Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD. SATURDAY. MARCH I, 1913. RICHARD K. FOX IS BRIDEGROOM FOR SECOND Tl ME Millionaire Puhlisher Lnds His Loneliness Brfll Years After Wife I Hoped. ORDERED HIS ASHES MINGLED WITH THOSE OF FIANCEE-NURSE krcMtecl Leo's W ill ReVeab Romance He Expects to Live Beyond Grave. T II a . ..' Ill, IikmI I.. t.. o. Ui.' at h - I tect, Meil If the turniKatp'a t'ouri t Aflar eight lonely ye.ra In e;ar1 I '' " V 'r an.l a Mil after htg death, harneia. Ill, h,i , C, t ,, puD, I NRMM Hi.' rafJUggf that tl. MUM 111" Uthtr nf tho Pnliee i(afttr lia i v- ' "' '"' mlti!.-.l with toe Mhel of hit erii enough of thp faith ;n f.inin.iiitv "ieluve,i Minn tank Wa'lach." to wham that he lout hi 1MB. hi flfly-eUht. r-l.l wife elopeil with a thirty affinity, to Venture .in-vn lnn mat- rMwnr, ii,. mwii t4ay In atam ford. Conn., with Mr. KnfHM It K.,.h. IMMIi 101 marriage Ilieng a an.l than waa omitIi i b) ii it. Claude r Pridd. Mu ll ii known ot M r-..x: utile "f Me urate Mid fr im tha 11 enar. which -entile her nil a irMow, fcirlv-olnat fart old ami Hi - irhter nf r'har'a F. NtM If wag .all Ibl hurt hin Hrt.-ig ai the I'rince Meargn (total n taut r.iy. The hotel mmm gggg .m-. IfltrMMI Mat Mr, fog hail OOrlfflled i iilte thrf gboot threp ntontki M Roh:non trty i iri not know. th..- l. Mr, Ko ,n hla n.T" h tin- llringf irk m MMjr.three, but that iu mM to hp h a age when bll :lrt wife eloped. The feral Mr- fn i- tall and Well lreervel Hie attracted to her- Alfred tein. a ynutiif AaMflnn poaneaeed of mono)' and lOofca The Finn n-m, abroad whin ( n .11 nto f.-.r Ufa nod hp aiaiti a favu able Impreeelon tpon Mr I grba Invited him to Join h party. At Cherboui , itoln wan toft lohind ami Mi i'x .a at him no ntora RACING RESULTS AJD ENTRIES. CHARLESTON RESULTS. h'litsT i:fK i1p-pi ..;.u ind I'awoil: J 1 1 nr : ItVg Mid a half fin- kmgg Hum cr i itiv. 11.' rTroxlrr), t. 1',. 1 lot and ln;i, won I Htafhg HNrtrr, 10 1 Llamai, I to I. I I an. I . 10 .". - Midi IWWi ill iHuTtoni. t 1. 1 ra i ami 4 to ... gMfat TIhip I MM Im ROW, Mont -lair Monti folio Bon Pi iiniv My tin and Hp On mtbd ran MOOND RACE Tw . v. tin. .. and a hair furlongi mtm dayio, ill (O, Kiitnoi. Oooa, .' to .'. and out. won. ,.u iok (Balrvtn), II to :,. won iml I to 0, p-oml h'uiilhk' rlMMMJK i". 1 Van IMupiii, :M 10 I. H 10 I a " I I to 1 third TlOtO .44M, final,-... Mai Ml ih I moo. OM JOTWUli DoOMt I'.Mi dall a',d John HMMlOl aWO ran. THIRD Kn. lor-raar4di ami upward 1 aatllMli ix rwwjwja-Maraido)', U7 lOrandi. H 1o . I to and I to I, won IMojatri I'" (MoMoorl, :i to i. ii in b and I to fi. pocondi Boftia, Inf. iWollfol 12 to I. I t I ami I In 1. IMlM, ThBO LIT 4o. quoairun Mark. iThttton ftruam fwion, Oaraoptpii and IVood Dova too no. Wc Give Sttitty Stamps lice with All httClMMI .ind Redeem Them in Merchandise M. T In New York's A Shoppina Center U INEILL-ADAMS UJ hir Ipf; hlUcb of bid ppoporty. Mr. IrfO wa 11 monihor of tti.. firm of Janaa a Lao of Wo, IM VCoal Kortyflflh ittaol Hp dltd at Kat KnchaWa) Hopt Pa "'' Miph Wallar napppd Hi Lao in kla int UlnaM Aril . k hii fripinia imi wan bwnvn a ni aamin , and iir mar rlaffa ana tixxi for a iintp ti imp aaok of Hia limit h. Aftar prola1ona for hit inoilnr and l.r. who llvo al No. Ill v'p.t Rlnaty-oavonth atrpt. Mr iro . concluded hla will foWowa: "I AaalM In K. . HtfHlO I .1...I.P If 1 ... .. . ' ... nan havk hp kmpi mnt ah.- 1 Alma I rank . . 1 1 . , nlo ao wllla. f aik.1 tu, .b. fn. ana una hal ''iri.Kii j thai mi patioa ba ptaoad in i.r ravaHafT. :J,A if lc in rrrttattM th.'it out ' '1 1 ' tnv. UN INfll KM.K rur tAJ l!W r 11 1 i'I uj'. nuii1i-iiv 4I1 f-iri 'fipt in.. My Offer of Years Ago in the New York Evening World Brings So Much Joy m ripirtl rjr Sfn in an tone tl ''m' . ""rid I bi.i If Mm .Mlowrni itirt TWI 1 M ."rtall ( jitfi I -rwl. mi- iLa tint l I 'f 'JidTfr. to !ir dlnUl'-iit'l iwn rtt fMlWt 'if t Ia .Np JOrt Woill TlMl lfPi iM IWtllWl "I'll nin-h Mi Wart kM, I BMMJ a"fr ll lM'rt rlt tiiii to m frmi i tint im; 'p4ff l filial " lh I i f. rr, I liitf fa i !! t i rt tl ftfttr An I am mi hi k tlil inn in Hum! fi gi" 1 u i.r ..... f .. I'dMlfT'i In I al "iffil tnitf-l Hi. I ) oT ' taw it I l-Iif..- ' t tint wm fftet lonniiid'ftl f f a I 1 tnflfi '! CHARLESTOWN ENTRIES. CllARLMTON, s enti ld'r or Munduv i i , M;Uili I, Tut rtl'fU artt aM '"I'.rW tOMthtr In lift iim In tUn An oak Ihix eoiitalnii 'ii- IHtfm ihr htu wiif.m i ti" In-., tuft; U. Mui. H.. tbimiU.. Iw; "ii i nifti, nit rwn Mm r pn u ii im I'lo. M ocun W il i mi. ii im in or rviumiHi, iintipnii, H.-t Ttii I1"-' Int.i hdkt- fiutmlv ir -t. ,h,.,.l.l .llai ha. Til I HI ll'.irK H, p' I'm ii ; ir. 'ii.- tmm f l 10ft; fore I ltt It UnOPtaatdi ltll Ip tn be rrfjttlotttd with ine." Minn KftllActl t timakc tit Urm Mltettoa fnim Mr. Irf-ti'M j'W'liy. Aftff Iht IIV tnint of !eM.i ami MlpOMltl of JWrlrT i . 1 1 . . i . . HbtfrT. liiH. I;,- - II" fnft M, I ML '.-rtn II. I- nr MrfJunfal. lit ,. r I ItltHllt t It.-.-a III I nr Vtp,dn4 li t ltd Mn!.. t I I It On i.i .,.,1 II! t ..i.itii.ii. Tlir Rrftt provision Of ttu will nlhi n rr ToimIi. l 1 . StaaiMifftY ici, Tttiv Tim, ll nmmm mmm, u. imn i",-. in. -,oun i ! ME TOrRTH H a I IhttsfJ :oo; trint-Mr l; Milk-ial.1. HW. ftaOMUl It. MSf. 100; S r! hojiillldl of nl'rting iritft. ditrr r rr t :n im J liPafn .t N.i.o K.aT.r ll.i.ia ,.,ifr,.r Af t fOV litr $m u- M ti to ru fi.f t itf iipatpjioiii inrl wtt n I .r onrorlf idWleo t r rdjiftiii '-ta It n hm rlMren, m 'out tirraij .rr mt. W ronUnnu fx i ' of mlih. trir tmit4 in mv n . U It hoi Um i Mhp . tij..ruluia, tlnr loll h. a la liT fffUrig Ii I mi f.'rh-i t, lite roaiUnl . t r. ilfOf mi tin -it, H thrar fanUlml TttfJ all ot. onp to one, ntm fa'PT, mimr aaOarfT, tnt all oalT anrr. I m' m.rt. bjAfai tint i.o tia itplr fpilina. OlOM 1 a- I 'ml In thp m.f if ! -.f frr fn.ta I I raxfaj 4 h i poln. uin'i on like t i,. In thnt linonv r ifwllilon? A PRESENT FOR YOU llr'iipinrpjar, m-iKp thia itflVf f a fir -.ii , nlHith from mv oVatrv Ln it on foto I Otnt in. m nit i Fnf U ; ou Mill im yu'l-r no nblagslltta ! i OM 0taU1tV0Ti w. l:- i i f. thl l t't Mtpntfnnltf nf a Hta (Imp; Hi I' ali; OOf J HI 0U 0tf1 tiar IM ii an- tOff OIllOi DtOl nefl' ' H I" I lav. -i'! a pcfal tant nt rnOJ mmr an.l a. I 1 lrt tn lRtf, mi I r.wi w M NtVt (Mat I tOfftt fam-oti Ttiriol't tr-'amrfita tiv rctiirn ma'l. Arfdmu CATARRH SPECIALIST SPROULE, ii,. M i hi a.i Iouh Ipaalppa Hip tpt.i.or dlraripd , lit. Mat., II !; Slu.-klptoa. Ill ...... -.. l ,. ... . . , i r i n it r. -i iiiw iw ihit' ,:" "-"" n" " n iruai lur na ; mwBl .n,4. . rirl. ; .;... nioinrt. i pon nil tnotiiora clpotn ihr InaoPJia from till fund la to br ald In a .lalpl' K-lvn T.t .lurinff h.-p Mr.. fp month i ft or iho Partlna with aad wftaai hla alatai- dlaa Mtaa Wallaeb la stain Hit ..rx audPoatod that bar hua- w reevfva m, aan.i iik ii! aon. I'lmrlao, to rain,. , u . BaMh, Ph.- i-oluntorad to ata .n v. , ' " Lff ff,r V"1 vork and puard tho puhUrhin Iihw ,fc-i;s" ' W1 r" w ' ami tho homo. ro. rotundmi round ' "' 'npotual na n. ne in uppar PI Mb m Ia I n"wonl fund par pPaotaraMpp at ajptad. Thoro mat a note Which aid """"aid Coitaar" or 'badi In M .tint -imniy baa ifo had gone and aa not " na: Hoaattal." Tha ''faundatluM aro .oitinj back. ' natnad mo lima f vVallaob N waa knarnad lhai Mr loa and I Hohoiarahtpn" or "i)p.i m honor ami par stain o:iai ta Kramoa undor loautnad I potuafloti of tha one doaraal to ma." n m. Ac-nta ,.f tn. atmmanip I'.nai noroeri 11 lontnaa "f N . la I antral w ..i im tail II,.' , i l::... tic llal.lit.iai;.. 1117. 'Ilii'iar. Wn: i . in:;. n.- ,r jt .. nil. lUk mi l lt t. Walla. Il4. sixth itAi K l-nra. nnii; f.-ur yafaiWi atKl iipwai.l - ,. a iap , a an iitMta,i n,iV. Mi.JkiI AnaW.1. Itf; Maort. 100: Manainwll oai In.:, Quaatliia Mark, lOHj 'Mbi toblna. 102'; 'Main liitlirr, 104. ' fvodant , Ml iili.'. inn .t. . tun. 'IIIim Moim kl .' Prrtind, nr. . HajdaaM, ii.. Nauaku bad, lis. " Hill. I'T. Aoaoratko allooaaca oi rrvi paaaaa nabaad, Tra. k ! BOGUS MILITARY ORDER CALLS WELSH TROOPS. dantitli"! Hip Plotliraa "f f I iph aa tnoop " Alfred rialbaap" ami Wa "aunt.'1 ar. Kox aot a divorce doOrOO fniui .luartlco OMderaleeva In Juno. lno". 3.482.292 PARCEL POST PIECES SENT IN FEBRUARY. Ag Record Made Last Month by hx'al Office in New Branch nt' Postal Service. A etatpffloa I hv l-faatnaaotw VA- ward M, Moramn tolay ihowo thai in iho month of Pebraary ia,rpel loot Ki iiaaal Wore tnailp.1 In Ihta i'Hy. if iiioae. UlaM fnr io.-ai doUvaap and l,tatJH to: out of town d.-i Iva ;y. .'u .-I- Inauiod lioforo tnaJHtip iinnlwi. rd H.M Tha K.on r.H-oipta of the r'o ofllia for iim- inoiiiii ware t.'.jM.M.m. np in- . rooap of M.tfT ih r aont OVOJP thp l.'Tj.- jri.72 roaotptd In fabruaay MM. DEPRIVES FRIENDS OF JOKE. Ilparo I'baaaoa Hla mo i I'Iiot V i.m l Aak far Mmafcr. fhlltp .sipaJ-p. a fnr Impiirtor, of No. IM Allen at row, waa aMoWOd to .'hiinse tika Tiamo to I'lrlllp Klaaol b thp Su premo Court tn-doy. twaiw frlentla aad aoouatouH-d lliianaolviai to gTOOt hlni tWua "Hollo. Slsaro, glv ua a prnobot" Boaldaa the hutnhlatlon of IhLa itnl farm aaliMatloii, Klaar told aba cuurt haa faintly cratultoualy aduirtod tin- paana of Mopal ami under the latter nam- ha la oitenarvely known among hie btfJl taaaa aaraulatea. Slgare woo horn In Knoflta. la forty-edght of iihp. and ta the oon of Hu. liar and Lea. Ilgafa, ARREST BANKER ON LINER. Paei Phi ami i.eo na mod iu ase tutara. Manhattan are ONE MAN FILIBUSTER WORRIES THE SENATE. NewlanJs Fight for His Clause in River.-, and Harbors Bill. Stricken Out by House. ashinotiin. 3aaa-eh l. a yiajoroua ne-uun flllhiiHter whi.-h threatened to lioki up lafjtaiattotw oavatdoad in the Ai-nate thia afternoon w-lien Newlanls of Nevada took the fl.xir to ppotOPl agalrmt the COBfOfatlOR POPOrl on trie Hlver. and llar!.ra hill. He ald that aa en Of tha Senati-'a hi.'f H'npiidinnta had boon bold UP bp the Houee, Thoae liuluded ih i.wlnncla iiiaaPUPOi ore. atina a ri-r i egulaUoo naaitalgalun. the Donaoctlcul and the at. PauMdlnne apoIlM DaVn Mlla, the Inquiry Into tha continuing contra ei eyataan anu the m- t hor ..atton ,,f a p.-iatiRe of rhannel tot Ihe Orand OpIliniOt Hlver at (lrv. Ind Newlanda ii,,teated aaaln't the at ooptanco of the tiin wttnput ma river i "filiation plan and marled to talk the hill to il.'ill.i. ii:i of llkl:i'i"ina. re lieved Newlanda In ni flllbuotor, The Nevada Si-natnt had IBOfeen about four tlOUra. Senator l.n Koili-tte, who eimght U obtain 11 mo for COggMofatlOg of the Henmen a mil pleaded uaavalllngly with Mawlando ami Owen for a tearporary Irure The donate llaaMy went Into agaoullva oaaion : take up i-ondrmatlonp and the ilvrr and baitMr bill light waf tou pi.rarlly laid ahlde." Bofoetivoe Take May on 'IWoata Warrant aa nblp la Leaving. Charlea p-redrrlc-k May. a etoek liroker of Toronto, waa talian from Ike flret catrln of Uo tin r Frim eaa IrOM at tin hoken to-duy. Juat aa tho Vagggl waa about lo aeil. t.y dte.'tlvea from Jera. y City on a body warrant laauod by Juugp Hpaar. charging him with tmiaaiipruprta- I tlon of glvun to .nn by I'let Al Una. alao of Toronto, for tut eaunnit. May la ooitflnod tn the ltudeun County I1. Ilia wtlfa woa with htm when hu woo ai t eatel. MARSHALL A CALLER ON PRESIDENT TAFT. WASIIINiSToN. March I .-VU-e-Pr eel dent elect Thomai R Marahall .1.1, ,i upon l-realdent Tuft f ita afternoon and paid hla raa pacta The Proaldonl re- reived 'hla vtaltor in the Rllia Room of the White llouae and OnMtgd with him for aonie Unp, wall Met. BOSTON STRIKERS IN RIOT. APtaak -Voa-rnlou Worker and Ara ilateard by Pollco. BOHTON. March 1. A party or non-union wrorkero who hav taken tap place a of Ml a atriklng men gar meat wurfcore wora aataoked by a orowd of otrtkora aa new runn ar rrvad at tho Whop In tan! -aha tmlay. Sararal poraoiuj were Injured and ona J tha number waa car-Had away In an aratoulanoa. Policemen cluhbod tholr way throug-u tho crowd and reacu.Ml tha non-union party. Two of the crowd were arrested. gnowr lajarod la Train Wrerk UnTAIi), N. V., March 1-Four paraoao wera Injured when Pennayl vaata paaaoragor train No. Ill, bound for Phtladekihla and Waahlngtott, oraahad with a swtt.'h engine In the yards hero early to-day. The aa tU' . englna waa overturned. The injured arc Dr. Kugeno I", Urrtby, l.uot Aurora. Hinglnear William M Jackson, Ft rem- i 0, J. ildatlhnwa and tlraateman II II. ogtit. Buffalo. .None la 111 a agftOlM oaatHud. The Blood Markol wax Irregular at tna 0 puling, Oftaggd by the hear pl.-tlieiit usluit the Pujo hilU as a lover to de proas prlceti. An aoon gg im nelllnic Hie inarki t tmllled. MppcbkUy the ir.piaT eto. ka. The I'toatiig v. aa :alrl actixe and rtrong I lolii tlaolaliaaa. Tin f,lowirii were tue hitina. I.o.eo an, I , .at CARDtVVi w.iiea. March i The w eih military aathorlUea were the vlo- tlma laat nlgnt of a hoax alrnllar to thai Whlotl le.'ently faOMd the entire I'.prman gnrilann of Strn!,iirr htir tadly to gggonblg for limp.- tlon by the BgapgfOf William, whoa, approach wan alinOUaoed by a pra. tical Joker. Military ami poiic officials rooatvad apparently authoPtlAttve inatrtiet.otifi to tMgln the mobilization of the Terri torial troop who, it w ta ajld, were to be ptaoad on a war footing. Walla and hedgea were promptly placarded with the mob. Illation order and teleani na wer lent to a" Territorial mid left reeldlog in oattying dlitlcte. The arrangamenti (or billet. ng tha glgg on the Infiaftlltan : of the town were wMI under way bedore the lioaa waa .Ham v. red. One report la to the iff act that luffmgettel goal the be K 1 1 order to the military hea-lp. TURKEY EAGeTfOR PEACE: LEAVES ALL TO POWERS. bONDOXf Uairch i Turko hai mi"' iorvodly plMod htfiolf In tho hftndi at file naVOPMMI DOrWOVi with ;t rfiiu.'M- t OC nolUtAO (h.i as OafVOntAjaVOOUniy $ Ddjvn.tilt for hir. tin lit l.lffiiar HrLarn. ALBANT, Mftreh I. A roorly liooaoo (00 ot V for eat Ii ilOOk bfokttf who ma lit'lotio tn any Mtm lt i xrhango In tilt Slutt tn propoted in u hill hy .HMtiu blyinan t'urilll The Ih itiM would h lOOtlod by tin Supt .!nt-ii'l' nt of liohUn who whuM br given authoiliv to iimlie quorlofty Inopoctloui oi mlvU iiock brukiT't b iHliieuai. SHIPPING NEWS. INCXM1NQ BTI i.m.-iiiii-'.-:. pua 'i' kiv ro'iiiii'a. I - . I . imaa. . . i'p.ii . Livaniuiil I'arun-ti, liar, I'iotia. l a UornUaa, Ha.ra. I GUI of Mveeaaa, timnlu. Tntntad. Igtaaaab. nuiataiiwn. 'iuhik'u. j PORT Of NKW TOMKi IRJUVPO, IkManm . Haia.M. HiRdo HiiU Maraealln ItaaKm-a A.anhi lial.. .ma nanaaali. Man. .aw I lOriOuati Ha, j ta OUTOOINU sti: am si lirs kAILBn TO I'll Vew YnrK. '-.naliiiJiM't m, laun '.ia;i. 'I'aaitiM tlaraaala, Llwrpnul Uaiaaaai, Han j ., , Ihwiiai ireiM', bapka. aia factn i ., ,,- .. San .hian. San .1 uaji. I a i. Klacatnii iiuake. ''I- ,f taiaaaah, Ha. urn.. Haritia. Ha, uiaab Pi -iiatautaiul, iii'i.. Nan lataaoi Jaaaku Kl itoriatsjt, ilali.aoa, Stirinama, Trtiiinii.l lutilla, TMaua Ana, Han. Henuiirt.. i .na u.-lir laeaajai ill. PrriktiBt Ujaajy Mfaaki, laaakia tlanil. in. I'm , eaa Act, N' fol oalnl, lllgapn (' liilta, i - ,j iaj it. dltjita. naptai Waarakti s Iwiall glteUO.IHMl t'utloa Blasr. UITTI.K HOi'K, Arti.. March I. Fire ti-day destroyed the i.larit of the Quit l omproaa tVunpanv at Arginta. eau'iuir an .etitmite.l loia of PO.PJU. BaVel tnouaand and aeven hundred balea p vottea ware burned. imra "t al.a-k. Iir to da, and tla iimi i liarj,,. aa wgafad aiti. apatadai'i I ami pdiai; Kg) ti.. Lu. u. i tup Anial. r.,i.ian .. Psta BO. i ., An. Cat a r '" ' . '- -- . Am. pea ... ! -a Uw WH - a Aai. ran i"i i -ft 1 . laau laau Am i.-. n. .i .. aali .t , nf. , Am a. lt, IU lx'a ims I 14 Am. t a T. '' i ias ii i aits Aiiaeiaata Mliillil . . :H Ao-ii . r a a. v.. ioj toi., M Bait, a iibin lol't !,, nai'a , H'kha Ri. T an i, ain, BR 'i Cent, leather 'Ja)a JJi4 ' an I. Ii. . JIM. Sal ii Ua i i a ubio ;.: 78 a 7 as - a 0. M. A Ht. P... HO lOiU lliS a U.I. I'ikI a Iron . IITa Xas .'la', B Conaol. la lax1, li, lilgC , 2 Oa-n I'a.l. CO l-"4 If 19 ii 'a M -'7S H JT, - tkle lit lt 48 K Ha 4..i in. hor, pf lauta tans ifga I ill. r Mat I7i, ; 17 H Ititri. Mpi i-I. . reii, ns la 1 3 i .mt. idle IStlS lUk l VP, latl. A Naa'i 188k I88S HUal . M., K a Tn, s.'.S rjns iBs Ma. PC .. 87-, a7S 87 S I, mrfeli Welt.. ln'S Hi' inf.s , N. V. I an . . . inula l'"'1. lUgU , (fori a i l'' ifi im lj.1l, i in r,,,,., i,4i,u . . . i aos i iii s IN '. K.a.liin .... 187 n8W I'aiS S tt-.k Nauil .. VJH HfU Hi . s ISclflo li litis Hfi S M..ICI. Hv ... . M rjf 'faun. C'cpar .. . 87S Hi 87k L W Third A'rniir ... :M M 8g l uk.ii I'ltltl IMU ;,..i, J.',;', I, Iniiiii I'a.ifl, HII. HIV Mlk i, I E Itjlilair ... . MS II-' B8 I'. H. Mlral HIS '. nS s p I, Bial id .... hit1, 107' , 1 014 Utah i. .. ci M't t.'S MS I t't The World's Confidence in any article intended to relieve the suffcrinprs of htimnnity ia not lightly won. There must b continued proof of vnluo. But for three generation!), and tliroughout the World, enthir inpr jnd growing fume and favor have been accorded BEECHAM'S PILLS because they have proved to DfJ the liest corrective and i preventive of disordered con ditions of stomach, liver, kill- j neya and bowels. Tho first dOM pives quick relief and per manent iraprovament follows their systematic use A trihl will show why, in all Iioms, the use of Beechom'i Pilla Continues I To Increase Sold cTfiywhi i In Itoaaa 10c, 2SCo lm larijaat aala ff n BOfMoti Na una ahavU odalti t ta read IM diracllon . i ItOfy hoi. Rcjuvcninc (Poudic Blanche) The New French n'einedy Restores and Preserves Woman's Health and Beauty A.k foe Literature. PODDRE ELANCHE CBEMICAI. CO 1947 Broadway. N. Y. City. l or suli' at i..i. r urua Co., Pik n. n lam at, lamai Mum, itu a., ajol ui.t i. ..... 1 1, Itn ii, l .' i Inula,. .... I . Or". M... ... i CilllUlblU 41. f. I , I I II laiab i 1 1 ti at. L m Bauak ,i"'i 1 1 I il a. I i . nui ar, P. H. ' 'ia.i r.i. 7 t.r- nal h at. A. h Tn'tS fi"1 n1 -' V !" ac. ll.-:. IVa!t.t A Bro 31.1 s. ind ... P . Kl .OI.a . .V I I . il'l n in I .'ii ac. I' II. K .. . A i. tlta.ia.aa A Kl, It j.'ihn Ka If 111 llriad rl W ll. laretf. Iat' at an I ltr,...1aiv Hal .r. fir" llnta l'" St n,l, ,t v i. . i-1 r , .- Sixth Avenue, 20th to 22d Street O'Neiirs Great Annual Profit Sharing Sale Begins on Monday, March Third It is our purpose to make this stile a record lireakiiur wiling occasion. Kach one of our scventy five departments lias contributed the best merchandising efforts in years. Kvery comer of the world that produces jood merchandise has sent Kl quota of bargains. Profits are Shared With our Customers and With our Employees .fust as examples of how prices are cut, and the excellent range and character of the merchandise offered, we quote fecials Thrtao itrnia will he on .alr from H.SO to 10.30 ON 1,Y on Monday morning. At rxactly 10.30. whatavaf rf naioi of Unm on tha roan ten a ill ba taken oft Male. Thaaa itrms will not be advprtiged linday'g panarai llundreda of Othat lar(aiiifi will Ih in the llernld, World, Amrrienn and other puper.i. No Mail, Telephone or C. O. D. orders can be filled on any of these items. Women's Dresses Rnjular Valur, .'." $3.50 Wool MfM a .IK ilaioty I'erinii tHk and bttitea triintuinga. Illne, bfOWg anil lilavk. Siirrial Q 8 Women's Skirts tin ii lur Valur, $6M' Mjfla, W aOffgl inoili U. t a s button IrimtBoai Mlgtatea, tveoda V j3 ami MfgM. Bpgglal at Women's Coats Value up to $1M.9$ l ull Ipnutli or taroo quartof eoatg. J m Fancy igtatta ami tril. Ipgglai j at Marabou Capes Rtgulwt ralur $B8 ft lllaek or natural inaralioii, witb 1 njf run. tniirla, apriial at Beaded Chiffon Hrgular tatted C!)c u laohaa wldo, all Ika m avoalafl 3UC iliadea, apei ul ut Fruit of the Loom Muslin 7J4c litnitpil loi of I Iii- fiiiniiiia tnn.lin, OM anl wiile. Limit 1.1 ynnla, nt. yanl Amoskeag Ginghams Ittijulur Kattd 00 yard Notblni bottOf fMQVt everyliod.v knowf t lia-ir Igatini aiualitioai nllQ yard 3 Umbrellas Hiiular Value $1.80 Misses' Dresses Regular Value 9f.( Of wool prr. in navy, lilac k, lirnan, I npenhagen and tan, with Aa aa a eiuliiolilerril i iillar ami l uffa, aitea ?K J jJ II. Iff, IM tpmf Taffeta Waists Uryular value $.1.00. Made in MHpod rhiffon tuff, t a dj afj f wilh veal ,n,l robvapirrrp . oiler of Mb I JH J while iPXoU- Fur Sets Regular value tVjOO. Muff a and Scarf a nf Jap f s affcafb Illue Wolf. Ituaaian Dug nr jklU Ulf Molo Coney v v v Fur Lined Coats Regular value $.h lo $48jOO. Men'a anil Womrn'a I'ur 1 C 00 Liurd t'oati with fur collar wA.ovlvF Bed Comfortables Regular value vv.'..." Full (hhnl aai I be l.orilcrril, four toll a of ftltCaafofJ, drittj floral effei la nml it hilr fillini; '. . . . Gloves Regular Value $1.00 lo $1J0 Mm a, Wotueii a ami i hllilreu's ea f Ulovoa, in Mooba, eapo and ChaBoiii 4yr liglitly fopairod Stamped Linens Regular Value lite to tit Slumped W-ini h linen Miiiari-. for o arfa, Q Igblo oovora gnd had aprogila, each Ua Taffeta Ribbon AT XT 1 TV UIUC1I S XCfaaaVWCall Regular Value tbe lo 60c I, ill, it. of nrt ami ahadow lare, a Dull ll rnllara nt imitation lace, etorli 1 Hf eoUgrii oach Night Robes 59c $1.98 Superior quality rhip ilrr black ami burnt atraw. value tl.tfo Mi ll - an pioce ll.M'll. Wonon'a, afnorioaa mw ityle aautUea, n 95c Children's Dresses 50c llnjttlur I alur 190 uhit il ocdoft yitnl 12c Htyitlur I alur 786 Now Siiriiitf tlytoii boti'oio ihhI t Imniiii.iv. i tnbrt'iuory ! I 0 ' rur. Ut I riiniiii'il. Brassieres Regular Value .Hie Will mail.', fOttgrg r laick.. Neatly t rt mi Mi.-.l Willi ggf or nil In oi.l.ry : iperial Spool Cotton 19c ( laik'i S . I ipnoli ' limit I .lo ulton.aOOayanl Pet dogon ... 37c Toilet Articles Bracelets Itiijular Value ?.' fi $1J0 i iiree hundred plain and engraved gold plated brgcoleti J 7 a Hand Bags Regular Volue, friiO uriotia .iaM.a, airea. loatbetl t "W 1 ami colorai iprrial at J I .j 11 Photo Frames Regular Value, BOe Phatlo ffafMa, aiuara ami oval, plain . aa. ami faii'i ikiignfi guM nlaled, ailvor rf an.l UfidlfOtl eaaf aW jaa Scissors Hiiiitluri nine, jficto&Oc line hundred dogon giurted aula" MITCHELL THL TAILOR o ROM BOVTON 401 H ST. AMI IlKOAilWiW' l.yuna' 'I'm. ll. 1'nwder (llmll f i mi lu 11.40 l-'ouulaln Hyrinf Inargntoed Fauv, ""''i1. '" (HaiM IJ 1 for sc 10c Reaular Value 7ftr Madf in giaul ollon. aquarr yoke ot lace ami in.. rlion ami ribbon hoailinH: faWft alrevea Silk Petticoats Regular Value $4.60 In lu I fou 'I .iff. -t a wilh plaited dfe eaa r r rufll. loaded with Itieki in IffJaeJ jll handaomr colnringa laaafacaPW Untrimmed Hats zr 75c Women's Lvening Slippers Regular Value $3j00 I'limpa nf l ii k and Blue Kid, with mm m Flat Silk llnwi. Slippare of aatio, la J a I'mk. Illue and Bed a Linoleum Regular Valuen 4Hc and 69c Printed limileiima in remnant lengtba eaav yarda wide, to H yarda lung, aquare yard aafawWaa Royal Wilton Rugs $27.50 Floor Oil Cloths U.....I... 1 . 1... an. firrccillf r cil ur mt a. entire regular line uo aale, Jf yard Framed Pictures 10c Austrian China Regular Valuen 98t to $Hi) l ake plat ea and aalad ban-la, in floral deeigna, LQf f-mt Q Qra Many nattorag to chooae t) 7 v Km eF 0 Imni Men's Storm Rubbers Raglllar Value 75c Only laritr liggg from U lo If. All a a Bgn gtaOtlf, -' Kl paira J Men's Pad Garters feet Regular Value $JS..rtO Wiiritcd Wilton Itug.a, new apring pal I prnc ami cuTorta. . . Oar a,gari' Regular Value .Mc I'd. ilo r. proline! ion ot paint tnga, in ilt frame., nlgg IMif.'i 50c Pierce's Corn Plasters arc thin and handy to ute thry're sure and effective, too t'ollko thiii, eluotof felt fiUatm, I'.nu-'j ( 'Tti IMltttTft flo nut cane? ooooosfoftobli rnb t;fK and crowding in the ah . A t)0 they remove COFflt WhttfO all other t'Uatert, iMvtf 1 r Oowdort fail. The firat ipplicO' tint, jfivei i nsi ant rtlitfi 1 rjf ev.t OOBe If fOO irtB1 Hitita I with rr. "Its. tell Ibt dr'i(i(iat -be'll hand you hack yuur money, 10 fuitt 28c b. Sold bv moat Hrugfiata. But if iron .r-i- i eonvoolootlj tmy them in your neitiht'orhu'd, lend .. dime for a tmall mse box to A. K 1'iercc rOei Springfield, Maaa. Gillette Safety Razor Flvo Million Men use tho Gillette. Tho Blade are tine. Cot a Gillette today. an owprwo - an MOMMg VatraN f HE afJjnaa-7,OML OV( a billataa balatf Kaior Co.. Hocio Sewing Machines '. igciU'i trice $M.OO0 e "Huliy" uinrhinr.with ll I A tttlbntl-Ula, -penal ill V-a.-e J Embroideries 29c ! To appreciate the conven I ence anil ".rfat valtie of the Sunday Won.1'.. Want Directory READ IT. Regulat tolue JUc HVtim-h riuibriuilereil yiuuni-lngf nan pattern, iu floral daalgnji yard Women's Hosiery Regular talut J6e, ami BOe, -niiiplp hnaiery, iloubla heel. ii' ami Male, pi tin lace ami i-iiil.roulcti'.l mst.-p. l. .ii k i, tan., a bite and tolnri; ill p. t 7f loci h la; tt paira for el effi - Cotton Vests .'. yular I illue l:,e I , l'ie lYiiinen'i ribbed rutlon reatii I . kltjeViail alali lo ntn'k with aiu up Vita; r. jjuiir u ml extra m i k. 10c Dress Trunks Regular Value, $ )ria trunks with twu tray., rfl C f . lo th lined, all riveted, t o trap-. 3(S 11 L'anvaa covered. Men's Silk Socks Ri tjiilnr Value, Uie hlon'agaagt ailkaia'ka wilh reiniirii-il g iiile ahif top aud high apllced bi-el 1 A T' HU. k uml i ulofa (aaruodej a V Dress Forms lut Price $UM mm The Arme lorin, in If lectiom, m J UM tdjuitable to gay lite, Special ' r j Dressing Sacques Rigid, ir I aim QOc Ma, Ip ..( prolty I, tan. three nmiloli UUf fe net k . ..allot ur .mall roil ml . o lur. finiahed wilh bell al ai.t Long Kimonos Regular I ulut $1,60 In . rlnienl ol flowered emg pottorua, tninnied with plain luatrrial. jSJC iu match lilt' ' r. pi ........ aw aa Regular '1ih- Ifio Made of gOOll ipiuhty cable aveli elaatic in all coin Parlor Rockers 9c llainl-'cmt'ty f uiiilii tl, null ii um ohOgfOtl) i Itrpfulai vail t it- .l.iin $2.25 Music Cabinet llenutifully di'iorat.'d malioK-ft - " ff any liegulai value ell on kPXA.UU 23c Bamboo Sewing Table Handi llroni ami ornamental, tfj 1 QQ Begulgf value IIJO bPXoaieO Novelty Curtains 85c Maraschino Cherries 50c Regular I alue ..'' Pive I'gtterni lu rboont from. Uraiilvd Curtalaa toodqualll) of net, in,, . 1 1 1 1 alue Regular' Value 86c Long Margfcbluo Cherriei, ih Igrgr bottlei. regulnrif ffac, for tlpm t v. o Iioum Olliy, per bottle . S I 111 3 hrito ilfmi: nn c-il,- irrm ft lfl trt 1ft 1ft nnln ld nni4"li; M nrninn fr 1 ta uuviv iiviuj on iniv iiuiu uwu iv iu. jt uiuj' i. xoiiunjr i xuuiiiig i O i i-M,-iii a.i..,,. c0 i v;utii Avenue, 2Utli lo 22d Stiect, New Yntk City fTm4 i