportion to the. cost of '. uir lugludkuls, Ihgif sale is lui uiu.icn. IS1 a v- III P'ubable effect uf Mr. Jarr'a Indlspo. Hon on tbo llrm that had the food fortune of his servlces-when la health. "If you are to be sick playing plrwdile at home, m Vlrehlnla ham and tcha.n payner wines and I wlah ouch a sick ness I could get sitting mlt your friends In a red llannel dressing jkjrt, In't it pretty bad for your lit m, and won't u put tilings on the bum?" be inquired. "How on the bum What do you mean.'" growled the I, rain fev;r patient "Ain't you afraid If you ain't tner attending to the, customers that the firm 111 go Into the hands of a decelverf" aake.l Mr. Slavlnsky. Mr. Jarr was on the point of saying the Arm was In the hands of u de ceiver even then one who had deceived him na regards a lonv-promUeri raise of salary. Hut ha only remarked sul lenly: "Can th chatter!" "What you bid?" asked Rangle. "Threa hundred and llfty!" said Mr. Jarr. Ho got the bid, liut In melding he de clared a dlx was a ten-spot nnd ln aloted he had lit) elubs und luu aces. "Why, you only got three, ace' That I Is. you got four aees, but two of them j Is aces of spades!" said Kafferty. "How now. Hecate' Tou look nng I rlly!" replied .Mr. Jarr. ' Whose a he-Katie?" asked Mr. Hla vlnsky. "You aln t got 160 trump, ui.d you ain't got 1U0 aces!" " 'Out, damned Spot!' quoted Mr. Jarr, nnd he kicked a slippered tout at the tlllllH leg "Where Is the dog?" asked HufTerly "I don't ace him." "What dog?" whispered Rangle. "Th;s dog 'Sput' he tells to go out?" , w nspered Rofferty In reply. "And so, yuu soe, I win!" gald Mr Jarr with merry laugh., "And It will ..... rl ...Wl- , ... . L..B, .......... 'n. - ml. UrLdUHl- yOL' ' . ,, " I : ptyu. "B-ihl Humor him!" murmured Run- I 1 .1.. nu . U r.i.ln.1... .l. 1 1, 1 . , . , t-.ifceu away. i HAI?K VI WELL, MAT?CUS' A IDlSTItiGWISHED BOARDER HAS v.,- ( ARRIVED AM' IF XXI K KZi i HUMAN OETING-li B .'tM 1 RE WAP F If : JrVHU - r'-rz " NJ ! . II W"A. r-. M M H '- I ui, 1 V The Shocks of Doom iCswr.tbt 1900, bf Doublsdu. l' Os.l HERB la an ar.stocracy of tha TUbllc juries and even of tha agabonds who use them for their private apartments. Vallanca felt rather than knew this, bu' when ha stepped down out of his world Into chaos his faet urough him directly to Madison Squard. He had given up his apartment that morning. Ills furniture had gone to ward certain debts. li.- clothes, save what were upon him, had descended to bis man-servant for back wages. As be sal there was not in the whole city for him a bed or a broiled lobster or a street-car far or a carnation for his buttonhole unless he should obtain them by sponging on bat frlonds or by false pretenses. Tlierefura ha had chosen the park. And all this wa because an uncle had disinherited htm and cut down his allowance from liberality to nothing. And all that was because his nephew had dlaobeyod him concerning a certain ' elrl who comes not Into this story therefore, nil readers who brush th.V.r hair toward Its roots may be warned to read no further There was another nenhew. of a different branch, who had once been me prospective neir ana ia- vorlle. Uclng without graca or hops, ha had long ago disappeared In the mlra. Vow dragnets were out for him; he was to he rehabilitated and rentorrd. Ajnl so Vallance fell grandly as Lucifer to the lowest pit. Joining thu tattered ghosts In the little park. Then arose one from a aeat near the leaping fountain and came and sat htm self at Vallance'a side. He was olther young or old; cheap lodging-houses had flavored him mutily: razors arid combs hard pass. I him by; In him drink had been bottled and sealed In the devil's bond. He begged a match, which Is the form of Introduction among park bonchera, and then ho began to talk. "You're not one of the regulars." h said to Vallanee. "I know tailored clothes when I see "em. Tou Just stopped for a moment on your way through the park. Don't mind my talk ing to you for a while? I've got to he with somebody. I'm afraid I'm afraid. I've, told two or three of those bum mers over there ulmut It. They think I'm crazy. Hay let me tell you-all I've had to eat to-day was a co rplo of I retzels and an apple. To-morrow I'll stand In line to Inherit three millions; and that restaurant you soe over there I the autos around tt will be too cheup for me to eat In. Don t believe it. do you?" "Without the slightest trouble," aa!J Vallance, with a laugh. "I lunch 1 there yesterday. To-night I coi'luo'i .. ,, , ..fy (HI V It ll--. nil ... .... . .. , k .... . f miaM thoaa things hapiKn. I used to . . .. i,e a nig.i-iiier inys-'.: one years awn. ...a,,., awafi , til' a ntgO u ' fr Uf ""I aWlll. gaara aao i vaManoe Ills rilntil." Iliado iia fill'iWS: V.llite MARCUS, The boarding House Goat ftE! READER! THEy I TELL ME THIS NEW BOARDER 15 SOHE GREAT ACTOrO-" THERE'S CLASS TO j THIS BQPOIN ' HOUSE W" I r 1 . agST ! II PWd mi w 'i.l liLlin ouWr..j . .1 tfaslt. V Pt , ' ' I g f r a W 47' What 'knocked u out of the game?" "I ek I tnat mv tli" .at, VeJtaaM. '"Ifg undiluted Hades, this city," ent on the other. "Una day you'ra ra'lng 'rom china; tha next you are eatl-ig In i mna a cnp suey joint. I vt na i aiure than my share of hard luck. For live years 1'va boon ilttla better than a pan handler. I was raised up to live ex pensively snd do nothing. Say I don't mind telling you I've got to talk to somebody, you see, because I'm afraid -I'm afraid. My name'a Ide. You wouldn't think that old Paulding, one of the millionaires on Riverside lHlve, .as my uncle, would you." Well, ha Is. 1 lived In his house on CO and had nil the money I wanted. Say, haven't you got the price of a couple of drinks about you er what's your nan a" "Dawson," said Vallancc. "No: I'm aorry to say that I'm all in, financially." "I've been living for a week !n a cool cellar on Division street," went on Ide, "with a crook they call-1 Hltnky Morris. I didn't have any where else to go. Whde I wa out to-day a chap with some papers la his pockets was there, asklnir for me. I didn't know but what he was a fly Pop, ao I didn't go around again till after dark. There was a letter there he had left for me. Say Dawson, It was from a big downtown lawyer, .Mead. I've ltf his sign on Ann street- 1'auMini; uan'a , to play the prodigal nephew wants me to come back and be his heir again and blow In hi money. I'm to cull at the lawyer's oftlco nr 10 to-morrow und step into my uid shoes again hi three million, Dawson, and llo.uou i year po. kt money. And I'm afraid I'm afraid." The vagrant leaped to his feet and raised both trembling arms above hi head. He caught his breath und moaned hysterically. Valiums seized his arm and forcud him back to the bench. "Pie quiet!" he commanded, wlh something like dlnguxt In hi louo. "fine would think you had lost a fortune. Instead of being about to acquire one. Of what are you afraid?" "Why, I'm afraid aomethlng will hap- STILL ANOTHER THE Wir.CS OF tt BY LOUIS TRACY Aa Startlinily Original and Exciting as "TAitfAN OF THE APES" Will Begin in Monday's ! vcninv orld. March 9. I f XEA MARCUS .' . CAESA t lM iWlxTtATEST LIVING ThsOSiDI AH - AM I PROOO OF 7 ) I SHALL MAKE YOU I ME MANAGE 13, THAT YOJ MAV GROW I rm iabai wl4 III V I 'X ..i 1 1 1 1 i i i .aaawakV j Diy ii m j n ixv a. j i WA Romance oflM ffl ) Madison Square H pen to me befuru inuriilng, 1 don't know what something to Kaap iiih from com ing Into thut money. I'm afraid a tree will fall on me, I'm afraid a cab will run over me, or a stone drop on mo from a housetop, or somethlni;. 1 never was afraid b(Ora. I've sat In this purk a hundred nights a calm as a graven IninK without knowing where my breukfat was to como from. Hut now It's dlffarant I love money, Dawson; I'm haPpy us a god whin It's trickling through my tinners, and people are bow ing to me, with the mu.ta und tha flowers and the tine clothes all uiuund. As long as 1 knew 1 was out of the gams I didn't mind. I was even happy s iting hero ragged and hungry, listening to the fountain Jump and "waU-iiliig the car riages go up the avenue. Hut It's In reach of my hand aguln now utmost and 1 can't stand to watt twelve hours, Datraon I can't e nd It. There are fifty tlilm: Unit could happen to me 1 entd vail an 0a, laughing, thut I would could go blind I mlsJit bo attacked w;th have thought that a man who was ex heart dlM'.iKu-the world might come to peeling to come Into a fort tin a on tha an end before 1 could" next day would be feeling pret'.y easy ide sprung to his fatt again with a and quiet." shriek, l'eople stlneil on the benches Al 10 o'clock on the next dav the two and began lo luok. Vallance took bis Mood st the door of Lawyer Mead's of- arni. "I'otne nnd walk," he alu soothingly, "and try to calm youreelf, 't here Is no need to become excited or alarmed. Nottllng Is to happen to yuu. Otis night la like another." Vallanee led til oompanlon up almost deerted Kll'th avenue and then weet ward along the Thirties toward Itroad w iv. "Walt here a few minutes,1 ha said, leaving Ide in a quiet an I shud- ,.d HO..I He entered a riiuilllac l. olid - - - - - -- -- sns atrwiissi iwwww ssm iii ni .-...11-. I ,1... I. . . .. .1... . ..I . oiu aasurau wav. "Thaya'g a poor devil oulglda, Jtinm.'. ' he agld to tha bartendar, "who as ho's hungry and lookg it. Yuu know what they do when you give them monay, Wg up a gandgrioh or two lor hlui. and I'll M" that he doesn't throw It away." Tcrt.iiniy, Mr. Vallanca," said the bartender. "They ain't all r.ike.. Don't like to h- anyi.odv go hungry." tie folded a liberal supply of th. fr. , UNUSUAL STORY THE MORKlNC Bot E - I AHD-ER-IN TH MEANTIME.' i cujlo oi siM.-t cujlo yjosifc-t Me ATEh CASE NOTE ? I Ltrj ME CULt K ( ' By O. Henry lunch Into a napkin. Vallum e went wi'h It and Joined his i umpaniou. Ida pounced upon the food ravenously. "Wo'll go back to tha Huuui"," said Ide. "Tha cops won't bother us the.-a. I'll roll up the rest of tbl ham and stuff fgr our breakfast. I won't eat aMiy more: 1'nt afraid I'll get alck. Ivppoaa I'd dte uf cranrps or something to-nl;.it and never get to touch ttiat money again 1 It's eleven hours yet till time to ace thut lawyer. You won't ieave tfta, will you, DnwoonT I'm afraid some thing might pii Yuu haven't any pla-e to go, have you?" "No," said Vallance; "nowti'-ra to night. I'll huvo a beuen with you. ' "You lake It cool," .aid Ide, If you've told It lo ine strulht. I ahould think a muu put on the bum from I good Job JoHt In one day Wuiil be tear Ing his hair." "I belleva I've already remarked.' nce in Ann street. Idea nerve fluttered worse than ever when the hour approached, and Vul. lame OOUId 11 it de' lite to av posalbls prey to the dangers na droadad When they entered the oflo Lawyer Mead looked al them wnnderingly. jf9 and VallanOa were old friend. After hi greeting tie lurnad to l ie. who st,l(j with white fsee and ttemblinu limbs be fore the expected crisis. "f M ' , D Br..'..... !..- . . - . . V . . . " r TOUT ad n.n,, ,g nll'lir lr Ifl. he said "I lesrnoil t'll morning that v.,u n,,t there to ncelve II. It will inform yon that Mr. PauldlBf has reconsidered hi 0af to take you bach Into favor. He hi decided not to do so. and desires you in understand thai no thanga win tin made. In tha relations exlst'ng b. tween (lri 1 him." tda'g irambllng guddraly oaaaad The color came ba. k to hi. face nnd he forwird half an ,n, h and a ftoam Z nt'' his eye.. II pushed back bis hat- tered hit WlhS ,,,. hand .M.I er raigntun d the other, With levelled fingers, toward he lawyer, Ha took a long bream and than laughed sardonically. en .,1 rauiaing na may go n th deuce!" he ani l loudly and olaarlv .o.i turned and walked ut of th. a Brm and llvelv .ten oH1e with Lawv.r Mead turned on his he. to vaiianeg and smiled. I am glad fa I'll! III." Ii. ,.i i genlsllv Vour uncle wants von t,. turn iiurnt at on-e. n i. reoonatlad to the situation thut led to his hu-v Hon, and dealrea to suy that .. ba as "Hev. Adam!" tried Lawyer Meat breaking hla isntenea and calling lo hi clerk "Bring i gli of waier Mr. Vallance ha fainted." " i uuuia '. mi a. e asf f ihlbSllllS I'. as ter Ureal its w Me Beauty Secrets Of Famous Women iAiyjr.s.t, i.ij, .f in. me I'aausuuia Ce, ilxw as lues awsalaa WsrMI. MMM, KMCAMiMiTS WONDROUS BEAUTY. KullAHLY no iv.,.. i.., mole ur with filtndalilp than was Mine, A i ero probfaMl nUhWI sfhO waya as and lntelle. But In her own linn no one, before or alnce, has ever bean unite so clever ii Mine. Iteeamler. I'or IhD wonderful h'rench woman hud a genius for friendship. Moot or Hie famous men uf ttie Klrat Kmplre were at some period of her llfu dvapcrately In luva with bar. And even visiting foreigners, like thu famous Duke of Wellington ur I'rlnce Augustus of I'rusala or tha Herman jioef tloettie, were smitten with her charms. did .he retiel llieir advances I hat .h. keut drsth. Kor she perfuriued the almost voted friends. She was endowed by nature with thus described by anuthnr woman. 5 KTvte.. RtCAMIER 1 father. In accordance Is feS. i. islalPl nc. with tTraaoh custom th. young girl hadnothlng to it aaqiUaacad dutifully to Jier piuents' wlshaa. about this union, b an. uaonci nvcu hi a lawen etyie ami was very proud of tha m beauty of his young wife. Hhu soon commenced to glve thos. rntT6 ere to make her the mu farnou woman of her day. racepuone that Mme. hud been taught by her mother, herself handsom. woxomn tr, t iki, ureal care of her beauty (i f Ik- . ' woman. ,..r. ,., ... ..""j;.""' r-nahla thing, .1,, nut mean m.ilii -on. but healoii .tmiiii. r ..... . . ... . , " ...T". iii. tun iiii.M- .,,i,,3 u-iit. in iii r. t imBrava the and ilnro I. no doubt thu Mm,. Raoamlay preserved he iT complexions, A OomDlagkin pomad . i" It wu aallad i i . . Ik"n ln manner. A conipieaiun pumng . ie u au Bailed made gg follows: v. wax and aaern.:., j '1- LAY ON MAC DUFF AN - . If" - 5 ...... i...i willt admiration, with love llecumler. blvcu In her own day there baaullful and many seumrn irxire wlttv Ho great waa bar tact and so aweetly niafiv of hee lovira t.. H.u a.. .. ... , Impossible feat of turning theoi Into (as. an extremely attraetiva personality. She She sa by no means "man's woman" solely, but waa deep ly beloved by bar own aez aa wsIL "Mine. Itec-araler had a auppia aad elegant figure, a neok and shoulders admirable both aa to 'haps and propor tion, a little red mouth, pearly teeth, a noaa dolloate aad regular In ah spa, and an Incompar ably brilliant com plexion, itar face waa full of aim piirtty and eooa ntonally moat rogu ish. It waa ren dered irresistible by tha klndllnaaa of Ita expreaaton." She waa the daugh ter of a notary, or lawyer; a man much respected and ta very comfortable circumstances. When aha waa fifteen he and her mother ar ranged a marriage for her with Ra- amier. the rtoh banker, who was mora than old enough to be her aay In tha rosllietlf.. un.i k. tt ,..i i..,l - " mess I " "-na lor the skin. Many of tha It, .III. BU., - - n,.,, -a. , . - ..!, ... . ' " "',v" used ii. or each .t. .... .. al n. re. " - . ... ano a Half. Thi Sfierm i. i ll nint h- mall.,1 inu t1 I Ulg m water heated und beateji i0.o a'o.ll itlC bath that -l. r,,..l l. are " ag ,o 'remove Data ,, 2U sequageag of cold anise clove. jy i i anil con- W.11 eornri,i-,eU ,-,f rlowara, balm, sweet r.- n .r-L- aaj I h..- ;l, inai j, i, jui M r . rir..-inils. -i- ralhi i i -''i'.x for hrjr t..rton In life. ''r OH I 11 I grr.3f tar. slew - - - w vet, in o: her t iin ft t mi m.i , i IT Wills (T i i m,-... t .. w - fm , rlta drvss Waa white and hv. i,.... ... l iris Among the frlird was th .... , - u . a most f.irnnus o her Viscount de Chs sau. hrl ma. who, ufter the death of h.r i Land. wh-T '... was m i vontaa, wniie.i tu , ,rry i.r, bu, w,, ; th. go.. tangg that never faded her laa , refugau ium. OlAGNOSED. The, douglinuts"-- began the mie, "W hat s the matter with then'' d.aJ " 1 ' I 1 ; li'.J de V :., n. ... . (fga' , liin- .i eounier. "1 thing their inner tuoea si I tared Waahlnutou risraid .