Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, SATT7RDAY, MARCH 1, 1913. & I PROF. FRIEDMANN NOT SURE WHEN HIS TESTSWILL BEGIN German Specialist on Tubercu losis Now Says Hundt Is Not Press Agent. RULES FOR PATIENTS. Announces That Applications for Treatment Must He Made in Writing. Dr. F F. Frladmann, the MUM epaclallst who MM to thla cimntry to prove the effhacy 'f a WMtlll treat MM of hla Invention for the UHMMI nr Mltrrauloiila, Ml null 1n doubt :he Waldnrf tn-day lu to the exsn-t Mm when hl teste urMI teln Ashed If he would MlN Patients on Monday at the office, h,. Uak taken at Fifth Vf una and Thirty-third - ieel, he an k war ad: "That M ahall not know unt.i Mon day. 1 have no Information to-lav f tr tha i "i.. 'a I want to MM one thing clear. Hereafter any H'W aliout my oil riles or ny cttace will ramie from ma. Mr. Hundt la not niv prca. agen Ha la my eOMeHry nrt translator wlio (Ida me In making mvsclf undpratal " Prof. Krledmann. who expressed diffi dence regarding 111 ability to spesk Kngllsh when he nrrlved here, eiild tie could not espress himself with exart ;ieee cscept through an Interpreter, now annke rapllly and with very little ac cent "Moreover." lie mil. I. "what I hsir to aay will ! In regard to the medleaJ phenomena of the and not alHiut affatra which are the MMM of no ody hut myaelf " ASKS PATIENTS TO BRING WRIT TEN APPLICATIONS. CtianertntT hit tone, tha physician asked the !'iikt to announce tnat .ifendmg pa-Uenta who ralld on him on Monday were requested to bring with them written lor treaamrttt which mhfht be tiled away, .la aald that UN only purpose of this '.lat wa to make aura thu,t no one was nvarlookad In the mah. nurtrmeoU aa to the progress of caaee wfll ba given out from time to t'.ma 1iy myaeW and my phyelisana," he said. "Who Bfa your phylclanaT" ha waa asked. "Hlx man of tha htghaat atandfrng Wi tha profeealon In Naw York." ha aald "I cannot tell you thalr namea. I do not remember them." Workmen ara putting up partitions in -day on tha aeoond floor of No. W Fifth avenue. forming an operating room and eeparate reception roomi for .ha aazea. It la aald that Robert H. Roblaon. a steel man of Pltlaburf. and Re Porta, oo-tn-lew of iharlea E. Flnlay. Praal .lent of the Aetna National Dank, will be among tha ttrat to ba treated. Mr. Malay haa offered to pay 11,100,000 If the Ufa of hla daughter's hue band oan be saved, and If ninety-four other cures raa ba effeoted. EXPECTS BIO CROWD OF PA TIENTS MONDAY. Although the doctor had few patient inquiring for him yesterday, the eipe tattoo waa confidently ex-nreaaed by hla .Vends to-day that a crowd of auffarera wit) aeek the oure Monday and llnea wrlll ba farmed on Fifth avenue and Kan STILL ANOTHER THE WlNCS OF BY LOUIS TRACY As StartHngly Original and Exciting at "TARZAN OF tHE APES" Will Begin in Monday's Evening World, March 3. NO WONDER D COUPON Good for a big picture of all the Presidents of the United States. STYLES Another 8-page May Man ton Fashion Supplement, printed in colors. fflUffl All Wilson, President -Elect, at Rises Thirty-fhlrd etreet They aay the to.-t.r la looking faf at b'nat two thonann.l. According t . Cliarlaa llnn.ll. the SM lor'a ai-rretary, Ilea rule la to be. "Klrel iwnf, flrai aervtHj." "Have you eelect.d any one aa tit. DrM pHlli.til '" waa nakfil. 'The Ural patient will be the fire: nmu or w.itiien wh.. alnpa own mv door,'' aAi.l lr. FTladanaBaV "Hrry one will he treated and no monev aake.l, at not for xorna .la. Khen T will I, live dirnonatiat.'.l niv ilia overy la a cure for lonaunvptlon. "My Inborulory la In my veal DoaMI All 1 need la mv Inaltunienta and a qi.let room The paUenl a lll r. elve an Injection if Imcim by way of the velna, arid In the leg. The remedy i ,,. rlf alaajti Uaara win be no ui taTami The pajteMH alrnply remlvia lite Injec UOw .ml k " . i Ml abaal lua ordliuu-y pnraulla. The effe.t cornea In from arven lo ten iluya. The Improvement by that time la marked, eapevlully ao lit the end of two weeka. ASKS FAIR TREATMENT FROM AMERICANS. 'I aak the American public to be full In thla mailer. 1 hiive ueen nl.J,.ct,-J t arHleMa barauee 1 have not divulged the aeciel of ,ny dlacovery. I mUal con tinue to keep It aecret. to pro tad my. Mil and the pul.Uc. ,J , Pfontim lo tell what I had dla.-oveie.l. ,,. Ply nnnoiin. e.l nH, a , ,lrH rr aumptloti I hui clem,,iMli,ite,l It in i.. niiaiiy. an. I 1 imk a chance lo demon. I luite II In N.. Vnik, which I uin mil eo.livf i. lorlly, within two MaM." I it la by in l.'rh Imanii ,-, the llioiiantHla of ijimntnptl v.w who 1 oum inn viait nun in the Waldorf .e .lllae of the reflleul ,,r the gaUl m..n. lUtemiMil lo allow them to amo-mlile in i ne corn.iora oi rnai r.iHhioiiable BOge l-lry will he waltliiK Monclay morning at hla ofllcoa. Ir. i 'i .-I m ,n i, iledur. over an thou. an. I Ictiera and tcleRraina l.avc nrrlve.1 from pnilenia who wlah ti. take the tMaMMnt The crowd whl"h la liable to be attni.itil by the offer of free Irealnient will In. handled by the -police, who have been aaked lo aaalJt. R0STR0N IN WASHINGTON TO RECEIVE HERO MEOAL. I'aft to Make Prt-entation to Car- pathia's (Captain, Who RetCVttd Titanic Survivors. WASIIINHTD.V. March I. t'apt. A II Rnatron, HHUBBPf of the alenmehlp larpailila when arte ra tied the aur- vlvora of the Titanic, u here ready to-day to raoalVa from I'rnalilcnt Taft the modal of honor a ward ad by I'-on-grraa. the lilgheat gift It can bestow upon a olvlluui. Atnbaaaador Itryoe, mtmlifri of the I'realdent'a Cabinet, Htuiitn coinnilttee whloh Inveallgailed the dlaaater. the llouae I'.mi.nlltea on Mer. Irani Marine and Klahrrlea, and I half wlve, were Invited to wttiicae the ct-remony In the Kajit lloom. SHOOTS MAN AND ESCAPES. riatol ta.r Klwalre I'ollre After lroila I . I in Peter Tommay, of No. SM Fnat UNUSUAL STORY THE MORNlNC and Much More to Make a Brief Remark on gM 'kVm mJWm T"1 " gaP. -aaaal ggaW PaM ! V- IagagBptal'gBooo;ou W Jkaaaa-gW afj H baa?" A -x'k ' I gggei UfAAMIAIa I i , - Hevenllelh, driver of nn aah cart in the street Olwuilin Departmant. n ahot throiiKh the left gMuklaf early to-day during an at'Kunient In a aaloon at Se.vind avenue and HMl S.-venlleth atreet Hla aaaallant, lrank Homer, of 1. 140 Second avenue, eluded the police, a lio ran to tha acne of the hIiooIImk. Tominriy refueed to mi to the hoapltg aflei lr. Cronar of Ftpwar lloapital had anawer.'d an ambulahoa call. Hla In- News Oddities J Mra. Harry Mills, awakened by a noise duwnstalr In her home ut ogdeua hurg, N. J , took a revolver and Invcetigalcd. She fmyid two burglars and heid them up. Then ahe yelled tar her husband. He aald he waa too tired to take Ihom to Jail, bul put un hla boola and kicked thatn out of the houae. A pnnel i..i package eontiilnlni! N. ,1., ang POStaMtar Keasler and hla and drying the rest .ff the mall, ao It c A vlaltor faadlU MaOUll to an elephant In the London Zoo put one In hla j n... ket m Hla 'aa teller naritalalaa lilmai If and swallowed ixitli blacult and Recorder Keffer of Atlantic rity haa heen Irving a novel "booae" cure. When a man hi ought before htm after a "night out" he rnnrnela him to look at hlmaclf In a mirror Then If he promlaea to look Into a mirror often and avoid other nluaaea, he him. Ilenry Bitckley, the flrat "patient" to fall, pleaded that he hud loat hi pocket mirror yeaterday, but got thirty daya. The burning of St. Joaeph a Church In Highland avenue, floaton. la attrib uted l.i aiiulrrele. wh. h gnawed away the ele trie wire Inaulatloii. The loss la M.M Plaxlng the violin and feadhtj the cat flrat when aervlng meat at dinner are not gufltclaht grounda for n separation In thla State. The Appellate Dlvlalon haa nlsmlased the ault of Mra. I.llllan I'atterann Dale against her husband, KranrU roh'ate Hale, In which theae chargca were IncludisL The driver of the water wagon fell him. hut Maglatrate detainer freed him lie la Patrick Burke, driver for a dealer The aenlnr claaa of Vale haa Ui cold water men. while of the IM who drink .04 favor heer. There ate IM who don't amoke, while among the othera clgarettci una a lead of 0 over the pipe. W. A. Murphv of Lebanon. N. V., has juat found hla hrcther llai liy. who left home thirty-one yeara ago. working aa a isirter In a hotel In Cuba, N. Y. They and a brother, n profeaSOT In l'ordhnm I'nlverslty, have Just Mien heir to J'.'.onn.OUO by the death of two aunts In Dublin, but Darby refused to quit work. The three are coualna of Charles .1 Murphy of Tamninny. Hortalista In the I'rench Chamber of Dcputlca refuse to vote for nn extra fino.ini.iat) aaked by the ( government for war purposes. They deuinnd Instead that llW.ftO.ft) he added to tile a- hools appropriation. Havtnn pollea have been asKcd to aiiest gang who have awlndled American leltors with Juke racing returns. Among the r. ported victims ace Prof. talnaky et Danvari H.tittt John a Mottalla of New York, a Harvard atudant. and Max Hchlrmer of While Plains. PEOPLE WONDER HOW IT CAN BE Thirty Love Kpiiirams, by Mrs. Blanch WastatF. What to Do to Babies to Make Them Healthy, by a Noted Professor. "How 1 Would Camp Our Caniptire Ciirls." bv Dr. iiuther HaLsey Gulick. Clever Sketches of "Life" as Seen in the Sub way, by Herb Both. Pictures of Places Where. New Yorkers Have Recently Been "Held Up." The 81 Cases of Appendicitis in Three Weeks in One School. Another Instalment of "C Q," the Great Story of Love and Tragedy, by Arthur Train. the Theatre, lured iMuMafl waa banduged aad he went to hla home. Iodic! a MherlOf HI Tlmea. ROCK ISl.ANIf, III., Maron I. The flock lalnnd County (Uand Jury to day returned thirty-one In.llctmenta au.ilnM Sheriff O. I. Hruner, charging him Willi nbtnlnlng money under falae pratanaaa ami with allowing prtcMtn to eacape. mnple ayrup burat In a bag at Mllmirn, aaslstant spent .ill day yesterday waahlng ould ha dlsii Ibuted. 30 noiiod. (tlggL The elenbaot helot 1 letter. off In South Hrookhn. The police got ..n hla promise to "get aboard" again, In aprlng water. tin IN THE MAGAZINE in the " Silence!" FIND HOLD-UP BANDIT WHO SHOT DEEM IN PRISON AT ALBANY Second of Pair Who Beat Bank Messenger In Hallway Is Traced by Telegram. Deputy Police rommlaa!oner Ponghertv Announced to-day that ho haa located Thoninji Shlrro, one of two holdup men who attempted to rob Peter Plunkett, an aged hank measoiiKer, nt Nn. 113 Mag Thirty sixth Itraat. on Jan. 11, and ahot DatOOtlVa Jaitiag A. Martin In the groin In making hla aaoapa. SJilrro la In the Albany penitentiary, aervlng a alx months sentence tor larceny. Tha police had nn advanced tip on the attempt to holdup I'lunkett, and iieputy Doushartjr pinntad half a Aoaan men In tho neighborhood of the at Thlrty-alxlh Itraat uddiess, where I'lunkett wna to dc liver 1.1, ft O from the DMHI i:x. hange Hank. The detectlvea nllowi-u the h.ildup men to aaanult I'lun- kett in a hull nay, lllppaa In and let one of them shoot hla way to safety. The other man MM caught. He gave the name of r'ronw Moran. Through underground sourcea the police learned that Morun'a partner in the holup waa rihirro. iA watcih waa put on Shlrro'a home in MM Klfty-alxth ativet. A few daya ago hts m.Mher ait a teh-gram to the Allwny County penitentiary addrcaeed to Joarph Shapiro. DataoUV McDon ofgh Followad the telegram and found III the Albany County iM-nUentlary, not only TMW Shlno, bul lis brother Joaahp, undeir usmimid nauiea. They were ariated on Keb. U at lludaon, N, Y. for eteaJlng an overciaU Shi rro will be broug-h: here aa noon aa hla term In Albany expires. MORE BUSSES ON 7TH AVE. Pullllr sir r lee Com 111 laalu n llritrn Iteglnnlng April 1, i-irth avenua busses will niainl.iln a schedule of every I lilteen minutes on the Seventh avenue mute between line Hundred and Tenth and 'hie Hundred and Forty-fifth st m da. An ordi the Fifth the Publli lleretof alisl olie 1 to this effect was sent to Avenue Coach Company hy Service Commission to-. lay. ire the company haa oper- bus a My over this purt of the route, that it might hoi. I Its f i an chise. The commission issued the or der following a hearing before Com missioncr John K. BuatiflL An Illustrated Article on "How to Subdue a Gunman, " by Mike Donovan, Deputy Sheriff' of New York County. Pictures and Story That Prove That New York Girls Are More Beautiful Than Their English Cousins, by Penrhyn Stanlaws. Picture and Story of the 160 -foot Gigantosaurus, Believed to Be the Largest Animal That Ever Trod the Earth. The Remarkable New Dance, the "Tango," Illustrated and Described. Four Striking Models Showing the Latest Tend encies in Lingerie and Wash Dresses. Big Sunday World To-Mor r ow POLICE HID DEATH BY FALL IN SHAFT; 1 MADE IT MYSTERY Suppressed Facts of Acddsfi! to Mr. Goodman Three limns aiivl a Half. Samuel tlOOdfflaJI of New H.llen, one of tha most popular and gnna ratty known Jewellers In Counc. Mcul, Was aool dan tally kiiioi yaatatMy m tie elevator s .aft of No. IM llroadn iv To-.t.iv the whole Jewelry business nic I Mr rtoodman'a many friends in and QUI of thla city were confused and tin. tilled hy minora of a painful myatery regarding hla death, relh ct ing in some vague way upon him or hla aaaorlulea. A rigid Inveetlga lion by Kvening World reporters discovered Jut-i I cauae for theae inpl'iisant tcporla they were du to ecretlvneMH of the poll, e, which haa dgf Olupad to a marked degree Mines the ronvi tion of MoMf ol tiie murd -r of llerinnn Itoa. nthnl. Mr. fjoodntan aaa a man of mod-I hablta. He did not drink. H a business lnt.rlty waa never questioned, his word was aa good aa his bond, and lua faml'.v relaroua were of the moat ple.-isani. Returning from a eimple lun heon to the office of Ida friend, Frederick (lold- ganlth, of the Brtn of Ingomar Ooldamlth a Co.. In the firm's Jewelry aab arootna In the building, he took the key lo the wa-shroom from Mr. i ioldsmltli Hhd went out Into the hull. FIRM HAD COMPLAINED DOORS DID NOT CLOSE. The door of the ninth floOf wua'.iroo-n la directly oppoa'e the elevator door. Though all th.- elevator MM In the bull. ling were In excellent order to-day. mc nueiB of Ingotnar QOeMBltb Co. aay they have had reason to complain re-enlly that the doors at the n!nfh Moor did nut cloae automatically and were frequently left open for a spact of a few In ell en. In some way Unit never ran be de termined, Mr. Goodman went Into the elevator shaft iMMtd of Into the wash room. The operator of the car In tiiat shaft waa at the twelfth tloor. He felt a heavy Jar on the governing cable, as though it hnd I n pulled from below. Aim.. st at the same moment Michuel Honge, a porter, heard the sound of a fall at the bottom of the shaft. Ho opened the ground floor door and bsik Ing Into the well saw the body of Mv. tlooilman arumplad against the aide of the ahaft. With l.uke Maxwell, auperintendent of the building, the porter entered the shaft. They found Mr. toiodman dead. Hla akull was fiactured. Dr. Petera, called from Hudson .street Hospital, aald that Mr. Goodman had liern killed Instantly. A policeman waa at once called from the atreet anil telephoned of Mr. Oood- man'a death to the old Slip etatlon. from which a wagon waa sent for the body. REPORT OF DEATH HIDDEN THREE AND A HALF HOURS. Right there appeared the atupld In stinct of the police, born partly of aplte agalnat the newapaper because of re cent exposurea and In nut of a fool Idea that hy auppresalng all police news It will he eaalei to keep under cover auch news aa la discreditable to tin department In these daya of search ing investigation. Such Information Is, In ordinary courae, telephoned at nine to iieauquarters and placed on Ma for public distribution. The int.. i unit ion regarding Mr. Oood- man'a death was not placed on file un til three houra mid a half Inter, after most of the persons who could have established the purely accidental man ner of the occurrence and the excel lent personal and business hablta of Mr. i iu... I man had gone home. The very fact of the suppression nf the Information started surmises which Lieut. Urecktn, on duly In the old Slip station, by an altitude of evasion m direct queslluua and an apparent re luctance to make any statement at aJL seriously in. reused. Mr. Goodman haves a wife and two daughters. One of thein is the Wife of Louis Mitlgcr, manager of the HciUblntn restaurant in New Haven, burnous as a resort fur Vale undergraduates. WALL STREET MAN OWES $16 FOR GAS HE USED IN 1904 SIS for Milk. $1,333 Rout and Other Wry Old Debts on I ill.. - I Lai i iin 'tt Ml g 1 ,191a Noiton Raaoli TlMotaon, eaahiar and dlrei-tor of A. D. OoRVOTN g- Co,, Ht No. 41 Wall HraOt, an I son of W. K. Tllhilson, m'lioiialre publisher, his owed a on of is r.o repairing an tfa hretla haftdli nine vears. Ilia stale mint Has Died by him with the Cnlted States DMr0l Court lo-dny In . oii hin.tion with n voluntary pellHon In baaakraptcy. Furtli. nn..;.., Mr Tlltlt son vowisl th.. .hi he owns Is IUI aort'i of clothes and a watch and chain, which ire i xetnp' from levy. Mr. TlMotaon seven years ngo sued for a divorce 1 1 .mi Til otson, who hafaM her inarrl ige was dramatic critic In Chi. ago. While tHsttmony waa ink. n hafora a rafaraoi ilia. TU Maon MMrad IMI "KM" MiaTwy. the pi .. tighter, had befriend. si her when .he was threaten. si by her MaOMM'a wrath In she llotol I 'timberluttd. At that time Mr. Tillntaon Mvad in n handsome apirlnietit at No. 401 West Md avenue, and the two little daugh ters of the couple were In the MMM My'a exclusive aoMol in Rlvanatda Drive. Hy the docree the . hIM -n were left 111 the solKslI and both paullls weir given permission to visit them at cer tain hours. Itemlnlacetiae of those fnrts are con- hainad m Mr. MMoMm'a list of dabta. ti.- awoara Ihm for two monahr rani of the apat inieiit. due In ISnt. he nm $I.35L'. 47. The Misses Fly are still his radltora for 11.101,11 for the children's tuition In lt'OJ. other Interesting revelatlona In the scheslule of debts are: That he has ors1 ll for milk for ten years. He still owes M for eorseta bnuirht for Mrs. Tillntaon Ir. IHP3. ile bought 'ills wife (l.ll worth of rnndy In one month of If M he had I I'm! worth of photograph taken of her; brought home flowers worn . fr.4 ,91 in one week of 1U03, und In another week 36.i'. worth of fruit. Drugs . ost him i".3 X in l!n3; one month's gas I..II in l'M was IM.1; mil linery bought at one time, I7..5U; clotti ng and amies for .Mm. Tlllotson and still unpaid for amount to IT.Vi.44. Hao erdaAhers are still dunning him fo' liSa'.Te for shirts and neckties. Imtcher has a claim of $373.3 or nieut bought durlnc two months f 1906; i . tgar dealer would like $9.7r that Mr. rillotson has been owing hi hi for ten years; a furniture house wants $1,3oS.:I4, and a cleaner wants $110.30. Altogether Mr. Tillntson de-lures a. a liabilities are !.',: Jl with no assets. He Uvea lu a handsomely appointed houae at No. 14:1 Waal Fifty-sixth atreet. HART LYMAN RETIRES. Kdltor of the Trlbnne train to Take a Rett. Hait Lyman, who had heen the editor of the Tribune since the retirement of tha late Wbltelaw Held eight years ago, ended his supervlsl.m of the paper to day. The announcement was made by the TrlbUtM editorially and was accom panied by an , xprosnlon of g.Kxl will from hla associates campled with an intitiuitlon that Mr. Lyman reregncd lieciiuse of his desire to seek a "well anrnad rant." Mr. Lyman was the third editor ivf the Tr.hune. Mr. Held suc ceeded the founder, Horace Greeley, Resinol clears away pimples THB healing, antiseptic balaamaof Resinol Soap and Keainol Ointment soothe andcleanae every irritated pore, quickly removing pimplua and black heads and leaving the complexion clear and velvety. Sold by all druggists "FUN" A brand new copy of the Sunday World's famous 16-page Joke Book. READ ' 'Around New York in a Horse Car" in the Metropolitan Section, and see "Hawkshaw the Detective," the new big Comic in Funnyside. JOB FOR PIED PIPER! AN ARMY OF RATS IS AFTER PHONE GIRLS Two Big Rodents Do "Bunny Hug" iii' Exchange, While Operators Stand on Chairs. There i a large siie.l Job Ml ling the lied lip.-r In the Meliore Tele, phone Kx. hange, in One Tlundred and Klftlath slreet lieu Couitlarslt ve nue. the Bronx, and If he will only ' "' Pi Pa away the army of ro- .bins tint ins ulvoucked beneath tha witch hnarda inn aarva-triad girls will i all him blessed. So long as the rats t.ucd in tha e.i ir it ,ii r imi itllt yaatarMy there Ware a half hundrad girls In una of tip. rest rooms at nuon. when sud danly, like charscters of the cabaret two Walt-bUlll rata went tumbling Into t ie middle of tin. floor and pns ecdeil lo Hiestle through the intrlcaelea of tne nuntiy hug. Wasn't it the luckiest thing m th world there wh a chair In the rial room for eieiy one.' oh. Indeed! Frank Murder, manager of the exchange came runtllM lo the rescue. Then and thera Mr. Holder gave Fred Snyder, the Janl. t.r. Bfty Can la whonewlth to purciiasa a ixit; and Fnank, the measnn7or - - ..... i..... i. , on.. ..i.n-ris avenue no, i re turned n ii I, sllll another nameless cat which Is.c.inie straightway "Minnie." Itur In.l islrlous as the telephone girls, stti.a have boatl) they nre too few to maka any vast flnntuatlon In the vital statu. Ilea of ratUnd. ao the telephone com pony is m-KotiatJng with a human rat xtei tninator. So for. IM iMg have dejetrnve.) r.. seta of furs l-long1iiai to opeiratora and Inniimeralil.. cnaaOg eamlwirheai of tha same onnershlp. For all of ibis to tJie liurtter on the broad, the outn- isiny fiaa annminoed It will pay. 11 bodes aeholnra on Oxford Teams mroKD, Bmfland. Mac i American Ithodea In.lars ara Included! In the team selected to rrpreemt Ox ford I nueralty In the anniml athteii,. maotlnfj with Csmbrldge I'nlvertilty on MMrch If.. Thev are: Will A. 7.1....1..- Town, II. It. MM of Iceland Stanford. It. 1 iingv. of OKlaboma. E. P. iiuki.i. of f:hlcao and MoCormlok of Uhicago. The One Ideal Dentifrice Rifhtr per end. of am anwlt papalatkxa are sfferted with Rlaaa Diiimi e rwedinj mtm With DR. FOBBAN'S DENTAL ( BF.AM owe aay .u mat all taflaaMd eaMUoBa of ths Dims. It Mtta the aoadarfal garmlcidtl. awllrlaal qualltlat of PORIIAX'S AJTBUMiKv r taaaax it aiazaa aa loan MMM It th .r ooghly pnrlflas ths nouth, tlgbtaca the testa. nrstores tiie normal rlak hue of aha gumi, glfai a auperb lustre to too tevUL UK. KORHAN'8 DKNTAL nRnAM to a talrk. es snrsisaiv, pteaauia to IM tasto, la col. laialble tubas, about twlca tha ata of ordloirr tooth -paste tubas. Retails st 29 oaata. arita piaitlro asiunuioa at aaUafacUoa or saonej 1 fusdrd. A SOUR, GASSY, UPSET STOMACH The atemaeh l.laer aad Meaal M la liood Worklaa Order. BRADFORD'S Blood Purifying Pilla Fxcellrnt for nnstlpatlon. nail neaa. Had llr.utli. sic Thar oleanaa His svairin of all Impurltlea and gaasja and producs a healthr and clear cam uleibin and a sweet breath. Hoi of no nils, an.-1 n for at .00. Trial Hlte. lOr. At all drug storaa or br matt. BRAIItOKIt MKDICrNC CO.. too West a.ld St.. N. T. Alt last or found articles ad vertised la The World will ha Haled at The World's InforaM th.n Mreaa. ralltier Building Anode. Park Row I World's t'ploam Offlre. northwest cor ner .'INih Ht. aad Broadwari World's Harlem Office, 3MII Wt 12.1th si, aad Warid'a Brooklyn Offlre, 203 Washing ton st., Brooklyn, for 30 daya full, .nine the pjaailaa of aba MTarUaemaat. DONE! n in