Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913. The Hike Is Over Here Are Six of the Noted Hikers MESSAGE CARRIED flAir I I ALL IMI V WlN r I iD nf f-Ao "WIKF" The-y aai" 23 mfes tn voCays, mates. f n l IU J f'csf Jays . 'cavma 4 butty ote.s Av 6 p flttttS ptr WUHetlf day BY GEN. JONES IS PLEA TO WILSON Good Work BAcKI&'.gy'j Give Mg. . ... ' T..,- 1 e -r t 1: i AO IntimaU sctri 1-1 Bladinsiaur Hotel, rrawrv by permissica 'Oayi7) Well, do you percievc the AKTfR. ThL: LETTdR1 Consanguinity ? I House Orders Inquiry WALK I No 2 2 5 AS 'Hours of Torture for Peck and Mi.TniRisis Ask His Aid in Their Cause Ourinsj His Presidential Term. Hail , hail, Mis Chum Described in The. Gang's All HERE ! AT PIANO WHICH HID HER HUBBY Divorce Suit. HIS SECOND DECREE. His Hirst Bride PHtted With "f'opsie." and Law Gave Him Freedom. William rhi) i-.v-k. i bond broker l No. z Broadway an 1 mi -r tha -niii-joMlrg Pecki of Perk' Paint, jtum fortl. Conn., ,M ,, ., P1111 llf .M, with nit wivee. according to reoord of taatlmony which aecompanlei a divorce decree in hit racoi itgned to-day by Justice Hendrlck Although only in ty -three yean old Pteh Itai divorced two wive :;, yeara Thi ia..t mm v. as Mix Prance Kdna Itoblee, whom 1-" married .liino 2. 1911, Pooh Mir. 1 1. 1 bride, who the damn- It of Milton Riblee, n hotel ,in.r. Hrod In congenial hllii in lha faehlonahla Motherland t RlveraMe trlve and Ona Hundrod ami Fifty-eighth itreet imtH u 'ew day bafora lait t'hrlatnvae. Thui. according t th- rvldence, hi tnltatad j alii of ehtlm to spy up n hi- wife. lec-k and Richard 11 tsar .if a araalthy ikt..M famllj and a Calumal Club fel- luw-m.-.-i th. latti - t. rttfted, rata coaled them ilve belitnd piano in a yaw twain .-i ..r tin- Butherland 1 .-. ihe nlgf.t of I in-. "4 lest ufter Mm. aaoh aaa informed thai 1 bualnaaa trip celled lie: huehar. I huiriedly to i-h,-ag i. Th' supertnti ndi nt of tha bulldlnf, J.-im H, Mtcnt-tnati. was aim taken lnt.i -he recrrt. PAIR SUFFERED TORTURE BE HIND PIANO. Th.- story continued thai ahortly after I o'-'ovk that nla-lit a limousine drew to the houer, a fur-clad man merged, and .1 r.-w mlnutea later Mre, il'a.-k and the cat lac drova awny. At siikirtight thay returned. Tha auto va dtomloeid and Mr- Pack and her a-m-ori aMarad tha Perk apartmenta, IMre. Peck iani- Into the parlor tuineil ou t4u- lights at: 1 Ml a- ihe piano and Wtayad. Her companion uii. and for -I - than an hour th' arl " and her ,ftt made merrj . Although Peoh an. 1 Bear aer tor tured in their , r; npad quartan, ualthar -.poke, it was ralatad. Tin- eoneaalad oair hoard whlaparad worda of affection exchanged, and Pech'i only rxpreaelon wa to nu.iae ilia eompanlon i-laoroualy. Than, aftar an Interminable nine. Mm. Ji-ck retired to her m, tha I'ghts arara turned out mi l hei luaot followed. Peck Hii.i rdlni to the taatlmony. came from their hktlnc I I a. 1 .-1 olgarettea and waited half an hour. Than they tiptoed to Mm. Peoh'i room. piiM.o-.l tin- .h.oi ..,.,-u jreiitly am) (nynad on the limits. Mrn. Paeh -iaanie,l for help, S. arn called St. ue man, who identified Mr Pack, hut none eovld raoofnlaa her companion The t.irae bowed nolotnnly, :.l "(lood niOmtns' anil left. DIVORCE SUIT QUICKLY. FOL LOWED "GOOD MORNING." Next .lay Peek tlle.i his milt f..r a dlVOfOe, naming an unknown man. ami FteKeuiau aarved the pa para. Searn and Itacematl told the atory of the la'phi'M adventure to Juatloa Hendrlek, Mm. Pack did noi di feini the divorce aojHon mid at the dvtherland it mm b.iid lu-iiuy that alia had joiueti her payanta the day after lior huaband'i dlddovary. Broker Pack obtained a divorce from the former Rcaala L', Herbert In the Supreme Court only fourteen daya be (ore he married Mlaa lloblee. The ft rat Mn. Peok Wai eued In May. ID'.l. a man known aa 'l'.i-li-" 'o inw named as careapondent. Three years pravtooa Ivru married Mies Herbert, datkfhtar uf John C, Herberi of Charlotteavltle, Va. l-ur month! later th- bride left tha broker and nent in Waahlnwton, hut returned t.. htm e year Klar and thay lived a; ittfl Hotel tneonle for n faa niotttha. wh-n Mr Peck ..rf.iin u.-m to VVwahlnst m. The teatiin my In the rlrr divorce action dloi'loaed that Mm. Peck m llvlai wiih "Pojiale" at No. ill Dela ware avenue, WaaT.ilnston, under the jmnie of lire, liens-!.- Qibaon. "Popole" iappeared in be "Mr. tlibaon." The touri awardod Pack .1 decree on May in, HOSIERY FIRM FAILS: LIABILITIES $300,000. Receiver Name. I for Simon's Suns (Inc.), on Petition "t fiie Creditors, An Involuntary petll . In bankruptej ly four creditor! araa Bled to-day in lha 1'i.ite.i s piatrlct I'ouit anlnai viariea Vhuon'n Bona, iin'., manufao t'irarb of underwaai1 and loolan at No, Jj L'nlon iQUara, Aooordlni lo . u 1 x. Myeri of No V) Avail street, attorney for lha credltore, tha llwbllltlae of the llt'in are Hu),uwi, with poaotble aaaeta -it MO.ooit Mr. Myt-ra mi id tha concern had been Pit ting i ik profit! and uaaeti Into Manhat tan real palate, wh It rcoently to..k a auililan aluiiap. 1,1 an effort to eave tnair aetata li ii-!i in, the attorney continued, r' in . incorporated them in lha rtiin in Realty Company 'ant May Holnioa J 1 -oett w.ii: celrer by .lu.l:- Hand tinted 1 a mm i ,in ie Uaace, , a jury uf loym". " '' lad from tha lai'h'.la Wallt! Of M 1 ie to pOJ 'I, .oil th" proprlatlM ". Ut "itiune ut Nolr." or the iiar-e. -i- foil in.. An ordar to tnai effaol waa alaned IohIbj by .ludaa MvlQuaei o 1 o Court 1 Hauerai lea eton upon uppil'-atl 11 farmer judfc Herman Jiaoph, niinrel fur Will- ii Hammefetiim. anj approved ty uia- Alturne: S aiuiiaii. TUESDAY THE DAY No' Action Before Then, and no Efforts to Jam the Con- Iracts Through. Poeltlve and definite nation on the d ial rabway contraata on Tueeday was an nouncad by Chairman Me;-,iii of th l'uhiic Bervlce Commlaalon to-day. "There a-lll ba no action tiefore thn." raid the chairman. "Hut action will D taken at the reaular Baetint that day unlaai aomathlng unforaaaon arie meanwhile, which I- '.'.uproha.hl State ments at tha meeting yeaterday that Intimated a:i effort would he made to jam the contraata through 1 onlay or ut some other tpoclal meatlni were ahao lutaly unJuatldaMa. meeting railed for to-da: , h was adjourned until Monday morning, was for : :.- purpoee of clearing up minor mattfts on tiie calendar." 'ut Tueeday i Inauguration day," It wai luggoeted 10 the ntalrman. Tiicn we'll run ,1 rival attraetlon." h replied. Chairman M.-ii! aald Tuedayi ac tion would he on tha eontracti of both 1 1 1 int. Thorough arl it 11 t. He aald there would ba no furt lar action with regard to the Aitrd-tracklng certificate! t . he laaued through lha Intarborough tnrlead of th.- Manhattan Rallwa) Com pnny until tho public hearing on Mar.-., unleea the commlaalon ahould vote Tueada) I I iliaapprove the oontracta in their antlratp, NOT INTERESTED IN GOULD SHONT8 CONTROVERSY. T.i olialrman .id he waa taking no taleraet whatever In the quaatlon of p.-r .rial vara dty between '.ie irge Qoul I and Praoktam dhonta of the Intarbor oniih. He .said ha had merely nought to learn If the propoaed changed certificate! could ie- legally laaued, and having aa Ha iled lilmaeir on that m-ore, future dla- tuaalon n u; 1 letaraen the Intar borough and the Manhattan, with the Commlaalon aa an onlooker, in the meanwhile tha Intarborough htu definitely decided to continue lia da. Ounce 01 the Manhattan Railway Com pany or tin- liould Intaraata In lt di rectorate, It uh: aald to-lay the di re -tors if 1'itel u irouah -v..l 1 ;ioM,- tieiv deallna 11 treat with the com mittee named by the Manhattan for tn purpoeo ol malting an effort t adj let the difference between tha two com panlee. 1 ontandlng nm. when the Inter Iwrough leaeed the Manhattan llnea foi MM li aaaumed lha right lo mak e. tut. ver Improvement r alteratlona it deemed neceeaary. the company will reji i ail ovorturoa and l! lattaned it la lee. iiiy able to make tin- third track eMcnel.wn, a cartllloAte r which II bae aakad tha Public s.-rvu-e Conimla 10 grant. Mea awhile u ire are ruuiora or Impending warfare iii the rank of th.- Manhattan tookholdere, lotm It, 11.. ckafeller Jr. landing tha op- poaitlon to titmld. Oh airman MaCall aald lha ooaimlaaton would .1 ' nothing mora than lend a form at acknowledgement to Mr. Oould In aiiHwe to his letter di Serins with Mr Whont! as : . what paaaed between them regarding an alleged offer on Mr, Oould pari In tall his Manhattan h dd luga to the Intarborough at an advance ,,r lomathing like forty-five polnta n the market, Neither will the oommli Ion take up tha iltuatlon with John i. tn k. fi ller ir., who hiva bean brought Into ihe oontroveray as the largeat nni;ie holder ol Manhattan aoeuritlee, and who i alleged lo be angry with Air. tlouid bacauae of his having .'unaed a delay In tin- negotlntlona. Mr, Oould aalled for Panama to-day, and T. U OheiduOUnM Jr.. who ll! rapreaanl him n hli abaanoe, u looking o ihe Interboruugh fof lha nut move, rhia, at leaeti wH remain tha altuatton until the contracU and the naw .-rii-.11. have been paaaed ui b) Uie I'uh. He dervlci Commlalon uni are ready or the ilgnaturea of the city and tha 1 mi,, my. Then he Is agpootad to Lake the nwtti -.- to the rourte Chairman McCall ent.-iwi an emphatic denial to-day to imports from Albany thai he . ' a . 1 gone there yeaierday to di-.-u. lubwuyi with Oov, gulaer, Ha said he was in .vibgny on pergonal huHioeat, and the uovernoi', learning of it, invited blm. over la call. "We didn't evan Mention aubwgyw," ha nrnteat d A filar Song Mil. Way DtlWn In CtltNti" NOfg l!uypn 1 gnd ,iaek Korwortb'i ftunoui houk lilt ptibllabod by T. H. Hurrnu mid 1 j Franclii Paif ft Huntt-r, will be Klvcn 1 (ret with uutt buuday o World. FOR SUBWAY VOIE m CALL ANNOUNCES jBt 'KSti& ! IN ELMHURST; WOMEN , pkiw ' FORM A CIVIC LEAGUE They Are Going to Make the Town Beautiful as Men Are TtHi Rusy Playing Pinochle. Twenty women of Rlmhurtt hay. banded together it. the rgueo of civic betterment and formed the Women' -Civic League, The mere mules of Ihi Q-.ieena lUburb, no It Is art down In the third "arhereai" of ti.e laague'a pre. a-nhie, are mo buay earning mono) hi day and molding MB icee by nnht thai ihe civic Ideal of Rrmhurai can n vat b. realtgad througli their eftorta fegtorday lha Brat anok.- for . 1 -. . boauti waa mad! over tha teacup . the home Of Mr.. Mar) Man- a (tUdlow avenue, All ol tha twenty char. ter memben tacept two brought iheir bablea or their knitting. M.c Cxrollr Mayhea waa choaen Vloe-Preeldvnt, Mbnt Mayi.ew being on,, ol ihe village IChOOS teach"-!. Mm. H. A. 11 Dd wa made the Pirei Treaaurer. Here an aome of the Hlmhurat Women'c Clvi Laagua'e polioleai So rnoie peanut ehelta, dlacarded igar ituba, waata paper and ba nana peeling! in trolley eara, All ruolormeii and 1 nluilor- .hill wear linen .-.illai-H md keep their Irogaer! praaaed. Poll ei.ieii Miaii improve khalr da. nurtmont md eh'Vl not wen- 1 tixithpirk a! a rompoaanl pan if their arrvl ie uniform, gldewalka ha:i in- kept la repair. u,bo awept. All ClttaeOa are UTgad hi plant tome iwaet amelllng Rowan in a VMtaplcuuui plana In tlmlr yard! or on their Bra. weapon. Tha miia nwiie.-its M'.uid noi nraaie an un favorable iaipracaloa if thi y wore oocnatunnlly a boujtonnlerc of forget-me-nota or -e.-t wllllam. STOP CLOCKS FOR WESLEY. Paetoae 10 Qaenrve iientii aalvr r of Paaada ..i Mathadlam. rHICAOO, Maroh I. Bvery Math liai pastor in the linlted ktatee will atop 111! church clock for ten nMnuteg to-morrow in honof Of the name of John found. .- of Meth'xHam, th annlvroaary of waoaa death falla on March - if an appeal which wiui pant broulcaei over ovtr the nation yeitarday 11 1 1 Kev. Joaeph B.. Htnplay of Kvanaji 111., la m oliai (1 ut Ui DMVgaMM, BLA0EMSBUR6 OEO (sJiTsOvn WASHINOION1 i ike uccess G Flat Failure, Says Anti WASHINGTON, March I, We have ittrred up latent though) in repaid to uronton h auffrage by our pllgrlniage to Waahlngton. Wheth r people n levi In air caae or not. 1 ii are talking and thinking about "vote! for women." Nothing 'ess aprctaoular could have aroused the Inter eel ol the newapapen f the l otintry, who have s.-ni their ropreaentatlvea along the line. The oonao qu n '.- hac been that not only thouaandi upon thouaanda have aeen ami heard us, hut million! have read ol us, ami it bae ail opened dleemalan! In thouaandi Of laolnted hamlota and homea When ver wa have I n we have received ari 11 attention, and almoal every one within 1 radius of tan mllea In th,- . tut ry h is come to !ec the piiirlnui "nr paaelng along tha country roads hai brought a naw Intereal Into main gray lives. They would never have got tha message In any other way, and II Is th.. country folk who are to glVl Ihe Vote to women In nil Ihe State- We have ved woman'! endurance, per eevc ranee, onuraga and canefcratlon to 1 prlnlcple 1 Ugue, eufferlni and bordahjp have not dampened lha si-lrn of nihil-lasiu in any of the pil -n i All feel d-trriultii 1 ! 1 iv no atone on- turned lo win for women t poiiii. igrlmag a united band of det lerlrnoei gathered on our lourney WAHHINOTON, March I. The hike of Ihe auffr aalata from New York t- Waahlngton did alaioluti ly no good it made notorloua a lew gitis for whon everyh dy is sorry becauae they ahowed a graal deal of nerve in a mlatakei cauaa, The eauaa ih not only a mistaken .me but ihe method urd to prvieni it is bad. Prom v hat I In ar from the mot e eenalhle lufTraglall of New Vork Ihei did aat approve of Ihe itt!e I COJialdar 11)0 tr.inip over the eountr) a mlst ik'-n policy of few Ihouahtleaa enthualaite, The people or Waahlngton want out in ee the luffragtat blkeri through curioalty, Thay pitv the glrli who t-.k part In It. Mftg. ARTIIUR M DOIK1K, Prealdenl of the Aacoclatlnn Oppoaed to Woman suffrage JAMFS A, M0FF6TT. OIL MAN. BURIED WITH SIMPLE RITES. Manv Noted Uttslness Men Mtend the Funeral Services ill His Late Residence. glmph funeral eervleea a-ere held thlgl morning f,r James tndrew Molfett, I . icctt sor to tin- late II II Itog.-ra l j Vl preatdent ol tin- dtandard oil Oom pany of New Jeraey, wlra died Tuaaday , li ght at Palm Beach, Pla. The -iricai ware at nil late reaidnoe, Ma. Ill Waal aventyd'aoond itraet. Mr. Moff.-tt had euff.-r. d for e r..j months with kidney trouble, which ultls mutely eauaed hli death Th.. funeral .. rvire was r. ad by lha It. v. leflgtlllR Parke, rector uf St n.irihol omew' Ohureh. Ha .e aiallti I by Rev, Syd ney if. L'eeher. and i uuartei from i church rendered "Ued. Kindly Light." ami "Ni an . Ml lod, U Thee." The iuig loom of ih.. late oil tnag nau a a. wall niieii witii bualaaw aa alee, The north and of the room wag banked solidly with beautiful Boral tflbuuui Mealed in uw room wan guvh en. Jon es ; ,1 emancipation We have ended out , 0 women, profiting by the many e HOgAMB 11 UtDIN'KH J'JNKH wen known peraonc " John i Ro k. u Her r . A. ird, Mr. end Mrs li a. Pelt, T While, Judae Warren w f J. " trehhold, Hr. and Mn ' M Mli hnele, Mr- K Wllm ml, Mi and Mr-. Hani ) Ja !un, II. ni y II Plagler, li. t. Wheeler, Thomae a 1 1, kr. II. ii,.!, I t ' li, ., i...- .. .1... ...... - "i . nun- Oci in nn Company, William n Rrwin Mis II S II u4ta ..,,.1 . ... I ..... - . I , ,,,,, Ihe Houthern Hoolety, Mr MofT. tt left ,. oMIdrett, J lilies I Miiir.ot ie i: v. ti. ....... . .... i " .HI Hli I l,'l.- MoffeM, Interment as ai Woodlawn 'einetery. LOCK UP SENATE SILVER. WAJMHNOTON, March l.-Inaugural ( aouvantr eoiiactiag propana -Hag We. -1... i to dine m me Hanata railaurani at Ihi ('aplioi win have no opportunitt .. . s... gilveraare Itaainiilng lo-day the s.ii.-r wua looked away and cheap lubatltutea pUeej in llrte Theaa Mapi were taken la ti" llghl of past laauguralloiui, e-hen dlnen carrlel off ipoona, knivee, f.oks and other ta'.ia furnlahlngi to tin ilua of v rai hut Ol.d vs ANTl'S WHAT THE SUFFRAGETTES BEGIN "SELF-DENIAL WEEK" TO AID THEIR CAUSE As Organ Grinders and Ped dlers They Altuise London In RfloneyRaising Campaign. LONlK)N, March I -Numbera of iuf f rage I tee playing barrel organa other! drawing picture! on Ihi pavement! aad still other! eclllna Boware on lha eteeet nomer! ..r elnalne woman lulfragatta songs provided llvei. ! I reel aatertala men! for the realdenta ol l.ono.m to-. I iv 'l hey gathered n couilorable mnount of money li, lid. I to the reaOUroal of their octette! This la lha beglalng of "aalf- lent il greek" tv the Niiffiag.-ll.a. 'i h.- Worn in s Mortal ami Political llnhin has de. 'lie, I lo cop) Ihe annual nelf-denial w.-.-a adopted aoma yean ago hy the Salvation Aim, and by this mean! hope, to colic I many tltOUOan Is f dollar! iii support of the eauaa Two ot h! aulfragatte " g in grlnderg were mobbod in Mhafteahur) avenue and had to accept the reeoulng ervl ul Ho- police T.i' ii organ aaa redd ed la kl tiling The oontroveray between tn. Ma. i of Itlchmoiid au i Home Hocratar) Mo Keuna concerning lha ralaaae from Hulloway 'ad "t miss l.llllan Lenton. luffragette, is likely lo lead to a thor i. Kb "Hi iai lavaatlgatl'm of the pro. ceaa known aa forcible feeling, mill tint laadera and their aympathlaara wa i to-day Whan m.-s Lenton railed to appear in police court for tnai on a charge of portlcipatPui m ihe burning of the Kew Clai l.-iiN pavilion the Mayor a h ied a bench warrant for bar, and waa Informed thai eha had been released by the Home Secretary kw auaa fOro. tide feeding had Impaired h.-r health Tn.. Richmond "in- iai rltlrtaad ihe Home gecretary uauatlcallyi and Mc Knnni cama back wit , a itatamenl that he fife! Miss I.e-itoll to save hei ni.- lie said tnat be had egparl mod la. teattmon) tnat Hie wonian was In , lunger of Heath Hh was a hunger !ll k.-r. Ill said. ai,, i itgyvad heraeif mil the prtaon dot tors forcibly fed hei Ihrnugh Ihe now. Septn- pne iinonia I p'.-iirisy level- aped and either nton ervatlon or ai dltlonal forcible feeding would have i i Mies Lenton, t ie Home Beuretari aald in wag iiiionueu. Hi HE AVM S SAKE DO W6 CARE ?) AGREES TO EXPOSE MissKohler Changes Mind and Promises Pull Revelation to Aid Justice. Martha BaatiOc! h..iiier. tiir i,-ii. ; lean rear -old daugnter ..f Jamea P. I k. .ni.-r .r Brooklyn, w.h take tna WH mss eiaml tn PlaPbuak l'ourt on Ti..-s-day and laatlf a a willing wltneAs to all Inatdaata Inwatvad la the eei i n lange again-' Walter K i,.ie. th.- v., nng ei, laty man n"W at lll.erty und. I'.'.omi 'nail. The girl, who made i lenaatlonal ri'adi: to Atlantic "ity i .si Naturday aad win. ,iMi..i ii.i- riiii.r's aanaaand that ahe ahould reveal nil lha knows ahoiit th defile if wealthy youwg Brooklyn mn ,h.. are said to hov.- mad- detMUdlll tine art, announced lha ludden revei ii i.r her attleuda toward Doyle ami hli aaaootatea to-.iay. without laklagj har father Into her oonfldOllOO, When Mr. Kohler was told by re liortrrs in lila ofllee at No t t'ourt Itreet, of tils daughter's sudden dl termination t anaaal her iip. be was completely myattfled Whal Ilea ae bind th,- girt s dotermlaatlan to testi fy agalnal tha man whom, aim ".."i n few daya ao ain- eonaidorad la ika light of a kaaaand and paaelo natal) loved. Miss Kohler .11.1 not reveal. "There are certain etrona nlrcum atancea i have just dlacovered", ahe wild today m her home. No HJi Baal geventeenth atraot, Platbugb." which liave changed my attitude completely, I am now angtoua to testify aaalnsi Doyle, and I will answn nil quealloai put to tne. "Purihermore, t itn us. re than t,. aid Aaalatanl Oletrlet-Attorney Qold. in hi Orand Jury invaatlgalloa or: n lol of Moylea friends and their re laUoM with young girls A great ileal thai do.s m.t appeal la th- affidavit i madl against lloyle Is Just II dieulful. and I will lell all these fails to Mi Uoldateln, mi ning timse Implicated and giving datei, ao everything aaa ka l erltle.i. iii th.- light .k rbai i now kmw. i am ver) aoirv thai I ever iried to hide ti,- fact! or io assist Doyle, ah I want I, do now is to li the Whole mutter hue and let toe law lake Us .oune with him and Ills evil aaso-iatoe." Mu:tiia Kohl, i s sudden determination m.t to proti t Hi- man a.s-ua.d and the Otheri against whom th- Aislatant Diatrlct-Atlorney Ih Irving to get evl denea caueed aomethlag like Rank in I certain Brooklyn afes and air night cabaret r-soits. where Uia newa nu.-kii pread, geveral pmprtelorg are likei I named as eu'erers to the allded j n litis' si hemes. Two uf iioyle'a ctaipanlona who are Known to Mica Kohl."- ure said lo h iv left town. TO STUDY BLONDE ESKIMOS. ' , hoiogisi mim Maaaare mi mi w or reii- Tribe. cWX i-lTY Ii, March I The I'ul- varalty or lowv win aend lha RrM iiaychologial to be a membee ... a Polai rapedltion uorth tuis aprtng with Vll jahiiar gtefanagon l.uthor li Widen ,.r Iowa win acoompau) lha capedltlaal ntth a - npiet- laboratory outtu of I pa) ho igi sii apparatui to meaaura ih. aMolanc) ol tin- Kaklmo mind He will make a ipaolal itud) of to.- blonde i . . mis dtaroverwl bj gtefanaaon, Tii- tenting laatntmenta to be on i led I ; Mr. Widen wIM be the Aral -ver tried on a primitive race, lie helievoe I 'hi' daii of giant value inai he pro-' ire.1 by a ,-oinpi -h- i- stilly of the mind of th wii.i KihigtOi practically th- not raoe w drtt kaa not t. t tha miluence r th'- kite mat AI.MAV V. yilH To I'M lull ii.a t .1.'. si-, .et. U.aia n.a ,0T nn. niikh 11,4 Water Ua H iu - A u I' it if r it aadj il.-ik ,..119 .Vl - v. i,..,,o. a. I van I ... i.M 4 ".I ! : av. II lita . 4 i U II U II .v, STILL ANOTHER li THE WlKCS OF BROOKLYN GIRL 1 YOUTHS' VIQE RING BY LOUIS TRACN Aa Startliniflv Original and Exciting ag "TARZAN OF THE APES" Will Begin in Monday's Evening World, Mareh 5. anaa laaia taee -n-taaa-taaaaa WASHINGTON, Mireh I Women fPBOl all parts i.r ihe i-ountrv rtr-k,.d lata Waahlagtoa to-day tn ratrtMpate Monday in the woman's auffrage pngsant to emphasle on Ihe people generatl' . and tii- keroehlng fengraai in partiruinr. the "Ration aide daaaagd fur an amend ment to ihe Ooiiatttutlon or the ( ntteii Rtatea en franc ilalng w.mier." V. ster.ln 'a demonst rntlon over the irrlial of "QonataF Naaalle .lonea aejrl her pilgrim luin I ..f suffrag. " hlkera" .'rom New .ok did m.t fire the erons ..f women w ukers gtaMallag tdana for the parade, whi n n'li form at ". a'efaah Monday nr-ei a' the i'en.-e Menu tnent. under lha Waal rront f the Pap Hot Impreaaad ay the -rue'i in the elroeti roetorday wm.-n the police were powerleaa to rontrol when the ttaW York hikers'' renehe.1 I'ennoyl vanla avenue. MIsm All-e I'm ill. rhalt man of the fotnt HUtTraae pr.M-eeelon -ommlt ie-. r-n.w-d efTurts to-day to proogra a military eas-ort for Mon diiy'a pageant. She bad a ronferenre with Beam tar y Htlmaon, urglna the need for a military forve to aid th" poller lo clearing the itreet. The iac rotary mmi.i ha woui.i see if the re- .ueat could he compiled with. It had heen refined prei loualy lie.-auee all iMlllald, troops Will lie pr-p .ring fgt the Inauauratlon latra.le on Tie fol lowing dal. Th- message whl.-h "Oen." Jnn-s hand -arile.1 from Ni York lo deliver to rieatdeal kllerl Wllmn was mad- aajblk In day II is all app.-al algn-d tiy Ir. Anna HWaaid Shaw, I'realdent of the Na tional ataarlaan Wonaaa son Aaeo- clatlOD, urging Mr WUaOtt to recom Mend 0aual suffrage in Ills inaugursl id.lies. anil t ggc hi. Inlluens'a ihroughoul hia admlnlitraUon in favor of a .-.institutional amendment. Plana .'or dellxerlng th- meaaaae have not --.-( been arranged "lien." Itoaalle Jaaga hardly knew her faithful "army" n-.lay when the hikeia" aaeeiabted for a Utile alaht. seeing tour Miery'bodv even 'Jen. jonea haraelfag-had dlacardad the pil grim's ,-lonka and hats for the faM glorp of famlnlni frllla ami furi.einwe. Manlcurlata, halrdreaaera an.i maids had lewiiaformed the wearv and foot lore Utile him. I that yesterday limped Into Washington nfter their sixteen dus mure, i from New Vork. The "aimy" planned this afternoon t., .all ut the While Houaa for a glimpse of Proaldeal Tart inn-iaiiy they ure off Ihe Job until the euffrafe pgl Ida on Monday. Than they will biu tha pilgrim' onre m are and again follow the donkey .-art ae the Central figures In the votea far' women pageant TtiU. afternoon "Ueneral" Roaalla Jonei eniert.nnad har army aial the "war eorreapondenta"' at a ten. Mia A. II. II. Halrd waa the only oag of the mari-hera not prueent. She look a train bank to New Vork last night, hut will return to march on MoMda) I lalra llrada fur UN.hhiiloa. HAVANA. Cuba. March t ClBftgflg Cgatro sailed for Key Weal to-. lay an. hoard the ateamer llov t'obh on 111! may to Waahlngton to attend tile Inaunura- llaa al th- Praatdgwt a auup x frtoada was present to aee him off. Pub II,' Intereal In the former I'realdent of Vaaeauela aeemed to have dtaappaagajl ai mist entirely. The atatement la eorrect. that thia la tha greateit eelllng cigarette ka thia country! V5ATIM4 W TURKISH BLEW) CIGARETTES Thia deliahtful Turkiih -bland i loi r.-, i hem c tobacco! la not a near cigarette tgj a quality "dtetlnct ivcly individual" quite different, you know. You'll Ilka them! iMV 20 fon 15c UNUSUAL STORY THE MORNlNC 9t aaamjawg jwwgpgga -vWP kw