Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913 STORY OF MEXICO FROM ANCIEN T I TIMES TO TO-OAY Six Hundred Spaniards I 'nJer Gorttt Overcame the i tecs loo ears Ago, ffgj Ctrl ii i i Klft 3 1 Nat lii. eork rarrtna ncn I i ir It i SUCCESSIVE C( INQUESTS Chain Tragedies, Violenl Death, Treachery, Bravery and i Sowafdice, ' ro.t.t Emper.i: III III i,i ,. irai ii had tuMm bar I t,f the Vim. i Cftlg, with Hit I mPffPBi I .1 - ti a.l'led With Ml ' Hi drawn by l annw.Wh'le JTllI cm ii hi bmiiBht With en Austria, it owing I pgkftlrlg ii that M ini i v "I ' Og of ii hum atanda In Ibi Maaican I M naetlffl Manlmilnih net reatlng natality, egg title, tfMl haaatlfylng Mn1 i ii i'i i it rni f in- with true I. ini paan lattt fi bffggtj wi mad mltttbl In pminulMhitlna a In PBllffd 'tlM MMl law.' hi" i decreed Hull hid M Hi m tak.n p' tenner. In im MNlMl ' ' i' thf BlIMXtPOPi MNN I" ! executed IH1 Ihl l i'l M atmuM bff '' i ,. I tint tfdgPffl waa .-ten t Kh , 1 1 rightful Itaaldanti and riit- IM W.Mi Ins patriot In expel I h In I vadr ' irei Betel f"t't nil" ratal rim arrogant aBanmptwn mi t i pin af MggimttiBn IMI, n I'll II IH hunt en led. . l mm gad nf riiui' i' Um With" ttlfll nf bar Imp from Me let, whom BB 'i" a fplendlj li..w i IMt, draw ii. Mty r iWelttew toff The 1'irnlm wartdl RY WM I AHF fill I PATRICK. " " il-n Haeobaaa nt When i'i.' -'nnhinrd" rnmi'ieied M-' lliel m.ilil hcrm-l 1 laa tlirv fiiiiml ii Huiii i!ilni! racta of pei-!hl life I'ailoin. who the 11X1 h IrBBpl WffT Wit N" tin t rui'fltla l Ma tgptdfwg Iba Pitffbta from Mir invader. AND MAXIMILIAN'S SURRENDER EXECUTION. .. Waalatfllaa luiPBadarad den Bcobdo at Qutretaro ide, i . the anetaMt .Mi't''i.n. wit-i a iMMffi Mepad MvtllaatMa of Oilmital nanvtri li is ii" i.cllevel that the urea, BBffoPBd If tlM ancient MM in nrr BBM dad "torn llrltl-h t' in rota llh a ft principal baMttl Ml the great rantral la Mala nd af Mali bounded on tat n.irih hy 'lYxu Md Now Mrxh ii add MlBWUBg south to Ibfl lathmu af Talittantaffap, nn an tMd of !"' MfdaWa mil. unit an fli-vatl n if rnifti 4, imn l . .0 ( almvr ru laral Thi tiaat nf MfSlso by l.'orlaa niant ttJtlffMtafl) t)n rii:.jucal uf tliy Artfi i. i Hi In ii'n hd MUNa "I hi MM Inant BAd inllni natinn Ikd raddff whh h am twt dadffrtoad a inn AVuataffjl Nffai' Mil wr then d I v Intn varlmM natPMiM. ami iiu i add l dflffl Nine. ttm in.:. hihI .ilittnrtu fffffffJM of wnr- KtHp. win'n itia ' i 1 1 1 i i"uii , Hani t'ltna, kinr "f MM Atii r. llrlHNM l apllal waa '!' nllian. aVdff whoif ruin ' " iirtufnt ritv nf Madtao rofvatf Udtad, iiad atltof ffaffjttdffad at iva Hidadffaff' i f to i aajQIffJff n" UM ath-r MenU'an nation It a CaftddTd ',"'llnt w I r;i t -earn to oonquar fliat the enenilr nf Montt-xuma. IUm Hit flrr Tlaaralaua, .tad in. ilt.- rhrni hi u lllra attain! tin' Aataca. T i" HfianiiinJ n niut.t rivl unl.v about His hunilrtJ. Hut throuffti dffa gucring and a Innlna: fffffff thf nation wbo Vffffd aaaiiikt Miuiiaiuina. ha ffa Uatad In lad uuar of SpHin initny tlnui and of Inillan Bjajl'ldfl Willi tutlr aai. Ii- and hi Spiinliird vtuiiUl him Bran wain off Um map by tha Axtni a. UltTORY FROM THE DEATH OP MONTEZUMA. In ujaj atodtadufna dladtt i aaHavad ha an ffif all down liv a BftRVilf hurlnd one of hi own peofile. whlli h waa liaTlha ffraWdd, from the roof Of rba pajd0d ahepr (Jdfftai lirld him n it. id- tn yiatd to tii toaaldfddi Ha aa auaaaadad by nl" aapbatjt rbdwhti mot-. MM, when bd Hl'aiilah vlitorv waa OaffaffblM and bd w led a prUnner taaTor. tortia, hrKgiil th co'ii,ueror t'i naj'iii' ' him. on Ibd apot. with hi davaer. forte treated him kindly and 'fferwl In protect him In the honorable retirement, hut he later feared that wrlille CUdtlkldBMi lived hi own rule waa lni runv and therefore made a pre test to have bUd lliltdad. i "i'i rridln UajBMU df a herolr foe aim would do. iht rffaj have been a BMOddd lo the rtpan :ard. bM, forte ffaj rjotraroar, Caalala Oancral and Cfcb f IWffUffff or th run. aajatdi tfrr'.torle. li'l. the Tribunal of th,- tnuuUiti j.i " j faffdMily attdbtlabad In Mexico. Nulhltm worth apaaklnn ,.f happened fjr a Mtilnry, hi n aaaurrad the ooa i(UCt ol Tt xaa. 17dT. the Jesuit vte i' expelled floin ipanUh Amerloa mill, the iarUh pne t. Ilidalan. nnnd 'd tha Bfy of Mexican Independence and the 4dwnfd)l af the Badnldtda' rule if ' hlnoj and tfold." lilt. Ilnlali'i wi aantttrad and "ho: bj th LoyaJUta. ItlO, thn lii'iuiiUon waa aup preaaad. itsi. bfavtco'a Indapandanea from Svaln hum 'onauinmatad. IH-'J. the lirt .tlexic.'lii I oiik'i-i-i aaaarnblaaV ltvrbia wn pradalniaii vjjparor, bui dan danti Am took up iraaa 1 it favor of a rtpuMu. nil. iiurHiide ajbdleatad, and tha I'antrallat ami Keileiallat polltti ul P.irtlaa were formeil. The atoadoa DadtHnd waa ailopled hy u Itur- indt raturnad from Uuropaan bantah" mem and auminaiilv adavutad. 124. i .. m i i i fiiiigiaaa adaat i.i a donatttuttoa and name.t the . cuntry I'nilvd Hlati - r Mexico l4-l7, aar bfftffaan Ihl Unll ! fttatffd and Mexico tci iinniiti- I by the "pture of Mexbo City by h AMaff icana and the Trenty of i iu , Ijlupe Itafalafn is'..' lOiialand in I Spurn aril idraffj from M' Xl " .ml It.. Kreic 'i uui, with the intantldb ot mqua ' 1 tha litatail tllon of M i almll tan a Mexico I'm aamr adyajicad up t m nel(hta of I ii tableland to I'tMbl wher they ttcie tfafadtdd In Iba battle of the ' in i i dc Maya 'May ii bMa, the Krcn Ii . lattafffd PtMlMJh id lib 'fftl to Mexl it) ml proa olalmad Maxlmili.n Bniparai "f Max- Id Tha ! I-! to pardon ana in Nat Papal lileaillrta- for the aid ' K.iironan euv aitddjlia, went mad and netei raallatal, not gppa mm la tfeM ii roaime. that : MddlMlltdn w.i put to ilant'i .luarer. , aaa adamant Wbd krent nil wm in hi mind" Perh.ipa hi mind wa chleflv flllad Willi the itlemoiv of the "btach la..' w hp 'i Patll to their rtandradi of Hadlcad patrinta, r.. ivnrite ataalean Oencralu Mdalffdlllda Who rc taken with him. ararff, Hen rdtramnn. at Mpanlah ind Mavteaa afiaaatpv. affM ftbam. Me'.la, a f ill MiMet Indian .lu.irer. uffetet lo p.t- ion Majla, arhoae racord waa that : llonllkd bllivcry. He anld lie i mild I - ; npi paidon if it atu adtaadtdd i" Mavlmlthin add MdraJRaM .luarex n fuai'd ami Mejla Btood up with Id I'm pernr and brother paiMfdl on HM HffMfd lllll nf the Hell." where three lone talilet. within the chapel, erected bt the prennl AiKlrlan Kniiaimr. lMdd todafi mnik the tdace where hi brother, ArvMtaba Mntlmtllan. with hi Malt MB ffafiac ala, Majla and M rddJMtt, met tbatf fata Ittl Fdl MHO DIM entereil Mexico City at Ibd head of hi vlrtorloua army and wu luoclalmcl frovlntonal I'ru!- lent j' ; 7 - Dtaa alaatad OotiatltutlonaJ Pi at blent i ho- fionaaldd tJaatdf) Preaident. MADERO APPEARS AS THE RIVAL OF DIAZ. UM Dtda atacttd Piaaadaat in (lrt act Kaa to reduce hi own anlary Irian $30,000 In u year. II . -tablU!irl Nihoola and fompiilaury atlu asUad, made Matt MM aafe lor forelxu rr 1 ail Invited them lo come In and develop her marvclou reaoiircea. They went. It la ratimated that a MtUod j American dollar are part It avoiihtnhl I for our keen Intereal In elna peace and order In Mrxlni. DtM maintained ' peace for over thirty year. I'rlor to j Dtoafd Inat fJaalMa to oftlre. In imo. which In ipone not only to tha j demand of Kraut Unlle o Mi llcan MM ten but of 'ore! .ue i . and for elan capi tal cnpllnl In Mexico, t.iere hail Bp pad tad upon the poll tlral field a ynuna limn, a MtlVd of the nuriharn HUte of I Cbthaabdfc by ine name of Kranciaco I. 1 Malero. t. i.tei,. waa educated In Maxlco. fal Ifornta and the unlvaraltlea of ICurnpe. He waa tin turn of a lata;, cultured, extremely wealthy family, with enor PMM Oatdtda and meat laalle of re tainer of the I lata known ua peon It la aald they treated their worklnit people humauclt. In hi ciutmopolitan life, In t lit country ann nomad. Mn deto foriniilatiil In theorie of nocb-tv and Moternment Model i w.i dOaply moved hy the an Jec! and aufferlna OOltaVHIOa of Bieat rnaaaaa of the Madtaaa loarat ardarti In Hill (JffjM B Madem Rhbdd a Ml umpbdJ Mrtr Into Mexe o City an I waa ha-lad a 'da vial of Maaluo." Ha vdi i:arnlnalil to the PrddaflOtlO) by the PffO pratdlvtf Part) and alaoted on OdL '. th e i me yea r. The prtaalpaJ leader ab ponlinutt in levoit iiaaito. Mad are wen- Orddoot villa, Haldaari lapati and Qanovaia it l.i ii Th,. in datigeiou were the two w I. i liter raVOMdd Iteve anil I'ellx Dtad n db a era made prMooafi und ipajiad c aladaea MM PdUey waa hu pjaiM and end' lUatev) . Proyialonal Praaldadl Huapta prom, laaa aJinaat for -in aha atipport the pyaaanl povarntnanti puntthntenl if..- ail a " onntlnui in rabetlkm Thar I will be an clc lion of a praaanL the probable oandldata b -. 'nit Qenafdl i' i ix Hi. i. Pranolaoo da ti Barra. who w.i provlalonaJ praal , deiii urinr in the election of Madarpi and la now mlnldtar of foiciKti paid i, on. Itodolfe ltci'H. -on of former Uanafdl Ryea Who fill In the ft rat at tack mi tin' Paiac on fob ifth Hr Pranclaoo Vaaquai rtaniaai wh Wdd raid to be OpnttdO'a favorite I'm i '. preldeney A Bar BtttddRf BdTBtM n PLAIN MR. WILSON Building of the Horn? as a Matter of Economy SEW JERSEY (JOVBRNOR tNAVOl R.i Ti l) TO- DA ) IN HACK OE WILSON. MAD 006 CAUSES PANIC CITY 10 FOIL ATTEMPT i 0 a manager of New York Realty Owners' Syndi cate, Who Has Been Placing Families in Happy Domiciles for Two Generations, Tells of Essential Considera tions for Thost; Who Seek Suburhan Residences. Hy AKTMUK A. sn ANY. N a Y't:k ty In M I Mpf t lIVSlfSMt j JtF1 l l!rl' .if FVllfJl ftC 'ir th" fit 1 1 WhO i :m mild tli!r POUttdpffKlf noflwtl In th belt WOtlOB! I f.irltitj( .'Hum tirihy pitk timl who ; pill ti ot'Oipv Ihi-iii t'lilv iii' UK tic n'pt flyll'rtll fdM"mn, V. w VoHl of- I Ivn tim'i, utirit'-iUini ii:-! not to . ! i THIRD AVENUE OF LANDLORDS 10 R03 II BY MOVING OFFICES Inf. I i-M. 'ilo t ..!!' If' '.e n ha by. rt 'o fi-tndib iifftd ' ..,! ptnffi i "' -vbdi U ffpdl pea at: i l.i -I bt THIEF US3 PAR0EL6 POSi Policeman Hnalty Kills Animal Will Rnd Temporary Quartiers it -i ti - Btniep bM v MtVtLI.1li pa pet i Hf w i St. tjOXlll plcVp rmtalnlna ei pnekeft t Ii In i".ner. Tetin , Mlurrh put rtn a new i t . k ' t: BP hi' not ketbofi md BOtl bj Pinning it Under Rx, i it itins rhroujrh Hole. mi n, a A . w? : ivy Rather Than Renew Leases .ii I .OSS tit SSt )(),(.'((. dtnauntlnd t I.v til. '..i di .il"i of .1;' Mr Maantt in eh 'I " v re ral urnc' . I i' '. n pan Ii wai ro titled in xt. tadtili I deaplaed - , dwelllnp i n And ror I tha ! . i r naoaaaiti rorcaa mem ti live, if pnxihle. w 'thin walk nt dla- FOR THREE DAYS; QUITS AS GOVERNOR i elevator ; alta . ' ....'.. ' Whether li iiii pee 'ontlnued from Plpal I'at; In the man to whom I am dbout lo land the aenl. I hdtfd been tdddCMjtad with him with unuadal bttrreaoy of caunaei I have found in bllll itialltlc of bon ty and I'oiiraKe a m il conunand men mora than any other QUalltl do in PtabUd life." GREAT COURAGE IS NEEDED IN PUBLIC LIFE. Tin riiret thlnt; lit BBbIM life l emu oMV and the matt who ha OOUPad I t marked for dlatlnctlon ; the man wioi tin md I inarke'l ror extinction ml deaepvat uhmeralon. "The people of thl -oi.ntrv .ue Bdllfl ti in- eeived hy odnaatanpa and not by expediency. Wucn you .itrlke a man of I'ournue you feel you hate truck t ie BBdVddb of our luatitutlon tt I, therefore, with a fullrld of ' and affection for hi in personally that I hdVal him the weal ot .ifllce." Iteph Inr to the I'reablenl-elect, the In conilnt fiovernor Mid 1 "We expect n hlaji o-der nf tofftrtoa from th- Chief Maal-tratc of thl- State i now pledt ynu to ttva too tha bel that I In me mid to lei ye wi ll and flltbfally. To you. Gov, Wlteon, I would ay thdl we part In thl DfSetal Way with the deepaal retret. for we have been -;oe frlenda. Yet my aorrow Ir tiinpend by t tn- thought that New" Jet - Jey 1- rlvlna lo our count -y It fli.n Praatdaat. Ton earry with you our de vout Rood wtahea for ,i adOOatdftll and alorlon- i.tniliilKtratloii." lanoa "r their i.uiiieit in ofdef to aavi' time unit ai t ii" Hut liie hUOd Pad md ibdUiataJa ol people In moderate rtpouta MSBjuaa win. h in New Yo'-k I often -it vinoii foi at I neii e :i ifwh. re 'He -who live lu rtaatW heated, apartmenti aid payim: riiouKh Rcoowimodattona lebui leautlfol horoea In batttlllfdl atabtlfu wttbln adto com- i 1001111; dlatanaa of their bualneaa, Xt'Hll all the "lent out. I H ralllllK I ffVePy . ht it, with the muppnuplna atreama and able I Im BdOTOtll Held ami tt Is lurlllic li" 1 the cull ol II Id do' man and thdeBmall Of asphalt, why do e llna-et In the ill-like rOoOM of New V.ik ' apailajMitl bonaaa and tUnp latMdbyiM iy to anvlronmeati whlab hive to 'little to raeowtmend them, with bo mddb i" condemn tham? Why do we, in bandpada ami thotiaanda, lite out our allotted apan to the aooompanlwnt f the wall ol a iielphhor'a Infant on one side or um, a wheexv ar.uiho phona mi the other, a pld ver-platio nd- raaeh of a pal i lut '. Inc. lie i t li-ii.inaa, i ..t auow ay,- and t a ii t blMfaW. a n 1 no I i BaVtdlfildS -I' .i a . -i 'c I Are there water, . eeweraKe In in , 1 1 i hnt are tin- proap pniv, incut, and win n It. ;nu-r h"t In p t adt il p .ue la ctioii j. reati U-te I realrb Hot;-. M ujiy Itaa romrratulatr il hlmi an Ideal I n BUoOi " Hi poaa, t to iMOBfaa irtl i htnMalf with a fdjoptatdBOi aavatad that 'he lot tt xi . ntrallf I lilleta. j if na hai ... i . i . i '.col light MM I It ir not, Hp.' .'ii. thay ba 'tepaftbi d rty dnde- In I what biv Ilia i-adt laa i M in if on . in I hi II.. ii'nit'". WdOlly OOfi a montrrel, i.,ii...i ii - ddanl f im nowhere oti l ie bunt- cor of TMPd iivenne and rifty-nlntlt it reel thl nffsnMSS and -I tpted pa' He waa fiothlnt at the motitti 1 an tpfMfiM n' t xnaptldS at , . body In hi way a he went .ilonti l ie .i i nte on B Jot trot. Nat ihaptppra were out i or e and tn - avenue wax tteaMad wiin PAMPMI at ,i rhltdreti Wdfttan tHPddi tfMlf j rhlldPtl .md Itrlecl BCPOBB the atn-et Op mto MdPad Md Mad to bnnnl car. mi-'ei,ucr boy ae'xrd i -t -ycr-old i p. th- htnd and ipaal taannp iiv- . tin- Btranua, the dfttM'd RMthaf, not bnwwlnd Ht id ' the romfnol on. faltowlnp Mm with fidatstoi yalta and Hi ri' l'ta I'i. Hi einan' Til; untrli k of the r t - II teeVenttl BtPffat ItatlaffJ ntv tho .in itial in. tow. in! ..iiii alii dBPltd Into t ie -i ' -'ore .i N i UI Third aviii.n llehlna up a box ho wi nt nrtr ttic d mil "p" - led hlWI tn Klxtv-th ll JtPI whara the animal t '. patSBa in a Bdll nut lie madf a -I'tlna at tin ptMMff bum. hut the latter Wdt too 1,'iiik for thi w i k f t pocketboob dna con i tent. :int lonmedlatel) aMpi I paypJMnl I (OK i'i.' h 'el. Th'-tt in dolt-XPd It ' 1 1.., i t.u pti fro ,i the ii i w.i lapl tl tt Pat apt Knl ketone 'bar ni ait ytoM In Ihe oik I i , din. I, who n-t IM enter Into yearly lenaea with .hep for the nae of oin now ne uplel drepartmt nt Ratbdf thdti im up any with itMaea, nt a lot ..r ball mil b o 'lollnr. the tiirlou d u.irlin. ,. w.'i move IMO ot Ml temporary IIBBIIratl i i n inwrfrttfiy rantal h, BQtll tba new Murdolpal Ruildinp li rea i foi then i 'ottiptroiier prtrntlrf iradt and Boroiaph I t I' -ealdent McAmny, ite:el, o i r - 1 1 I Mata l';t) O'l OL in ii. oi ... 1 1 .i1.. nor SEVERE RASH ON ICCK m LEGS 1,1 the Sink nk Pillul i omm'-'ioti tn ron h step be l.iVi n. ad. lint thai t I otlbl lite in ri area tV.i-ti' af tyltyl moiiet to r ne 't lea at . The nan Mdrd-Ptpdl BdlMldet n I ha flnUhed mil i i.tni,.-,- on:, wh. ., ' lienor: aVMNd m it t ike padapaalan "f t ii . . rtMpacttve floor Du atn Mot I .ui tit. of ntfii'"- tntra o irpHtal by city depart men; ott pa BB I II 1 liit'ta, .is If iuM ttic In ne "i'd. Ii a c re. ,, j mae t ii rent leaaea to, p.nii- t. y Faliinjv; 0 ikin Hi and Sore, Couldn't S rep. Cured b) Cuti cura Snip in ! 0 rtm i. bolld B Bdll en mill" 'lag hi I a 'ii- lo his . to pu: p laaa, Uy otMd' dieted to pal pet ua I rnatline linmedlatf it benaath the bad dp which w try to BlOdpf Tbdfa I" no ptetMOtl for II. yet We go on doing It and bBIHBdltldg B hard fate which compel ua to live huddlad totathay, lacking fresh alt am! Hunshlne, Without .1 foot of earth on which to atep except the asphalt before uitr door' TURN EVENTUALLY TO COUN TRY AS IDEAL HOME PLACE. No city In l ie norld ha an ni.tny beau tiful Btibupbaa aaotlodt in all itagaa of comptatlon xnd part action a ha New York. In no other section can Oft find auch a variety of natural . harm. I .1 man Fund of water spm t - daet ba tOVi boatitik- and fihin, rrurl bathing and Wlmmlng? Half a doten ipoti Ideal for bli pitipnta vn in BltPaetlvaaadB Bad bat bon hi n, Doe he nun, ntatintald I rllinblhK or horaeliiick rldltur throuth WOndl '-fill BOffPaPy over ro "I a atl.ooth , n a lion'' lie ha only to m ike hln ae- BlOPl lection fpont doxen or aucn pmobb, in I within easy cominiitlng illalance of hi ! tie line. I fie I.I' tin . .'-," 01 aaaapteil b t....:.i. dMtin liiondbta an neap iljtrbuor. INFALLIBLE RULES TO GUIDE THE SUBUrtlJAN H')ME UILOEP. All the-.. 11- weii u 1 me pot otbaf 1 MfMidat Btlodd. ate in" iii' 10 1 ' 1 ' .ir on 1 the t when hand I I ' a man who I . nt Btoaiea . trom avxp poyi In siminilni: up toe Mtliatton tb '" ire la few Iti'illlMe ruh which a mtd Inhoiii.i follow In leleotlng a mn of town : II" should - i. a . if POBa de. 00 tile nitln line of ., Pa road havinK it BMtfffilly lo.ated city l. n.ini. in pfdpnlng for a parni an trni hon ... he ahjuld loimlder th. ..; 1 1 inv :.- iment and no: buy front a BpaotilatltN 1 01 lataatMiat point ot rlaw, nor nee- artly within 111 BOAB of B Bta-Oani i car fare. 1 Aliova ail. lit should not I n a W- : calion where lota bov bean PBbl in- I dxTrmlnatly to anybody who w;n.- ! in buy add Wlleoiit I .-:t dioag, I ir he will eaaaalt th dally nawap - i pera to will hive no trottotl In II i t iflar Bgatallag h '" " "aah I a lA-nmad me iix ovw tie. .'o. and r IM r. i help. The dr ii- 1.1 an iteh anion, vt til li lia 1 1 1 o reached tho Cdpa, jumpisl frtn hi- peal anil aenl to Fltxpattl -k Md. Baaplng down en the laix ihe pttahad it t " iiu i.i. wuik. tha pftapTdagi anarUM raotaaral wllbtn. T ien t e aah wagan it , t mi .111 1 x 1 Hie poll ' mm 'I lib-. I a h '1 ii ttilh In knK lie t in k i h barrai of hi tevoivi ; '.1 rough Hit hole and abut the do' DEADLOCK O.U3.00aOOO N. Y. POST OFFICE SITE. 1 in 11 a yaap. "Hundradi or a . nenv BfBcff btflltllnga us.'' Ppenldnnt . nj He lhaU mute tii, in BgTaa t" slaa 1 in. 1.1 that Ub city 1 11! lor seven n it I W' Hid ratnaln itiua if ll""l ..'.lee n re gTaltabl to M Vnany, in- in. Into them tat tel idea 11 iiici would wo.i.ii in pay-In. When lil. offll . Uglad. It l l .-' 2HI Wen i. " M yrhll l lai'l a e opnra wad a red n it falUng out, rcii dahaw timl v .1 Hint ffl III. t yjagui .. 'I I- I . K. Y. 1 -nl to : i. Tht - bapyg . I iflv W . '.t a- es t in I .ye win ne put t . .1 nr. at ncmvi i' r-atnpaWad 1 1 more, but th'- m w. l iken." w .1. Senator O'Conturi Threatens tn Hold Up Public BuiMing. Hilt ii Vtnouni Is Not voted. WASHiNOTOX, Mdffdtt J. Sffgator OQdffntan'ri amend manl to the Houae Public Hull tun. carrytag leMW.oM t ., ti, - ..ite ol i to it I'l'tieral court- o'isc at Maw York, is ana f the prin cipal It. in t '" Hooa ' conferee h ive 1 timed to accept mill the Bonferenca i' .si.", u in deadlock. Senator O'Oopmatt daelavrdd to thai Sec ite to-day that If the imn n.ttni nt j were not ncreiited "th Public llul'dln:! : tii would ba iwas-.i at amthcr BdaMog; repoptad 10 ba one Mlabaal Poanar. f 0; Congraaa." llawyePB charga that tbaprocaa aapvei 1 a card at Iba di : Mra MRS. GWATHMEY CHARGES VJRIT SERVER IS FORCER. mei -Her t'n- t ain il S t Wi iii 'ii Pound in ' AKegiei Rum to Enter Room Was Illegal. Mrs. Italia Qalnex Qwatbm society woman who baa baan mm cii-reii.-otiilciit '"V Mr. A dual) I1 BUabop in her soil for divorce, lo-dju ought red rea front t . inuio, setter, who, hy n ruaa, gul Into bar apart mi nt in the Huiei u.itho n ytstepday and Barffffd a Bmni oi on par while aha wa ib "gym" cottuBM at oatlathvnlw. fi'Uopman. Battla -v Marahali u el fop Mi. Clwathntfy, aikad Dtatplot Attorney Whitman to-day to tai.. lion Bgnlnat tin nan. whoa, aamo It not known to the rounaal but who watt tl t y '1 -v. aadtfakoffi nt t r Ohan atat, n i n i ; ttiori bM B ' I' " Oatknra Hoai 1 1 n :t ! and pd on I . 1! 1 part. ! '.' ; 1: I'cs.l WffM 0U! Hi I p. nit I l"ti 1 1 I ' Sltn-rli Mr 1 V. J l:i . ! Althxtrath Unit )ti 1 an- .us- - . il tn 1 I ti. - 1 1. . il 1 If ' I dffa alat aat trail alnffffvarji j tho toltcti balk tad 1 ui "': bt ! prc' i 'to :-t 1 1 al t.ini I . ..' 1 1 tad I; ilr fro'i 1 1 t t 1 . Map tSSt.) and t itlpufa iMnti j trea.' I hy deum-trt and ill 11 1 I out tho wo 'I A tdi . ' ' N I Merit, Utoral auni of aael ' with . .'-p. r:.ii i'f Idtax 'Ciittciira. Di pt Ti ttoaM -Ti mlr: 1 lead .n n s . ltd 1 ftotg Bballnt P'kk "' Hal t. 'CI.., bed t . . ad li i '. I rtlp t t ! " 1 r . iiu. ..iar.i t.' .-itT " rr.-y use la f iheffkta rattrntra nt (9TM bra artr rs mei . '.I fee. I'luat aMd iCu Make: (tie lix Do lis Dnty r-iaip e. a r.-al tit to .vpcii i.i luaa bangi I will be perfcPI nnd ... 01 it Irnaxeaeker liwda Life 'fnit to pa '! Intitimahie yaiu m n 1. Henry Del the, flfty-eaven yeara old . He will thus K.ivc b.::i .f .oni;. . .,. n Incntoik r. Iivli.11 at Xo. 3 oodraging. rf tan trulUaai aaarob. II 1 1:,, On Hundred and T'.irty.nrai IproeMIng for Maiaall and fo ill a,.. ,y .,f gimtelf behind the car nt dwelling which wi.i become ntor and . ck this morning, lie waa tatan teal wiiii .1 I-"... ,, ,illrt( , Mn,it.,i nnd will 111..1 ill II' He homt win -i o.t fat lot wiiaon tuga accompanlad by (Maw York oftlca Ot if hi faca Ii Hecretart Tuiiiulll a se rcl aaavlea I tUPned toward tn SUIISi t, if he hna man. nnd a flying aquadfon of corrn-ated himself with thn bffautlM of the Bpondaata BSd Phototranhers Tic ""'l'1 "ltd now asks only peace anu looked very well, but was . ciiloitle gUlel for hi. declining .lava, he may raallaaUon .1 habit It Imi a' I em a nam md ii 1 1 an. : t cr a '1 a' nl.l' tha die. ca 1 1 kap mdcncj af bbj sun id. He I' Ktrlbed u. wax iitnr praaantcd u 1 tt Bthnta) ' irilKIT of IL' in thai wai apaPtmant Inaopwad orga G. Battla otiiec a w a admitted ami sen M. S'ne limrt in I- a, - n .' Btctnaek and l.jwrU ue Dgbl CAUTEK'S LITTLE LIVtK fil I i ltvet :i ribt ti. g-ntly but brmly rem. up. lununon. that tbtre i an Ai n u 1:. I'nger in thai "fliie and that lh iaa of the card conatltutaa fopgary in the thtPd dean . Mn Qwathnuiy't lawyer ttao lnll that the legal tiiove to bavt Mr. Owathtney rat trained from going to Ku affected by hi, (arew. II to the Uon rnor- Phlp Of the State Mrs WllaoO and her daagbtarPI were not present. Imrneill itely altar the . ercmonb s t'l" President-, le t made his way rhPWUgh a cheer I nt crowd to gn auto mobile, in Which be Whh ililten lo PrlaaatoB, where tins avanlna he will he glvan another farewell by hi friend at the unlferalty and in th" town. ONE TRENTON POLICEMAN DIDN'T KNOW HIM. On the way from the Motion the Prealdent-elaet laarna.1 thai the Taen- t"ti polio do not all know htm BUI g phaPBCtai on tie local force, itatppad in f oul ..r tin- laxlcab a it agroaobad Ih draw bridge on Slate Htrcet. "Hold on." I I "Odd!" ejaculated Bob Jaantngg Mm Idrlter. l ie go n,,. Prealdent-elecl ,n- 1 aide bapa, iiet oui of mt way." ' "Km- iba lotrt ol M!k j In us " Btkt I HI'! "That', "ti the h I Jannrngt "That a right M) mm" struck : Tn -tii kins il hen I Of the Window Into he dr'aallng 1 "I'si Mr WH ui 01 Prll " I "Well, a hat do you Ih'nk t i .it'" lllll. a- th- 'iih w it on. "Thl j lpelderrt -elect ami I held him tin. v I I hot' he iioi-en't hold It BBWJnol UM it bet d.. lapad Hoi 1 he it r.i in The I'i. abb nt-ided w.i fait b the . roWd a li- : ft the dtaVl ,,,,.1 1 tncti and woman f miiiit to 1 al n find It abuiiiliiutlv In every sliiide of re- I tlratntnl and s. Iulnn and Btlll bt in hi Workirm bOUrt the bury man of af- I falra. Since Adam dilvcd and lit nn man' heirl ha turned In hi momenta of Joy, ti well as of Morrow, to the grant i Mother Bartbi Praia the flneat private hnuMc, apartmani ro- bglal In the city 1 iii thoocbtx wander to tic rote-bow-1 .red cottag n catling among Itt graan lawn anil flower, to the Mnglng "f hird, the buma lag of laaartB. tot btw j inK of peaceful cattta. tha myriad tlghu I and BOundB or lite in Iba ' "Uiilry. HOMESEEKER NEEDS ADVICE OF EXPERT IN SUCH PROPERTIES. in many year of x p plane in buying and telling Burburbxn real estate, during which 1 hay, pi led kundradi of tafia ibd peoplt Ifl bomet of their own and myttlf gcommutap tor man) yaara from ti . iirni t. i 1 ounty, 1 Bavt wonaei-ea I nt th. lagplclon of th. BVeraga man for 1 the teal istito sal. .nan. If a man 1" 1 1 k in .i i in a pbyaletaa. BOtwltS atandlng that there ire hundradi if lu.n'k doc tort nut to fleece the t mating ' public; If he gett Into trouble of a Itgal I nature, he runs poatbata to a Utwyap, tlthouth ba know 1 nut tin- towi is run of Phyalera who would Mop at nothing 1 la Be pa rati him from hi pgdb. And xo ! It I- 111 "Very phaae of lgMgBB. thlt .in dlthonaal marchantt, landlord, It I pluipbert. butohara, Bui a Msalbl man I kaowa that h cannot bt hla own "it n r, RICH AND POOR SEEK HOMES TO BUY ON PAYMENTS UKE RMNT. Ha ma' hinting on axontblj paymantx Ilk rent In the tUbUPbt It iprtti ling t" ill clnasen Apartment Iwallart who civ been puyinK in Ho thoutatvll eaah year aa n ut ate In ii'--; promll tn In Um ni rv atn ant "tine of our la.-t h 'tire buyer corned from the Dorlllon apaftmontt n Bin a. an Squart.4 aald Prank Orowalli sale njanagar ' a lurgi devaioping tyndlcata that hold many m :tt ajoi i tin- north aitotg of (ong I I .nd, to-day, "II, ha baan paying f'.1, II ' ' ir r. nt. it., has bought .1 lir.. " bout, a: Bay tlda-Plublng for whldb but thtlrt monthly dlaSuraamentt will poi excutd lu, or gi.'.M. a ytar. in t.i. yam ba Will own the property, Wbl :i alii bt Worth ul .curt IW.00O, .'.tel !. .- 'in nil aavlng of tn tllffePanc bptwean tia old rani and Iba hoiixa paym uu will tiite him 13,000 ligab in addition, in utbi r ai id-, ti t. year alii uttkt him worth (IktSst Inatead ol a bundU of runt ta-atipta." M. Altnttm atipatio i, A ,, ft IV r:R lTa9LKa lieadacrie. and f;it en afle.- f.-Jaj. a-ll Pill, : .-c . Data, lattll Tile ousice it 1 Monday, March 3r an Exceptional Sale of WOMEN'S AFTERNOON AND EVENING DRESI I $500 R1EWAKD I " . , '1. . , 1 nilwr- I . nil- I irl.-tl I I tvtl I r I . I " ' . .1 n 1 I 11. Tl I Wtll M I aiHI iii. if: 11 ti jit.iir-t ,u ' riril r tin- pi - Mfaf bl"-'. lfV l t iftgUUDa II HMlti 1 1 ill ii HI i.T-ftttitlt : u IBS rlppen l.a.r irrealed. I XV DOM, March I Artlur Newton, a prominent solicitor. . atreated hy aViothutsI Ifard ibMtntlVtl thl 'ler 1,11 n cbargad th bein in a 0OU i eft to defraud a client or IIUVMA Hawtott w a BauatM fay In. L'tippen, A llylux orordtMl of ihiH.- mu. bin. "Goodby, good luck Jl . .y "OaiMby nod thank I Wiiiiuti biamtngl) IP. iota il I bak. i H cue. ': cant him I ,,t th, ami randleatlvk maker, ao ho is il o leave his nffaits in th" btndlj taihi.n. men b haa .lied his u s: Vct heel f p pmahaut en 1 1 iuara f' ti 1' room a; Grand ha U' .1 1 1 I f bo hi ' la bltf Iff tliat si-i-tlon. May Tin New I 1 lat tn rallroudi 1 ptoje. t. mtry life t VC IIP' ItM Contra) Tn 1. . Hutu r: '. II . I .. rk ' ui:-1! ill h it. I"-'"' trtMlan mintli it 1; Parley s, -nil ill ,1 en- I '-I I NeW at KU8ualIy attractive prices. WOMEN'S AFTERNOON DRESSES t.f. StLtin Meteor . . -1 Creee de Chijie at $22.00 at 38.00 WOMEN'S EVENING DRESS 11 1 1 h s lied a il M alio vta i oiivl'-ted nnd the murder of b'.a wife rein tadad for a heat imi 1 taa ati-i 'or N aW toll waa tic a'.-ek I'r.ib ittl, Maalroll an ar -I II t. STILL ANOTHER UNUSUAL STORY THE WlMCS OF THE MORNlMC BY LOUIS TRACY As Startlinfly Orikrinal and Fxcitinf ss "TARZJ.N OF THE HPfi" Will Bffin in Monday's t vcnin-, World, March 3. II TWO LOST IN SMOKE RESCUED BY POLICEMAN. Children Pell Behind .i Kantro Nj Leading Pwnily Prom Burning Hortw, Join it. ui i nathert-d his w fe and I hte thlldraa trboul htm la a smoke hull on the M'cotal guoy uf No. ll-'l l-'ul ! ten "ti.i l. BaTOoblyPi ciil. in-day and I told inrtii to i.. no n. ii to tii.- Btraati j A bn aaa bdrlllng I in itch i It tai I'll iiot'e gageraaatta bgittraB pbulagrapn gallery and noma, When he reached tin- ttdawalk Uorg Mat VVIIIiam. tb 1 QUBgatl ilill. Hen. , a rte glliMPg Turi' nail hat nine bllgdad I by amoke and Ott Iheir wav. , rob .in. n Austin of in Haiti tvenui nation, who dlaooyered the Olaxe and I aruuatd th Kantrot tht only ignanM in tin two ttori bulldlngi want latch up Into the hgttwa) and found lb oh I. lien huddled In a arip i Tin wart all I light alter they reached ht Itreel 'Hie nr.- did ot.iy ii i damage, till HI I lot ravant now uttglm luvm. ludgtni ni in xtlectlng. Ilul when It comai to Ihe 'tuporunt and aertoat nndtrttklag ..f Mice ting tor hlm-clf a home out llf tuWIi Bitead ot aggaglgg the e rUaj of i reltabli real tataU egparl Id gPBlgl blm in a: aearcb, he depends oil hi own ."i KM, "' and know led i:, of auch tl in, a, will 'h la often ba groaaaal uMeaysaaa, Ha wa.'i.-s month, even Basra, aearc hlai in a bltarmlaa taahiou for tomttblng bit i In' WSUlg but doesn't know- hot to bad, ESSENTIALS TO CONSIDER FIRST IN SELECTING A SITE. 'ew York ha lurue real ea'.ut.. -orporalloti- whoae salesiio-n grt big ' mlndtd pantleniep with yaara of ptudy and pra ta il -xierl!it'e to diaw fr-.-n. and a aide kOUWltadgt of ttlttlng Ilant lo aasist thrui In n.gkldg Mitt lion. They know lit4f bdtlutat ikaroujUly ami pgg t.u Hit tvcmgi lay in n -...-I ationt 4bll.'h;iB CffW V.o.t ' in the pptc of a lt.ll I' ci i talk than I ht could ul1 nver f"P hln- r n kbit i doxen j'.vi it ,i tvbtt. ilisy atccMgry o in.- . : or lie 1 i n, 1 ':ii' it t r Illy man -'.i .i tvBPytit - lu ptwei io pltat ami tatltfy hi clli nt'. and b- tun ii'...' afti-r nagtting i ...ii aba wai l n ndt-ot-tna t h i ne t.. a'.i'uv his gi-dg f. Mii pffayy noliM if viggy, ir um i ml Ii i Nee v." butiBvti ii' ni Uitd g.wil "e B'u'd i ji rati MgKnlglii in antarit arc hi,: pit hum ar It ii. it itoi, te. I i npatiy Muniinnai iiurban library Thar pus of every tvp- In - with plan an t flt- I : "s BVBllabi O a9 -.ilr. Meteor at $38.00 T.r.' um -a.' T- tailed w h al-" upon tU. h ..lie. ! on .' d t IP periodical! thai latl with country Mlndaor Land .""t Improviencni foin pany b pan work I" da on : ' ' dwelling al Oeeanaldt'i i I rht oum pany holdt I wi loti the. raapayirfl or Huatlngton. I 1 Hi lahad tlataUt lonlai for u ' pchoul to . aba room for tn p.r ..- tlile.OKi i I r r I, MB pnp.l i in bull! Monday, M&irclh 3rd, fS-mHiCii.c! trtyiT u thr. i yi tra - day, Ibngt w.i. House a- noma eral huh Irtd a- tat bin. Mm . i ban 't -tin ia . i n there uat ya 't, ih .1 It op: Bg a i re tn . il thl -a. In nl Coats and HoaJery, and Little Chaidren's t ..I dii Btb .lobo' K it'U hi nl nar-k. rt'till I . y --u in ' by a BP only it il gamt lllll pill 1-1 vV ii iilagtuti ti north. i ii Munbi e t, in U.I I I'll III I II s tin d a line gam ' niani. whan Hi X. n. .i'i i t itit rdalt in . I I to t II 'I hi- a not h ne " I ell. I 1, , I , I Ii . I Ik y Iiii it 'I' I Mated Ik. 'I. k li'ipl'O.a of ttadli at. Iloae, Claxoit t'ulUI M A, ictus, 'i in Mam t i'i 'olio. II, I ntt at d , Ji. ItSddl l iii-toil. venlri guar i . iiu.- c H i n lu, i.i ubetttuti in. I other it aJtj i oiuilata ci i ! I .il I kit.. A lal-l . r r .mtnv Ihii i.e. i guard; lltorgo Fhty hat .- plat ,11 Bixtee.i xa.uca and von fouilttii. Also tot m Woinneirii'j Unfa p?t?' C priimg Coatai Children's Tailored aatSi All "Wool Tailor Serges in ur'aclk amid riiavy blue, Cok-ired Dress Linens and iropoirted Lhneev ( a ash SultingSi JiU Awrnu, 341ij untl JJitlj lrrcia. jX-tw Vlnrk. tm i is m . J1!., , i T Me "1 it 'n .-' i-,.. - -i 'tt Hmn t,i catch '... lockiihi - i. ..-i.i r.i: .' i .tt ntori Mtny iru in nd u " l u I pi! -: II ".' - in.