OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, March 01, 1913, Final Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1913-03-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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Wife of Rich Mexican Who Fled mmffttWW
from Terrors of Bombardment1 lwLLUr UUUIUI.
HH4H4fiH i IH'l Ml 1 1 1 II M4WMHM4IMIH'
Brooklynitc as Commerce Sent lo old Tenderloin Dis-
hlead Onl Whiskered Otti- j (rkt: Dalv Takes Up House
Obi Said to Be Chosen. cleaning Work in Harlem.
Big Starch tnd Gucok Convl Record Crowd Will Witness it
Hortense di Hdredi. Who
Asked P-Mice to I'roieci Her
I-rotri Vendetta, Takes Gas.
Mnttton Now the Object of , Ccrtmony as Wilson
the Government' Attack. 1 Tikes Office.
U 111 . 'i
M KdlV II;
Action Is a Civil One, Alleging
Restraint of Trade and
Dlta.Vutlnn of di Com Wrndurte Re
fining IDVJIK in al'aged eteirh.
Slum and eymep ' ti it"- I .iufrht
by th Fedar' Onvrrrmr' ID a civil
antl-tnial .tilt fllea1 her 'o-dy charr
ing the non ' i. mi. nKi with enter
ir.K eon-spiracle and onUnvto "
troy competition in violation of the
Sherman law.
It II alleged to have ka tti" pries of
orn product at unrisaaonajalv inw flg
,IM tn lunv an i dUKoura-Se indepen
dent munufaotiirwr.
ilnntrolllnc Mf cant, af U. entire
... - production i ' uri .1 anil r'u
,e an,) M p- ont if tb interstate
IpfJMa la nilxxl eyepa, '" alleged truat
.- r'targed with fltun MI.1I11 I rl su ,
lit (swuiraciurlng BhBBJ ired '"and?
t --..., at. y lots pl.e In rrt.Uta-
op axalna' nonfacti. nr mho bj
iior m rsrl g-maoj Began I ndpsndsi1 ;
jfgji pee 41 euppraaing tn private
. rjTsl of silTjd eyruns af gmcan ty
, uortag S prlcae 01 III own ayrupe,
. nd with ntewM fereaga and cvneract
0 deetao' ogmpatWoo
OatSe from dtanlwloa. the, (I or em
uent aake far aa llfir p.o J' rh.
rut j:i 1 tasualnl of nm Tlie aatt
rcaj.1 tha as drawn oii flglit hatawan
I I D-,4MM Of OgTtaUltlir lb
''orn Prodrict Refining C.mjjnnr care,
t)M bra jig of ita ooo aymp
l'h following vorpuraUona, ofnoara
1 ad d 1 ran mm are nomas aa dafendanta:
Com i'ruducta lUAolna (kmnn (Now
-rraeyi. NaAiauaJ nt-.n tympany CK-r.
rei, fit I.ni Ho rWD and Paarvtn
ijinn.inv (Muwourli: Novalty Coast y
umpany (Naw .'ara . Hanlaa and
.'ord. Uinltrd (UMiiatana). Udwa.ri T.
i'df.M.1. William J. ftUtthaaon. Krlatr.k
" Brdford, A. H Maaaman. wiajk
'. Klaber. C. U Kalaay. Oaorf H ata-
oa. Ooorai, M MoAati. U'llha-u It.
Nloho'm, A A. HattOi. Mnw Mpavar. B.
Hrvorly Waldan. C. XI. n'wiwi, u S.
lurni ..ml A. M Watktna.'all of Naw
' nrk i'lt . I huinaa H KlaaaCord. us-
ro, n. y.: c H. txrn and ixui
I ua. SI. Lout; F A. Ibmyar. C W.
l.ohmr :nl Uilwiard T Hcdfontl Ind
, t Jaiary Clt. V J.: lianlanun t-'im-r-
. nd. CblMfJd, and WUKsm s IVul. k
)l and Jaitirt P i'..nl Orlriuia
Th. bill Id fllrd i.y UnliTCt Htt,w Al-i.-ntn
HMry A. Wtaa. aUuad by At
lOfifdiy OaltarpJ Wlaawa)iam and laniva
A. Fowl. Jtr fl AdJMai hi.,; (f.
am II Miller, hi aialatanta.
Tha Corn I'naluuta ltofUii'ic Cumpany
I wt-ll known In VtU atrant , a
Htandaid Oil concern." 1' na incor
porated In Fobruary, UKS, mi a reor
muillatlon and consolidatinn ..; tha
Can. l'roOiicta Coiikpany. nrganlKvl in
IlUt, tile Nov York .llut-oaa Coutvany
And othai ,oni-rnH aiiKatfatl Id tlM
niajiufactura of corn ayriip iglncoiai.
tarcli and kindred produrta K T.
Hedford, illractor of tha Mtamlurd oil
'Company of N.w Jersey, la I'rraldatit,
htid aevaral other rltandurd oil men. In
cluding G M Pralt and Ilia lata .laniea
A. XlulTet. aie named amontt Ita dlrac
long. It haadquartara untl' padMnUy
aara In th aamo building aa Itltlgg of
tha rlloridard Oil Oompany al No. Jt
It la aliased that the tt-uat din
mantled many of the etari'h and
i lucoe fariortua It abaorbwl. veiling
tb)d propartiea In moat liistancai. kit
i.er . ,,y r-.iit.. Liia-t the lan.1 conveyo,
phould ever, or not for a long torm
uf year, be uaed In couiiaotlon alt 1
Ilia inanufao'ture of altnllar produi i
Tna truat and It. inxMleraaaorv ate
thargtd with having taken BORtraOtg
rem ofttcera aril dlrecton of cartain
Hbaorbed tumuanlee not to enrage In
the buainea for a period gf year
When tlie Hoyal Making Pewtei
'nmpauy acquired control of the
Ajnerlcun Mulse Producta I'ompany.
tie defemlitnt cotnblnatltin. It la al-
leajarl. threatened to .ngug In the
making of linking powder reanltlng
In an unrnKm whereby fie Malt
Company aold to the defendant the
ejrplua priHlu'.'t not conaume.) hy the
haktag powder 1. .,,.,n, To gIhfagl
competition, the combination 1a U
!eged th have employed tha Arm of
Stela. Hlrah and omiiiiy tn Inn ant
ltd to M.ll glgnflgg nt I"' ti".a. as
indapeiHlent manufactureia.
VJi,.i thr- Ntttlonal fandy OtMpMy
orgaTilted In tfM tbe OHRaag K'Kar Re
ihilng Company, who" output would
1 o:ne In competition frith that ,.(
th Corn Product RAaen Oofnpany,
the lattej . the bill mx. In'Aetnad ..mJy
mariUlv.'tuiona throughout Ug cmntiy
t'.ia,t unloa they l,,ugut MlffieleTit paf
, utag of ti.e gJu'o- th tiaadad front
the tlefendan; DontbinailoD t would go
Into the cindy buauoMi ttj.oilf Iti .in-ji.-titlon
with them. In ftftfiagjlltnng. 't
le gUea'ed. the Corn Pali9ifl Refilling
i'omhajiy aciulred (VOnt eo r it,
ty Candy Companv ' , ratalHttg laTajnit
the National Candy cniny "ntll
)i ohihiied by the Interatala ' -.minor' o
rngjllldaTgl'gl thu oarnjggnv ulle-.-d to
liar aecured from inr 44 an g47agg
Iva ahare of tnv thiougb iate on ao
.on: of It owr gwlUdylni i.n wliuh
vvga alleged tL ailloutr ti. t.-hat.-a
in a atat.To-n' to-da' PfMldeA' Hid
f rd mgjnlglm tha.' th. dafgndajtl "in
urn hk iiud oitly t "far ahare' oi the
1 ounirv a luainea an,: !.?ti be r, a J'uc
g I- reducing tha ODgt of llvtlll
'Tb ni.ng of . bill hi Uik ;
Hotels and Reviewing Stands'
It Capital Raise Rates Pn!
Nobody Objects.
WAnrrNV;TOJC. Ma 1,-Tl tm
pendlrc l"ugjrwtvn of a De-rocr.itle
I't.ldi-nt for the fir at fma It, twente
'ear. la ar. evert ovrah.'lowlni tn
Intereai all govern Twnrai afTa-r In the
etfttu city Alr.,aU Waahtngton la
cpou'drd. Met Mmdy wttl find, It
hoaVnr.-l, th RT-at.et tlwiarg h,.r Lint
wvar aaartnbled to wrtuaaa an trauguro
Old r-otltv-.lana W5j have pn1
thrvigb th' chang.a .f fftyvangmaril
e1:oe the davt Aft.-. Ih r..vA w.ir ciy
they liayv never w!ti,vwd r nv.cn
Interest In tha coming of new Prral
dent. T?i v., am. .ent mint If nrvar
hea-d I .-y th- etreeta or In MM licrte.1
lobolea UMM day a Ail tha t.ak la of
.-..ir,..-. Wllaua. who ,.im.di,ai
Indri of of a nun of myatary tn
I politick.
Nov..: 'i.fofe.. in :;. menior of th
oj.ieai ;. , if .. 11 I'rraloeril up-
proai bed hla oatli of jlllca wtt.Vo four
day vltr.uu; giving Ottl over aa nfllt.laj
Ultima: ion of :ha pWMftMl of Lis cabinet.
Th tun rhHt Mr. Wdno". remained at
hi duto cioverr.oi of New Jeraar
until :aKo 'o-Ja la aimlha po'.ul tnat
arouaat tin . ., .. ,.ty of .he
VVaahlngton I- ompaiwl
nare of hetwae.u .'' A and tUO.OOti
rtalrora beta een now and lueaday
rrimt Motal rata ar being ad
ewncad, but Uiara lail't appear to
any klcklnf. Tha Oemociath.
h.' havt money tn wvary ptaket
and the hotel keepeia, marcfianta Md
rUapenaara of oheer ar u,nthei in
gytlafao-ary atitlclpntlon.
If -hare are any Republlcauia left
iney trav taken f th wote t.'p to
thl time th Moutharn Dentovrute
,.r, dominate but th rovvU ar Bt
gltinlng to rake on a wtarn appear
yii, erlth th arrival of vrr train
fr.in beyond th Allegheny.. In fact
every aectlon of the tirrtted mtj I
alie.oj. repreaantad.
Tha wnather la a eh1ert of appranan
alon. Th notorloualy flolcta climate of
thl time of year may bring a day of
ennanlii and pleaaMnt breei on Tues
day or a hllinrd mieh aa ehUled th
Inataguiatlnn four )wan ago. llowevn.,
the Deino'-rata are hot and If the mow
romr .rr tha rain lhay will make tie
ag of ka atrtiatlon, for tt la helr ll
uatlon wnd alii h foY the IgM 'our
Down l'.nnyl v jj.la avcnim along tha
huatnea ' e,tH. ajid evcrywhar the
y I nan each, 011.1 aeea nothing hut
great xrand atnnda and maaata of pad,
'Vlulc and III Da, tJtal have literally oh
aiured kt building. I'rnniylvanla gve-
MM la pel licula iy g4'. It la along
thla hleturlr tl.01 oughfara tkaVt the tn
ang11r.11 in.t.Mie wtr 'j aoi : .
th Capitol.
Ilonta of r.nmoua people are lore
Th aurTrugiab have bnuglit hundrcdt
or noted women und inert, are comlnc.
dally. Their pageant on Monday, ptJM
lalng to be tha moil brilliant In the
htalory uf the mov.-nient, vlca with the
niniigiirul ceretnonlea In Intercut
Pit-ald.'ht-elcct Wilam will ulllve In
VVh!ngtim M.unlay at C I'. M.
Ufccort.! by the l..-t troop of New
Jf Py oav.lliv. the Hew Chief Bsaoutlvi
will be dtiVtJi to the Shon-hain Motel,
where he will remain until bo taken up
hi alaide in the White llouae Will. am
Jennlng Uryan will arrive In Washing'
ton alto on Mooday. Wllllarr MeJtdoo.
the , hair man of 111 National Holh
ineratlo Coriiinlttee, and piobably a
future Cabinet inluiaier, m already here.
Troop oi military, cavalry, fonf ol
dler and 1 ruck . ompanl.a of uattftf
fnrtii the military K'hooU are flooding
In hourly. Kurly to-day lot '111 . k
Hore troop" front t'uiver M.lltary
Academy 1 nme Into town Hindi, af
ludlnna, who will play a part n tha
Inaugural 1 ermnoule. are alao irrU lnr
Vice-I'realdent-el. et Murahall . h itei
waa Hi OgMff of 'ntereat lu-uay for
many ilaitora Wh'.l QoV, MurahuU
aa une vleltora, u and Mt Margngll
apanl tbi um yoietiy m tbtir apart'
in en la.
Hay Slate Tronpa lo Waalil.igl.iii.
aXkwTONi M irch 1. -Majasso luiai ttt
military iQBiaatWIlBtlOB I" ih" kbgUaTural
Pavrgsla In Waahington, on MaVC) t, will
iut away late lo-.lay. Moio llian ll.isal
militia men from this .statu will march
In the big prsHiawioii, making th, Maee-
aobusatta aotdlaf duaPSBtkNi the lanstl
in Waahington.
ment Kiiinet this unnpiuiy Is certalnl)
h great surpn," he ajid. "At mir in
Vltgllon and by an agrecin.'iit with the
Attorney -Urn. -ml. the attorney in
ohargs, wiin oi aggnnlatf i... ooou
, p
,1 rOOIlls III tlle," oftlee tor oV HI I WO
i. tlie They have basil given every
f., il ti for effei'llng toe llloal thOTOIIgb
! exaniln i.ion pggBtblS, hay, had ;.,,-
I eion of our hooks, letter tiles, minutes
I and rofordl of meerlnira .Ni 1 h'rsiii that
i it haa bean shown and provsd um tin
; . otnpariy under its prsaaHI maimge
' ment Iioj rioul nu altainpt to tnonop
I ojut or raatraia, trsdi Tn.Say ihi bual.
neat ) divided among more in.iii.ifai -
i tursn botl bsri anl abroad than ivsr
, bsfora ti it hlatory Thl compani hag
, oBlt liiaintftlne. itt fa!. Bhbft Of th.
biudngj ihtoug t H prjducllof ol BBS
j prrteWlaV
II laH dVW I
Tl : . :. . . r' 'J II
I WUa. v X. I1
1 aCatK ..m. - ' atf 1 9 I
' alaal.aaaa ' '
t-H-H-M-M-1 i-H-i-1' 1 HH , daH l-l -l-l- hHH 1 1-K -H-H-l-r-I-l-H-H-l-t-
iContlnuad from Paafaa
to eaieH. K!i ny of ta aft . r. rv turned
ti, Lbalr ban:'.' iea '"-day.
tn th aatajoaj of Iff Hictk. who ha
had twenly yMft' tiperlfnce tl lithor
nicdutor both Ig ');'. smntry -ind
ngBaogi ho atrtke haa pro trad
rlo-iuant ak.imple af the liijiiatlc
IMlagmggg uf marly all tlikag,
laid to-day
tfwa-tanttl Ml all trlkea tn
ouuntry are eta,,lutely liiex.Uitaii),
irgtattttnaj almoil criminal. Tine tftka
ta u ahlnlng Objart laaaon of ala fact.
Tft dlf tna ttUgtlon In tin, garment
Industry u. ust what 11 would bsv
heen last DsosmbSr had Hi. worker
it'.. 1 fMMUtaoturars no 1 to dlsougf thslr
dtffarsnoat, with lbs tscaptlon 'hat bach
of Una lattlsmant stratohsd two montbs
of misery ami c.e lutg of iii.UIuii of 1 "mer l we mti nrsi, in iowobi
daiiafyg lot aold waa Santa worth Th, ,"i
"Tlie lilx leon Ol (ha air.ke Is ths l"" Wf"' banded out In Healed snvsl
need of some State KUthorit) to wham ope; the leaser Bttmosra .'ttm loose
RrOrkSfS and employers can appeal when 1 Wars pushed acroas the oounlar lo
they ballsys conditions unbsarabla 'riiej their purchdetsrs,
pttbUl attOUld know Sfhal la going on, . 1' dor not look as if the rush for
and before a walkout ' ordered It buffalo nickel will be nstrly gg frssl
ahould bava Ui opportunity to judge as that whsn tin. Lincoln penny na
the merit if tha case of both al Igs PUl OH 'be market lo re. Then. Hi,
Society should have goina msani ol tlotfarnmartt sent lll.uou a-orth ol th
(orclng sntploysrt and worksra to gat 1 psfinlaa and about W.oou people paaasd
togstbsr i'i dlacuaa thslf dISarsncaa bs-lln Una bsfoya tha slndotv in Iba
fuie sue i ., deadly blow aa a atrlka la I Minor Coin invlaion m six days
dealt. Ill Can.ula th.'iv l a couiuilsMoi
beaded h Ihs Minister of abof, fur
.lust this purpose, and tha system has
proved a triumph Hoy SulMf baa
talked about auuta a eommlsilon Mr this
Htate and w c,p only bopa II nay BS
created 1
InoJdaniaJly, dear reader, your spring,
mil. your aummer suit, youi f u 1 1 suit,
your winter ault. and nni.c!,,- many after
tnat, are going la i)Of ., K""d I :t more
than the laat one. And without the as-
algtsnca of ttohsdula K, too.
Dspvty state L'omptrollir irBBsr
tiaiiamittud the follow tni appraisals uf
.-stall's n oler ih iBbsrltanct Ta law
to-day to tha Tranefer Tax ulVa of the
Sui roh'uti .' i '..tirt :
Marian MgrWtfl I'.n afBBjg m, w ho
v ore ad William favsrshsm, t . aotor,
ui UaSJ, died April ; inn. inioi Batata
U.'.ll..', BBl value aWI The eon o' ihe
d.ielent la toe Oeneli :al y. In Hie es
tate : a lain, lor unpaid tUniony
oga iuit Ka , rshBffi for EMI At a
hearing b-t,v Ihe pprai.-r, Kaver
ihBMI testifl.st that he had paid the all
BHM :.ved hy IBS OoUrt al M,.'ii a
r protnptl) w hen he a ita gills."
and told the at lor in-v fur in, Slate
Ctunpiralsf ta talk la bit attoinuy
BbOtll unpaid uiltnony.
Mr. ir.Ui 11 fJIIUBfl, died Nov. Ill,
lllll total estat, 1 ?..;.'. u,. i yalile
IsOOrgS Wu-shiiifcton ties, dlisl Nov. "1,
lfu; Iota ejiale 123, aVi, i,t .jiuc
Ha, m
Krn, Mime It. BralieoblB Ds I'BBtOf Ol
lata tntfU. di0 June 1. KHf ; BagsU
tuxuhlu In Naw fork Slate U.tti). ii, 1
valus II.UTs
I iiBPosri ,i Uvtngsion died lug ta,
1 lull total evtate f,W BS( fgJus U,B7I
i Lttura R hues, lied Mai, h i. nun,
tola, ratal MliTI nat vihn t,M
I Carolln. Holt Wlllard die. l'h tl,
I UU, tola ektat. M,lat in- vglUI lltt.V'A
Krlagbstl lev. ii ArsdsL dies' Juni
I ST, isu tota aaiati ti-.e. value
1 !
JL .
T i
U!oM.:.-iri from r.rnt Ffttfti)
eireet fakira and even a few cabmen
weie In hits, advancing stop I.y step
to 'he aindoW where the little 'JUU
jier cent. InvcHtm.uilv. were being dl.
penaed. The doarn-at-the-lieel meti,
w uu aell plottirs pout iiMi and tieck
llgg from liuehi'arta on Ann atreut,
aesntsd '.nrgain and hurried to the
Pin., street 1-1 Oorudo lo alnk their
little Saipltaj In nl. kela I fHce boya
aent on errand turned bnIJo to tuku
a flyer In Ave cent pleea.
V. W. Hale, tho cuabler of the Sub
TrsMUry. ISSUSd an OPdsr preventing
the enlii of more liuin l& worth of
nlokgu to a -.mni pufohassri bs dlditt
want .any ticket gpgoulstorf to coma
down from the Oie.itre district and
4,000,000 NEW NICKELS.
Trrstsry Put HllKalo t oln la
Circulation Tu-llay.
WASHINOTOH, March 1, toui mill.
Ion gllttsnlni new iih kel wltli an ln-
dlBa head on the face and the tlgurc o
a buffalo en IhoTSvarssi la auppisnl th
t'ln.-hon.ir.sl flve-eent Diana With Ih
tIBtMeaa of Liberty as its charBctsrlstl1
an piled III the vuults of the Inlted
Mate liias jry ami so ::easi,r.is t i
ta, lumsd into public oiroulatlon lodav,
Only one, in lw eiity-tl y,.ra can tlie
scrstsry of t'"1 Treasury, without In
sanction of congress, chBBga iiu des
of any coin I'rstidsni Wllsan'a isc a
tgri of the TraBaury will have an op
portuuitv in chsnga the dime, quarter
n,i hair dollar, because n mi.', ihe
preasnl dsslgni will have bean In elrou'
latlon f.u a inait.r eiitm S.m.e
the Traaaury offlctali now in ulttes us
in favor of n hanging thin an ih
ground tiny bib Inartlilts
1 1 lor ue -1. e ii.' B I
I., llpio.se Vlo i .
AUIANY Mat h 1
mof vigorously any
I BIO! )l He inly
1. I'r.-e ThttW.
We snail oppose
attsmpt l i release
Harry K Thaw from Mutteawon st.a,.
Hospital," ssld A ttoiney General chi
mody to-.i.iy "Ws win make strenu.
on ubscHon t.. tin. return of ths wr.t
,n New Vorh County, anl will ak to
liavi it irinsferred la the Ktnth udldsl
I'l-lrtct. n w lot) the UattSBWBtl Ai' .
Intll I. lo ..ted
Vl.ll AN V
as basti a
if Pout. ii.
i Mllnu
aloroii i
wed oy Mi
It. lull, e.
iiaiv. HulBera
i t s ibuma
in locating
Bl I
h. r
ui i a ut i anil gnanddaugiitet
appearsd from Hay ch UI
ic.ii ago Mra pghumaohst
l. tin Hove: ll i, state t n
win dls
h . about a
III .1 letter
i last he
Iomis' ITOn llei dolghti
aavlraj are iBBtrlBI
war a posts'
Uansflaid fo,
Keiipients Reach tie- Be
tore Too I ate.
flnftanaa A' r'Treta a i.e. I'-.c. ..... .
Chilian worntn who three weekt ago
nvkeJ the police to protect he,- from a
vemlirtfa ifhe a.i!j wi ewoin over the
eyffl- cf her aulold admlrd. Dr.
Ougllento QSJCJIM of No. Ill Waaalngtoa
pUio. a'Tenipted to kill heraelf to-day
e-lth gae In her apartment Id th
! Oretchel. No fj Weal Thirteenth atreet
Refor lyleg down ehe put on
r': ros ail i, evening gon whloh aha
had alway told her friend Dr, C.-lllo
iovod bet and drenrri h't -oal black
hair high on her bote with torioiseah.il
ciimiia Ig th aiyl whloh h had ntwaya
moRt pralaed.
Her eaoape ! i m !mmedlit rteirr.
waa due to Ih number of faraweU
notes whh'h he eut her frionds all
over tlie city, anl nhlch uegan t,
eaoh them OA about II o'clock to-day.
Juat about lite I ue when the lay do.ru
oa her bed to . e, alth the gna pour
ing Into her . 1 nt-a!J bed-ojm.
Je Cagagiano at No .'4T0 lIoffTr.an
etreet. til Hrunx. w.n the (1: t of Ml
pereon ro whom ah had lttn to
arrtv a! tha -rot, hl Hu had kjiovn
rletiortta dl I'arrdl many year a,,
whan eh -.mm to chin co.intry trom
Pari, whe: her relative wr lUf
lug, for treutmant for tulieroulotla.
TU letter h hid from her to-day
aald that lnc the death of In- C'acl'.to,
wla waa to marry her a toon aa be
cleared htntaelf of the debt tu which
lila generality oa a hot and bat benevo
lence among the poor had Involved him,
life had bean mda a lortme for bar
worae than drain.
The friend of another woman, win
waa jealoua of her on account of Df.
Cecllu, had c-iuaed rumui that ahv waa
In aom way responsible for his death
and had ttlrred up the Coronsf, the
Plslrlct-Attornsy and the police to an
Investigation, In which ah was oon
pletcly exonerated. Word had been
aent to har ct a vendetta oath tgykett
agalnat her over the phy'c1an' lead
budy. She had asked for t polt'-e guard
nnd had been In an agony of fear vrry
time the apartment elevator toppd at
he- floor.
Th police had given orders tu th
employee of the apartment not to ad
mit any foreigners to th building If
they eeemcd Inclined to go to the apart
ment of the tenorlta. It wut only oy
translating purt of her letter that CSSS
glHiio Mi. able u penuade William
Ilarogu to allow him to go up. The lor
wu locked and tnere n no ans.vor
The Janitur broke, through a window
hy mean of a fire esnape and
found the young woman uncontclour on
her bed. She had atrippe! th aaii o'
pictures and had parked al! of hei oe-
longlng for removal.
In Murray was called from New Vo.-h
lloapltn' and found the senorltu's con
dition so grave he rushed her I 1 It
Vim enl s HogpltUli w are it wg sa d
there was only a ouu .-nance of iter
very. The um. u lance was met on
Ihe street oy Detnctlve prank Allen,
who had received art unsigned letter,
naklug him to go to tho Uretchel to
take charge of thl body ol SsnorltB d!
At th time of Ihe Investigation Into
tha deatn of Dr. CaolllO, BfhB died h
gas after a quarrel with tlie aenorlta,
she told the pollen alia bSlongod 10 i
vary wsalthy Ofilllan family whli h
hud moved to Paris
Opposed to Votes for Women
Wlwn He Met Them and Is Now
Mite, to Washington No Help.
UALTIMORK. March 1. Cardinal (lib
bonl to-day llatly denied tin- publisli.nl
report that Ue had expressed himself
favorably toward the cause of woman
suffrage luring ihe Interview with fjBBi
rtnaall Jones and her army.
i am not In favor of suffrage now,
nor was 1 when I rS0SVSd the march
ers." ea Id the Cardinal. "I lid not
say on any ooonslon thai thsy remind
ed mo ofoJonn of Arc, nor dld.l mini'
naie their sacrllh la wit i thai of tnu
pohll wi .im, n of bianco.
"It seems tnit thsy huva let It
understood 'but I urged tho ...in. ii. 1 1
CollgrSS to near their plea I said
nothing "I tlie kind. I did say: 'If the
national Congrats should .iiv" them
hearing.' with decided emphasis on ths
if. Bums of the prosa rsports appear
1. 1 have it'tt out the lf,' and so changed
my whole meaning "
Tlie Cardinal was asked if he thought
tiny suffragette army's hike" had
aided the cuvso af woman' auftiagc
-.I i
I am sure
il !',
A lilllNS. 'lice, e Mar
di lachmsnl was fouled.
a l v i irk.sli
irsatardaj iy a
drees lo in a i Msllstd
.f ' he fol li ess ut Jaiilu.i
fight, u . ceding lo despal
a- e l a Hgtl . said I
to tha north
if ler a s.n at
lit- pubhi lied
, hi v 1aar I
s, houn ami the Qrasha dsolan thii
:he, btirlsd on tile Held 111 Turaa, a
'tiding eight iifflceri, beilde taking an
ihc isi prlgonars.
The Urvsh losssa are given a "on!..'
fotli Wounded,'1 but Independent ubgart
er '.. n regard m story with aoin.
Saalaaastsr' ?k
cv UK
VST- .W vvja. gJA
Sixteen of Victims Were Chil
dren or Aged Persons
Autos Slew 13.
Th e,rt of tho fn,lo:jil
way tK let . foe Ksbili -ay ahow,
during th irtOflttl UlUtJ people
killed and atll btltldrSd and fifty I
i thit
by vehicular traflti In th ttrnjt cf
th Orest,- City Ir. .,v Ycrlt Btutt,
outside of th Greater CTty, Itfgltrg w,sre
killed and BlXt)rthrsB Injart-d.
Automobile laat month Billed fifteen
it. New fork city, irollsyi twelve, and
horer-draw n vehicles three, tri
cnai of on over th corresponding
montli of last year. Of t'.:oe killed IB
th Jrealsr City by autorr.oxi'.lae tlx 1
wer Bhlldpan, tf the four iclllaxl by
trol.ey four Were ehUdJnaB. and of the'
three killed hv hsiaelrawn vehicle
two ware children Sixteen. r sio-e
than half o tho killed by ehlcular
tranic -n 1i Ive koro.igli. wer mil- I
'di - en
tre.in lxty oat-s Sd or BtW, i
etltevr t-atlia sauted by s.u'mobl'.es
Il t'abruai y at 'e an InTenjio of four
0V0r the corri.p.iiidtne month of Ifli
Of th IM I tirio laat month In the
Ureal, ,r city, ae verity eeVBjB were '
oau"l by autoii. .rrte. forty-nlnS by I
trolley ar.d : went. y -four Dv horse
drawn vehl le 01 tliowe Iniured by
aut .'inoWies. rtft;. were oslult and I
twenty-scc. n ihlMrsn. Of those In
juns! by horsttlrawn vehicles, twent
two iti adults and two
Sever! y aeven Injur! ee ijt
caused ay aulemohoe la an
of twenty over February, i9ii
SL PASO, Tex., March L AuguaUna
Idllaanaat, In ape- tor Of PoIiiB of CW
huobua, and asvsral other officiate of
the Stale btvva been easoutad in tiie
knale penitentiary afiSr a hurried tilal
Passenger, who urrivi l to-day on the
Mexican Central train from Chihuahua
City sa.,1 Al.ra.rii OongBeBS, Maderist
Ctovemor ..r iiie suite, has not y.t
been put to death, but that hla asaou.
tlon :s aapootsd at any time.
QOBMlca and Oth SI Slate ofBolBll
ere BrreBtetl when the volunteer gar
rison reVOltSd and regular troops un
der Gen. Anionl,. Itahagu suppi os,.J
the uprising. OnnBBltl I liiargisl with
trying to dynamite tiie arsenal at chl-
Cananea, the largest American mining
camp In Mexico. 1 the liaitlcground to
day uf Mudcrlstu and I'edei al fori e.
Maderlatai ntiniherlng luu have driven
the Federal gariison from tlie barrack
and control the town.
.ioe May tprens, (usltlva egOovernor
of Sonora State, who is supposed to
huv with him all the Htate fund,
amounting to nearly IIOn.KM peaos. is
being pursue. I south ol , -galea by
Federal troops. Maytorcna, after Me
flight from rtsrmosillo, left bis BDSOUvl
train several miles eolith of the Ameri
can border, win re he Joined B Maih-rlHta
band. He I thought to be en route to
Nacoznrl. WhOM tuere la a Strung Mi
dorlstu garrlBiiri.
V'KHA cm'. Mevi. o. March I Six
Ann-rlon n seamen from the Ward Unef
Monterey were urrested to-day follow
ing tha ftflng ol a shot near tlie i'iu-
tom House, Ttils brought a vigorous
protosl against this arbitrary action
nf tin- military authorities from
William w. Canada. American Consul.
The men were thereupon rslSBBBd
u ill an apology offered by the military
pommandsr Bvldem i ihowad mat
they wer nil unarmed and sober.
Suicide al ll.-ua.liaa I enlral.
Morris Bslaalan, s young man about
lwontyltve ysars old took a mom at
to,, itroadwa) t-'entraJ Hotel tn-Ja .
teglstsrlBi in- from tii city Lais thli
afternoon a maid notified thl office thai
gag was uonttiui from ths roojn. Tne
trunsom was forced and Halation was
i ,ui 1 1-1 dead or th bed Thsrs waa no
iiivmedUte nie.tr... for furthe- IdentiH
1 calivu.
W'AaTHTaVrjTO?! Msnh 1 ConfftaW
rrar. William 0, KsdAatd gf Pi-ooklyn.
M v., nid en good attUiortty to i j.
bean nffrrod and to have adOSgtSd tfcl
fot of Sex. 'clary of Commerce In Pfftl
den? Wllann' Ablnnt. ThOUgll Mf. fled
fleM um.' to-lny p raj tl end) t , ronflm
oi ueny the report that he 'a to l. a
rrn:ber of 111 WI1a)n'l oflli la) fain. V
(tN newa of his aKacUoa by thl Prest
I dent-elect com. frorr e n Ithanttfl a
aot.rce .in to be pt art'.ru'.iV nefli. ta
I Th nppolntmi.r of .'oriivressiTnan fled
jtield to the pr.:,'r, ;.o of Oommof Ct I
I taken to truncate a tffs fl Nil - lit; on
I Cot, Wllaon'a ptirf. If ,.ast - t I a:
, s:otea of th ojucnert Bra .nken :o lie
Dmre or lae e,yrrex. AP ergn at'erueil
Ui point to Ijoul r Brandle gf Pui-t.'n
aa the fies.Tet.in' of Ooatfnatvt
i Vnicrina.n RrdflpJd's tcrci the
!l e:e .ir.r Matvn t. He wns electod
j to Bha gtxti -ao snd Ccngri.i. trori the
lftti OoBfrttasotia Dlfirtct in rkfooklya
Mr. MadiiaM trill bs lit lira! BrookJr
- retfreseritiitjve In a OaMnBl "i I'.en
I Jnmrtt !. Tracy wa annoinfol Se.-retnrv
o. the Navy by Pre., dent Harris an ,n
IM Tracy re'.l-fu Sfll ,
n IM
Till Rroo'.ilyr. nablntt
aian have JBthtf tttarttl
ca n" slat now Btddldg.
iho Praaklsni
Wlnibaf mav
it'-yu. A Ihd
he w'.ll he til
ut..y iiujn.Hr Witt t eal lilf kt
$6,000,000 IN FINES
IJifTict-Attornry Witt's Kep. -.rl j
Shews RecorJ Activity, Paniculv
ly in Anti-Truat Lsw Prosecution
In tin forty-soveji month that have
pa.sel Bin United isiate Dlstrlut
AWci.ie.v IVe receive! his U4polnt
msjsl ftiy:n rVaBMstVl Taft hll ofBog
ofBcs nas turned htn t'' l!llltBd S'.uich
Tfoasury WSJ,ri U, Lngaogad a On as
In crlm.ii.il proceodlngs or cottecSgd in
etVll actions. This ig .i average o
more than MSMM a year.
DUftSS thla period tne talarlea of th,
liltr!' ! -Attorney nnd ai entire st iff
have averaged less than M.M a vcar.
Mr. wise hi oiej fourteen Ind lot menu
and e ht petitions Ui equity amler 'he
gherman atttl-Trust law, more than ones
quarter '. nil the sus.-s begun tn that
period ludc" 'hat law in the ent, re
United States. Till la three more than
were liro'Jg'.'.t In the entire country dnr
I ln IhB Bret twelv tr the law was
i on tho itgtU IS hooka.
j These stttt.stbm ar con:. lined 1n a
1 farewell report of the w ork ,1 Ids uflb t
I made by Mr. Wit to-dny.
I The report seta forth that of the
I total of 1.71 criminal cae LM were
d.spused of, regUltlng in convictions
i and IM BcojultteVts, ihe apparent dis
' c repeal cy being accounted for by the
I fact that in many Isdtcbmeota then ai-e
! a number uf di fendutit.
I The showing li a volume of '.i.'t'.i more
thin three t; nes as great a diinn tne
precoedlni four your.
The statistic also SlMW that the
prosecuiorj hue bean BusislnBd in nine
BBSeS out of ten taken to rijprenic
Coutl on writs of err...-.
Ageirta of the Federal Seoret Bervioe
to-lay put in the hands of District
Attorney Whimum ovidoncs to show
that the eo-oal,e, Arson Trust" Is u
national organisation and U under the
general dtrootion u: a man with ofSoes
i:: New York City. l-i receipt Of til "se
iisstt-aii Ts Mr. Whltniun look personal
c horga of tiie oampalgn for lingllng
out the loadsrs of th incendiary band
in NeW York who liaie made a prac
tice af obtaining insurance on over
Miluwl properties und bumlng thl
hulldings for pmtlt. TJie report in
I lUdeS lire In Chicago, umahn. Salt
lath City and New Orleans.
lb. on . J. Rubin, the Insurance broker
end ad Juat er who wn. uonVlotod of
hiring "Itxy the Painter" to et (Ire to
j lii-onx ttnemeut filled with people,
continued tOd ly hi. detailed cnf,-s-
aioei to Anjustant Uletrlct-Attorney
Weller. Mr. Wellnr has npoftsd 10
his chief Hint there ! already ev.dea .
enough at hau l to in let not )
twelve or tiftee'i brokers and adjust!,
am at least ons Ingurancs oompan)
official who has ha i guilty knowladgs
ivf over-liiMiran.e ana w-lu, his stiare.J
In ths ira't.
rtit itrn aVtOfj IT OH tni.ii'iTov
POHRTH RACE The 'it df llavndl
cap of H.Ml tbr. .). ir- dds ami UP
ward; one inil. RepuhUcBfli 1" (Mon
doni, I to a. 1 bi In and I to flrat;
fluty. t- (OoOSS), I to I, 1 to 10 ami
:' 1. 1 aeoond; Milton D., i' (Taplfn),
u to I. ' t ' i and I ta '.'. third, Time,
I.SJS4. t'arHon O., Uoohlsl, Voltltorpe,
l-'or.t iU ran and dultlhsd iod
As Startiingly Original and Excitirtr as
Will Begin in Monday's I veninp World, March .
P., . CoWmlBttoMf Waldo d iap-
BoistBtl sumbef of gnsloui yoons ?"'
i ce .aptjins io-d.i.e and gratified sit''
eompllmented on b) promoting Cspt.
Jamei if (Mian of the Bssl sixty-fin.
tree! t.:li,m to IBS rank of Inapeetoi.
lilllrn till the Inspect..' ship left ai'.ur
b;. tb demotion of Itgnn's dwesfiBy,
Ti j i .iiii.it ion of II. 1. 1 ti was followed
by ids aBBtSSnaSI IB .lie command Bl
Pi t ''Ir t Inspection dislrirt. wh ih
IghM in the Md Tsttdsrioln, and b.i
been In r'l.irg ol InrpSfltor Iahy
Tills is n dlftl. nit d: tro t, and the a
fiflnmeM "f OHIaa lo look after it eiiow
thai he haa the full ronAdeBCB of thl
CommlaaloiMf, niihough hs la Ihs young
st inspector In ih ranks,
bahsy goes downtown to t.-,, BsSn
InSpeOtlUB l)lstr.,t on the lower We'
Ids nnd Ifliptutor John Daly, a term
t. rfwOks, grafter and I a ay polren,
gO to IM flxth Dlltrlcl In Harlem la
tak" up ihs work oi ingpeator Dwyi
who lias been OlsaBUlg bBUBB StBJBB the
ugpeni in of swociici. Daly, .io hj
the HO'.Ce, BPPBSPSBOS and mannrrlam
of a- old-'lmo tragedian, will unjouo'
isll; mil,., life trngeily for l.he ii 1 1 in e
nj.. law roBhrra who bss hssn iiou.-
Ighlnl In llB lie til for years.
InepeOtitl IW'r is now fire t., dev.,
himself entlrtlj to in uwa dhNri
which coin ice.- ibe new lander loin asc
ihe Beit sid apartntsnl uou.. poki
bs't, ''apt Patrick Corcoran BtsoBendf
Qitlen in oomniand of the BJgs! i-'if;-
tlrs' tlrsrt pre in. :.
(IIUl I Is 3 I.
loBimlssianor w iido
froj' ftruoklys bibmi
ago 10 i "org-... . : M
wlrs polkyMBas
brought him t,
elghlesn nioiit..
Iioili r Siiuad, at. .
'ii work
mini hli
wa?" so satisfactory that i
i promotion from UstttsBniii
u. oaptaln H
tor OBBrmlss on
till ig oftlor,
la tlie
tn. elftb Inapec
"us made 1n"
Hoboken Hifcntei, Noted lor Hi
Ability to rake PunWinunt,
Comniitted 10 nake HHI.
C ha ties Slegar. ain g proinlneni t
a llghtweigii- fighter ao.ne yrara ago an
who " is known a Li htOOShSB l'o
Man OB J. ount of his ability to tak
punlshmsSI :n th rlnv, eras DOmmltti
to-day lo the Snake II 11 Insane Asytu i .
Jereay City, by Rsoofdsi M,:Goicrnsj
Hah ken.
He n arr.ati.d tBfo etusi ao- bur
waa release I. l,ot night he w as
rested again aa ne was thraatenliig, tin-
polio say. to n iint gomebody, and wai
bSOBmlna SaSfrsrOUS. Physicians whu
examined him .ay tiat the punishment
he received in lilt Bghtg probably caused
hi mental derangement. Sieger battled
With lo trans, Jimmy Brut. Vounv
l-lrn an a other well known fighters.
Mi. ii U llearrsri gj.tl. SJMSJ.
The atateinerit of tiin as'tuel indl
tlon of Clearing House remit and trust
companies for the week shows that tbey
Ii dd $;.i,!' li'.ii reserve ill excea of legal
requirement!. This Is a decrea of
tdO, 4SX eHQ from last week.
"The Show Place ol New York"
Kieellent e.ilalne and nerfert w
Ik, I nbarel that harala all. "A
r.-al eiitertalm.ienl by real enter
tainer,," eontlniinu from l t. af.
Ilur f. im, ni. .Ilnner sueelnla tread
In serve dlahea l from n lo II. .'to P.
M. V la i art.- all da, . I ery Thura
dav ",l,.ll I'auat" Muht.
BROADWAY at 59th St.
Mill Mills (IKI'I.E.
I I I . .tilStl i OI..
Ill III M. -New fork I'ltv. r,n Feb. IK
lovad laughter of J,r and Jennhi
Bullir, and eistrr ,f Miss Janet Rittlar
use. I IWSBty venr.
runarsl will ta...- place from nr gt
rldne, No. i" s'ew Rowery. Mender
in J P, M rrlanda ami aequalalaaesa
ar reaBSetfully Invited to attand
int. rnteot Calvary. Arraagameata Wm
UHAIIAM. After iiiain iiiniai har.
OARRT UHAIIAM, :,... ,..t wfe i
jam". Ortham, at her rssldsaes. ffi
Jul K. I.. Ill st,
I'uiieral Mon.lav ..t 10 o'clock feon
hi. Oabiisfi Church, H, tiTt:, at.
iriu.ii i t. t ,1, aa, RDWAhp a., b-
OV0 ""n "i jonn U'ltellly and the
alargsret Nuilaray,
ruuerai nanaay, starch n. from
31 :
fi lad t . hi I. lo .v. H, lo Bt.
lumua Bursa, oiii bet Ith ami um
avas Hi. en, a re., ii tj ina, ;,t (, o'clock.
l.i is I
!:., jl
It" ! '
ayrriili ru lala lag
ll hulkl, ,"lls 110 , ,

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